#ifndef __PLACE_H
#define __PLACE_H
class CPlaceCollection; class CMarsWindow; class CMarsDocument; class CMarsPanel;
#include "pandef.h"
class CPlacePanel { protected: CComBSTR m_bstrName; PANEL_PERSIST_VISIBLE m_PersistVisible; BOOL m_fWasVisible;
public: CPlacePanel( MarsAppDef_PlacePanel* pp );
VARIANT_BOOL ShowOnTransition( CMarsPanel *pPanel );
void SaveLayout( class CMarsPanel* pPanel );
CComBSTR &GetName() { return m_bstrName; } };
typedef CSimpleArray<CPlacePanel *> CPlacePanelArray;
class CPlacePanelCollection : public CPlacePanelArray { public: ~CPlacePanelCollection(); };
class CMarsPlace : public CMarsComObject, public MarsIDispatchImpl<IMarsPlace, &IID_IMarsPlace> { friend CPlaceCollection; CMarsPlace(CPlaceCollection *pParent, CMarsDocument *pMarsDocument);
HRESULT DoPassivate();
protected: virtual ~CMarsPlace() {}
public: HRESULT Init(LPCWSTR pwszName);
// IUnknown
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)(); STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)(); STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID iid, void ** ppvObject);
// IMarsPlace
STDMETHODIMP get_name(/* out, retval */ BSTR *pbstrName); STDMETHODIMP transitionTo(); HRESULT TranslateAccelerator(MSG *pMsg);
BSTR GetName() { return m_bstrName; } HRESULT DoTransition();
HRESULT AddPanel(CPlacePanel *pPlacePanel); void SaveLayout(void);
protected: CComClassPtr<CPlaceCollection> m_spPlaceCollection; CComClassPtr<CMarsDocument> m_spMarsDocument; CComBSTR m_bstrName;
// Each place has a set of panels that it would like to be visible
CPlacePanelCollection m_PlacePanels; };
typedef CSimpleArray<CMarsPlace *> CMarsPlaceArray; typedef MarsIDispatchImpl<IMarsPlaceCollection, &IID_IMarsPlaceCollection> IMarsPlaceCollectionImpl;
class CPlaceCollection : public CMarsComObject, public IMarsPlaceCollectionImpl, protected CMarsPlaceArray { friend CMarsDocument;
CPlaceCollection( CMarsDocument *pMarsDocument ); HRESULT DoPassivate();
protected: virtual ~CPlaceCollection() { ATLASSERT(GetSize() == 0); }
public: // IUnknown
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)(); STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)(); STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(REFIID iid, void ** ppvObject);
// IDispatch
IMPLEMENT_IDISPATCH_DELEGATE_TO_BASE(IMarsPlaceCollectionImpl); // IMarsPlaceCollection
STDMETHODIMP place(/* in */ BSTR bstrName, /* out, retval */ IMarsPlace **ppMarsPlace); STDMETHODIMP get_currentPlace(/* out, retval */ IMarsPlace **ppMarsPlace); STDMETHODIMP transitionTo(/* in */ BSTR bstrName);
CMarsDocument *Document() { ATLASSERT(m_spMarsDocument); return m_spMarsDocument; } HRESULT AddPlace(LPCWSTR pwszName, CMarsPlace **ppPlace); void FreePlaces();
HRESULT GetPlace(LPCWSTR pwszName, /*optional*/ CMarsPlace **ppPlace); HRESULT FindPlaceIndex(LPCWSTR pwszName, long *plIndex);
void OnPanelReady();
CMarsPlace *GetCurrentPlace() { return (m_lCurrentPlaceIndex != -1) ? (*this)[m_lCurrentPlaceIndex] : NULL; }
protected: CComClassPtr<CMarsDocument> m_spMarsDocument;
long m_lCurrentPlaceIndex; long m_lOldPlaceIndex; };