Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: HelpCenterExternal.cpp
Abstract: This file contains the implementation of the class exposed as the "pchealth" object.
Revision History: Ghim-Sim Chua (gschua) 07/23/99 created Davide Massarenti (dmassare) 07/25/99 modified
#include "stdafx.h"
static const CComBSTR c_bstrPlace_Normal ( L"Normal" ); static const CComBSTR c_bstrPlace_FullWindow ( L"FullWindow" ); static const CComBSTR c_bstrPlace_ContentOnly ( L"ContentOnly" ); static const CComBSTR c_bstrPlace_KioskMode ( L"KioskMode" );
static const CComBSTR c_bstrSub_Channels ( L"hcp://system/panels/subpanels/Channels.htm" ); static const CComBSTR c_bstrSub_Favorites ( L"hcp://system/panels/subpanels/Favorites.htm" ); static const CComBSTR c_bstrSub_History ( L"hcp://system/panels/subpanels/History.htm" ); static const CComBSTR c_bstrSub_Index ( L"hcp://system/panels/subpanels/Index.htm" ); static const CComBSTR c_bstrSub_Options ( L"hcp://system/panels/subpanels/Options.htm" ); static const CComBSTR c_bstrSub_Search ( L"hcp://system/panels/subpanels/Search.htm" ); static const CComBSTR c_bstrSub_SubSite ( L"hcp://system/panels/subpanels/SubSite.htm" );
static const CComBSTR c_bstrURL_Home ( L"hcp://system/HomePage.htm" ); static const CComBSTR c_bstrURL_Channels ( L"hcp://system/blurbs/isupport.htm" ); static const CComBSTR c_bstrURL_Options ( L"hcp://system/blurbs/options.htm" ); static const CComBSTR c_bstrURL_Fav ( L"hcp://system/blurbs/favorites.htm"); static const CComBSTR c_bstrURL_Search ( L"hcp://system/blurbs/searchblurb.htm"); static const CComBSTR c_bstrURL_Index ( L"hcp://system/blurbs/index.htm" ); static const CComBSTR c_bstrURL_History ( L"hcp://system/blurbs/history.htm" );
static const CComBSTR c_bstrURL_Center_Update ( L"hcp://system/updatectr/updatecenter.htm" ); static const CComBSTR c_bstrURL_Center_Compat ( L"hcp://system/compatctr/CompatOffline.htm" ); static const CComBSTR c_bstrURL_Center_ErrMsg ( L"hcp://system/errmsg/errormessagesoffline.htm" );
static const CComBSTR c_bstrTOC_Center_Tools ( L"_System_/Tools_Center" );
static const CComBSTR c_bstrFunc_ChangeView ( L"onClick_ChangeView" );
static const WCHAR c_szURL_Err_BadUrl [] = L"hcp://system/errors/badurl.htm"; static const WCHAR c_szURL_Err_Redirect [] = L"hcp://system/errors/redirect.htm"; static const WCHAR c_szURL_Err_NotFound [] = L"hcp://system/errors/notfound.htm"; static const WCHAR c_szURL_Err_Offline [] = L"hcp://system/errors/offline.htm"; static const WCHAR c_szURL_Err_Unreachable[] = L"hcp://system/errors/unreachable.htm";
static const WCHAR c_szURL_BLANK [] = L"hcp://system/panels/blank.htm";
#define CTXFLG_EXPAND_CONDITIONAL (0x00000001)
#define CTXFLG_EXPAND (0x00000002)
#define CTXFLG_COLLAPSE (0x00000004)
#define CTXFLG_URL_FROM_CONTEXT (0x00000008)
#define CTXFLG_REGISTER_CONTEXT (0x00000010)
#define CTXFLG_NOP (0x00000000)
struct ContextDef { HscContext iVal;
BSTR bstrPlace;
HelpHost::CompId idComp; BSTR bstrSubPanel;
DWORD dwFlags; };
static const ContextDef c_context[] = { { HSCCONTEXT_INVALID , NULL , HelpHost::COMPID_MAX , NULL , NULL , CTXFLG_NOP }, { HSCCONTEXT_STARTUP , c_bstrPlace_FullWindow , HelpHost::COMPID_MAX , NULL , NULL , CTXFLG_EXPAND_AND_REGISTER }, { HSCCONTEXT_HOMEPAGE , c_bstrPlace_FullWindow , HelpHost::COMPID_HOMEPAGE , NULL , c_bstrURL_Home , CTXFLG_EXPAND_AND_REGISTER }, { HSCCONTEXT_CONTENT , NULL , HelpHost::COMPID_MAX , NULL , NULL , CTXFLG_URL_FROM_CONTEXT }, { HSCCONTEXT_SUBSITE , c_bstrPlace_Normal , HelpHost::COMPID_SUBSITE , c_bstrSub_SubSite , NULL , CTXFLG_FULL }, { HSCCONTEXT_SEARCH , c_bstrPlace_Normal , HelpHost::COMPID_SEARCH , c_bstrSub_Search , c_bstrURL_Search , CTXFLG_FULL }, { HSCCONTEXT_INDEX , c_bstrPlace_Normal , HelpHost::COMPID_INDEX , c_bstrSub_Index , c_bstrURL_Index , CTXFLG_FULL }, { HSCCONTEXT_FAVORITES , c_bstrPlace_Normal , HelpHost::COMPID_FAVORITES, c_bstrSub_Favorites, c_bstrURL_Fav , CTXFLG_FULL }, { HSCCONTEXT_HISTORY , c_bstrPlace_Normal , HelpHost::COMPID_HISTORY , c_bstrSub_History , c_bstrURL_History , CTXFLG_FULL }, { HSCCONTEXT_CHANNELS , c_bstrPlace_Normal , HelpHost::COMPID_CHANNELS , c_bstrSub_Channels , c_bstrURL_Channels, CTXFLG_FULL }, { HSCCONTEXT_OPTIONS , c_bstrPlace_Normal , HelpHost::COMPID_OPTIONS , c_bstrSub_Options , c_bstrURL_Options , CTXFLG_FULL },
BSTR local_SecureURL(BSTR bstrUrl) { HyperLinks::ParsedUrl pu; pu.Initialize(bstrUrl); switch (pu.m_fmt) { case HyperLinks::FMT_INTERNET_UNKNOWN : case HyperLinks::FMT_INTERNET_JAVASCRIPT: case HyperLinks::FMT_INTERNET_VBSCRIPT : // Block potentially dangerous urls
bstrUrl = (BSTR)c_szURL_Err_BadUrl; break; default: break; }
return bstrUrl; }
bool CPCHHelpCenterExternal::ProcessNavigation( /*[in]*/ HscPanel idPanel , /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrURL , /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrFrame , /*[in]*/ bool fLoading , /*[in/out]*/ VARIANT_BOOL& Cancel ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "CPCHHelpCenterExternal::ProcessNavigation" );
HRESULT hr; HyperLinks::ParsedUrl pu; bool fProceed = true; bool fShowNormal = false; bool fShowHTMLHELP = false;
if(m_fPassivated || m_fShuttingDown) { Cancel = VARIANT_TRUE; fProceed = false; __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); // Navigation aborted.
if(!MPC::StrICmp( bstrURL, L"about:blank" )) { fProceed = false; __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); // Ignore Navigation.
// This is the default redirection from the CONTEXT panel to the CONTENTS panel.
if(idPanel == HSCPANEL_CONTEXT) { if(!MPC::StrICmp( bstrFrame, L"HelpCtrContents" )) { __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, SetPanelUrl( HSCPANEL_CONTENTS, bstrURL ));
Cancel = VARIANT_TRUE; fProceed = false; __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); // Navigation aborted.
} }
// Check the url and make a copy of its state.
if(m_hs->IsTravelling() == false) { HyperLinks::UrlHandle uh;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, HyperLinks::Lookup::s_GLOBAL->Get( bstrURL, uh, /*dwWaitForCheck*/100 ));
if((HyperLinks::ParsedUrl*)uh) pu = *(HyperLinks::ParsedUrl*)uh; } else { __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, pu.Initialize( bstrURL )); }
// If hcp redirect, take the redirected URL
if (pu.m_hcpRedir) bstrURL = (BSTR)(pu.m_strURL.c_str()); if(pu.m_fmt == HyperLinks::FMT_INTERNET_JAVASCRIPT || pu.m_fmt == HyperLinks::FMT_INTERNET_VBSCRIPT ) { fProceed = false; __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); // Ignore Navigation.
// Check for navigation/url problems.
{ MPC::wstring strErrorURL; bool fError = false;
if(pu.m_fmt == HyperLinks::FMT_INVALID || pu.m_state == HyperLinks::STATE_INVALID || pu.m_state == HyperLinks::STATE_MALFORMED ) { MPC::HTML::vBuildHREF( strErrorURL, c_szURL_Err_BadUrl, L"URL", bstrURL, NULL );
fError = true; } else if(pu.m_fmt == HyperLinks::FMT_RESOURCE) { //
// WebBrowser error redirection.
// res://C:\WINNT\System32\shdoclc.dll/dnserror.htm#file://C:\file\test.htm
MPC::wstring strURL; CComBSTR bstrURLOriginal; CComBSTR bstrTitle; CPCHHelpSessionItem* hchsi = m_hs->Current();
if(hchsi) { bstrURLOriginal = hchsi->GetURL();
(void)m_hs->LookupTitle( bstrURLOriginal, bstrTitle, /*fUseIECache*/false ); }
MPC::HTML::vBuildHREF( strErrorURL, c_szURL_Err_Redirect, L"URL" , bstrURL , L"FRAME" , bstrFrame , L"REALURL", bstrURLOriginal, L"TITLE" , bstrTitle , NULL );
fError = true; } else if(pu.m_state == HyperLinks::STATE_NOTFOUND) { CComBSTR bstrTitle; (void)m_hs->LookupTitle( bstrURL, bstrTitle, /*fUseIECache*/false );
MPC::HTML::vBuildHREF( strErrorURL, c_szURL_Err_NotFound, L"URL" , bstrURL , L"TITLE", bstrTitle, NULL );
fError = true; } else if(pu.m_state == HyperLinks::STATE_UNREACHABLE) { CComBSTR bstrTitle; (void)m_hs->LookupTitle( bstrURL, bstrTitle, /*fUseIECache*/false );
MPC::HTML::vBuildHREF( strErrorURL, c_szURL_Err_Unreachable, L"URL" , bstrURL , L"TITLE", bstrTitle, NULL );
fError = true; } else if(pu.m_state == HyperLinks::STATE_OFFLINE) { CComBSTR bstrTitle; (void)m_hs->LookupTitle( bstrURL, bstrTitle, /*fUseIECache*/false );
MPC::HTML::vBuildHREF( strErrorURL, c_szURL_Err_Offline, L"URL" , bstrURL , L"TITLE", bstrTitle, NULL );
fError = true; }
if(fError) { __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, SetPanelUrl( HSCPANEL_CONTENTS, strErrorURL.c_str() ));
fProceed = false; Cancel = VARIANT_TRUE; __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); // Navigation aborted.
} }
if(pu.m_fmt == HyperLinks::FMT_MSITS) { //
// Not in the right context, redirect to the HH wrapper.
if(idPanel != HSCPANEL_HHWINDOW) { if(!m_panel_HHWINDOW_Wrapper) { //
// Force loading of the HHWindow.
CComPtr<IMarsPanel> panel;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, GetPanel( HSCPANEL_HHWINDOW, &panel, true )); }
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, NavigateHH( pu.m_strURL.c_str() ));
fProceed = false; fShowHTMLHELP = true; Cancel = VARIANT_TRUE; __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); // Navigation aborted.
} } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
if(pu.m_hcpRedir) { //
// Navigate to the redirected URL.
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, SetPanelUrl( idPanel, local_SecureURL((BSTR)(pu.m_strURL.c_str())) ));
fProceed = false; Cancel = VARIANT_TRUE; __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); // Navigation aborted.
switch(pu.m_fmt) { case HyperLinks::FMT_CENTER_HOMEPAGE : case HyperLinks::FMT_CENTER_SUPPORT : case HyperLinks::FMT_CENTER_OPTIONS : case HyperLinks::FMT_CENTER_UPDATE : case HyperLinks::FMT_CENTER_COMPAT : case HyperLinks::FMT_CENTER_TOOLS : case HyperLinks::FMT_CENTER_ERRMSG : case HyperLinks::FMT_SEARCH : case HyperLinks::FMT_INDEX : case HyperLinks::FMT_SUBSITE : case HyperLinks::FMT_LAYOUT_FULLWINDOW : case HyperLinks::FMT_LAYOUT_CONTENTONLY: case HyperLinks::FMT_LAYOUT_KIOSK : case HyperLinks::FMT_LAYOUT_XML : case HyperLinks::FMT_REDIRECT : case HyperLinks::FMT_APPLICATION : m_hs->CancelNavigation(); break; }
if(pu.m_fmt == HyperLinks::FMT_CENTER_HOMEPAGE) { if(SUCCEEDED(ChangeContext( HSCCONTEXT_HOMEPAGE ))) { }
fProceed = false; Cancel = VARIANT_TRUE; __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); // Navigation aborted.
if(pu.m_fmt == HyperLinks::FMT_CENTER_SUPPORT) { CComBSTR bstrCtx_URL ; (void)pu.GetQueryField( L"topic", bstrCtx_URL );
if(SUCCEEDED(ChangeContext( HSCCONTEXT_CHANNELS, NULL, local_SecureURL(bstrCtx_URL) ))) { }
fProceed = false; Cancel = VARIANT_TRUE; __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); // Navigation aborted.
if(pu.m_fmt == HyperLinks::FMT_CENTER_OPTIONS) { CComBSTR bstrCtx_URL ; (void)pu.GetQueryField( L"topic", bstrCtx_URL );
if(SUCCEEDED(ChangeContext( HSCCONTEXT_OPTIONS, NULL, local_SecureURL(bstrCtx_URL) ))) { }
fProceed = false; Cancel = VARIANT_TRUE; __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); // Navigation aborted.
if(pu.m_fmt == HyperLinks::FMT_CENTER_UPDATE) { if(SUCCEEDED(ChangeContext( HSCCONTEXT_FULLWINDOW, NULL, c_bstrURL_Center_Update ))) { }
fProceed = false; Cancel = VARIANT_TRUE; __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); // Navigation aborted.
if(pu.m_fmt == HyperLinks::FMT_CENTER_COMPAT) { if(SUCCEEDED(ChangeContext( HSCCONTEXT_FULLWINDOW, NULL, c_bstrURL_Center_Compat ))) { }
fProceed = false; Cancel = VARIANT_TRUE; __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); // Navigation aborted.
if(pu.m_fmt == HyperLinks::FMT_CENTER_TOOLS) { CComBSTR bstrCtx_URL ; (void)pu.GetQueryField( L"topic", bstrCtx_URL );
if(SUCCEEDED(ChangeContext( HSCCONTEXT_SUBSITE, c_bstrTOC_Center_Tools, local_SecureURL(bstrCtx_URL) ))) { }
fProceed = false; Cancel = VARIANT_TRUE; __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); // Navigation aborted.
if(pu.m_fmt == HyperLinks::FMT_CENTER_ERRMSG) { if(SUCCEEDED(ChangeContext( HSCCONTEXT_FULLWINDOW, NULL, c_bstrURL_Center_ErrMsg ))) { }
fProceed = false; Cancel = VARIANT_TRUE; __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); // Navigation aborted.
if(pu.m_fmt == HyperLinks::FMT_SEARCH) { CComBSTR bstrCtx_Info; (void)pu.GetQueryField( L"query", bstrCtx_Info ); CComBSTR bstrCtx_URL ; (void)pu.GetQueryField( L"topic", bstrCtx_URL );
if(SUCCEEDED(ChangeContext( HSCCONTEXT_SEARCH, bstrCtx_Info, local_SecureURL(bstrCtx_URL) ))) { }
fProceed = false; Cancel = VARIANT_TRUE; __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); // Navigation aborted.
if(pu.m_fmt == HyperLinks::FMT_INDEX) { CComBSTR bstrCtx_Info; (void)pu.GetQueryField( L"scope", bstrCtx_Info ); CComBSTR bstrCtx_URL ; (void)pu.GetQueryField( L"topic", bstrCtx_URL );
if(SUCCEEDED(ChangeContext( HSCCONTEXT_INDEX, bstrCtx_Info, local_SecureURL(bstrCtx_URL) ))) { }
fProceed = false; Cancel = VARIANT_TRUE; __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); // Navigation aborted.
if(pu.m_fmt == HyperLinks::FMT_SUBSITE) { CComBSTR bstrCtx_Info ; (void)pu.GetQueryField( L"node" , bstrCtx_Info ); CComBSTR bstrCtx_URL ; (void)pu.GetQueryField( L"topic" , bstrCtx_URL ); CComBSTR bstrCtx_Extra; (void)pu.GetQueryField( L"select", bstrCtx_Extra );
if(bstrCtx_Extra) { bstrCtx_Info += L" "; bstrCtx_Info += bstrCtx_Extra; }
if(SUCCEEDED(ChangeContext( HSCCONTEXT_SUBSITE, bstrCtx_Info, local_SecureURL(bstrCtx_URL) ))) { }
fProceed = false; Cancel = VARIANT_TRUE; __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); // Navigation aborted.
if(pu.m_fmt == HyperLinks::FMT_LAYOUT_FULLWINDOW) { CComBSTR bstrCtx_URL; (void)pu.GetQueryField( L"topic", bstrCtx_URL );
if(SUCCEEDED(ChangeContext( HSCCONTEXT_FULLWINDOW, NULL, local_SecureURL(bstrCtx_URL) ))) { }
fProceed = false; Cancel = VARIANT_TRUE; __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); // Navigation aborted.
if(pu.m_fmt == HyperLinks::FMT_LAYOUT_CONTENTONLY) { CComBSTR bstrCtx_URL; (void)pu.GetQueryField( L"topic", bstrCtx_URL );
if(SUCCEEDED(ChangeContext( HSCCONTEXT_CONTENTONLY, NULL, local_SecureURL(bstrCtx_URL) ))) { }
fProceed = false; Cancel = VARIANT_TRUE; __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); // Navigation aborted.
if(pu.m_fmt == HyperLinks::FMT_LAYOUT_KIOSK) { CComBSTR bstrCtx_URL; (void)pu.GetQueryField( L"topic", bstrCtx_URL );
if(SUCCEEDED(ChangeContext( HSCCONTEXT_KIOSKMODE, NULL, local_SecureURL(bstrCtx_URL) ))) { }
fProceed = false; Cancel = VARIANT_TRUE; __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); // Navigation aborted.
if(pu.m_fmt == HyperLinks::FMT_LAYOUT_XML) { // Not valid after startup....
fProceed = false; Cancel = VARIANT_TRUE; __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); // Navigation aborted.
if(pu.m_fmt == HyperLinks::FMT_REDIRECT) { CComBSTR bstrCtx_URL; (void)pu.GetQueryField( L"online", bstrCtx_URL );
{ HyperLinks::UrlHandle uh;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, HyperLinks::Lookup::s_GLOBAL->Get( bstrCtx_URL, uh, /*dwWaitForCheck*/HC_TIMEOUT_DESTINATIONREACHABLE ));
// If there's a problem with the online URL, let's use the offline one.
if(uh->IsOkToProceed() == false) { (void)pu.GetQueryField( L"offline", bstrCtx_URL ); } }
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, SetPanelUrl( HSCPANEL_CONTENTS, local_SecureURL(bstrCtx_URL) ));
fProceed = false; Cancel = VARIANT_TRUE; __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); // Navigation aborted.
if(pu.m_fmt == HyperLinks::FMT_APPLICATION) { fProceed = false; Cancel = VARIANT_TRUE; __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); // Navigation aborted.
if(fLoading == false) { if(SUCCEEDED(m_Events.FireEvent_BeforeNavigate( bstrURL, bstrFrame, idPanel, &Cancel ))) { if(Cancel == VARIANT_TRUE) { fProceed = false; __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); // Navigation aborted.
} } }
hr = S_OK;
if(!fShowNormal && !fShowHTMLHELP && Cancel != VARIANT_TRUE) { //
// No context selected, pick one based on the panel.
if(idPanel == HSCPANEL_HHWINDOW) { fShowHTMLHELP = true; } else if(idPanel == HSCPANEL_CONTENTS) { fShowNormal = true; } }
(void)SetCorrectContentPanel( fShowNormal, fShowHTMLHELP, /*fNow*/false );
// Workaround for interception VK_BACK navigations.
if(fProceed == true) { if(m_hs->IsPossibleBack()) { fProceed = false; Cancel = VARIANT_TRUE;
(void)m_hs->Back( 1 ); } }
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(fProceed); }
////HRESULT CPCHHelpCenterExternal::ExecCommand_Window( /*[in]*/ HCAPI::CmdData& cd )
//// __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "CPCHHelpCenterExternal::ExecCommand_Window" );
//// HRESULT hr;
//// if(m_hwnd)
//// {
//// if(cd.m_fSize)
//// {
//// if(cd.m_lWidth < 200) cd.m_lWidth = 200;
//// if(cd.m_lHeight < 300) cd.m_lHeight = 300;
//// __MPC_EXIT_IF_CALL_RETURNS_FALSE(hr, ::SetWindowPos( m_hwnd ,
//// NULL ,
//// cd.m_lX ,
//// cd.m_lY ,
//// cd.m_lWidth ,
//// cd.m_lHeight ,
//// }
//// if(cd.m_fWindow)
//// {
//// if(cd.m_hwndParent)
//// {
//// __MPC_EXIT_IF_CALL_RETURNS_FALSE(hr, ::SetWindowPos( m_hwnd ,
//// cd.m_hwndParent ,
//// 0 ,
//// 0 ,
//// 0 ,
//// 0 ,
//// }
//// }
//// if(cd.m_fMode)
//// {
//// if(cd.m_dwFlags & HCAPI_MODE_ALWAYSONTOP)
//// {
//// __MPC_EXIT_IF_CALL_RETURNS_FALSE(hr, ::SetWindowPos( m_hwnd ,
//// 0 ,
//// 0 ,
//// 0 ,
//// 0 ,
//// }
//// }
//// }
//// hr = S_OK;
//// __HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr);
HRESULT CPCHHelpCenterExternal::RequestShutdown() { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "CPCHHelpCenterExternal::RequestShutdown" );
HRESULT hr; VARIANT_BOOL Cancel; CPCHHelpSessionItem* hchsi;
if(m_fHidden == false) { if(SUCCEEDED(m_Events.FireEvent_Shutdown( &Cancel ))) { if(Cancel == VARIANT_TRUE) { __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, E_ACCESSDENIED); // Cancel close...
} }
if(m_hs) (void)m_hs->ForceHistoryPopulate(); }
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
static void local_HideDocument( /*[in]*/ IWebBrowser2* wb ) { CComPtr<IDispatch> disp; CComPtr<IHTMLDocument3> doc;
if(SUCCEEDED(wb->get_Document( &disp )) && disp) { if(SUCCEEDED(disp.QueryInterface( &doc ))) { CComPtr<IHTMLElement> body;
if(SUCCEEDED(doc->get_documentElement( &body )) && body) { MPC::HTML::IHTMLElementList lst; MPC::HTML::IHTMLElementIter it;
if(SUCCEEDED(MPC::HTML::EnumerateElements( lst, body ))) { for(it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); it++) { CComPtr<IHTMLStyle> style;
if(SUCCEEDED((*it)->get_style( &style )) && style) { (void)style->put_display( CComBSTR( L"NONE" ) ); } } }
MPC::ReleaseAll( lst ); } } } }
HRESULT CPCHHelpCenterExternal::ChangeContext( /*[in]*/ HscContext iVal , /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrInfo , /*[in]*/ BSTR bstrURL , /*[in]*/ bool fAlsoContent ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "CPCHHelpCenterExternal::ChangeContext" );
HRESULT hr; const ContextDef* ptr; CComBSTR bstrPage; bool fFromHomePage = false; bool fToHomePage = false;
// If we are minimized, undo it and bring the window to the foreground.
if(iVal == HSCCONTEXT_CONTENT && m_hwnd && ::IsIconic( m_hwnd ) && m_shell) { (void)m_shell->put_minimized( VARIANT_FALSE );
::SetForegroundWindow( m_hwnd ); }
if(ProcessNavigation( HSCPANEL_CONTENTS , bstrURL , NULL , false , Cancel ) == false) { __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); } }
// Delayed execution if inside OnBeforeNavigate.
if(m_dwInBeforeNavigate) { DelayedExecution& de = DelayedExecutionAlloc();
de.mode = DELAYMODE_CHANGECONTEXT; de.iVal = iVal; de.bstrInfo = bstrInfo; de.bstrURL = bstrURL; de.fAlsoContent = fAlsoContent;
__MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, DelayedExecutionStart()); }
if(iVal == HSCCONTEXT_STARTUP) { if(STRINGISPRESENT(m_bstrStartURL)) { bstrPage.Attach( m_bstrStartURL.Detach() ); } else { iVal = HSCCONTEXT_HOMEPAGE; } } else if(STRINGISPRESENT(m_bstrCurrentPlace)) { if(STRINGISPRESENT(m_bstrStartURL)) { bstrPage.Attach( m_bstrStartURL.Detach() ); fAlsoContent = true; } }
if(m_hs) { CPCHHelpSessionItem* item = m_hs->Current();
if(item && item->GetContextID() == HSCCONTEXT_HOMEPAGE) { fFromHomePage = true; } }
if(iVal == HSCCONTEXT_HOMEPAGE) { fToHomePage = true; }
if(SUCCEEDED(m_Events.FireEvent_BeforeContextSwitch( iVal, bstrInfo, bstrURL, &Cancel ))) { if(Cancel == VARIANT_TRUE) { __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); // Navigation aborted.
} } }
ptr = c_context; for(int i=0; i<ARRAYSIZE(c_context); i++, ptr++) { if(ptr->iVal == iVal) { DWORD dwFlags = ptr->dwFlags; BSTR bstrPlace = ptr->bstrPlace;
// Always register the context if we don't have a place (it means we are starting up).
if(!STRINGISPRESENT(m_bstrCurrentPlace)) { dwFlags |= CTXFLG_REGISTER_CONTEXT; }
// If we are not displayed (m_bstrCurrentPlace not set), force a transition to a default place.
if(!STRINGISPRESENT(bstrPlace) && !STRINGISPRESENT(m_bstrCurrentPlace)) { bstrPlace = c_bstrPlace_FullWindow; }
if(ptr->bstrURL) { bstrPage = ptr->bstrURL; }
if((dwFlags & CTXFLG_URL_FROM_CONTEXT) && STRINGISPRESENT(bstrURL)) { bstrPage = bstrURL; }
// When we go to KIOSKMODE, disable window size management.
if(iVal == HSCCONTEXT_SUBSITE && !STRINGISPRESENT(bstrPage)) { CComPtr<CPCHProxy_IPCHTaxonomyDatabase> db; CComBSTR bstrNode; CComBSTR bstrNodeSelect; CComBSTR bstrNodeURL; BSTR bstrToLookup = NULL; long lNavModel; long lCount;
// For subsite, we pass both the root node, the node to select and the URL of the topic, separated by spaces.
{ LPWSTR szEnd;
bstrNode = bstrInfo; if(STRINGISPRESENT(bstrNode)) { bstrToLookup = bstrNode;
szEnd = wcschr( bstrNode, ' ' ); if(szEnd) { *szEnd++ = 0;
bstrNodeSelect = szEnd; if(STRINGISPRESENT(bstrNodeSelect)) { bstrToLookup = bstrNodeSelect;
szEnd = wcschr( bstrNodeSelect, ' ' ); if(szEnd) { *szEnd++ = 0;
bstrNodeURL = szEnd; } } } } }
if(!m_Utility) __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, E_ACCESSDENIED); __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_Utility->GetDatabase( &db ));
{ CComPtr<CPCHQueryResult> qrNode;
{ CComPtr<CPCHQueryResultCollection> pColl;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, db->ExecuteQuery( OfflineCache::ET_NODE, bstrToLookup, &pColl ));
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, pColl->GetItem( 0, &qrNode ));
lNavModel = qrNode->GetData().m_lNavModel; }
if(lNavModel == QR_DEFAULT) { if(UserSettings()->IsDesktopSKU()) { CComPtr<CPCHQueryResultCollection> pColl;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, db->ExecuteQuery( OfflineCache::ET_TOPICS_VISIBLE, bstrToLookup, &pColl ));
lCount = pColl->Size(); lNavModel = QR_DESKTOP; } else { lCount = 0; lNavModel = QR_SERVER; } }
if(lNavModel == QR_DESKTOP && lCount) { MPC::wstring strURL;
MPC::HTML::vBuildHREF( strURL, L"hcp://system/panels/Topics.htm", L"path", bstrToLookup, NULL );
bstrPage = strURL.c_str(); } else { bstrPage = qrNode->GetData().m_bstrTopicURL; }
if(!STRINGISPRESENT(bstrPage)) bstrPage = c_szURL_BLANK; } }
if(dwFlags & CTXFLG_EXPAND_CONDITIONAL) { CComPtr<IMarsPanel> panel; VARIANT_BOOL fContentsVisible = VARIANT_FALSE;
GetPanelDirect( HSCPANEL_NAVBAR, panel ); if(panel) { (void)panel->get_visible( &fContentsVisible ); }
if(fContentsVisible == VARIANT_TRUE) { dwFlags &= ~CTXFLG_EXPAND_CONDITIONAL; dwFlags |= CTXFLG_EXPAND; } else if(STRINGISPRESENT(m_bstrCurrentPlace)) { bstrPlace = NULL; } }
// Fire the PersistSave event.
if(fAlsoContent) { __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_hs->ForceHistoryPopulate()); }
if(dwFlags & CTXFLG_EXPAND ) __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, SetCorrectContentView( false )); if(dwFlags & CTXFLG_COLLAPSE) __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, SetCorrectContentView( true ));
if(ptr->idComp != HelpHost::COMPID_MAX && m_HelpHost->GetStatus( ptr->idComp ) == false) { if(ptr->bstrSubPanel) { CComPtr<IWebBrowser2> wb = m_panel_CONTEXT_WebBrowser; if(wb) { CComVariant varURL ( ptr->bstrSubPanel ); CComVariant varFrame( L"SubPanels" ); CComVariant varEmpty;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, wb->Navigate2( &varURL, &varEmpty, &varFrame, &varEmpty, &varEmpty )); }
if(m_HelpHost->WaitUntilLoaded( ptr->idComp ) == false) { __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, E_INVALIDARG); } } }
// It's actually a navigation, so register it.
if(dwFlags & CTXFLG_REGISTER_CONTEXT) { __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_hs->RegisterContextSwitch( iVal, bstrInfo, bstrURL )); }
if(fAlsoContent) { if(!MPC::StrICmp( bstrPage, L"<none>" )) bstrPage.Empty();
if(STRINGISPRESENT(bstrPage)) { __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_hs->RecordNavigationInAdvance( bstrPage ));
if(fFromHomePage || fToHomePage ) { CComPtr<IWebBrowser2> wb;
wb = m_panel_CONTENTS_WebBrowser; if(wb) local_HideDocument( wb ); wb = m_panel_HHWINDOW_WebBrowser; if(wb) local_HideDocument( wb );
RefreshUI(); }
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, SetPanelUrl( HSCPANEL_CONTENTS, bstrPage )); } else { __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_hs->DuplicateNavigation()); } }
if(STRINGISPRESENT(bstrPlace)) { __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, TransitionToPlace( bstrPlace )); }
if(fAlsoContent) { __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_Events.FireEvent_ContextSwitch()); }
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
HRESULT CPCHHelpCenterExternal::SetCorrectContentView( /*[in]*/ bool fShrinked ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "CPCHHelpCenterExternal::SetCorrectContentView" );
HRESULT hr; LPCWSTR szPlace; CComVariant v( fShrinked ? L"contentonly" : L"normal" );
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, CallFunctionOnPanel( HSCPANEL_NAVBAR, NULL, c_bstrFunc_ChangeView, &v, 1 ));
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
HRESULT CPCHHelpCenterExternal::SetCorrectContentPanel( /*[in]*/ bool fShowNormal , /*[in]*/ bool fShowHTMLHELP , /*[in]*/ bool fDoItNow ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "CPCHHelpCenterExternal::SetCorrectContentPanel" );
HRESULT hr; CComPtr<IMarsPanelCollection> coll; bool fLocked = false;
// If there's no place, whatever we do will be lost, so delay the action.
if(!STRINGISPRESENT(m_bstrCurrentPlace)) fDoItNow = false;
// Two panels, HSCPANEL_CONTENTS and HSCPANEL_HHWINDOW, are actually overlapped, so only one at a time can be visible.
if(m_shell && SUCCEEDED(m_shell->get_panels( &coll )) && coll) { CComPtr<IMarsPanel> panel; CComPtr<IMarsPanel> panelOld; HscPanel id; HscPanel idOld;
if(fShowNormal) { id = HSCPANEL_CONTENTS; idOld = HSCPANEL_HHWINDOW; } else if(fShowHTMLHELP) { id = HSCPANEL_HHWINDOW; idOld = HSCPANEL_CONTENTS; } else { __MPC_SET_ERROR_AND_EXIT(hr, S_OK); // Nothing to do.
GetPanelDirect( id, panel ); if(panel) { VARIANT_BOOL fVisible;
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, panel->get_visible( &fVisible )); if(fVisible == VARIANT_FALSE) { if(fDoItNow == false) { __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, m_DisplayTimer.Start( this, fShowNormal ? TimerCallback_DisplayNormal : TimerCallback_DisplayHTMLHELP, 50 )); } else { coll->lockLayout(); fLocked = true;
GetPanelDirect( idOld, panelOld ); if(panelOld) { __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, panelOld->put_visible( VARIANT_FALSE )); __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, panel ->put_visible( VARIANT_TRUE )); } } } } }
hr = S_OK;
if(fLocked) coll->unlockLayout();
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
HRESULT CPCHHelpCenterExternal::TimerCallback_DisplayNormal ( /*[in]*/ VARIANT ) { return SetCorrectContentPanel( /*fShowNormal*/true, /*fShowHTMLHELP*/false, /*fDoItNow*/true ); }
HRESULT CPCHHelpCenterExternal::TimerCallback_DisplayHTMLHELP( /*[in]*/ VARIANT ) { return SetCorrectContentPanel( /*fShowNormal*/false, /*fShowHTMLHELP*/true, /*fDoItNow*/true ); }
HRESULT CPCHHelpCenterExternal::TimerCallback_DelayedActions( /*[in]*/ VARIANT ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "CPCHHelpCenterExternal::TimerCallback_DelayedActions" );
while(m_DelayedActions.size()) { DelayedExecution& de = m_DelayedActions.front();
switch(de.mode) { case DELAYMODE_NAVIGATEWEB : (void)SetPanelUrl ( HSCPANEL_CONTENTS, de.bstrURL ); break; case DELAYMODE_NAVIGATEHH : (void)NavigateHH ( de.bstrURL ); break; case DELAYMODE_CHANGECONTEXT: (void)ChangeContext( de.iVal, de.bstrInfo, de.bstrURL, de.fAlsoContent ); break; case DELAYMODE_REFRESHLAYOUT: if(m_shell) (void)m_shell->refreshLayout(); break; }
m_DelayedActions.pop_front(); }
CPCHHelpCenterExternal::DelayedExecution& CPCHHelpCenterExternal::DelayedExecutionAlloc() { return *(m_DelayedActions.insert( m_DelayedActions.end() )); }
HRESULT CPCHHelpCenterExternal::DelayedExecutionStart() { return m_ActionsTimer.Start( this, TimerCallback_DelayedActions, 2 ); }
HRESULT CPCHHelpCenterExternal::RefreshLayout() { DelayedExecution& de = DelayedExecutionAlloc();
return DelayedExecutionStart(); }
HRESULT CPCHHelpCenterExternal::EnsurePlace() { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "CPCHHelpCenterExternal::EnsurePlace" );
// If we are not displayed (m_bstrCurrentPlace not set), force a transition to a default place.
if(!STRINGISPRESENT(m_bstrCurrentPlace)) { __MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, TransitionToPlace( c_bstrPlace_FullWindow )); }
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
HRESULT CPCHHelpCenterExternal::TransitionToPlace( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR szMode ) { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "CPCHHelpCenterExternal::TransitionToPlace" );
HRESULT hr; CComPtr<IMarsPlaceCollection> coll; CComBSTR bstrPlace( szMode );
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, coll->transitionTo( bstrPlace ));
__MPC_EXIT_IF_METHOD_FAILS(hr, RefreshLayout());
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }
HRESULT CPCHHelpCenterExternal::ExtendNavigation() { __HCP_FUNC_ENTRY( "CPCHHelpCenterExternal::ExtendNavigation" );
m_panel_CONTEXT_Events .NotifyStop(); m_panel_CONTENTS_Events.NotifyStop(); m_panel_HHWINDOW_Events.NotifyStop();
hr = S_OK;
__HCP_FUNC_EXIT(hr); }