// File: CObjID.cpp
// Synopsis: This file implements the CObjectID class
// Copyright (C) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// Authors: HowardCu
#ifdef THIS_FILE
#undef THIS_FILE
static char __szTraceSourceFile[] = __FILE__; #define THIS_FILE __szTraceSourceFile
#include <windows.h>
#include "cobjid.h"
#include "dbgtrace.h"
// Function: CObjectID
// Synopsis: constructor
// Arguments: void
// Returns: void
// History: HowardCu Created 8 May 1995
CObjectID::CObjectID( void ) { TraceFunctEnter( "CObjectID::CObjectID" ); m_dwObjectID = INITIALOBJECTID; InitializeCriticalSection( &m_ObjIDCritSect ); TraceFunctLeave(); }
// Function: ~CObjectID
// Synopsis: destructor
// Arguments: void
// Returns: void
// History: HowardCu Created 8 May 1995
CObjectID::~CObjectID( void ) { TraceFunctEnter( "CObjectID::~CObjectID" ); DeleteCriticalSection( &m_ObjIDCritSect ); TraceFunctLeave(); }
// Function: GetUniqueID
// Synopsis: generate the next object ID
// Arguments: void
// Returns: next object ID
// History: HowardCu Created 8 May 1995
DWORD CObjectID::GetUniqueID( void ) { DWORD dwReturnValue;
TraceFunctEnter( "CObjectID::GetUniqueID" ); EnterCriticalSection( &m_ObjIDCritSect ); m_dwObjectID += OBJECTIDINCREMENT; if( m_dwObjectID == 0 ) { m_dwObjectID = INITIALOBJECTID; } dwReturnValue = m_dwObjectID; LeaveCriticalSection( &m_ObjIDCritSect ); DebugTrace( m_dwObjectID, "New object ID assigned 0x%08lx.", m_dwObjectID ); TraceFunctLeave(); return dwReturnValue; }