// Contains the refresh function for the resource categories.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "category.h"
#include "dataset.h"
#include "wmiabstraction.h"
#include "resourcemap.h"
// The compiler doesn't like this perfectly correct code:
// (dwIndex >= RESOURCE_DMA && dwIndex <= RESOURCE_MEM)
#pragma warning(disable:4296) // expression is always true/false
// The resource refreshing function handles all of the categories under the
// resource subtree. It makes heavy use of the CResourceMap class to cache
// values and speed up subsequent resource queries.
HRESULT ResourceCategories(CWMIHelper * pWMI, DWORD dwIndex, volatile BOOL * pfCancel, CPtrList * aColValues, int iColCount, void ** ppCache) { ASSERT(pWMI == NULL || aColValues);
if (ppCache) { if (pWMI && *ppCache == NULL) { *ppCache = (void *) new CResourceMap; if (*ppCache) { hr = ((CResourceMap *) *ppCache)->Initialize(pWMI); if (FAILED(hr)) { delete ((CResourceMap *) *ppCache); *ppCache = (void *) NULL; } } } else if (pWMI == NULL && *ppCache) { delete ((CResourceMap *) *ppCache); return S_OK; } } CResourceMap * pResourceMap = (CResourceMap *) *ppCache;
// This is a nice way to cache to resource map for multiple functions, but it's
// a monumental pain when we remote to a different machine:
// CResourceMap * pResourceMap = gResourceMap.GetResourceMap(pWMI);
// if (pResourceMap == NULL)
// return hr;
// Based on the index, we'll (probably) want to enumerate a resource category.
if (dwIndex >= RESOURCE_DMA && dwIndex <= RESOURCE_MEM) { CString strClass;
switch (dwIndex) { case RESOURCE_DMA: strClass = _T("Win32_DMAChannel"); break; case RESOURCE_IRQ: strClass = _T("Win32_IRQResource"); break; case RESOURCE_IO: strClass = _T("Win32_PortResource"); break; case RESOURCE_MEM: strClass = _T("Win32_DeviceMemoryAddress"); break; }
CWMIObjectCollection * pCollection = NULL; hr = pWMI->Enumerate(strClass, &pCollection); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CWMIObject * pObject = NULL; CWMIObject * pDeviceObject = NULL; CString strDevicePath, strPath; CStringList * pDeviceList;
while (S_OK == pCollection->GetNext(&pObject)) { DWORD dwCaption = 0;
switch (dwIndex) { case RESOURCE_DMA: pObject->GetValueDWORD(_T("DMAChannel"), &dwCaption); break; case RESOURCE_IRQ: pObject->GetValueDWORD(_T("IRQNumber"), &dwCaption); break; case RESOURCE_IO: pObject->GetValueDWORD(_T("StartingAddress"), &dwCaption); break; case RESOURCE_MEM: pObject->GetValueDWORD(_T("StartingAddress"), &dwCaption); break; }
// Get the path for this resource (strip off machine stuff).
strPath = pObject->GetString(_T("__PATH")); int i = strPath.Find(_T(":")); if (i != -1) strPath = strPath.Right(strPath.GetLength() - i - 1);
// Look up the list of devices assigned to this resource.
pDeviceList = pResourceMap->Lookup(strPath); if (pDeviceList) { for (POSITION pos = pDeviceList->GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL;) { strDevicePath = pDeviceList->GetNext(pos); if (SUCCEEDED(pWMI->GetObject(strDevicePath, &pDeviceObject))) { pWMI->AppendCell(aColValues[1], pDeviceObject->GetString(_T("Caption")), 0); delete pDeviceObject; pDeviceObject = NULL; } else pWMI->AppendCell(aColValues[1], _T(""), 0);
pWMI->AppendCell(aColValues[0], pObject->GetString(_T("Caption")), dwCaption); pWMI->AppendCell(aColValues[2], pObject->GetString(_T("Status")), 0); } } }
delete pObject; delete pCollection; } } else if (dwIndex == RESOURCE_CONFLICTS && pResourceMap && !pResourceMap->m_map.IsEmpty()) { // Scan through each element of the map.
CString strKey; CStringList * plistStrings; CString strResourcePath; CString strDevicePath; CWMIObject * pResourceObject; CWMIObject * pDeviceObject;
for (POSITION pos = pResourceMap->m_map.GetStartPosition(); pos != NULL;) { pResourceMap->m_map.GetNextAssoc(pos, strKey, (CObject*&) plistStrings); if (plistStrings) { // Check to see if there are more than one items associated with this one.
if (plistStrings->GetCount() > 1) { // Then figure out if this is for a resource class. Just look for the
// class name in the key.
BOOL fResource = FALSE; if (strKey.Find(_T("Win32_IRQResource")) != -1) fResource = TRUE; else if (strKey.Find(_T("Win32_PortResource")) != -1) fResource = TRUE; else if (strKey.Find(_T("Win32_DMAChannel")) != -1) fResource = TRUE; else if (strKey.Find(_T("Win32_DeviceMemoryAddress")) != -1) fResource = TRUE;
if (fResource) { CString strItem, strValue;
// Get the name of this shared resource.
strResourcePath = strKey; pResourceObject = NULL; hr = pWMI->GetObject(strResourcePath, &pResourceObject); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { strItem.Empty(); if (strKey.Find(_T("Win32_PortResource")) != -1) { strItem.LoadString(IDS_IOPORT); strItem += CString(_T(" ")); } else if (strKey.Find(_T("Win32_DeviceMemoryAddress")) != -1) { strItem.LoadString(IDS_MEMORYADDRESS); strItem += CString(_T(" ")); }
CString strTemp; pResourceObject->GetValueString(_T("Caption"), &strTemp); if (!strTemp.IsEmpty()) strItem += strTemp;
delete pResourceObject; }
for (POSITION pos = plistStrings->GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL;) { strDevicePath = plistStrings->GetNext(pos); pDeviceObject = NULL; hr = pWMI->GetObject(strDevicePath, &pDeviceObject); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (SUCCEEDED(pDeviceObject->GetValueString(_T("Caption"), &strValue))) { pWMI->AppendCell(aColValues[0], strItem, 0); pWMI->AppendCell(aColValues[1], strValue, 0); } delete pDeviceObject; } }
pWMI->AppendBlankLine(aColValues, iColCount, FALSE); } } } } } else if (dwIndex == RESOURCE_FORCED) { CWMIObjectCollection * pCollection = NULL; hr = pWMI->Enumerate(_T("Win32_PnPEntity"), &pCollection, _T("Caption, PNPDeviceID, ConfigManagerUserConfig")); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CWMIObject * pObject = NULL; while (S_OK == pCollection->GetNext(&pObject)) { DWORD dwUserConfig; if (SUCCEEDED(pObject->GetValueDWORD(_T("ConfigManagerUserConfig"), &dwUserConfig))) { if (dwUserConfig) { pWMI->AppendCell(aColValues[0], pObject->GetString(_T("Caption")), 0); pWMI->AppendCell(aColValues[1], pObject->GetString(_T("PNPDeviceID")), 0); } } } delete pObject; delete pCollection; } }
return hr; }