#include "adminpch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <msi.h>
#include <msiquery.h>
static UINT WINAPI MsiCloseHandle(MSIHANDLE hAny) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static UINT WINAPI MsiConfigureProductW(LPCWSTR szProduct, int iInstallLevel, INSTALLSTATE eInstallState) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static MSIHANDLE WINAPI MsiCreateRecord(UINT cParams) { return 0; }
static UINT WINAPI MsiDatabaseCommit(MSIHANDLE hDatabase) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static UINT WINAPI MsiDatabaseOpenViewW(MSIHANDLE hDatabase, LPCWSTR szQuery, MSIHANDLE* phView) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static INSTALLSTATE WINAPI MsiGetComponentPathW(LPCWSTR szProduct, LPCWSTR szComponent, LPWSTR lpPathBuf, DWORD *pcchBuf) { return INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN; }
static UINT WINAPI MsiGetProductInfoW(LPCWSTR szProduct, LPCWSTR szAttribute, LPWSTR lpValueBuf, DWORD *pcchValueBuf) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static UINT WINAPI MsiGetSummaryInformationW(MSIHANDLE hDatabase, LPCWSTR szDatabasePath, UINT uiUpdateCount, MSIHANDLE *phSummaryInfo) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static UINT WINAPI MsiInstallProductW(LPCWSTR szPackagePath, LPCWSTR szCommandLine) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static UINT WINAPI MsiOpenDatabaseW(LPCWSTR szDatabasePath, LPCWSTR szPersist, MSIHANDLE *phDatabase) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static INSTALLSTATE WINAPI MsiQueryFeatureStateW(LPCWSTR szProduct, LPCWSTR szFeature) { return INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN; }
static UINT WINAPI MsiRecordGetStringA(MSIHANDLE hRecord, UINT iField, LPSTR szValueBuf, DWORD *pcchValueBuf) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static UINT WINAPI MsiRecordGetStringW(MSIHANDLE hRecord, UINT iField, LPWSTR szValueBuf, DWORD *pcchValueBuf) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static UINT WINAPI MsiRecordReadStream(MSIHANDLE hRecord, UINT iField, char *szDataBuf, DWORD* pcbDataBuf) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static UINT WINAPI MsiRecordSetStreamW(MSIHANDLE hRecord, UINT iField, LPCWSTR szFilePath) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static UINT WINAPI MsiRecordSetStringW(MSIHANDLE hRecord, UINT iField, LPCWSTR szValue) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
INSTALLUILEVEL WINAPI MsiSetInternalUI(INSTALLUILEVEL dwUILevel, HWND* phWnd) { // If msi.dll failed to load, then it's certainly not
// going to display any UI
static UINT WINAPI MsiSummaryInfoGetPropertyW(MSIHANDLE hSummaryInfo, UINT uiProperty, UINT *puiDataType, INT *piValue, FILETIME *pftValue, LPWSTR szValueBuf, DWORD *pcchValueBuf) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static UINT WINAPI MsiSummaryInfoPersist(MSIHANDLE hSummaryInfo) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static UINT WINAPI MsiSummaryInfoSetPropertyW(MSIHANDLE hSummaryInfo, UINT uiProperty, UINT uiDataType, INT iValue, FILETIME *pftValue, LPCWSTR szValue) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; } static UINT WINAPI MsiViewExecute(MSIHANDLE hView, MSIHANDLE hRecord) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static UINT WINAPI MsiViewFetch(MSIHANDLE hView, MSIHANDLE *phRecord) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static UINT WINAPI MsiViewModify(MSIHANDLE hView, MSIMODIFY eModifyMode, MSIHANDLE hRecord) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static INSTALLSTATE WINAPI MsiQueryFeatureStateFromDescriptorW(LPCWSTR szDescriptor) { return INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN; }
static UINT WINAPI MsiDecomposeDescriptorW(LPCWSTR szDescriptor, LPWSTR szProductCode, LPWSTR szFeatureId, LPWSTR szComponentCode, DWORD* pcchArgsOffset) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
static UINT WINAPI MsiEnumRelatedProductsW(LPCWSTR lpUpgradeCode, DWORD dwReserved, DWORD iProductIndex, LPWSTR lpProductBuf) { return ERROR_PROC_NOT_FOUND; }
// !! WARNING !! The entries below must be in order by ORDINAL
DEFINE_ORDINAL_ENTRIES(msi) { DLOENTRY(8, MsiCloseHandle) DLOENTRY(16, MsiConfigureProductW) DLOENTRY(17, MsiCreateRecord) DLOENTRY(20, MsiDatabaseCommit) DLOENTRY(32, MsiDatabaseOpenViewW) DLOENTRY(70, MsiGetProductInfoW) DLOENTRY(78, MsiGetSummaryInformationW) DLOENTRY(88, MsiInstallProductW) DLOENTRY(92, MsiOpenDatabaseW) DLOENTRY(111, MsiQueryFeatureStateW) DLOENTRY(117, MsiRecordGetStringA) DLOENTRY(118, MsiRecordGetStringW) DLOENTRY(120, MsiRecordReadStream) DLOENTRY(123, MsiRecordSetStreamW) DLOENTRY(125, MsiRecordSetStringW) DLOENTRY(141, MsiSetInternalUI) DLOENTRY(150, MsiSummaryInfoGetPropertyW) DLOENTRY(151, MsiSummaryInfoPersist) DLOENTRY(153, MsiSummaryInfoSetPropertyW) DLOENTRY(159, MsiViewExecute) DLOENTRY(160, MsiViewFetch) DLOENTRY(163, MsiViewModify) DLOENTRY(173, MsiGetComponentPathW) DLOENTRY(188, MsiQueryFeatureStateFromDescriptorW) DLOENTRY(201, MsiDecomposeDescriptorW) DLOENTRY(205, MsiEnumRelatedProductsW) };