Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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class CBitsCommandRequest /*
This class represents a particular HTTP "BITS_COMMAND" request.
*/ { public:
CBitsCommandRequest( URL_INFO * UrlInfo );
void AddPacketType( wchar_t type[] );
void AddSessionId( StringHandle & id ); void AddSupportedProtocols(); void AddContentName( StringHandle name );
void AddContentRange( UINT64 RangeStart, UINT64 RangeEnd, UINT64 Size );
DWORD Send( CAbstractDataReader * Reader = 0 );
HRESULT CheckResponseProtocol( GUID * pId );
HRESULT GetServerRange( UINT64 * RangeEnd );
HRESULT GetContentLength( UINT64 * Length );
HRESULT GetProtocol( GUID * id );
HRESULT GetSessionId( StringHandle * id );
HRESULT CheckReplyPacketType();
HRESULT GetBitsError( HRESULT * phr );
HRESULT GetBitsErrorContext( DWORD * pdw );
HRESULT GetReplyUrl( CAutoString & ReplyUrl );
HRESULT GetHostId( StringHandle * pstr );
HRESULT GetHostIdFallbackTimeout( DWORD * pVal );
void DrainReply();
HINTERNET Query() { return m_hRequest; }
HRESULT GetMandatoryHeaderCb( DWORD dwInfoLevel, LPCWSTR Name, LPWSTR Value, DWORD ValueBytes, DWORD Line );
HRESULT GetOptionalHeaderCb( DWORD dwInfoLevel, LPCWSTR Name, LPWSTR Value, DWORD ValueBytes, DWORD Line );
HINTERNET m_hRequest; URL_INFO * m_UrlInfo;