// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 2000
// File: querybld.cpp
// Contents: Contains implementatin of functions to build query.
// History: 24-Sep-2000 Hiteshr Created
#include "pch.h"
#include "cstrings.h"
#include "querytable.h"
#include "usage.h"
#include "querybld.h"
#include "resource.h" // For IDS_MSG_INVALID_ACCT_ERROR
#include <lmaccess.h> // UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE and UF_DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD
#include <ntldap.h> // LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_BIT_AND_W
#include <Sddl.h> // For ConvertSidToStringSid
static const LPWSTR g_szUserAccountCtrlQuery = L"(userAccountControl:" LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_BIT_AND_W L":=%u)"; static const LPWSTR g_szServerIsGCQuery = L"(&(objectCategory=NTDS-DSA)(options:" LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_BIT_AND_W L":=1))";
static const LPWSTR g_szCommonQueryFormat= L"(%s=%s)";
// Function: LdapEscape
// Synopsis: Escape the characters in *[pszInput] as required by
// RFC 2254.
// Arguments: [pszInput] - string to escape
// History: 06-23-2000 DavidMun Created
// Notes: RFC 2254
// If a value should contain any of the following characters
// Character ASCII value
// ---------------------------
// * 0x2a
// ( 0x28
// ) 0x29
// \ 0x5c
// NUL 0x00
// the character must be encoded as the backslash '\'
// character (ASCII 0x5c) followed by the two hexadecimal
// digits representing the ASCII value of the encoded
// character. The case of the two hexadecimal digits is not
// significant.
bool LdapEscape(IN LPCWSTR pszInput, OUT CComBSTR& strFilter) { if(!pszInput) return FALSE;
//Security Review:pszInput is null terminated.
int iLen = (int)wcslen(pszInput); for( int i = 0; i < iLen; ++i) { switch (*(pszInput+i)) { case L'(': strFilter += L"\\28"; break;
case L')': strFilter += L"\\29"; break;
case L'\\': if( i + 1 < iLen ) { // \\ is treated as '\'
switch (*(pszInput+i + 1)) { case L'\\': strFilter += L"\\5c"; i++; break; // \* is treated as '*'
case L'*': strFilter += L"\\2a"; i++; break; default: // \X is treated \X only
strFilter += L"\\5c"; break; } } else strFilter += L"\\5c"; break;
default: strFilter.Append(pszInput+i,1); break; } } return TRUE; }
HRESULT MakeQuery(IN LPCWSTR pszAttrName, IN LPCWSTR pszCommandLineFilter, OUT CComBSTR& strFilter) { ENTER_FUNCTION_HR(LEVEL3_LOGGING, MakeQuery, hr);
if(!pszAttrName || !pszCommandLineFilter) { ASSERT(FALSE); hr = E_INVALIDARG; return hr; }
CComBSTR strEscapedCLFilter; LdapEscape(pszCommandLineFilter,strEscapedCLFilter);
strFilter = L"("; strFilter += pszAttrName; strFilter += L"="; strFilter += strEscapedCLFilter; strFilter += L")"; return hr; }
// Function: CommonFilterFunc
// Synopsis: This function takes the input filter from the commandline
// and converts it into ldapfilter.
// For ex -user (ab* | bc*) is converted to |(cn=ab*)(cn=bc*)
// The pEntry->pszName given the attribute name to use in
// filter( cn in above example).
// Arguments: [pRecord - IN] : the command line argument structure used
// to retrieve the filter entered by user
// [pObjectEntry - IN] : pointer to the DSQUERY_ATTR_TABLE_ENTRY
// which has info on attribute corresponding
// switch in pRecord
// [pVoid - IN] :Not used.
// [strFilter - OUT] :Contains the output filter.
// Returns: HRESULT : S_OK if everything succeeded
// E_INVALIDARG if the object entry wasn't found
// Anything else is a failure code from an ADSI call
// History: 25-Sep-2000 hiteshr Created
HRESULT CommonFilterFunc(IN DSQUERY_ATTR_TABLE_ENTRY *pEntry, IN ARG_RECORD* pRecord, IN CDSCmdBasePathsInfo& /*refBasePathsInfo*/, IN CDSCmdCredentialObject& /*refCredentialObject*/, IN PVOID , OUT CComBSTR& strFilter) { ENTER_FUNCTION_HR(LEVEL3_LOGGING, CommonFilterFunc, hr);
//validate input
if( !pEntry || !pRecord //validate DSQUERY_ATTR_TABLE_ENTRY entry
|| !pEntry->pszName || !pEntry->nAttributeID //validate pRecord
|| !pRecord->bDefined || !pRecord->strValue) { ASSERT(FALSE); hr = E_INVALIDARG; return hr; }
//Make Query
hr = MakeQuery(pEntry->pszName, pRecord->strValue, strFilter);
DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"filter = %s", strFilter); return hr; }
// Function: StarFilterFunc
// Synopsis: Filter Function for dsquery *. It returns the value of
// -filter flag.
// Arguments: [pRecord - IN] : the command line argument structure used
// to retrieve the filter entered by user
// [pObjectEntry - IN] : pointer to the DSQUERY_ATTR_TABLE_ENTRY
// which has info on attribute corresponding
// switch in pRecord
// [pVoid - IN] :Not used.
// [strFilter - OUT] :Contains the output filter.
// Returns: HRESULT : S_OK if everything succeeded
// E_INVALIDARG if the object entry wasn't found
// Anything else is a failure code from an ADSI call
// History: 25-Sep-2000 hiteshr Created
HRESULT StarFilterFunc(IN DSQUERY_ATTR_TABLE_ENTRY *pEntry, IN ARG_RECORD* pRecord, IN CDSCmdBasePathsInfo& /*refBasePathsInfo*/, IN CDSCmdCredentialObject& /*refCredentialObject*/, IN PVOID , OUT CComBSTR& strFilter) { ENTER_FUNCTION_HR(LEVEL3_LOGGING, StarFilterFunc, hr);
//validate input
if(!pEntry || !pRecord //validate DSQUERY_ATTR_TABLE_ENTRY entry
|| !pEntry->nAttributeID //validate pRecord
|| !pRecord->bDefined || !pRecord->strValue) { ASSERT(FALSE); hr = E_INVALIDARG; return hr; }
strFilter = pRecord->strValue; DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"filter = %s", strFilter);
return hr; }
// Function: InactiveComputerFilterFunc
// Synopsis: Filter Function for computer inactive query.
// Arguments: [pRecord - IN] : Not Used
// [pObjectEntry - IN] : Not Used
// [pVoid - IN] :Not used.
// [strFilter - OUT] :Contains the output filter.
// Returns: HRESULT : S_OK if everything succeeded
// E_INVALIDARG if the object entry wasn't found
// Anything else is a failure code from an ADSI call
// History: 06-05-2002 hiteshr Created
HRESULT InactiveComputerFilterFunc(IN DSQUERY_ATTR_TABLE_ENTRY *pEntry, IN ARG_RECORD* pRecord, IN CDSCmdBasePathsInfo& refBasePathsInfo, IN CDSCmdCredentialObject& refCredentialObject, IN PVOID pData, OUT CComBSTR& strFilter) { return InactiveFilterFunc(pEntry, pRecord, refBasePathsInfo, refCredentialObject, pData, strFilter, true); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: InactiveUserFilterFunc
// Synopsis: Filter Function for user inactive query.
// Arguments: [pRecord - IN] : Not Used
// [pObjectEntry - IN] : Not Used
// [pVoid - IN] :Not used.
// [strFilter - OUT] :Contains the output filter.
// Returns: HRESULT : S_OK if everything succeeded
// E_INVALIDARG if the object entry wasn't found
// Anything else is a failure code from an ADSI call
// History: 25-Sep-2000 hiteshr Created
HRESULT InactiveUserFilterFunc(IN DSQUERY_ATTR_TABLE_ENTRY *pEntry, IN ARG_RECORD* pRecord, IN CDSCmdBasePathsInfo& refBasePathsInfo, IN CDSCmdCredentialObject& refCredentialObject, IN PVOID pData, OUT CComBSTR& strFilter) { return InactiveFilterFunc(pEntry, pRecord, refBasePathsInfo, refCredentialObject, pData, strFilter, false); }
// Function: InactiveFilterFunc
// Synopsis: Filter Function for account inactive query.
// Arguments: [pRecord - IN] : Not Used
// [pObjectEntry - IN] : Not Used
// [pVoid - IN] :Not used.
// [strFilter - OUT] :Contains the output filter.
// [bComputer]: if true query is for inactive computer accounts
// Returns: HRESULT : S_OK if everything succeeded
// E_INVALIDARG if the object entry wasn't found
// Anything else is a failure code from an ADSI call
// History: 25-Sep-2000 hiteshr Created
HRESULT InactiveFilterFunc(IN DSQUERY_ATTR_TABLE_ENTRY *pEntry, IN ARG_RECORD* pRecord, IN CDSCmdBasePathsInfo& /*refBasePathsInfo*/, IN CDSCmdCredentialObject& /*refCredentialObject*/, IN PVOID , OUT CComBSTR& strFilter, IN bool bComputer) { ENTER_FUNCTION_HR(LEVEL3_LOGGING, InactiveFilterFunc, hr);
if( !pEntry || !pRecord || !pRecord->bDefined ) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; return hr; }
if(pRecord->nValue < 0 ) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; return hr; }
//Unit at commandline is Week
int nDays = pRecord->nValue * 7;
FILETIME ftCurrent; ::GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ftCurrent);
LARGE_INTEGER li; li.LowPart = ftCurrent.dwLowDateTime; li.HighPart = ftCurrent.dwHighDateTime;
//Get the number of days since the reference time
int nDaysSince1600 = (int)(li.QuadPart/(((LONGLONG) (24 * 60) * 60) * 10000000));
if(nDaysSince1600 < nDays) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; return hr; }
li.QuadPart -= ((((LONGLONG)nDays * 24) * 60) * 60) * 10000000; CComBSTR strTime; litow(li, strTime); WCHAR buffer[256]; //Security Review:Replace with strsafe api
if(bComputer) { //NTRAID#NTBUG9-616892-2002/06/05-hiteshr
//Cluster creates some virtual computers which never update password or login and
//these accounts should not be displayed by dsquery computer -[inactive|stalepwd]
hr = StringCchPrintf(buffer,256,L"(!(serviceprincipalname=msclustervirtualserver/*))(lastLogonTimestamp<=%s)",(LPCWSTR)strTime); } else { hr = StringCchPrintf(buffer,256,L"(lastLogonTimestamp<=%s)",(LPCWSTR)strTime); } if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { strFilter = buffer; DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"filter = %s", strFilter); } return hr; }
// Function: StalepwdComputerFilterFunc
// Synopsis: Filter Function for Stale Computer Password query.
// Arguments: [pRecord - IN] : Not Used
// [pObjectEntry - IN] : Not Used
// [pVoid - IN] :Not used.
// [strFilter - OUT] :Contains the output filter.
// Returns: HRESULT : S_OK if everything succeeded
// E_INVALIDARG if the object entry wasn't found
// Anything else is a failure code from an ADSI call
// History: 25-Sep-2000 hiteshr Created
HRESULT StalepwdComputerFilterFunc(IN DSQUERY_ATTR_TABLE_ENTRY *pEntry, IN ARG_RECORD* pRecord, IN CDSCmdBasePathsInfo& refBasePathsInfo, IN CDSCmdCredentialObject& refCredentialObject, IN PVOID pData, OUT CComBSTR& strFilter) { return StalepwdFilterFunc(pEntry, pRecord, refBasePathsInfo, refCredentialObject, pData, strFilter, true); }
// Function: StalepwdUserFilterFunc
// Synopsis: Filter Function for Stale User Password query.
// Arguments: [pRecord - IN] : Not Used
// [pObjectEntry - IN] : Not Used
// [pVoid - IN] :Not used.
// [strFilter - OUT] :Contains the output filter.
// Returns: HRESULT : S_OK if everything succeeded
// E_INVALIDARG if the object entry wasn't found
// Anything else is a failure code from an ADSI call
// History: 25-Sep-2000 hiteshr Created
HRESULT StalepwdUserFilterFunc(IN DSQUERY_ATTR_TABLE_ENTRY *pEntry, IN ARG_RECORD* pRecord, IN CDSCmdBasePathsInfo& refBasePathsInfo, IN CDSCmdCredentialObject& refCredentialObject, IN PVOID pData, OUT CComBSTR& strFilter) { return StalepwdFilterFunc(pEntry, pRecord, refBasePathsInfo, refCredentialObject, pData, strFilter, false); }
// Function: StalepwdFilterFunc
// Synopsis: Filter Function for Stale Password query.
// Arguments: [pRecord - IN] : Not Used
// [pObjectEntry - IN] : Not Used
// [pVoid - IN] :Not used.
// [strFilter - OUT] :Contains the output filter.
// [bComputer]: if true query is for inactive computer accounts
// Returns: HRESULT : S_OK if everything succeeded
// E_INVALIDARG if the object entry wasn't found
// Anything else is a failure code from an ADSI call
// History: 25-Sep-2000 hiteshr Created
HRESULT StalepwdFilterFunc(IN DSQUERY_ATTR_TABLE_ENTRY *pEntry, IN ARG_RECORD* pRecord, IN CDSCmdBasePathsInfo& /*refBasePathsInfo*/, IN CDSCmdCredentialObject& /*refCredentialObject*/, IN PVOID , OUT CComBSTR& strFilter, bool bComputer) { ENTER_FUNCTION_HR(LEVEL3_LOGGING, StalepwdFilterFunc, hr);
if( !pEntry || !pRecord || !pRecord->bDefined ) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; return hr; }
int nDays = pRecord->nValue;
if(nDays < 0) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; return hr; }
FILETIME ftCurrent; ::GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ftCurrent);
LARGE_INTEGER li; li.LowPart = ftCurrent.dwLowDateTime; li.HighPart = ftCurrent.dwHighDateTime; //
//Get the number of days since the reference time
int nDaysSince1600 = (int)(li.QuadPart/(((LONGLONG) (24 * 60) * 60) * 10000000));
if(nDaysSince1600 < nDays) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; return hr; }
li.QuadPart -= ((((ULONGLONG)nDays * 24) * 60) * 60) * 10000000;
CComBSTR strTime; litow(li, strTime); WCHAR buffer[256]; //Security Review:Replace with strsafe api
if(bComputer) { //NTRAID#NTBUG9-616892-2002/06/05-hiteshr
//Cluster creates some virtual computers which never update password or login and
//these accounts should not be displayed by dsquery computer -[inactive|stalepwd]
hr = StringCchPrintf(buffer,256,L"(!(serviceprincipalname=msclustervirtualserver/*))(pwdLastSet<=%s)",(LPCWSTR)strTime); } else { hr = StringCchPrintf(buffer,256,L"(pwdLastSet<=%s)",(LPCWSTR)strTime); } if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { strFilter = buffer; DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"filter = %s", strFilter); } return hr; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: DisabledFilterFunc
// Synopsis: Filter Function for account disabled query.
// Arguments: [pRecord - IN] : Not Used
// [pObjectEntry - IN] : Not Used
// [pVoid - IN] :Not used.
// [strFilter - OUT] :Contains the output filter.
// Returns: HRESULT : S_OK if everything succeeded
// E_INVALIDARG if the object entry wasn't found
// Anything else is a failure code from an ADSI call
// History: 25-Sep-2000 hiteshr Created
HRESULT DisabledFilterFunc(IN DSQUERY_ATTR_TABLE_ENTRY *, IN ARG_RECORD* , IN CDSCmdBasePathsInfo& /*refBasePathsInfo*/, IN CDSCmdCredentialObject& /*refCredentialObject*/, IN PVOID , OUT CComBSTR& strFilter) { ENTER_FUNCTION_HR(LEVEL3_LOGGING, DisabledFilterFunc, hr);
WCHAR buffer[256]; //This is long enough
//Security Review:Replace with strsafe api
hr = StringCchPrintf(buffer,256,g_szUserAccountCtrlQuery,UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { strFilter = buffer;
DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"filter = %s", strFilter); } return hr; }
// Function: SubnetSiteFilterFunc
// Synopsis: Filter Function for -site switch in dsquery subnet.
// Arguments: [pEntry - IN] : Not Used
// [pRecord - IN] : Command Line value supplied by user
// [pVoid - IN] : suffix for the siteobject attribute.
// [strFilter - OUT] :Contains the output filter.
// Returns: HRESULT : S_OK if everything succeeded
// History: 24-April-2001 hiteshr Created
HRESULT SubnetSiteFilterFunc(IN DSQUERY_ATTR_TABLE_ENTRY *, IN ARG_RECORD* pRecord, IN CDSCmdBasePathsInfo& /*refBasePathsInfo*/, IN CDSCmdCredentialObject& /*refCredentialObject*/, IN PVOID pParam, OUT CComBSTR& strFilter) { ENTER_FUNCTION_HR(LEVEL3_LOGGING, InactiveFilterFunc, hr);
if( !pRecord || !pRecord->bDefined || !pParam) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; return hr; }
CComBSTR strEscapedCLFilter; LdapEscape(pRecord->strValue,strEscapedCLFilter);
strFilter = L"(siteobject=cn="; strFilter += strEscapedCLFilter; strFilter += L","; strFilter += *(static_cast<BSTR*>(pParam)); strFilter += L")"; return hr; }
// Function: BuildQueryFilter
// Synopsis: This function builds the LDAP query filter for given object type.
// Arguments: [pCommandArgs - IN] :the command line argument structure used
// to retrieve the values of switches
// [pObjectEntry - IN] :Contains info about the object type
// [pParam -IN] :This value is passed to filter function.
// [strLDAPFilter - OUT] :Contains the output filter.
// Returns: HRESULT : S_OK if everything succeeded
// E_INVALIDARG if the object entry wasn't found
// Anything else is a failure code from an ADSI call
// History: 25-Sep-2000 hiteshr Created
HRESULT BuildQueryFilter(PARG_RECORD pCommandArgs, PDSQueryObjectTableEntry pObjectEntry, CDSCmdBasePathsInfo& refBasePathsInfo, CDSCmdCredentialObject& refCredentialObject, PVOID pParam, CComBSTR& strLDAPFilter) { ENTER_FUNCTION_HR(LEVEL3_LOGGING, BuildQueryFilter, hr);
if( !pCommandArgs || !pObjectEntry ) { ASSERT(FALSE); hr = E_INVALIDARG; return hr; }
DSQUERY_ATTR_TABLE_ENTRY** pAttributeTable; DWORD dwAttributeCount;
pAttributeTable = pObjectEntry->pAttributeTable; dwAttributeCount = pObjectEntry->dwAttributeCount;
if( !pAttributeTable || !dwAttributeCount ) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; return hr; }
BOOL bUseDefaultFilter = TRUE; CComBSTR strFilter; for( UINT i = 0; i < dwAttributeCount; ++i ) { if(pCommandArgs[pAttributeTable[i]->nAttributeID].bDefined) { bUseDefaultFilter = FALSE; CComBSTR strLocalFilter; hr = pAttributeTable[i]->pMakeFilterFunc(pAttributeTable[i], pCommandArgs + pAttributeTable[i]->nAttributeID, refBasePathsInfo, refCredentialObject, pParam, strLocalFilter); if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; strFilter += strLocalFilter; DEBUG_OUTPUT(FULL_LOGGING, L"Current filter = %s", strFilter); } } //
//If none of the commandline filter switches are specified, use
//default filter
strLDAPFilter = L"("; if(bUseDefaultFilter) { strLDAPFilter += pObjectEntry->pszDefaultFilter; } else { if(pObjectEntry->pszPrefixFilter) { strLDAPFilter += pObjectEntry->pszPrefixFilter; strLDAPFilter += strFilter; } else strLDAPFilter += strFilter; } strLDAPFilter += L")";
DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"ldapfilter = %s", strLDAPFilter); return hr; }
// Function: QLimitFilterFunc
// Synopsis: Filter Function for -qlimit switch in dsquery quota.
// Arguments: [pEntry - IN] : Not Used
// [pRecord - IN] : Command Line value supplied by user
// [pVoid - IN] : unused.
// [strFilter - OUT] :Contains the output filter.
// Returns: HRESULT : S_OK if everything succeeded
// History: 13-Aug-2002 ronmart Created
HRESULT QLimitFilterFunc(IN DSQUERY_ATTR_TABLE_ENTRY *, IN ARG_RECORD* pRecord, IN CDSCmdBasePathsInfo& /*refBasePathsInfo*/, IN CDSCmdCredentialObject& /*refCredentialObject*/, IN PVOID, OUT CComBSTR& strFilter) { ENTER_FUNCTION_HR(LEVEL3_LOGGING, QLimitFilterFunc, hr);
if( !pRecord || !pRecord->bDefined) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; return hr; } // Build the quotaAmount string
strFilter = L"(msDS-QuotaAmount"; strFilter += pRecord->strValue; strFilter += L")"; return hr; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: AccountFilterFunc
// Synopsis: Filter Function for -acct switch in dsquery quota.
// Arguments: [pEntry - IN] : Not Used
// [pRecord - IN] : Command Line value supplied by user
// [pVoid - IN] : Not Used
// [strFilter - OUT] :Contains the output filter.
// Returns: HRESULT : S_OK if everything succeeded
// History: 14-Aug-2002 ronmart Created
HRESULT AccountFilterFunc(IN DSQUERY_ATTR_TABLE_ENTRY *, IN ARG_RECORD* pRecord, IN CDSCmdBasePathsInfo& refBasePathsInfo, IN CDSCmdCredentialObject& refCredentialObject, IN PVOID , OUT CComBSTR& strFilter) { ENTER_FUNCTION_HR(LEVEL3_LOGGING, AccountFilterFunc, hr);
if( !pRecord || !pRecord->bDefined || !refBasePathsInfo.IsInitialized()) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; return hr; }
PWSTR* ppszArray = NULL; // Array of accts from param or STDIN
do // false loop
{ // Get the accts (trustees)
UINT nStrings = 0; ParseNullSeparatedString(pRecord->strValue, &ppszArray, &nStrings); if (nStrings < 1 || !ppszArray) { ASSERT(false); // This should never happen
hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } // Or the return values together
strFilter = L"(|"; // Get a trustee query for each acct
for(UINT i = 0; i < nStrings; i++) { // Append (msDS-QuotaTrustee=<sid>) for this acct
// to the filter
hr = AddSingleAccountFilter(ppszArray[i], refBasePathsInfo, refCredentialObject, strFilter); if(FAILED(hr)) { hr = E_UNEXPECTED; break; } } // Close the query string
strFilter += L")"; } while (false);
// Free the Acct array
if(ppszArray) LocalFree(ppszArray);
// If we failed in the loop then clear out the filter string
if(FAILED(hr)) strFilter = L"";
return hr; }
// Function: AddSingleAccountFilter
// Synopsis: Appends an account string to strFilter for the specified user
// Arguments: [lpszUser - IN] : User whose sid string is requested
// [strFilter - OUT] : Contains the output filter to append to
// Returns: HRESULT : S_OK if everything succeeded
// History: 14-Aug-2002 ronmart Created
HRESULT AddSingleAccountFilter(IN LPCWSTR lpszUser, IN CDSCmdBasePathsInfo& refBasePathsInfo, IN CDSCmdCredentialObject& refCredentialObject, OUT CComBSTR& strFilter) { ENTER_FUNCTION_HR(LEVEL3_LOGGING, AddSingleAccountFilter, hr);
if(!lpszUser) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; return hr; }
do // false loop
{ // TODO: Need to provide the first param
hr = ConvertTrusteeToDN(NULL, lpszUser, &lpszDN); if(FAILED(hr)) { // 700068 - If the user doesn't exist or has been deleted then
// give the user a clue as to what went wrong. 686693 addresses
// the known issue of multiple error messages being displayed
// and may not be addressed until a future release - ronmart
hr = E_INVALIDARG; DisplayErrorMessage(g_pszDSCommandName, 0, hr, IDS_MSG_INVALID_ACCT_ERROR); break; }
// Get the SID
hr = GetDNSid(lpszDN, refBasePathsInfo, refCredentialObject, &pSid); if(FAILED(hr)) { break; }
// Convert the sid to a string
if(ConvertSidToStringSid(pSid, &pszSid)) { DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"ConvertSidToStringSid = %s", pszSid); // APPEND the trustee query with the sid
strFilter += L"(msDS-QuotaTrustee="; strFilter += pszSid; strFilter += L")"; } else { DEBUG_OUTPUT(LEVEL3_LOGGING, L"ConvertSidToStringSid failed!"); hr = E_FAIL; break; }
} while (false);
if(pSid) LocalFree(pSid);
if(pszSid) LocalFree(pszSid);
if(lpszDN) LocalFree(lpszDN);
return hr; }