// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 2000
// File: output.cpp
// Contents: Defines the functions which displays the query output
// History: 05-OCT-2000 hiteshr Created
#include "pch.h"
#include "cstrings.h"
#include "usage.h"
#include "gettable.h"
#include "display.h"
#include "query.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "output.h"
#include <sddl.h>
HRESULT LocalCopyString(LPTSTR* ppResult, LPCTSTR pString) { if ( !ppResult || !pString ) return E_INVALIDARG;
//Security Review:pString is null terminated.
*ppResult = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (wcslen(pString)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR) );
if ( !*ppResult ) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
//Correct buffer is allocated.
lstrcpy(*ppResult, pString); return S_OK; // success
// Function: DisplayList
// Synopsis: Dispalys a name and value in list format.
// Arguments: [szName - IN] : name of the attribute
// [szValue - IN]: value of the attribute
// [bShowAttribute - IN] : if true the attribute name will be
// prepended to the output
// History: 05-OCT-2000 hiteshr Created
// 07-AUG-2001 jeffjon Added the bShowAttribute parameter
VOID DisplayList(LPCWSTR szName, LPCWSTR szValue, bool bShowAttributes = true) { if(!szName) return; CComBSTR strTemp;
if (bShowAttributes) { strTemp = szName; strTemp += L": "; } if(szValue) strTemp += szValue; DisplayOutput(strTemp); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: FindAttrInfoForName
// Synopsis: This function finds the ADS_ATTR_INFO associated with an
// attribute name
// Arguments: [pAttrInfo IN] : Array of ADS_ATTR_INFOs
// [dwAttrCount IN] : Count of attributes in array
// [pszAttrName IN] : name of attribute to search for
// Returns: PADS_ATTR_INFO : pointer to the ADS_ATTR_INFO struct associated
// with the attribute name, otherwise NULL
// History: 17-Oct-2000 JeffJon Created
PADS_ATTR_INFO FindAttrInfoForName(PADS_ATTR_INFO pAttrInfo, DWORD dwAttrCount, PCWSTR pszAttrName) { ENTER_FUNCTION(FULL_LOGGING, FindAttrInfoForName);
PADS_ATTR_INFO pRetAttrInfo = 0; LPWSTR pRangeFound = NULL; // 702724 ronmart 2002/09/18 added for range support
do // false loop
{ //
// Validate Parameters
if (!pszAttrName) { ASSERT(pszAttrName); break; }
// If pAttrInfo is NULL then there is nothing to retrieve
// that is acceptable if the value was not set
if (!pAttrInfo || dwAttrCount == 0) { break; }
for (DWORD dwIdx = 0; dwIdx < dwAttrCount; dwIdx++) { // 702724 ronmart 2002/09/18 See if a range qualifier has been specified
pRangeFound = wcsstr(pAttrInfo[dwIdx].pszAttrName, g_pszRange); // If so, then terminate the string at the qualifer so that
// the following comparision will only consider the attribute name
if(pRangeFound) { pRangeFound[0] = 0; }
//Security Review:Both are null terminated.
if (_wcsicmp(pAttrInfo[dwIdx].pszAttrName, pszAttrName) == 0) { pRetAttrInfo = &(pAttrInfo[dwIdx]); break; } // If there wasn't a match and the item had a range qualifier
// then restore the string
if(pRangeFound) { pRangeFound[0] = g_pszRange[0]; pRangeFound = NULL; }
} } while (false);
// All done so restore the string if a range qualifier was found
if(pRangeFound) pRangeFound[0] = g_pszRange[0];
return pRetAttrInfo; }
// Function: DsGetOutputValuesList
// Synopsis: This function gets the values for the columns and then adds
// the row to the format helper
// Arguments: [pszDN IN] : the DN of the object
// [refBasePathsInfo IN] : reference to path info
// [refCredentialObject IN] : reference to the credential manager
// [pCommandArgs IN] : Command line arguments
// [pObjectEntry IN] : Entry in the object table being processed
// [dwAttrCount IN] : Number of arributes in above array
// [pAttrInfo IN] : the values to display
// [spDirObject IN] : Interface pointer to the object
// [refFormatInfo IN]: Reference to the format helper
// Returns: HRESULT : S_OK if everything succeeded
// History: 16-Oct-2000 JeffJon Created
HRESULT DsGetOutputValuesList(PCWSTR pszDN, CDSCmdBasePathsInfo& refBasePathsInfo, const CDSCmdCredentialObject& refCredentialObject, PARG_RECORD pCommandArgs, PDSGetObjectTableEntry pObjectEntry, DWORD dwAttrCount, PADS_ATTR_INFO pAttrInfo, CComPtr<IDirectoryObject>& spDirObject, CFormatInfo& refFormatInfo) { ENTER_FUNCTION_HR(LEVEL5_LOGGING, DsGetOutputValuesList, hr);
do // false loop
{ if(!pszDN || !pCommandArgs || !pObjectEntry) { ASSERT(pszDN); ASSERT(pCommandArgs); ASSERT(pObjectEntry); hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; }
DWORD dwDisplayInfoArraySize = pObjectEntry->dwAttributeCount; if (pCommandArgs[eCommDN].bDefined) { dwDisplayInfoArraySize++; }
PDSGET_DISPLAY_INFO pDisplayInfoArray = new CDSGetDisplayInfo[dwDisplayInfoArraySize]; if (!pDisplayInfoArray) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; }
DWORD dwDisplayCount = 0; if (pCommandArgs[eCommDN].bDefined) { CComBSTR sbstrOutputDN;
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-702418-2002/09/12-ronmart- The partition
// object currently is not bound to the DN of the partition
// but to the dn of the NTDS Quotas container of the
// partition passed on the cmd line. This happens because
// the current attributes to retrieve are quota container
// attributes only. If the user passes the common -dn
// flag on the cmd line then they should get back the
// partition DN, not the quotas container dn
if(0 == lstrcmpi(pObjectEntry->pszCommandLineObjectType, g_pszPartition)) { // The NTDS Quotas container is a child of the parition
// so this will retrieve the partition DN
CComBSTR sbstrParentDN; hr = CPathCracker::GetParentDN(pszDN, sbstrParentDN); if (FAILED(hr)) { ASSERT(FALSE); break; }
hr = GetOutputDN( &sbstrOutputDN, sbstrParentDN); if (FAILED(hr)) { ASSERT(FALSE); break; }
} else { // JonN 5/10/01 256583 output DSCMD-escaped DN
hr = GetOutputDN( &sbstrOutputDN, pszDN ); if (FAILED(hr)) { ASSERT(FALSE); break; } }
pDisplayInfoArray[dwDisplayCount].SetDisplayName(g_pszArg1UserDN); pDisplayInfoArray[dwDisplayCount].AddValue(sbstrOutputDN); dwDisplayCount++; }
// Loop through the attributes getting their display values
for(DWORD i = 0; i < pObjectEntry->dwAttributeCount; i++) { if (pObjectEntry->pAttributeTable[i]) { UINT nCommandEntry = pObjectEntry->pAttributeTable[i]->nAttributeID; if (pCommandArgs[nCommandEntry].bDefined && pObjectEntry->pAttributeTable[i]->pDisplayStringFunc) { //
// Find the ADS_ATTR_INFO structure associated with this attribute
PADS_ATTR_INFO pAttrInfoDisplay = NULL; if (pObjectEntry->pAttributeTable[i]->pszName) { pAttrInfoDisplay = FindAttrInfoForName(pAttrInfo, dwAttrCount, pObjectEntry->pAttributeTable[i]->pszName); }
// Fill in the column header even if there isn't a value
pDisplayInfoArray[dwDisplayCount].SetDisplayName(pCommandArgs[nCommandEntry].strArg1, !(pObjectEntry->pAttributeTable[i]->dwOutputFlags & DSGET_OUTPUT_DN_FLAG));
// Format the output strings
// Note: this could actually involve some operation if the value isn't
// retrieved by GetObjectAttributes (ie Can change password)
hr = pObjectEntry->pAttributeTable[i]->pDisplayStringFunc(pszDN, refBasePathsInfo, refCredentialObject, pObjectEntry, pCommandArgs, pAttrInfoDisplay, spDirObject, &(pDisplayInfoArray[dwDisplayCount])); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL5_LOGGING, L"Failed display string func for %s: hr = 0x%x", pObjectEntry->pAttributeTable[i]->pszName, hr); } dwDisplayCount++; } } }
DEBUG_OUTPUT(FULL_LOGGING, L"Attributes returned with values:");
#ifdef DBG
for (DWORD dwIdx = 0; dwIdx < dwDisplayCount; dwIdx++) { for (DWORD dwValue = 0; dwValue < pDisplayInfoArray[dwIdx].GetValueCount(); dwValue++) { if (pDisplayInfoArray[dwIdx].GetDisplayName() && pDisplayInfoArray[dwIdx].GetValue(dwValue)) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(FULL_LOGGING, L"\t%s = %s", pDisplayInfoArray[dwIdx].GetDisplayName(), pDisplayInfoArray[dwIdx].GetValue(dwValue)); } else if (pDisplayInfoArray[dwIdx].GetDisplayName() && !pDisplayInfoArray[dwIdx].GetValue(dwValue)) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(FULL_LOGGING, L"\t%s = ", pDisplayInfoArray[dwIdx].GetDisplayName()); } else if (!pDisplayInfoArray[dwIdx].GetDisplayName() && pDisplayInfoArray[dwIdx].GetValue(dwValue)) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(FULL_LOGGING, L"\t??? = %s", pDisplayInfoArray[dwIdx].GetValue(dwValue)); } else { DEBUG_OUTPUT(FULL_LOGGING, L"\t??? = ???"); } } } #endif
hr = refFormatInfo.AddRow(pDisplayInfoArray, dwDisplayCount);
} while (false);
return hr; }
// Function: GetStringFromADs
// Synopsis: Converts Value into string depending upon type
// Arguments: [pValues - IN]: Value to be converted to string
// [dwADsType-IN]: ADSTYPE of pValue
// [pBuffer - OUT]:Output buffer which gets the string
// [dwBufferLen-IN]:Size of output buffer
// [pszAttrName-IN]:Name of the attribute being formatted
// Returns HRESULT S_OK if Successful
// Anything else is a failure code from an ADSI
// call
// History: 05-OCT-2000 hiteshr Created
HRESULT GetStringFromADs(IN const ADSVALUE *pValues, IN ADSTYPE dwADsType, OUT LPWSTR* ppBuffer, IN PCWSTR pszAttrName) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if(!pValues || !ppBuffer) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_INVALIDARG; }
if( dwADsType == ADSTYPE_INVALID ) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
switch( dwADsType ) { case ADSTYPE_DN_STRING : { CComBSTR sbstrOutputDN; hr = GetOutputDN( &sbstrOutputDN, pValues->DNString ); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
// Quote output DNs so that they can be piped to other
// commands
sbstrOutputDN = GetQuotedDN(sbstrOutputDN);
UINT length = sbstrOutputDN.Length(); *ppBuffer = new WCHAR[length + 1]; if (!(*ppBuffer)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return hr; } //Security Review:Correct Buffer size is passed.
ZeroMemory(*ppBuffer, (length + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); //Security Review:wcsncpy will copy length char
//length + 1 is already set to zero so we are fine.
wcsncpy(*ppBuffer, (BSTR)sbstrOutputDN, length); } break;
case ADSTYPE_CASE_EXACT_STRING : { size_t length = wcslen(pValues->CaseExactString); *ppBuffer = new WCHAR[length + 1]; if (!(*ppBuffer)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return hr; } //Security Review:Correct Buffer size is passed.
ZeroMemory(*ppBuffer, (length + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); //Security Review:wcsncpy will copy length char
//length + 1 is already set to zero so we are fine.
wcsncpy(*ppBuffer ,pValues->CaseExactString, length); } break;
case ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING: { size_t length = wcslen(pValues->CaseIgnoreString); *ppBuffer = new WCHAR[length + 1]; if (!(*ppBuffer)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return hr; } //Security Review:Correct Buffer size is passed.
ZeroMemory(*ppBuffer, (length + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); //Security Review:wcsncpy will copy length char
//length + 1 is already set to zero so we are fine.
wcsncpy(*ppBuffer ,pValues->CaseIgnoreString, length); } break;
case ADSTYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING : { size_t length = wcslen(pValues->PrintableString); *ppBuffer = new WCHAR[length + 1]; if (!(*ppBuffer)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return hr; } //Security Review:Correct Buffer size is passed.
ZeroMemory(*ppBuffer, (length + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); //Security Review:wcsncpy will copy length char
//length + 1 is already set to zero so we are fine.
wcsncpy(*ppBuffer ,pValues->PrintableString, length); } break;
case ADSTYPE_NUMERIC_STRING : { size_t length = wcslen(pValues->NumericString); *ppBuffer = new WCHAR[length + 1]; if (!(*ppBuffer)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return hr; } //Security Review:Correct Buffer size is passed.
ZeroMemory(*ppBuffer, (length + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); //Security Review:wcsncpy will copy length char
//length + 1 is already set to zero so we are fine.
wcsncpy(*ppBuffer ,pValues->NumericString, length); } break; case ADSTYPE_OBJECT_CLASS : { size_t length = wcslen(pValues->ClassName); *ppBuffer = new WCHAR[length + 1]; if (!(*ppBuffer)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return hr; } //Security Review:Correct Buffer size is passed.
ZeroMemory(*ppBuffer, (length + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); //Security Review:wcsncpy will copy length char
//length + 1 is already set to zero so we are fine.
wcsncpy(*ppBuffer ,pValues->ClassName, length); } break; case ADSTYPE_BOOLEAN : { size_t length = 0; if (pValues->Boolean) { length = wcslen(L"TRUE"); *ppBuffer = new WCHAR[length + 1]; } else { length = wcslen(L"FALSE"); *ppBuffer = new WCHAR[length + 1]; }
if (!(*ppBuffer)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return hr; } //Security Review:Correct Buffer size is passed.
ZeroMemory(*ppBuffer, (length + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); wcscpy(*ppBuffer ,((DWORD)pValues->Boolean) ? L"TRUE" : L"FALSE"); } break; case ADSTYPE_INTEGER : // Just allocate too much...
*ppBuffer = new WCHAR[MAXSTR]; if (!(*ppBuffer)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return hr; } //Security Review:Correct Buffer size is passed.
ZeroMemory(*ppBuffer, MAXSTR * sizeof(WCHAR)); //Security Review:Usage is safe. Filed a generic bug to replace
//wsprintf with strsafe api.
wsprintf(*ppBuffer ,L"%d", (DWORD) pValues->Integer); break; case ADSTYPE_OCTET_STRING : { BYTE b; WCHAR sOctet[128]; DWORD dwLen = 0;
// I am just going to limit the buffer to MAXSTR.
// It will be a rare occasion when someone wants
// to look at a binary string that is not a GUID
// or a SID.
*ppBuffer = new WCHAR[MAXSTR+1]; if (!(*ppBuffer)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return hr; } //Security Review:Correct Buffer size is passed.
ZeroMemory(*ppBuffer, (MAXSTR+1) * sizeof(WCHAR));
//Special case objectguid and objectsid attribute
//Security Review:pszAttrName is null terminated
if(pszAttrName && !_wcsicmp(pszAttrName, L"objectguid")) { GUID *pguid = (GUID*)pValues->OctetString.lpValue; StringFromGUID2(*pguid,(LPOLESTR)*ppBuffer,MAXSTR); break; } //Security Review:pszAttrName is null terminated
if(pszAttrName && !_wcsicmp(pszAttrName, L"objectsid")) { LPWSTR pszSid = NULL; PSID pSid = (PSID)pValues->OctetString.lpValue; if(ConvertSidToStringSid(pSid, &pszSid)) { //Security Review:
wcsncpy(*ppBuffer,pszSid,MAXSTR); //Change ppBuffer size to MAXSTR+1, yanggao
LocalFree(pszSid); break; } }
for ( DWORD idx=0; idx<pValues->OctetString.dwLength; idx++) { b = ((BYTE *)pValues->OctetString.lpValue)[idx]; //Security Review:Usage is safe. Filed a generic bug to replace
//wsprintf with strsafe api.
wsprintf(sOctet,L"0x%02x ", b); //sOctet is null terminated.
dwLen += static_cast<DWORD>(wcslen(sOctet)); if(dwLen > (MAXSTR - 1) ) break; else wcscat(*ppBuffer,sOctet); } } break; case ADSTYPE_LARGE_INTEGER : { CComBSTR strLarge; LARGE_INTEGER li = pValues->LargeInteger; litow(li, strLarge);
UINT length = strLarge.Length(); *ppBuffer = new WCHAR[length + 1]; if (!(*ppBuffer)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return hr; } //Security Review:Correct Buffer size is passed.
ZeroMemory(*ppBuffer, (length + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); //Security Review:wcsncpy will copy length char
//length + 1 is already set to zero so we are fine.
wcsncpy(*ppBuffer,strLarge,length); } break; case ADSTYPE_UTC_TIME : // The longest date can be 20 characters including the NULL
*ppBuffer = new WCHAR[20]; if (!(*ppBuffer)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return hr; } ZeroMemory(*ppBuffer, sizeof(WCHAR) * 20); //Security Review:Usage is safe. Filed a generic bug to replace
//wsprintf with strsafe api.
wsprintf(*ppBuffer, L"%02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d", pValues->UTCTime.wMonth, pValues->UTCTime.wDay, pValues->UTCTime.wYear, pValues->UTCTime.wHour, pValues->UTCTime.wMinute, pValues->UTCTime.wSecond ); break;
case ADSTYPE_NT_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR: // I use the ACLEditor instead
{ //ISSUE:2000/01/05-hiteshr
//I am not sure what to do with the NT_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR and also
//with someother datatypes not coverd by dsquery.
} break;
default : break; } return S_OK; }
// Member: CFormatInfo::CFormatInfo
// Synopsis: Constructor for the format info class
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// History: 17-Oct-2000 JeffJon Created
CFormatInfo::CFormatInfo() : m_bInitialized(false), m_bListFormat(false), m_bQuiet(false), m_dwSampleSize(0), m_dwTotalRows(0), m_dwNumColumns(0), m_pColWidth(NULL), m_ppDisplayInfoArray(NULL) {};
// Member: CFormatInfo::~CFormatInfo
// Synopsis: Destructor for the format info class
// Arguments:
// Returns:
// History: 17-Oct-2000 JeffJon Created
CFormatInfo::~CFormatInfo() { if (m_pColWidth) { delete[] m_pColWidth; m_pColWidth = NULL; }
if (m_ppDisplayInfoArray) { delete[] m_ppDisplayInfoArray; m_ppDisplayInfoArray = NULL; } }
// Member: CFormatInfo::Initialize
// Synopsis: Initializes the CFormatInfo object with the data
// Arguments: [dwSamplesSize IN] : Number of rows to use for formatting info
// [bShowAsList IN] : Display should be in list or table format
// [bQuiet IN] : Don't display anything to stdout
// Returns: HRESULT : S_OK if everything succeeded
// History: 17-Oct-2000 JeffJon Created
HRESULT CFormatInfo::Initialize(DWORD dwSampleSize, bool bShowAsList, bool bQuiet) { ENTER_FUNCTION_HR(LEVEL8_LOGGING, CFormatInfo::Initialize, hr);
do // false loop
{ //
// Validate Parameters
if(!dwSampleSize) { ASSERT(dwSampleSize); hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; } m_dwSampleSize = dwSampleSize; m_bListFormat = bShowAsList; m_bQuiet = bQuiet;
// Allocate the array of rows
m_ppDisplayInfoArray = new PDSGET_DISPLAY_INFO[m_dwSampleSize]; if (!m_ppDisplayInfoArray) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } //Security Review:memset should take m_dwSampleSize*sizeof(PDSGET_DISPLAY_INFO);
//NTRAID#NTBUG9-574395-2002/03/12-hiteshr, fixed, yanggao
memset(m_ppDisplayInfoArray, 0, m_dwSampleSize*sizeof(PDSGET_DISPLAY_INFO));
// We are now initialized
m_bInitialized = true; } while (false);
return hr; };
// Member: CFormatInfo::AddRow
// Synopsis: Cache and update the columns for specified row
// Arguments: [pDisplayInfoArray IN] : Column headers and values
// [dwColumnCount IN] : Number of columns
// Returns: HRESULT : S_OK if everything succeeded
// History: 17-Oct-2000 JeffJon Created
HRESULT CFormatInfo::AddRow(PDSGET_DISPLAY_INFO pDisplayInfo, DWORD dwColumnCount) { ENTER_FUNCTION_HR(LEVEL5_LOGGING, CFormatInfo::AddRow, hr);
do // false loop
{ //
// Make sure we have been initialized
if (!m_bInitialized) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(MINIMAL_LOGGING, L"CFormatInfo::Initialize has not been called yet!"); ASSERT(m_bInitialized); hr = E_FAIL; break; }
// Verify parameters
if (!pDisplayInfo) { ASSERT(pDisplayInfo); hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; }
if (m_bListFormat) { //
// No reason to cache for the list format just output all the name/value pairs
for (DWORD dwIdx = 0; dwIdx < dwColumnCount; dwIdx++) { if (pDisplayInfo[dwIdx].GetValueCount()) { for (DWORD dwValue = 0; dwValue < pDisplayInfo[dwIdx].GetValueCount(); dwValue++) { DisplayList(pDisplayInfo[dwIdx].GetDisplayName(), pDisplayInfo[dwIdx].GetValue(dwValue), pDisplayInfo[dwIdx].ShowAttribute()); } } else { DisplayList(pDisplayInfo[dwIdx].GetDisplayName(), NULL, pDisplayInfo[dwIdx].ShowAttribute()); } } NewLine(); } else // table format
{ //
// Set the row in the array
m_ppDisplayInfoArray[m_dwTotalRows] = pDisplayInfo;
// If this is the first row, update the column count
// and allocate the column widths array
if (m_dwTotalRows == 0) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL8_LOGGING, L"Initializing column count to %d", dwColumnCount);
m_dwNumColumns = dwColumnCount;
m_pColWidth = new DWORD[m_dwNumColumns]; if (!m_pColWidth) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; }
//Security Review:memset should take m_dwNumColumns*sizeof(DWORD);
//NTRAID#NTBUG9-574395-2002/03/12-hiteshr, fixed, yanggao
memset(m_pColWidth, 0, sizeof(m_dwNumColumns*sizeof(DWORD)));
// Set the initial column widths from the column headers
for (DWORD dwIdx = 0; dwIdx < m_dwNumColumns; dwIdx++) { if (pDisplayInfo[dwIdx].GetDisplayName()) { //Security Review:This is fine.
m_pColWidth[dwIdx] = static_cast<DWORD>(wcslen(pDisplayInfo[dwIdx].GetDisplayName())); } else { ASSERT(false); DEBUG_OUTPUT(MINIMAL_LOGGING, L"The display name for column %d wasn't set!", dwIdx); } }
} else { if (m_dwNumColumns != dwColumnCount) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(MINIMAL_LOGGING, L"Column count of new row (%d) does not equal the current column count (%d)", dwColumnCount, m_dwNumColumns); ASSERT(m_dwNumColumns == dwColumnCount); } }
// Go through the columns and update the widths if necessary
for (DWORD dwIdx = 0; dwIdx < m_dwNumColumns; dwIdx++) { for (DWORD dwValue = 0; dwValue < pDisplayInfo[dwIdx].GetValueCount(); dwValue++) { if (pDisplayInfo[dwIdx].GetValue(dwValue)) { //This is fine.
size_t sColWidth = wcslen(pDisplayInfo[dwIdx].GetValue(dwValue)); m_pColWidth[dwIdx] = (DWORD)__max(sColWidth, m_pColWidth[dwIdx]); } } }
// Increment the row count
m_dwTotalRows++; } } while (false);
return hr; }