* * Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation * * Module Name: * chglog.cpp * * Abstract: * Tool for enumerating the change log - forward/reverse * * Revision History: * Brijesh Krishnaswami (brijeshk) 04/09/2000 * created * SHeffner: Just grabbed the code, and put it into SRDiag. * *****************************************************************************/
// Common Includes
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "srapi.h"
#include <shellapi.h>
#include "enumlogs.h"
#include "srrpcapi.h"
// Function proto typing
LPWSTR GetEventString(DWORD EventId); void EnumLog(char *szFileName, WCHAR *szDrive);
struct _EVENT_STR_MAP { DWORD EventId; LPWSTR pEventStr; } EventMap[ 13 ] = { {SrEventInvalid , L"INVALID" }, {SrEventStreamChange, L"FILE-MODIFY" }, {SrEventAclChange, L"ACL-CHANGE" }, {SrEventAttribChange, L"ATTR-CHANGE" }, {SrEventStreamOverwrite,L"FILE-MODIFY" }, {SrEventFileDelete, L"FILE-DELETE" }, {SrEventFileCreate, L"FILE-CREATE" }, {SrEventFileRename, L"FILE-RENAME" }, {SrEventDirectoryCreate,L"DIR-CREATE" }, {SrEventDirectoryRename,L"DIR-RENAME" }, {SrEventDirectoryDelete,L"DIR-DELETE" }, {SrEventMountCreate, L"MNT-CREATE" }, {SrEventMountDelete, L"MNT-DELETE" } };
// Function: GetEventString
// Synopsis: Transulates the EventString from the event ID
// Arguments: [EventID] -- DWord for the event code
// Returns: Pointer to maped string to the event coded
// History: 9/21/00 SHeffner Copied from Brijesh
LPWSTR GetEventString(DWORD EventId) { LPWSTR pStr = L"NOT-FOUND";
for( int i=0; i<sizeof(EventMap)/sizeof(_EVENT_STR_MAP);i++) { if ( EventMap[i].EventId == EventId ) { pStr = EventMap[i].pEventStr; } }
return pStr; }
// Function: GetChgLog
// Synopsis: Dumps the change log into the file specified
// Arguments: [szLogfile] -- ANSI string pointing to the name of the log file
// Returns: void
// History: 9/21/00 SHeffner created
void GetChgLog(char *szLogfile) { WCHAR szString[_MAX_PATH]; DWORD dLength; HANDLE hVolume;
dLength = _MAX_PATH;
//Walk through all of the volume's on the system, and then validate that
// this is a fixed drive. Once we have a valid drive then pass this volume to
// the enumeration routine for changelog.
if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != (hVolume = FindFirstVolume( szString, dLength)) ) { do { dLength = _MAX_PATH;
//Check to make sure that this is a fixed volume, and then get the change log, else skip.
if ( DRIVE_FIXED == GetDriveType(szString) ) EnumLog(szLogfile, szString);
} while (TRUE == FindNextVolume(hVolume, szString, dLength) ); }
//Cleanup code
FindVolumeClose(hVolume); }
// Function: EnumLog
// Synopsis: Enumerate the change log for the Volume
// Arguments: [szLogfile] -- ANSI string pointing to the name of the log file
// [szDrive] -- WCHAR string, that specifies the volume to gather the log from
// Returns: void
// History: 9/21/00 SHeffner grabbed from Brijesh, but tweaked to get the rest of the fields
void EnumLog(char *szFileName, WCHAR *szDrive) { DWORD dwTargetRPNum = 0; HGLOBAL hMem = NULL; DWORD dwRc, dLength; FILE *fStream; WCHAR szMount[_MAX_PATH];
//Open up our logging file
fStream = fopen(szFileName, "a");
//Write header for our Section so that we can see what Volume that we are enumerating
GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeName(szDrive, szMount, _MAX_PATH, &dLength); fprintf(fStream, "\nChangeLog Enumeration for Drive [%S] Volume %S\n\n", szMount, szDrive);
//Calling the ChangeLogenumeration functions, specifying the drive, Forward through log,
// RP Number start 0, and switch??
CChangeLogEntryEnum ChangeLog(szDrive, TRUE, dwTargetRPNum, TRUE); CChangeLogEntry cle;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == ChangeLog.FindFirstChangeLogEntry(cle)) { do { fprintf(fStream, "RPDir=%S, Drive=%S, SeqNum=%I64ld, EventString=%S, Flags=%lu, Attr=%lu, Acl=%S, AclSize=%lu, AclInline=%lu, Process=%S, ProcName=%S, Path1=%S, Path2=%S, Temp=%S\n", cle.GetRPDir(), szMount, cle.GetSequenceNum(), GetEventString(cle.GetType()), cle.GetFlags(), cle.GetAttributes(), cle.GetAcl() ? L"Yes" : L"No", cle.GetAclSize(), cle.GetAclInline(), cle.GetProcess() ? cle.GetProcess() : L"NULL", cle.GetProcName() ? cle.GetProcName() : L"NULL", cle.GetPath1() ? cle.GetPath1() : L"NULL", cle.GetPath2() ? cle.GetPath2() : L"NULL", cle.GetTemp() ? cle.GetTemp() : L"NULL");
dwRc = ChangeLog.FindNextChangeLogEntry(cle); } while (dwRc == ERROR_SUCCESS);
ChangeLog.FindClose(); } else { fprintf(fStream, "No change log entries\n"); }
//code cleanup
fclose(fStream); if (hMem) GlobalFree(hMem); }