// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2000.
// File: Main.h
// Contents: Header file for function proto types for main.cpp
// Objects:
// Coupling:
// Notes:
// History: 9/21/00 SHeffner Created
#ifndef _CMSRDIAG
#define _CMSRDIAG
// Function proto typing
void Log(char *szString); void Log2(char *szString, char *szString2); void GetRestoreGuid(char *szString); void SRGetFileInfo(char *szLogFile); void InfoPerFile(char *szLogFile, WCHAR *szFileName); void ArgParse(int argc, char *argv[], char *szArgCmd[]); void Usage();
// Structure Definations
//Listing of the files, that we will gather in the version information, and file statics from.
// This information will be stored in the SR-FileList.txt
WCHAR *wszFileVersionList[] = { TEXT("\\system32\\drivers\\sr.sys"), TEXT("\\system32\\srclient.dll"), TEXT("\\system32\\srsvc.dll"), TEXT("\\system32\\srrstr.dll"), TEXT("\\system32\\restore\\filelist.xml"), TEXT("\\system32\\restore\\rstrui.exe"), TEXT("\\system32\\restore\\srframe.mmf"), TEXT("\\system32\\restore\\sr.mof"), TEXT("") };
//Listing of the resourece strings that we are looking for in the structure wszFileVersionList.
WCHAR *wszVersionResource[] = { TEXT("Comments"), TEXT("CompanyName"), TEXT("FileDescription"), TEXT("FileVersion"), TEXT("InternalName"), TEXT("LegalCopyright"), TEXT("LegalTrademarks"), TEXT("OriginalFilename"), TEXT("ProductName"), TEXT("ProductVersion"), TEXT("PrivateBuild"), TEXT("SpecialBuild"), TEXT("") };
//Listing of the Registry keys that we are grabbing. The first param is the Path from HKLM, the Second Param
// is either 0 for not recursing, or 1 if you want to recurse all of the sub keys.
WCHAR *wszRegKeys[][2] = { TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion"), TEXT("0"), TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\SystemRestore"), TEXT("1"), TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\SR"), TEXT("1"), TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\SRService"), TEXT("1"), TEXT("Software\\Policies\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\SystemRestore"), TEXT("1"), TEXT(""), TEXT("") };
//Listing of the files that we will gather on the system into the cab, based on the relative root starting
// from the Windir directory.
char *szWindirFileCollection[] = { "\\system32\\restore\\machineguid.txt", "\\system32\\restore\\filelist.xml", "\\system32\\restore\\rstrlog.dat", "" };
//Listing of the files, that we will collect at the root of the SystemVolumeInformation\_Restore{GUID} directory
char *szSysVolFileCollection[] = { "_filelst.cfg", "drivetable.txt", "_driver.cfg", "fifo.log", "" };