Copyright (C) 1992-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains miscellaneous utiltity routines, mostly low-level windows helpers. These routines are not specific to the System Monitor control.
// Includes //
#include <windows.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <winperf.h>
#include "utils.h"
#include "unihelpr.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "winhelpr.h"
#include "polyline.h" // For eDataSourceType
#include <strsafe.h>
#include "smonmsg.h" // For error string IDs.
#define szHexFormat L"0x%08lX"
#define szLargeHexFormat L"0x%08lX%08lX"
LPCWSTR cszSqlDataSourceFormat = L"SQL:%s!%s";
// Exported Functions //
VOID Line ( IN HDC hDC, IN HPEN hPen, IN INT x1, IN INT y1, IN INT x2, IN INT y2 ) { HPEN hPenPrevious = NULL;
assert ( NULL != hDC );
if ( NULL != hDC ) { if ( NULL != hPen ) { hPenPrevious = (HPEN)SelectObject (hDC, hPen) ; }
MoveToEx (hDC, x1, y1, NULL) ; LineTo (hDC, x2, y2) ;
if ( NULL != hPen ) { SelectObject (hDC, hPenPrevious); } } }
VOID Fill ( IN HDC hDC, IN DWORD rgbColor, IN LPRECT lpRect ) { HBRUSH hBrush = NULL;
assert ( NULL != hDC && NULL != lpRect ); if ( NULL != hDC && NULL != lpRect ) {
hBrush = CreateSolidBrush (rgbColor) ;
if ( NULL != hBrush ) { FillRect (hDC, lpRect, hBrush) ; DeleteObject (hBrush) ; } } }
INT TextWidth ( IN HDC hDC, IN LPCWSTR lpszText ) { SIZE size ; INT iReturn;
iReturn = 0;
assert ( NULL != hDC && NULL != lpszText );
if ( NULL != lpszText && NULL != hDC) { if ( GetTextExtentPoint (hDC, lpszText, lstrlen (lpszText), &size) ) { iReturn = size.cx; } } return iReturn; }
INT FontHeight ( IN HDC hDC, IN BOOL bIncludeLeading ) { TEXTMETRIC tm ; INT iReturn = 0;
assert ( NULL != hDC );
if ( NULL != hDC ) { GetTextMetrics (hDC, &tm) ; if (bIncludeLeading) { iReturn = tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading; } else { iReturn = tm.tmHeight; } } return iReturn; }
INT TextAvgWidth ( IN HDC hDC, IN INT iNumChars ) { TEXTMETRIC tm ; INT xAvgWidth ; INT iReturn = 0;
assert ( NULL != hDC );
if ( NULL != hDC ) { GetTextMetrics (hDC, &tm) ;
xAvgWidth = iNumChars * tm.tmAveCharWidth ;
// add 10% slop
iReturn = MulDiv (xAvgWidth, 11, 10); } return iReturn; }
BOOL DialogEnable ( IN HWND hDlg, IN WORD wID, IN BOOL bEnable ) /*
Effect: Enable or disable (based on bEnable) the control identified by wID in dialog hDlg.
See Also: DialogShow. */ { BOOL bStatus = TRUE; // Success
DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; HWND hControl ;
assert ( NULL != hDlg );
if ( NULL != hDlg ) { hControl = GetDlgItem (hDlg, wID) ;
if (hControl) { if ( 0 == EnableWindow (hControl, bEnable) ) { dwStatus = GetLastError(); if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != dwStatus ) { bStatus = FALSE; } } } else { bStatus = FALSE; } } else { bStatus = FALSE; } return bStatus; }
VOID DialogShow ( IN HWND hDlg, IN WORD wID, IN BOOL bShow ) { HWND hControl ;
assert ( NULL != hDlg );
if ( NULL != hDlg ) {
hControl = GetDlgItem (hDlg, wID) ;
if (hControl) { ShowWindow (hControl, bShow ? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE) ; } } }
FLOAT DialogFloat ( IN HWND hDlg, IN WORD wControlID, OUT BOOL *pbOK) /*
Effect: Return a floating point representation of the string value found in the control wControlID of hDlg.
Internals: We use sscanf instead of atof becuase atof returns a double. This may or may not be the right thing to do. */ { WCHAR szValue [MAX_VALUE_LEN] ; FLOAT eValue = 0.0; UINT uiCharCount = 0; INT iNumScanned = 0 ;
assert ( NULL != hDlg ); assert ( NULL != pbOK );
// If any errors, iNumScanned remains 0 and *pbOK = FALSE
if ( NULL != hDlg ) {
uiCharCount = DialogText (hDlg, wControlID, szValue) ; if ( 0 < uiCharCount ) { iNumScanned = swscanf (szValue, L"%e", &eValue) ; } } if (pbOK) { *pbOK = ( 1 == iNumScanned ) ; } return (eValue) ; }
BOOL NeedEllipses ( IN HDC hAttribDC, IN LPCWSTR pszText, IN INT nTextLen, IN INT xMaxExtent, IN INT xEllipses, OUT INT *pnChars ) {
SIZE size;
*pnChars = 0; // If no space or no chars, just return
if (xMaxExtent <= 0 || nTextLen == 0) { return FALSE; }
assert ( NULL != hAttribDC && NULL != pszText && NULL != pnChars );
if ( NULL == hAttribDC || NULL == pszText || NULL == pnChars ) { return FALSE; }
// Find out how many characters will fit
GetTextExtentExPoint(hAttribDC, pszText, nTextLen, xMaxExtent, pnChars, NULL, &size);
// If all or none fit, we're done
if (*pnChars == nTextLen || *pnChars == 0) { return FALSE; }
// How many chars will fit with ellipses?
if (xMaxExtent > xEllipses) { GetTextExtentExPoint(hAttribDC, pszText, *pnChars, (xMaxExtent - xEllipses), pnChars, NULL, &size); } else { *pnChars = 0; }
// Better to show one char than just ellipses
if ( 0 == *pnChars ) { *pnChars = 1; return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
VOID FitTextOut ( IN HDC hDC, IN HDC hAttribDC, IN UINT fuOptions, IN CONST RECT *lprc, IN LPCWSTR lpString, IN INT cchCount, IN INT iAlign, IN BOOL fVertical ) { LPWSTR szOutput = NULL; LPWSTR szDisplay = NULL; INT iExtent; INT nOutCnt = 0; SIZE size; INT x,y;
assert ( NULL != hAttribDC && NULL != lprc && NULL != lpString );
if ( NULL != hAttribDC && NULL != lprc && NULL != lpString ) {
szDisplay = const_cast<LPWSTR>(lpString);
// Add one for NULL
szOutput = new WCHAR [ cchCount + ELLIPSES_CNT + 1 ];
if ( NULL != szOutput ) {
iExtent = fVertical ? (lprc->bottom - lprc->top) : (lprc->right - lprc->left);
GetTextExtentPoint (hAttribDC, ELLIPSES, ELLIPSES_CNT, &size) ;
if (NeedEllipses(hAttribDC, lpString, cchCount, iExtent, size.cx, &nOutCnt)) {
ZeroMemory ( szOutput, (cchCount + ELLIPSES_CNT + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
StringCchCopyN ( szOutput, cchCount + ELLIPSES_CNT + 1, lpString, cchCount );
StringCchCopy( &szOutput[nOutCnt], (cchCount + ELLIPSES_CNT + 1) - nOutCnt, ELLIPSES );
nOutCnt += ELLIPSES_CNT; szDisplay = szOutput; } }
if (fVertical) { switch (iAlign) {
case TA_CENTER: y = (lprc->top + lprc->bottom) / 2; break;
case TA_RIGHT: y = lprc->top; break;
default: y = lprc->bottom; break; }
x = lprc->left; } else { switch (iAlign) {
case TA_CENTER: x = (lprc->left + lprc->right) / 2; break;
case TA_RIGHT: x = lprc->right; break;
default: x = lprc->left; break; }
y = lprc->top; }
ExtTextOut(hDC, x, y, fuOptions, lprc, szDisplay, nOutCnt, NULL); } if ( NULL != szOutput ) { delete [] szOutput; } }
BOOL TruncateLLTime ( IN LONGLONG llTime, OUT LONGLONG* pllTime ) { SYSTEMTIME SystemTime; BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
assert ( NULL != pllTime ); if ( NULL != pllTime ) { if ( FileTimeToSystemTime((FILETIME*)&llTime, &SystemTime) ) { SystemTime.wMilliseconds = 0; bReturn = SystemTimeToFileTime(&SystemTime, (FILETIME*)pllTime); } } return bReturn; }
BOOL LLTimeToVariantDate ( IN LONGLONG llTime, OUT DATE *pdate ) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; SYSTEMTIME SystemTime;
assert ( NULL != pdate );
if ( NULL != pdate ) { if ( FileTimeToSystemTime((FILETIME*)&llTime, &SystemTime) ) { bReturn = SystemTimeToVariantTime(&SystemTime, pdate); } } return bReturn; }
BOOL VariantDateToLLTime ( IN DATE date, OUT LONGLONG *pllTime ) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; SYSTEMTIME SystemTime;
assert ( NULL != pllTime );
if ( NULL != pllTime ) { if ( VariantTimeToSystemTime(date, &SystemTime) ) { bReturn = SystemTimeToFileTime(&SystemTime,(FILETIME*)pllTime); } } return bReturn; }
// WideStringFromStream also supports multi-sz
HRESULT WideStringFromStream ( LPSTREAM pIStream, LPWSTR *ppsz, INT nLen ) { ULONG bc = 0; LPWSTR pszWide = NULL; HRESULT hr = E_POINTER;
assert ( NULL != pIStream && NULL != ppsz );
// This method does not perform conversion from W to T.
assert ( sizeof(WCHAR) == sizeof(WCHAR) );
if ( NULL != pIStream && NULL != ppsz ) {
*ppsz = NULL;
if (nLen == 0) { hr = S_OK; } else { pszWide = new WCHAR[nLen + 1]; if (pszWide == NULL) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { hr = pIStream->Read(pszWide, nLen*sizeof(WCHAR), &bc); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (bc != (ULONG)nLen*sizeof(WCHAR)) { hr = E_FAIL; } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Write ending NULL for non-multisz strings.
pszWide[nLen] = L'\0';
*ppsz = new WCHAR [nLen + 1]; if ( NULL != *ppsz ) { memcpy(*ppsz, pszWide, (nLen+1)*sizeof(WCHAR) ); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } if (pszWide != NULL) { delete [] pszWide; } } } return hr; }
// Property bag I/O - only include if user knows about IStream
#ifdef __IPropertyBag_INTERFACE_DEFINED__
HRESULT IntegerToPropertyBag ( IPropertyBag* pIPropBag, LPCWSTR szPropName, INT intData ) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; VARIANT vValue;
assert ( NULL != pIPropBag );
if ( NULL != pIPropBag ) {
VariantInit( &vValue ); vValue.vt = VT_I4; vValue.lVal = intData;
hr = pIPropBag->Write(szPropName, &vValue );
VariantClear ( &vValue ); } return hr; }
HRESULT OleColorToPropertyBag ( IPropertyBag* pIPropBag, LPCWSTR szPropName, OLE_COLOR& clrData ) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; VARIANT vValue;
assert ( NULL != pIPropBag );
if ( NULL != pIPropBag ) {
VariantInit( &vValue ); vValue.vt = VT_COLOR; // VT_COLOR = VT_I4
vValue.lVal = clrData;
hr = pIPropBag->Write(szPropName, &vValue );
VariantClear ( &vValue ); } return hr; }
HRESULT ShortToPropertyBag ( IPropertyBag* pIPropBag, LPCWSTR szPropName, SHORT iData ) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; VARIANT vValue;
assert ( NULL != pIPropBag );
if ( NULL != pIPropBag ) {
VariantInit( &vValue ); vValue.vt = VT_I2; vValue.iVal = iData;
hr = pIPropBag->Write(szPropName, &vValue );
VariantClear ( &vValue ); } return hr; }
HRESULT BOOLToPropertyBag ( IPropertyBag* pIPropBag, LPCWSTR szPropName, BOOL bData ) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; VARIANT vValue;
assert ( NULL != pIPropBag );
if ( NULL != pIPropBag ) {
VariantInit( &vValue ); vValue.vt = VT_BOOL; vValue.boolVal = (SHORT)bData;
hr = pIPropBag->Write(szPropName, &vValue );
VariantClear ( &vValue ); } return hr; }
HRESULT DoubleToPropertyBag ( IPropertyBag* pIPropBag, LPCWSTR szPropName, DOUBLE dblData ) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; VARIANT vValue;
assert ( NULL != pIPropBag );
if ( NULL != pIPropBag ) {
VariantInit( &vValue ); vValue.vt = VT_R8; vValue.dblVal = dblData;
hr = pIPropBag->Write(szPropName, &vValue );
VariantClear ( &vValue ); } return hr; }
HRESULT FloatToPropertyBag ( IPropertyBag* pIPropBag, LPCWSTR szPropName, FLOAT fData ) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; VARIANT vValue;
assert ( NULL != pIPropBag );
if ( NULL != pIPropBag ) {
VariantInit( &vValue ); vValue.vt = VT_R4; vValue.fltVal = fData;
hr = pIPropBag->Write(szPropName, &vValue );
VariantClear ( &vValue ); } return hr; }
HRESULT CyToPropertyBag ( IPropertyBag* pIPropBag, LPCWSTR szPropName, CY& cyData ) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; VARIANT vValue;
assert ( NULL != pIPropBag );
if ( NULL != pIPropBag ) {
VariantInit( &vValue ); vValue.vt = VT_CY; vValue.cyVal.int64 = cyData.int64; hr = VariantChangeType ( &vValue, &vValue, NULL, VT_BSTR );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) hr = pIPropBag->Write(szPropName, &vValue );
VariantClear ( &vValue ); } return hr; }
HTML_ENTITIES g_htmlentities[] = { L"&", L"&", L"\"", L""", L"<", L"<", L">", L">", NULL, NULL };
HRESULT StringToPropertyBag ( IPropertyBag* pIPropBag, LPCWSTR szPropName, LPCWSTR szData ) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; VARIANT vValue; LPWSTR szTrans = NULL; BOOL bAllocated = FALSE; size_t cchTrans = 0; LPWSTR szScan = NULL; int i;
assert ( NULL != pIPropBag );
if ( NULL != pIPropBag ) {
VariantInit( &vValue ); vValue.vt = VT_BSTR; vValue.bstrVal = NULL;
if ( NULL != szData ) {
// Max length of szHTML is 6. Add 5 because 1 will be added
// when add original data length below.
for( i=0 ;g_htmlentities[i].szHTML != NULL; i++ ){ szScan = (LPWSTR)szData; while( *szScan != L'\0' ) { if( *szScan == *g_htmlentities[i].szHTML ){ cchTrans += 5; } szScan++; } }
if( cchTrans > 0 ){ //
// Add 1 for null.
cchTrans += lstrlen (szData) + 1;
szTrans = new WCHAR [ cchTrans ]; if( szTrans != NULL ){ bAllocated = TRUE; ZeroMemory( szTrans, cchTrans * sizeof(WCHAR) ); szScan = (LPWSTR)szData; while( *szScan != L'\0' ){ BOOL bEntity = FALSE;
for( i=0; g_htmlentities[i].szHTML != NULL; i++ ){ if( *szScan == *g_htmlentities[i].szHTML ){ bEntity = TRUE; StringCchCat(szTrans, cchTrans, g_htmlentities[i].szEntity); break; } }
if( !bEntity ){ StringCchCatN ( szTrans, cchTrans, szScan, 1 ); } szScan++; } } else { szTrans = (LPWSTR)szData; } } else { szTrans = (LPWSTR)szData; }
vValue.bstrVal = SysAllocString ( szTrans );
if ( NULL != vValue.bstrVal ) { hr = pIPropBag->Write(szPropName, &vValue ); VariantClear ( &vValue ); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { hr = pIPropBag->Write(szPropName, &vValue ); } }
if( NULL != szTrans && bAllocated ){ delete [] szTrans; } return hr; }
HRESULT LLTimeToPropertyBag ( IPropertyBag* pIPropBag, LPCWSTR szPropName, LONGLONG& rllData ) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; VARIANT vValue; BOOL bStatus;
assert ( NULL != pIPropBag );
if ( NULL != pIPropBag ) {
VariantInit( &vValue ); vValue.vt = VT_DATE;
bStatus = LLTimeToVariantDate ( rllData, &vValue.date );
if ( bStatus ) {
hr = pIPropBag->Write(szPropName, &vValue );
VariantClear ( &vValue ); } else { hr = E_FAIL; } } return hr; }
HRESULT IntegerFromPropertyBag ( IPropertyBag* pIPropBag, IErrorLog* pIErrorLog, LPCWSTR szPropName, INT& rintData ) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; VARIANT vValue;
assert ( NULL != pIPropBag );
if ( NULL != pIPropBag ) {
VariantInit( &vValue ); vValue.vt = VT_I4; vValue.lVal = 0;
hr = pIPropBag->Read(szPropName, &vValue, pIErrorLog );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { rintData = vValue.lVal; } } return hr; }
HRESULT OleColorFromPropertyBag ( IPropertyBag* pIPropBag, IErrorLog* pIErrorLog, LPCWSTR szPropName, OLE_COLOR& rintData ) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; VARIANT vValue;
assert ( NULL != pIPropBag );
if ( NULL != pIPropBag ) {
VariantInit( &vValue ); vValue.vt = VT_COLOR; // VT_COLOR == VT_I4;
hr = pIPropBag->Read(szPropName, &vValue, pIErrorLog );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { rintData = vValue.lVal; } } return hr; }
HRESULT BOOLFromPropertyBag ( IPropertyBag* pIPropBag, IErrorLog* pIErrorLog, LPCWSTR szPropName, BOOL& rbData ) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; VARIANT vValue;
assert ( NULL != pIPropBag );
if ( NULL != pIPropBag ) {
VariantInit( &vValue ); vValue.vt = VT_BOOL;
hr = pIPropBag->Read(szPropName, &vValue, pIErrorLog );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { rbData = vValue.boolVal; } } return hr; }
HRESULT DoubleFromPropertyBag ( IPropertyBag* pIPropBag, IErrorLog* pIErrorLog, LPCWSTR szPropName, DOUBLE& rdblData ) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; VARIANT vValue;
assert ( NULL != pIPropBag );
if ( NULL != pIPropBag ) {
VariantInit( &vValue ); vValue.vt = VT_R8;
hr = pIPropBag->Read(szPropName, &vValue, pIErrorLog );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { rdblData = vValue.dblVal; } }
return hr; }
HRESULT FloatFromPropertyBag ( IPropertyBag* pIPropBag, IErrorLog* pIErrorLog, LPCWSTR szPropName, FLOAT& rfData ) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; VARIANT vValue;
assert ( NULL != pIPropBag );
if ( NULL != pIPropBag ) {
VariantInit( &vValue ); vValue.vt = VT_R4;
hr = pIPropBag->Read(szPropName, &vValue, pIErrorLog );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { rfData = vValue.fltVal; } } return hr; }
HRESULT ShortFromPropertyBag ( IPropertyBag* pIPropBag, IErrorLog* pIErrorLog, LPCWSTR szPropName, SHORT& riData ) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; VARIANT vValue;
assert ( NULL != pIPropBag );
if ( NULL != pIPropBag ) {
VariantInit( &vValue ); vValue.vt = VT_I2;
hr = pIPropBag->Read(szPropName, &vValue, pIErrorLog );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { riData = vValue.iVal; } } return hr; }
HRESULT CyFromPropertyBag ( IPropertyBag* pIPropBag, IErrorLog* pIErrorLog, LPCWSTR szPropName, CY& rcyData ) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; VARIANT vValue;
assert ( NULL != pIPropBag );
if ( NULL != pIPropBag ) {
VariantInit( &vValue ); vValue.vt = VT_CY; vValue.cyVal.int64 = 0;
hr = pIPropBag->Read(szPropName, &vValue, pIErrorLog ); if ( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { hr = VariantChangeType ( &vValue, &vValue, NULL, VT_CY );
if ( SUCCEEDED ( hr ) ) { rcyData.int64 = vValue.cyVal.int64; } } } return hr; }
HRESULT StringFromPropertyBag ( IPropertyBag* pIPropBag, IErrorLog* pIErrorLog, LPCWSTR szPropName, LPWSTR szData, INT& riCchBufLen ) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; VARIANT vValue; INT iCchNewBufLen = 0; LPWSTR szLocalData = NULL; LPWSTR szTrans = NULL; LPWSTR szScan = NULL;
assert ( NULL != pIPropBag );
if ( NULL != pIPropBag ) {
if ( NULL != szData ) { *szData = L'\0'; }
VariantInit( &vValue ); vValue.vt = VT_BSTR; vValue.bstrVal = NULL;
hr = pIPropBag->Read(szPropName, &vValue, pIErrorLog );
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) && vValue.bstrVal ) {
iCchNewBufLen = SysStringLen(vValue.bstrVal) + 1;
if ( iCchNewBufLen > 1 ) { if ( riCchBufLen >= iCchNewBufLen && NULL != szData ) { //
// Translate HTML entities back to single characters.
szTrans = new WCHAR [iCchNewBufLen]; szLocalData = new WCHAR [iCchNewBufLen]; if ( NULL != szTrans && NULL != szLocalData ) {
StringCchCopy(szLocalData, riCchBufLen, vValue.bstrVal);
for( int i=0;g_htmlentities[i].szHTML != NULL;i++ ){ szScan = NULL;
while( szScan = wcsstr( szLocalData, g_htmlentities[i].szEntity ) ){ //
// Null the character at szScan, so that the string
// at the beginning of szLocalData will copied to szTrans.
// Then the NULL character is overwritten with the character
// represented by the specified HTML entity.
*szScan = L'\0';
StringCchCopy(szTrans, iCchNewBufLen, szLocalData); StringCchCat(szTrans, iCchNewBufLen, g_htmlentities[i].szHTML);
// szScan is then set to one character past the HTML entity.
szScan += lstrlenW( g_htmlentities[i].szEntity); //
// The rest of the original string is concatenated onto
// szTrans, and szLocalData replaced by the string at szTrans,
// so the next loop will start again at the beginning
// of the string.
StringCchCat(szTrans, iCchNewBufLen, szScan); StringCchCopy(szLocalData, riCchBufLen, szTrans); } } StringCchCopy(szData, riCchBufLen, szLocalData); } else { StringCchCopy(szData, riCchBufLen, vValue.bstrVal); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
if ( NULL != szLocalData ) { delete [] szLocalData; }
if ( NULL != szTrans ) { delete [] szTrans; } } riCchBufLen = iCchNewBufLen; } else { riCchBufLen = 0; } } VariantClear ( &vValue ); } return hr; }
HRESULT LLTimeFromPropertyBag ( IPropertyBag* pIPropBag, IErrorLog* pIErrorLog, LPCWSTR szPropName, LONGLONG& rllData ) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG; VARIANT vValue;
assert ( NULL != pIPropBag );
if ( NULL != pIPropBag ) {
VariantInit( &vValue ); vValue.vt = VT_DATE;
hr = pIPropBag->Read(szPropName, &vValue, pIErrorLog );
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { if ( !VariantDateToLLTime ( vValue.date, &rllData ) ) { hr = E_FAIL; } VariantClear( &vValue ); } } return hr; }
#endif // Property bag
LPWSTR ResourceString ( UINT uID ) {
// Use next buffer
if (++iBuffIndex >= NUM_RESOURCE_STRING_BUFFERS) iBuffIndex = 0;
// Load and return string
if (LoadString(g_hInstance, uID, aszBuffers[iBuffIndex], RESOURCE_STRING_BUF_LEN)) return aszBuffers[iBuffIndex]; else return MISSING_RESOURCE_STRING; }
DWORD FormatSystemMessage ( DWORD dwMessageId, LPWSTR pszSystemMessage, DWORD dwBufSize ) { DWORD dwReturn = 0; HINSTANCE hPdh = NULL; DWORD dwFlags = FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM;
assert ( NULL != pszSystemMessage );
if ( NULL != pszSystemMessage ) { pszSystemMessage[0] = L'\0';
hPdh = LoadLibrary( L"PDH.DLL") ;
if ( NULL != hPdh ) { dwFlags |= FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE; }
dwReturn = ::FormatMessage ( dwFlags, hPdh, dwMessageId, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), pszSystemMessage, dwBufSize, NULL ); if ( NULL != hPdh ) { FreeLibrary( hPdh ); }
if ( L'\0' == pszSystemMessage[0] ) { StringCchPrintf(pszSystemMessage, dwBufSize, L"0x%08lX", dwMessageId ); } } return dwReturn; }
INT GetNumSeparators ( LPWSTR& rpDecimal, LPWSTR& rpThousand ) { #define NUM_BUF_LEN 4
INT iLength;
static WCHAR szDecimal[NUM_BUF_LEN] = L"."; static WCHAR szThousand[NUM_BUF_LEN] = L",";
if ( 0 != iLength ) { iLength = GetLocaleInfo ( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_STHOUSAND, szThousand, NUM_BUF_LEN );
rpDecimal = szDecimal; rpThousand = szThousand;
return iLength; }
LPWSTR GetTimeSeparator ( void ) { #define TIME_MARK_BUF_LEN 5
static INT iInitialized; // Initialized to 0
static WCHAR szTimeSeparator[TIME_MARK_BUF_LEN];
if ( 0 == iInitialized ) { INT iLength; iLength = GetLocaleInfo ( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_STIME, szTimeSeparator, TIME_MARK_BUF_LEN );
// Default to colon for time separator
if ( '\0' == szTimeSeparator[0] ) { StringCchCopy(szTimeSeparator, TIME_MARK_BUF_LEN, L":" ); }
iInitialized = 1; }
assert ( L'\0' != szTimeSeparator[0] );
return szTimeSeparator; } BOOL DisplayThousandsSeparator ( void ) { long nErr; HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dwRegValue; DWORD dwDataType; DWORD dwDataSize; DWORD dwDisposition;
static INT siInitialized; // Initialized to 0
static BOOL sbUseSeparator; // Initialized to 0 ( FALSE )
// check registry setting to see if thousands separator is enabled
if ( 0 == siInitialized ) { nErr = RegOpenKey( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Microsoft\\SystemMonitor", &hKey );
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) { nErr = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Microsoft\\SystemMonitor", 0, L"REG_DWORD", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hKey, &dwDisposition ); }
dwRegValue = 0; if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == nErr ) {
dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD); nErr = RegQueryValueExW ( hKey, L"DisplayThousandsSeparator", NULL, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) &dwRegValue, (LPDWORD) &dwDataSize );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == nErr && REG_DWORD == dwDataType && sizeof(DWORD) == dwDataSize ) { if ( 0 != dwRegValue ) { sbUseSeparator = TRUE; } } siInitialized = 1; }
if ( NULL != hKey ) { nErr = RegCloseKey( hKey ); } }
return sbUseSeparator; }
INT FormatNumberInternal ( LPWSTR pNumOrig, LPWSTR pNumFormatted, INT cchars, UINT uiPrecision, UINT uiLeadingZero, UINT uiGrouping, UINT uiNegativeMode ) { INT iLength = 0; WCHAR* pszSrc;
static INT siInitialized; // Initialized to 0
static NUMBERFMT NumberFormat;
assert ( NULL != pNumOrig && NULL != pNumFormatted );
if ( NULL != pNumOrig && NULL != pNumFormatted ) {
iLength = 2;
NumberFormat.NumDigits = uiPrecision; NumberFormat.LeadingZero = uiLeadingZero; NumberFormat.NegativeOrder = uiNegativeMode;
if ( DisplayThousandsSeparator() ) { NumberFormat.Grouping = uiGrouping; } else { NumberFormat.Grouping = 0; }
if ( 0 == siInitialized ) { GetNumSeparators ( NumberFormat.lpDecimalSep, NumberFormat.lpThousandSep );
siInitialized = 1; }
// Programming error if either pointer is NULL.
assert ( NULL != NumberFormat.lpDecimalSep ); assert ( NULL != NumberFormat.lpThousandSep );
// GetNumberFormat requires "." for decimal point.
if ( NumberFormat.lpDecimalSep != NULL) { if (0 != lstrcmpi(NumberFormat.lpDecimalSep, L".") ) { for ( pszSrc = pNumOrig; *pszSrc != L'\0'; pszSrc++) { if ( *pszSrc == NumberFormat.lpDecimalSep[0] ) { *pszSrc = L'.'; break; } } }
iLength = GetNumberFormat ( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, pNumOrig, &NumberFormat, pNumFormatted, cchars ); } } // Return 0 on failure, number of chars on success.
// GetNumberFormat includes the null terminator in the length.
return iLength; }
INT FormatHex ( double dValue, LPWSTR pNumFormatted, BOOL bLargeFormat ) { INT iLength = 0; WCHAR szPreFormat[24]; assert ( NULL != pNumFormatted );
if ( NULL != pNumFormatted ) { iLength = 8; // Localization doesn't handle padding blanks.
StringCchPrintf( szPreFormat, 24, (bLargeFormat ? szLargeHexFormat : szHexFormat ), (ULONG)dValue );
StringCchCopy(pNumFormatted, MAX_VALUE_LEN, szPreFormat); } return iLength; }
INT FormatNumber ( double dValue, LPWSTR pNumFormatted, INT ccharsFormatted, UINT /* uiMinimumWidth */, UINT uiPrecision ) { INT iLength = 0; INT iLeadingZero = FALSE; WCHAR szPreFormat[MAX_VALUE_LEN];
assert ( NULL != pNumFormatted ); // This method enforces number format commonality
if ( NULL != pNumFormatted ) {
assert ( 8 > uiPrecision );
// Localization doesn't handle padding blanks.
StringCchPrintf( szPreFormat, MAX_VALUE_LEN, L"%0.7f", // assumes 7 >= uiPrecision
dValue );
if ( 1 > dValue ) iLeadingZero = TRUE;
iLength = FormatNumberInternal ( szPreFormat, pNumFormatted, ccharsFormatted, uiPrecision, iLeadingZero, // Leading 0
3, // Grouping
1 ); // Negative format
} // Return 0 on failure, number of chars on success.
// GetNumberFormat includes the null terminator in the length.
return iLength; }
INT FormatScientific ( double dValue, LPWSTR pszNumFormatted, INT ccharsFormatted, UINT /* uiMinimumWidth */, UINT uiPrecision ) { INT iLength = 0; WCHAR szPreFormat[24]; WCHAR szPreFormNumber[24]; WCHAR *pche; INT iPreLen; INT iPostLen; INT iLeadingZero = FALSE;
assert ( NULL != pszNumFormatted ); // This method enforces number format commonality
if ( NULL != pszNumFormatted ) {
assert ( 8 > uiPrecision ); assert ( 32 > ccharsFormatted );
// Localization doesn't handle padding blanks.
StringCchPrintf( szPreFormat, 24, L"%0.8e", // assumes 8 >= uiPrecision
dValue );
pche = wcsrchr(szPreFormat, L'e'); if (pche != NULL) { iPreLen = (INT)((UINT_PTR)pche - (UINT_PTR)szPreFormat); // Number of bytes
iPreLen /= sizeof (WCHAR); // Number of characters
iPostLen = lstrlen(pche) + 1;
StringCchCopyN ( szPreFormNumber, 24, szPreFormat, iPreLen );
if ( 1 > dValue ) { iLeadingZero = TRUE; }
iLength = FormatNumberInternal ( szPreFormNumber, pszNumFormatted, ccharsFormatted, uiPrecision, iLeadingZero, // Leading 0
0, // Grouping
1 ); // Negative format
if( ( iLength + iPostLen ) < ccharsFormatted ) { StringCchCopy(pszNumFormatted, ccharsFormatted, pche ); iLength += iPostLen; } } } // Return 0 on failure, number of chars on success.
// GetNumberFormat includes the null terminator in the length.
return iLength; }
void FormatDateTime ( LONGLONG llTime, LPWSTR pszDate, LPWSTR pszTime ) { SYSTEMTIME SystemTime;
assert ( NULL != pszDate && NULL != pszTime ); if ( NULL != pszDate && NULL != pszTime ) {
FileTimeToSystemTime((FILETIME*)&llTime, &SystemTime); GetTimeFormat (LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &SystemTime, NULL, pszTime, MAX_TIME_CHARS) ; GetDateFormat (LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, &SystemTime, NULL, pszDate, MAX_DATE_CHARS) ; } }
// CreateTargetDC is based on AtlCreateTargetDC.
// cases hdc, ptd, hdc is metafile, hic
// NULL, NULL, n/a, Display
// NULL, !NULL, n/a, ptd
// !NULL, NULL, FALSE, hdc
// !NULL, NULL, TRUE, display
// !NULL, !NULL, FALSE, ptd
// !NULL, !NULL, TRUE, ptd
if ( NULL != ptd ) { LPDEVMODE lpDevMode; LPOLESTR lpszDriverName; LPOLESTR lpszDeviceName; LPOLESTR lpszPortName;
if (ptd->tdExtDevmodeOffset == 0) lpDevMode = NULL; else lpDevMode = (LPDEVMODE) ((LPSTR)ptd + ptd->tdExtDevmodeOffset);
lpszDriverName = (LPOLESTR)((BYTE*)ptd + ptd->tdDriverNameOffset); lpszDeviceName = (LPOLESTR)((BYTE*)ptd + ptd->tdDeviceNameOffset); lpszPortName = (LPOLESTR)((BYTE*)ptd + ptd->tdPortNameOffset);
return ::CreateDC(lpszDriverName, lpszDeviceName, lpszPortName, lpDevMode); } else if ( NULL == hdc ) { return ::CreateDC(L"DISPLAY", NULL, NULL, NULL); } else if ( GetDeviceCaps(hdc, TECHNOLOGY) == DT_METAFILE ) { return ::CreateDC(L"DISPLAY", NULL, NULL, NULL); } else return hdc; }
FUNCTION : HitTestLine
PARAMETERS : POINT pt0 - endpoint for line segment POINT pt1 - endpoint for line segment POINTS ptMouse - mouse coordinates of hit INT nWidth - width of pen
PURPOSE : test if mouse click occurred on line segment while adjusting for the width of line
CALLS : GetDC ReleaseDC SetGraphicsMode SetWorldTransform
RETURNS : BOOL - TRUE if the point was within the width of the pen about the line FALSE if the point lies outside of the width of the pen about the line
HISTORY : 9/20/93 - created - denniscr
BOOL HitTestLine( POINT pt0, POINT pt1, POINTS ptMouse, INT nWidth ) { POINT PtM; VECTOR2D tt0, tt1; double dist; INT nHalfWidth;
nHalfWidth = (nWidth/2 < 1) ? 1 : nWidth/2;
//convert the line into a vector
POINTS2VECTOR2D(pt0, pt1, tt0); //
//convert the mouse points (short) into POINT (long)
MPOINT2POINT(ptMouse ,PtM); POINTS2VECTOR2D(pt0, PtM, tt1); //
//if the mouse click is past the endpoints of
//a line segment return FALSE
if (pt0.x <= pt1.x) { if (PtM.x < pt0.x || PtM.x > pt1.x) return (FALSE); } else { if (PtM.x > pt0.x || PtM.x < pt1.x) return (FALSE); } //
//this is the call to the function that does the work
//of obtaining the distance of the point to the line
dist = vDistFromPointToLine(&pt0, &pt1, &PtM);
//TRUE if the distance is within the width of the pen about the
//line otherwise FALSE
return (dist >= -nHalfWidth && dist <= nHalfWidth); }
The vSubtractVectors function subtracts the components of a two dimensional vector from another. The resultant vector c = (a1 - b1, a2 - b2).
v0 A pointer to a VECTOR2D structure containing the components of the first two dimensional vector. v1 A pointer to a VECTOR2D structure containing the components of the second two dimensional vector. vt A pointer to a VECTOR2D structure in which the components of the two dimensional vector obtained from the subtraction of the first two are placed.
Return value
A pointer to a VECTOR2D structure containing the new vector obtained from the subtraction of the first two parameters.
HISTORY : - created - denniscr
PVECTOR2D vSubtractVectors(PVECTOR2D v0, PVECTOR2D v1, PVECTOR2D v) { if (v0 == NULL || v1 == NULL) v = (PVECTOR2D)NULL; else { v->x = v0->x - v1->x; v->y = v0->y - v1->y; } return(v); }
The vVectorSquared function squares each of the components of the vector and adds then together to produce the squared value of the vector. SquaredValue = a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y.
v0 A pointer to a VECTOR2D structure containing the vector upon which to determine the squared value.
Return value
A double value which is the squared value of the vector.
HISTORY : - created - denniscr
double vVectorSquared(PVECTOR2D v0) { double dSqLen;
if (v0 == NULL) dSqLen = 0.0; else dSqLen = (double)(v0->x * v0->x) + (double)(v0->y * v0->y); return (dSqLen); }
The vVectorMagnitude function determines the length of a vector by summing the squares of each of the components of the vector. The magnitude is equal to a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y.
v0 A pointer to a VECTOR2D structure containing the vector upon which to determine the magnitude.
Return value
A double value which is the magnitude of the vector.
HISTORY : - created - denniscr
double vVectorMagnitude(PVECTOR2D v0) { double dMagnitude;
if (v0 == NULL) dMagnitude = 0.0; else dMagnitude = sqrt(vVectorSquared(v0)); return (dMagnitude); }
The function vDotProduct computes the dot product of two vectors. The dot product of two vectors is the sum of the products of the components of the vectors ie: for the vectors a and b, dotprod = a1 * a2 + b1 * b2.
v0 A pointer to a VECTOR2D structure containing the first vector used for obtaining a dot product. v1 A pointer to a VECTOR2D structure containing the second vector used for obtaining a dot product.
Return value
A double value containing the scalar dot product value.
HISTORY : - created - denniscr
double vDotProduct(PVECTOR2D v0, PVECTOR2D v1) { return ((v0 == NULL || v1 == NULL) ? 0.0 : (v0->x * v1->x) + (v0->y * v1->y)); }
The function vProjectAndResolve resolves a vector into two vector components. The first is a vector obtained by projecting vector v0 onto v1. The second is a vector that is perpendicular (normal) to the projected vector. It extends from the head of the projected vector v1 to the head of the original vector v0.
v0 A pointer to a VECTOR2D structure containing the first vector v1 A pointer to a VECTOR2D structure containing the second vector ppProj A pointer to a PROJECTION structure containing the resolved vectors and their lengths.
Return value
HISTORY : - created - denniscr
void vProjectAndResolve(PVECTOR2D v0, PVECTOR2D v1, PPROJECTION ppProj) { VECTOR2D ttProjection, ttOrthogonal; double vDotProd; double proj1 = 0.0; //
//obtain projection vector
//c = a * b
// ----- b
// |b|^2
ttOrthogonal.x = 0.0; ttOrthogonal.y = 0.0; vDotProd = vDotProduct(v1, v1);
if ( 0.0 != vDotProd ) { proj1 = vDotProduct(v0, v1)/vDotProd; }
ttProjection.x = v1->x * proj1; ttProjection.y = v1->y * proj1; //
//obtain perpendicular projection : e = a - c
vSubtractVectors(v0, &ttProjection, &ttOrthogonal); //
//fill PROJECTION structure with appropriate values
ppProj->LenProjection = vVectorMagnitude(&ttProjection); ppProj->LenPerpProjection = vVectorMagnitude(&ttOrthogonal);
ppProj->ttProjection.x = ttProjection.x; ppProj->ttProjection.y = ttProjection.y; ppProj->ttPerpProjection.x = ttOrthogonal.x; ppProj->ttPerpProjection.y = ttOrthogonal.y; }
The function vDistFromPointToLine computes the distance from the point ptTest to the line defined by endpoints pt0 and pt1. This is done by resolving the the vector from pt0 to ptTest into its components. The length of the component vector that is attached to the head of the vector from pt0 to ptTest is the distance of ptTest from the line.
pt0 A pointer to a POINT structure containing the first endpoint of the line. pt1 A pointer to a POINT structure containing the second endpoint of the line. ptTest A pointer to a POINT structure containing the point for which the distance from the line is to be computed.
Return value
A double value that contains the distance of ptTest to the line defined by the endpoints pt0 and pt1.
HISTORY : - created - denniscr ************************************************************************/
double vDistFromPointToLine(LPPOINT pt0, LPPOINT pt1, LPPOINT ptTest) { VECTOR2D ttLine, ttTest; PROJECTION pProjection;
POINTS2VECTOR2D(*pt0, *pt1, ttLine); POINTS2VECTOR2D(*pt0, *ptTest, ttTest);
vProjectAndResolve(&ttTest, &ttLine, &pProjection); return(pProjection.LenPerpProjection); }
BOOL FileRead ( HANDLE hFile, void* lpMemory, DWORD nAmtToRead) { BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; DWORD nAmtRead = 0;
assert ( NULL != hFile ); assert ( NULL != lpMemory );
if ( NULL != hFile && NULL != lpMemory ) { bSuccess = ReadFile (hFile, lpMemory, nAmtToRead, &nAmtRead, NULL) ; } return (bSuccess && (nAmtRead == nAmtToRead)) ; } // FileRead
BOOL FileWrite ( HANDLE hFile, void* lpMemory, DWORD nAmtToWrite) { BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; DWORD nAmtWritten = 0; DWORD dwFileSizeLow, dwFileSizeHigh; LONGLONG llResultSize;
if ( NULL != hFile && NULL != lpMemory ) {
dwFileSizeLow = GetFileSize (hFile, &dwFileSizeHigh); // limit file size to 2GB
if (dwFileSizeHigh > 0) { SetLastError (ERROR_WRITE_FAULT); bSuccess = FALSE; } else { // note that the error return of this function is 0xFFFFFFFF
// since that is > the file size limit, this will be interpreted
// as an error (a size error) so it's accounted for in the following
// test.
llResultSize = dwFileSizeLow + nAmtToWrite; if (llResultSize >= 0x80000000) { SetLastError (ERROR_WRITE_FAULT); bSuccess = FALSE; } else { // write buffer to file
bSuccess = WriteFile (hFile, lpMemory, nAmtToWrite, &nAmtWritten, NULL) ; if (bSuccess) bSuccess = (nAmtWritten == nAmtToWrite ? TRUE : FALSE); if ( !bSuccess ) { SetLastError (ERROR_WRITE_FAULT); } } } } else { assert ( FALSE ); SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
return (bSuccess) ;
} // FileWrite
// This routine extract the filename portion from a given full-path filename
assert ( NULL != pFileSpec ); if ( pFileSpec ) { pFileName = pFileSpec + lstrlen (pFileSpec) ;
while (*pFileName != DIRECTORY_DELIMITER1 && *pFileName != DIRECTORY_DELIMITER2) { if (pFileName == pFileSpec) { // done when no directory delimiter is found
break ; } pFileName-- ; }
if (*pFileName == DIRECTORY_DELIMITER1 || *pFileName == DIRECTORY_DELIMITER2) { // directory delimiter found, point the
// filename right after it
pFileName++ ; } } return pFileName ; } // ExtractFileName
// CWaitCursor class
CWaitCursor::CWaitCursor() : m_hcurWaitCursorRestore ( NULL ) { DoWaitCursor(1); }
CWaitCursor::~CWaitCursor() { DoWaitCursor(-1); }
void CWaitCursor::DoWaitCursor(INT nCode) { // 1=> begin, -1=> end
assert(nCode == 1 || nCode == -1);
if ( 1 == nCode ) { m_hcurWaitCursorRestore = SetHourglassCursor(); } else { if ( NULL != m_hcurWaitCursorRestore ) { SetCursor(m_hcurWaitCursorRestore); } else { SetArrowCursor(); } } }
DWORD LoadDefaultLogFileFolder( LPWSTR szFolder, INT* piBufLen ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dwDataType; DWORD dwBufferSize = 0; WCHAR* szNewStringBuffer = NULL;
assert ( NULL != szFolder ); assert ( NULL != piBufLen );
if ( NULL != szFolder && NULL != piBufLen ) {
dwStatus = RegOpenKey ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\SysmonLog", &hKey );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) {
dwDataType = 0;
// Determine the size of the required buffer.
dwStatus = RegQueryValueExW ( hKey, L"DefaultLogFileFolder", NULL, &dwDataType, NULL, &dwBufferSize);
if (dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (dwBufferSize > 0) {
szNewStringBuffer = new WCHAR[dwBufferSize / sizeof(WCHAR) ]; if ( NULL != szNewStringBuffer ) { *szNewStringBuffer = L'\0'; dwStatus = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, L"DefaultLogFileFolder", NULL, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) szNewStringBuffer, (LPDWORD) &dwBufferSize ); } else { dwStatus = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { dwStatus = ERROR_NO_DATA; } } RegCloseKey(hKey); }
if (dwStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ( *piBufLen >= (INT)(dwBufferSize / sizeof(WCHAR)) ) { StringCchCopy(szFolder, *piBufLen, szNewStringBuffer ); } else { dwStatus = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } *piBufLen = dwBufferSize / sizeof(WCHAR); } if ( NULL != szNewStringBuffer ) delete [] szNewStringBuffer; } else { dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return dwStatus; }
assert ( NULL != pFirst && NULL != pSecond );
if ( NULL != pFirst && NULL != pSecond ) {
if ( 0 == lstrcmpi ( pFirst->szMachineName, pSecond->szMachineName ) ) { if ( 0 == lstrcmpi ( pFirst->szObjectName, pSecond->szObjectName ) ) { if ( 0 == lstrcmpi ( pFirst->szInstanceName, pSecond->szInstanceName ) ) { if ( 0 == lstrcmpi ( pFirst->szParentInstance, pSecond->szParentInstance ) ) { if ( pFirst->dwInstanceIndex == pSecond->dwInstanceIndex ) { if ( 0 == lstrcmpi ( pFirst->szCounterName, pSecond->szCounterName ) ) { bSame = TRUE; } } } } } } } return bSame; };
BOOL DisplaySingleLogSampleValue ( void ) { long nErr; HKEY hKey = NULL; DWORD dwRegValue; DWORD dwDataType; DWORD dwDataSize; DWORD dwDisposition;
static INT siInitialized; // Initialized to 0
static BOOL sbSingleValue; // Initialized to 0 ( FALSE )
// check registry setting to see if thousands separator is enabled
if ( 0 == siInitialized ) { nErr = RegOpenKey( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Microsoft\\SystemMonitor", &hKey );
if( ERROR_SUCCESS != nErr ) { nErr = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Software\\Microsoft\\SystemMonitor", 0, L"REG_DWORD", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hKey, &dwDisposition ); }
dwRegValue = 0; if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == nErr ) {
dwDataSize = sizeof(DWORD); nErr = RegQueryValueExW ( hKey, L"DisplaySingleLogSampleValue", NULL, &dwDataType, (LPBYTE) &dwRegValue, (LPDWORD) &dwDataSize );
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == nErr && REG_DWORD == dwDataType && sizeof(DWORD) == dwDataSize ) { if ( 0 != dwRegValue ) { sbSingleValue = TRUE; } } siInitialized = 1; }
if ( NULL != hKey ) { nErr = RegCloseKey( hKey ); } }
return sbSingleValue; }
DWORD FormatSqlDataSourceName ( LPCWSTR szSqlDsn, LPCWSTR szSqlLogSetName, LPWSTR szSqlDataSourceName, ULONG* pulBufLen ) {
if ( NULL != pulBufLen ) { ulNameLen = lstrlen (szSqlDsn) + lstrlen(szSqlLogSetName) + 5 // SQL:<DSN>!<LOGSET>
+ 2; // 2 NULL characters at the end;
if ( ulNameLen <= *pulBufLen ) { if ( NULL != szSqlDataSourceName ) { StringCchPrintf( szSqlDataSourceName, *pulBufLen, cszSqlDataSourceFormat, szSqlDsn, szSqlLogSetName ); } } else if ( NULL != szSqlDataSourceName ) { dwStatus = ERROR_MORE_DATA; } *pulBufLen = ulNameLen; } else { dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; assert ( FALSE ); } return dwStatus; }
DWORD DisplayDataSourceError ( HWND hwndOwner, DWORD dwErrorStatus, INT iDataSourceType, LPCWSTR szLogFileName, LPCWSTR szSqlDsn, LPCWSTR szSqlLogSetName ) { DWORD dwStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS;
LPWSTR szMessage = NULL; LPWSTR szDataSource = NULL; ULONG ulMsgBufLen = 0; WCHAR szSystemMessage[MAX_PATH];
// todo: Alloc message buffers
if ( sysmonLogFiles == iDataSourceType ) { if ( NULL != szLogFileName ) { ulMsgBufLen = lstrlen ( szLogFileName ) +1; szDataSource = new WCHAR [ulMsgBufLen]; if ( NULL != szDataSource ) { StringCchCopy(szDataSource, ulMsgBufLen, szLogFileName ); } else { dwStatus = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } else { assert ( FALSE ); dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else if ( sysmonSqlLog == iDataSourceType ){ if ( NULL != szSqlDsn && NULL != szSqlLogSetName ) {
FormatSqlDataSourceName ( szSqlDsn, szSqlLogSetName, NULL, &ulMsgBufLen ); szDataSource = new WCHAR [ulMsgBufLen]; if ( NULL != szDataSource ) { FormatSqlDataSourceName ( szSqlDsn, szSqlLogSetName, (LPWSTR)szDataSource, &ulMsgBufLen ); // todo: check status
} else { dwStatus = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } else { assert ( FALSE ); dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else { assert ( FALSE ); dwStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwStatus ) { ulMsgBufLen += RESOURCE_STRING_BUF_LEN; ulMsgBufLen += MAX_PATH; szMessage = new WCHAR [ulMsgBufLen]; if ( NULL != szMessage ) { if ( SMON_STATUS_TOO_FEW_SAMPLES == dwErrorStatus ) { StringCchPrintf(szMessage, ulMsgBufLen, ResourceString(IDS_TOO_FEW_SAMPLES_ERR), szDataSource ); } else if ( SMON_STATUS_LOG_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT == dwErrorStatus ) { StringCchPrintf(szMessage, ulMsgBufLen, ResourceString(IDS_LOG_FILE_TOO_LARGE_ERR), szDataSource ); } else { StringCchPrintf(szMessage, ulMsgBufLen, ResourceString(IDS_BADDATASOURCE_ERR), szDataSource ); FormatSystemMessage ( dwErrorStatus, szSystemMessage, MAX_PATH - 1 ); StringCchCat(szMessage, ulMsgBufLen, szSystemMessage ); }
MessageBox( hwndOwner, szMessage, ResourceString(IDS_APP_NAME), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } } if ( NULL != szDataSource ) { delete [] szDataSource; }
if ( NULL != szMessage ) { delete [] szMessage; }
return dwStatus; }