# # #
use Env;
$svcsetup_bin = "$ENV{SDXROOT}/admin/pchealth/helpctr/target/obj/i386/SvcSetup.exe";
$lookup_VAR{ "BUILD_OUTPUT" } = "$ENV{_NTTREE}";
$lookup_VAR{ "HC_SRC" } = "$ENV{SDXROOT}/admin/pchealth/helpctr"; $lookup_VAR{ "HC_DATA" } = "$ENV{SDXROOT}/admin/pchealth/helpctr/Content"; $lookup_VAR{ "HC_DB" } = "$ENV{SDXROOT}/admin/pchealth/HelpCtr/Content/Database"; $lookup_VAR{ "HC_HTML" } = "$ENV{SDXROOT}/admin/pchealth/HelpCtr/Content/SystemPages";
$lookup_VAR{ "SI_HTML" } = "$ENV{SDXROOT}/admin/pchealth/SysInfo/HTML"; $lookup_VAR{ "SI_CTRL" } = "$ENV{SDXROOT}/admin/pchealth/SysInfo/Control";
$lookup_SKU{ "All" } = [ "", "", "" ];
#### $lookup_SKU{ "Personal_32" } = [ "Personal_32" , "p3", "\@p:\@3:" ]; #### $lookup_SKU{ "Professional_32" } = [ "Professional_32" , "w3", "\@w!p:\@3:" ]; #### $lookup_SKU{ "Server_32" } = [ "Server_32" , "s3", "\@s!e!b:\@3:" ]; #### $lookup_SKU{ "Blade_32" } = [ "Blade_32" , "b3", "\@b:\@3:" ]; #### $lookup_SKU{ "AdvancedServer_32" } = [ "AdvancedServer_32", "e3", "\@e!d:\@3:" ]; #### #lookup_SKU{ "AdvancedServer_32" } = [ "AdvancedServer_32", "e3", "\@s!d:\@3:" ]; #### $lookup_SKU{ "DataCenter_32" } = [ "DataCenter_32" , "d3", "\@d:\@3:" ]; #### #### #lookup_SKU{ "Personal_64" } = [ "Personal_64" , "p6", "\@p:\@6:" ]; #### $lookup_SKU{ "Professional_64" } = [ "Professional_64" , "w6", "\@w!p:\@6:" ]; #### #lookup_SKU{ "Server_64" } = [ "Server_64" , "s6", "\@s!e!b:\@6:" ]; #### #lookup_SKU{ "Blade_64" } = [ "Blade_64" , "b6", "\@b:\@6:" ]; #### $lookup_SKU{ "AdvancedServer_64" } = [ "AdvancedServer_64", "e6", "\@e!d:\@6:" ]; #### #lookup_SKU{ "AdvancedServer_64" } = [ "AdvancedServer_64", "e6", "\@sed:\@6:" ]; #### $lookup_SKU{ "DataCenter_64" } = [ "DataCenter_64" , "d6", "\@d:\@6:" ];
$SKU_32BITS = "\@\@:\@3:";
$OPT_SKU = ""; $OPT_COPY = 0; # Force the option, NOT TO COPY FILES, INF only. $OPT_VERBOSE = 0; $OPT_MODE = "NORMAL";
@SectionDefinition = ( # Tag in the INF # | Directory where to install this tag # | | Delayed installation? # | | | # V V V [ "WINDOWS" , "%10%" , "" ], [ "SYSTEM" , "%11%" , "" ],
[ "WMI" , "%11%\\WBEM" , "" ], [ "WMI_DLY" , "%11%\\WBEM" , "PCHDATA" ], [ "WMIDTD" , "%11%\\WBEM\\DTD" , "" ], [ "UL_BIN" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\UploadLB\\Binaries" , "" ], [ "UL_CFG" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\UploadLB\\Config" , "PCHDATA" ],
[ "HC_BIN" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\Binaries" , "" ], [ "HC_BIN_DLY" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\Binaries" , "PCHDATA" ], [ "HC_DB" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\Database" , "PCHDATA" ], [ "HC_CFG" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\Config" , "PCHDATA" ],
[ "HC_HTM_SYS" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\System" , "PCHDATA" ], [ "HC_HTM_CSS" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\System\\css" , "PCHDATA" ], [ "HC_HTM_DLG" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\System\\dialogs" , "PCHDATA" ], [ "HC_HTM_ERR" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\System\\errors" , "PCHDATA" ], [ "HC_HTM_PAN" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\System\\panels" , "PCHDATA" ], [ "HC_HTM_SUBPAN", "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\System\\panels\\subpanels" , "PCHDATA" ], [ "HC_HTM_SCR" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\System\\scripts" , "PCHDATA" ],
[ "HC_HTM_IMG" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\System\\images" , "PCHDATA" ], [ "HC_HTM_IMG16" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\System\\images\\16x16" , "PCHDATA" ], [ "HC_HTM_IMG24" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\System\\images\\24x24" , "PCHDATA" ], [ "HC_HTM_IMG32" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\System\\images\\32x32" , "PCHDATA" ], [ "HC_HTM_IMG48" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\System\\images\\48x48" , "PCHDATA" ], [ "HC_HTM_EXP" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\System\\images\\Expando" , "PCHDATA" ], [ "HC_HTM_CTR" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\System\\images\\Centers" , "PCHDATA" ],
[ "HC_HTM_LAM" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\System\\HelpComment" , "PCHDATA" ], [ "HC_HTM_BLB" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\System\\blurbs" , "PCHDATA" ], [ "HC_HTM_RC" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\System\\rc" , "PCHDATA" ],
[ "HC_HTM_UPD" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\System\\UpdateCtr" , "PCHDATA" ], [ "HC_HTM_CPT" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\System\\CompatCtr" , "PCHDATA" ], [ "HC_HTM_DFS" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\System\\DFS" , "PCHDATA" ], [ "HC_HTM_ERRMSG", "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\System\\ErrMsg" , "PCHDATA" ],
[ "SI_HTM" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\System\\sysinfo" , "PCHDATA" ], [ "SI_GIF" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\System\\sysinfo\\graphics" , "PCHDATA" ], [ "SI_PIE1" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\System\\sysinfo\\graphics\\33x16pie", "PCHDATA" ], [ "SI_PIE2" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\System\\sysinfo\\graphics\\47x24pie", "PCHDATA" ],
[ "ND_HTM" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\System\\NetDiag" , "PCHDATA" ],
[ "DVD_HTM" , "%10%\\PCHealth\\HelpCtr\\System\\DVDUpgrd" , "PCHDATA" ], );
@ComponentDefinition = ( # Tag in the INF # | Component to map to this tag # | | Bit mask for installation. # | | | Flags for SKU # | | | | # V V V V [ "WINDOWS" , "CompWindows" , "ALL" , "" ], [ "SYSTEM" , "CompSystem" , "ALL" , "" ],
[ "WMI" , "CompWMI_prov" , "UPLOADLB", "" ], [ "WMI" , "CompWMIXMLT" , "WMIXMLT" , "" ], [ "WMIDTD" , "CompWMIDTD" , "WMIXMLT" , "" ], [ "UL_BIN" , "CompUL" , "UPLOADLB", "" ], [ "UL_CFG" , "CompUL_cfg" , "UPLOADLB", "" ],
[ "HC_BIN" , "CompHC_bin" , "HELPCTR" , "" ], [ "HC_DB" , "CompHC_db" , "HELPCTR" , "" ], [ "HC_CFG" , "CompHC_cfg" , "HELPCTR" , "" ],
[ "HC_CFG" , "CompHC_cfg" , "HELPCTR" , "" ],
[ "HC_HTM_SYS" , "CompHC_system" , "HELPCTR" , "" ], [ "HC_HTM_CSS" , "CompHC_css" , "HELPCTR" , "" ], [ "HC_HTM_DLG" , "CompHC_dlg" , "HELPCTR" , "" ], [ "HC_HTM_ERR" , "CompHC_errors" , "HELPCTR" , "" ], [ "HC_HTM_PAN" , "CompHC_panels" , "HELPCTR" , "" ], [ "HC_HTM_SUBPAN", "CompHC_subpan" , "HELPCTR" , "" ], [ "HC_HTM_SCR" , "CompHC_scripts", "HELPCTR" , "" ],
[ "HC_HTM_IMG" , "CompHC_images" , "HELPCTR" , "" ], [ "HC_HTM_IMG16" , "CompHC_16x16" , "HELPCTR" , "" ], [ "HC_HTM_IMG24" , "CompHC_24x24" , "HELPCTR" , "" ], [ "HC_HTM_IMG32" , "CompHC_32x32" , "HELPCTR" , "" ], [ "HC_HTM_IMG48" , "CompHC_48x48" , "HELPCTR" , "" ], [ "HC_HTM_EXP" , "CompHC_expando", "HELPCTR" , "" ], [ "HC_HTM_CTR" , "CompHC_centers", "HELPCTR" , "" ],
[ "HC_HTM_LAM" , "CompHC_lame" , "HELPCTR" , "" ], [ "HC_HTM_BLB" , "CompHC_blurbs" , "HELPCTR" , "" ], [ "HC_HTM_RC" , "CompHC_rc" , "HELPCTR" , "" ],
[ "HC_HTM_UPD" , "CompHC_update" , "HELPCTR" , "" ], [ "HC_HTM_CPT" , "CompHC_compat" , "HELPCTR" , "" ], [ "HC_HTM_DFS" , "CompHC_dfs" , "HELPCTR" , "" ], [ "HC_HTM_ERRMSG", "CompHC_errmsg" , "HELPCTR" , "" ],
[ "HC_BIN" , "CompSI_bin" , "SYSINFO" , "" ], [ "WMI_DLY" , "CompSI_mof" , "SYSINFO" , "" ], [ "SI_HTM" , "CompSI_htm" , "SYSINFO" , "" ], [ "SI_GIF" , "CompSI_gif" , "SYSINFO" , "" ], [ "SI_PIE1" , "CompSI_pie1" , "SYSINFO" , "" ], [ "SI_PIE2" , "CompSI_pie2" , "SYSINFO" , "" ],
[ "ND_HTM" , "CompND_htm" , "NETDIAG" , "" ],
[ "DVD_HTM" , "CompDVD_htm" , "DVDUPGRD", "" ], );
${uniq_seq} = 0;
foreach $in ( @SectionDefinition ) { $infid = $$in[0]; $dir = $$in[1];
$lookup_INFID_to_FILES__source { $infid } = {}; $lookup_INFID_to_FILES__destination{ $infid } = {}; $lookup_INFID_to_DIR { $infid } = $dir; $lookup_DELAYED { $infid } = $$in[2] if $$in[2]; }
foreach $in ( @ComponentDefinition ) { $infid = $$in[0]; $comp = $$in[1]; $prod = $$in[2]; $sku = $$in[3];
$lookup_COMP_to_FILES__destination{ $comp } = $lookup_INFID_to_FILES__destination{ $infid }; $lookup_COMP_to_PRODUCT { $comp } = $prod; $lookup_COMP_to_INFID { $comp } = $infid; $lookup_COMP_to_SKU { $comp } = $sku; }
sub mysystem { my($cmd) = @_;
if ($OPT_VERBOSE == 1) { printf STDOUT ("%s\n", $cmd ); } else { $cmd = qq|$cmd > nul 2>&1|; }
return( system $cmd ); }
sub parseargs { $getarg="";
foreach (@ARGV) { $arg = $_;
if($getarg) { for ($getarg) { /^-sku$/i and do { $OPT_SKU=$arg;
&Usage unless $lookup_SKU{ $OPT_SKU };
last; };
/^-install$/i and do { $OPT_INSTALL = 0 if $OPT_INSTALL_DEFAULT; undef $OPT_INSTALL_DEFAULT;
$arg =~ tr/[a-z]/[A-Z]/;
&Usage unless $lookup_STR_to_MASK{ $arg };
$OPT_INSTALL |= $lookup_STR_to_MASK{ $arg }; last; };
/^-dir$/i and do { $OPT_INSTALL_DIR=$arg; last; };
/^-inf$/i and do { $OPT_INSTALL_INF=$arg; last; };
/^-inftxt$/i and do { $OPT_INSTALL_INFTXT=$arg; last; };
/^-signfile$/i and do { $OPT_SIGNFILE=$arg; last; }; }
$getarg=""; } else { for ($arg) { /^-normal$/i and do { $OPT_MODE = "NORMAL" ; last; }; /^-standalone$/i and do { $OPT_MODE = "STANDALONE"; last; };
/^-sku$/i and do { $getarg = $_; last; }; /^-skipcopy$/i and do { $OPT_COPY = 0; last; }; /^-docopy$/i and do { $OPT_COPY = 1; last; }; /^-verbose$/i and do { $OPT_VERBOSE = 1; last; };
/^-install$/i and do { $getarg = $_; last; }; /^-dir$/i and do { $getarg = $_; last; }; /^-inf$/i and do { $getarg = $_; last; }; /^-inftxt$/i and do { $getarg = $_; last; };
/^-signfile$/i and do { $getarg = $_; last; };
printf ("Invalid option: %s\n\n", $_); &Usage; } } }
sub Usage { print q/CreateInf - Create the setup package for PC Health
Usage: CreateInf [<options>] Options: -help Prints out this message. -sku Specify the flavor of the setup (default: Server_32). -skipcopy Do not copy files. -verbose Output a log of the operations.
-debug Generate a setup for DEBUG. (symbols, etc.) -retail Generate a setup for RETAIL. -bbt Generate a setup for BBT. (instrumented exes, etc.) -opt Generate a setup for OPT. (optimized exes, etc.)
-normal Generate an INF for NT setup. (default) -standalone Generate an INF for direct installation.
-dir <path> The directory that will receive the files. (def: FilesToDrop)
-install <part> Include <part> in the installation. You can repeat the option more than one to include multiple products. Valid values:
ALL - Everything. CORE - The common modules. HELPCTR - Help And Support Services. NETDIAG - Network Diagnostics. SYSINFO - System Information. NETDIAG - Network diagnostics. DVDUPGRD - DVD upgrade. UPLOADLB - Upload Library..
/; exit 1; }
sub init { open IN, "cd |"; $CWD=<IN>; chop $CWD; close IN;
## $SLMDIR="$ENV{SDXROOT}\\admin\\pchealth"; ## ## open IN, "$ENV{SDXROOT}\\admin\\pchealth\\core\\include\\bldver.h" or die "Can't open build version file"; ## @lines = grep /#define VER_PRODUCTBUILD /, <IN>; ## foreach (@lines) ## { ## $BUILDNUM=$1 if m/#define VER_PRODUCTBUILD +(\d+)/; ## }
if ($OPT_COPY) { mysystem( qq|rd /S /Q "$OPT_INSTALL_DIR"| ); mysystem( qq|md "$OPT_INSTALL_DIR"| ); } }
sub generate_list_of_copy_sections { my($out) = @_; my($infid,$list);
$list = "CopyFiles=copy.inf";
foreach $infid (sort keys %lookup_INFID_to_FILES__destination) { next if $lookup_DELAYED{$infid}; # Delayed installation
if(keys %{ $lookup_INFID_to_FILES__destination{ $infid } }) { $list="$list, $infid"; } } printf $out ("%s\n", $list ); }
sub generate_destination_dirs { my($out) = @_; my($infid,$list,$dir);
foreach $infid (sort keys %lookup_INFID_to_FILES__destination) { next if $lookup_DELAYED{$infid}; # Delayed installation
if(keys %{ $lookup_INFID_to_FILES__destination{ $infid } }) { $dir = $lookup_INFID_to_DIR{ $infid };
$dir =~ s/\%([0-9]*)\%\\(.*)/$1,$2/g; $dir =~ s/\%([0-9]*)\%/$1/g;
printf $out ("%s = %s\n", $infid, $dir ); } } }
sub generate_copy_sections { my ($out) = @_; my ($infid,$tmpfile,$ref,$dstfile,$sku,$got); my ($name,$ext);
foreach $infid (sort keys %lookup_INFID_to_FILES__destination) { next if $lookup_DELAYED{$infid}; # Delayed installation
$got=0; foreach $tmpfile (sort keys %{ $lookup_INFID_to_FILES__destination{ $infid } }) { printf $out ("[%s]\n", $infid ) if $got == 0;
$ref = $lookup_INFID_to_FILES__destination{ $infid }->{$tmpfile};
$tmpfile = $$ref[0]; $dstfile = $$ref[1]; $sku = $$ref[2];
($name,$ext) = $dstfile =~ m/(.*)\.(.*)/x;
printf $out ( $lookup_SKU{ $sku }[2] ) if $lookup_SKU{ $sku };
#### # #### # If the file is 8.3 characters and should be renamed, do the renaming here. #### # #### if($tmpfile !~ $dstfile and length( $name ) <= 8 and length( $ext ) <= 3) #### { #### printf $out ("%s,%s\n", $dstfile, $tmpfile ); #### } #### else #### { #### printf $out ("%s\n", $tmpfile ); #### }
# # If the file should be renamed, do the renaming here. # if($tmpfile !~ $dstfile) { printf $out ("%s,%s\n", $dstfile, $tmpfile ); } else { printf $out ("%s\n", $tmpfile ); }
$got=1; } printf $out ("\n" ) if $got; } }
sub generate_rename_section { my($out) = @_; my($infid,$first,$tmpfile,$dstfile,$sku,$dir);
foreach $infid (sort keys %lookup_INFID_to_FILES__destination) { next if $lookup_DELAYED{$infid}; # Delayed installation
$dir = $lookup_INFID_to_DIR{ $infid };
$first=1; foreach $tmpfile (sort keys %{ $lookup_INFID_to_FILES__destination{ $infid } }) { $ref = $lookup_INFID_to_FILES__destination{ $infid }->{$tmpfile};
$tmpfile = $$ref[0]; $dstfile = $$ref[1]; $sku = $$ref[2];
next if $tmpfile =~ $dstfile;
# # If the file is 8.3 charactes, don't use rename section. # my ($name,$ext) = $dstfile =~ m/(.*)\.(.*)/x; next if (length( $name ) <= 8 and length( $ext ) <= 3);
if($first) { printf $out ( "HKLM,%%KEY_RENAME%%\\PCHealth_%s,,,\"%s\"\n", $infid, $dir );
$first=0; }
printf $out ( $lookup_SKU{ $sku }[2] ) if $lookup_SKU{ $sku }; printf $out ( "HKLM,%%KEY_RENAME%%\\PCHealth_%s,\"%s\",,\"%s\"\n", $infid, $tmpfile, $dstfile ); } printf $out ("\n" ) unless $first; } }
sub insert_disks { my($out) = @_; my($key);
foreach (sort keys %list_disks) { $key = $_;
printf $out ( "%s=%s\n", $key, $list_disks{$key} ); } }
sub process_file { my($srcfile,$dstfile1,$dstfile2) = @_; my($mode,$skip,$prevskip,$white,$lastwhite); my(@cond,$condIdx,$output);
open IN, "$srcfile" or die "Can't open input file '$srcfile'"; open OUT1, ">$dstfile1" or die "Can't open output file '$dstfile1'"; open OUT2, ">$dstfile2" or die "Can't open output file '$dstfile2'";
$mode = ""; $value = ""; $skip = 0; $prevskip = 0; $white = ""; $lastwhite = ""; $condIdx = 0; $cond[0] = ($mode,$value,$skip,$prevskip);
$output = "OUT1";
while(<IN>) { chop;
if($condIdx > 0) { if(m/^\#endif/x) { ($mode,$value,$skip,$prevskip) = $cond[$--condIdx]; next; }
if(m/^\#else/x) { $skip = 1 - $skip; next; } }
if(m/^\#if\s*(.*)\s+(.*)/x) { $cond[$condIdx++] = ($mode,$value,$skip,$prevskip);
$prevskip = $skip; $skip = 1;
$mode = $1; $value = $2;
$mask = $lookup_STR_to_MASK{ $mode };
$skip = 0 if $mode =~ /MODE/i and $value =~ $OPT_MODE; $skip = 0 if $mask and (($value != 0) xor (($OPT_INSTALL & $mask) != $mask));
next; }
next if($prevskip == 1 || $skip == 1);
$white = m/^ *$/; next if($white && $whitelast); $whitelast = $white;
do { insert_disks ( $output ); next; } if /___DISKS___/i; do { generate_copy_sections ( $output ); next; } if /___COPY_SECTIONS___/i; do { generate_destination_dirs ( $output ); next; } if /___DESTINATION_DIRS___/i; do { generate_list_of_copy_sections( $output ); next; } if /___LIST_OF_COPY_SECTIONS___/i;
#### do { generate_rename_section ( $output ); next; } if /___RENAME___/i; do { next; } if /___RENAME___/i;
$output = "OUT2" if /\[Strings\]/i;
printf $output ("%s\n", "$_"); }
close IN; close OUT1; close OUT2; }
sub fix_path { my($dir) = @_;
$dir =~ s/\Q$ENV{SDXROOT}\E/\%SDXROOT\%/io; $dir =~ s/\%10\%/\%WINDIR\%/io; $dir =~ s/\%11\%/\%WINDIR\%\\system32/io; $dir =~ s/\%2\%//io; $dir =~ s/\%22\%//io; $dir =~ s|/|\\|og; $dir =~ s/\\[^\\]*\\\.\.\\/\\/iog; $dir =~ s/\\\.\\/\\/iog;
return $dir; }
sub generate_list_of_files_to_sign { my($outfile,$mode) = @_; my($infid,$hash1,$hash2,$dir,$srcfile,$tmpfile,$dstfile,$sku,$purpose,$loc,%hash3);
foreach $infid (keys %lookup_DELAYED) { next unless $lookup_DELAYED{$infid} == $mode;
$hash1 = $lookup_INFID_to_FILES__source { $infid }; $hash2 = $lookup_INFID_to_FILES__destination{ $infid }; $dir = $lookup_INFID_to_DIR { $infid };
$dir = fix_path( $dir );
foreach $tmpfile (keys %{ $hash2 }) { $ref = $hash2->{$tmpfile};
$tmpfile = $$ref[0]; $dstfile = $$ref[1]; $sku = $$ref[2]; $purpose = $$ref[3]; $loc = $$ref[4];
$srcfile = $hash1->{$tmpfile}; $srcfile =~ s|/|\\|g;
$srcfile = fix_path( $srcfile ); $dstfile = fix_path( $dstfile );
$hash3{ $sku . $loc . $srcfile } = [ $sku, $loc, $purpose, $srcfile, $tmpfile, $dstfile, $dir ]; } }
open OUT, ">$outfile" or die "Can't open output file '$outfile'";
print OUT "#\n"; print OUT "# <SKU> , <localization flag> , <location of source file> , <temporary name> , <final name> , <final destination>\n"; print OUT "#\n";
foreach $tmpfile (sort keys %hash3) { $ref = $hash3{$tmpfile};
$sku = $$ref[0]; $loc = $$ref[1]; $purpose = $$ref[2]; $srcfile = $$ref[3]; $tmpfile = $$ref[4]; $dstfile = $$ref[5]; $dir = $$ref[6];
printf OUT ("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s\n", $sku, $loc, $purpose, $srcfile, $tmpfile, $dstfile, $dir ); }
close OUT; }
sub resolve_variables { my($line) = @_; my($got) = 1; my($var,$value);
$in = $line;
while($got) { $got = 0;
foreach $key (keys %lookup_VAR) { if($line =~ m|\$$key|x) { $value = $lookup_VAR{ $key }; $value =~ s|\\|/|g;
$line =~ s|(\$$key)|$value|g; $got = 1; last; } } }
return $line; }
sub parse_line { my($line) = @_; my($quote, $quoted, $unquoted, $delim, $word, @pieces);
while (length($line)) { ($quote, $quoted, $unquoted, $delim) = $line =~ m/^(["']) # a $quote ((?:\\.|[^\1\\])*?) # and $quoted text \1 # followed by the same quote | # --OR-- ^((?:\\.|[^\\"'])*?) # an $unquoted text (\Z(?!\n)|\s+|(?!^)(?=["'])) # plus EOL, delimiter, or quote /x; # extended layout
return() unless(length($&)); $line = $';
$unquoted =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g; $quoted =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g if ($quote eq '"');
$word .= ($quote) ? $quoted : $unquoted;
if (length($delim)) { push(@pieces, $word); undef $word; } if (!length($line)) { push(@pieces, $word); } }
return(@pieces); }
sub parse_single_file { my($optcopy, $comp,$srcfile,$dstfile,$renfile,$purpose,$localize,$sku,$srcdir) = @_; my($infid);
return unless $comp;
# # Filter out file from products not installed. # return unless $lookup_STR_to_MASK{ $lookup_COMP_to_PRODUCT{ $comp } } & $OPT_INSTALL;
$infid = $lookup_COMP_to_INFID{ $comp };
# # Filter out unwanted files. # return if $dont_install_file{$srcfile}; return if $dont_install_comp{$comp};
$srcdir = resolve_variables( $srcdir );
$dstfile = $srcfile unless $dstfile; $renfile = $dstfile unless $renfile;
# # Install the same file into the same location only once. # printf STDOUT ("Duplicate file %s -> %s -> %s !!\n", $srcfile, $renfile, $dstfile) if $lookup_DUPLICATE{$renfile}; $lookup_DUPLICATE{$renfile} = 1;
return if $lookup_INFID_to_FILES__source{ $infid }->{$renfile}; $lookup_INFID_to_FILES__source{ $infid }->{$renfile} = "$srcdir/$srcfile";
$srcdir =~ s(/)(\\)g;
($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat "$srcdir\\$srcfile";
if(!$lookup_DELAYED{$infid}) { #($name,$ext) = $renfile =~ m/(.*)\.(.*)/x; #if($list_disks{$renfile} or (length( $name ) > 8 or length( $ext ) > 3)) #{ # printf STDOUT ("File name collision!! %s\n", $renfile ); # $renfile = "PCH" . $uniq_seq . ".img"; # $uniq_seq++; #}
$list_disks{$renfile} = "1,,$size";
if($optcopy) { $copy_src = qq|$srcdir\\$srcfile|; $copy_dst = qq|$OPT_INSTALL_DIR\\$renfile|;
mysystem( qq|copy "$copy_src" "$copy_dst"| ) == 0 or printf STDOUT ("Copy failed: %s -> %s\n", $copy_src, $copy_dst ); } }
if($lookup_COMP_to_FILES__destination{ $comp }) { $lookup_COMP_to_FILES__destination{ $comp }->{ $renfile . "#" . $dstfile . "#" . $sku } = [ $renfile, $dstfile, $sku, $purpose, $localize ]; } }
sub parse_list_of_files { my($FileID,$file) = @_; my($infid,$comp,$srcfile,$dstfile,$renfile,$srcdir);
open IN, "lst\\$file" or die "Can't open file listing '$file'"; while(<IN>) { next if /^#/; chop; next if /^$/;
parse_single_file( $OPT_COPY, parse_line( $_ ) ); } close IN; }
sub parse_list_of_sku { my($file) = @_; my($SKU,$cabinet,$prodfilt,$desktop,$server,$embedded);
open IN, "$file" or die "Can't open SKU listing '$file'"; while(<IN>) { next if /^#/; chop; next if /^$/;
($SKU,$cabinet,$prodfilt,$desktop,$server,$embedded) = parse_line( $_ );
$lookup_SKU{ $SKU } = [ $SKU, $cabinet, $prodfilt ]; } close IN; }
parse_list_of_sku( "$ENV{SDXROOT}/admin/pchealth/redist/SKUlist.txt" );
# # Always install "atrace.dll" into %WINDIR%\system and ignore any other occurence. # # More, "atrace.dll" should be listed as soon as possible, so it won't be renamed. # parse_list_of_files( "COMMON" , "common.lst" ); $dont_install_file{"atrace.dll"} = 1;
parse_list_of_files( "UPLOADLIB", "UploadLib.lst" ); parse_list_of_files( "HELPCTR" , "HelpCtr.lst" ); parse_list_of_files( "SYSINFO" , "SysInfo.lst" ); parse_list_of_files( "NETDIAG" , "NetDiag.lst" ); parse_list_of_files( "DVDUPGRD" , "DVDUpgrade.lst" ); parse_list_of_files( "WMIXMLT" , "WmiXmlT.lst" );
foreach $sku (keys %lookup_SKU) { next unless $lookup_SKU{ $sku }[1];
parse_single_file( 0, "CompHC_bin", $lookup_SKU{ $sku }[1], "", "", "Database", "NoLoc", $sku, "\$HC_DATA" ); }
process_file( "inf\\PCHealth.INF", "$OPT_INSTALL_INF\\PCHealth.inx", "$OPT_INSTALL_INFTXT\\PCHealth.txt" );
if($OPT_SIGNFILE) { generate_list_of_files_to_sign( $OPT_SIGNFILE, "PCHDATA" ); }