// Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
// File: common.h
// Synopsis: Defines some commonly used functions
// This is really just a dumping ground for functions
// that don't really belong to a specific class in
// this design. They may be implemented in other
// files besides common.cpp.
// History: 02/03/2001 JeffJon Created
// Service names used for both the OCManager and launching wizards
// DNS
// Printer
// IIS
#define CYS_WEB_SERVICE_NAME L"w3svc"
#define CYS_IIS_COMMON_COMPONENT L"iis_common"
#define CYS_INETMGR_COMPONENT L"iis_inetmgr"
// Other needed constants
// Switch provided by explorer.exe when launching CYS
#define EXPLORER_SWITCH L"explorer"
// Special share names that don't have the "special" flag set
extern Popup popup;
// Typedefs for common STL containers
typedef std::vector<DWORD, Burnslib::Heap::Allocator<DWORD> > IPAddressList;
bool IsServiceInstalledHelper(const wchar_t* serviceName);
bool InstallServiceWithOcManager( const String& infText, const String& unattendText, const String& additionalArgs = String());
DWORD MyWaitForSendMessageThread(HANDLE hThread, DWORD dwTimeout);
HRESULT CreateTempFile(const String& name, const String& contents);
HRESULT CreateAndWaitForProcess( const String& fullPath, String& commandline, DWORD& exitCode, bool minimize = false);
HRESULT MyCreateProcess( const String& fullPath, String& commandline);
bool IsKeyValuePresent(RegistryKey& key, const String& value);
bool GetRegKeyValue( const String& key, const String& value, String& resultString, HKEY parentKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE);
bool GetRegKeyValue( const String& key, const String& value, DWORD& resultValue, HKEY parentKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE);
bool SetRegKeyValue( const String& key, const String& value, const String& newString, HKEY parentKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, bool create = false);
bool SetRegKeyValue( const String& key, const String& value, DWORD newValue, HKEY parentKey = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, bool create = false);
bool ExecuteWizard( HWND parent, PCWSTR serviceName, String& resultText, HRESULT& hr);
// This really comes from Burnslib but it is not provided in a header
// so I am putting the declaration here and we will link to the
// Burnslib definition
HANDLE AppendLogFile(const String& logBaseName, String& logName);
// Macros to help with the log file operations
#define CYS_APPEND_LOG(text) \
if (logfileHandle) \ FS::Write(logfileHandle, text);
bool IsDhcpConfigured();
extern "C" { DWORD AnyDHCPServerRunning( ULONG uClientIp, ULONG * pServerIp ); }
// Converts a VARIANT of type VT_ARRAY | VT_BSTR to a list of Strings
HRESULT VariantArrayToStringVector(VARIANT* variant, StringVector& stringList);
// Will convert a DWORD IP Address into a string
String IPAddressToString(DWORD ipAddress);
// Will convert a string in the form of an IP address to
// a DWORD. A return value of INADDR_NONE means that we failed
// to do the conversion
DWORD StringToIPAddress(const String& stringIPAddress);
// Converts a DWORD IP address from Intel processor byte order to
// inorder. For example, an address of would come from inet_addr as
// 04030201 but the UI control returns it as 01020304. This function allows
// for conversion between the two
DWORD ConvertIPAddressOrder(DWORD address);
// This function allocates an array of DWORDs and fills it with the IP addresses
// from the StringList. The caller must free the returned pointer using
// delete[]
DWORD* StringIPListToDWORDArray(const StringList& stringIPList, DWORD& count);
// Helper function for creating the INF file for unattended OCM installations
void CreateInfFileText( String& infFileText, unsigned int windowTitleResourceID);
// Helper function for creating the unattend file for unattended OCM installations
void CreateUnattendFileText( String& unattendFileText, PCWSTR serviceName, bool install = true);
// Opens the favorites folder and creates a favorite for
// the specified URL
HRESULT AddURLToFavorites( HWND hwnd, const String& url, const String& fileName);
// Launches the specified MMC console
// It assumes the console is in the %windir%\system32 directory
// unless the alternatePath is specified
void LaunchMMCConsole( const String& consoleFile, String& alternatePath = String());
// Launches the Manage Your Server HTA
void LaunchMYS();
// Retrieves the path to the start menu for All Users
HRESULT GetAllUsersStartMenu( String& startMenuPath);
// Retrieves the path to the Administrative Tools menu for All Users
HRESULT GetAllUsersAdminTools( String& adminToolsPath);
// Creates a link (shortcut) at the specified location
// with the specified target
HRESULT CreateShortcut( const String& shortcutPath, const String& target, const String& description);
// Takes a LPARAM from a WM_NOTIFY message from a SysLink control
// and decodes it to return the link index
int LinkIndexFromNotifyLPARAM(LPARAM lParam);
// Starts the hh.exe process with the given parameter
void ShowHelp(const String& helpTopic);
// Opens the Configure Your Server logfile
void OpenLogFile();
// Returns true if the log file is present
bool IsLogFilePresent();
// Gets the path the "All Users" Administrative Tools
// link in the Start Menu
HRESULT GetAdminToolsShortcutPath( String& adminToolsShortcutPath, const String& linkToAppend);
// Adds the given shortcut with description to the Administrative Tools
// Start Menu with the given link
HRESULT AddShortcutToAdminTools( const String& target, unsigned int descriptionID, unsigned int linkID);
// Determines if a share should be considered special
// "special" shares are those like C$, SYSVOL$, etc.
bool IsSpecialShare(const SHARE_INFO_1& shareInfo);
// Determines if there are any shared folders that are not "special"
// "special" shares are those like C$, SYSVOL$, etc.
bool IsNonSpecialSharePresent();