// Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
// File: POP3Page.cpp
// Synopsis: Defines the POP3 internal page of the CYS wizard
// History: 06/17/2002 JeffJon Created
#include "pch.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "InstallationUnitProvider.h"
#include "POP3Page.h"
static PCWSTR POP3_PAGE_HELP = L"cys.chm::/mail_server_role.htm#mailsrvoptions";
POP3Page::POP3Page() : defaultAuthMethodIndex(0), ADIntegratedIndex(CB_ERR), localAccountsIndex(CB_ERR), passwordFilesIndex(CB_ERR), CYSWizardPage( IDD_POP3_PAGE, IDS_POP3_TITLE, IDS_POP3_SUBTITLE, POP3_PAGE_HELP) { LOG_CTOR(POP3Page); }
POP3Page::~POP3Page() { LOG_DTOR(POP3Page); }
void POP3Page::OnInit() { LOG_FUNCTION(POP3Page::OnInit);
bool isDC = State::GetInstance().IsDC(); bool isJoinedToDomain = State::GetInstance().IsJoinedToDomain();
// Add the strings to the combobox
// The order of the insertion is extremely important so that
// the combo box index matches the authentication method index
// in the POP3 service.
// - The SAM auth method needs to be added first if the local server
// isn't a DC
// - AD integrated needs to be added next if the local server is a DC
// or is joined to a domain
// - Hash (encrypted password files) needs to be added last
if (!isDC) { localAccountsIndex = Win::ComboBox_AddString( Win::GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_AUTH_METHOD_COMBO), String::load(IDS_LOCAL_ACCOUNTS));
if (localAccountsIndex == CB_ERR) { LOG(L"Failed to add local accounts string to combobox"); } }
if (isDC || isJoinedToDomain) { ADIntegratedIndex = Win::ComboBox_AddString( Win::GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_AUTH_METHOD_COMBO), String::load(IDS_AD_INTEGRATED));
if (ADIntegratedIndex == CB_ERR) { LOG(L"Failed to add AD integrated string to combobox"); } }
passwordFilesIndex = Win::ComboBox_AddString( Win::GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_AUTH_METHOD_COMBO), String::load(IDS_ENCRYPTED_PASSWORD_FILES));
if (passwordFilesIndex == CB_ERR) { LOG(L"Failed to add encrypted password files string to combobox"); }
// Now figure out which one to select by default
// If the machine is a DC or is joined to a domain
// default to AD integrated authentication, else
// default to local Windows accounts
int defaultAuthMethodIndex = localAccountsIndex;
if (State::GetInstance().IsDC() && ADIntegratedIndex != CB_ERR) { defaultAuthMethodIndex = ADIntegratedIndex; } else { defaultAuthMethodIndex = localAccountsIndex; }
// Make sure we have a valid default
if (defaultAuthMethodIndex == CB_ERR) { defaultAuthMethodIndex = 0; }
// Select the default
Win::ComboBox_SetCurSel( Win::GetDlgItem( hwnd, IDC_AUTH_METHOD_COMBO), defaultAuthMethodIndex);
LOG( String::format( L"Defaulting combobox to: %1!d!", defaultAuthMethodIndex));
// Set the limit text for the domain name page
Win::Edit_LimitText( Win::GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_EMAIL_DOMAIN_EDIT), DNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
bool POP3Page::OnSetActive() { LOG_FUNCTION(POP3Page::OnSetActive);
return true; }
void POP3Page::SetButtonState() { LOG_FUNCTION(POP3Page::SetButtonState);
String emailDomainName = Win::GetDlgItemText( hwnd, IDC_EMAIL_DOMAIN_EDIT);
Win::PropSheet_SetWizButtons( Win::GetParent(hwnd), (!emailDomainName.empty()) ? PSWIZB_NEXT | PSWIZB_BACK : PSWIZB_BACK); }
bool POP3Page::OnCommand( HWND /*windowFrom*/, unsigned int controlIDFrom, unsigned int code) { if (code == EN_CHANGE && controlIDFrom == IDC_EMAIL_DOMAIN_EDIT) { SetButtonState(); }
return false; }
int POP3Page::Validate() { LOG_FUNCTION(POP3Page::Validate);
int nextPage = -1;
do { String emailDomainName = Win::GetDlgItemText( hwnd, IDC_EMAIL_DOMAIN_EDIT);
DNS_STATUS status = MyDnsValidateName(emailDomainName, DnsNameDomain);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) { String message = String::format( IDS_BAD_DNS_SYNTAX, emailDomainName.c_str(), DNS_MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
popup.Gripe(hwnd, IDC_EMAIL_DOMAIN_EDIT, message);
nextPage = -1; break; }
POP3InstallationUnit& pop3InstallationUnit = InstallationUnitProvider::GetInstance().GetPOP3InstallationUnit();
int authIndex = Win::ComboBox_GetCurSel( Win::GetDlgItem( hwnd, IDC_AUTH_METHOD_COMBO));
if (authIndex == CB_ERR) { LOG(L"Failed to get the selected index, reverting to default"); ASSERT(authIndex != CB_ERR);
authIndex = defaultAuthMethodIndex; }
// Set the auth method in the installation unit
// Since the auth method is a 1 based index and the
// combo selection is a zero based index, add 1.
pop3InstallationUnit.SetAuthMethodIndex(authIndex + 1);
nextPage = IDD_MILESTONE_PAGE; } while (false);
LOG(String::format( L"nextPage = %1!d!", nextPage));
return nextPage; }