Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: setting.cpp
Abstract: CSetting object. Used to support Remote Assistance Channel settings.
Revision History: created steveshi 08/23/00 */
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "SAFRCFileDlg.h"
#include "setting.h"
#include "userenv.h"
#include "stdio.h"
const TCHAR cstrRCBDYINI[] = _T("RcBuddy.ini"); const TCHAR cstrRCBDYAPP[] = _T("RcBuddyChannel"); const TCHAR cstrSubDir[] = _T("\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\RcIncidents"); extern HINSTANCE g_hInstance;
BOOL CreateRAIncidentDirectory(LPTSTR path, LPCTSTR subPath); /*********************************************************
Func: GetProfileString
Abstract: Get profile string inside the channel's setting file.
Params: bstrSec: Section key. pVal: Output string (default is "0", if not found.) *********************************************************/ HRESULT CSetting::GetProfileString(BSTR bstrSec, BSTR* pVal) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; TCHAR sBuf[512]; DWORD dwSize; USES_CONVERSION;
if (FAILED(InitProfile())) goto done;
dwSize = GetPrivateProfileString(cstrRCBDYAPP, W2T(bstrSec), TEXT("0"), &sBuf[0], 512, m_pIniFile);
*pVal = CComBSTR(sBuf).Copy(); hr = S_OK;
done: return hr; }
Func: SetProfileString
Abstract: Set profile string inside the channel's setting file.
Params: bstrSec: Section key. bstrVal: New value *********************************************************/ HRESULT CSetting::SetProfileString(BSTR bstrSec, BSTR bstrVal) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; USES_CONVERSION;
if (FAILED(InitProfile())) goto done;
if (!WritePrivateProfileString(cstrRCBDYAPP, W2T(bstrSec), W2T(bstrVal), m_pIniFile)) goto done;
hr = S_OK;
done: return hr; }
Func: get_GetUserProfileDirectory
Abstract: Return user's profile directory *********************************************************/
HRESULT CSetting::get_GetUserProfileDirectory(/*[out, retval]*/ BSTR *pVal) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; if (FAILED(hr = InitProfile())) goto done;
*pVal = CComBSTR(m_pProfileDir).Detach();
done: return hr; }
Func: get_GetUserTempFileName
Abstract: Return a temp file name under user's profile directory *********************************************************/
HRESULT CSetting::get_GetUserTempFileName(/*[out, retval]*/ BSTR *pVal) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; TCHAR sFile[MAX_PATH + 256];
if(FAILED(InitProfile())) goto done;
// Get Temp file name
if (!GetTempFileName(m_pProfileDir, _T("RC"), 0, &sFile[0])) goto done;
*pVal = CComBSTR(sFile).Copy(); hr = S_OK;
done: return hr; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Helper functions used to support the above methods or properties
Func: InitProfile
Abstract: Create the setting file. A RCIncidents subdir will be created under user's profile dir. A RcBuddy.ini file be created as the user's RA channel setting file.
*********************************************************/ HRESULT CSetting::InitProfile() { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
if (m_pProfileDir && m_pIniFile) // No need to process
return S_OK;
if (m_pProfileDir || m_pIniFile) // Only one has value: Error. No need to process either.
return E_FAIL;
// Get User profile directory
HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); TCHAR* pPath = NULL;
TCHAR sPath[MAX_PATH]; ULONG ulSize = sizeof(sPath) - sizeof(cstrSubDir) -1; // preserve space for subdir.
TCHAR sFile[MAX_PATH + 256]; HANDLE hToken = NULL; int iRet = 0; BOOL bNeedFree = FALSE; DWORD dwSizePtr=0;
if (!OpenProcessToken(hProcess, TOKEN_QUERY | TOKEN_WRITE, &hToken)) goto done;
if (!GetUserProfileDirectory(hToken, &sPath[0], &ulSize)) // Buffer not big enough
{ if (ulSize == sizeof(sPath)-1) // Not because of insufficent space.
goto done;
dwSizePtr=ulSize+1+sizeof(cstrSubDir); pPath = (TCHAR*)malloc((dwSizePtr)*sizeof(TCHAR)); if (!pPath) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto done; }
bNeedFree = TRUE;
if (!GetUserProfileDirectory(hToken, pPath, &ulSize)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); goto done; } }
if (!pPath) { dwSizePtr=MAX_PATH; pPath = sPath; }
// Create RCIncidents sub dir
// _tcscat(pPath, sSubDir);
// iRet = SHCreateDirectoryEx(NULL, pPath, NULL);
BOOL retVal= CreateRAIncidentDirectory(pPath, cstrSubDir);
if (retVal == FALSE) goto done; //SWI
//_tcscat(pPath, cstrSubDir);
hr=StringCchCat(pPath,dwSizePtr,cstrSubDir); if(FAILED(hr)) { goto done; } // if (iRet != ERROR_SUCCESS && iRet != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS)
// goto done;
// Set variables
iRet = (_tcslen(pPath) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR); m_pProfileDir = (TCHAR*)malloc(iRet); if (!m_pProfileDir) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto done; } memcpy(m_pProfileDir, pPath, iRet); dwSizePtr= iRet + (1+sizeof(cstrRCBDYINI))*sizeof(TCHAR); m_pIniFile = (TCHAR*)malloc(dwSizePtr); if (!m_pIniFile) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto done; } //SWI
//_stprintf(m_pIniFile, _T("%s\\%s"), m_pProfileDir, cstrRCBDYINI);
hr=StringCbPrintf(m_pIniFile,dwSizePtr,_T("%s\\%s"), m_pProfileDir, cstrRCBDYINI); done: if (hToken) CloseHandle(hToken);
if (bNeedFree) free(pPath);
return hr; }
Func: get_GetPropertyInBlob
Abstract: Get the specified property value in Blob
Params: bstrBlob: Blob for searching. (ex: 8;PASS=ABC ) bstrName: property name. (ex: "PASS", without '=' char) *********************************************************/ HRESULT CSetting::get_GetPropertyInBlob(/*[in]*/ BSTR bstrBlob, /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrName, /*[out, retval]*/ BSTR *pVal) { HRESULT hRet = S_FALSE; WCHAR *p1, *p2, *pEnd; LONG lTotal =0; size_t lProp = 0; size_t iNameLen;
if (!bstrBlob || *bstrBlob==L'\0' || !bstrName || *bstrName ==L'\0'|| !pVal) return FALSE;
iNameLen = wcslen(bstrName);
pEnd = bstrBlob + wcslen(bstrBlob); p1 = p2 = bstrBlob;
while (1) { // get porperty length
while (*p2 != L';' && *p2 != L'\0' && iswdigit(*p2) ) p2++; if (*p2 != L';') goto done;
*p2 = L'\0'; // set it to get length
lProp = _wtol(p1); *p2 = L';'; // revert it back.
// get property string
p1 = ++p2; while (*p2 != L'=' && *p2 != L'\0' && p2 < p1+lProp) p2++; if (*p2 != L'=') goto done;
if ((p2-p1==iNameLen) && (wcsncmp(p1, bstrName, iNameLen)==0) ) { if (lProp == iNameLen+1) // A=B= case (no value)
goto done;
WCHAR C = *(p2 + lProp-iNameLen); *(p2 + lProp-iNameLen) = L'\0'; *pVal = SysAllocString(p2+1); *(p2 + lProp-iNameLen) = C; hRet = S_OK; break; }
// check next property
p2 = p1 = p1 + lProp; if (p2 > pEnd) break; }
done: return hRet;
STDMETHODIMP CSetting::AddPropertyToBlob(BSTR pName, BSTR pValue, BSTR poldBlob, BSTR *pnewBlob) { WCHAR *pszBuf = NULL; LONG len, lOldBlob = 0; BOOL bHasValue = FALSE; DWORD dwSizePtr=0;
if(!pName || *pName==L'\0' || !pnewBlob) { goto done; }
if(poldBlob && *poldBlob != L'\0') lOldBlob = wcslen(poldBlob);
len = wcslen(pName) + 1; // ;pName=pValue 1 is for the '='
if (pValue && *pValue != L'\0') { len += wcslen(pValue); bHasValue = TRUE; }
dwSizePtr=len + lOldBlob + 1; pszBuf = new WCHAR[dwSizePtr];
if (lOldBlob > 0) { if (bHasValue) { //SWI
//swprintf(pszBuf, L"%s%d;%s=%s", poldBlob, len, pName, pValue);
StringCchPrintfW(pszBuf,dwSizePtr,L"%s%d;%s=%s", poldBlob, len, pName, pValue);
} else { //SWI
//swprintf(pszBuf, L"%s%d;%s=", poldBlob, len, pName);
StringCchPrintfW(pszBuf,dwSizePtr,L"%s%d;%s=", poldBlob, len, pName); } } else { if (bHasValue) //SWI
//swprintf(pszBuf, L"%d;%s=%s", len, pName, pValue);
StringCchPrintfW(pszBuf,dwSizePtr, L"%d;%s=%s", len, pName, pValue); else //SWI
//swprintf(pszBuf, L"%d;%s=", len, pName);
StringCchPrintfW(pszBuf,dwSizePtr, L"%d;%s=", len, pName); }
done: *pnewBlob = ::SysAllocString(pszBuf); if (pszBuf) delete pszBuf;
return S_OK; }
BOOL CreateRAIncidentDirectory(LPTSTR path, LPCTSTR subPath) { BOOL bRetVal = FALSE; TCHAR seps[] = _T("\\"); LPTSTR ptrDirPath = NULL; LPTSTR ptrSubDirPath = NULL;
DWORD dwSizePtrDir=0,dwSizePtrSubDir=0; HRESULT hr=S_OK; //SWI
dwSizePtrDir=strlen(path) + strlen(subPath) + 1; ptrDirPath = new TCHAR[dwSizePtrDir]; if (ptrDirPath == NULL) { bRetVal = FALSE; goto done; }
hr=StringCchCopy(ptrDirPath,dwSizePtrDir,path); if(FAILED(hr)) { bRetVal = FALSE; goto done; }
dwSizePtrSubDir=strlen(subPath) + 1; ptrSubDirPath = new TCHAR[dwSizePtrSubDir]; if (ptrSubDirPath == NULL) { bRetVal = FALSE; goto done; }
hr=StringCchCopy(ptrSubDirPath,dwSizePtrSubDir,subPath); if(FAILED(hr)) { bRetVal = FALSE; goto done; }
LPTSTR token;
token= _tcstok(ptrSubDirPath, seps);
while( token != NULL ) { //lstrcat(ptrDirPath,_T("\\"));
hr=StringCchCat(ptrDirPath,dwSizePtrDir,_T("\\")); if(FAILED(hr)) { bRetVal = FALSE; goto done; }
hr=StringCchCat(ptrDirPath,dwSizePtrDir,token); if(FAILED(hr)) { bRetVal = FALSE; goto done; }
if (CreateDirectory(ptrDirPath,NULL) == 0) { DWORD err = GetLastError(); if ((err != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) && (err != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { bRetVal = FALSE; goto done; } } /* Get next token: */ token = _tcstok(NULL, seps); } bRetVal = TRUE;
done: if (ptrDirPath) delete ptrDirPath; if (ptrSubDirPath) delete ptrSubDirPath; return bRetVal; }