// Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
// File: AdminPackInstallationUnit.cpp
// Synopsis: Defines a AdminPackInstallationUnit
// This object has the knowledge for installing
// the Administration Tools Pack
// History: 06/01/2001 JeffJon Created
#include "pch.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "InstallationUnitProvider.h"
#include "state.h"
// Define the GUIDs used by the Server Appliance Kit COM object
#include <initguid.h>
DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_SaInstall,0x142B8185,0x53AE,0x45B3,0x88,0x8F,0xC9,0x83,0x5B,0x15,0x6C,0xA9); DEFINE_GUID(IID_ISaInstall,0xF4DEDEF3,0x4D83,0x4516,0xBC,0x1E,0x10,0x3A,0x63,0xF5,0xF0,0x14);
AdminPackInstallationUnit::AdminPackInstallationUnit() : installAdminPack(false), installWebAdmin(false), installNASAdmin(false), InstallationUnit( IDS_ADMIN_PACK_TYPE, IDS_ADMIN_PACK_DESCRIPTION, IDS_PROGRESS_SUBTITLE, IDS_FINISH_TITLE, IDS_FINISH_MESSAGE, L"", L"", ADMINPACK_SERVER) { LOG_CTOR(AdminPackInstallationUnit); }
AdminPackInstallationUnit::~AdminPackInstallationUnit() { LOG_DTOR(AdminPackInstallationUnit); }
InstallationReturnType AdminPackInstallationUnit::InstallService(HANDLE logfileHandle, HWND hwnd) { LOG_FUNCTION(AdminPackInstallationUnit::InstallService);
InstallationReturnType result = INSTALL_SUCCESS;
do { String computerName = State::GetInstance().GetComputerName();
if (GetInstallNASAdmin()) { // First check to see if IIS is installed and
// install it if not
WebInstallationUnit& webInstallationUnit = InstallationUnitProvider::GetInstance().GetWebInstallationUnit();
if (!webInstallationUnit.IsServiceInstalled()) { webInstallationUnit.InstallService(logfileHandle, hwnd);
// Ignore the return value because the SAK installation
// portion will actually provide the best error message
String logText; String errorMessage;
result = InstallNASAdmin(errorMessage); if (result == INSTALL_FAILURE) { logText = String::format( IDS_NAS_ADMIN_LOG_FAILED, errorMessage.c_str()); } else { if (errorMessage.empty()) { logText = String::format( IDS_NAS_ADMIN_LOG_SUCCESS, computerName.c_str()); } else { logText = String::format( IDS_NAS_ADMIN_LOG_SUCCESS_WITH_MESSAGE, errorMessage.c_str()); } } CYS_APPEND_LOG(logText);
} if (GetInstallWebAdmin()) { // First check to see if IIS is installed and
// install it if not
WebInstallationUnit& webInstallationUnit = InstallationUnitProvider::GetInstance().GetWebInstallationUnit();
if (!webInstallationUnit.IsServiceInstalled()) { webInstallationUnit.InstallService(logfileHandle, hwnd);
// Ignore the return value because the SAK installation
// portion will actually provide the best error message
String logText; String errorMessage;
result = InstallWebAdmin(errorMessage); if (result == INSTALL_FAILURE) { logText = String::format( IDS_WEB_ADMIN_LOG_FAILED, errorMessage.c_str()); } else { logText = String::format( IDS_WEB_ADMIN_LOG_SUCCESS, computerName.c_str()); } CYS_APPEND_LOG(logText); }
if (GetInstallAdminPack()) { InstallationReturnType adminPackResult = InstallAdminPack(); if (adminPackResult == INSTALL_FAILURE) { CYS_APPEND_LOG(String::load(IDS_ADMIN_PACK_LOG_FAILED)); result = adminPackResult; } else { CYS_APPEND_LOG(String::load(IDS_ADMIN_PACK_LOG_SUCCESS)); } } } while (false);
return result; }
InstallationReturnType AdminPackInstallationUnit::InstallSAKUnit(SA_TYPE unitType, String& errorMessage) { LOG_FUNCTION(AdminPackInstallationUnit::InstallSAKUnit);
InstallationReturnType result = INSTALL_SUCCESS; errorMessage.erase();
do { Win::WaitCursor wait; // Check to make sure we are not on 64bit
if (State::GetInstance().Is64Bit()) { ASSERT(!State::GetInstance().Is64Bit());
result = INSTALL_FAILURE; break; }
// Get the name of the source location of the install files
String installLocation; DWORD productSKU = State::GetInstance().GetProductSKU(); if (productSKU & CYS_SERVER) { installLocation = String::load(IDS_SERVER_CD); } else if (productSKU & CYS_ADVANCED_SERVER) { installLocation = String::load(IDS_ADVANCED_SERVER_CD); } else if (productSKU & CYS_DATACENTER_SERVER) { installLocation = String::load(IDS_DATACENTER_SERVER_CD); } else { installLocation = String::load(IDS_WINDOWS_CD); }
// Get the Server Appliance COM object
SmartInterface<ISaInstall> sakInstall;
HRESULT hr = GetSAKObject(sakInstall); if (FAILED(hr)) { // We failed the CoCreate on the SAK (Server Appliance Kit) COM object
// Can't do anything without that!
LOG(String::format( L"Failed to create the SAK (Server Appliance Kit) COM object: hr = 0x%1!x!", hr));
result = INSTALL_FAILURE; break; }
VARIANT_BOOL displayError = false; VARIANT_BOOL unattended = false; BSTR tempMessage = 0; hr = sakInstall->SAInstall( unitType, const_cast<WCHAR*>(installLocation.c_str()), displayError, unattended, &tempMessage);
if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to install the SAK unit: hr = 0x%1!x!", hr));
if (tempMessage) { errorMessage = tempMessage; ::SysFreeString(tempMessage); }
result = INSTALL_FAILURE; break; }
} while (false);
LOG_INSTALL_RETURN(result); return result; }
InstallationReturnType AdminPackInstallationUnit::InstallNASAdmin(String& errorMessage) { LOG_FUNCTION(AdminPackInstallationUnit::InstallNASAdmin);
InstallationReturnType result = InstallSAKUnit(NAS, errorMessage);
LOG_INSTALL_RETURN(result); return result; }
InstallationReturnType AdminPackInstallationUnit::InstallWebAdmin(String& errorMessage) { LOG_FUNCTION(AdminPackInstallationUnit::InstallWebAdmin);
InstallationReturnType result = InstallSAKUnit(WEB, errorMessage );
LOG_INSTALL_RETURN(result); return result; }
InstallationReturnType AdminPackInstallationUnit::InstallAdminPack() { LOG_FUNCTION(AdminPackInstallationUnit::InstallAdminPack);
InstallationReturnType result = INSTALL_SUCCESS;
do { Win::WaitCursor wait; // The Admin Tools Pack msi file is located in the %windir%\system32
// directory on all x86 Server SKUs
// The "/i" parameter means install, the "/qn" means quite mode/no UI
String sysFolder = Win::GetSystemDirectory(); String adminpakPath = sysFolder + L"\\msiexec.exe /i " + sysFolder + L"\\adminpak.msi /qn";
DWORD exitCode = 0; HRESULT hr = CreateAndWaitForProcess(adminpakPath, exitCode, true); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to launch Admin Pack install: hr = 0x%1!x!", hr));
result = INSTALL_FAILURE; break; }
if (exitCode != 0) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to install Admin Tools Pack: exitCode = 0x%1!x!", exitCode));
result = INSTALL_FAILURE; break; }
LOG(String::format( L"Admin Pack returned with exitCode = 0x%1!x!", exitCode));
} while (false);
LOG_INSTALL_RETURN(result); return result; }
bool AdminPackInstallationUnit::IsServiceInstalled() { LOG_FUNCTION(AdminPackInstallationUnit::IsServiceInstalled);
bool result = false;
// This should never be called...
// The caller should be checking each individual
// tools package instead. For instance, GetAdminPackInstall(),
// GetNASAdminInstall(), or GetWebAdminInstall()
ASSERT(false); LOG_BOOL(result); return result; }
String AdminPackInstallationUnit::GetServiceDescription() { LOG_FUNCTION(AdminPackInstallationUnit::GetServiceDescription);
// this should never be called. AdminPack isn't a
// server role
ASSERT(false); return L""; }
bool AdminPackInstallationUnit::GetMilestoneText(String& message) { LOG_FUNCTION(AdminPackInstallationUnit::GetMilestoneText);
bool result = false;
if (GetInstallWebAdmin()) {
message += String::load(IDS_WEB_ADMIN_FINISH_TEXT); result = true; }
if (GetInstallNASAdmin()) { message += String::load(IDS_NAS_ADMIN_FINISH_TEXT);
// If IIS isn't installed, add the text from the WebInstallationUnit
WebInstallationUnit& webInstallationUnit = InstallationUnitProvider::GetInstance().GetWebInstallationUnit();
if (!webInstallationUnit.IsServiceInstalled()) { webInstallationUnit.GetMilestoneText(message); } result = true; } if (GetInstallAdminPack()) { message += String::load(IDS_ADMIN_PACK_FINISH_TEXT); result = true; }
LOG_BOOL(result); return result; }
bool AdminPackInstallationUnit::IsAdminPackInstalled() { LOG_FUNCTION(AdminPackInstallationUnit::IsAdminPackInstalled);
// Admin Tools Pack is no longer allowing itself to be installed
// on server builds. By returning true here the UI will always
// think its already install and never give the option.
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-448167-2001/07/31-jeffjon
bool result = true; /*
bool result = false;
// Admin Tools Pack is installed if the registry key for
// uninstalling is present
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LOG(L"The Admin Pack uninstall key exists"); result = true; } else { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to open Admin Pack uninstall key: hr = 0x%1!x!", hr)); } */ LOG_BOOL(result); return result; }
void AdminPackInstallationUnit::SetInstallAdminPack(bool install) { LOG_FUNCTION2( AdminPackInstallationUnit::SetInstallAdminPack, install ? L"true" : L"false");
installAdminPack = install; }
bool AdminPackInstallationUnit::GetInstallAdminPack() const { LOG_FUNCTION(AdminPackInstallationUnit::GetInstallAdminPack);
bool result = installAdminPack;
LOG_BOOL(result); return result; }
bool AdminPackInstallationUnit::IsWebAdminInstalled() { LOG_FUNCTION(AdminPackInstallationUnit::IsWebAdminInstalled);
bool result = IsSAKUnitInstalled(WEB); LOG_BOOL(result); return result; }
void AdminPackInstallationUnit::SetInstallWebAdmin(bool install) { LOG_FUNCTION2( AdminPackInstallationUnit::SetInstallWebAdmin, install ? L"true" : L"false");
installWebAdmin = install; }
bool AdminPackInstallationUnit::GetInstallWebAdmin() const { LOG_FUNCTION(AdminPackInstallationUnit::GetInstallWebAdmin);
bool result = installWebAdmin;
LOG_BOOL(result); return result; }
bool AdminPackInstallationUnit::IsNASAdminInstalled() { LOG_FUNCTION(AdminPackInstallationUnit::IsNASAdminInstalled);
bool result = IsSAKUnitInstalled(NAS); LOG_BOOL(result); return result; }
bool AdminPackInstallationUnit::IsSAKUnitInstalled(SA_TYPE unitType) { LOG_FUNCTION2( AdminPackInstallationUnit::IsSAKUnitInstalled, String::format(L"type = %1!d!", (int) unitType));
bool result = true;
do { // Check to make sure we are not on 64bit
if (State::GetInstance().Is64Bit()) { result = false; break; }
// Get the Server Appliance Kit COM object
SmartInterface<ISaInstall> sakInstall; HRESULT hr = GetSAKObject(sakInstall); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed to get the SAK COM object: hr = 0x%1!x!", hr));
break; }
// Check to see if NAS is already installed
VARIANT_BOOL saInstalled; hr = sakInstall->SAAlreadyInstalled(unitType, &saInstalled); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(String::format( L"Failed call to SAAlreadyInstalled: hr = 0x%1!x!", hr)); break; }
if (!saInstalled) { result = false; }
} while (false);
LOG_BOOL(result); return result; }
void AdminPackInstallationUnit::SetInstallNASAdmin(bool install) { LOG_FUNCTION2( AdminPackInstallationUnit::SetInstallNASAdmin, install ? L"true" : L"false");
installNASAdmin = install; }
bool AdminPackInstallationUnit::GetInstallNASAdmin() const { LOG_FUNCTION(AdminPackInstallationUnit::GetInstallNASAdmin);
bool result = installNASAdmin;
LOG_BOOL(result); return result; }
HRESULT AdminPackInstallationUnit::GetSAKObject(SmartInterface<ISaInstall>& sakInstall) { LOG_FUNCTION(AdminPackInstallationUnit::GetSAKObject);
if (!sakInstallObject) { hr = sakInstallObject.AcquireViaCreateInstance( CLSID_SaInstall, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER); }
ASSERT(sakInstallObject); sakInstall = sakInstallObject;
LOG_HRESULT(hr); return hr; }