Copyright (c) 2000 - 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Abstract :
Main code file for handling jobs and files.
Author :
Revision History :
#include "stdafx.h"
#if !defined(BITS_V12_ON_NT4)
#include "cfile.tmh"
StringHandle BITSGetVolumePathName( const WCHAR * FileName ) {
#if defined( BITS_V12_ON_NT4 )
WCHAR VolumePath[4];
if ( !( ( FileName[0] >= L'A' && FileName[0] <= L'Z') || ( FileName[0] >= L'a' && FileName[0] <= L'z') ) || ( FileName[1] != L':' ) || ( FileName[2] != L'\\' ) ) { LogError( "%s doesn't appear to start with a drive letter", FileName ); throw ComError( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ) ); }
VolumePath[0] = FileName[0]; VolumePath[1] = FileName[1]; VolumePath[2] = FileName[2]; VolumePath[3] = '\0';
return StringHandle( VolumePath );
// Call get full path name to get the
// required buffer size
DWORD dwBufferLength = GetFullPathName( FileName, 0, NULL, NULL );
if ( !dwBufferLength ) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); LogError( "GetFullPathName failed, error %!winerr!", dwError ); throw ComError( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ) ); }
auto_ptr<WCHAR> VolumePathName( new WCHAR[ dwBufferLength + 1 ] );
BOOL bResult = GetVolumePathName( FileName, VolumePathName.get(), dwBufferLength + 1 );
if ( !bResult ) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); LogError( "GetVolumePathName failed, error %!winerr!", dwError ); throw ComError( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ) ); }
return StringHandle( VolumePathName.get() );
StringHandle BITSGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint( const WCHAR * VolumeMountPoint ) {
#if defined( BITS_V12_ON_NT4 )
return BITSGetVolumePathName( VolumeMountPoint );
WCHAR VolumeName[50]; // 50 is listed in MSDN
BOOL bResult = GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint( VolumeMountPoint, VolumeName, 50 );
if ( !bResult ) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); LogError( "GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint failed, error %!winerr!", dwError ); throw ComError( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ) ); }
return StringHandle( VolumeName );
DWORD BITSGetVolumeSerialNumber( const WCHAR * VolumePath ) { DWORD VolumeSerialNumber;
BOOL bResult = GetVolumeInformation( VolumePath, // root directory
NULL, // volume name buffer
0, // length of name buffer
&VolumeSerialNumber, // volume serial number
NULL, // maximum file name length
NULL, // file system options
NULL, // file system name buffer
0 // length of file system name buffer
if ( !bResult ) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); LogError( "GetVolumeInformation failed, error %!winerr!", dwError ); throw ComError( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ) ); }
return VolumeSerialNumber;
StringHandle BITSGetTempFileName( const WCHAR *PathName, const WCHAR *Prefix, UINT Unique ) {
auto_ptr<WCHAR> TempBuffer( new WCHAR[MAX_PATH+1] );
UINT Result = GetTempFileName( PathName, Prefix, Unique, TempBuffer.get() );
if ( !Result ) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); LogError( "GetTempFileName( '%S', '%S' ) failed, error %!winerr!", PathName, Prefix, dwError ); throw ComError( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ) ); }
StringHandle ReturnVal;
try { ReturnVal = TempBuffer.get(); } catch( ComError Error ) { LogError( "Out of memory returning temp filename, deleting temp file" ); DeleteFile( TempBuffer.get() ); throw; }
return ReturnVal; }
StringHandle BITSCrackFileName( const WCHAR * RawFileName, StringHandle & ReturnFileName ) {
DWORD FullPathSize = GetFullPathName( RawFileName, 0, NULL, NULL );
DWORD dwAllocSize = FullPathSize; if ( !FullPathSize ) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); LogError( "GetFullPathName failed, error %!winerr!", dwError ); throw ComError( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ) ); }
if ( FullPathSize > MAX_PATH ) { // Fail large paths until the code can be cleanup up
LogError( "Path larger then MAX_PATH, failing" ); throw ComError( E_INVALIDARG ); }
auto_ptr<WCHAR> FullPath( new WCHAR[ dwAllocSize ] );
WCHAR *FilePointer = NULL; FullPathSize = GetFullPathName( RawFileName, dwAllocSize, FullPath.get(), &FilePointer );
if (FullPathSize == 0 || FullPathSize > dwAllocSize) { LogError( "GetFullPathName failed " ); throw ComError( E_INVALIDARG ); }
if ( !FilePointer || (*FilePointer == L'\0') || (FilePointer == FullPath.get())) { throw ComError( E_INVALIDARG ); }
auto_ptr<WCHAR> DirectoryName( new WCHAR[ dwAllocSize ] ); auto_ptr<WCHAR> FileName( new WCHAR[ dwAllocSize ] );
memcpy( DirectoryName.get(), FullPath.get(), (char*)FilePointer - (char*)FullPath.get() ); (DirectoryName.get())[ ((char*)FilePointer - (char*)FullPath.get()) / sizeof(WCHAR) ] = L'\0';
THROW_HRESULT( StringCchCopy( FileName.get(), dwAllocSize, FilePointer ));
FilePointer = NULL;
ReturnFileName = FileName.get(); return StringHandle( DirectoryName.get() );
StringHandle BITSCreateTempFile( StringHandle Directory ) { StringHandle TempFileName;
TempFileName = BITSGetTempFileName( Directory, L"BITS", 0 ); //throw ComError
// Make sure the client can create the temp file.
hFile = CreateFile( TempFileName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, // no file sharing
NULL, // generic security descriptor
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ThrowLastError(); }
CloseHandle( hFile );
return TempFileName; }
HRESULT BITSCheckFileWritability( LPCWSTR name ) { HANDLE hFile; hFile = CreateFile( name, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, // no file sharing
NULL, // generic security descriptor
OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL // no template file
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); }
if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (GetFileType( hFile ) != FILE_TYPE_DISK) { CloseHandle( hFile ); return E_INVALIDARG; }
CloseHandle( hFile ); }
return S_OK; } HRESULT BITSCheckFileReadability( LPCWSTR name ) { HANDLE hFile; hFile = CreateFile( name, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, // no file sharing
NULL, // generic security descriptor
OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL // no template file
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); }
if (GetFileType( hFile ) != FILE_TYPE_DISK) { CloseHandle( hFile ); return E_INVALIDARG; }
CloseHandle( hFile ); return S_OK; }
CFile::CFile( CJob* Job, BG_JOB_TYPE FileType, StringHandle RemoteName, StringHandle LocalName ) { m_Job = Job; m_RemoteName = RemoteName; m_LocalName = LocalName; m_BytesTransferred = 0; m_BytesTotal = BG_SIZE_UNKNOWN; m_Completed = false;
if (!VerifyRemoteName( RemoteName )) { throw ComError( E_INVALIDARG ); }
HRESULT hr = VerifyLocalName( LocalName, FileType ); if (FAILED(hr)) { throw ComError( hr ); } }
// private constructor used during unserialization
// It initializes only the transient data.
CFile::CFile( CJob* Job ) { m_Job = Job; m_BytesTotal = 0; m_BytesTransferred = 0; m_Completed = false; }
CFile::~CFile() { }
CFileExternal * CFile::CreateExternalInterface() { return new CFileExternal( this, m_Job->GetExternalInterface() ); }
HRESULT CFile::GetLocalName( LPWSTR *pVal ) const { *pVal = MidlCopyString( m_LocalName );
return (*pVal) ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
HRESULT CFile::GetRemoteName( LPWSTR *pVal ) const { *pVal = MidlCopyString( m_RemoteName );
return (*pVal) ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
void CFile::GetProgress( BG_FILE_PROGRESS * s ) const { s->BytesTransferred = m_BytesTransferred; s->BytesTotal = m_BytesTotal; s->Completed = m_Completed; }
HRESULT CFile::Serialize( HANDLE hFile ) { //
// If this function changes, be sure that the metadata extension
// constants are adequate.
// not needed for download jobs, and serializing it would be incompatible
// with BITS 1.0.
if (m_Job->GetType() != BG_JOB_TYPE_DOWNLOAD) { SafeWriteFile( hFile, m_LocalFileTime ); }
SafeWriteStringHandle( hFile, m_LocalName ); SafeWriteStringHandle( hFile, m_RemoteName ); SafeWriteStringHandle( hFile, m_TemporaryName );
SafeWriteFile( hFile, m_BytesTransferred ); SafeWriteFile( hFile, m_BytesTotal ); SafeWriteFile( hFile, m_Completed );
// Drive info
SafeWriteStringHandle( hFile, m_VolumePath ); SafeWriteStringHandle( hFile, m_CanonicalVolumePath ); SafeWriteFile( hFile, m_DriveType ); SafeWriteFile( hFile, m_VolumeSerialNumber );
return S_OK; }
CFile * CFile::Unserialize( HANDLE hFile, CJob* Job ) { CFile * file = NULL;
try { file = new CFile(Job);
if (Job->GetType() != BG_JOB_TYPE_DOWNLOAD) { SafeReadFile( hFile, &file->m_LocalFileTime ); }
file->m_LocalName = SafeReadStringHandle( hFile ); file->m_RemoteName = SafeReadStringHandle( hFile ); file->m_TemporaryName = SafeReadStringHandle( hFile );
SafeReadFile( hFile, &file->m_BytesTransferred ); SafeReadFile( hFile, &file->m_BytesTotal ); SafeReadFile( hFile, &file->m_Completed );
file->m_VolumePath = SafeReadStringHandle( hFile ); file->m_CanonicalVolumePath = SafeReadStringHandle( hFile ); SafeReadFile( hFile, &file->m_DriveType ); SafeReadFile( hFile, &file->m_VolumeSerialNumber ); } catch ( ComError Error ) { delete file;
throw; }
return file; }
inline HRESULT CFile::CheckClientAccess( DWORD RequestedAccess ) const { return m_Job->CheckClientAccess( RequestedAccess ); }
HRESULT CFile::VerifyLocalFileName( LPCWSTR name, BG_JOB_TYPE FileType ) { if (name == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Make sure the client can create a file there.
try { DWORD s; BOOL bResult;
if (!IsAbsolutePath( name )) throw ComError( E_INVALIDARG );
if ( wcsncmp( name, L"\\\\?\\", 4 ) == 0 ) throw ComError( E_INVALIDARG );
hr = BITSCheckFileWritability( name ); if (FAILED(hr)) { throw ComError( hr ); } } else { //
// See if the client can read the destination file.
auto_HANDLE<NULL> hFile;
hFile = CreateFile( name, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, // gneeric security descriptor
OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL // no template file
if (hFile.get() == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ThrowLastError(); }
if (GetFileType( hFile.get() ) != FILE_TYPE_DISK) { throw ComError( E_INVALIDARG ); } }
// Success.
Hr = S_OK; } catch ( ComError exception ) { Hr = exception.Error(); }
return Hr; }
HRESULT CFile::VerifyLocalName( LPCWSTR name, BG_JOB_TYPE FileType ) { if (name == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Make sure the client can create a file there.
try { DWORD s; BOOL bResult;
if (!IsAbsolutePath( name )) throw ComError( E_INVALIDARG );
if ( wcsncmp( name, L"\\\\?\\", 4 ) == 0 ) throw ComError( E_INVALIDARG );
StringHandle FileName; StringHandle DirectoryName = BITSCrackFileName( name, FileName ); // throws ComError
StringHandle VolumePath = BITSGetVolumePathName( DirectoryName ); // throws ComError
UINT DriveType = GetDriveType( VolumePath );
BOOL bIsRemote = IsDriveTypeRemote( DriveType );
StringHandle CanonicalPath; DWORD VolumeSerialNumber = 0;
if ( !bIsRemote ) {
CanonicalPath = BITSGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint( VolumePath ); // throw ComError
VolumeSerialNumber = BITSGetVolumeSerialNumber( CanonicalPath ); //throws ComError
m_VolumePath = VolumePath; m_CanonicalVolumePath = CanonicalPath; m_DriveType = DriveType; m_VolumeSerialNumber = VolumeSerialNumber;
m_TemporaryName = BITSCreateTempFile( DirectoryName );
hr = BITSCheckFileWritability( name ); if (FAILED(hr)) { DeleteFile( m_TemporaryName ); throw ComError( hr ); } } else { //
// See if the client can read the destination file.
auto_HANDLE<NULL> hFile;
hFile = CreateFile( name, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, // no file sharing
NULL, // generic security descriptor
OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL // no template file
if (hFile.get() == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { ThrowLastError(); }
LARGE_INTEGER size; if (!GetFileSizeEx( hFile.get(), &size )) { ThrowLastError(); }
m_BytesTotal = size.QuadPart;
if (!GetFileInformationByHandle( hFile.get(), &info )) { ThrowLastError(); }
m_LocalFileTime = info.ftLastWriteTime; }
// Success.
Hr = S_OK; } catch ( ComError exception ) { Hr = exception.Error(); }
return Hr; }
HRESULT CFile::ValidateAccessForUser( SidHandle sid, bool fWrite ) { try {
StringHandle CanonicalPath; DWORD VolumeSerialNumber = 0; UINT DriveType = 0;
CNestedImpersonation imp( sid );
StringHandle VolumePath = BITSGetVolumePathName( m_LocalName );
DriveType = GetDriveType( VolumePath );
bool bIsRemote = IsDriveTypeRemote( DriveType );
if ( !bIsRemote ) {
CanonicalPath = BITSGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint( VolumePath );
// Need to stop impersonating at this point since registration
// for notifications doesn't seem to tolerate impersonating callers
#if !defined( BITS_V12_ON_NT4 )
THROW_HRESULT( g_Manager->IsVolumeLocked( CanonicalPath )); #endif
VolumeSerialNumber = BITSGetVolumeSerialNumber( CanonicalPath );
bool bValid = ( _wcsicmp( VolumePath, m_VolumePath ) == 0 ) && ( _wcsicmp( CanonicalPath, m_CanonicalVolumePath ) == 0 ) && ( m_DriveType == DriveType ) && ( m_VolumeSerialNumber == VolumeSerialNumber );
if ( !bValid ) return BG_E_NEW_OWNER_DIFF_MAPPING;
// Revalidate access to the file. There are three cases:
// 1.file is not renamed: test the temporary file and local file.
// 2. Mars job, file is renamed: test the local file
// 3. new job, file is renamed: no test; the app owns the local file
if (IsCompleted()) { if (m_Job->GetOldExternalGroupInterface()) { //
// case 2
hr = BITSCheckFileWritability( m_LocalName ); if (hr == E_ACCESSDENIED) { hr = BG_E_NEW_OWNER_NO_FILE_ACCESS; }
THROW_HRESULT( hr ); } else { //
// case 3
} } else { //
// case 1
if (fWrite) { hr = BITSCheckFileWritability( m_TemporaryName ); if (hr == E_ACCESSDENIED) { hr = BG_E_NEW_OWNER_NO_FILE_ACCESS; }
hr = BITSCheckFileWritability( m_LocalName ); if (hr == E_ACCESSDENIED) { hr = BG_E_NEW_OWNER_NO_FILE_ACCESS; }
THROW_HRESULT( hr ); } else { hr = BITSCheckFileReadability( m_LocalName ); if (hr == E_ACCESSDENIED) { hr = BG_E_NEW_OWNER_NO_FILE_ACCESS; }
THROW_HRESULT( hr ); } }
return S_OK; } catch( ComError Error ) { return Error.Error(); } }
bool CFile::ValidateDriveInfo( HANDLE hToken, QMErrInfo & ErrInfo ) { try { StringHandle CanonicalPath; DWORD VolumeSerialNumber = 0; UINT DriveType = 0;
CNestedImpersonation imp( hToken );
StringHandle VolumePath = BITSGetVolumePathName( m_LocalName ); // throws ComError
DriveType = GetDriveType( VolumePath );
bool bIsRemote = IsDriveTypeRemote( DriveType );
if ( !bIsRemote ) { CanonicalPath = BITSGetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPoint( VolumePath ); // throws ComError
// Need to stop impersonating at this point since registration
// for notifications doesn't seem to tolerate impersonating callers
#if !defined( BITS_V12_ON_NT4 )
THROW_HRESULT( g_Manager->IsVolumeLocked( CanonicalPath )); #endif
VolumeSerialNumber = BITSGetVolumeSerialNumber( CanonicalPath ); //throws ComError
bool bValid = ( _wcsicmp( VolumePath, m_VolumePath ) == 0 ) && ( _wcsicmp( CanonicalPath, m_CanonicalVolumePath ) == 0 ) && ( m_DriveType == DriveType ) && ( m_VolumeSerialNumber == VolumeSerialNumber );
if ( !bValid ) { imp.Revert();
g_Manager->OnDiskChange( m_CanonicalVolumePath, m_VolumeSerialNumber );
ErrInfo.Set( SOURCE_QMGR_FILE, ERROR_STYLE_HRESULT, BG_E_VOLUME_CHANGED, "Volume has changed"); ErrInfo.result = QM_FILE_FATAL_ERROR; return false; } } catch( ComError Error ) { HRESULT Hr = Error.Error(); LogWarning( "Transient error while reading volume info for %ls, hr %!winerr!", (const WCHAR*)m_LocalName, Hr );
if ( Hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) ) { LogWarning( "Volume info APIs returned access denied, assume locked volume." ); Hr = BG_E_DESTINATION_LOCKED; }
ErrInfo.Set( SOURCE_QMGR_FILE, ERROR_STYLE_HRESULT, Hr, "Volume has changed"); ErrInfo.result = QM_FILE_TRANSIENT_ERROR;
return false; }
return true; }
bool CFile::OnDiskChange( const WCHAR *CanonicalVolume, DWORD VolumeSerialNumber ) { bool bFail = ( _wcsicmp( m_CanonicalVolumePath, CanonicalVolume ) == 0 ) && ( VolumeSerialNumber == m_VolumeSerialNumber );
if (!bFail) return true;
LogWarning( "Failing job %p, to do disk change affecting file %ls", m_Job, (const WCHAR*)m_LocalName );
QMErrInfo ErrInfo; ErrInfo.Set( SOURCE_QMGR_FILE, ERROR_STYLE_HRESULT, BG_E_VOLUME_CHANGED, "Volume has changed"); m_Job->FileFatalError( &ErrInfo );
return false; }
bool CFile::OnDismount( const WCHAR *CanonicalVolume ) { bool bFail = ( _wcsicmp( m_CanonicalVolumePath, CanonicalVolume ) == 0 );
if (!bFail) return true;
LogWarning( "Failing job %p, to do dismount affecting file %ls", m_Job, (const WCHAR*)m_LocalName );
QMErrInfo ErrInfo; ErrInfo.Set( SOURCE_QMGR_FILE, ERROR_STYLE_HRESULT, BG_E_VOLUME_CHANGED, "Volume has changed"); m_Job->FileFatalError( &ErrInfo );
return false; }
bool CFile::Transfer( HANDLE hToken, BG_JOB_PRIORITY priority, const PROXY_SETTINGS & ProxySettings, const CCredentialsContainer * Credentials, QMErrInfo & ErrInfo ) { // Check if the destination is locked or changed.
if (!ValidateDriveInfo( hToken, ErrInfo )) { return true; }
if (m_BytesTransferred == m_BytesTotal) { ErrInfo.result = QM_FILE_DONE; return true; }
// Release the global lock while the download is in progress.
LogDl( "Download starting." );
g_Manager->m_pPD->Download( m_RemoteName, m_TemporaryName, m_BytesTransferred, this, &ErrInfo, hToken, priority, &ProxySettings, Credentials, m_Job->GetHostId() );
LogDl( "Download Ended." );
switch (ErrInfo.result) { case QM_FILE_ABORTED:
// If the abort was due to quantum timeout, don't poke the workitem.
if (g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.PollAbort()) { g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.AcknowledgeWorkItemCancel(); } break;
case QM_IN_PROGRESS: ASSERT( ErrInfo.result != QM_IN_PROGRESS ); break; case QM_SERVER_FILE_CHANGED: ChangedOnServer(); break; case QM_FILE_TRANSIENT_ERROR:
#if !defined( BITS_V12_ON_NT4 )
// Map any connection failure to BG_E_NETWORK_DISCONNECTED, if no nets are active.
if (g_Manager->m_NetworkMonitor.GetAddressCount() == 0) { ErrInfo.Set( SOURCE_HTTP_CLIENT_CONN, ERROR_STYLE_HRESULT, BG_E_NETWORK_DISCONNECTED, NULL ); } #else
break; #endif
// Take the writer lock, since the caller expects it to be taken
// upon return.
while (g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.LockWriter() ) { g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.AcknowledgeWorkItemCancel(); ErrInfo.result = QM_FILE_ABORTED; }
if (ErrInfo.result == QM_FILE_ABORTED) { return false; }
return true; }
bool CFile::UploaderProgress( UINT64 BytesTransferred ) { ASSERT( g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.IsWriter() );
// Skip the progress update if the server is rewinding the file. Thus the no-progress
// timer is cleared only after we actually see progress.
if (BytesTransferred > m_BytesTransferred) { m_BytesTransferred = BytesTransferred;
m_Job->UpdateProgress( BytesTransferred, m_BytesTotal ); } else { m_BytesTransferred = BytesTransferred; }
bool bAbortQuantumExpired = g_Manager->CheckForQuantumTimeout();
return bAbortQuantumExpired; }
bool CFile::DownloaderProgress( UINT64 BytesTransferred, UINT64 BytesTotal ) { if ( g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.LockWriter() ) { // Cancel was requested, notify downloader.
return true; }
m_BytesTransferred = BytesTransferred; m_BytesTotal = BytesTotal;
m_Job->UpdateProgress( BytesTransferred, BytesTotal );
bool bAbortQuantumExpired = g_Manager->CheckForQuantumTimeout();
return bAbortQuantumExpired; }
bool CFile::PollAbort() { if (g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.PollAbort() || g_Manager->CheckForQuantumTimeout()) { return true; }
return false; }
BOOL CFile::VerifyRemoteName( LPCWSTR name ) { if (name == NULL) { return FALSE; }
if ( ( 0 != wcsncmp(name, L"http://", 7)) && ( 0 != wcsncmp(name, L"https://", 8)) ) { return FALSE; }
if (( wcslen(name) > INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH)) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
HRESULT CFile::MoveTempFile() { LogInfo( "commit: moving '%S' to '%S'", (const WCHAR*)m_TemporaryName, (const WCHAR*)m_LocalName );
ASSERT( !m_Completed );
DWORD dwFileAttributes = GetFileAttributes( (const WCHAR*)m_TemporaryName );
if ( (DWORD)-1 == dwFileAttributes ) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); LogError( "GetFileAttributes error %!winerr!%", dwError ); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ); }
if (!SetFileAttributes( m_TemporaryName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL )) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); LogError( "SetFileAttributes error %d", dwError ); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ); }
const DWORD dwMaxRetries = 10; DWORD dwError; DWORD dwSleepMSec = 50;
for (int i=0; i<dwMaxRetries; i++) { if ( MoveFileEx( m_TemporaryName, m_LocalName, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING | MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED ) ) { LogInfo( "file moved ok."); m_Completed = true; return S_OK; }
dwError = GetLastError(); LogError( "Unable to move file '%S' to '%S' due to %!winerr!, sleeping", (const WCHAR*) m_TemporaryName, (const WCHAR*)m_LocalName, dwError );
// Only try three times if this isn't a file sharing violation.
if ((i>3) && (dwError != ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION)) { break; }
if (i<dwMaxRetries-1) // Don't hang the thread for the last sleep...
{ Sleep( dwSleepMSec ); }
dwSleepMSec *= 2; }
LogError( "Timed out renaming temp file" );
// Attemp to reset the attributes on the file.
SetFileAttributes( (const WCHAR*)m_TemporaryName, dwFileAttributes ); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ); }
HRESULT CFile::DeleteTempFile() { if (!DeleteFile( m_TemporaryName )) { DWORD s = GetLastError(); LogWarning("error %!winerr! deleting %S", s, LPCWSTR( m_TemporaryName )); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( s ); }
return S_OK; }
void CFile::ChangedOnServer() { LogError( "deleting '%S' since it was changed on the server", (const WCHAR*)m_TemporaryName );
m_BytesTransferred = 0; m_Completed = false; m_BytesTotal = BG_SIZE_UNKNOWN; }
void CFile::DiscoverBytesTotal( HANDLE Token, const PROXY_SETTINGS & ProxySettings, const CCredentialsContainer * Credentials, QMErrInfo & ErrorInfo ) { UINT64 FileSize; FILETIME FileTime;
LogDl( "Retrieving remote infomation for %ls", m_RemoteName );
g_Manager->m_pPD->GetRemoteFileInformation( Token, m_RemoteName, &FileSize, &FileTime, &ErrorInfo, &ProxySettings, Credentials, m_Job->GetHostId() );
{ bool fCancelled = false;
while (g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.LockWriter() ) { g_Manager->m_TaskScheduler.AcknowledgeWorkItemCancel(); fCancelled = true; }
if (fCancelled) { ErrorInfo.result = QM_FILE_ABORTED; } }
LogDl("result was %d", ErrorInfo.result );
switch (ErrorInfo.result) { case QM_FILE_DONE: m_BytesTotal = FileSize; break; case QM_IN_PROGRESS: ASSERT( 0 ); break; case QM_SERVER_FILE_CHANGED: ChangedOnServer(); break; } }
HANDLE CFile::OpenLocalFileForUpload() { auto_HANDLE<NULL> hFile = CreateFile( m_LocalName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL );
if ( hFile.get() == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { THROW_HRESULT( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() )); }
if (!GetFileInformationByHandle( hFile.get(), &info )) { THROW_HRESULT( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() )); }
if (m_LocalFileTime != info.ftLastWriteTime) { THROW_HRESULT( BG_E_LOCAL_FILE_CHANGED ); }
Offset.QuadPart = m_BytesTransferred;
if (!SetFilePointerEx( hFile.get(), Offset, NULL, FILE_BEGIN )) { THROW_HRESULT( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() )); }
return hFile.release(); }
HRESULT CFile::SetLocalFileTime( FILETIME Time ) /*
This is used as a special case to set the file time of a zero-length file, since the normal download path is skipped. */ { try { auto_HANDLE<NULL> hFile = CreateFile( m_TemporaryName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN, NULL );
if ( hFile.get() == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { ThrowLastError(); }
if (!SetFileTime( hFile.get(), &Time, &Time, &Time ) ) { ThrowLastError(); }
return S_OK; } catch ( ComError err ) { LogError( "error %x setting creation time", err.Error() ); return err.Error(); } }
typedef CLockedReadPointer<CFile, BG_JOB_READ> CLockedFileReadPointer; typedef CLockedWritePointer<CFile, BG_JOB_WRITE> CLockedFileWritePointer;
CFileExternal::CFileExternal( CFile * file, CJobExternal * JobExternal ) : m_ServiceInstance( g_ServiceInstance ), m_refs(1), m_file( file ), m_JobExternal( JobExternal ) { m_JobExternal->AddRef(); }
CFileExternal::~CFileExternal() { SafeRelease( m_JobExternal ); }
STDMETHODIMP CFileExternal::QueryInterface( REFIID iid, void** ppvObject ) { BEGIN_EXTERNAL_FUNC
HRESULT Hr = S_OK; *ppvObject = NULL;
if ((iid == IID_IUnknown) || (iid == IID_IBackgroundCopyFile)) { *ppvObject = (IBackgroundCopyFile *)this; AddRef(); } else { Hr = E_NOINTERFACE; }
LogRef( "iid %!guid!, hr %x", &iid, Hr ); return Hr;
ULONG newrefs = InterlockedIncrement(&m_refs);
LogRef("refs %d", newrefs);
return newrefs;
ULONG CFileExternal::Release() { BEGIN_EXTERNAL_FUNC
ULONG newrefs = InterlockedDecrement(&m_refs);
LogRef("refs %d", newrefs);
if (0 == newrefs) { delete this; }
return newrefs;
STDMETHODIMP CFileExternal::GetRemoteNameInternal( /* [out] */ LPWSTR *pVal ) { CLockedFileReadPointer LockedPointer(m_file); LogPublicApiBegin( "pVal %p", pVal );
HRESULT Hr = LockedPointer.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedPointer->GetRemoteName( pVal ); }
LogPublicApiEnd( "pVal %p(%S) ", pVal, SUCCEEDED(Hr) ? *pVal : L"?" ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CFileExternal::GetLocalNameInternal( /* [out] */ LPWSTR *pVal ) { CLockedFileReadPointer LockedPointer(m_file); LogPublicApiBegin( "pVal %p", pVal ); HRESULT Hr = LockedPointer.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { Hr = LockedPointer->GetLocalName( pVal ); } LogPublicApiEnd( "pVal %p(%S) ", pVal, SUCCEEDED(Hr) ? *pVal : L"?" ); return Hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CFileExternal::GetProgressInternal( /* [out] */ BG_FILE_PROGRESS *pVal ) { CLockedFileReadPointer LockedPointer(m_file); LogPublicApiBegin( "pVal %p", pVal ); HRESULT Hr = LockedPointer.ValidateAccess(); if (SUCCEEDED(Hr)) { LockedPointer->GetProgress( pVal ); } LogPublicApiEnd( "pVal %p", pVal ); return Hr;