Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: PCH_Driver.CPP
Abstract: WBEM provider class implementation for PCH_Driver class
Revision History:
Ghim-Sim Chua (gschua) 04/27/99 - Created
Brijesh Krishnaswami (brijeshk) 05/24/99 - added code for enumerating usermode drivers - added code for enumerating msdos drivers - added code for getting details on kernel mode drivers ********************************************************************/
#include "pchealth.h"
#include "PCH_Driver.h"
#include "drvdefs.h"
#include "shlwapi.h"
#define Not_VxD
#include <vxdldr.h> /* For DeviceInfo */
// tracing stuff
#ifdef THIS_FILE
#undef THIS_FILE
static char __szTraceSourceFile[] = __FILE__; #define THIS_FILE __szTraceSourceFile
#define SYSTEM_INI_MAX 32767
CPCH_Driver MyPCH_DriverSet (PROVIDER_NAME_PCH_DRIVER, PCH_NAMESPACE) ; void MakeSrchDirs(void);
static BOOL fThunkInit = FALSE;
TCHAR g_rgSrchDir[10][MAX_PATH]; UINT g_nSrchDir;
// Property names
const static WCHAR* pCategory = L"Category" ; const static WCHAR* pTimeStamp = L"TimeStamp" ; const static WCHAR* pChange = L"Change" ; const static WCHAR* pDate = L"Date" ; const static WCHAR* pDescription = L"Description" ; const static WCHAR* pLoadedFrom = L"LoadedFrom" ; const static WCHAR* pManufacturer = L"Manufacturer" ; const static WCHAR* pName = L"Name" ; const static WCHAR* pPartOf = L"PartOf" ; const static WCHAR* pPath = L"Path" ; const static WCHAR* pSize = L"Size" ; const static WCHAR* pType = L"Type" ; const static WCHAR* pVersion = L"Version" ;
// Device names
LPSTR c_rgpszDevice[] = { "device", "display", "mouse", "keyboard", "network", "ebios", "fastdisk", "transport", "netcard", "netcard3", "netmisc", "secondnet", NULL };
// IO Subsystem extensions
LPSTR c_rgptszDrvExt[] = { ".DRV", ".MPD", ".PDR", ".VXD", NULL };
// Registry key names
LPCTSTR c_rgptszConfig[] = { TEXT("DevLoader"), TEXT("Contention"), TEXT("Enumerator"), TEXT("Driver"), TEXT("PortDriver"), TEXT("DeviceVxDs"), TEXT("vdd"), TEXT("minivdd"), NULL };
// Known VxDs
// Known VxD Description
LPCTSTR astrKnownVxDsDesc[] = { "Virtual Machine Manager", "Advanced Power Management driver", "Accessibility driver", "Keyboard driver", "Linear aperture video driver", "Plug and Play BIOS driver", "Display driver", "Mouse driver", "Extended BIOS driver", "File sharing driver", "Win32 subsystem driver", "Floppy backup helper driver", "Communications port Plug and Play driver", "Communications buffer driver", "Communications port driver", "Printer driver", "File system manager", "I/O Supervisor", "Print spooler", "FAT filesystem driver", "Cache manager", "Console subsystem driver", "CD-ROM filesystem driver", "BIOS hard disk emulation driver", "Dynamic device driver loader", "Default filesystem driver", "Swapfile driver", "Configuration manager", "Windows 3.1-compatible mouse driver", "Windows 3.1-compatible network helper driver", "Hardware interrupt manager", "Timer device driver", "Ctrl+Alt+Del manager", "Direct Memory Access controller driver", "Speaker driver", "MS-DOS memory manager", "Swapfile manager", "MS-DOS emulation manager", "System idle-time driver", "Shell device driver", "Memory parity driver", "BIOS emulation driver", "Math coprocessor driver", "Multimedia timer driver", "System Monitor data collection driver", "Windows Driver Model", "SmartDrive", NULL };
* * FUNCTION : CPCH_Driver::EnumerateInstances * * DESCRIPTION : Returns all the instances of this class. * * INPUTS : A pointer to the MethodContext for communication with WinMgmt. * A long that contains the flags described in * IWbemServices::CreateInstanceEnumAsync. Note that the following * flags are handled by (and filtered out by) WinMgmt: * WBEM_FLAG_DEEP * WBEM_FLAG_SHALLOW * WBEM_FLAG_RETURN_IMMEDIATELY * WBEM_FLAG_FORWARD_ONLY * WBEM_FLAG_BIDIRECTIONAL * * RETURNS : WBEM_S_NO_ERROR if successful * * COMMENTS : TO DO: All instances on the machine should be returned here. * If there are no instances, return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR. * It is not an error to have no instances. * *****************************************************************************/ HRESULT CPCH_Driver::EnumerateInstances( MethodContext* pMethodContext, long lFlags ) { TraceFunctEnter("CPCH_Driver::AddDriverKernelList"); HRESULT hRes = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; CComVariant varValue;
// Get the date and time
SYSTEMTIME stUTCTime; GetSystemTime(&stUTCTime);
// if thunk init is already done, don't initialize again
if (!fThunkInit) { ThunkInit(); fThunkInit = TRUE; }
// Enumerate Kernel Drivers
MakeSrchDirs(); GetDriverKernel(); DRIVER_KERNEL *pDrvKer = m_pDriverKernel; DRIVER_KERNEL *pDelDrvKer; while(pDrvKer) { // Create a new instance
CInstancePtr pInstance(CreateNewInstance(pMethodContext), false);
// Set the timestamp
if (!pInstance->SetDateTime(pTimeStamp, WBEMTime(stUTCTime))) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetDateTime on Timestamp Field failed.");
// Set the category
if (!pInstance->SetCHString(pCategory, "Kernel")) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetVariant on Category Field failed.");
// Set the name
if (_tcslen(pDrvKer->strDriver)) { varValue = pDrvKer->strDriver; if (!pInstance->SetVariant(pName, varValue)) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetVariant on Name Field failed."); }
// Set the path
if (_tcslen(pDrvKer->strLikelyPath)) { varValue = pDrvKer->strLikelyPath; if (!pInstance->SetVariant(pPath, varValue)) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetVariant on Path Field failed."); }
// set file description, version, partof
CComBSTR filename = pDrvKer->strLikelyPath; SetFileVersionInfo(filename, pInstance);
// Set the Description - overwrite with well-known description if available
if (_tcslen(pDrvKer->strDescription)) { varValue = pDrvKer->strDescription; if (!pInstance->SetVariant(pDescription, varValue)) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetVariant on Description Field failed."); }
// Set the LoadedFrom
if (_tcslen(pDrvKer->strLoadedFrom)) { varValue = pDrvKer->strLoadedFrom; if (!pInstance->SetVariant(pLoadedFrom, varValue)) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetVariant on LoadedFrom Field failed."); }
// Commit this
hRes = pInstance->Commit(); if (FAILED(hRes)) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Commit on Instance failed.");
// advance and delete the record
pDelDrvKer = pDrvKer; pDrvKer = pDrvKer->next; delete (pDelDrvKer); }
// get usermode drivers
// create instances, and cleanup list
GetDriverUserMode(); ParseUserModeList(pMethodContext);
// get msdos drivers
// create instances, and cleanup list
GetDriverMSDos(); ParseMSDosList(pMethodContext);
TraceFunctLeave(); return hRes; }
HRESULT CPCH_Driver::AddDriverKernelList(LPTSTR strDriverList, LPTSTR strLoadedFrom) { TraceFunctEnter("CPCH_Driver::AddDriverKernelList");
// Break driver list up into tokens
LPTSTR strDriverName; int nStrLen; int nPos;
while ((strDriverName = Token_Find(&strDriverList)) != 0) { // Got the first token
// See if the first character is '*', if so remove it.
if(strDriverName[0] == _T('*')) { strDriverName++; } // Allocate new element
DRIVER_KERNEL *pNewKernel = new DRIVER_KERNEL; if (!pNewKernel) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Out of memory while calling new DRIVER_KERNEL"); return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
// Zero out all memory
ZeroMemory(pNewKernel, sizeof(DRIVER_KERNEL));
// Check if we have a path by seeing if filename is same as the driver name
LPTSTR strFilename = PathFindFileName(strDriverName);
// copy name
_tcscpy(pNewKernel->strDriver, strFilename);
// terminate name at the extension
*PathFindExtension(pNewKernel->strDriver) = 0;
// check for duplicates
DRIVER_KERNEL *pDrvKerLoop = m_pDriverKernel; BOOL bDup = FALSE; while(pDrvKerLoop) { if (!_tcsicmp(pDrvKerLoop->strDriver, pNewKernel->strDriver)) { bDup = TRUE; break; } pDrvKerLoop = pDrvKerLoop->next; }
// if duplicate, delete it, otherwise store it in linked list
if (bDup) { delete pNewKernel; } else { // Copy Loaded From
_tcscpy(pNewKernel->strLoadedFrom, strLoadedFrom);
// Copy Path
_tcscpy(pNewKernel->strLikelyPath, strDriverName);
// check if it is a well known VxD and copy the description
for(int iVxDIndex = 0; astrKnownVxDs[iVxDIndex]; iVxDIndex++) if (!_tcsicmp(astrKnownVxDs[iVxDIndex], pNewKernel->strDriver)) _tcscpy(pNewKernel->strDescription, astrKnownVxDsDesc[iVxDIndex]);
// Add it to the list
pNewKernel->next = m_pDriverKernel; m_pDriverKernel = pNewKernel; } } TraceFunctLeave(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CPCH_Driver::GetDriverKernel() { TraceFunctEnter("CPCH_Driver::GetDriverKernel");
// Init WinDir
TCHAR strWinDir[MAX_PATH]; GetWindowsDirectory(strWinDir, MAX_PATH);
// init head of list
m_pDriverKernel = NULL;
// Add vmm driver
TCHAR strVmmPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR strVmmFilePath[MAX_PATH]; PathCombine(strVmmPath, strWinDir, "VMM32"); PathCombine(strVmmFilePath, strVmmPath, "vmm.vxd"); AddDriverKernelList(strVmmFilePath, "Registry");
// Add debugging drivers
AddDriverKernelList("wdeb386.exe", "Debugger"); AddDriverKernelList("debugcmd.vxd", "Debugger");
// Add winsock drivers
AddDriverKernelList("wsock.vxd", "Winsock"); AddDriverKernelList("vdhcp.386", "Winsock");
// Add WINMM drivers
AddDriverKernelList("mmdevldr.vxd", "Plug and Play");
// AddDriverKernelList("===HKLM_System_CurrentControlSet_Services_VxD_AFVXD===", "Registry");
// Add HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\AFVXD
AddRegDriverList(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\VxD\\AFVXD");
// AddDriverKernelList("===HKLM_System_CurrentControlSet_Services_VxD_Winsock===", "Registry");
// Add HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\Winsock
AddRegDriverList(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\VxD\\Winsock");
// AddDriverKernelList("===HKLM_System_CurrentControlSet_Services_Class===", "Registry");
// Add HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class
// AddDriverKernelList("===HKLM_System_CurrentControlSet_Services_Class_Display===", "Registry");
// Add HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Display
// AddDriverKernelList("===SYSTEM_INI===", "Registry");
// Add system.ini drivers
// AddDriverKernelList("===IOSubSystem===", "Registry");
// Add IO Subsystem drivers
// AddDriverKernelList("===HKLM_System_CurrentControlSet_Services_VxD===", "Registry");
// Add HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD
// Collect additional driver information from MSISYS or DrWatson
// Now that we've collected all the drivers, collect each driver's information
TraceFunctLeave(); return S_OK; }
BOOL Drivers_PathFileExists(LPTSTR ptszBuf, LPCTSTR ptszPath, LPCTSTR ptszFile) { PathCombine(ptszBuf, ptszPath, ptszFile); return PathFileExists(ptszBuf); }
void MakeSrchDirs(void) { TCHAR tszPath[3]; LPTSTR pszDir; UINT ctchPath; LPTSTR ptsz; LPTSTR pTmp; int i = 0;
// look in windows dir
GetWindowsDirectory(g_rgSrchDir[0], MAX_PATH);
// look in windows\vmm32
PathCombine(g_rgSrchDir[1], g_rgSrchDir[0], TEXT("VMM32"));
// look in system dir
GetSystemDirectory(g_rgSrchDir[2], MAX_PATH);
// look in boot dir
RMIREGS reg; reg.ax = 0x3305; reg.dl = 3; // assume C: in case of error
Int86x(0x21, ®); wsprintf(g_rgSrchDir[3], "%c:\\", reg.dl + '@');
// look in dirs specified in path variable
i = 4; pszDir = NULL; // get size of path string
ctchPath = GetEnvironmentVariable(TEXT("PATH"), tszPath, 1); pTmp = ptsz = new TCHAR[ctchPath+1]; if (ptsz) { GetEnvironmentVariable(TEXT("PATH"), ptsz, ctchPath); while ((pszDir = Token_Find(&ptsz)) != 0) { lstrcpy(g_rgSrchDir[i++],pszDir); } delete [] pTmp; }
g_nSrchDir = i-1; }
HRESULT CPCH_Driver::GetKernelDriverInfo() { int i;
* Search order : * * 1. If extension is ".386" look in Windows directory. * 2. Look in System directory. * 3. Look in directory Windows was launched from. * (We'll assume Root directory.) * 4. Then look on the path. * * If the file doesn't have an extension, use ".vxd". * * BUGBUG -- this is a hack; need to look for .386 too */
DRIVER_KERNEL *pDKLoop; pDKLoop = m_pDriverKernel; while(pDKLoop) { TCHAR szFile[MAX_PATH] = TEXT(""); LPTSTR szExtension = NULL;
if (PathFileExists(pDKLoop->strLikelyPath)) { goto havefile; }
lstrcpy(szFile, pDKLoop->strLikelyPath); for (i=0; i<g_nSrchDir; i++) { if (Drivers_PathFileExists(pDKLoop->strLikelyPath, g_rgSrchDir[i], szFile)) { goto havefile; }
szExtension = PathFindExtension(pDKLoop->strLikelyPath);
// no extension?
if (!_tcslen(szExtension)) { // try .VXD
lstrcat(szFile, TEXT(".VXD")); if (Drivers_PathFileExists(pDKLoop->strLikelyPath, g_rgSrchDir[i], szFile)) { goto havefile; }
// try .386
lstrcpy(szFile, pDKLoop->strLikelyPath); lstrcat(szFile, TEXT(".386")); if (Drivers_PathFileExists(pDKLoop->strLikelyPath, g_rgSrchDir[i], szFile)) { goto havefile; } } }
// no path
lstrcpy(pDKLoop->strLikelyPath, TEXT(""));
havefile: pDKLoop = pDKLoop->next; }
TraceFunctLeave(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CPCH_Driver::GetSystemINIDriver() { TraceFunctEnter("CPCH_Driver::GetSystemINIDriver");
TCHAR str386Enh[SYSTEM_INI_MAX]; LPTSTR strLine; int iLineLen;
// Get the section 386Enh in system.ini
GetPrivateProfileSection(TEXT("386Enh"), str386Enh, SYSTEM_INI_MAX, TEXT("system.ini"));
// For each line in the 386Enh section
for (strLine = str386Enh; (iLineLen = _tcslen(strLine)) != 0; strLine += iLineLen + 1) { // Get the value after the '=' char
LPTSTR strValue = _tcschr(strLine, '=');
if (strValue) { // Terminate the string at the '=' char
*strValue = '\0';
// Look to see if device corresponds to any of the listed devices
for (int iDeviceNames = 0; c_rgpszDevice[iDeviceNames]; iDeviceNames++) { // if it is listed, add to the driver list
if (_tcsicmp(c_rgpszDevice[iDeviceNames], strLine) == 0) { AddDriverKernelList(strValue + 1, "system.ini"); } } } }
TraceFunctLeave(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CPCH_Driver::GetIOSubsysDriver() { TraceFunctEnter("CPCH_Driver::GetIOSubsysDriver");
TCHAR strSystemDir[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR strIOSubSys[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR strIOSubSysWildcard[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR strFullPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR strDir[MAX_PATH];
// get the system directory
if (!GetSystemDirectory(strSystemDir, MAX_PATH)) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Error while calling GetSystemDirectory"); goto EndIO; }
// combine paths to IO Subsystem
PathCombine(strIOSubSys, strSystemDir, "IOSUBSYS"); PathCombine(strIOSubSysWildcard, strIOSubSys, "*.*");
// enumerate all files in IO Subsystem
hfd = FindFirstFile(strIOSubSysWildcard, &wfd);
if (hfd != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) do { // add file it it has one of the extensions in c_rgptszDrvExt
LPTSTR strExt = PathFindExtension(wfd.cFileName); for (int iExt = 0; c_rgptszDrvExt[iExt]; iExt++) { if (_tcsicmp(strExt, c_rgptszDrvExt[iExt]) == 0) { PathCombine(strFullPath, strIOSubSys, wfd.cFileName); AddDriverKernelList(strFullPath, "I/O subsystem"); break; } } } while (FindNextFile(hfd, &wfd)); FindClose(hfd);
EndIO: TraceFunctLeave(); return S_OK; } HRESULT CPCH_Driver::GetServicesVxD() { TraceFunctEnter("CPCH_Driver::GetServicesVxD");
TCHAR strStaticVxd[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwLen = MAX_PATH; HKEY hkMain;
// Open the key in registry
if (RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\VxD", &hkMain) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TCHAR strValue[MAX_PATH];
// Enum all the keys in the subkey
for (int iEnumSubKey = 0; RegEnumKey(hkMain, iEnumSubKey, strValue, MAX_PATH) == ERROR_SUCCESS; iEnumSubKey++) { HKEY hkSub;
// Open the subkey
if (RegOpenKey(hkMain, strValue, &hkSub) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // examine the StaticVxD value
dwLen = MAX_PATH; if (RegQueryValueEx(hkSub, "StaticVxD", 0, 0, (LPBYTE)strStaticVxd, &dwLen) == ERROR_SUCCESS) AddDriverKernelList(strStaticVxd, "Registry");
// close the key
RegCloseKey(hkSub); } } // close the key
RegCloseKey(hkMain); }
TraceFunctLeave(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CPCH_Driver::GetMSISYSVxD() { TraceFunctEnter("CPCH_Driver::GetMSISYSVxD");
// try looking for MSISYS.VXD
hVxDHandle = CreateFile("\\\\.\\MSISYS.VXD", 0, 0, 0, 0, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (hVxDHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // try looking for DRWATSON.VXD
hVxDHandle = CreateFile("\\\\.\\DRWATSON.VXD", 0, 0, 0, 0, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (hVxDHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Error in opening MSISYS.VXD or DRWATSON.VXD"); goto EndAddVxD; } }
// Call into VxD to get additional information
struct DeviceInfo* pDeviceInfo; DWORD cbRc; if (DeviceIoControl(hVxDHandle, IOCTL_GETVXDLIST, 0, 0, &pDeviceInfo, sizeof(pDeviceInfo), &cbRc, 0)) { while (pDeviceInfo && !IsBadReadPtr(pDeviceInfo, sizeof(*pDeviceInfo)) && pDeviceInfo->DI_Signature == 0x444C5658) { if (pDeviceInfo->DI_DDB == (LPVOID)1) AddDriverKernelList(pDeviceInfo->DI_ModuleName, "UNKNOWN"); pDeviceInfo = pDeviceInfo->DI_Next; } }
EndAddVxD: if (hVxDHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hVxDHandle); } TraceFunctLeave(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CPCH_Driver::GetRegDriver(LPTSTR strSubKey) { TraceFunctEnter("CPCH_Driver::GetRegDriver");
TCHAR strStaticVxd[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwLen = MAX_PATH; HKEY hkMain;
// Open the key in registry
if (RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strSubKey, &hkMain) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TCHAR strValue[MAX_PATH];
// Enum all the keys in the subkey
for (int iEnumSubKey = 0; RegEnumKey(hkMain, iEnumSubKey, strValue, MAX_PATH) == ERROR_SUCCESS; iEnumSubKey++) { HKEY hkSub;
// Open the subkey
if (RegOpenKey(hkMain, strValue, &hkSub) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { TCHAR strSubValue[MAX_PATH];
// Enum all the subkeys in the subkey
for (int iEnumSubSubKey = 0; RegEnumKey(hkSub, iEnumSubSubKey, strSubValue, MAX_PATH) == ERROR_SUCCESS; iEnumSubSubKey++) { HKEY hkSubSub;
// Open the subsubkey
if (RegOpenKey(hkSub, strSubValue, &hkSubSub) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // examine the values in subkey
AddRegDriverConfigList(hkSubSub); } // close the key
RegCloseKey(hkSubSub); } // close the key
RegCloseKey(hkSub); } } // close the key
RegCloseKey(hkMain); }
TraceFunctLeave(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CPCH_Driver::AddRegDriverConfigList(HKEY hk) { TraceFunctEnter("CPCH_Driver::AddRegDriverConfigList"); for (int iCount = 0; c_rgptszConfig[iCount]; iCount++) { TCHAR strValue[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwCount = MAX_PATH;
if (RegQueryValueEx(hk, c_rgptszConfig[iCount], 0, 0, (LPBYTE)strValue, &dwCount) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { /*
if(strValue[0] == '*') { nStrLen = _tcslen(strValue); for(nPos = 1; nPos < nStrLen ; nPos++) { strValue[nPos-1] = strValue[nPos]; } } */ AddDriverKernelList(strValue, "Plug and Play"); }
TraceFunctLeave(); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CPCH_Driver::AddRegDriverList(HKEY hKeyMain, LPTSTR strSubKey) { TraceFunctEnter("CPCH_Driver::AddRegDriverList"); HKEY hKey;
// Open key in registry
if (RegOpenKey(hKeyMain, strSubKey, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // enumerate all values
for (int iValue = 0; ; iValue++) { TCHAR strValue[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR strKey[MAX_PATH]; DWORD ctchRc = MAX_PATH; DWORD cbRc = MAX_PATH; LONG lResult;
lResult = RegEnumValue(hKey, iValue, strKey, &ctchRc, 0, 0, (LPBYTE)strValue, &cbRc);
if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (strKey[0]) AddDriverKernelList(strValue, "Registry"); } else if (lResult != ERROR_MORE_DATA) break; } // close the key
RegCloseKey(hKeyMain); } else ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "RegOpenKey failed");
TraceFunctLeave(); return S_OK; }
// get list of MSDos drivers
// open handle to vxd
hVxD = CreateFile(TEXT("\\\\.\\MSISYS.VXD"), 0, 0, 0, 0, FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE, 0); if (hVxD == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Cannot open VxD"); goto exit; }
// get high linear address of system VM
// ask msisys.vxd for this
vo.dwHighLinear = 0; fRc = DeviceIoControl(hVxD, IOCTL_CONNECT, &vi, sizeof(vi), &vo, sizeof(vo), &cbRc, 0);
if (fRc && vo.dwHighLinear) { RMIREGS reg;
// Get list of driver lists
reg.ax = 0x5200; if (Int86x(0x21, ®) == 0) { pbSysVars = (PBYTE) pvAddPvCb(vo.dwHighLinear, reg.es * 16 + reg.bx); // Build the list of drivers in conventional memory.
wTemp = PUN(WORD, pbSysVars[-2]);
DosMem_WalkArena(wTemp, vo.dwHighLinear);
// Build the list of drivers in UMBs.
wTemp = PUN(WORD, pbSysVars[0x66]); if (wTemp != 0xFFFF) { DosMem_WalkArena(wTemp, vo.dwHighLinear); }
// Remove KRNL386 and its ilk to prune away non-TSR apps.
DosMem_CleanArena(vo.dwHighLinear); } }
exit: TraceFunctLeave(); if (hVxD) { CloseHandle(hVxD); } return S_OK; }
// get list of user mode drivers
HRESULT CPCH_Driver::GetDriverUserMode() { BOOL fRc; WORD hDriver; DRIVERINFOSTRUCT16 dis;
dis.length = sizeof(dis);
hDriver = 0;
// walk through list of 16-bit drivers
while ((hDriver = GetNextDriver16(hDriver, GND_FIRSTINSTANCEONLY)) != 0) { if (GetDriverInfo16(hDriver, &dis)) { WORD wVer; DWORD dwMajor; DWORD dwMinor; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH]; DRIVER_USER_MODE* pDriver = new DRIVER_USER_MODE; if (!pDriver) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID,"Cannot allocate memory"); goto exit; }
if (GetModuleFileName16(dis.hModule, pDriver->strPath, cA(pDriver->strPath))) { lstrcpyn(pDriver->strDriver, dis.szAliasName, cA(pDriver->strDriver));
wVer = GetExpWinVer16(dis.hModule); dwMajor = HIBYTE(wVer); dwMinor = LOBYTE(wVer); wsprintf(pDriver->strType, TEXT("%d.%d"), dwMajor, dwMinor % 10 ? dwMinor : dwMinor / 10);
// append to driver list
m_DriverUserModeList.push_back(pDriver); } else { delete pDriver; ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "GetModuleFileName16 failed"); } } }
exit: TraceFunctLeave(); return S_OK; }
// walk arena and create list of drivers
void CPCH_Driver::DosMem_WalkArena(WORD segStart, DWORD dwHighLinear) { WORD segStop = 0; WORD seg = segStart; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH]="";
do { PARENA par = (PARENA) (dwHighLinear + seg * 16);
// Remember the stop point if we've found it.
if (par->bType == 'Z') { segStop = (WORD)(seg + par->csegSize); }
// If it's owned by itself, then it's a program or driver.
// We know a bit more about the DOS memory subtypes.
// This can change in principle (since most people don't
// know about it, and we changed it in Win95, so obviously
// it isn't compatibility-constrained).
if (par->segOwner == seg) { DRIVER_MS_DOS* pDriver = NULL;
if (par->bType == 'M' || par->bType == 'D' || par->bType == 'Z') {
pDriver = new DRIVER_MS_DOS;
if (!pDriver) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Cannot allocate memory"); goto exit; }
lstrcpyn(pDriver->strName, par->rgchOwner, 9); pDriver->seg = seg; m_DriverMSDosList.push_back(pDriver); } }
// If it's owned by 8 and rgchOwner is "SD", then it's
// "system data" and contains subobjects. Else, it's a
// normal arena that we step over.
segStart = seg; if (par->segOwner == 8 && PUN(WORD, par->rgchOwner) == 0x4453) { } else { seg = (WORD)(seg + par->csegSize); }
if (seg < segStart) { break; }
} while (seg != segStop);
exit: TraceFunctLeave(); }
// Remove the items that are apps and not TSRs.
// Done by locating KRNL386, and then walking the parent chain until
// we find an app that is its own parent.
void CPCH_Driver::DosMem_CleanArena(DWORD dwHighLinear) { std::list<DRIVER_MS_DOS*>::iterator it = m_DriverMSDosList.begin(); std::list<DRIVER_MS_DOS*>::iterator it2; WORD seg, segParent; PBYTE ppsp;
while (it != m_DriverMSDosList.end()) { if ((*it) && _tcsstr((*it)->strName,TEXT("KRNL386"))) { break; } it++; }
// cannot find KRNL386?
if (it == m_DriverMSDosList.end() || !(*it)) { goto exit; }
// traverse list in reverse order
do { seg = (*it)->seg; ppsp = (PBYTE) (dwHighLinear + seg * 16); m_DriverMSDosList.erase(it); it--;
segParent = PUN(WORD, ppsp[0x16]); if (seg == segParent) // Found the top. Stop
{ break; }
// find parent
for (it2 = m_DriverMSDosList.begin(); it2 != m_DriverMSDosList.end(); it2++) { if ((*it2) && (*it2)->seg == segParent) { it = it2; break; } } if (it2 == m_DriverMSDosList.end()) // parent not found
{ break; } } while (it != m_DriverMSDosList.begin() && (*it));
exit: TraceFunctLeave(); }
void CPCH_Driver::SetFileVersionInfo(CComBSTR filename, CInstance *pInstance) { CFileVersionInfo fvi;
CComPtr<IWbemClassObject> pFileObj; if (SUCCEEDED(GetCIMDataFile(filename, &pFileObj))) { CopyProperty(pFileObj, L"Version", pInstance, pVersion); CopyProperty(pFileObj, L"FileSize", pInstance, pSize); CopyProperty(pFileObj, L"CreationDate", pInstance, pDate); CopyProperty(pFileObj, L"Manufacturer", pInstance, pManufacturer); }
if (SUCCEEDED(fvi.QueryFile(filename))) { if (!pInstance->SetCHString(pDescription, fvi.GetDescription())) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetCHString on description field failed.");
if (!pInstance->SetCHString(pPartOf, fvi.GetProduct())) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetCHString on partof field failed."); }
TraceFunctLeave(); }
// step through user mode driver list and create instances
HRESULT CPCH_Driver::ParseUserModeList( MethodContext* pMethodContext ) { HRESULT hRes = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; std::list<DRIVER_USER_MODE* >::iterator it = m_DriverUserModeList.begin();
while (it != m_DriverUserModeList.end() && (SUCCEEDED(hRes))) { DRIVER_USER_MODE* pUMDrv = *it;
if (!pUMDrv) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Null driver node in list"); continue; }
SYSTEMTIME stUTCTime; GetSystemTime(&stUTCTime); // Create a new instance based on the passed-in MethodContext
CInstancePtr pInstance(CreateNewInstance(pMethodContext), false);
if (!pInstance->SetDateTime(pTimeStamp, WBEMTime(stUTCTime))) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetDateTime on Timestamp Field failed."); } if (!pInstance->SetCHString(pChange, L"Snapshot")) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetCHString on Change Field failed."); }
// set category
if (!pInstance->SetCHString(pCategory, L"UserMode")) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetCHString on Change Field failed."); }
// set driver name
if (!pInstance->SetCHString(pName, pUMDrv->strDriver)) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetCHString on Name Field failed."); }
// set path
if (!pInstance->SetCHString(pPath, pUMDrv->strPath)) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetCHString on Path Field failed."); }
// set type
if (!pInstance->SetCHString(pType, pUMDrv->strType)) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetCHString on Type Field failed."); }
// get version info
CFileVersionInfo fvi; CComBSTR filename = pUMDrv->strPath; SetFileVersionInfo(filename,pInstance); hRes = pInstance->Commit(); if (FAILED(hRes)) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Commit on Instance failed."); } // delete the node
delete pUMDrv; pUMDrv = NULL; it = m_DriverUserModeList.erase(it); } TraceFunctLeave(); return hRes; }
// step through ms-dos driver list and create instances
HRESULT CPCH_Driver::ParseMSDosList( MethodContext* pMethodContext ) { HRESULT hRes = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; std::list<DRIVER_MS_DOS* >::iterator it = m_DriverMSDosList.begin();
while (it != m_DriverMSDosList.end() && (SUCCEEDED(hRes))) { DRIVER_MS_DOS* pMSDrv = *it;
if (!pMSDrv) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Null driver node in list"); continue; }
SYSTEMTIME stUTCTime; GetSystemTime(&stUTCTime);
// Create a new instance based on the passed-in MethodContext
CInstancePtr pInstance(CreateNewInstance(pMethodContext), false);
if (!pInstance->SetDateTime(pTimeStamp, WBEMTime(stUTCTime))) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetDateTime on Timestamp Field failed."); }
if (!pInstance->SetCHString(pChange, L"Snapshot")) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetCHString on Change Field failed."); }
// set category
if (!pInstance->SetCHString(pCategory, L"MSDOS")) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetCHString on Change Field failed."); }
// set driver name
if (!pInstance->SetCHString(pName, pMSDrv->strName)) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetCHString on Name Field failed."); }
// set type to "Device Driver"
if (!pInstance->SetCHString(pType, L"Device Driver")) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetCHString on Type Field failed."); }
hRes = pInstance->Commit(); if (FAILED(hRes)) { ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Commit on Instance failed."); } // delete the node
delete pMSDrv; pMSDrv = NULL; it = m_DriverMSDosList.erase(it); } TraceFunctLeave(); return hRes; }