// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 2000
// File: output.cpp
// Contents: Defines the functions which displays the query output
// History: 05-OCT-2000 hiteshr Created
#include "pch.h"
#include "cstrings.h"
#include "usage.h"
#include "querytable.h"
#include "querybld.h"
#include "dsquery.h"
#include "query.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "output.h"
#include "sddl.h"
#include <dscmn.h>
// list was causing unused formal parameter warnings when compiling with /W4
#pragma warning(disable : 4100)
#include <list>
#pragma warning(default : 4100)
HRESULT GetStringFromADs(IN const ADSVALUE *pValues, IN ADSTYPE dwADsType, OUT LPWSTR* ppBuffer, IN PCWSTR pszAttrName);
HRESULT OutputFetchAttr(IN LPWSTR * ppszAttributes, IN DWORD cAttributes, IN CDSSearch *pSearch, IN BOOL bListFormat);
HRESULT OutputAllAttr(IN CDSSearch *pSearch, BOOL bAttrOnly);
HRESULT OutputSingleAttr(IN LPWSTR * ppszAttributes, IN DWORD cAttributes, IN CDSSearch *pSearch);
BOOL IsQueryLimitReached(int iResultsDisplayed) { if(g_iQueryLimit != 0) { if(iResultsDisplayed == g_iQueryLimit) { if(!g_bQuiet) { if(g_bDeafultLimit) WriteStringIDToStandardErr(IDS_DEFAULT_QUERY_LIMIT_REACHED); else WriteStringIDToStandardErr(IDS_QUERY_LIMIT_REACHED); } return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
HRESULT LocalCopyString(LPTSTR* ppResult, LPCTSTR pString) { if ( !ppResult || !pString ) return E_INVALIDARG;
//pString is NULL terminated.
*ppResult = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, (wcslen(pString)+1)*sizeof(WCHAR) );
if ( !*ppResult ) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
//Correct buffer is allocated above.
lstrcpy(*ppResult, pString); return S_OK; // success
// Function: DisplayList
// Synopsis: Dispalys a name and value in list format.
// Arguments: [szName - IN] : name of the attribute
// [szValue - IN]: value of the attribute
// [bShowAttribute - IN] : if true the attribute name will be
// prepended to the output
// History: 05-OCT-2000 hiteshr Created
// 13-Dec-2000 JeffJon Modified - Added the bShowAttribute flag
// so that the caller can determine whether
// or not to show the attribute name
VOID DisplayList(LPCWSTR szName, LPCWSTR szValue, bool bShowAttribute = true) { if(!szName) return; CComBSTR strTemp; if (bShowAttribute) { strTemp = szName; strTemp += L": "; } if(szValue) strTemp += szValue; DisplayOutput(strTemp); }
// Function: DsQueryOutput
// Synopsis: This functions outputs the query results.
// Arguments: [outputFormat IN] Output format specified at commandline.
// [ppszAttributes IN] List of attributes fetched by query
// [cAttributes,IN] Number of arributes in above array
// [*pSeach,IN] Search Object which has queryhandle
// [bListFormat IN] Is Output to shown in List Format.
// This is valid for "dsquery *" only.
// Returns: HRESULT : S_OK if everything succeeded
// Anything else is a failure code from an ADSI call
// History: 25-Sep-2000 hiteshr Created
HRESULT DsQueryOutput( IN DSQUERY_OUTPUT_FORMAT outputFormat, IN LPWSTR * ppszAttributes, IN DWORD cAttributes, IN CDSSearch *pSearch, IN BOOL bListFormat ) { ENTER_FUNCTION_HR(FULL_LOGGING, DsQueryOutput, hr);
if(!pSearch) { ASSERT(FALSE); hr = E_INVALIDARG; return hr; }
if(outputFormat == DSQUERY_OUTPUT_ATTRONLY) { hr = OutputAllAttr(pSearch, TRUE); return hr; } else if(outputFormat == DSQUERY_OUTPUT_ATTR) { //
//Attributes to display were specified at command line
if(cAttributes) { hr = OutputFetchAttr(ppszAttributes, cAttributes, pSearch, bListFormat); return hr; } else { //
//No attributes were specified at commandline Display All the attributes.
hr = OutputAllAttr(pSearch, FALSE); return hr; } } else { //
//Do the output for "dsquery objecttype"
hr = OutputSingleAttr(ppszAttributes, cAttributes, pSearch); return hr; } }
// Function: GetServerSearchRoot
// Synopsis: Builds the path to the root of the search as determined by
// the parameters passed in from the command line.
// Arguments: [pCommandArgs IN] : the table of the command line input
// [refBasePathsInfo IN] : reference to the base paths info
// [refsbstrDN OUT] : reference to a CComBSTR that will
// receive the DN at which to start
// the search
// Returns: SERVER_QUERY_SCOPE : a value from the enumeration that represents
// the scope that will be searched
// History: 11-Dec-2000 JeffJon Created
DWORD GetServerSearchRoot(IN PARG_RECORD pCommandArgs, IN CDSCmdBasePathsInfo& refBasePathsInfo, OUT CComBSTR& refsbstrDN) { ENTER_FUNCTION(LEVEL3_LOGGING, GetServerSearchRoot);
DWORD scope = SERVER_QUERY_SCOPE_FOREST; CComBSTR sbstrRootDN = L"CN=Sites,"; sbstrRootDN += refBasePathsInfo.GetConfigurationNamingContext(); do // false loop
{ //
// Validate parameters
if (!pCommandArgs) { ASSERT(pCommandArgs); break; }
if (pCommandArgs[eServerSite].bDefined && pCommandArgs[eServerSite].strValue) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(FULL_LOGGING, L"Using the site as the root of the search: %s", pCommandArgs[eServerSite].strValue);
// Prepend the named site container to the current root
CComBSTR sbstrTemp = L"CN="; sbstrTemp += pCommandArgs[eServerSite].strValue; sbstrTemp += L","; sbstrTemp += sbstrRootDN; sbstrRootDN = sbstrTemp;
if (pCommandArgs[eServerDomain].bDefined && pCommandArgs[eServerDomain].strValue) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(FULL_LOGGING, L"scope |= SERVER_QUERY_SCOPE_DOMAIN"); scope |= SERVER_QUERY_SCOPE_DOMAIN; }
refsbstrDN = sbstrRootDN; DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"search root = %s", refsbstrDN); DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"search scope = 0x%x", scope); } while (false);
return scope; }
// Function: GetSubnetSearchRoot
// Synopsis: Builds search root path for Subnet. Its always
// cn=subnet,cn=site in configuration container
// Arguments: [refBasePathsInfo IN] : reference to the base paths info
// [refsbstrDN OUT] : reference to a CComBSTR that will
// receive the DN at which to start
// the search
// Returns: HRESULT
// History: 24-April-2001 hiteshr Created
VOID GetSubnetSearchRoot(IN CDSCmdBasePathsInfo& refBasePathsInfo, OUT CComBSTR& refsbstrDN) { ENTER_FUNCTION(LEVEL3_LOGGING, GetSubnetSearchRoot);
refsbstrDN = L"CN=subnets,CN=Sites,"; refsbstrDN += refBasePathsInfo.GetConfigurationNamingContext(); return; }
// Function: GetSiteContainerPath
// Synopsis: Returns the DN for site container in Configuration
// container
// Arguments: [refBasePathsInfo IN] : reference to the base paths info
// [refsbstrDN OUT] : reference to a CComBSTR that will
// receive the DN
// Returns: HRESULT
// History: 24-April-2001 hiteshr Created
VOID GetSiteContainerPath(IN CDSCmdBasePathsInfo& refBasePathsInfo, OUT CComBSTR& refSubSiteSuffix) { ENTER_FUNCTION(LEVEL3_LOGGING, GetSubnetSearchRoot);
refSubSiteSuffix = L"CN=Sites,"; refSubSiteSuffix += refBasePathsInfo.GetConfigurationNamingContext(); return; }
// Function: GetGCList
// Synopsis: Does a search from the passed in path looking for GCs
// Arguments: [pszSearchRootPath IN] : the path to the root of the search
// [refCredObject IN] : reference to the credential object
// [refGCList OUT] : reference to an STL list that will
// take the DNs of the GCs
// Returns: HRESULT : S_OK if everything succeeded
// Anything else is a failure code from an ADSI call
// Remarks: Caller must free all strings added to the list by calling
// SysFreeString()
// History: 08-Dec-2000 JeffJon Created
HRESULT GetGCList( IN PCWSTR pszSearchRootPath, IN const CDSCmdCredentialObject& refCredObject, OUT std::list<BSTR>& refGCList) { ENTER_FUNCTION_HR(LEVEL3_LOGGING, GetGCList, hr);
do // false loop
{ //
// Verify parameters
if (!pszSearchRootPath) { ASSERT(pszSearchRootPath);
hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; }
// Search for NTDSDSA objects that have the options bit set for a GC
CDSSearch gcSearchObj; hr = gcSearchObj.Init(pszSearchRootPath, refCredObject); if (FAILED(hr)) { break; }
// Prepare the search object
PWSTR ppszAttrs[] = { L"distinguishedName" }; DWORD dwAttrCount = sizeof(ppszAttrs)/sizeof(PCWSTR); PWSTR pszGCFilter = L"(&(objectClass=nTDSDSA)(options:LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_BIT_AND_W:=1))";
gcSearchObj.SetFilterString(pszGCFilter); gcSearchObj.SetSearchScope(ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE); gcSearchObj.SetAttributeList(ppszAttrs, dwAttrCount); hr = gcSearchObj.DoQuery(); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"Failed to search for NTDSDSA objects that are GCs: hr = 0x%x", hr); break; }
while (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = gcSearchObj.GetNextRow(); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"GetNextRow() failed: hr = 0x%x", hr); break; }
if (hr == S_ADS_NOMORE_ROWS) { hr = S_OK; break; }
ADS_SEARCH_COLUMN column; //Security Review:Correct Buffer size is passed.
ZeroMemory(&column, sizeof(ADS_SEARCH_COLUMN));
hr = gcSearchObj.GetColumn(ppszAttrs[0], &column); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"Failed to get column %s", ppszAttrs[0]); break; }
//Security Review:Done
ASSERT(0 == _wcsicmp(column.pszAttrName, ppszAttrs[0])); if (column.dwNumValues == 1 && column.pADsValues) { //
// Since the server is really the parent of the NTDSDSA object,
// get the server DN and add it to the list
CComBSTR sbstrParentDN; hr = CPathCracker::GetParentDN(column.pADsValues->DNString, sbstrParentDN); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { refGCList.push_back(sbstrParentDN.Copy()); DEBUG_OUTPUT(FULL_LOGGING, L"GC found: %s", column.pADsValues->DNString); } else { DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"Failed to get the parent DN from the NTDSDSA DN: %s", column.pADsValues->DNString); break; } } else { DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"The column has no values!"); }
hr = gcSearchObj.FreeColumn(&column); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); } } while (false);
return hr; }
// Function: GetFSMOList
// Synopsis: Does a search from the passed in path looking for the FSMO
// role owners
// Arguments: [pszSearchRootPath IN] : the path to the root of the search
// [refBasePathsInfo IN] : reference to the base paths info
// [refCredObject IN] : reference to the credential object
// [pszFSMOArg IN] : the value of the -hasfsmo arg
// [refFSMOList OUT] : reference to the search object that
// will hold the results
// Returns: HRESULT : S_OK if everything succeeded
// Anything else is a failure code from an ADSI call
// Remarks: Caller must free all strings added to the list by calling
// SysFreeString()
// History: 11-Dec-2000 JeffJon Created
HRESULT GetFSMOList( IN PCWSTR pszSearchRootPath, IN CDSCmdBasePathsInfo& refBasePathsInfo, IN const CDSCmdCredentialObject& refCredObject, IN PCWSTR pszFSMOArg, OUT std::list<BSTR>& refFSMOList) { ENTER_FUNCTION_HR(LEVEL3_LOGGING, GetFSMOList, hr);
do // false loop
{ //
// Verify parameters
if (!pszSearchRootPath || !pszFSMOArg) { ASSERT(pszSearchRootPath);
hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; }
//Security Reivew: Both strings are null terminated.
if (0 == _wcsicmp(pszFSMOArg, g_pszSchema)) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"Searching for the schema FSMO holder"); fsmoType = SCHEMA_FSMO; } //Security Reivew: Both strings are null terminated.
else if (0 == _wcsicmp(pszFSMOArg, g_pszName)) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"Searching for the domain naming master FSMO holder"); fsmoType = DOMAIN_NAMING_FSMO; } //Security Reivew: Both strings are null terminated.
else if (0 == _wcsicmp(pszFSMOArg, g_pszInfr)) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"Searching for the infrastructure FSMO holder"); fsmoType = INFRASTUCTURE_FSMO; } //Security Reivew: Both strings are null terminated.
else if (0 == _wcsicmp(pszFSMOArg, g_pszPDC)) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"Searching for the PDC FSMO holder"); fsmoType = PDC_FSMO; } //Security Reivew: Both strings are null terminated.
else if (0 == _wcsicmp(pszFSMOArg, g_pszRID)) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"Searching for the RID FSMO holder"); fsmoType = RID_POOL_FSMO; } else { DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"Unknown FSMO was passed in: %s", pszFSMOArg); hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; }
CComBSTR sbstrServerDN; hr = FindFSMOOwner(refBasePathsInfo, refCredObject, fsmoType, sbstrServerDN); if (FAILED(hr)) { break; } refFSMOList.push_back(sbstrServerDN.Copy()); } while (false);
return hr; }
// Function: IsObjectValidInAllLists
// Synopsis: Determines if the passed in DN exists in the other lists
// Arguments: [pszDN IN] : DN to search for in the lists
// [refGCList IN] : reference to the list of GCs found
// [bUseGCList IN] : if true refGCList will be used to validate DN
// [refFSMOList IN] : reference to the list of FSMO holders found
// [bUseFSMOList IN] : if true refFSMOList will be used to validate DN
// Returns: bool : true if the object is in all valid lists
// false otherwise
// History: 12-Dec-2000 JeffJon Created
bool IsObjectValidInAllLists(IN PCWSTR pszComputerDN, IN PCWSTR pszDN, IN DWORD scope, IN PCWSTR pszDomain, IN const std::list<BSTR>& refGCList, IN bool bUseGCList, IN const std::list<BSTR>& refFSMOList, IN bool bUseFSMOList) { ENTER_FUNCTION(LEVEL3_LOGGING, IsObjectValidInAllLists);
bool bReturn = false; PWSTR pszName = 0; do // false loop
{ //
// Validate parameters
if (!pszDN || !pszComputerDN) { ASSERT(pszDN); ASSERT(pszComputerDN); return false; }
bool bFoundInGCList = false; bool bFoundInFSMOList = false;
DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL7_LOGGING, L"Searching for %s", pszDN);
if (scope & SERVER_QUERY_SCOPE_DOMAIN) { if (!pszDomain) { //
// If no domain was specified there is no way we could find a match
DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"The scope is domain but no domain argument was specified!"); bReturn = false; break; }
DEBUG_OUTPUT(FULL_LOGGING, L"Looking for domain: %s", pszDomain);
// Use CrackName to get the domain name from the DN
HRESULT hr = CrackName(const_cast<PTSTR>(pszComputerDN), &pszName, GET_DNS_DOMAIN_NAME, NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"Failed to crack the DN into a domain name: hr = 0x%x", hr); bReturn = false; break; }
//Both names are null terminated.
if (0 != _wcsicmp(pszName, pszDomain)) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"Domain names don't match"); bReturn = false; break; } }
if (bUseGCList) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"Searching through GC list...");
std::list<PWSTR>::iterator itr; for (itr = refGCList.begin(); itr != refGCList.end(); ++itr) { //Both names are null terminated.
if (0 == _wcsicmp(*itr, pszDN)) { bFoundInGCList = true; break; } } }
if (bUseFSMOList) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"Searching through FSMO list...");
std::list<PWSTR>::iterator itr; for (itr = refFSMOList.begin(); itr != refFSMOList.end(); ++itr) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(FULL_LOGGING, L"Comparing: %s and %s", *itr, pszDN); //Both names are null terminated.
if (0 == _wcsicmp(*itr, pszDN)) { bFoundInFSMOList = true; break; } } }
bReturn = ((bUseGCList && bFoundInGCList) || !bUseGCList) && ((bUseFSMOList && bFoundInFSMOList) || !bUseFSMOList); } while (false);
if(pszName) LocalFree(pszName);
if (bReturn) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"%s is a valid result", pszDN); } else { DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"%s is NOT a valid result", pszDN); }
return bReturn; }
// Function: OutputValidSearchResult
// Synopsis: Determines if the passed in DN exists in the other lists
// Arguments: [refSearchObject - IN] : reference to the object that performed
// the search
// [ppszAttributes - IN] : list of attributes to be displayed
// [cAttributes - IN] : count of attributes in ppszAttributes
// Returns:
// History: 12-Dec-2000 JeffJon Created
void OutputValidSearchResult(IN DSQUERY_OUTPUT_FORMAT outputFormat, IN CDSSearch& refSearchObject, IN PWSTR* ppszAttributes, IN DWORD cAttributes) { ENTER_FUNCTION(LEVEL5_LOGGING, OutputValidSearchResult);
if (!ppszAttributes || cAttributes == 0) { ASSERT(cAttributes > 0); ASSERT(ppszAttributes); return; }
// Output in list format, note that we are only displaying one attribute
// The first attribute in the array must be the one we want to display
ADS_SEARCH_COLUMN ColumnData; hr = refSearchObject.GetColumn(ppszAttributes[0], &ColumnData); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ADSVALUE *pValues = ColumnData.pADsValues; for( DWORD j = 0; j < ColumnData.dwNumValues && pValues; ++j ) { LPWSTR pBuffer = NULL; hr = GetStringFromADs(pValues, ColumnData.dwADsType, &pBuffer, ppszAttributes[0]); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
CComBSTR sbstrTemp; if (outputFormat == DSQUERY_OUTPUT_DN) { sbstrTemp = L"\""; sbstrTemp += pBuffer; sbstrTemp += L"\""; } else { sbstrTemp = pBuffer; } DisplayList(ppszAttributes[0], sbstrTemp, false); delete pBuffer; pBuffer = NULL; } ++pValues; } refSearchObject.FreeColumn(&ColumnData); } }
// Function: DsQueryServerOutput
// Synopsis: This functions outputs the query results for server object.
// Arguments: [outputFormat IN] Output format specified at commandline.
// [ppszAttributes IN] List of attributes fetched by query
// [cAttributes,IN] Number of arributes in above array
// [refServerSearch,IN]reference to the search Object
// [refBasePathsInfo IN] reference to the base paths info
// [pCommandArgs,IN] The pointer to the commands table
// Returns: HRESULT : S_OK if everything succeeded
// Anything else is a failure code from an ADSI call
// History: 08-Dec-2000 JeffJon Created
HRESULT DsQueryServerOutput( IN DSQUERY_OUTPUT_FORMAT outputFormat, IN LPWSTR* ppszAttributes, IN DWORD cAttributes, IN CDSSearch& refServerSearch, IN const CDSCmdCredentialObject& refCredObject, IN CDSCmdBasePathsInfo& refBasePathsInfo, IN PARG_RECORD pCommandArgs) { ENTER_FUNCTION_HR(LEVEL3_LOGGING, DsQueryServerOutput, hr);
std::list<BSTR> gcList; std::list<BSTR> fsmoList;
do // false loop
{ //
// Validate parameters
if (!ppszAttributes || !pCommandArgs) { ASSERT(ppszAttributes); ASSERT(pCommandArgs); hr = E_INVALIDARG; break; }
// Determine the scope that should be used
CComBSTR sbstrSearchRootDN; DWORD scope = GetServerSearchRoot(pCommandArgs, refBasePathsInfo, sbstrSearchRootDN); CComBSTR sbstrSearchRootPath; refBasePathsInfo.ComposePathFromDN(sbstrSearchRootDN, sbstrSearchRootPath);
// Build the list of GCs if needed
bool bUseGCSearchResults = false; if (pCommandArgs[eServerIsGC].bDefined && pCommandArgs[eServerIsGC].bValue) { hr = GetGCList(sbstrSearchRootPath, refCredObject, gcList); if (FAILED(hr)) { break; }
// If we didn't get any values then there is no reason to continue
// since we won't have anything that matches the -isgc flag
if (gcList.size() < 1) { break; } bUseGCSearchResults = true; }
// Build the list of FSMO owners if needed
bool bUseFSMOSearchResults = false; if (pCommandArgs[eServerHasFSMO].bDefined && pCommandArgs[eServerHasFSMO].strValue) { hr = GetFSMOList(sbstrSearchRootPath, refBasePathsInfo, refCredObject, pCommandArgs[eServerHasFSMO].strValue, fsmoList); if (FAILED(hr)) { break; } bUseFSMOSearchResults = true; }
// See if we need to filter on domain
bool bUseDomainFiltering = false; if (pCommandArgs[eServerDomain].bDefined && pCommandArgs[eServerDomain].strValue) { bUseDomainFiltering = true; }
if (!bUseGCSearchResults && !bUseFSMOSearchResults && !bUseDomainFiltering) { hr = DsQueryOutput(outputFormat, ppszAttributes, cAttributes, &refServerSearch, true); } else { //
// Either -isgc or -hasfsmo was specified so we have to take the intersection
// of the lists of objects found in each search to use as output
while (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = refServerSearch.GetNextRow(); if (FAILED(hr)) { break; }
if (hr == S_ADS_NOMORE_ROWS) { hr = S_OK; break; } ADS_SEARCH_COLUMN computerColumn; //Security Review:Correct Buffer size is passed.
ZeroMemory(&computerColumn, sizeof(ADS_SEARCH_COLUMN));
// Get the DN
hr = refServerSearch.GetColumn((PWSTR)g_szAttrServerReference, &computerColumn); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"Failed to get the server reference for a column: hr = 0x%x", hr); DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"continuing..."); hr = S_OK; continue; }
ADS_SEARCH_COLUMN serverColumn; //Security Review:Correct Buffer size is passed.
ZeroMemory(&serverColumn, sizeof(ADS_SEARCH_COLUMN));
hr = refServerSearch.GetColumn((PWSTR)g_szAttrDistinguishedName, &serverColumn); if (FAILED(hr)) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"Failed to get the distinguishedName for a column: hr = 0x%x", hr); DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"continuing..."); hr = S_OK; continue; }
if (computerColumn.dwNumValues == 1 && computerColumn.pADsValues && serverColumn.dwNumValues == 1 && serverColumn.pADsValues) { //
// Search the lists and determine if the DN exists in all the lists
bool bValidEntry = IsObjectValidInAllLists(computerColumn.pADsValues->DNString, serverColumn.pADsValues->DNString, scope, pCommandArgs[eServerDomain].strValue, gcList, bUseGCSearchResults, fsmoList, bUseFSMOSearchResults); if (bValidEntry) { //
// Output this server object since it matches all search criteria
OutputValidSearchResult(outputFormat, refServerSearch, ppszAttributes, cAttributes); } }
hr = refServerSearch.FreeColumn(&computerColumn); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); } }
} while (false);
std::list<BSTR>::iterator gcItr; for (gcItr = gcList.begin(); gcItr != gcList.end(); ++gcItr) { // Prefast will bark at this but it is correct. The container
// is filled with BSTRs which need to be freed using SysFreeString
SysFreeString(*gcItr); }
std::list<BSTR>::iterator fsmoItr; for (fsmoItr = fsmoList.begin(); fsmoItr != fsmoList.end(); ++fsmoItr) { // Prefast will bark at this but it is correct. The container
// is filled with BSTRs which need to be freed using SysFreeString
SysFreeString(*fsmoItr); }
return hr; }
// Function: OutputFetchAttr
// Synopsis: Dispalys the fetched attributes in either list or table format
// Arguments: [ppszAttributes - IN] : Array containing list of attributes to display
// [cAttributes - IN]: Count of attributes in ppszAttributes
// [pSearch - IN]: pointer to search object
// [bListFormat - IN]: List or Table format
// Returns HRESULT S_OK if Successful
// Anything else is a failure code from an ADSI call
// History: 05-OCT-2000 hiteshr Created
HRESULT OutputFetchAttr(IN LPWSTR * ppszAttributes, IN DWORD cAttributes, IN CDSSearch *pSearch, IN BOOL bListFormat) { ENTER_FUNCTION_HR(FULL_LOGGING, OutputFetchAttr, hr);
if(bListFormat) { //
//Display in list format
int cListDisplayed = 0; while(TRUE) { hr = pSearch->GetNextRow();
if(IsQueryLimitReached(cListDisplayed)) break; if(hr == S_ADS_NOMORE_ROWS || FAILED(hr)) break;
bool bShowAttributes = false; if (cAttributes > 1) { bShowAttributes = true; }
for(DWORD i = 0; i < cAttributes; ++i) { ADS_SEARCH_COLUMN ColumnData; hr = pSearch->GetColumn(ppszAttributes[i], &ColumnData); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ADSVALUE *pValues = ColumnData.pADsValues; for( DWORD j = 0; j < ColumnData.dwNumValues; ++j ) { LPWSTR pBuffer = NULL; hr = GetStringFromADs(pValues, ColumnData.dwADsType, &pBuffer, ppszAttributes[i]); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DisplayList(ppszAttributes[i], pBuffer, bShowAttributes); delete pBuffer; pBuffer = NULL; }
++pValues; } pSearch->FreeColumn(&ColumnData); } else if(hr == E_ADS_COLUMN_NOT_SET) DisplayList(ppszAttributes[i], L"", bShowAttributes); } cListDisplayed++; } if(hr == S_ADS_NOMORE_ROWS) hr = S_OK;
return hr; } else { //
//Display in table format
//format will use first 80 rows to calculate column width
CFormatInfo format; LONG sampleSize = 80;
//sampleSize should be lessthan or equal to QueryLimit
if(g_iQueryLimit != 0 && (sampleSize > g_iQueryLimit)) sampleSize = g_iQueryLimit;
LONG cRow = 0; hr = format.Init(sampleSize,cAttributes,ppszAttributes); if(FAILED(hr)) return hr;
//Display in table format
while(TRUE) {
//we have reached sampleSize, so display column headers and
//display all the sample rows.
if(cRow == sampleSize) { format.DisplayHeaders(); format.DisplayAllRows(); }
hr = pSearch->GetNextRow(); //We are done
if(hr == S_ADS_NOMORE_ROWS || FAILED(hr)) break;
//Check if we have reached querylimit
if(IsQueryLimitReached(cRow)) break;
//Fetch columns
for( DWORD i = 0; i < cAttributes; ++i ) { ADS_SEARCH_COLUMN ColumnData; hr = pSearch->GetColumn(ppszAttributes[i], &ColumnData); CComBSTR strValue; if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { strValue = ""; ADSVALUE *pValues = ColumnData.pADsValues; for( DWORD j = 0; j < ColumnData.dwNumValues; ++j ) { LPWSTR pBuffer = NULL; hr = GetStringFromADs(pValues, ColumnData.dwADsType, &pBuffer, ppszAttributes[i]); //
//In table format multiple values are shown separated by ;
if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { strValue += pBuffer; delete pBuffer; pBuffer = NULL; if(ColumnData.dwNumValues > 1) { strValue += L";"; } } ++pValues; } pSearch->FreeColumn(&ColumnData); } if(SUCCEEDED(hr) || hr == E_ADS_COLUMN_NOT_SET) { if(cRow < sampleSize) { //
//Cache this value in format and use it to calculate column width
format.Set(cRow,i,strValue); } else { //
//Display the column value
format.DisplayColumn(i,strValue); if(i == (cAttributes - 1)) format.NewLine();
} } } ++cRow;
}//End of while loop
if(hr == S_ADS_NOMORE_ROWS) hr = S_OK;
if(cRow && (cRow < sampleSize)) { //
//if total number of rows is less that sample size they are not
//displayed yet. Display them
format.DisplayHeaders(); format.DisplayAllRows(); }
return hr; } }
// Function: OutputSingleAttr
// Synopsis: Displays the single attribute which user has asked for.
// Arguments: [ppszAttributes - IN] : Array containing list of attributes to display
// [cAttributes - IN]: Count of attributes in ppszAttributes. Should be 1
// [pSearch - IN]: pointer to search object
// Returns HRESULT S_OK if Successful
// Anything else is a failure code from an ADSI call
// History: 05-OCT-2000 hiteshr Created
HRESULT OutputSingleAttr(IN LPWSTR * ppszAttributes, IN DWORD cAttributes, IN CDSSearch *pSearch) { ENTER_FUNCTION_HR(FULL_LOGGING, OutputSingleAttr, hr);
if(!ppszAttributes || !cAttributes || !pSearch) { ASSERT(FALSE); hr = E_INVALIDARG; return hr; }
ASSERT(cAttributes > 0);
LONG cRow = 0;
while(TRUE) { hr = pSearch->GetNextRow(); //We are done
if(hr == S_ADS_NOMORE_ROWS || FAILED(hr)) break; //
//Check if we have reached querylimit
if(IsQueryLimitReached(cRow)) break;
ADS_SEARCH_COLUMN ColumnData; hr = pSearch->GetColumn(ppszAttributes[0], &ColumnData); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LPWSTR pBuffer = NULL; hr = GetStringFromADs(ColumnData.pADsValues, ColumnData.dwADsType, &pBuffer, ppszAttributes[0]); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //Display the output enclosed in Double Quotes
CComBSTR strTemp; strTemp = L"\"" ; strTemp += pBuffer; strTemp += L"\""; DisplayOutput(strTemp); delete pBuffer; pBuffer = NULL; } pSearch->FreeColumn(&ColumnData); } else if(hr == E_ADS_COLUMN_NOT_SET) { //
//If Attribute is not set display ""
DisplayOutput(L"\"\""); } //
//Increment number of Row displayed
cRow++; }//End of while loop
if(hr == S_ADS_NOMORE_ROWS) hr = S_OK;
return hr; }
// Function: OutputAllAttr
// Synopsis: Displays all the attributes.
// Arguments: [pSearch - IN]: pointer to search object
// [bAttrOnly - IN]: display attributes names only
// Returns HRESULT S_OK if Successful
// Anything else is a failure code from an ADSI
// call
// History: 05-OCT-2000 hiteshr Created
HRESULT OutputAllAttr(IN CDSSearch *pSearch, BOOL bAttrOnly) { ENTER_FUNCTION_HR(FULL_LOGGING, OutputAllAttr, hr);
if(!pSearch) { ASSERT(FALSE); hr = E_INVALIDARG; return hr; } LONG cRow = 0;
while(TRUE) { hr = pSearch->GetNextRow(); //We are done
if(hr == S_ADS_NOMORE_ROWS || FAILED(hr)) break;
//Check if we reached querylimit
if(IsQueryLimitReached(cRow)) break; LPWSTR pszColumnName; BOOL bColumnNameDisplayed = FALSE; //
//Get the name of next column which has value
while(pSearch->GetNextColumnName(&pszColumnName) != S_ADS_NOMORE_COLUMNS) { WCHAR szBuffer[MAXSTR];
if(bAttrOnly) { //Security Review:Replace with strsafe api
//Its fine to truncate.
hr = StringCchPrintf(szBuffer,MAXSTR, L"%ws ", pszColumnName); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DisplayOutputNoNewline(szBuffer); bColumnNameDisplayed = TRUE; } } else { ADS_SEARCH_COLUMN ColumnData; hr = pSearch->GetColumn(pszColumnName, &ColumnData); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { ADSVALUE *pValues = ColumnData.pADsValues; for( DWORD j = 0; j < ColumnData.dwNumValues; ++j ) { LPWSTR pBuffer = NULL; hr = GetStringFromADs(pValues, ColumnData.dwADsType, &pBuffer, pszColumnName); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DisplayList(pszColumnName, pBuffer); delete pBuffer; pBuffer = NULL; } ++pValues; } pSearch->FreeColumn(&ColumnData); } else if(hr == E_ADS_COLUMN_NOT_SET) DisplayList(pszColumnName, L""); } pSearch->FreeColumnName(pszColumnName); }
if(bAttrOnly) { if(bColumnNameDisplayed) { DisplayOutputNoNewline(L"\r\n"); cRow++; } } else cRow++;
}//End of while loop
if(hr == S_ADS_NOMORE_ROWS) hr = S_OK;
return hr; }
// Function: GetStringFromADs
// Synopsis: Converts Value into string depending upon type
// Arguments: [pValues - IN]: Value to be converted to string
// [dwADsType-IN]: ADSTYPE of pValue
// [pBuffer - OUT]:Output buffer which gets the string
// [dwBufferLen-IN]:Size of output buffer
// [pszAttrName-IN]:Name of the attribute being formatted
// Returns HRESULT S_OK if Successful
// Anything else is a failure code from an ADSI
// call
// History: 05-OCT-2000 hiteshr Created
HRESULT GetStringFromADs(IN const ADSVALUE *pValues, IN ADSTYPE dwADsType, OUT LPWSTR* ppBuffer, IN PCWSTR pszAttrName) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if(!pValues || !ppBuffer) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_INVALIDARG; } if( dwADsType == ADSTYPE_INVALID ) { return E_INVALIDARG; } switch( dwADsType ) { case ADSTYPE_DN_STRING : { CComBSTR sbstrOutputDN; hr = GetOutputDN( &sbstrOutputDN, pValues->DNString ); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; UINT length = sbstrOutputDN.Length(); *ppBuffer = new WCHAR[length + 1]; if (!(*ppBuffer)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return hr; } //Security Review:Correct Buffer size is passed.
ZeroMemory(*ppBuffer, (length + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); //Security Review:wcsncpy will copy length char
//lenght + 1 is already set to zero so we are fine.
wcsncpy(*ppBuffer, (BSTR)sbstrOutputDN, length); } break; case ADSTYPE_CASE_EXACT_STRING : { //Security Review:This is null terminated.
size_t length = wcslen(pValues->CaseExactString); *ppBuffer = new WCHAR[length + 1]; if (!(*ppBuffer)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return hr; } //Security Review:Correct Buffer size is passed.
ZeroMemory(*ppBuffer, (length + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); //Security Review:wcsncpy will copy length char
//lenght + 1 is already set to zero so we are fine.
wcsncpy(*ppBuffer ,pValues->CaseExactString, length); } break; case ADSTYPE_CASE_IGNORE_STRING: { size_t length = wcslen(pValues->CaseIgnoreString); *ppBuffer = new WCHAR[length + 1]; if (!(*ppBuffer)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return hr; } //Security Review:Correct Buffer size is passed.
ZeroMemory(*ppBuffer, (length + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); //Security Review:wcsncpy will copy length char
//lenght + 1 is already set to zero so we are fine.
wcsncpy(*ppBuffer ,pValues->CaseIgnoreString, length); } break; case ADSTYPE_PRINTABLE_STRING : { //Security Review:Null terminated string.
size_t length = wcslen(pValues->PrintableString); *ppBuffer = new WCHAR[length + 1]; if (!(*ppBuffer)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return hr; } //Security Review:Correct Buffer size is passed.
ZeroMemory(*ppBuffer, (length + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); //Security Review:wcsncpy will copy length char
//lenght + 1 is already set to zero so we are fine.
wcsncpy(*ppBuffer ,pValues->PrintableString, length); } break; case ADSTYPE_NUMERIC_STRING : { //Security Review:Null terminated string.
size_t length = wcslen(pValues->NumericString); *ppBuffer = new WCHAR[length + 1]; if (!(*ppBuffer)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return hr; } //Security Review:Correct Buffer size is passed.
ZeroMemory(*ppBuffer, (length + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); //Security Review:wcsncpy will copy length char
//lenght + 1 is already set to zero so we are fine.
wcsncpy(*ppBuffer ,pValues->NumericString, length); } break; case ADSTYPE_OBJECT_CLASS : { //Security Review:Null terminated string.
size_t length = wcslen(pValues->ClassName); *ppBuffer = new WCHAR[length + 1]; if (!(*ppBuffer)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return hr; } //Security Review:Correct Buffer size is passed.
ZeroMemory(*ppBuffer, (length + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); //Security Review:wcsncpy will copy length char
//length + 1 is already set to zero so we are fine.
wcsncpy(*ppBuffer ,pValues->ClassName, length); } break; case ADSTYPE_BOOLEAN : { size_t length = 0; if (pValues->Boolean) { length = wcslen(L"TRUE"); *ppBuffer = new WCHAR[length + 1]; } else { length = wcslen(L"FALSE"); *ppBuffer = new WCHAR[length + 1]; } if (!(*ppBuffer)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return hr; } //Security Review:Correct Buffer size is passed.
ZeroMemory(*ppBuffer, (length + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); //Security Review:Replace with strsafe api
hr = StringCchPrintf(*ppBuffer ,length + 1,L"%s", ((DWORD)pValues->Boolean) ? L"TRUE" : L"FALSE"); if(FAILED(hr)) { delete[] *ppBuffer; *ppBuffer = NULL; return hr; }
} break; case ADSTYPE_INTEGER : // Just allocate too much...
*ppBuffer = new WCHAR[MAXSTR]; if (!(*ppBuffer)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return hr; } //Security Review:Correct Buffer size is passed.
ZeroMemory(*ppBuffer, MAXSTR * sizeof(WCHAR)); //Security Review:Replace with strsafe api
hr = StringCchPrintf(*ppBuffer,MAXSTR ,L"%d", (DWORD) pValues->Integer); if(FAILED(hr)) { delete[] *ppBuffer; *ppBuffer = NULL; return hr; } break; case ADSTYPE_OCTET_STRING : { // I am just going to limit the buffer to MAXSTR.
// It will be a rare occasion when someone wants
// to look at a binary string that is not a GUID
// or a SID.
*ppBuffer = new WCHAR[MAXSTR]; if (!(*ppBuffer)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return hr; } //Security Review:Correct Buffer size is passed.
ZeroMemory(*ppBuffer, MAXSTR * sizeof(WCHAR)); //
//Special case objectguid and objectsid and sid history attribute
//Security Review:pszAttrName is null terminated
if(pszAttrName && !_wcsicmp(pszAttrName, L"objectguid")) { GUID *pguid = (GUID*)pValues->OctetString.lpValue; StringFromGUID2(*pguid,(LPOLESTR)*ppBuffer,MAXSTR); break; } //Security Review:pszAttrName is null terminated
if(pszAttrName && (!_wcsicmp(pszAttrName, L"objectsid") || !_wcsicmp(pszAttrName, L"sidhistory"))) { LPWSTR pszSid = NULL; PSID pSid = (PSID)pValues->OctetString.lpValue; if(ConvertSidToStringSid(pSid, &pszSid)) { LocalFree(pszSid); //Security Review:
//Its fine to truncate
hr = StringCchCopy(*ppBuffer,MAXSTR,pszSid); if(FAILED(hr)) { delete[] *ppBuffer; *ppBuffer = NULL; return hr; } break; } } for ( DWORD idx=0; idx<pValues->OctetString.dwLength; idx++) { BYTE b = ((BYTE *)pValues->OctetString.lpValue)[idx]; //Security Review:Replace with strsafe api
WCHAR sOctet[128]; hr = StringCchPrintf(sOctet,128,L"0x%02x ", b); if(FAILED(hr)) { delete[] *ppBuffer; *ppBuffer = NULL; return hr; }
if(FAILED(StringCchCat(*ppBuffer,MAXSTR,sOctet))) { //We are truncating the string. We will display only
//MAXSTR -1 chars.
break; } } } break; case ADSTYPE_LARGE_INTEGER : { CComBSTR strLarge; LARGE_INTEGER li = pValues->LargeInteger; litow(li, strLarge); UINT length = strLarge.Length(); *ppBuffer = new WCHAR[length + 1]; if (!(*ppBuffer)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return hr; } //Security Review:Correct Buffer size is passed.
ZeroMemory(*ppBuffer, (length + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); //Security Review:wcsncpy will copy length char
//length + 1 is already set to zero so we are fine.
wcsncpy(*ppBuffer,strLarge,length); } break; case ADSTYPE_UTC_TIME : // The longest date can be 20 characters including the NULL
*ppBuffer = new WCHAR[20]; if (!(*ppBuffer)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return hr; } //Security Review:Correct Buffer size is passed.
ZeroMemory(*ppBuffer, sizeof(WCHAR) * 20); //Security Review:Replace with strsafe api
hr = StringCchPrintf(*ppBuffer,20, L"%02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d", pValues->UTCTime.wMonth, pValues->UTCTime.wDay, pValues->UTCTime.wYear, pValues->UTCTime.wHour, pValues->UTCTime.wMinute, pValues->UTCTime.wSecond ); //This should never fail
if(FAILED(hr)) { ASSERT(FALSE); delete[] *ppBuffer; *ppBuffer = NULL; return hr; } break; case ADSTYPE_NT_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR: // I use the ACLEditor instead
{ if((pValues->SecurityDescriptor).lpValue) { LPWSTR pszSD = NULL; ULONG lLen = 0; if(ConvertSecurityDescriptorToStringSecurityDescriptor( (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR )((pValues->SecurityDescriptor).lpValue), SDDL_REVISION_1, OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION|GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION|DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION|SACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, &pszSD, &lLen)) { if(pszSD) { //pszSD is null terminated.
size_t length = wcslen(pszSD); *ppBuffer = new WCHAR[length + 1]; if (!(*ppBuffer)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; return hr; } //Security Review:Correct Buffer size is passed.
ZeroMemory(*ppBuffer, sizeof(WCHAR) * (length+1)); //Security Review:wcsncpy will copy length char
//length + 1 is already set to zero so we are fine.
wcsncpy(*ppBuffer,pszSD,length); LocalFree(pszSD); } } } } break; default : break; } return S_OK; }