<HTML XMLNS:helpcenter> <HEAD> #include "header.inc" #include "debug_js.inc" #include "common.inc" #include "constants.inc"
<helpcenter:context id=idCtx /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta http-equiv="MSThemeCompatible" content="Yes"> <TITLE>Remote Assistance</TITLE>
<LINK id="UI_StyleSheet" REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="../../Css/rc.css"> <script id="Script1" name="Script1" LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="../../Common/Constants.js"> </script> <script id="Script2" name="Script2" LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="../../Common/common.js"> </script> <script id="Script3" name="Script3" LANGUAGE="Javascript" SRC="RAServer.js"> </script>
<!-- The SAF class factory object --> <OBJECT classid=CLSID:FC7D9E02-3F9E-11d3-93C0-00C04F72DAF7 height=0 id="oSAFClassFactory" name="oSAFClassFactory" width=0></OBJECT>
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<SCRIPT Language="JScript">
/* * Localizable constants, text and messages */ var L_ERRSWITCHDESKTOPMODE_Text = "Failed to grant remote control."; var L_ERRRCPERMDENIED_Text = "Remote control of this computer is not allowed."; var L_TAKECONTROL1_Text = "\n\n----------\n"; var L_TAKECONTROL2_Text = " has taken control of "; var L_TAKECONTROL3_Text = "'s computer.\n To stop control, press ESC key.\nNote that using any key sequence or combination including the ESC key such as (ESC+TAB) will also stop control\n----------";
// // VOIP Messages // var L_ERRVOIP1_Text = c_szVoiceConnError; var L_ERRVOIP2_Text = c_szVoiceError;
// // Globals // var vArgs = null; var g_numTries = 0; var g_bChatBoxHidden = false; var g_bNewBinaries = false; var g_bUserDisconnect = false; var g_bChatMode = true; var g_bConnected = false; var g_bRC = false; var g_bNewLine = false; var g_szLocalUser = null;
var g_bVoipConnected = false; var g_bVoipOn = false; var g_bStartEnabled = true;
var g_szVoipIPList = null; var g_szVoipKey = null;
var g_stateVoipMe = 0; // server var g_stateVoipYou = 0; // client
var g_VoipBandwidth = 0; // Start at Low (0 = Low, 1 = High) //var oSAFClassFactory = parent.pchealth;
// States //--------------- // 0 = unknown // 1 = good // 2 = bad
g_bDebug = false; // Enable Tracing
function document.onkeydown() { TraceFunctEnter("onkeydown");
try { if (window.event.keyCode==8) { window.event.returnValue=false; } } catch(error) { // ignore DebugTrace("Error: " + error.description + " Number: " + error.number); }
TraceFunctLeave(); }
function PostInit() { TraceFunctEnter("PostInit"); try { // // GetLocalUser // GetLocalUser();
// // Initialize VoIP // InitVoIP(); } catch(error) { FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error ); }
TraceFunctLeave(); }
function ResizeUI() { try { idCtx.setWindowDimensions( idCtx.x, idCtx.y, c_RCChatWidth, c_RCChatHeight); } catch(error) { // ignore } }
// // InitiateRCSession: Initiates the RC Session // function InitiateRCSession() { try { g_bConnected = true;
// // Initialization // InitTrace(); TraceFunctEnter("InitiateRCSession");
if( (idCtx.width != c_RCChatWidth ) || ( idCtx.height != c_RCChatHeight )) { ResizeUI(); }
g_Helpee_oSAFRemoteDesktopSession = parent.oRCSession;
if( parent.gFrom.length > 0 ) { g_szLocalUser = parent.gFrom; } else { oDeskMgr = parent.pchealth.CreateObject_RemoteDesktopManager(); userHelpBlob = oDeskMgr.userHelpBlob; obj = new ActiveXObject( "SAFRCFileDlg.RASetting" ); var sIsIM = obj.GetPropertyInBlob(userHelpBlob, "IM"); if(sIsIM == "1") { var oMsgr = new ActiveXObject("Messenger.UIAutomation"); g_szLocalUser = oMsgr.MyFriendlyName; parent.gFrom = g_szLocalUser; } else { g_szLocalUser = GetLocalUser(); } }
DebugTrace("g_szLocalUser: " + g_szLocalUser); DebugTrace("parent.gFrom: " + parent.gFrom); } catch(error) { // // Fatal Error: Unable to initialize // FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error ); return; }
// // Initialize the Helpee End SALEM Objects // Init_Helpee_SALEM(); try { setTimeout('PostInit()', 1000); } catch(error) { FatalError( L_ERRFATAL_Text, error ); } TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
// // Security Check // function DoLoad() { var L_ERRACCESSDENIED_Text = "Directly launching this page is not allowed. ";
MAC_IF_DIRECTLAUNCH_SERVER { idBody.style.visibility = "hidden"; alert( L_ERRACCESSDENIED_Text ); return; } }
// // Control Channel Stuff // /*++ HELPEE End of the Control Channel --*/
// // Helpee_ControlChannelDataReadyEventHandler: Call back to handle control data from helper // function Helpee_ControlChannelDataReadyEventHandler() { TraceFunctEnter("Helpee_ControlChannelDataReadyEventHandler"); var ControlData = null; try { // // Data on control channel // ControlData = g_Helpee_oControlChannel.ReceiveChannelData(); } catch(error) { FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error ); } // // Parse the data sent on the control channel // Helpee_ParseControlData ( ControlData ); TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
var g_oDeskMgr = null; var nRAType = 0;
// // Helpee_ParseControlData: Parse the data sent on the control channel at the helpee end // function Helpee_ParseControlData ( ControlData ) { TraceFunctEnter("Helpee_ParseControlData"); var Doc = new ActiveXObject("microsoft.XMLDOM"); var RCCommand = null; var szCommandName = null;
var L_ERRTAKECONTROL3_Text = "Your screen resolution has been changed, which caused "; var L_ERRTAKECONTROL4_Text = " to lose keyboard and mouse control of your computer. "; var L_ERRTAKECONTROL5_Text = " can request control of your computer again and resume the session. "; try { if ( true == parent.gIsURA ) { nRAType = 1; } else { nRAType = 0; }
DebugTrace("Calling idCtx.bringToForeground"); idCtx.minimized = false; idCtx.bringToForeground();
DebugTrace("Calling loadXML on : " + ControlData); if( false == Doc.loadXML( ControlData )) { FatalError ( Doc.parseError.reason ); } // // Get the RCCOMMAND node // RCCommand = Doc.documentElement; // // Get the NAME of the command // szCommandName = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szRCCommandName ); DebugTrace("szCommandName: " + szCommandName );
if( szCommandName == c_szFileXfer ) { DebugTrace("Calling SoundBeep"); SoundBeep();
// // File Transfer Initiation // var vArgs = new Array(13); vArgs[0] = 1; // Destination Mode vArgs[1] = g_Helpee_oControlChannel; // Control Channel vArgs[2] = g_Helpee_oSAFRemoteDesktopChannelMgr; // Channel Manager vArgs[3] = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szFileName ); // FILENAME vArgs[4] = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szFileSize ); // FILESIZE vArgs[5] = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szChannelId ); // CHANNELID vArgs[6] = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); // File system object vArgs[7] = new ActiveXObject("SAFRCFileDlg.FileSave"); // Save As dialog object vArgs[8] = oSAFClassFactory; // SAF ClassFactory object vArgs[9] = parent.gHelper; // Sender // Logging DCR - Sending in a reference to the RAEventLog object // vArgs[10] = new ActiveXObject("RACplDlg.RAEventLog"); vArgs[11] = parent.gHelperIP; vArgs[12] = g_szLocalUser; DebugTrace("Launching c_szFileXferURL..."); var subWin = window.showModelessDialog( c_szFileXferURL, vArgs, "dialogwidth:" + c_FileXferWidth + "px;dialogHeight:" + c_FileXferHeight + "px;status:no;resizable:no;help:no"); AddOpenSubWin( subWin ); } else if ( szCommandName == c_szExpertIP ) { // Grab the Expert IP Address and store it in a global variable parent.gHelperIP = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szExpertIPDATA ); } else if ( szCommandName == c_szRemoteCtrlStart ) { DebugTrace("Calling SoundBeep"); SoundBeep();
// // Remote Control initiation // DebugTrace("Reading RA settings..."); var oRARegSetting = new ActiveXObject("RACplDlg.RARegSetting");
var bAllowFullControl = 0;
if( false == parent.gIsURA ) { bAllowFullControl = oRARegSetting.AllowFullControl; } else { bAllowFullControl = oRARegSetting.AllowUnSolicitedFullControl; }
DebugTrace("bAllowFullControl: " + bAllowFullControl);
if( 1 == bAllowFullControl ) { DebugTrace("Expert is allowed to take control"); var vArgs = new Array(1); vArgs[0] = parent.gHelperName; // Helper DebugTrace("Launching TakeControlMsgs.htm..."); #ifdef _BVT var vRetVal = 0; if( true == parent.gBVT ) { vRetVal = 0; } else { vRetVal = window.showModalDialog( "TakeControlMsgs.htm", vArgs, c_szTakeControlSpecs ); } #else var vRetVal = window.showModalDialog( "TakeControlMsgs.htm", vArgs, c_szTakeControlSpecs ); #endif DebugTrace("vRetVal: " + vRetVal); if( 0 == vRetVal) { DebugTrace("Novice accepted request for Remote control"); // // Helpee accepts RC request // try { if(null == g_objPanic) { DebugTrace("Instantiating: " + szProgIDPanic ); g_objPanic = new ActiveXObject( szProgIDPanic ); }
DebugTrace("Calling SetPanicHook"); g_objPanic.SetPanicHook(Stop_Control); if(null != parent.oDeskMgr ) { DebugTrace("Calling SwitchDesktopMode with argument=1"); try { parent.oDeskMgr.SwitchDesktopMode( 1, nRAType ); } catch(error) { parent.oDeskMgr.SwitchDesktopMode( 1 ); } } else { if( null == g_oDeskMgr ) { DebugTrace("g_oDeskMgr is null. Calling CreateObject_RemoteDesktopManager..."); g_oDeskMgr = oSAFClassFactory.CreateObject_RemoteDesktopManager(); }
DebugTrace("Calling SwitchDesktopMode with argument=1"); try { parent.oDeskMgr.SwitchDesktopMode( 1, nRAType ); } catch(error) { parent.oDeskMgr.SwitchDesktopMode( 1 ); } } #ifndef _HSSTOOLBAR frames.idFrameTools.idStopControl.disabled = false; frames.idFrameTools.RejectId.disabled = false; #else frames.idFrameTools.EnableButton( "idStopControl" ); #endif g_bRC = true; Helpee_AcceptRC(); frames.idFrameTools.UpdateStatus( L_INCONTROL_Text );
var szMsg = L_TAKECONTROL1_Text + parent.gHelper + L_TAKECONTROL2_Text + g_szLocalUser + L_TAKECONTROL3_Text; frames.idFrameChatTop.PrintTakeControlMsg( szMsg ); DebugTrace("Remote control obtained...");
// Log to the event log (event 3) try { var oLogger = new ActiveXObject("RACplDlg.RAEventLog");
var args = new Array(2); args[0] = parent.gHelper; args[1] = g_szLocalUser; // Novice side oLogger.LogRemoteAssistanceEvent(0,3,args); } catch(e) { // do nothing }
#ifdef _BVT if( true == parent.gBVT ) { Helpee_SendControlCommand( c_szBVTPASS ); } #endif } catch(error) { DebugTrace("Error: " + error.description + " Number: " + error.number); #ifdef _BVT if( true == parent.gBVT ) { Helpee_SendControlCommand( c_szBVTFAIL ); } #endif if(error.number == -2146828218) { // // send reject to helper. Access denied // DebugTrace("Calling Helpee_RejectRC with argument=2"); Helpee_RejectRC( 2 ); } else { Helpee_RejectRC( 3 ); FatalError( L_ERRSWITCHDESKTOPMODE_Text, error); } } } else { DebugTrace("Novice rejected request for Remote control. Calling Helpee_RejectRC with argument=0"); // // send reject to helper. Access denied // Helpee_RejectRC( 0 ); #ifdef _BVT if( true == parent.gBVT ) { Helpee_SendControlCommand( c_szBVTFAIL ); } #endif } } else { DebugTrace("Expert is NOT allowed to take control. Calling Helpee_RejectRC with argument=2");
// // Helpee rejects RC request // // // send reject to helper // Helpee_RejectRC( 2 ); #ifdef _BVT if( true == parent.gBVT ) { Helpee_SendControlCommand( c_szBVTFAIL ); } #endif } } else if ( szCommandName == c_szRemoteCtrlEnd ) { DebugTrace("Calling SoundBeep"); SoundBeep();
// // End of Remote Control // // Log event log (event 4) try { var oLogger = new ActiveXObject("RACplDlg.RAEventLog");
var args = new Array(2); args[0] = parent.gHelper; args[1] = g_szLocalUser; // novice oLogger.LogRemoteAssistanceEvent(0,4,args); } catch(e) { // do nothing } try { if(null != parent.oDeskMgr ) { DebugTrace("Calling SwitchDesktopMode with argument=0"); try { parent.oDeskMgr.SwitchDesktopMode( 0, nRAType ); } catch(error) { parent.oDeskMgr.SwitchDesktopMode( 0 ); } } else { if( null == g_oDeskMgr ) { DebugTrace("g_oDeskMgr is null. Calling CreateObject_RemoteDesktopManager..."); g_oDeskMgr = oSAFClassFactory.CreateObject_RemoteDesktopManager(); }
DebugTrace("Calling SwitchDesktopMode with argument=0"); try { parent.oDeskMgr.SwitchDesktopMode( 0, nRAType ); } catch(error) { parent.oDeskMgr.SwitchDesktopMode( 0 ); } }
frames.idFrameTools.UpdateStatus( L_SCREENVIEWONLY_Text ); #ifndef _HSSTOOLBAR frames.idFrameTools.idStopControl.disabled = true; frames.idFrameTools.RejectId.disabled = true; #else frames.idFrameTools.DisableButton( "idStopControl" ); #endif g_bRC = false; if (null != g_objPanic) { DebugTrace("Calling ClearPanicHook"); g_objPanic.ClearPanicHook(); }
DebugTrace("Remote control is now closed"); #ifdef _BVT Helpee_SendControlCommand( c_szBVTPASS ); #endif } catch(error) { DebugTrace("Error: " + error.description + " Number: " + error.number); if(error.number != -2146828218) { FatalError( L_ERRSWITCHDESKTOPMODE_Text + error); } #ifdef _BVT if( true == parent.gBVT ) { Helpee_SendControlCommand( c_szBVTFAIL ); } #endif } } else if( szCommandName == c_szAbortRC) { var szMsg = L_ERRTAKECONTROL3_Text + parent.gHelper + L_ERRTAKECONTROL4_Text + parent.gHelper + L_ERRTAKECONTROL5_Text; DisplayMessage( szMsg ); } else if ( szCommandName == c_szHIDECHAT ) { // // Forcibly hide the Chat Box // g_bChatBoxHidden = false; frames.idFrameTools.Helpee_HideChat(); } else if ( szCommandName == c_szSHOWCHAT ) { // // Forcibly show the Chat Box // g_bChatBoxHidden = true;
frames.idFrameTools.Helpee_HideChat(); } // PreGo else if (szCommandName == c_szVoipPreGo) { DebugTrace("Calling SoundBeep"); SoundBeep();
if (false == g_bVoIPEnabled) return;
try {
// This message means that the Helpee(Server) has called Start(). So we need to call start // and send an ack back to the Helpee
// Put up a Dialog to see if the helpee wants to 'GO VOICE!' var vArgs = new Array(1); vArgs[0] = L_VOIPSTART_Text; // Message var vRetVal = window.showModalDialog( c_szVOIPMsgURL, vArgs, c_szMsgSpecs ); if( 0 == vRetVal) { // // Helper accepts Voice request // var szTemp = null;
try { // call Listen() and save the key szTemp = g_Helpee_oSAFIntercomServer.Listen();
// We succeeded so send a message to the Helpee/Server Helpee_TransmitVoipGo(c_szVoipVersion2, szTemp);
} catch (e) {
// Call Helpee_onVoiceDisabled() - // // Disabling voice in the case that Listen fails Helpee_onVoiceDisabled(); }
} else { // // Helpee rejects Voice request //
Helpee_SendControlCommand( c_szVoipQNo ); // ungray the voice button #ifndef _HSSTOOLBAR frames.idFrameTools.btnVoice.disabled = false; frames.idFrameTools.txtVoice.disabled = false; #else frames.idFrameTools.EnableButton( "btnVoice" ); #endif g_bStartEnabled = true;
} catch (error) { FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error ); TraceFunctLeave(); return; } } // QNo else if (szCommandName == c_szVoipQNo) { DebugTrace("Calling SoundBeep"); SoundBeep();
if (false == g_bVoIPEnabled) { TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
try { DisplayMessage( L_ERRVOIP1_Text );
// ungray the voice button #ifndef _HSSTOOLBAR frames.idFrameTools.btnVoice.disabled = false; frames.idFrameTools.txtVoice.disabled = false; #else frames.idFrameTools.EnableButton( "btnVoice" ); #endif g_bStartEnabled = true;
} catch (e) { FatalError(L_RCCTL_Text, e ); TraceFunctLeave(); return; } } // GoNo else if (szCommandName == c_szVoipGoNo) { DebugTrace("Calling SoundBeep"); SoundBeep();
if (false == g_bVoIPEnabled) { TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
try { DisplayMessage( L_ERRVOIP1_Text );
// ungray the voice button #ifndef _HSSTOOLBAR frames.idFrameTools.btnVoice.disabled = false; frames.idFrameTools.txtVoice.disabled = false; #else frames.idFrameTools.EnableButton( "btnVoice" ); #endif
g_bStartEnabled = true;
} catch (e) { FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, e ); return; } } // GoFail else if (szCommandName == c_szVoipGoFail) { DebugTrace("Calling SoundBeep"); SoundBeep();
if (false == g_bVoIPEnabled) { TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
try { DisplayMessage( L_ERRVOIP1_Text );
// ungray the voice button #ifndef _HSSTOOLBAR frames.idFrameTools.btnVoice.disabled = false; frames.idFrameTools.txtVoice.disabled = false; #else frames.idFrameTools.EnableButton( "btnVoice" ); #endif
g_bStartEnabled = true;
} catch (e) { FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, e ); } } // PreGo2 else if (szCommandName == c_szVoipPreGo2) { if (false == g_bVoIPEnabled) { TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
try { var szTemp = null; szTemp = g_Helpee_oSAFIntercomServer.Listen(); Helpee_TransmitVoipGo(c_szVoipVersion2, szTemp); } catch (e) { // Call Helpee_onVoiceDisabled() - // // Disabling voice in the case that Listen fails Helpee_onVoiceDisabled(); } } // PreStartYes else if (szCommandName == c_szVoipPreStartYes) { if (false == g_bVoIPEnabled) return;
if (false == g_bVoipConnected) { // Start Voice and send a message to the Helpee(Server) so it also starts. // try { // Send a message to 1. Ask for Voip and 2. if yes, call Listen and continue
Helpee_SendControlCommand ( c_szVoipPreGo );
} catch (e) { FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, e ); TraceFunctLeave(); return; } } else {
// // This is the case where Voice is active. Stop it. // No message needs to be sent because the onVoiceDisconnected event will fire try {
} catch (e) { // Ungray the voice button #ifndef _HSSTOOLBAR frames.idFrameTools.btnVoice.disabled = false; frames.idFrameTools.txtVoice.disabled = false; #else frames.idFrameTools.EnableButton( "btnVoice" ); #endif
// start accepting StartPending messages g_bStartEnabled = true;
} } } // PreStartNo else if (szCommandName == c_szVoipPreStartNo) { if (false == g_bVoIPEnabled) { TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
// This means, that a connection transaction has already been established the opposite direction
try { // Enable Start g_bStartEnabled = true;
// Ungray the voice button #ifndef _HSSTOOLBAR frames.idFrameTools.btnVoice.disabled = false; frames.idFrameTools.txtVoice.disabled = false; #else frames.idFrameTools.EnableButton( "btnVoice" ); #endif } catch (error) { FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error ); TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
} // PreStart else if (szCommandName == c_szVoipPreStart) { if (false == g_bVoIPEnabled) return; try {
// This message Starts the connection transaction
// gray the voice button - so that we can't click on it also #ifndef _HSSTOOLBAR frames.idFrameTools.btnVoice.disabled = true; frames.idFrameTools.txtVoice.disabled = true; #else frames.idFrameTools.DisableButton( "btnVoice" ); #endif
if (false == g_bStartEnabled ) { #ifndef _HSSTOOLBAR // ungray the voice button frames.idFrameTools.btnVoice.disabled = false; frames.idFrameTools.txtVoice.disabled = false; #else frames.idFrameTools.EnableButton( "btnVoice" ); #endif // Start is not enables, send PreStartNo Helpee_SendControlCommand ( c_szVoipPreStartNo ); } else { // it's ok - send PreStartYes Helpee_SendControlCommand ( c_szVoipPreStartYes );
} catch ( error ) { FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error ); TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
} // VoipDisable else if (szCommandName == c_szVoipDisable) { DebugTrace("Calling SoundBeep"); SoundBeep();
try { if (g_bVoIPEnabled == true) { DisplayMessage( L_ERRVOIP2_Text );
// disable VoIP g_bVoIPEnabled = false;
// set you to bad g_stateVoipYou = 2;
// Gray the button #ifndef _HSSTOOLBAR frames.idFrameTools.btnVoice.disabled = true; frames.idFrameTools.txtVoice.disabled = true; #else frames.idFrameTools.DisableButton( "btnVoice" ); #endif } } catch ( error ) { FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error ); TraceFunctLeave(); return; } } // VoipWizardGood else if (szCommandName == c_szVoipWizardGood) { try { // set you to good g_stateVoipYou = 1;
// check to see if we can enable voice if ( (g_stateVoipYou < 2) && (g_stateVoipMe < 2) ) { // ungray voice button g_bVoIPEnabled = true; #ifndef _HSSTOOLBAR frames.idFrameTools.btnVoice.disabled = false; frames.idFrameTools.txtVoice.disabled = false; #else frames.idFrameTools.EnableButton( "btnVoice" ); #endif }
} catch (error) { FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error ); TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
} // VoipWizardBad else if (szCommandName == c_szVoipWizardBad) { DebugTrace("Calling SoundBeep"); SoundBeep();
try { g_bVoIPEnabled = false; DisplayMessage( L_ERRVOIP2_Text ); // set you to bad g_stateVoipYou = 2;
// gray button
#ifndef _HSSTOOLBAR frames.idFrameTools.btnVoice.disabled = true; frames.idFrameTools.txtVoice.disabled = true; #else frames.idFrameTools.DisableButton( "btnVoice" ); #endif
} catch (error) { FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error ); TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
} else if ( szCommandName == c_szHelperVersion ) { if( true == g_bVersionCheckEnforced ) { // // VERSION Check // var szSchemaVersion = null; var szControlChannelVersion = null; try { szSchemaVersion = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szSchema );
if( szSchemaVersion != c_szSchemaVersion ) { // // Schema Versions differ. // FatalError(L_ERRSCHEMAVERSION_Text); TraceFunctLeave(); return; } } catch(error) { // // Our Helpee has an older version // FatalError(L_ERRSCHEMAVERSION_Text); TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
try { szControlChannelVersion = RCCommand.getAttribute( c_szControlChannel );
if( szControlChannelVersion != c_szControlChannelVersion ) { // // Control Channel Versions differ. // FatalError(L_ERRCHANNELVERSION_Text); TraceFunctLeave(); return; } } catch(error) { // // Our Helpee has an older version // FatalError(L_ERRSCHEMAVERSION_Text); TraceFunctLeave(); return; } } } // VoipBandwidthToHigh else if (szCommandName == c_szVoipBandwidthToHigh) { g_VoipBandwidth = 1;
// Set the SamplingRate property g_Helpee_oSAFIntercomServer.SamplingRate = 2;
} // VoipBandwidthToLow else if (szCommandName == c_szVoipBandwidthToLow) { g_VoipBandwidth = 0;
// Set the SamplingRate property g_Helpee_oSAFIntercomServer.SamplingRate = 1;
} else if( szCommandName == c_szTYPINGSTART ) { frames.idFrameTools.UpdateChatStatus( L_EXPERTTYPING_Text ); //frames.idFrameChatTop.SetFocus(); } } catch(error) { FatalError( L_ERRFATAL_Text, error ); #ifdef _BVT if( true == parent.gBVT ) { Helpee_SendControlCommand( c_szBVTFAIL ); } #endif } TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
// // Helpee_SendControlCommand: Routine to send a control command across to the helper // function Helpee_SendControlCommand( szCommandName ) { TraceFunctEnter("Helper_SendControlCommand"); var Doc = null; var RCCommand = null; try { // // Create an XML document // Doc = new ActiveXObject("microsoft.XMLDOM"); // // Create the RCCOMMAND root node // RCCommand = Doc.createElement( c_szRCCommand ); // // Set the NAME attribute to szCommandName // RCCommand.setAttribute( c_szRCCommandName, szCommandName ); // // Send control message to other end // g_Helpee_oControlChannel.SendChannelData( RCCommand.xml ); } catch(error) { FatalError( L_RCCTL_Text, error ); } TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
// // Helpee_TransmitVoipGo: Sends the Cryptographically Generated Key to the expert/client side // function Helpee_TransmitVoipGo(version, szTemp) { TraceFunctEnter("TransmitCryptKey"); var Doc = null; var RCCommand = null; var szVoipKey = null; var szVoipIPList = null; var i = 0; try {
// Parse out the key and the iplist i = szTemp.indexOf(";") if (i == -1) { // Somehow you are running an old version of the Intercom objects // act like the old version of the script szVoipKey = szTemp; szVoipIPList = null; } else { // grab the Key part of the string szVoipKey = szTemp.slice(0,i); szVoipIPList = szTemp.slice(i+1); } // // Create an XML document // Doc = new ActiveXObject("microsoft.XMLDOM");
// // Create the RCCOMMAND root node // RCCommand = Doc.createElement( c_szRCCommand );
// // Set the NAME attribute to VoipGo // RCCommand.setAttribute( c_szRCCommandName, c_szVoipGo );
// // Set the VOIP Version // RCCommand.setAttribute( c_szVoipVer, version );
// // Set the VOIPGOKEY Attribute // RCCommand.setAttribute( c_szVoipGoKey, szVoipKey ); // // Set the c_szVoipIPList Attribute // RCCommand.setAttribute( c_szVoipIPList, szVoipIPList );
// // Send the XML across // g_Helpee_oControlChannel.SendChannelData( RCCommand.xml ); } catch (e) { FatalError( L_ERRFATAL_Text, e ); } TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
// // Helpee_TransmitScreenInfo: Sends the user's screen resolution to the expert // function Helpee_TransmitScreenInfo() { TraceFunctEnter("TransmitScreenInfo"); var Doc = null; var RCCommand = null; try { // // Create an XML document // Doc = new ActiveXObject("microsoft.XMLDOM"); // // Create the RCCOMMAND root node // RCCommand = Doc.createElement( c_szRCCommand ); // // Set the NAME attribute to SCREENINFO // RCCommand.setAttribute( c_szRCCommandName, c_szScreenInfo ); // // Set the WIDTH attribute // RCCommand.setAttribute( c_szWidth, screen.width ); // // Set the HEIGHT attribute // RCCommand.setAttribute( c_szHeight, screen.height ); // // Set the COLORDEPTH attribute // RCCommand.setAttribute( c_szColorDepth, screen.colorDepth ); // // Set the SCHEMAVERSION attribute // RCCommand.setAttribute( c_szSchema, c_szSchemaVersion );
// // Set the CONTROLCHANNELVERSION attribute // RCCommand.setAttribute( c_szControlChannel, c_szControlChannelVersion );
// // Send the XML across // g_Helpee_oControlChannel.SendChannelData( RCCommand.xml ); } catch(error) { FatalError( L_ERRFATAL_Text, error ); } TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
function Stop_Control() { try { // // Stop Control // // Log event log (event 4) try { var oLogger = new ActiveXObject("RACplDlg.RAEventLog");
var args = new Array(2); args[0] = parent.gHelper; args[1] = g_szLocalUser; // novice oLogger.LogRemoteAssistanceEvent(0,4,args); } catch(e) { // do nothing } Helpee_SendControlCommand( c_szEscRC ); try { try { parent.oDeskMgr.SwitchDesktopMode( 0, nRAType ); } catch(error) { parent.oDeskMgr.SwitchDesktopMode( 0 ); } frames.idFrameTools.UpdateStatus( L_SCREENVIEWONLY_Text ); } catch(error) { Helpee_RejectRC( 3 ); FatalError( L_ERRSWITCHDESKTOPMODE_Text , error); }
#ifndef _HSSTOOLBAR frames.idFrameTools.idStopControl.disabled = true; frames.idFrameTools.RejectId.disabled = true; #else frames.idFrameTools.DisableButton( "idStopControl" ); #endif
if (null != g_objPanic) { g_objPanic.ClearPanicHook(); }
// // Tell User what he did !! // idCtx.minimized = false; idCtx.bringToForeground();
var vArgs = new Array(1); vArgs[0] = parent.gFrom + L_OR_Text + parent.gHelperName + L_ESCHIT_Text; // Message var vRetVal = window.showModelessDialog( c_szMsgURL, vArgs, c_szMsgSpecs ); AddOpenSubWin( vRetVal ); } catch(error) { Helpee_RejectRC( 3 ); FatalError( L_ERRFATAL_Text, error ); } }
// // Helpee_RejectRC: Sends a reject to the helper // function Helpee_RejectRC( mode ) { TraceFunctEnter("Helpee_RejectRC"); try { if( false == g_bConnected ) { // // Not connected or Stop Control btn is disabled // TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
switch (mode) { case 0: // // Reject // Helpee_SendControlCommand( c_szRejectRC ); break; case 1: // // Stop Control // // Log event log (event 4) try { var oLogger = new ActiveXObject("RACplDlg.RAEventLog");
var args = new Array(2); args[0] = parent.gHelper; args[1] = g_szLocalUser; // novice oLogger.LogRemoteAssistanceEvent(0,4,args); } catch(e) { // do nothing } Helpee_SendControlCommand( c_szTakeControl ); try { try { parent.oDeskMgr.SwitchDesktopMode( 0, nRAType ); } catch(error) { parent.oDeskMgr.SwitchDesktopMode( 0 ); } frames.idFrameTools.UpdateStatus( L_SCREENVIEWONLY_Text ); } catch(error) { FatalError( L_ERRSWITCHDESKTOPMODE_Text , error); } if (null != g_objPanic) { g_objPanic.ClearPanicHook(); } break;
case 2: // // Policy denies Remote Control // Helpee_SendControlCommand( c_szDeniedRC ); var vArgs = new Array(1); vArgs[0] = L_ERRRCPERMDENIED_Text; // Message var vRetVal = window.showModelessDialog( c_szMsgURL, vArgs, c_szMsgSpecs ); AddOpenSubWin( vRetVal ); break;
case 3: // // Hit a Error Switching Desktop // Helpee_SendControlCommand( c_szErrorRC ); break; }
#ifndef _HSSTOOLBAR frames.idFrameTools.idStopControl.disabled = true; frames.idFrameTools.RejectId.disabled = true; #else frames.idFrameTools.DisableButton( "idStopControl" ); #endif } catch(error) { FatalError( L_ERRFATAL_Text, error ); } TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
// // Helpee_AcceptRC: Sends an accept to the helper // function Helpee_AcceptRC() { TraceFunctEnter("Helpee_AcceptRC"); try { Helpee_SendControlCommand( c_szAcceptRC ); } catch(error) { FatalError( L_ERRFATAL_Text, error ); } TraceFunctLeave(); return; }
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