Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This class uses the CXMLFileListParser, CFLHashList and CFLPathTree classses to take an a protected XML file and build a data file for the FL.
Kanwaljit Marok (kmarok) 01-May-2000
Revision History:
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "srdefs.h"
//#include <windows.h>
//#include <windowsx.h>
//#include <stdlib.h>
//#include <stdio.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#ifdef _ASSERT
#undef _ASSERT
#include <commonlib.h>
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <msxml.h>
#include "xmlparser.h"
#include "flbuilder.h"
#include "flpathtree.h"
#include "flhashlist.h"
#include "commonlibh.h"
#include "datastormgr.h"
#ifdef THIS_FILE
#undef THIS_FILE
static char __szTraceSourceFile[] = __FILE__;
#define THIS_FILE __szTraceSourceFile
#define TRACE_FILEID 0
#define FILEID 0
#define SAFEDELETE(p) if (p) { HeapFree( m_hHeapToUse, 0, p); p = NULL;} else ;
// redefine a new max buf
#define MAX_BUFFER 1024
// Some Registry keys used to merge registry info into the blob.
static TCHAR s_cszUserHivePrefix[] = TEXT("\\REGISTRY\\USER\\"); static TCHAR s_cszUserHiveClassesSuffix[] = TEXT("_CLASSES"); static TCHAR s_cszTempUserProfileKey[] = TEXT("FILELIST0102"); static TCHAR s_cszProfileImagePath[] = TEXT("ProfileImagePath"); static TCHAR s_cszUserHiveDefault[] = TEXT(".DEFAULT"); static TCHAR s_cszUserProfileEnv [] = TEXT("USERPROFILE"); static TCHAR s_cszFilesNotToBackup[] = TEXT("SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\BackupRestore\\FilesNotToBackup"); static TCHAR s_cszProfileList[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\ProfileList"); static TCHAR s_cszUserShellFolderKey[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\User Shell Folders"); static TCHAR s_cszWinLogonKey[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\WinLogon"); static TCHAR s_cszSnapshotKey[] = TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\SystemRestore\\FilesToSnapshot");
static INT s_nSnapShotEntries = 0; static BOOL s_bSnapShotInit = FALSE;
// Some invalid patterns found in FilesNotToBackup Key.
TCHAR ArrInvalidPatterns[][64] = { TEXT("*."), TEXT("%USERPROFILE%"), TEXT("%TEMP%") }; #define INVALID_PATTERNS 3
// CFLDatBuilder Implementation
CFLDatBuilder::CFLDatBuilder() { m_lNodeCount = m_lFileListCount = m_lNumFiles = m_lNumChars = 0; m_pRoot = NULL; m_chDefaultType = _TEXT('i');
if( ( m_hHeapToUse = HeapCreate( 0, 1048576 /* 1 meg */, 0 ) ) == NULL ) { m_hHeapToUse = GetProcessHeap(); } }
CFLDatBuilder::~CFLDatBuilder() { if( m_hHeapToUse != GetProcessHeap() ) { HeapDestroy( m_hHeapToUse ); } }
// CFLDatBuilder::DeleteList - free'd up a a linked list of
// FL_FILELIST structures and the attached strings.
BOOL CFLDatBuilder::DeleteList( LPFL_FILELIST pList ) { LPFL_FILELIST pListNext;
while( pList ) { if( pList->szFileName ) { HeapFree( m_hHeapToUse, 0, pList->szFileName ); }
pListNext = pList->pNext; HeapFree( m_hHeapToUse, 0, pList ); pList = pListNext; }
return TRUE; }
// CFLDatBuilder::DeleteTree - Recurses through a FLTREE_NODE, deletes
// all the nods, allocated strings for path and file lists attached
// to the nodes.
BOOL CFLDatBuilder::DeleteTree( LPFLTREE_NODE pTree ) { TraceFunctEnter("CFLDatBuilder::DeleteTree");
if( pTree ) { if( pTree->szPath ) { HeapFree( m_hHeapToUse, 0, pTree->szPath ); }
if( pTree->pFileList ) { DeleteList( pTree->pFileList ); } //
// go depth first
if( pTree->pChild ) { DeleteTree( pTree->pChild ); }
if( pTree->pSibling ) { DeleteTree( pTree->pSibling ); } HeapFree( m_hHeapToUse, 0, pTree ); }
TraceFunctLeave( );
return TRUE; }
// CFLDatBuilder::CreateNode - Allocates space for a tree node and path
// string and copies szPath into the newly allocated path. It also
// sets the internal node parent pointer.
// ->Increments the global ( m_lNodeCount ) node count.
// ->Increments the global characters allocated ( m_lNumChars ) count
// (These counts are used to reserve space in the FLDAT file)
LPFLTREE_NODE CFLDatBuilder::CreateNode( LPTSTR szPath, TCHAR chType, LPFLTREE_NODE pParent, BOOL fDisable) { LPFLTREE_NODE pNode=NULL; LONG lPathLen;
pNode = (LPFLTREE_NODE) HeapAlloc( m_hHeapToUse, 0, sizeof(FLTREE_NODE) );
if (pNode == NULL) { goto End; }
memset( pNode, 0, sizeof( FLTREE_NODE ) ); lPathLen = _tcslen( szPath ); if ( (pNode->szPath = _MyStrDup( szPath ) ) == NULL) { HeapFree( m_hHeapToUse, 0, pNode); pNode = NULL; goto End; }
pNode->chType = chType;
// give me a node number, used for indexing later.
pNode->lNodeNumber = m_lNodeCount++; m_lNumChars += lPathLen;
// set the parent
if( pParent ) { pNode->pParent = pParent; }
// is this a protected directory
pNode->fDisableDirectory = fDisable;
End: TraceFunctLeave(); return( pNode ); }
// CFLDatBuilder::CreateList - Allocates a file list entry.
pList = (LPFL_FILELIST) HeapAlloc( m_hHeapToUse, 0, sizeof( FL_FILELIST) );
if ( pList ) { memset( pList, 0, sizeof(LPFL_FILELIST) ); } TraceFunctLeave(); return( pList ); }
// CFLDatBuidler::AddfileToList
// This method calls CreateList() and allocates a filelist node.
// It then allocates memoery for the file name and copies it over.
// It then links it into the pList file list.
// -> If *pList is null, it increments the number of file lists in system.
// This is important as most nodes don't have file lists and we shouldn't
// reserve space for them.
// -> Like CreateNode(), this functions also adds to the number of
// global allocated characters ( m_lNumChars )
// -> Increments the total number of files ( m_lFiles ), this number
// is used by the HASHLIST in order to see how m any physical entries
// to allocate.
// -> This functions also nodes to the nods own NumofCharacere and NumFiles
// counters. This is used to create it's own individual hash list.
BOOL CFLDatBuilder::AddFileToList( LPFLTREE_NODE pNode, LPFL_FILELIST *pList, LPTSTR szFile, TCHAR chType) { LPFL_FILELIST pNewList=NULL; LPTSTR pNewString=NULL; LONG lFileNameLength;
_ASSERT(pList); _ASSERT(szFile);
if( (pNewList = CreateList() ) == NULL) { ErrorTrace(FILEID, "Error allocating memory", 0); goto cleanup; }
lFileNameLength = _tcslen( szFile );
if( (pNewString = _MyStrDup( szFile ) ) == NULL ) { ErrorTrace(FILEID,"Error allocating memory",0); goto cleanup; } pNewList->szFileName = pNewString; pNewList->chType = chType; //
// this is a whole new list
if( *pList == NULL ) { m_lFileListCount++; } m_lNumFiles++; m_lNumChars += lFileNameLength;
pNode->lNumFilesHashed++; pNode->lFileDataSize += lFileNameLength;
pNewList->pNext = *pList; *pList = pNewList;
TraceFunctLeave(); return TRUE;
SAFEDELETE( pNewString ); SAFEDELETE( pNewList ); TraceFunctLeave(); return FALSE; }
// CFLDatBuilder::AddTreeNode
// This method is the core of the FL tree building process.
// It takes a full path of a filename (or directory) and recurses down
// the tree. If one of the intermediary nodes required by end node
// (i.e a directory on the way to our final directory), it adds
// it to the tree with the default type. if another directory is added
// which explicitly references that directory, its type is changed to
// the explicit type.
// Files are a special case since they are linked lists off direcory nodes.
BOOL CFLDatBuilder::AddTreeNode( LPFLTREE_NODE *pParent, LPTSTR szFullPath, TCHAR chType, LONG lNumElements, LONG lLevel, BOOL fFile, BOOL fDisable) { TCHAR szBuf[MAX_PATH]; LPFLTREE_NODE pNodePointer, pTempNode, pNewNode;
// we've hit the end of the recursion.
if( lLevel == lNumElements ) { return(TRUE); }
// make sure everything is null
pNodePointer = pTempNode = pNewNode = NULL; //
// Get this element of the path structure
if( GetField( szFullPath, szBuf, lLevel, _TEXT('\\') ) == 0) { ErrorTrace(FILEID, "Error extracting path element.", 0 ); goto cleanup; }
// We are adding a file!
if( (lLevel == (lNumElements - 1) ) && fFile ) { if( AddFileToList( *pParent, &(*pParent)->pFileList, szBuf, chType ) == FALSE ) { ErrorTrace(FILEID, "Error adding a file to the filelist.", 0 ); goto cleanup; }
TraceFunctLeave(); return(TRUE); }
if( *pParent ) { //
// lets see if i exist as sibling any where along the line.
if( lLevel == 0 ) { //
// at level 0, we don't really have a parent->child relationship
// manually set the pointer
pNodePointer = *pParent; } else { //
// start searching for siblings
pNodePointer = (*pParent)->pChild; } for( ; pNodePointer != NULL; pNodePointer = pNodePointer->pSibling) { //
// okay, we've already hashed this entry !
if( _tcsicmp( pNodePointer->szPath, szBuf ) == 0 ) { if( lLevel == (lNumElements-1) ) { //
// In this case, we at the leaf node on this addition
// but it has been addded before implicitly
// as a default node. we need to change this type to
// our explicity type;
pNodePointer->chType = chType; //
// brijeshk: we would have already created this
// node ONLY if this node is a DIRECTORY
// need to change the default protected attribute
// to specified value as well
pNodePointer->fDisableDirectory = fDisable; fResult = TRUE; } else { fResult = AddTreeNode( &pNodePointer, szFullPath, chType, lNumElements, lLevel + 1, fFile, fDisable ); }
TraceFunctLeave(); return( fResult );
pTempNode = pNodePointer; } }
if( (pNewNode = CreateNode(szBuf, chType, *pParent, fDisable) ) == NULL) { ErrorTrace(FILEID, "Error allocating memory", 0); goto cleanup; }
// We are a node implicitly created on the chain, set it to
// the unknown type instead of the end node type.
if( lLevel != (lNumElements-1) ) { pNewNode->chType = NODE_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
// brijeshk: if we are an implicitly created node, then we need
// to set the disable attribute to default (FALSE)
// otherwise, protecting the directory c:\A\B would also
// protect c:\ and A.
pNewNode->fDisableDirectory = FALSE; }
// Are we the first root
if( *pParent == NULL ) { *pParent = pNewNode; } else if( (*pParent)->pChild == NULL ) { //
// We are the child off the root
(*pParent)->pChild = pNewNode; } else if( pTempNode ) { //
// We are a sibling at this level, pTempNode is the last sibling
// in the list
// just tack pNewNode onto the end/
pTempNode->pSibling = pNewNode; pNewNode->pSibling = NULL; } else { ErrorTrace( FILEID, "Uxpected error condition in AddTreeNode: no link determined",0); goto cleanup; }
// Parse the new level.
fResult = AddTreeNode( &(pNewNode), szFullPath, chType, lNumElements, lLevel + 1, fFile, fDisable );
cleanup: TraceFunctLeave(); return( fResult );
BOOL CFLDatBuilder::AddRegistrySnapshotEntry( LPTSTR pszPath) { HKEY hKey; BOOL fRet = FALSE;
if ( s_bSnapShotInit == FALSE ) { //
// Delete the snapshot key
RegDeleteKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, s_cszSnapshotKey );
s_nSnapShotEntries = 0; //
// Add the snapshot key
if (RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, s_cszSnapshotKey, 0, TEXT(""), REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hKey, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { s_bSnapShotInit = TRUE;
RegCloseKey( hKey ); } }
// Set the value in the key
if ( RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, s_cszSnapshotKey, 0, KEY_READ|KEY_WRITE, &hKey ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { TCHAR szSnapshotName[ MAX_PATH ];
_stprintf(szSnapshotName, TEXT("snap#%d"), s_nSnapShotEntries);
RegSetValueEx( hKey, szSnapshotName, 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE * )pszPath, (_tcslen(pszPath) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR) );
RegCloseKey( hKey );
fRet = TRUE; }
return fRet; }
// CFLDatBuilder::AddMetaDriveFileDir -
BOOL CFLDatBuilder::AddMetaDriveFileDir( LPTSTR szInPath, TCHAR chType, BOOL fFile, BOOL fDisable ) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; TCHAR szFile[MAX_BUFFER]; TCHAR szOutFile[MAX_BUFFER]; LONG lNumTokens=0;
TraceFunctEnter("AddMetaDriveFileDir"); if (szInPath && szInPath[0]==TEXT('*')) { //
// if type is 's' make it exclude and add to the registry
// setting fro snapshotted files
if ( chType == TEXT('s') ) { AddRegistrySnapshotEntry( szInPath ); chType = TEXT('e'); } _tcscpy( szFile, szInPath );
if(szFile[1] == TEXT(':') ) { _stprintf(szOutFile, _TEXT("NTROOT\\%s\\%s"), ALLVOLUMES_PATH_T, szFile+3);
CharUpper( szOutFile ); } else #endif
{ _stprintf(szOutFile, _TEXT("NTROOT\\%s\\%s"), ALLVOLUMES_PATH_T, szFile ); }
lNumTokens = CountTokens( szOutFile, _TEXT('\\') );
if( AddTreeNode( &m_pRoot, szOutFile, chType, lNumTokens, 0, fFile, fDisable ) == FALSE ) { ErrorTrace(FILEID, "Error adding tree node in metadrive fileadd.",0);
goto cleanup; }
fRet = TRUE; }
cleanup: TraceFunctLeave(); return fRet; }
// CFLDatBuilder::VerifyVxdDat
BOOL CFLDatBuilder::VerifyVxdDat( LPCTSTR pszFile) { DWORD dwSize = 0; HANDLE hFile=NULL;
if( (hFile = CreateFile( pszFile, GENERIC_READ, 0, // exclusive file accces
NULL, //security attributes
OPEN_EXISTING, // don't make it if it don't exist
FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS, NULL ) ) == NULL ) { ErrorTrace(FILEID, "Error opening %s to verify FLDAT", pszFile ); goto cleanup; } dwSize = GetFileSize( hFile, NULL);
if( (dwSize == 0xFFFFFFFF) || (dwSize == 0) ) { ErrorTrace(FILEID, "%s: 0 size file, unable to verify.", pszFile ); goto cleanup; }
CloseHandle( hFile ); TraceFunctLeave(); return TRUE;
cleanup: if( hFile ) { CloseHandle( hFile ); }
TraceFunctLeave(); return FALSE; }
// Merge FileNotToBackup information into the Dat File
BOOL CFLDatBuilder::MergeSfcDllCacheInfo( ) { BOOL fRet;
// Try to get the value from the key first
fRet = AddNodeForKeyValue( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, s_cszWinLogonKey, TEXT("SfcDllCache") );
if ( fRet == FALSE ) {
TCHAR SfcPath[MAX_PATH + 1]; TCHAR SfcFullPath[MAX_PATH + 1]; LONG lNumTokens = 0;
_stprintf( SfcPath, TEXT("%%WINDIR%%\\system32\\dllcache"));
ExpandEnvironmentStrings( SfcPath, SfcFullPath, MAX_PATH );
SfcFullPath[MAX_PATH] = 0; ConvertToInternalFormat( SfcFullPath, SfcPath );
SfcPath[MAX_PATH] = 0;
lNumTokens = CountTokens( SfcPath, _TEXT('\\') ); fRet = AddTreeNode(&m_pRoot, SfcPath, TEXT('e'), lNumTokens, 0, FALSE, FALSE ); }
return fRet; }
// Merge FileNotToBackup information into the Dat File
BOOL CFLDatBuilder::MergeFilesNotToBackupInfo( ) { TCHAR ValueName[ MAX_PATH+1 ]; TCHAR ValueData[ MAX_PATH+1 ];
DWORD ValueType = 0; DWORD cbValueName = 0; DWORD cbValueData = 0; DWORD cbValueType = 0;
LONG lNumTokens = 0;
BOOL bExtension = FALSE, bRecursive = FALSE, bInvalidPattern = FALSE;
HKEY hKey;
PTCHAR ptr = NULL; TraceFunctEnter("CFLDatBuilder::MergeFilesNotToBackupInfo");
if ( RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, s_cszFilesNotToBackup, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
DWORD dwIndex = 0;
while ( TRUE ) { bExtension = FALSE; bRecursive = FALSE; bInvalidPattern = FALSE;
*ValueName = 0; cbValueName = sizeof(ValueName)/sizeof(TCHAR);
*ValueData = 0; cbValueData = sizeof(ValueData);
if ( RegEnumValue( hKey, dwIndex, ValueName, &cbValueName, 0, &ValueType, (PBYTE)ValueData, &cbValueData ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; }
// trace(0, "Opened Registry Key %S\n", ValueData);
// We are interested in only string types
if ( ValueType != REG_EXPAND_SZ && ValueType != REG_SZ && ValueType != REG_MULTI_SZ ) { dwIndex++; continue; }
CharUpper( ValueData );
// Look for any invalid patterns in the value data
for (int i=0; i<INVALID_PATTERNS; i++) { if (_tcsstr( ValueData, ArrInvalidPatterns[i]) != NULL) { bInvalidPattern = TRUE; } }
if (bInvalidPattern) { dwIndex++; continue; }
// Check for recursive flag /s
if ( (ptr = _tcsstr( ValueData, TEXT("/S"))) != NULL ) { *ptr = 0; bRecursive = TRUE; }
// trim any trailing spaces, tabs or "\\"
ptr = ValueData + _tcslen(ValueData) - 1; while ( ptr > ValueData ) { if ( *ptr == TEXT(' ') || *ptr == TEXT('\t') || *ptr == TEXT('\\') || *ptr == TEXT('*') ) { *ptr = 0; } else { break; }
ptr--; }
// Check if the path has extensions also
#if 0
if ( _tcsrchr( ValueData, TEXT('.') ) != NULL ) { bExtension = TRUE; } #else
ptr = ValueData + _tcslen(ValueData) - 1; while ( ptr > ValueData ) { if ( *ptr == TEXT('\\') ) { break; } else if ( *ptr == TEXT('.') ) { bExtension = TRUE; break; } ptr--; } #endif
if ( ( bExtension && bRecursive ) || ( !bExtension && !bRecursive) ) { dwIndex++; continue; }
// Check if the path starts with a "\\"
if ( ValueData[0] == TEXT('\\') ) { _stprintf( ValueName, TEXT("*:%s"), ValueData );
ExpandEnvironmentStrings( ValueName, ValueData, MAX_PATH ); if (_tcsstr( ValueData, TEXT("~")) != NULL ) { LPTSTR pFilePart = NULL;
// Convert into full path
if (ExpandShortNames(ValueData, sizeof(ValueData), ValueName, sizeof(ValueName))) { _tcscpy( ValueData, ValueName ); } } // trace(0, "Adding - %S\n\n", ValueData );
AddMetaDriveFileDir( ValueData, TEXT('e'), bExtension, FALSE); } else { TCHAR szDeviceName[ MAX_PATH ];
_tcscpy( ValueName, ValueData ); ExpandEnvironmentStrings( ValueName, ValueData, MAX_PATH ); if (_tcsstr( ValueData, TEXT("~")) != NULL ) { LPTSTR pFilePart = NULL;
// Convert into full path
if (ExpandShortNames(ValueData, sizeof(ValueData), ValueName, sizeof(ValueName))) { _tcscpy( ValueData, ValueName ); } } ConvertToInternalFormat( ValueData, ValueName );
lNumTokens = CountTokens( ValueName, _TEXT('\\') ); // trace(0, "Adding - %S\n\n", ValueName );
AddTreeNode( &m_pRoot, ValueName, TEXT('e'), lNumTokens, 0, bExtension, FALSE ); }
dwIndex++; } RegCloseKey( hKey ); }
TraceFunctLeave(); return TRUE; }
BOOL CFLDatBuilder::AddNodeForKeyValue( HKEY hKeyUser, LPCTSTR pszSubKey, LPCTSTR pszValue ) { BOOL fRet = FALSE;
HKEY hKeyEnv;
TCHAR szDeviceName[ MAX_PATH ]; TCHAR szBuf [ MAX_PATH ]; TCHAR szBuf2 [ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD cbBuf; DWORD cbBuf2; LONG lNumTokens=0; DWORD Type, dwErr;
dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx( hKeyUser, pszSubKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyEnv );
if ( dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) {
// Read and add the value for TEMP from the user profile
cbBuf = sizeof( szBuf ); dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hKeyEnv, pszValue, NULL, &Type, (PBYTE)szBuf, &cbBuf );
RegCloseKey( hKeyEnv ); if ( dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { trace( 0, "Cannot open :%S", pszValue ); goto Exit; } ExpandEnvironmentStrings ( szBuf, szBuf2, sizeof( szBuf2 ) / sizeof( TCHAR ) ); ConvertToInternalFormat ( szBuf2, szBuf ); lNumTokens = CountTokens( szBuf, _TEXT('\\') ); // trace(0, "Adding - %S\n\n", szBuf );
fRet = AddTreeNode( &m_pRoot, szBuf, TEXT('e'), lNumTokens, 0, FALSE, FALSE ); }
TraceFunctLeave(); return fRet; }
BOOL CFLDatBuilder::AddUserProfileInfo( HKEY hKeyUser, LPCTSTR pszUserProfile ) { HKEY hKeyEnv; DWORD dwErr;
TCHAR OldUserProfileEnv[ MAX_PATH ];
LPTSTR pszOldUserProfileEnv = NULL;
// Save the current value of %UserProfile% in the env
*OldUserProfileEnv = 0; if ( GetEnvironmentVariable( s_cszUserProfileEnv, OldUserProfileEnv, sizeof( OldUserProfileEnv )/sizeof(TCHAR))>0 ) { pszOldUserProfileEnv = OldUserProfileEnv; }
SetEnvironmentVariable( s_cszUserProfileEnv, pszUserProfile ); AddNodeForKeyValue( hKeyUser, TEXT("Environment"), TEXT("TEMP") );
AddNodeForKeyValue( hKeyUser, TEXT("Environment"), TEXT("TMP") );
AddNodeForKeyValue( hKeyUser, s_cszUserShellFolderKey, TEXT("Favorites") );
AddNodeForKeyValue( hKeyUser, s_cszUserShellFolderKey, TEXT("Cache") );
AddNodeForKeyValue( hKeyUser, s_cszUserShellFolderKey, TEXT("Cookies") );
AddNodeForKeyValue( hKeyUser, s_cszUserShellFolderKey, TEXT("Personal") );
AddNodeForKeyValue( hKeyUser, s_cszUserShellFolderKey, TEXT("nethood") );
AddNodeForKeyValue( hKeyUser, s_cszUserShellFolderKey, TEXT("history") );
// Put back the user Profile Env variable
SetEnvironmentVariable ( s_cszUserProfileEnv, pszOldUserProfileEnv );
return TRUE; }
// This funtion merges the drive table info into the Xml Blob
BOOL CFLDatBuilder::MergeDriveTableInfo( ) { BOOL fRet = FALSE;
TCHAR szSystemDrive[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR *szBuf2 = NULL; LONG lNumTokens = 0;
szBuf2 = new TCHAR[MAX_BUFFER+7]; if (! szBuf2) { ErrorTrace(0, "Cannot allocate memory for szBuf2"); goto cleanup; } //
// Enumerate the drive table information and merge it into
// the filelist
if (GetSystemDrive(szSystemDrive)) { TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; CDriveTable dt;
SDriveTableEnumContext dtec = {NULL, 0}; MakeRestorePath(szPath, szSystemDrive, s_cszDriveTable);
// remove terminating slash
if (szPath[_tcslen( szPath ) - 1] == _TEXT('\\')) szPath[_tcslen( szPath ) - 1] = 0; if (dt.LoadDriveTable(szPath) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { CDataStore *pds; pds = dt.FindFirstDrive (dtec);
while (pds) { BOOLEAN bDisable = FALSE; DWORD dwFlags = pds->GetFlags();
if ( !(dwFlags & SR_DRIVE_MONITORED) ) { bDisable = TRUE; } if (dwFlags & SR_DRIVE_FROZEN) { bDisable = TRUE; }
if ( bDisable ) { //
// Enter this information into the tree
swprintf(szBuf2,_TEXT("NTROOT%s"), pds->GetNTName()); //
// remove terminating slash
if (szBuf2[_tcslen( szBuf2 ) - 1] == _TEXT('\\')) szBuf2[_tcslen( szBuf2 ) - 1] = 0;
CharUpper (szBuf2); lNumTokens = CountTokens( szBuf2, _TEXT('\\') ); if( AddTreeNode( &m_pRoot, szBuf2, NODE_TYPE_UNKNOWN, lNumTokens, 0, FALSE, bDisable ) == FALSE ) { ErrorTrace(FILEID, "Error adding node.",0); goto cleanup; } } pds = dt.FindNextDrive (dtec); } }
fRet = TRUE; }
if (szBuf2) delete [] szBuf2; TraceFunctLeave();
return fRet; }
// This function merges per user information either from HKEY_USER or from
// the user hive on the disk
BOOL CFLDatBuilder::MergeUserRegistryInfo( LPCTSTR pszUserProfilePath, LPCTSTR pszUserProfileHive, LPCTSTR pszUserSid ) { BOOL fRet = TRUE; HKEY hKeyUser; DWORD dwErr;
// trace(0, "UserProfilePath: %S", pszUserProfilePath );
// trace(0, "UserProfileHive: %S", pszUserProfileHive );
// Try to open the user specific key from HKEY_USER
dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_USERS, pszUserSid, 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyUser);
if ( dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { //
// Succeeded : copy the setting from this key
AddUserProfileInfo( hKeyUser, pszUserProfilePath );
RegCloseKey( hKeyUser ); } else { //
// Failed : Now load the hive for this user
dwErr = RegLoadKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, s_cszTempUserProfileKey, pszUserProfileHive );
if ( dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // trace(0, "Loaded Hive : %S", pszUserProfileHive );
// Open temporary key where the hive was loaded
dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, s_cszTempUserProfileKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyUser);
if ( dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { AddUserProfileInfo( hKeyUser, pszUserProfilePath );
RegCloseKey( hKeyUser ); }
// Unload the hive from the temp key
RegUnLoadKey( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, s_cszTempUserProfileKey ); } }
fRet = TRUE;
return fRet; }
// This function enumerats all the available user profiles and calls
// MergeUserRegistryInfo for each user.
BOOL CFLDatBuilder::MergeAllUserRegistryInfo( ) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; TCHAR UserSid[ MAX_PATH ]; DWORD ValueType = 0; DWORD cbUserSid = 0; DWORD cbValueType = 0;
HKEY hKey;
dwErr = SetPrivilegeInAccessToken(SE_RESTORE_NAME);
if ( RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, s_cszProfileList, 0, KEY_READ, &hKey ) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DWORD dwIndex = 0;
// Enumerate and get the Sids for each user.
while ( TRUE ) { *UserSid = 0; cbUserSid = sizeof(UserSid)/sizeof(TCHAR);
if ( RegEnumKeyEx( hKey, dwIndex, UserSid, &cbUserSid, 0, NULL, 0, &ft ) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; }
CharUpper( UserSid );
// Look for intersting values
if (cbUserSid > 0) { DWORD dwErr; HKEY hKeyUser, hKeyEnv, hKeyProfileList; TCHAR UserProfilePath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR UserProfileHive[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cbUserProfilePath = 0;
// trace(0,"UserSid = %S", UserSid);
dwErr = RegOpenKeyEx( hKey, UserSid, 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyProfileList ); if ( dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { DWORD Type;
cbUserProfilePath = sizeof( UserProfilePath );
dwErr = RegQueryValueEx( hKeyProfileList, s_cszProfileImagePath, NULL, &Type, (PBYTE)UserProfilePath, &cbUserProfilePath );
RegCloseKey( hKeyProfileList );
if ( dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { trace(0, "Query ProfileImagePath failed: %d", dwErr ); dwIndex++; continue; } } else { trace(0, "Opening UserSid failed: %d", dwErr ); dwIndex++; continue; } //
// Create NTUSER.Dat path from the user profile path
ExpandEnvironmentStrings( UserProfilePath, UserProfileHive, sizeof(UserProfileHive) / sizeof(TCHAR) );
_tcscpy( UserProfilePath, UserProfileHive );
_tcscat( UserProfileHive, TEXT("\\NTUSER.DAT") ); MergeUserRegistryInfo( UserProfilePath, UserProfileHive, UserSid ); }
dwIndex++; }
fRet = TRUE; RegCloseKey( hKey ); } else { trace( 0, "Failed to open %S", s_cszProfileList ); }
return fRet; }
// CFLDatBuilder::BuildTree
// This methods takes an XML file (the PCHealth Protected file)
// and outsputs a FLDAT file ( pszOutFile ).
// It basically just opens up the xml, iterates through
// all the files and then adds them to the tree. It then
// creates blobs based on the data gathered and then sends the
// tree to the CFLPathTree blob class which transforms the tree
// into the contigious blob format. It then writes it out.
// -> The method of actually passing the FLDAT file has not be defined,
// this function just demonstrates the process.
BOOL CFLDatBuilder::BuildTree( LPCTSTR pszFile, LPCTSTR pszOutFile) { TCHAR *szBuf = NULL; TCHAR *szBuf2 = NULL; TCHAR chType; LONG lLoop,lMax,lNumTokens; BOOL fRet = FALSE; s_bSnapShotInit = FALSE;
// ext list blob
CFLHashList ExtListBlob( m_hHeapToUse ); LONG lNumChars, lNumExt, lNumExtTotal;
// config blob
BlobHeader ConfigBlob;
// CFLPathTree blob
CFLPathTree PathTreeBlob( m_hHeapToUse );
// outfile
HANDLE hOutFile=NULL; DWORD dwWritten;
// array opf all the file types, Include, Exclude, SNAPSHOT
TCHAR achType[3] = { _TEXT('i'), _TEXT('e'), _TEXT('s') }; LONG lTypeLoop;
// numeric counterpart of m_chDefaultType;
DWORD dwDefaultType;
// should we protect this directory
BOOL fDisable = FALSE;
TraceFunctEnter("CFLDatBuilder::BuildTree"); if( m_pRoot ) { DeleteTree( m_pRoot ); m_pRoot = NULL; }
if(m_XMLParser.Init(pszFile) == FALSE) { ErrorTrace(FILEID, "There was an error parsing the protected XML file.",0); goto cleanup; }
szBuf = new TCHAR[MAX_BUFFER]; szBuf2 = new TCHAR[MAX_BUFFER+7]; if (! szBuf || ! szBuf2) { ErrorTrace(0, "Cannot allocate memory"); goto cleanup; } //
// Calculate the tree default type info
m_chDefaultType = m_XMLParser.GetDefaultType();
if( m_chDefaultType == _TEXT('I') ) dwDefaultType = NODE_TYPE_INCLUDE; else if( m_chDefaultType == _TEXT('E') ) dwDefaultType = NODE_TYPE_EXCLUDE; else dwDefaultType = NODE_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
// Loop through the directory/files for each file type (include, exclude )
for(lTypeLoop = 0; lTypeLoop < 3;lTypeLoop++) {
// Find directories for the type
lMax = m_XMLParser.GetDirectoryCount( achType[lTypeLoop] );
for(lLoop = 0;lLoop < lMax;lLoop++) { fDisable = FALSE; if( m_XMLParser.GetDirectory( lLoop, szBuf, MAX_BUFFER, achType[lTypeLoop], &fDisable) != MAX_BUFFER ) { ErrorTrace(FILEID, "Not enough buffer space.",0); goto cleanup; }
if( szBuf[0] == _TEXT('*') ) { if( AddMetaDriveFileDir( szBuf, achType[lTypeLoop], FALSE, fDisable) == FALSE ) { ErrorTrace(FILEID, "error adding meta drive directory.",0); goto cleanup; }
} else { TCHAR szDeviceName[ MAX_PATH ];
*szDeviceName=0; // ankor all nods at Root.. so tree actually looks
// like Root\C:\Windows etc
ConvertToInternalFormat( szBuf, szBuf2 );
lNumTokens = CountTokens( szBuf2, _TEXT('\\') );
if( AddTreeNode( &m_pRoot, szBuf2, achType[lTypeLoop], lNumTokens, 0, FALSE, fDisable ) == FALSE ) { ErrorTrace(FILEID, "Error adding node.",0); goto cleanup; } }
// Find files for the type
lMax = m_XMLParser.GetFileCount( achType[lTypeLoop] );
for(lLoop = 0;lLoop < lMax;lLoop++) { if( m_XMLParser.GetFile(lLoop, szBuf, MAX_BUFFER, achType[lTypeLoop] ) != MAX_BUFFER ) { ErrorTrace(FILEID, "Not enough buffer space.",0); goto cleanup; }
if( szBuf[0] == _TEXT('*') ) { if( AddMetaDriveFileDir( szBuf, achType[lTypeLoop], TRUE, FALSE ) == FALSE ) { ErrorTrace(FILEID, "error adding meta drive file.",0); goto cleanup; }
} else { int iType = lTypeLoop;
// if type is 's' make it exclude and add to the registry
// setting fro snapshotted files
if ( achType[lTypeLoop] == TEXT('s') ) { AddRegistrySnapshotEntry( szBuf );
iType = 1; // exclude
} //
// Ankor all nods at Root.. so tree actually looks like
// Root\C:\Windows etc
ConvertToInternalFormat( szBuf, szBuf2 );
lNumTokens = CountTokens( szBuf2, _TEXT('\\') );
if( AddTreeNode( &m_pRoot, szBuf2, achType[iType], lNumTokens, 0, TRUE, FALSE ) == FALSE ) { ErrorTrace(FILEID, "Error adding node.",0); goto cleanup; }
} } }
// Merge information from the drivetable in to the blob
if ( MergeDriveTableInfo() == FALSE ) { ErrorTrace(FILEID, "Error merging drive table info.",0); goto cleanup; }
// Merge Information under FilesNotToBackup key in to the blob ...
if ( MergeFilesNotToBackupInfo() == FALSE ) { ErrorTrace(FILEID, "Error merging FilesNotToBackup Info.",0); goto cleanup; }
// Merge Per user information from the registry / user hives
if ( MergeAllUserRegistryInfo() == FALSE ) { ErrorTrace(FILEID, "Error merging user registry info.",0); goto cleanup; }
#if 0
// Commented out: We monitor sfc cache ...
// Merge information for sfcdllcache
if ( MergeSfcDllCacheInfo() == FALSE ) { ErrorTrace(FILEID, "Error merging SfcDllCache info.",0); goto cleanup; }
// Build the path tree based on our tree and the data we collected
// about it ( filecounts, nodecounts, # chars, etc)
if( PathTreeBlob.BuildTree( m_pRoot, m_lNodeCount, dwDefaultType, m_lFileListCount, m_lNumFiles, CalculateNumberOfHashBuckets( m_pRoot ), m_lNumChars) == FALSE ) { ErrorTrace(FILEID, "Error buildign pathtree blob.",0); goto cleanup; } //
// Okay, now build a ext list hash blob
lNumChars = 0; lNumExtTotal = 0;
for(lTypeLoop = 0; lTypeLoop < 3;lTypeLoop++) { lNumExt = m_XMLParser.GetExtCount( achType[ lTypeLoop ] ); lNumExtTotal += lNumExt;
for(lLoop = 0;lLoop < lNumExt ;lLoop++) { if( m_XMLParser.GetExt( lLoop, szBuf, MAX_BUFFER, achType[ lTypeLoop ] ) != MAX_BUFFER ) { ErrorTrace(FILEID, "Not enough buffer space.",0); goto cleanup; }
lNumChars += _tcslen( szBuf ); } }
ExtListBlob.Init( lNumExtTotal, lNumChars );
for(lTypeLoop = 0; lTypeLoop < 3;lTypeLoop++) { lNumExt = m_XMLParser.GetExtCount( achType[ lTypeLoop ] ); for(lLoop = 0;lLoop < lNumExt; lLoop++) { m_XMLParser.GetExt(lLoop, szBuf, MAX_BUFFER, achType[ lTypeLoop ] ); ExtListBlob.AddFile( szBuf, achType[lTypeLoop] ); }
// now we have both blobs, lets write to disk
if( (hOutFile = CreateFile( pszOutFile, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, // security attributes
) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ErrorTrace( FILEID, "CreateFile Failed 0x%x", GetLastError()); goto cleanup; }
// Prepare the header blob
ConfigBlob.m_dwMaxSize = sizeof(BlobHeader) + PathTreeBlob.GetSize() + ExtListBlob.GetSize(); ConfigBlob.m_dwVersion = BLOB_VERSION_NUM; ConfigBlob.m_dwMagicNum = BLOB_MAGIC_NUM ; ConfigBlob.m_dwBlbType = BLOB_TYPE_CONTAINER; ConfigBlob.m_dwEntries = 2; if ( WriteFile(hOutFile, &ConfigBlob, sizeof(BlobHeader), &dwWritten, NULL) == 0) { ErrorTrace( FILEID, "WriteFile Failed 0x%x", GetLastError()); goto cleanup; }
if ( WriteFile(hOutFile, PathTreeBlob.GetBasePointer(), PathTreeBlob.GetSize(), &dwWritten, NULL) == 0) { ErrorTrace( FILEID, "WriteFile Failed 0x%x", GetLastError()); goto cleanup; }
if ( WriteFile(hOutFile, ExtListBlob.GetBasePointer(), ExtListBlob.GetSize(), &dwWritten, NULL) == 0) { ErrorTrace( FILEID, "WriteFile Failed 0x%x", GetLastError()); goto cleanup; } fRet = TRUE;
if (szBuf) delete [] szBuf; if (szBuf2) delete [] szBuf2; if( hOutFile ) { CloseHandle( hOutFile ); }
ExtListBlob.CleanUpMemory(); PathTreeBlob.CleanUpMemory();
if( m_pRoot ) {
DeleteTree(m_pRoot); m_pRoot = NULL; }
TraceFunctLeave(); return(fRet); }
// CFLDatBuilder::CountTokens
// CountTokens(LPTSTR szStr, TCHAR chDelim)
// Counts the number of tokens seperated by (chDelim) in a string.
LONG CFLDatBuilder::CountTokens( LPTSTR szStr, TCHAR chDelim) { LONG lNumTokens=1;
_ASSERT( szStr );
if( *szStr == 0 ) { TraceFunctLeave(); return(0); }
while( *szStr != 0 ) { if( *szStr == chDelim ) { lNumTokens++; } szStr = _tcsinc( szStr );
TraceFunctLeave(); return(lNumTokens); }
// CFLDatBuilder::_MyStrDup( LPTSTR szIn )
// Same as _tcsdup or strdup but it does it our own local
// heap space.
LPTSTR CFLDatBuilder::_MyStrDup( LPTSTR szIn ) { LONG lLen; LPTSTR pszOut=NULL;
if( szIn ) { lLen = _tcslen( szIn );
pszOut = (LPTSTR) HeapAlloc( m_hHeapToUse, 0, (sizeof(TCHAR) * (lLen+1)) );
if( pszOut ) { _tcscpy( pszOut, szIn ); } }
return( pszOut ); }
// CFLDatBuilder::CalculateNumberOfHashBuckets
// Calculates the number of hash buckets needed by the dynamic hashes
// in the hashlist.
LONG CFLDatBuilder::CalculateNumberOfHashBuckets( LPFLTREE_NODE pRoot ) { LONG lNumNeeded=0;
if( pRoot ) { if( pRoot->pChild ) { lNumNeeded += CalculateNumberOfHashBuckets( pRoot->pChild ); } if( pRoot->pSibling ) { lNumNeeded += CalculateNumberOfHashBuckets( pRoot->pSibling ); } if( pRoot->lNumFilesHashed > 0 ) { lNumNeeded += GetNextHighestPrime( pRoot->lNumFilesHashed ); } }
return( lNumNeeded ); }
// Debugging Methods
// CFLDatBuilder::PrintList
void CFLDatBuilder::PrintList( LPFL_FILELIST pList, LONG lLevel) { LONG lCount; if( !pList ) { return; }
for(lCount = 0;lCount < lLevel;lCount++) { printf(" "); }
printf(" f: %s\n", pList->szFileName );
PrintList(pList->pNext, lLevel ); }
void CFLDatBuilder::PrintTree( LPFLTREE_NODE pTree, LONG lLevel) { LONG lCount;
if( pTree ) { for(lCount = 0;lCount < lLevel;lCount++) { printf(" "); } printf("%s", pTree->szPath); if( pTree->pFileList ) { printf(" (%d) \n", pTree->lNumFilesHashed); } else { printf("\n"); } PrintList( pTree->pFileList, lLevel ); PrintTree( pTree->pChild, lLevel + 1 ); PrintTree( pTree->pSibling, lLevel ); } return;
// CFLDatBuilder::IsPrime
BOOL CFLDatBuilder::IsPrime( LONG lNumber) { LONG cl;
// prevent divide by 0 problems
if( lNumber == 0 ) { return FALSE; }
if( lNumber == 1 ) { return TRUE; }
for(cl = 2;cl < lNumber;cl++) { if( (lNumber % cl ) == 0 ) { return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
// CFLDatBuilder::GetNextHighestPrime
LONG CFLDatBuilder::GetNextHighestPrime( LONG lNumber ) { LONG clLoop;
if( lNumber >= LARGEST_HASH_SIZE ) { return( LARGEST_HASH_SIZE ); } for( clLoop = lNumber; clLoop < LARGEST_HASH_SIZE;clLoop++) { if( IsPrime( clLoop ) ) { return( clLoop ); } }
// nothing found, return large hash size.
return( LARGEST_HASH_SIZE ); }
// Some C helper API ( should be removed ?? )
DWORD HeapUsed( HANDLE hHeap ) { PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY HeapEntry; DWORD dwAllocSize=0;
HeapEntry.lpData = NULL; while( HeapWalk( hHeap, &HeapEntry) != FALSE ) { if( HeapEntry.wFlags & PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY_BUSY ) dwAllocSize += HeapEntry.cbData;
return( dwAllocSize ); }
// Convert to internal NT namespace format + additional formatiing for
// required to Add the tree node.
BOOL CFLDatBuilder::ConvertToInternalFormat( LPTSTR szFrom, LPTSTR szTo ) { BOOL fRet = FALSE;
if(szFrom[1] == TEXT(':') ) { TCHAR szDeviceName[MAX_PATH];
szFrom[2] = 0;
QueryDosDevice( szFrom, szDeviceName, sizeof(szDeviceName) );
_stprintf(szTo, _TEXT("NTROOT%s\\%s"), szDeviceName, szFrom+3 );
// remove terminating slash
if (szTo[_tcslen( szTo ) - 1] == _TEXT('\\')) szTo[_tcslen( szTo ) - 1] = 0; CharUpper( szTo ); } else #endif
{ _stprintf(szTo,_TEXT("NTROOT\\%s"), szFrom); }
fRet = TRUE;
return fRet; }
// Adjust the process privileges so that we can load other user's hives.
DWORD CFLDatBuilder::SetPrivilegeInAccessToken( LPCTSTR pszPrivilegeName ) { TraceFunctEnter("CSnapshot::SetPrivilegeInAccessToken"); HANDLE hProcess; HANDLE hAccessToken=NULL; LUID luidPrivilegeLUID; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tpTokenPrivilege; DWORD dwReturn = ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, dwErr;
hProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); if (!hProcess) { dwReturn = GetLastError(); trace(0, "GetCurrentProcess failed ec=%d", dwReturn); goto done; }
if (!OpenProcessToken(hProcess, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, &hAccessToken)) { dwErr=GetLastError(); trace(0, "OpenProcessToken failed ec=%d", dwErr); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { dwReturn = dwErr; } goto done; }
if (!LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, pszPrivilegeName, &luidPrivilegeLUID)) { dwErr=GetLastError(); trace(0, "LookupPrivilegeValue failed ec=%d",dwErr); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { dwReturn = dwErr; } goto done; }
tpTokenPrivilege.PrivilegeCount = 1; tpTokenPrivilege.Privileges[0].Luid = luidPrivilegeLUID; tpTokenPrivilege.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
if (!AdjustTokenPrivileges(hAccessToken, FALSE, // Do not disable all
&tpTokenPrivilege, sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES), NULL, // Ignore previous info
NULL)) // Ignore previous info
{ dwErr=GetLastError(); trace(0, "AdjustTokenPrivileges"); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { dwReturn = dwErr; } goto done; } dwReturn = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if (hAccessToken != NULL) { CloseHandle(hAccessToken); } TraceFunctLeave(); return dwReturn; }