/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1991 **/ /**********************************************************************/
GETFOCUS.CXX Popup a dialog box and ask for the domain or server name
FILE HISTORY: terryk 18-Nov-1991 Created terryk 26-Nov-1991 Code review changes. reviewed by jonn johnl Yi-HsinS31-Dec-1991 Unicode work - change strlen() to QueryTextSize()
#include <lmui.hxx>
#if defined(DEBUG)
static const CHAR szFileName[] = __FILE__; #define _FILENAME_DEFINED_ONCE szFileName
#include <uiassert.hxx>
#define INCL_BLT_APP
#include <blt.hxx>
#include <string.hxx>
#include <uitrace.hxx>
#include <focusdlg.hxx>
#include <wnetdev.hxx>
extern "C" { #include <uiexport.h>
#include <wnet16.h>
#include <uigenhlp.h>
#define THIS_DLL_NAME SZ("ntlanman.dll")
#define DEFAULT_NETWORK_HELP_FILE SZ("network.hlp")
NAME: I_SystemFocusDialog
SYNOPSIS: Popup a dialog box and get the domain or server name
ENTRY: hwndOwner - owner window handle nSelectionType - Determines what items the user can select pszName - the string buffer which contains the return value. It can be either domain name or server name. ( server name will start with "\\" ) cchBuffSize - the max buf size of pszName pfOK - TRUE if user hits OK button. FALSE if user hits a CANCEL button.
EXIT: LPWSTR pszName - if user hits okay button, it will return either a domain name or a server name. ( server name always starts with "\\" ). It will be undefined if the user hits Cancel button. BOOL *pfOK - TRUE if user hits ok button. FALSE otherwise.
RETURNS: UINT - (APIERR) - NERR_Success if the operation is succeed. NERR_BufTooSmall, the string buffer is too small. It will not set the string if the buffer is too small.
NOTES: The reason the return type is UINT and not APIERR is because APIERR is not a public definition, and this API is exported for public use.
HISTORY: terryk 18-Nov-1991 Created terryk 19-Nov-1991 Name changed JohnL 22-Apr-1992 Allowed inclusion specification
UINT I_SystemFocusDialog( HWND hwndOwner, UINT nSelectionType, LPWSTR pszName, UINT cchBuffSize, BOOL * pfOK, LPWSTR pszHelpFile, DWORD nHelpContext ) { static BOOL fLoadedCurrentDll = FALSE;
APIERR err ; if ( err = InitShellUI() ) { return err ; }
// Because select computer dialog has a second thread,
// we need to do a loadlibrary again to prevent
// the dll from unloading itself while the second thread
// is still active.
// JonN 01/28/00 PREFIX bug 444915
// Because STANDALONE_SET_FOCUS_DLG is liable to launch a second thread
// which will survive DIALOG::Process(), we increment the library
// refcount. We can't decrement it because we don't know when
// this thread will complete, so the library remains loaded
// for the life of the process.
// This is not an ideal solution. The thread should take care of
// its own refcounting needs. However, this is downlevel code
// used only by the oldest clients, and I don't feel comfortable
// making this kind of change which could cause unpredictable problems.
// I think the wisest course is to leave this alone, and continue to
// migrate clients towards Object Picker.
if ( !fLoadedCurrentDll ) { HANDLE handle = ::LoadLibraryEx( THIS_DLL_NAME, NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH ); if ( handle == NULL ) return ::GetLastError(); fLoadedCurrentDll = TRUE; }
UINT nSel = nSelectionType & 0x0000FFFF; ULONG maskDomainSources = nSelectionType >> 16; if ( maskDomainSources == 0 ) maskDomainSources = BROWSE_LM2X_DOMAINS;
enum SELECTION_TYPE seltype ; switch ( nSel ) { case FOCUSDLG_DOMAINS_ONLY: seltype = SEL_DOM_ONLY ; break ;
case FOCUSDLG_SERVERS_ONLY: seltype = SEL_SRV_ONLY ; break ;
default: return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ; }
// Create a standalone set focus dialog box and get the input
// form the user
NLS_STR nlsName; STANDALONE_SET_FOCUS_DLG ssfdlg( hwndOwner, &nlsName, nHelpContext, seltype, maskDomainSources, NULL, pszHelpFile );
err = ssfdlg.Process( pfOK ); if ( err != NERR_Success ) { ::MsgPopup( hwndOwner, err ); *pfOK = FALSE; return err; } if ( *pfOK == TRUE ) { if (( nlsName.QueryTextLength() + 1 ) > cchBuffSize ) { *pfOK = FALSE; return NERR_BufTooSmall; } ::strcpyf( pszName, nlsName.QueryPch() ); }
return NERR_Success; } // GetSystemFocusDialog END
NAME: ServerBrowseDialogA0
SYNOPSIS: dialog box to browse for servers
ENTRY: hwndOwner - owner window handle pszName - the string buffer which contains the return value. It can be either domain name or server name. ( server name will start with "\\" ) cchBuffSize - the max buf size of pszName
EXIT: LPWSTR pszName - if user hits okay button, it will return either a domain name or a server name. ( server name always starts with "\\" ). It will be undefined if the user hits Cancel button.
RETURNS: UINT - (APIERR) - NERR_Success if the operation is succeed. WN_CANCEL - The user cancelled the dialog box. NERR_BufTooSmall, the string buffer is too small. It will not set the string if the buffer is too small.
HISTORY: ChuckC 28-Mar-1993 Created AnirudhS 03-Oct-1995 Handle WN_CANCEL case
DWORD ServerBrowseDialogA0(HWND hwnd, CHAR *pchBuffer, DWORD cchBufSize) { NLS_STR nlsServer ; TCHAR szServer[MAX_PATH] ; BOOL fOK ; UINT err ;
::memsetf(pchBuffer,0,cchBufSize) ;
if (err = (UINT) nlsServer.QueryError()) return err ;
if (err == NERR_Success && !fOK) { err = WN_CANCEL; }
if (err != NERR_Success) return err ;
err = (UINT) nlsServer.CopyFrom(szServer) ; if (err == NERR_Success) { err = (UINT) nlsServer.MapCopyTo(pchBuffer, cchBufSize) ; } return err ; }