Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: srshutil.h
Abstract: This file contains declaration of utility functions/classes like CSRStr, CDynArray, etc.
Revision History: Seong Kook Khang (SKKhang) 06/22/00 created
#pragma once
// Constant Definitions
// Utility Functions
extern LPWSTR IStrDup( LPCWSTR cszSrc );
extern DWORD StrCpyAlign4( LPBYTE pbDst, LPCWSTR cszSrc ); extern BOOL ReadStrAlign4( HANDLE hFile, LPWSTR szStr );
extern BOOL SRFormatMessage( LPWSTR szMsg, UINT uFmtId, ... ); extern BOOL ShowSRErrDlg( UINT uMsgId );
extern BOOL SRGetRegDword( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR cszSubKey, LPCWSTR cszValue, DWORD *pdwData ); extern BOOL SRSetRegDword( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR cszSubKey, LPCWSTR cszValue, DWORD dwData ); extern BOOL SRSetRegStr( HKEY hKey, LPCWSTR cszSubKey, LPCWSTR cszValue, LPCWSTR cszData ); extern BOOL SRGetAltFileName( LPCWSTR cszPath, LPWSTR szAltName );
extern DWORD ClearFileAttribute( LPCWSTR cszFile, DWORD dwMask ); extern DWORD TakeOwnership( LPCWSTR cszPath ); extern DWORD SRCopyFile( LPCWSTR cszSrc, LPCWSTR cszDst );
// CSRStr class
// NOTE - 7/26/00 - skkhang
// CSRStr has one issue -- NULL return in case of memory failure. Even though
// the behavior is just same with regular C language pointer, many codes are
// blindly passing it to some external functions (e.g. strcmp) which does not
// gracefully handle NULL pointer. Ideally and eventually all of code should
// prevent any possible NULL pointers from getting passed to such functions,
// but for now, I'm using an alternative workaround -- GetID, GetMount, and
// GetLabel returns a static empty string instead of NULL pointer.
class CSRStr { public: CSRStr(); CSRStr( LPCWSTR cszSrc ); ~CSRStr();
// Attributes
public: int Length(); operator LPCWSTR();
protected: int m_cch; LPWSTR m_str;
// Operations
public: void Empty(); BOOL SetStr( LPCWSTR cszSrc, int cch = -1 ); const CSRStr& operator =( LPCWSTR cszSrc ); };
// CSRDynPtrArray class
template<class type, int nBlock> class CSRDynPtrArray { public: CSRDynPtrArray(); ~CSRDynPtrArray();
// Attributes
public: int GetSize() { return( m_nCur ); } int GetUpperBound() { return( m_nCur-1 ); } type GetItem( int nItem ); type operator[]( int nItem ) { return( GetItem( nItem ) ); }
protected: int m_nMax; // Maximum Item Count
int m_nCur; // Current Item Count
type *m_ppTable;
// Operations
public: BOOL AddItem( type item ); BOOL SetItem( int nIdx, type item ); BOOL Empty(); void DeleteAll(); void ReleaseAll(); };
template<class type, int nBlock> CSRDynPtrArray<type, nBlock>::CSRDynPtrArray() { m_nMax = 0; m_nCur = 0; m_ppTable = NULL; }
template<class type, int nBlock> CSRDynPtrArray<type, nBlock>::~CSRDynPtrArray() { Empty(); }
template<class type, int nBlock> type CSRDynPtrArray<type, nBlock>::GetItem( int nItem ) { if ( nItem < 0 || nItem >= m_nCur ) { // ERROR - Out of Range
} return( m_ppTable[nItem] ); }
template<class type, int nBlock> BOOL CSRDynPtrArray<type, nBlock>::AddItem( type item ) { TraceFunctEnter("CSRDynPtrArray::AddItem"); BOOL fRet = FALSE; type *ppTableNew;
if ( m_nCur == m_nMax ) { m_nMax += nBlock;
// Assuming m_ppTable and m_nMax are always in sync.
// Review if it's necessary to validate this assumption.
if ( m_ppTable == NULL ) ppTableNew = (type*)::HeapAlloc( ::GetProcessHeap(), 0, m_nMax*sizeof(type) ); else ppTableNew = (type*)::HeapReAlloc( ::GetProcessHeap(), 0, m_ppTable, m_nMax * sizeof(type) );
if ( ppTableNew == NULL ) { FatalTrace(0, "Insufficient memory..."); goto Exit; } m_ppTable = ppTableNew; } m_ppTable[m_nCur++] = item;
fRet = TRUE; Exit: TraceFunctLeave(); return( fRet ); }
template<class type, int nBlock> BOOL CSRDynPtrArray<type, nBlock>::SetItem( int nIdx, type item ) { if ( nIdx >= m_nMax ) return( FALSE );
m_ppTable[nIdx] = item; if ( nIdx >= m_nCur ) m_nCur = nIdx+1;
return( TRUE ); }
template<class type, int nBlock> BOOL CSRDynPtrArray<type, nBlock>::Empty() { if ( m_ppTable != NULL ) { ::HeapFree( ::GetProcessHeap(), 0, m_ppTable ); m_ppTable = NULL; m_nMax = 0; m_nCur = 0; } return( TRUE ); }
template<class type, int nBlock> void CSRDynPtrArray<type, nBlock>::DeleteAll() { for ( int i = m_nCur-1; i >= 0; i-- ) delete m_ppTable[i];
Empty(); }
template<class type, int nBlock> void CSRDynPtrArray<type, nBlock>::ReleaseAll() { for ( int i = m_nCur-1; i >= 0; i-- ) m_ppTable[i]->Release();
Empty(); }
// CSRLockFile class
// This class reads multiple paths from the registry and either lock them
// using ::CreateFile or load them using ::LoadLibrary. This is only for
// test purpose - initiate locked-file-handling during a restoration.
class CSRLockFile { public: CSRLockFile(); ~CSRLockFile();
protected: CSRDynPtrArray<HANDLE,16> m_aryLock; CSRDynPtrArray<HMODULE,16> m_aryLoad; };