// Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
// File: InstallationUnit.h
// Synopsis: Declares an InstallationUnit
// An InstallationUnit represents a single
// entity that can be installed. (i.e. DHCP, IIS, etc.)
// History: 02/03/2001 JeffJon Created
#include "pch.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "InstallationProgressPage.h"
// These are the values that can be returned from
// InstallationUnit::InstallService()
// this means that there should be no
// logging and reboot is handled by DCPromo
// or Terminal Services installation
INSTALL_SUCCESS_REBOOT, // this means that the finish page should
// prompt the user to reboot
// this means that the operation requires
// a reboot but the user chose not to reboot
// this means that the operation failed but
// still requires a reboot and the user
// chose not to reboot
// No changes were selected while going
// through the wizard
// Installation was cancelled
} InstallationReturnType;
// These are the values that can be returned from
// InstallationUnit::UnInstallService()
// this means that there should be no
// logging and reboot is handled by DCPromo
// or Terminal Services installation
UNINSTALL_SUCCESS_REBOOT, // this means that the finish page should
// prompt the user to reboot
// this means that the operation succeeded
// and requires a reboot but the user chose
// not to reboot
// this means that the operation failed
// and requires a reboot but the user chose
// not to reboot
// Uninstall was cancelled
// Some installation units do not have
// uninstalls (ie ExpressInstallationUnit)
// This array of strings if for the UI log debugging only
// It should match the values in the InstallationReturnType
// or UninstallReturnType
// above. The values of the enums are used to index these arrays
extern String installReturnTypeStrings[]; extern String uninstallReturnTypeStrings[];
// These macros are used to make it easier to log the return value from
// the InstallService() and UnInstallService() methods. It takes an
// InstallationReturnType or UnInstallReturnType and uses that to index
// the appropriate array of strings (installReturnTypeStrings or
// uninstallReturnTypeStrings) to get a string that is then logged
// to the the UI debug logfile
#define LOG_INSTALL_RETURN(returnType) LOG(installReturnTypeStrings[returnType]);
#define LOG_UNINSTALL_RETURN(returnType) LOG(uninstallReturnTypeStrings[returnType]);
class InstallationUnit { public:
// Constructor
InstallationUnit( unsigned int serviceNameID, unsigned int serviceDescriptionID, unsigned int finishPageTitleID, unsigned int finishPageUninstallTitleID, unsigned int finishPageMessageID, unsigned int finishPageInstallFailedMessageID, unsigned int finishPageUninstallMessageID, unsigned int finishPageUninstallFailedMessageID, unsigned int uninstallMilestonePageWarningID, unsigned int uninstallMilestonePageCheckboxID, const String finishPageHelpString, const String installMilestoneHelpString, const String afterFinishHelpString, ServerRole newInstallType = NO_SERVER);
// Destructor
virtual ~InstallationUnit() {}
// Installation virtual method
virtual InstallationReturnType InstallService(HANDLE logfileHandle, HWND hwnd) = 0;
virtual UnInstallReturnType UnInstallService(HANDLE logfileHandle, HWND hwnd) = 0;
virtual InstallationReturnType CompletePath(HANDLE logfileHandle, HWND hwnd);
void SetInstallResult(InstallationReturnType result);
InstallationReturnType GetInstallResult() const;
void SetUninstallResult(UnInstallReturnType result);
UnInstallReturnType GetUnInstallResult() const;
void SetInstalling(bool installRole);
bool Installing() { return installing; }
virtual void DoPostInstallAction(HWND);
virtual InstallationStatus GetStatus();
virtual bool IsServiceInstalled();
// Return true if the installation unit will make some
// changes during InstallService. Return false if
// if it will not
virtual bool GetMilestoneText(String& message) = 0;
virtual bool GetUninstallMilestoneText(String& message) = 0;
virtual String GetUninstallWarningText();
virtual String GetUninstallCheckboxText();
virtual String GetFinishText();
virtual String GetFinishTitle();
// Data accessors
virtual String GetServiceName();
virtual String GetServiceDescription();
virtual String GetFinishHelp();
virtual String GetMilestonePageHelp();
virtual String GetAfterFinishHelp();
ServerRole GetServerRole() { return role; }
virtual int GetWizardStart();
// This is called from the CustomServerPage in response to
// a link in the description text being selected
// linkIndex - the index of the link in the description
// as defined by the SysLink control
// hwnd - HWND of the CustomServerPage
virtual void ServerRoleLinkSelected(int /*linkIndex*/, HWND /*hwnd*/) {};
// This is called from the FinishPage in response to
// a link in the message text being selected
// linkIndex - the index of the link in the message
// as defined by the SysLink control
// hwnd - HWND of the FinishPage
virtual void FinishLinkSelected(int /*inkIndex*/, HWND /*hwnd*/) {};
// This is called from the Milestone pages to see if the
// installer is already running. The default behavior
// is to check to see if the Windows Setup Wizard is
// running and popup an error if it is. This function
// will return true if the installer is already in use.
// Override this function in the subclasses to check a
// different installer (ie DCPromo.exe for the AD role)
// or popup a different message.
// hwnd - wizard page HWND
virtual bool DoInstallerCheck(HWND hwnd) const;
void UpdateInstallationProgressText( HWND hwnd, unsigned int messageID);
String name; String description; String finishHelp; String milestoneHelp; String afterFinishHelp;
unsigned int nameID; unsigned int descriptionID; unsigned int finishTitleID; unsigned int finishUninstallTitleID; unsigned int finishMessageID; unsigned int finishInstallFailedMessageID; unsigned int finishUninstallMessageID; unsigned int finishUninstallFailedMessageID; unsigned int uninstallMilestoneWarningID; unsigned int uninstallMilestoneCheckboxID;
bool installing;
private: InstallationReturnType installationResult; UnInstallReturnType uninstallResult;
ServerRole role; };