// Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// Post-operation shortcut (shell link) code
// 1 Dec 1999 sburns
#include "headers.hxx"
#include "ProgressDialog.hpp"
#include "state.hpp"
#include "resource.h"
#include "..\dll\muiresource.h" // resIds for shortcuts
// @@ need to make sure that, when deleting shortcuts, we consider the case
// were the shortcuts may have been added by the adminpak from the 5.0 release
// of the product, not by ourselves in a later release.
// This case is: promote with version 5.0, upgrade to later version, demote
static const String SHORTCUT_DLL(L"dcpromo.dll");
struct ShortcutParams { // resource id of the link file name and also the link name in the menu.
// These are from muiresource.h. The string resources themselves are bound
// to dcpromo.dll
int linkNameResId;
// resource id of the description string (also the info tip string) for
// the shortcut. These are from muiresource.h. The string resources
// themselves are bound to dcpromo.dll
int descResId; const wchar_t* target; const wchar_t* params; const wchar_t* iconDll; };
// "Add" from the point of view of promotion: these are removed on demotion.
static ShortcutParams shortcutsToAdd[] = { { // Active Directory Sites and Services
// the .msc file contains the proper icon, so we don't need to
// specify a dll from whence to retrieve an icon.
L"" }, { // Active Directory Users and Computers
IDS_DS_USERS_LINK, IDS_DS_USERS_DESC, L"dsa.msc", L"", L"" }, { // Active Directory Domains and Trusts
IDS_DS_DOMAINS_LINK, IDS_DS_DOMAINS_DESC, L"domain.msc", L"", L"" }, { // Domain Controller Security Policy
// if you change this name, be sure to change the code in
// PromoteConfigureToolShortcuts too
IDS_DC_POLICY_LINK, IDS_DC_POLICY_DESC, L"dcpol.msc", L"", L"" }, { // Domain Security Policy
// if you change this name, be sure to change the code in
// PromoteConfigureToolShortcuts too
// "Delete" from the point of view of promotion: these are added back again
// on demotion.
static ShortcutParams shortcutsToDelete[] = { { // Local Security Policy
IDS_LOCAL_POLICY_LINK, IDS_LOCAL_POLICY_DESC, L"secpol.msc", L"/s", L"wsecedit.dll" } };
// Extracts the target of a shortcut: that to which the shortcut points.
// Returns S_OK on success, and sets result to that target. On error, a COM
// error code is returned and result is empty.
// shellLink - pointer to instance of object implementing IShellLink, which
// has been associated with a shortcut file.
// result - receives the result -- the shortcut target path -- on sucess.
HRESULT GetShortcutTargetPath( const SmartInterface<IShellLink>& shellLink, String& result) { LOG_FUNCTION(GetShortcutTargetPath); ASSERT(shellLink);
WCHAR target[MAX_PATH + 1];
// REVIEWED-2002/02/26-sburns correct byte count passed
// remove superfluous '&' NTRAID#NTBUG9-540418-2002/03/12-sburns
::ZeroMemory(target, sizeof WCHAR * (MAX_PATH + 1));
// REVIEWED-2002/02/26-sburns passing correct character count.
HRESULT hr = shellLink->GetPath(target, MAX_PATH, 0, SLGP_SHORTPATH);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { result = target; }
return hr; }
// Return true if the supplied target of a shortcut is such that it identifies
// the shortcut as one of those installed on promote. Return false if not one
// such.
// target - target path of the shortcut (i.e. path to that which the shortcut
// points)
bool IsAdminpakShortcut(const String& target) { LOG_FUNCTION2(IsAdminpakShortcut, target);
// don't assert that target has a value. Some shortcuts don't, if they're
// broken.
// ASSERT(!target.empty());
// If the target is of the form %systemroot%\Installer\{guid}\foo.ico,
// then it is one of the adminpak dcpromo shortcuts.
static String baseNames[] = { L"DTMgmt.ico", L"ADSSMgr.ico", L"ADMgr.ico", L"ADDcPol.ico", L"ADDomPol.ico" };
static String root(Win::GetSystemWindowsDirectory() + L"\\Installer\\{");
bool result = false;
String prefix(target, 0, root.length()); if (root.icompare(prefix) == 0) { // the prefix matches.
String leaf = FS::GetPathLeafElement(target); for (int i = 0; i < (sizeof(baseNames) / sizeof(String)) ; ++i) { if (leaf.icompare(baseNames[i]) == 0) { result = true; break; } } }
LOG( String::format( L"%1 an adminpak shortcut", result ? L"is" : L"is not"));
return result; }
bool IsPromoteToolShortcut(const String& target) { LOG_FUNCTION2(IsPromoteToolShortcut, target); ASSERT(!target.empty());
// Check target against the values we used to create the shortcuts. The
// values we used specified a fully-qualified path to the system32 folder,
// and we will compare the target to the full path.
String targetPrefix = Win::GetSystemDirectory() + L"\\";
for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof(shortcutsToAdd) / sizeof(ShortcutParams); ++i) { if (target.icompare(targetPrefix + shortcutsToAdd[i].target) == 0) { return true; } }
return false; }
// Return true if the given shortcut one of those installed on promote.
// Return false if not one of those shortcuts, or on error.
// shellLink - smart interface pointer to an object implementing IShellLink.
// lnkPath - full file path of the shortcut (.lnk) file to be evaluated.
bool ShouldDeleteShortcut( const SmartInterface<IShellLink>& shellLink, const String& lnkPath) { LOG_FUNCTION2(ShouldDeleteShortcut, lnkPath); ASSERT(!lnkPath.empty()); ASSERT(shellLink);
// Shortcut file names are localized, so we can't delete them based on
// their names. idea: Open the shortcut, see what it's target is,
// and based on that, determine if it's one we should delete.
HRESULT hr = S_OK; bool result = false; do { // Load the shortcut file
// REVIEWED-2002/02/26-sburns we open with minimum access, and are only
// reading
SmartInterface<IPersistFile> ipf; hr = ipf.AcquireViaQueryInterface(shellLink); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
// ISSUE-2002/02/26-sburns should we specify STGM_SHARE_DENY_WRITE?
hr = ipf->Load(lnkPath.c_str(), STGM_READ); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
// Get the target lnkPath
String target; hr = GetShortcutTargetPath(shellLink, target); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
if (IsAdminpakShortcut(target)) { result = true; break; }
// Not an adminpak shortcut. Might be one of the ones created by
// PromoteConfigureToolShortcuts (ourselves).
if (IsPromoteToolShortcut(target)) { result = true; break; }
// if we make it here, the shortcut is not one we should delete.
} while (0);
LOG( String::format( L"%1 delete shortcut", result ? L"should" : L"should not"));
return result; }
HRESULT CreateShortcut( const SmartInterface<IShellLink>& shellLink, const String& destFolderPath, int linkNameResId, HINSTANCE linkNameResModule, int descResId, const String& target, const String& params, const String& iconDll) { LOG_FUNCTION2(CreateShortcut, target); ASSERT(shellLink);
// the path should exist already: it's the one we grabbed at startup
ASSERT(FS::PathExists(destFolderPath)); ASSERT(!target.empty()); ASSERT(linkNameResId); ASSERT(descResId); ASSERT(linkNameResModule);
// params and iconDll may be empty
HRESULT hr = S_OK; do { String sys32Folder = Win::GetSystemDirectory(); String targetPath = sys32Folder + L"\\" + target;
// REVIEWED-2002/05/06-sburns we're using full paths to the target
hr = shellLink->SetPath(targetPath.c_str()); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
hr = shellLink->SetWorkingDirectory(sys32Folder.c_str()); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
hr = shellLink->SetDescription( String::format(
// MUI-aware shortcuts take a description that is really a
// pointer to a resource dll and a resource ID.
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-185055-2001/06/21-sburns
L"@%%systemroot%%\\system32\\dcpromo.dll,-%1!d!", descResId).c_str()); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
hr = shellLink->SetArguments(params.c_str()); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
if (!iconDll.empty()) { hr = shellLink->SetIconLocation( (sys32Folder + L"\\" + iconDll).c_str(), 0); }
SmartInterface<IPersistFile> ipf; hr = ipf.AcquireViaQueryInterface(shellLink); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
String destPath = destFolderPath + L"\\" + String::load(linkNameResId, linkNameResModule) + L".lnk";
// REVIEWED-2002/02/27-sburns we are composing a full path to the file
ASSERT(FS::IsValidPath(destPath)); hr = ipf->Save(destPath.c_str(), TRUE); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
// MUI-aware shortcuts need a localized name.
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-185055-2001/06/21-sburns
hr = SHSetLocalizedName( const_cast<PWSTR>(destPath.c_str()), L"%systemroot%\\system32\\dcpromo.dll", linkNameResId); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr); } while (0);
LOG_HRESULT(hr); return hr; }
HRESULT DeleteShortcut( const String& folder, int linkNameResId, HINSTANCE linkNameResModule) { LOG_FUNCTION(DeleteShortcut); ASSERT(!folder.empty()); ASSERT(linkNameResId); ASSERT(linkNameResModule); HRESULT hr = S_OK; do { String linkPath = folder + L"\\" + String::load(linkNameResId, linkNameResModule) + L".lnk";
if (FS::PathExists(linkPath)) { hr = Win::DeleteFile(linkPath); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr); } } while (0);
return hr; }
// Remove the shortcuts to the DS administration tools that were installed on
// promote.
void DemoteConfigureToolShortcuts(ProgressDialog& dialog) { LOG_FUNCTION(DemoteConfigureToolShortcuts);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; HMODULE dcpromoDll = 0; State& state = State::GetInstance(); do { String path = state.GetAdminToolsShortcutPath(); if (path.empty()) { // We were unable to determine the path at startup.
hr = Win32ToHresult(ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND); break; }
// (may) Need to init com for this thread.
AutoCoInitialize coInit; hr = coInit.Result(); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr); SmartInterface<IShellLink> shellLink; hr = shellLink.AcquireViaCreateInstance( CLSID_ShellLink, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
LOG(L"enumerating shortcuts");
FS::Iterator iter( path + L"\\*.lnk", FS::Iterator::INCLUDE_FILES | FS::Iterator::RETURN_FULL_PATHS);
String current; while ((hr = iter.GetCurrent(current)) == S_OK) { if (ShouldDeleteShortcut(shellLink, current)) { LOG(String::format(L"Deleting %1", current.c_str()));
// we don't bail out on an error here because we want to
// try to delete as many shortcuts as possible.
HRESULT unused = Win::DeleteFile(current); LOG_HRESULT(unused); }
hr = iter.Increment(); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr); }
// add the shortcut(s) removed during promote
hr = Win::LoadLibraryEx( SHORTCUT_DLL, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE, dcpromoDll); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT2(hr, L"Unable to load dcpromo.dll"); for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof(shortcutsToDelete) / sizeof(ShortcutParams); ++i) { // don't break on error -- push on to attempt to create the
// entire set.
CreateShortcut( shellLink, path, shortcutsToDelete[i].linkNameResId, dcpromoDll, shortcutsToDelete[i].descResId, shortcutsToDelete[i].target, shortcutsToDelete[i].params, shortcutsToDelete[i].iconDll); } } while (0);
Win::FreeLibrary(dcpromoDll); if (FAILED(hr)) { popup.Error( dialog.GetHWND(), hr, IDS_ERROR_CONFIGURING_SHORTCUTS); state.AddFinishMessage( String::load(IDS_SHORTCUTS_NOT_CONFIGURED)); } }
// Take a domain name in canonical (dotted) form, e.g. domain.foo.com, and
// translate it to the fully-qualified DN form, e.g. DC=domain,DC=foo,DC=com
// domainCanonical - in, domain name in canonical form
// domainDN - out, domain name in DN form
HRESULT CannonicalToDn(const String& domainCanonical, String& domainDN) { LOG_FUNCTION2(CannonicalToDn, domainCanonical); ASSERT(!domainCanonical.empty());
domainDN.erase(); HRESULT hr = S_OK; do { if (domainCanonical.empty()) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr); }
// add a trailing '/' to signal DsCrackNames to do a syntactical
// munge of the string, rather than hit the wire.
// add 1 for the null terminator, 1 for the trailing '/'
PWSTR name = new WCHAR[domainCanonical.length() + 2];
// REVIEWED-2002/02/27-sburns correct byte count passed.
::ZeroMemory(name, (domainCanonical.length() + 2) * sizeof WCHAR); domainCanonical.copy(name, domainCanonical.length()); name[domainCanonical.length()] = L'/'; DS_NAME_RESULT* nameResult = 0; hr = Win32ToHresult( ::DsCrackNames(
// no handle: this is a string munge
reinterpret_cast<void*>(-1), DS_NAME_FLAG_SYNTACTICAL_ONLY, DS_CANONICAL_NAME, DS_FQDN_1779_NAME, 1, &name, &nameResult)); delete[] name; BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
ASSERT(nameResult); if (nameResult) { ASSERT(nameResult->cItems == 1); DS_NAME_RESULT_ITEM* items = nameResult->rItems;
// if we don't get a struct back, then DsCrackNames is broken.
if (items) { LOG(String::format(L"status : 0x%1!X!", items[0].status)); LOG(String::format(L"pName : %1", items[0].pName));
ASSERT(items[0].status == DS_NAME_NO_ERROR);
if (items[0].pName) { domainDN = items[0].pName; } if (domainDN.empty()) { hr = E_FAIL; } } ::DsFreeNameResult(nameResult); } } while (0);
LOG_HRESULT(hr); return hr; }
// Create all the admin tools shortcuts that are needed after a promote.
// path - in, where to create the shortcuts
// shellLink - in, initialized shellLink interface to create the shortcuts
// with.
HRESULT PromoteCreateShortcuts( const String& path, SmartInterface<IShellLink>& shellLink, HINSTANCE dcpromoDll) { LOG_FUNCTION(PromoteCreateShortcuts); ASSERT(!path.empty()); ASSERT(shellLink); ASSERT(dcpromoDll);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; do { State& state = State::GetInstance();
// for the policy shortcuts, we will need to know the domain DN, so
// determine that here.
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-232442-2000/11/15-sburns
String domainCanonical; State::Operation oper = state.GetOperation(); if ( oper == State::FOREST || oper == State::TREE || oper == State::CHILD) { domainCanonical = state.GetNewDomainDNSName(); } else if (oper == State::REPLICA) { domainCanonical = state.GetReplicaDomainDNSName(); } else { // we should not be calling this function on non-promote scenarios
ASSERT(false); hr = E_FAIL; BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr); } String domainDn; bool skipPolicyShortcuts = false;
hr = CannonicalToDn(domainCanonical, domainDn); if (FAILED(hr)) { LOG(L"skipping install of policy shortcuts"); skipPolicyShortcuts = true; }
for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof(shortcutsToAdd) / sizeof(ShortcutParams); ++i) { // set the correct parameters for domain and dc security policy tools.
String params; if (shortcutsToAdd[i].linkNameResId == IDS_DC_POLICY_LINK) { if (skipPolicyShortcuts) { continue; } params = String::format( L"/gpobject:\"LDAP://CN={%1},CN=Policies,CN=System,%2\"", STR_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_GPO_GUID, domainDn.c_str()); } else if (shortcutsToAdd[i].linkNameResId == IDS_DOMAIN_POLICY_LINK) { if (skipPolicyShortcuts) { continue; }
params = String::format( L"/gpobject:\"LDAP://CN={%1},CN=Policies,CN=System,%2\"", STR_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_GPO_GUID, domainDn.c_str()); } else { params = shortcutsToAdd[i].params; }
// don't break on errors -- push on to attempt to create the
// entire set.
CreateShortcut( shellLink, path, shortcutsToAdd[i].linkNameResId, dcpromoDll, shortcutsToAdd[i].descResId, shortcutsToAdd[i].target, params, shortcutsToAdd[i].iconDll); } } while (0);
LOG_HRESULT(hr); return hr; }
void PromoteConfigureToolShortcuts(ProgressDialog& dialog) { LOG_FUNCTION(PromoteConfigureToolShortcuts);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; State& state = State::GetInstance(); HMODULE dcpromoDll = 0;
do { String path = state.GetAdminToolsShortcutPath(); if (path.empty()) { // We were unable to determine the path at startup.
hr = Win32ToHresult(ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND); break; }
// Need to init com for this thread.
AutoCoInitialize coInit; hr = coInit.Result(); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr); SmartInterface<IShellLink> shellLink; hr = shellLink.AcquireViaCreateInstance( CLSID_ShellLink, 0, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
hr = Win::LoadLibraryEx( SHORTCUT_DLL, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE, dcpromoDll); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT2(hr, L"Unable to load dcpromo.dll");
// add the shortcuts to the ds administration tools
PromoteCreateShortcuts(path, shellLink, dcpromoDll);
// remove the shortcuts to local tools
for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof(shortcutsToDelete) / sizeof(ShortcutParams); ++i) { // don't break on error -- push on to attempt to delete the
// entire set.
DeleteShortcut( path, shortcutsToDelete[i].linkNameResId, dcpromoDll); } } while (0);
if (FAILED(hr)) { popup.Error( dialog.GetHWND(), hr, IDS_ERROR_CONFIGURING_SHORTCUTS); state.AddFinishMessage( String::load(IDS_SHORTCUTS_NOT_CONFIGURED)); } }