Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file implements the BITS server extensions
#include "precomp.h"
#if DBG
typedef StringHandleW HTTPStackStringHandle; #define HTTP_STRING( X ) L ## X
const char * const UPLOAD_PROTOCOL_STRING_V1 = "{7df0354d-249b-430f-820d-3d2a9bef4931}";
// packet types that are sent in the protocol
const char * const PACKET_TYPE_CREATE_SESSION = "Create-Session"; const char * const PACKET_TYPE_FRAGMENT = "Fragment"; const char * const PACKET_TYPE_CLOSE_SESSION = "Close-Session"; const char * const PACKET_TYPE_CANCEL_SESSION = "Cancel-Session"; const char * const PACKET_TYPE_PING = "Ping";
// IISLogger
// Manages the circular debugging log.
class IISLogger { EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *m_ExtensionControlBlock;
void LogString( const char *String, int Size );
IISLogger( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *ExtensionControlBlock ) : m_ExtensionControlBlock( ExtensionControlBlock ) { } void LogError( ServerException Error ); void LogError( const GUID & SessionID, ServerException Error ); void LogNewSession( const GUID & SessionID ); void LogUploadComplete( const GUID & SessionID, UINT64 FileSize ); void LogSessionClose( const GUID & SessionID ); void LogSessionCancel( const GUID & SessionID ); void LogExecuteEnabled();
class CriticalSectionLock { CRITICAL_SECTION* m_cs; public: CriticalSectionLock( CRITICAL_SECTION *cs ) : m_cs( cs ) { EnterCriticalSection( m_cs ); } ~CriticalSectionLock() { LeaveCriticalSection( m_cs ); } };
class AsyncReader;
struct STATE_FILE_STRUCT { UINT StateVersion; UINT64 UploadFileSize;
BOOL NotifyCached; DWORD HttpCode; BOOL ReplyURLReturned; CHAR ReplyURL[ INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH + 1 ];
void Initialize() { StateVersion = STATE_FILE_VERSION; UploadFileSize = 0; NotifyCached = FALSE; ReplyURLReturned = FALSE; } };
// ServerRequest
// Contains all data needed to service a request. A request is a single POST not a single
// upload.
class ServerRequest : IISLogger {
public: ServerRequest( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK * ExtensionControlBlock ); ~ServerRequest();
long AddRef(); long Release(); bool IsPending() { return m_IsPending; }
// The do it function!
void DispatchRequest(); friend AsyncReader;
private: long m_refs; CRITICAL_SECTION m_cs; bool m_IsPending; EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK *m_ExtensionControlBlock; AsyncReader *m_AsyncReader; HANDLE m_ImpersonationToken; // Do not free this
// Filled in by dispatch Request
StringHandle m_PacketType;
// Variables filled in by GeneratePhysicalPaths
StringHandle m_DestinationDirectory; StringHandle m_DestinationFile; StringHandle m_ResponseDirectory; StringHandle m_ResponseFile; StringHandle m_RequestDirectory; StringHandle m_RequestFile; StringHandle m_StateFile;
// Filled in by OpenCacheFile
HANDLE m_CacheFile;
// Filed in by OpenStateFile
STATE_FILE_STRUCT *m_StateFileStruct;
GUID m_SessionId; StringHandle m_SessionIdString; SmartVDirConfig m_DirectoryConfig; DWORD m_URLDepth;
void GetConfig(); StringHandle GetServerVariable( char *ServerVariable ); bool TestServerVariable( char *ServerVariable ); StringHandle GetRequestURL();
void ValidateProtocol(); void CrackSessionId(); void GeneratePhysicalPaths();
CHAR *BasePathOf(const CHAR *pPath); StringHandle GeneratePathInDestinationDir(LPCSTR szOriginalPath); HANDLE CreateFileWithDestinationAcls(const CHAR *szOriginalFile, DWORD fOnlyCreateNew, DWORD dwAttributes); void OpenStateFile(); void CloseStateFile();
void VerifySessionExists(); void CheckFilesystemAccess(); void OpenCacheFile(); void ReopenCacheFileAsSync(); void CloseCacheFile(); void CrackContentRange( UINT64 & RangeStart, UINT64 & RangeLength, UINT64 & TotalLength ); void ScheduleAsyncOperation( DWORD OperationID, LPVOID Buffer, LPDWORD Size, LPDWORD DataType ); void CloseCancelSession();
// dispatch routines
void CreateSession(); void AddFragment(); void CloseSession(); void CancelSession(); void Ping();
// Response handling
void SendResponse( char *Format, DWORD Code = 200, ... ); void SendResponse( ServerException Exception ); void FinishSendingResponse(); void DrainFragmentBlockComplete( DWORD cbIO, DWORD dwError ); static void DrainFragmentBlockCompleteWrapper( LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK lpECB, PVOID pContext, DWORD cbIO, DWORD dwError); void StartDrainBlock( ); void DrainData();
StringHandle m_ResponseString; DWORD m_ResponseCode; HRESULT m_ResponseHRESULT;
UINT64 m_BytesToDrain; UINT64 m_ContentLength;
// async IO handling
void CompleteIO( AsyncReader *Reader, UINT64 TotalBytesRead ); void HandleIOError( AsyncReader *Reader, ServerException Error, UINT64 TotalBytesRead );
// backend notification
char m_NotifyBuffer[ 1024 ]; void SendResponseAfterNotification( DWORD HttpStatus, UINT64 RequestFileSize, const CHAR * ReplyURL ); DWORD GetStatusCode( HINTERNET hRequest ); void CallServerNotification( UINT64 CacheFileSize ); bool TestResponseHeader( HINTERNET hRequest, const WCHAR *Header ); StringHandle GetResponseHeader( HINTERNET hRequest, const WCHAR *Header );
// deal with chaining
static void ForwardComplete( LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK lpECB, PVOID pContext, DWORD cbIO, DWORD dwError ); void ForwardToNextISAPI();
// AsyncReader
// Manages the buffering needed to handle the async read/write operations.
class AsyncReader : private OVERLAPPED {
public: AsyncReader( ServerRequest *Request, UINT64 BytesToDrain, UINT64 BytesToWrite, UINT64 WriteOffset, HANDLE WriteHandle, char *PrereadBuffer, DWORD PrereadSize );
UINT64 GetWriteOffset() { return m_WriteOffset; }
ServerRequest *m_Request; UINT64 m_BytesToDrain; UINT64 m_WriteOffset; UINT64 m_ReadOffset; UINT64 m_BytesToWrite; UINT64 m_BytesToRead; char * m_PrereadBuffer; DWORD m_PrereadSize; UINT64 m_TotalBytesRead; HANDLE m_WriteHandle; HANDLE m_ThreadToken;
char m_OperationsPending;
DWORD m_ReadBuffer; DWORD m_WriteBuffer; DWORD m_BuffersToWrite;
bool m_WritePending; bool m_ReadPending;
bool m_ErrorValid; ServerException m_Error;
const static NUMBER_OF_IO_BUFFERS = 3; struct IOBuffer { UINT64 m_BufferWriteOffset; DWORD m_BufferUsed; char m_Buffer[ 32768 ]; } m_IOBuffers[ NUMBER_OF_IO_BUFFERS ];
void HandleError( ServerException Error ); void CompleteIO(); void StartReadRequest(); void StartWriteRequest(); void StartupIO( ); void WriteComplete( DWORD dwError, DWORD BytesWritten ); void ReadComplete( DWORD dwError, DWORD BytesRead );
static DWORD StartupIOWraper( LPVOID Context ); static void CALLBACK WriteCompleteWraper( DWORD dwErrorCode, DWORD dwNumberOfBytesTransfered, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped ); static void WINAPI ReadCompleteWraper( LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK, PVOID pContext, DWORD cbIO, DWORD dwError ); };
ServerRequest::ServerRequest( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK * ExtensionControlBlock ) : IISLogger( ExtensionControlBlock ), m_refs(1), m_IsPending( false ), m_ExtensionControlBlock( ExtensionControlBlock ), m_AsyncReader( NULL ), m_ImpersonationToken( NULL ), m_StateFileStruct( NULL ), m_CacheFile( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ), m_DirectoryConfig( NULL ), m_ResponseCode( 0 ), m_ResponseHRESULT( 0 ), m_BytesToDrain( 0 ), m_ContentLength( 0 ) { memset( &m_SessionId, 0, sizeof(m_SessionId) );
if ( !InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount( &m_cs, SERVER_REQUEST_SPINLOCK ) ) throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ); }
ServerRequest::~ServerRequest() {
// The destructor handles most of the cleanup.
Log( LOG_CALLEND, "Connection: %p, Packet-Type: %s, Method: %s, Path %s, HTTPError: %u, HRESULT: 0x%8.8X", m_ExtensionControlBlock->ConnID, (const char*)m_PacketType, m_ExtensionControlBlock->lpszMethod, m_ExtensionControlBlock->lpszPathTranslated, m_ResponseCode, m_ResponseHRESULT );
delete m_AsyncReader;
CloseCacheFile(); CloseStateFile();
DeleteCriticalSection( &m_cs );
if ( m_IsPending ) {
Log( LOG_INFO, "Ending session" );
(*m_ExtensionControlBlock->ServerSupportFunction) ( m_ExtensionControlBlock->ConnID, HSE_REQ_DONE_WITH_SESSION, NULL, NULL, NULL );
long ServerRequest::AddRef() { long Result = InterlockedIncrement( &m_refs ); ASSERT( Result > 0 ); return Result; }
long ServerRequest::Release() { long Result = InterlockedDecrement( &m_refs ); ASSERT( Result >= 0 ); if ( !Result ) delete this;
return Result;
StringHandle ServerRequest::GetServerVariable( char * ServerVariable ) { //
// Retrive a server variable from IIS. Throws an exception
// is the variable can not be retrieved.
DWORD SizeOfBuffer = 0;
BOOL Result = (*m_ExtensionControlBlock->GetServerVariable) ( m_ExtensionControlBlock->ConnID, ServerVariable, NULL, &SizeOfBuffer );
if ( Result ) return StringHandle();
if ( GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) {
Log( LOG_ERROR, "Unable to lookup server variable %s, error %x", ServerVariable, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) );
throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()) ); }
if ( SizeOfBuffer > BITS_MAX_HEADER_SIZE ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Variable is larger then the maximum size" ); throw ServerException( E_INVALIDARG ); }
StringHandle WorkString; char *Buffer = WorkString.AllocBuffer( SizeOfBuffer );
Result = (*m_ExtensionControlBlock->GetServerVariable) ( m_ExtensionControlBlock->ConnID, ServerVariable, Buffer, &SizeOfBuffer );
if ( !Result ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Unable to lookup server variable %s, error %x", ServerVariable, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) );
throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ); }
WorkString.SetStringSize(); return WorkString; }
bool ServerRequest::TestServerVariable( char *ServerVariable ) {
// Test for the existence of a server variable.
// Returns true if the variable exists, and false if it doesn't.
// throw an exception on an error.
DWORD SizeOfBuffer = 0;
BOOL Result = (*m_ExtensionControlBlock->GetServerVariable) ( m_ExtensionControlBlock->ConnID, ServerVariable, NULL, &SizeOfBuffer );
if ( Result ) return true;
DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
if ( ERROR_INVALID_INDEX == dwError || ERROR_NO_DATA == dwError ) return false;
if ( ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == dwError ) return true;
Log( LOG_ERROR, "Unable to test server variable %s, error %x", ServerVariable, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) );
throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ) );
StringHandle ServerRequest::GetRequestURL() {
// Recreate the request URL from the information available from IIS.
// This may not always be possible, but do the best that we can do.
StringHandle ServerName = GetServerVariable("SERVER_NAME"); StringHandle ServerPort = GetServerVariable("SERVER_PORT"); StringHandle URL = GetServerVariable("URL"); StringHandle HTTPS = GetServerVariable("HTTPS"); StringHandle QueryString = GetServerVariable("QUERY_STRING");
StringHandle RequestURL;
if ( _stricmp( HTTPS, "on" ) == 0 ) RequestURL = "https://"; else RequestURL = "http://";
RequestURL += ServerName; RequestURL += ":"; RequestURL += ServerPort; RequestURL += URL;
if ( QueryString.Size() > 0 ) { RequestURL += "?"; RequestURL += QueryString; }
return BITSUrlCanonicalize( RequestURL, URL_ESCAPE_UNSAFE ); }
void ServerRequest::FinishSendingResponse() {
// Completes the response. The response is taken from the buffer and
// sent to the client via IIS. The choice to cancel or keep-alive the
// connection made by IIS.
Log( LOG_INFO, "Finish sending response" );
// Close the cache and state files before sending the response in case the client starts a new request immediatly.
CloseCacheFile(); CloseStateFile();
// Finish sending the response using the information
// in m_ResponseBuffer and m_ResponseCode.
// If an error occures, give up and force a disconnect.
m_ExtensionControlBlock->dwHttpStatusCode = m_ResponseCode;
BOOL Result; BOOL KeepConnection;
Result = (m_ExtensionControlBlock->ServerSupportFunction)( m_ExtensionControlBlock->ConnID, HSE_REQ_IS_KEEP_CONN, &KeepConnection, NULL, NULL );
if ( !Result ) { // Error occured quering the disconnect setting. Assume
// a disconnect.
KeepConnection = 0; }
// IIS5.0(Win2k) has a bug where KeepConnect is returned as -1
// to keep the connection alive. Apparently, this confuses the
// HSE_REQ_SEND_RESPONSE_HEADER_EX call. Bash the value into a real bool.
KeepConnection = KeepConnection ? 1 : 0;
HSE_SEND_HEADER_EX_INFO HeaderInfo; HeaderInfo.pszStatus = LookupHTTPStatusCodeText( m_ResponseCode ); HeaderInfo.cchStatus = strlen( HeaderInfo.pszStatus ); HeaderInfo.pszHeader = (const char*)m_ResponseString; HeaderInfo.cchHeader = (DWORD)m_ResponseString.Size(); HeaderInfo.fKeepConn = KeepConnection;
Result = (m_ExtensionControlBlock->ServerSupportFunction)( m_ExtensionControlBlock->ConnID, HSE_REQ_SEND_RESPONSE_HEADER_EX, &HeaderInfo, NULL, NULL );
if ( !Result ) {
Log( LOG_ERROR, "Unable to send response, error %x", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) );
Log( LOG_INFO, "Forcing the connection closed" );
// Couldn't send the response, attempt to close the connection
Result = (m_ExtensionControlBlock->ServerSupportFunction)( m_ExtensionControlBlock->ConnID, HSE_REQ_CLOSE_CONNECTION, NULL, NULL, NULL );
if ( !Result ) {
// The close connection request failed. No choice but to invoke
// the hammer of death
(m_ExtensionControlBlock->ServerSupportFunction)( m_ExtensionControlBlock->ConnID, HSE_REQ_ABORTIVE_CLOSE, NULL, NULL, NULL );
void ServerRequest::SendResponse( char *Format, DWORD Code, ...) { // Starts the sending of a response. Unfortunatly, many HTTP
// client stacks do not handle a response being returned while
// data is still being sent. To handle this, it is necessary
// to capture the response to a buffer. Then after all the sent data
// is drained, finally send the response.
va_list arglist; va_start( arglist, Code );
SIZE_T ResponseBufferSize = 512;
while( 1 ) { char * ResponseBuffer = m_ResponseString.AllocBuffer( ResponseBufferSize );
HRESULT Hr = StringCchVPrintfA( ResponseBuffer, ResponseBufferSize, Format, arglist );
if ( SUCCEEDED( Hr ) ) { m_ResponseString.SetStringSize(); break; } else if ( STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == Hr ) ResponseBufferSize *= 2; else throw ServerException( Hr );
if ( ResponseBufferSize >= 0xFFFFFFFF ) throw ServerException( E_INVALIDARG );
m_ResponseCode = Code;
if ( m_BytesToDrain ) {
// Drain the data first, then send the response.
Log( LOG_INFO, "Draining data" );
try { // start draining data. DrainData() calls FinishSendingResponse
// when it is finished.
DrainData(); } catch( const ComError & ) { // something is very broken, and an attempt to drain excess data
// failed. Nothing else to do except try sending the response.
FinishSendingResponse(); } return;
} else {
// Just send the response since we already handled draining
} }
void ServerRequest::SendResponse( ServerException Exception ) {
// Starts the sending of a response. Unfortunatly, many HTTP
// client stacks do not handle a response being returned while
// data is still being sent. To handle this, it is necessary
// to capture the response to a buffer. Then after all the sent data
// is drained, finally send the response.
GUID NullGuid; memset( &NullGuid, 0, sizeof( NullGuid ) );
if ( memcmp( &NullGuid, &m_SessionId, sizeof( NullGuid ) ) == 0 ) LogError( Exception ); else LogError( m_SessionId, Exception );
SIZE_T ResponseBufferSize = 512;
while( 1 ) { char * ResponseBuffer = m_ResponseString.AllocBuffer( ResponseBufferSize );
HRESULT Hr = StringCchPrintfA( ResponseBuffer, ResponseBufferSize, "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" "BITS-packet-type: Ack\r\n" "BITS-Error: 0x%8.8X\r\n" "BITS-Error-Context: 0x%X\r\n" "Content-Length: 0\r\n" "\r\n", Exception.GetCode(), Exception.GetContext() );
if ( SUCCEEDED( Hr ) ) { m_ResponseString.SetStringSize(); break; } else if ( STRSAFE_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == Hr ) ResponseBufferSize *= 2; else throw ServerException( Hr );
if ( ResponseBufferSize >= 0xFFFFFFFF ) throw ServerException( E_INVALIDARG );
m_ResponseCode = Exception.GetHttpCode(); m_ResponseHRESULT = Exception.GetCode();
Log( LOG_INFO, "Sending error response of HRESULT: 0x%8.8X, HTTP status: %d", m_ResponseHRESULT, m_ResponseCode );
try { DrainData(); } catch( const ComError & ) { FinishSendingResponse(); }
void ServerRequest::DrainFragmentBlockComplete( DWORD cbIO, DWORD dwError ) {
// A drain block has been completed. If this is the last block, finish sending the response.
// Otherwise,
Log( LOG_INFO, "Drain fragment complete, cbIO: %u, dwError: %u", cbIO, dwError );
m_BytesToDrain -= cbIO;
if ( !m_BytesToDrain || !cbIO || dwError ) { FinishSendingResponse(); return; }
try { StartDrainBlock(); } catch( const ComError & ) { // An error occured while draining data, exit
FinishSendingResponse(); }
void ServerRequest::DrainFragmentBlockCompleteWrapper( LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK lpECB, PVOID pContext, DWORD cbIO, DWORD dwError) { // Wrapper, handles critical section
ServerRequest *This = (ServerRequest*)pContext; { CriticalSectionLock CSLock( &This->m_cs ); This->DrainFragmentBlockComplete( cbIO, dwError ); } This->Release(); }
void ServerRequest::StartDrainBlock( ) {
// start the next block to drain.
BOOL Result; static char s_Buffer[ 32768 ]; DWORD ReadSize = (DWORD)min( 0xFFFFFFFF, min( m_BytesToDrain, sizeof( s_Buffer ) ) ); DWORD Flags = HSE_IO_ASYNC;
Log( LOG_INFO, "Starting next drain block of %u bytes", ReadSize );
ScheduleAsyncOperation( HSE_REQ_ASYNC_READ_CLIENT, (LPVOID)s_Buffer, &ReadSize, &Flags );
void ServerRequest::DrainData() {
// Make the decission regarding the amount of data to drain
// and the start the first block
if ( m_DirectoryConfig ) m_BytesToDrain = min( m_BytesToDrain, m_DirectoryConfig->m_MaxFileSize ); else // use an internal max of 4KB
m_BytesToDrain = min( 4096, m_BytesToDrain );
if ( !m_BytesToDrain ) { Log( LOG_INFO, "No bytes to drain, finish it" ); FinishSendingResponse(); return; }
Log( LOG_INFO, "Starting pipe drain" );
BOOL Result;
Result = (*m_ExtensionControlBlock->ServerSupportFunction)( m_ExtensionControlBlock->ConnID, HSE_REQ_IO_COMPLETION, (LPVOID)DrainFragmentBlockCompleteWrapper, 0, (LPDWORD)this );
if ( !Result ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Error settings callback, error %x", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ); throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ); }
StartDrainBlock(); }
void ServerRequest::ValidateProtocol() {
// Negotiate the protocol with the client. The client sends a list of
// supported protocols to the server and the server picks the best protocol.
// For now, only one protocol is supported.
StringHandle SupportedProtocolsHandle = GetServerVariable( "HTTP_BITS-SUPPORTED-PROTOCOLS" ); WorkStringBuffer SupportedProtocolsBuffer( (const char*) SupportedProtocolsHandle ); char *SupportedProtocols = SupportedProtocolsBuffer.GetBuffer();
char *Protocol = strtok( SupportedProtocols, " ," );
while( Protocol ) {
if ( _stricmp( Protocol, UPLOAD_PROTOCOL_STRING_V1 ) == 0 ) { Log( LOG_INFO, "Detected protocol upload protocol V1" ); return; }
Protocol = strtok( NULL, " ," ); }
Log( LOG_INFO, "Unsupported protocols, %s", (const char*)SupportedProtocols ); throw ServerException( E_INVALIDARG ); }
void ServerRequest::CrackSessionId() { // Convert the session ID from a string into a GUID.
StringHandle SessionId = GetServerVariable( "HTTP_BITS-Session-Id" );
m_SessionId = BITSGuidFromString( SessionId ); m_SessionIdString = BITSStringFromGuid( m_SessionId ); }
void ServerRequest::CrackContentRange( UINT64 & RangeStart, UINT64 & RangeLength, UINT64 & TotalLength ) {
// Crack the content range header which contains the client's view of where the
// upload is at.
StringHandle ContentRange = GetServerVariable( "HTTP_Content-Range" );
UINT64 RangeEnd;
int ReturnVal = sscanf( ContentRange, " bytes %I64u - %I64u / %I64u ", &RangeStart, &RangeEnd, &TotalLength );
if ( ReturnVal != 3 ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Range has %d elements instead of the expected number of 3", ReturnVal ); throw ServerException( E_INVALIDARG ); }
if ( TotalLength > m_DirectoryConfig->m_MaxFileSize ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Size of the upload at %I64u is greater then the maximum of %I64u", TotalLength, m_DirectoryConfig->m_MaxFileSize ); throw ServerException( BG_E_TOO_LARGE ); }
if ( ( RangeStart == RangeEnd + 1 ) && ( 0 == m_ContentLength ) && ( RangeStart == TotalLength ) ) {
// Continue after a failed notification
RangeStart = TotalLength; RangeLength = 0; return;
if ( RangeEnd < RangeStart ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Range start is greater then the range length, End %I64u, Start %I64u", RangeEnd, RangeStart ); throw ServerException( E_INVALIDARG ); }
RangeLength = RangeEnd - RangeStart + 1;
if ( m_ContentLength != RangeLength ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "The content length is different from the range length. Content %I64u, Range %I64u", m_ContentLength, RangeLength ); throw ServerException( E_INVALIDARG ); }
void ServerRequest::ScheduleAsyncOperation( DWORD OperationID, LPVOID Buffer, LPDWORD Size, LPDWORD DataType ) {
// start an async operation and handle all the flags and recounting required.
BOOL Result;
Result = (*m_ExtensionControlBlock->ServerSupportFunction)( m_ExtensionControlBlock->ConnID, OperationID, Buffer, Size, DataType );
if ( !Result ) { HRESULT Hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() );
Log( LOG_ERROR, "Error starting async operation, error %x", Hr );
// Operation was never scheduled, remove the callbacks refcount
Release(); throw ServerException( Hr ); }
m_IsPending = true;
void ServerRequest::CloseStateFile() {
if ( m_StateFileStruct ) { UnmapViewOfFile( m_StateFileStruct ); m_StateFileStruct = NULL; }
void ServerRequest::OpenStateFile() { HANDLE StateFileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE FileMapping = NULL;
try { StateFileHandle = CreateFileWithDestinationAcls( m_StateFile, FALSE, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL );
if ( !GetFileSizeEx( StateFileHandle, &FileSize ) ) { throw ComError( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ); }
if ( STATE_FILE_SIZE != FileSize.QuadPart ) {
if ( FileSize.QuadPart ) { Log( LOG_WARNING, "State file is corrupt" );
// Clear out the old file bytes
if ( INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER == SetFilePointer( StateFileHandle, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN ) ) throw ComError( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) );
if ( !SetEndOfFile( StateFileHandle ) ) throw ComError( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) );
if ( INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER == SetFilePointer( StateFileHandle, STATE_FILE_SIZE, NULL, FILE_BEGIN ) ) throw ComError( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ); // reextend the file
if ( !SetEndOfFile( StateFileHandle ) ) { HRESULT Hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); Log( LOG_ERROR, "Unable to extend the state file, error %x", Hr ); throw ComError( Hr ); }
// Map the state file
FileMapping = CreateFileMapping( StateFileHandle, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, 0, NULL );
if ( !FileMapping ) { HRESULT Hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); Log( LOG_ERROR, "Unable to map the state file, error %x", Hr ); throw ComError( Hr ); }
m_StateFileStruct = (STATE_FILE_STRUCT*)MapViewOfFile( FileMapping, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 0 );
if ( !m_StateFileStruct ) throw ComError( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) );
if ( m_StateFileStruct->StateVersion != STATE_FILE_VERSION ) m_StateFileStruct->Initialize();
CloseHandle( FileMapping ); CloseHandle( StateFileHandle );
} catch( ComError Error ) { if ( m_StateFileStruct ) { UnmapViewOfFile( m_StateFileStruct ); m_StateFileStruct = NULL; }
if ( !FileMapping ) CloseHandle( FileMapping ); if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != StateFileHandle ) CloseHandle( StateFileHandle );
throw Error; }
// dispatch routines
void ServerRequest::CreateSession() { // Handles the Create-Session command from the client.
// Create a new session and all the directories required to
// support that session.
ValidateProtocol(); m_SessionId = BITSCreateGuid(); m_SessionIdString = BITSStringFromGuid( m_SessionId ); GeneratePhysicalPaths();
BITSCreateDirectory( (LPCTSTR)m_RequestDirectory );
if ( m_DirectoryConfig->m_HostId.Size() ) { if ( m_DirectoryConfig->m_HostIdFallbackTimeout != MD_BITS_NO_TIMEOUT ) {
SendResponse( "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" "BITS-Packet-Type: Ack\r\n" "BITS-Protocol: %s\r\n" "BITS-Session-Id: %s\r\n" "BITS-Host-Id: %s\r\n" "BITS-Host-Id-Fallback-Timeout: %u\r\n" "Content-Length: 0\r\n" "Accept-encoding: identity\r\n" "\r\n", 200, UPLOAD_PROTOCOL_STRING_V1, (const char*)m_SessionIdString, // SessionId
(const char*)m_DirectoryConfig->m_HostId, m_DirectoryConfig->m_HostIdFallbackTimeout );
} else {
SendResponse( "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" "BITS-Packet-Type: Ack\r\n" "BITS-Protocol: %s\r\n" "BITS-Session-Id: %s\r\n" "BITS-Host-Id: %s\r\n" "Content-Length: 0\r\n" "Accept-encoding: identity\r\n" "\r\n", 200, UPLOAD_PROTOCOL_STRING_V1, (const char*)m_SessionIdString, // SessionId
(const char*)m_DirectoryConfig->m_HostId );
} else {
SendResponse( "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" "BITS-Packet-Type: Ack\r\n" "BITS-Protocol: %s\r\n" "BITS-Session-Id: %s\r\n" "Content-Length: 0\r\n" "Accept-encoding: identity\r\n" "\r\n", 200, UPLOAD_PROTOCOL_STRING_V1, (const char*)m_SessionIdString // SessionId
LogNewSession( m_SessionId );
void ServerRequest::AddFragment() {
// Handles the fragment command from the client. Opens the cache file
// and resumes the upload.
CrackSessionId(); GeneratePhysicalPaths();
OpenStateFile(); UINT64 RangeStart, RangeLength, TotalLength; CrackContentRange( RangeStart, RangeLength, TotalLength );
if ( RangeStart + RangeLength > TotalLength ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Range extends past end of file. Start %I64u, Length %I64u, Total %I64u", RangeStart, RangeLength, TotalLength );
throw ServerException( E_INVALIDARG ); }
if ( m_StateFileStruct->UploadFileSize ) { //
// Check to make sure the client didn't try anything tricky and change the size of
// the upload on the fly. If it did, its an error.
if ( m_StateFileStruct->UploadFileSize != TotalLength ) { // The client is attempting to change the file size, throw an error
Log( LOG_ERROR, "Client is attempting to change the file size from %I64u to %I64u", m_StateFileStruct->UploadFileSize, TotalLength );
throw ComError( E_INVALIDARG ); }
} else m_StateFileStruct->UploadFileSize = TotalLength;
if ( m_StateFileStruct->NotifyCached ) {
// The backend was already notified with a reasonable error code.
// No need to notify it again.
SendResponseAfterNotification( m_StateFileStruct->HttpCode, m_StateFileStruct->UploadFileSize, m_StateFileStruct->ReplyURLReturned ? m_StateFileStruct->ReplyURL : NULL ); return;
CheckFilesystemAccess(); OpenCacheFile();
UINT64 CacheFileSize = BITSGetFileSize( m_CacheFile );
if ( CacheFileSize < RangeStart ) {
// Can't recover from this error on the server since we have a gap.
// Need to get the client to backup and start again.
Log( LOG_INFO, "Client and server are hopelessly out of sync, sending the 416 error code" );
SendResponse( "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" "BITS-Packet-Type: Ack\r\n" "BITS-Received-Content-Range: %I64u\r\n" "Content-Length: 0\r\n" "\r\n", 416, CacheFileSize );
BITSSetFilePointer( m_CacheFile, 0, FILE_END );
// Some thought cases for these formulas.
// 1. RangeLength = 0
// BytesToDrain will be 0 and BytesToWrite will be 0
// 2. RangeStart = CacheFileSize ( most common case )
// BytesToDrain will be 0, and BytesToWrite will be BytesToDrain
// 3. RangeStart < CacheFileSize
// BytesToDrain will be nonzero, and BytesToWrite will be the remainder.
UINT64 BytesToDrain = min( (CacheFileSize - RangeStart), RangeLength ); UINT64 BytesToWrite = RangeLength - BytesToDrain; UINT64 WriteOffset = CacheFileSize;
// Start the async reader
m_AsyncReader = new AsyncReader( this, BytesToDrain, BytesToWrite, // bytes to write
WriteOffset, // write offset
m_CacheFile, (char*)m_ExtensionControlBlock->lpbData, m_ExtensionControlBlock->cbAvailable );
// async IO handling
void ServerRequest::CompleteIO( AsyncReader *Reader, UINT64 TotalBytesRead ) {
// Called by the AsyncReader when the request finished successfully.
Log( LOG_INFO, "Async IO operation complete, finishing" );
try { if ( TotalBytesRead > m_BytesToDrain ) m_BytesToDrain = 0; // shouldn't happen, but just in case
else m_BytesToDrain -= TotalBytesRead;
UINT64 CacheFileSize = BITSGetFileSize( m_CacheFile );
ASSERT( Reader->GetWriteOffset() == CacheFileSize );
bool IsLastBlock = ( CacheFileSize == m_StateFileStruct->UploadFileSize );
if ( IsLastBlock && BITS_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NONE != m_DirectoryConfig->m_NotificationType ) { CallServerNotification( CacheFileSize ); } else { // No server notification to make
SendResponse( "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" "BITS-Packet-Type: Ack\r\n" "Content-Length: 0\r\n" "BITS-Received-Content-Range: %I64u\r\n" "\r\n", 200, CacheFileSize );
if ( IsLastBlock && TotalBytesRead ) LogUploadComplete( m_SessionId, CacheFileSize );
} catch( ServerException Error ) { SendResponse( Error ); } catch( ComError Error ) { SendResponse( Error ); }
void ServerRequest::HandleIOError( AsyncReader *Reader, ServerException Error, UINT64 TotalBytesRead ) {
// Called by AsyncReader when a fatal error occures in processing the request
Log( LOG_ERROR, "An error occured while handling the async IO" );
if ( TotalBytesRead > m_BytesToDrain ) m_BytesToDrain = 0; // shouldn't happen, but just in case
else m_BytesToDrain -= TotalBytesRead;
SendResponse( Error ); }
void ServerRequest::SendResponseAfterNotification( DWORD HttpStatus, UINT64 RequestFileSize, const CHAR * ReplyURL ) {
if ( ReplyURL ) {
if ( 200 != HttpStatus ) {
SendResponse( "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" "BITS-Packet-Type: Ack\r\n" "Content-Length: 0\r\n" "BITS-Received-Content-Range: %I64u\r\n" "BITS-Reply-URL: %s\r\n" "BITS-Error-Context: 0x7\r\n" "\r\n", HttpStatus, RequestFileSize, ReplyURL );
} else {
SendResponse( "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" "BITS-Packet-Type: Ack\r\n" "Content-Length: 0\r\n" "BITS-Received-Content-Range: %I64u\r\n" "BITS-Reply-URL: %s\r\n" "\r\n", HttpStatus, RequestFileSize, ReplyURL );
} else {
if ( 200 != HttpStatus ) {
SendResponse( "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" "BITS-Packet-Type: Ack\r\n" "Content-Length: 0\r\n" "BITS-Received-Content-Range: %I64u\r\n" "BITS-Error-Context: 0x7\r\n" "\r\n", HttpStatus, RequestFileSize );
} else {
SendResponse( "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" "BITS-Packet-Type: Ack\r\n" "Content-Length: 0\r\n" "BITS-Received-Content-Range: %I64u\r\n" "\r\n", HttpStatus, RequestFileSize );
} }
DWORD ServerRequest::GetStatusCode( HINTERNET hRequest ) { DWORD dwStatus; DWORD dwLength = sizeof(dwStatus);
if (!WinHttpQueryHeaders(hRequest, WINHTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE | WINHTTP_QUERY_FLAG_NUMBER, WINHTTP_HEADER_NAME_BY_INDEX, &dwStatus, &dwLength, NULL)) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "WinHttpQueryHeaders failed, error %x", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()) ); throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ), 0, 0x7 ); }
return dwStatus; }
void ServerRequest::CallServerNotification( UINT64 CacheFileSize ) { // Handles notifications and all the exciting pieces to it.
Log( LOG_INFO, "Calling backend notification, type %u", m_DirectoryConfig->m_NotificationType );
try {
BITSCreateDirectory( (LPCTSTR)m_ResponseDirectory );
if ( BITS_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_POST_BYVAL == m_DirectoryConfig->m_NotificationType ) { // only create the response file if this is a byval notification
try { hResponseFile = CreateFileWithDestinationAcls( m_ResponseFile, TRUE, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); } catch (ComError Error) { HRESULT hr = Error.m_Hr;
Log( LOG_ERROR, "Unable to create the response file %s, error %x", (const char*)m_ResponseFile, hr ); throw ServerException(hr,0,0x7); } }
Log( LOG_INFO, "Connecting to backend for notification" );
if ( !hInternet ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); Log( LOG_ERROR, "WinHttpOpen failed, error %x", hr ); throw ServerException( hr, 0, 0x7 ); }
StringHandle RequestURL = GetRequestURL(); StringHandleW NotificationURL; if ( m_DirectoryConfig->m_NotificationURL.Size() != 0 ) { // if the a notification URL was set, then combine that URL with the original URL.
// Otherwise just use the original URL. This allows BITS to be used to call
// many arbitrary ASP pages.
NotificationURL = StringHandleW( BITSUrlCombine( RequestURL, m_DirectoryConfig->m_NotificationURL, URL_ESCAPE_UNSAFE ) );
} else { NotificationURL = StringHandleW( RequestURL ); }
Log( LOG_INFO, "Request URL: %s", (const char*)StringHandle( RequestURL ) ); Log( LOG_INFO, "Notification URL: %s", (const char*)StringHandle( NotificationURL ) );
// Split the URL into server, path, name, and password components.
HTTPStackStringHandle HostName; HTTPStackStringHandle UrlPath; HTTPStackStringHandle UserName; HTTPStackStringHandle Password;
URL_COMPONENTS UrlComponents; ZeroMemory(&UrlComponents, sizeof(UrlComponents));
UrlComponents.dwStructSize = sizeof(UrlComponents); UrlComponents.lpszHostName = HostName.AllocBuffer( INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH + 1 ); UrlComponents.dwHostNameLength = INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH + 1; UrlComponents.lpszUrlPath = UrlPath.AllocBuffer( INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH + 1 ); UrlComponents.dwUrlPathLength = INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH + 1; UrlComponents.lpszUserName = UserName.AllocBuffer( INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH + 1 ); UrlComponents.dwUserNameLength = INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH + 1; UrlComponents.lpszPassword = Password.AllocBuffer( INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH + 1 ); UrlComponents.dwPasswordLength = INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH + 1;
if ( !WinHttpCrackUrl( NotificationURL, (DWORD)NotificationURL.Size(), 0, &UrlComponents ) ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); Log( LOG_ERROR, "WinHttpCrackURL failed, error %x", hr); throw ServerException(hr,0,0x7); }
HostName.SetStringSize(); UrlPath.SetStringSize(); UserName.SetStringSize(); Password.SetStringSize();
StringHandle QueryString = GetServerVariable( "QUERY_STRING" );
if ( QueryString.Size() ) { UrlPath += HTTPStackStringHandle( StringHandle("?") ); UrlPath += HTTPStackStringHandle( QueryString ); }
if ( BITS_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_POST_BYREF == m_DirectoryConfig->m_NotificationType ) CloseCacheFile();
hConnect = WinHttpConnect( hInternet, HostName, UrlComponents.nPort, 0 );
if ( !hConnect ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); Log( LOG_ERROR, "WinHttpConnect failed, error %x", hr ); throw ServerException(hr,0,0x7); }
const WCHAR *AcceptTypes[] = { HTTP_STRING( "*/*" ), NULL };
hRequest = WinHttpOpenRequest( hConnect, HTTP_STRING( "POST" ), UrlPath, HTTP_STRING( "HTTP/1.1" ), NULL, AcceptTypes, WINHTTP_FLAG_ESCAPE_DISABLE_QUERY ); if ( !hRequest ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "WinHttpOpenRequest failed, error %x", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ); throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ), 0, 0x7 ); }
// The autologon policy for WinHttp is by default to not allow authenticated logon
// when it thinks the URL is directed to an machine on the internet. Sense this URL is
// specifically configured by the administrator, we will allways allow autologin.
// Note: WinHttp assumes any DNS name with a "dot" in it is an internet (vs. intranet)
// name.
DWORD dwPolicy = WINHTTP_AUTOLOGON_SECURITY_LEVEL_LOW; if (!WinHttpSetOption(hRequest, WINHTTP_OPTION_AUTOLOGON_POLICY, &dwPolicy, sizeof(dwPolicy)) ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); Log( LOG_ERROR, "WinHttpSetOption(WINHTTP_OPTION_AUOTLOGON_POLICY) failed, error %x",hr); throw ServerException(hr,0,0x7); }
DWORD dwBufferTotal = (DWORD)CacheFileSize;
HTTPStackStringHandle AdditionalHeaders = HTTP_STRING( "BITS-Original-Request-URL: " ); AdditionalHeaders += HTTPStackStringHandle( RequestURL ); AdditionalHeaders += HTTP_STRING( "\r\n" );
if ( BITS_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_POST_BYREF == m_DirectoryConfig->m_NotificationType ) {
// Add the path to the request datafile name
AdditionalHeaders += HTTP_STRING( "BITS-Request-DataFile-Name: " ); AdditionalHeaders += HTTPStackStringHandle( m_RequestFile ); AdditionalHeaders += HTTP_STRING( "\r\n" );
// Add the path to where to place the response datafile name
AdditionalHeaders += HTTP_STRING( "BITS-Response-DataFile-Name: " ); AdditionalHeaders += HTTPStackStringHandle( m_ResponseFile ); AdditionalHeaders += HTTP_STRING( "\r\n" );
dwBufferTotal = 0; }
if ( !WinHttpAddRequestHeaders( hRequest, AdditionalHeaders, (DWORD)AdditionalHeaders.Size(), WINHTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD | WINHTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE ) ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "WinHttpAddRequestHeaders failed error %x", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()) ); throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ), 0, 0x7 ); }
// Go ahead and send the Request
// Note that for both BYVAL and BYREF cases we will first try without credentials (anonymous request)
// if we get a 401, then we will loop again and winhttp will take care of sending the credentials
// (autologon policy is set to low)
if ( dwBufferTotal ) { //
// BY VAL case
Log(LOG_INFO, "Making HTTP request with Notification URL for BYVAL case");
do {
Log( LOG_INFO, "Sending data..." ); fDoResend = FALSE;
if ( !WinHttpSendRequest( hRequest, NULL, 0, NULL, WINHTTP_NO_REQUEST_DATA, dwBufferTotal, 0 ) ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "WinHttpSendRequest failed error %x", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()) ); throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ), 0, 0x7 ); } ReopenCacheFileAsSync(); SetFilePointer( m_CacheFile, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN ); DWORD BytesRead; DWORD TotalRead = 0; do { BOOL b; if (!(b = ReadFile (m_CacheFile, m_NotifyBuffer, sizeof(m_NotifyBuffer), &BytesRead, NULL))) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "ReadFile failed, error %x", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ); throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ), 0, 0x7 ); } TotalRead += BytesRead; if (BytesRead > 0) { DWORD BytesWritten; DWORD TotalWritten = 0; do { if (!(b = WinHttpWriteData( hRequest, m_NotifyBuffer + TotalWritten, BytesRead - TotalWritten, &BytesWritten))) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "WinHttpWriteData failed, error %x", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ); throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ), 0, 0x7 ); } TotalWritten += BytesWritten; } while( TotalWritten != BytesRead ); } } while ( TotalRead < dwBufferTotal ); //
// Note: On slow connections, it is possible to receive a 100-Continue status after
// receiving the headers. If that happens, then we want to skip the response and do
// the WinHttpReceiveResponse again to get the final response/status.
for (int i=0; i<2; i++) { if (!WinHttpReceiveResponse(hRequest,0)) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
// Note that 401 will be a case for RESEND.
// We don't need to set credentials explicitly because our autologon policy
// is set to LOW and winhttp will automatically grab the NTLM credentials
// for us
if (dwError == ERROR_WINHTTP_RESEND_REQUEST) { Log( LOG_INFO, "WinHttpReceiveResponse failed with ERROR_RESEND_REQUEST" );
// here we go: do the main loop again and resend
fDoResend = TRUE; break; } else { Log( LOG_ERROR, "WinHttpReceiveResponse failed, error %x", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()) ); throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ), 0, 0x7 ); } }
// Get the status code from the response and decide what to do next
DWORD dwStatus = GetStatusCode(hRequest); if (dwStatus != HTTP_STATUS_CONTINUE) { // don't do the Receive one more time
break; } } } while (fDoResend); } else { //
// BY REF case
Log(LOG_INFO, "Making HTTP request with Notification URL for BYREF case");
BOOL fRepeat; do { fRepeat = FALSE;
if ( !WinHttpSendRequest( hRequest, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0, 0) ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "WinHttpSendRequest failed, error %x", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()) ); throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ), 0,0x7 ); }
if (!WinHttpReceiveResponse(hRequest, 0) ) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
// Note that 401 will be a case for RESEND.
// We don't need to set credentials explicitly because our autologon policy
// is set to LOW and winhttp will automatically grab the NTLM credentials
// for us
if (dwError == ERROR_WINHTTP_RESEND_REQUEST) { Log( LOG_INFO, "WinHttpReceiveResponse failed with ERROR_RESEND_REQUEST" ); // repeat the loop
fRepeat = TRUE; } else { Log( LOG_ERROR, "WinHttpReceiveResponse failed, error %x", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()) ); throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ), 0, 0x7 ); } } } while (fRepeat);
// Check for a BITS-Static-Response-URL. If a static response is given,
// remove the response file and format URL
bool HasStaticResponse = TestResponseHeader( hRequest, HTTP_STRING( "BITS-Static-Response-URL" ) );
if ( HasStaticResponse ) {
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hResponseFile ) { CloseHandle( hResponseFile ); hResponseFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; BITSDeleteFile( m_ResponseFile ); }
// drain the pipe.
Log( LOG_INFO, "Processing backend response" );
DWORD dwStatus = GetStatusCode(hRequest);
DWORD BytesRead; DWORD BytesWritten; do {
if (!WinHttpReadData( hRequest, m_NotifyBuffer, sizeof( m_NotifyBuffer ), &BytesRead )) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "InternetReadFile failed, error %x", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()) ); throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ), 0, 0x7 ); }
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hResponseFile ) {
if ( !WriteFile( hResponseFile, m_NotifyBuffer, BytesRead, &BytesWritten, NULL ) ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "WriteFile failed, error %x", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ); throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ), 0, 0x7 ); }
} while ( BytesRead > 0 );
// Retrieve or compute the reply URL( the default is to use self-relative form).
StringHandle ReplyURL;
if ( HasStaticResponse ) { ReplyURL = GetResponseHeader( hRequest, HTTP_STRING( "BITS-Static-Response-URL" ) ); } else {
if ( INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES != GetFileAttributes( m_ResponseFile ) ) {
// Build the relative reply URL
DWORD URLDepth = m_URLDepth; if ( URLDepth ) // The last part is automatically stripped with
URLDepth--; // relative URLs
while( URLDepth-- ) { ReplyURL += "..\\"; }
ReplyURL += m_DirectoryConfig->m_ConnectionsDir; ReplyURL += "\\"; ReplyURL += REPLIES_DIR_NAME; ReplyURL += "\\"; ReplyURL += m_SessionIdString; ReplyURL += "\\"; ReplyURL += RESPONSE_FILE_NAME;
} }
if ( TestResponseHeader( hRequest, HTTP_STRING( "BITS-Copy-File-To-Destination" ) ) ) { BITSRenameFile( m_RequestFile, m_DestinationFile, m_DirectoryConfig->m_AllowOverwrites ); }
WinHttpCloseHandle( hRequest ); WinHttpCloseHandle( hConnect ); WinHttpCloseHandle( hInternet ); hRequest = hInternet = hConnect = NULL;
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hResponseFile ) CloseHandle( hResponseFile );
if ( ReplyURL.Size() > INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "The reply URL is too long." ); throw ComError( E_INVALIDARG ); }
// Cache the notification response if the error code is
// 200 or 403
if ( 200 == dwStatus || 403 == dwStatus ) {
m_StateFileStruct->HttpCode = dwStatus;
if ( ReplyURL.Size() ) { StringCchCopy( m_StateFileStruct->ReplyURL, INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH+1, (const CHAR*)ReplyURL ); m_StateFileStruct->ReplyURLReturned = TRUE; }
m_StateFileStruct->NotifyCached = TRUE;
#if 0
// test caching of reply values
throw ComError( E_FAIL ); #endif
if ( ReplyURL.Size() ) {
Log( LOG_INFO, "The backend supplied a response url, send client response including URL" );
SendResponseAfterNotification( dwStatus, CacheFileSize, (const char*)ReplyURL );
} else {
Log( LOG_INFO, "The backend didn't supply a response URL, sending simple client response" );
SendResponseAfterNotification( dwStatus, CacheFileSize, NULL );
} catch( const ComError & ) { // cleanup
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hResponseFile ) { CloseHandle( hResponseFile ); hResponseFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
DeleteFile( m_ResponseFile );
if ( hRequest ) WinHttpCloseHandle( hRequest );
if ( hConnect ) WinHttpCloseHandle( hConnect );
if ( hInternet ) WinHttpCloseHandle( hInternet );
throw; }
bool ServerRequest::TestResponseHeader( HINTERNET hRequest, const WCHAR *Header ) {
// test for a header in the notification response. If the header is
// found return true, false if not. Throw an exception on an error.
SIZE_T HeaderSize = wcslen(Header) + 2; WorkStringBufferW WorkStringBufferData( HeaderSize ); WCHAR *HeaderDup = (WCHAR *)WorkStringBufferData.GetBuffer(); memcpy( HeaderDup, Header, ( HeaderSize - 1 ) * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
DWORD BufferLength = (DWORD)HeaderSize;
BOOL Result = WinHttpQueryHeaders( hRequest, WINHTTP_QUERY_CUSTOM, Header, HeaderDup, &BufferLength, NULL );
if ( Result ) return true;
DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError();
if ( ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER == dwLastError ) return true;
if ( ERROR_WINHTTP_HEADER_NOT_FOUND == dwLastError ) return false;
Log( LOG_ERROR, "Unable to test response header %s, error %x", (const char*) StringHandle( Header ), HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) );
throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwLastError ) ); }
StringHandle ServerRequest::GetResponseHeader( HINTERNET hRequest, const WCHAR *Header ) {
// Retrieve a header from a notification response. If the header is not
// found or an other error occures, throw an exception.
SIZE_T HeaderSize = wcslen( Header ); DWORD BufferLength = (DWORD)( ( HeaderSize + 1024 ) & ~( 1024 - 1 ) );
HTTPStackStringHandle RetVal;
while(1) {
WCHAR *Buffer = RetVal.AllocBuffer( BufferLength );
memcpy( Buffer, Header, ( HeaderSize + 1 ) * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
BOOL Result = WinHttpQueryHeaders( hRequest, WINHTTP_QUERY_CUSTOM, Header, Buffer, &BufferLength, NULL );
if ( Result ) { RetVal.SetStringSize(); return StringHandle( RetVal ); }
DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
Log( LOG_ERROR, "Unable to get response header %s, error %x", ( const char *) StringHandle( Header ), HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) );
throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ) ); }
RetVal = HTTPStackStringHandle();
if ( BufferLength > BITS_MAX_HEADER_SIZE ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "The returned header is larger then the maximum size" ); throw ServerException( E_INVALIDARG ); }
void ServerRequest::VerifySessionExists() { WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA FileInformation;
if ( !GetFileAttributesEx( (const char*)m_RequestDirectory, GetFileExInfoStandard, (LPVOID)&FileInformation ) ) {
DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
Log( LOG_ERROR, "Error validation on session directory, error %x", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) );
if ( ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND == dwError || ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND == dwError ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Session directory is missing" ); throw ServerException( BG_E_SESSION_NOT_FOUND ); }
throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ) );
if ( !( FileInformation.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Session directory is missing" ); throw ServerException( BG_E_SESSION_NOT_FOUND ); }
void ServerRequest::CloseSession() { // Handles the Close-Session command from the client.
CrackSessionId(); GeneratePhysicalPaths();
if ( BITS_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NONE == m_DirectoryConfig->m_NotificationType ) { BITSRenameFile( m_RequestFile, m_DestinationFile, m_DirectoryConfig->m_AllowOverwrites ); } else { BITSDeleteFile( m_RequestFile ); }
BITSDeleteFile( m_ResponseFile ); BITSDeleteFile( m_StateFile );
RemoveDirectory( m_RequestDirectory ); RemoveDirectory( m_ResponseDirectory );
SendResponse( "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" "BITS-Packet-Type: Ack\r\n" "Content-Length: 0\r\n" "\r\n" );
LogSessionClose( m_SessionId );
void ServerRequest::CancelSession() { // Handles the Cancel-Session command from the client. Deletes
// all the temporary files, of the current state.
CrackSessionId(); GeneratePhysicalPaths();
BITSDeleteFile( m_ResponseFile ); BITSDeleteFile( m_RequestFile ); BITSDeleteFile( m_StateFile ); RemoveDirectory( m_RequestDirectory ); RemoveDirectory( m_ResponseDirectory );
SendResponse( "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" "BITS-Packet-Type: Ack\r\n" "Content-Length: 0\r\n" "\r\n" );
LogSessionCancel( m_SessionId );
void ServerRequest::Ping() { // Handles the Ping command which is essentually just a no-op.
SendResponse( "Pragma: no-cache\r\n" "BITS-Packet-Type: Ack\r\n" "Content-Length: 0\r\n" "\r\n" );
CHAR * ServerRequest::BasePathOf(const CHAR *pPath) { CHAR *pBasePath;
if (!pPath) { return NULL; }
if ( (pBasePath=strrchr(pPath,'/')) || (pBasePath=strrchr(pPath,'\\')) ) { pBasePath++; } else { pBasePath = (char *)pPath; }
return pBasePath; }
StringHandle ServerRequest::GeneratePathInDestinationDir(LPCSTR szOriginalPath) { StringHandle NewPath; StringHandle TempFileGuid; CHAR *pFilePart = NULL; GUID guidTempFile;
if ( !szOriginalPath ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Unexpected NULL path was detected" ); throw ServerException( E_INVALIDARG ); }
pFilePart = BasePathOf(szOriginalPath);
// This will create a file name in the form
// <destinationdir>\bitssrv_<guid>_<filename>
// We add the GUID to avoid colision with other threads
// Note that we won't be using the session GUID to avoid disclosuring the session id.
// Instead, we will be using a new and random guid.
guidTempFile = BITSCreateGuid(); TempFileGuid = BITSStringFromGuid( guidTempFile );
NewPath = m_DestinationDirectory + StringHandle("bitssrv") + StringHandle("_") + TempFileGuid + StringHandle("_") + StringHandle(pFilePart);
return NewPath; }
void ServerRequest::GeneratePhysicalPaths() {
const CHAR *PathTranslated = m_ExtensionControlBlock->lpszPathTranslated; {
StringHandle DestinationPath; CHAR *FilePart = NULL; DWORD BufferLength = MAX_PATH;
while( 1 ) { CHAR *PathBuffer = DestinationPath.AllocBuffer( BufferLength );
DWORD Result = GetFullPathName( m_ExtensionControlBlock->lpszPathTranslated, BufferLength, PathBuffer, &FilePart );
if ( Result > BufferLength ) { BufferLength = Result; continue; }
if ( !Result ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Unable to get the full path name for %s, error 0x%8.8X", m_ExtensionControlBlock->lpszPathTranslated, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ); throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ); }
if ( !FilePart ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Uploading to directories are not supported" ); throw ServerException( E_INVALIDARG ); }
m_DestinationFile = PathBuffer; *FilePart = '\0'; m_DestinationDirectory = PathBuffer;
// perform some basic tests on the file name
DWORD Attributes = GetFileAttributes( m_DestinationFile );
if ( ( GetLastError() != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) && ( GetLastError() != ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) ) {
Log( LOG_ERROR, "Unable to get the file attributes for %s, error 0x%8.8X", m_ExtensionControlBlock->lpszPathTranslated, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ); throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) );
} else {
// file exists, check if its a directory
if ( FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY & Attributes ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Uploading to directories are not supported" ); throw ServerException( E_INVALIDARG ); }
// deny access if the ability to overwrite existing files is turned off
if ( !m_DirectoryConfig->m_AllowOverwrites && ( BITS_NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NONE == m_DirectoryConfig->m_NotificationType ) ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "The destination exists, but the ability to allow overwrites is turned off" ); throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) ); }
// validate that the physical path is below the virtual directory root
SIZE_T VDirPathSize = m_DirectoryConfig->m_PhysicalPath.Size();
if ( _strnicmp( m_DirectoryConfig->m_PhysicalPath, m_DestinationDirectory, VDirPathSize ) != 0 ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Path is not below the virtual directory root, error" ); throw ServerException( E_INVALIDARG ); } }
// validate that the physical path does not end with a slash or colon
{ SIZE_T PathSize = strlen( PathTranslated );
if ( PathSize ) {
if ( '\\' == PathTranslated[ PathSize - 1 ] || '/' == PathTranslated[ PathSize - 1 ] ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Path can not end with a slash" ); throw ServerException( E_INVALIDARG ); }
if ( ':' == PathTranslated[ PathSize - 1 ] ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Path may not end with a colon" ); throw ServerException( E_INVALIDARG ); }
m_RequestDirectory = m_DirectoryConfig->m_RequestsDir + StringHandle("\\") + m_SessionIdString; m_RequestFile = m_RequestDirectory + StringHandle("\\") + StringHandle( REQUEST_FILE_NAME );
m_StateFile = m_RequestDirectory + StringHandle("\\") + StringHandle( STATE_FILE_NAME );
m_ResponseDirectory = m_DirectoryConfig->m_RepliesDir + StringHandle("\\") + m_SessionIdString; m_ResponseFile = m_ResponseDirectory + StringHandle("\\") + StringHandle(RESPONSE_FILE_NAME);
// validate that the physical path is not inside the cache directory
SIZE_T SessionDirSize = m_DirectoryConfig->m_SessionDir.Size();
if ( _strnicmp( (const char*)m_DirectoryConfig->m_SessionDir, (const char*)m_DestinationDirectory, SessionDirSize ) == 0 ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Path can not be inside the cache directory" ); throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) ); }
void ServerRequest::CheckFilesystemAccess() {
if ( !m_ImpersonationToken ) return;
// If we can't read the SD, assume that everything is ok
if ( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED == Result ) { Log( LOG_WARNING, "Assuming access is granted, let later operations fail" ); return; }
DWORD PrivilegeSetLength = sizeof( PrivilageBuffer ); // size of privileges buffer
DWORD GrantedAccess = 0; // granted access rights
BOOL AccessStatus = FALSE; // result of access check
if ( !AccessCheck( pSd, // SD
m_ImpersonationToken, // handle to client access token
FILE_WRITE_DATA, // requested access rights
&FileMapping, // mapping
(PPRIVILEGE_SET)PrivilageBuffer, // privileges
&PrivilegeSetLength, // size of privileges buffer
&GrantedAccess, // granted access rights
&AccessStatus // result of access check
) ) {
HRESULT Error = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ); Log( LOG_ERROR, "Unable to check access, error 0x%8.8X", Error ); LocalFree( pSd ); throw ComError( Error ); }
LocalFree( pSd );
if ( !AccessStatus ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Denying access since the caller does not have create file rights" ); throw ServerException( E_ACCESSDENIED, 403 ); }
HANDLE ServerRequest::CreateFileWithDestinationAcls(const CHAR *szOriginalFile, DWORD fOnlyCreateNew, DWORD dwAttributes) { CHAR *pFile = const_cast<char *>(szOriginalFile); DWORD dwDispositionFlags = OPEN_EXISTING; BOOL fRetry = FALSE; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; StringHandle TempPath;
if (fOnlyCreateNew) { TempPath = GeneratePathInDestinationDir(szOriginalFile);
pFile = const_cast<char *>(static_cast<const char *>(TempPath)); dwDispositionFlags = CREATE_ALWAYS; }
// Open the file.
// If the file exists, we will leave it alone an assume the Acls are correct
// Otherwise we will create the file first in m_DestinationDir so it has the VDIR Acls,
// and then move it to the proper directory.
do { fRetry = FALSE;
hFile = CreateFile( pFile, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, dwDispositionFlags, dwAttributes, NULL );
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
// if we are creating the file, we want to create it in the DestinationDir
// so it has the right ACLs, and then move it to the right directory.
if (!fOnlyCreateNew && dwError == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { TempPath = GeneratePathInDestinationDir(szOriginalFile);
pFile = const_cast<char *>(static_cast<const char *>(TempPath)); dwDispositionFlags = CREATE_ALWAYS; fRetry = TRUE; Log( LOG_INFO, "First time creating file. Will create file first at %s", pFile); continue; } else { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Unable to open file %s, error 0x%8.8X", pFile, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError )); throw ComError( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ) ); }
} } while (fRetry);
// Ok, we are done opening the file, now see if we need to move the file to
// the right location.
// Unfortunately, because we want to open the file with no sharing allowed, we need to close
// the handle and reopen it.
if (dwDispositionFlags == CREATE_ALWAYS) { CloseHandle(hFile); hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if (!MoveFile(pFile, szOriginalFile)) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
Log( LOG_ERROR, "Unable to move file from %s to %s, error 0x%8.8X", pFile, szOriginalFile, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ));
throw ComError( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ) ); }
hFile = CreateFile( szOriginalFile, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, dwAttributes, NULL );
if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DWORD dwError = GetLastError();
Log( LOG_ERROR, "Unable to open file %s, error 0x%8.8X", szOriginalFile, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError )); throw ComError( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ) ); } }
return hFile; }
void ServerRequest::OpenCacheFile( ) {
// Open the cache file.
try { m_CacheFile = CreateFileWithDestinationAcls( m_RequestFile, FALSE, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED ); } catch (ComError Error) { DWORD dwError = Error.m_Hr;
if (dwError == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) { throw ServerException( BG_E_SESSION_NOT_FOUND ); }
throw ServerException( Error.m_Hr ); } }
void ServerRequest::ReopenCacheFileAsSync() {
// reopen the cache file as async so that it can be spooled synchronously over
// to the backend.
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == m_CacheFile ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Unable to reopen cache file %s, error 0x%8.8X", (const char*)m_RequestFile, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) );
if (GetLastError() == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) { throw ServerException( BG_E_SESSION_NOT_FOUND ); }
throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ); } }
void ServerRequest::CloseCacheFile() {
// Close the cache file, if it isn't already closed.
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != m_CacheFile ) { if ( CloseHandle( m_CacheFile ) ) m_CacheFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
} }
void ServerRequest::ForwardComplete( LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK lpECB, PVOID pContext, DWORD cbIO, DWORD dwError) {
// A do nothing callback for forwarding the request.
ServerRequest *This = (ServerRequest*)pContext; This->Release( ); }
void ServerRequest::ForwardToNextISAPI() {
// IIS6 has changed behavior where the limit on * entries are ignored.
// To work around this problem, it is necessary to send the request back
// to IIS.
BOOL Result;
Result = (*m_ExtensionControlBlock->ServerSupportFunction)( m_ExtensionControlBlock->ConnID, HSE_REQ_IO_COMPLETION, (LPVOID)ForwardComplete, 0, (LPDWORD)this );
if ( !Result ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Unable to set callback to ForwardComplete, error %x", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ); throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ); }
HSE_EXEC_URL_INFO ExecInfo; memset( &ExecInfo, 0, sizeof( ExecInfo ) );
ScheduleAsyncOperation( HSE_REQ_EXEC_URL, (LPVOID)&ExecInfo, NULL, NULL );
void ServerRequest::GetConfig() {
// Looks up the configuration to use for this request.
StringHandle InstanceMetaPath = GetServerVariable( "INSTANCE_META_PATH" ); StringHandle URL = GetServerVariable( "URL" );
m_DirectoryConfig = g_ConfigMan->GetConfig( InstanceMetaPath, URL, &m_URLDepth );
void ServerRequest::DispatchRequest() {
// The main do it function, parse what kind of request the client is sending and
// dispatch it to the appropiate handler routines.
// This critical section is needed because IIS callbacks can happen on any time.
// The lock is needed to prevent a callback from happening while the dispatch
// routine is still running.
CriticalSectionLock CSLock( &m_cs );
try {
if ( _stricmp( m_ExtensionControlBlock->lpszMethod, BITS_COMMAND_VERBA ) != 0 ) { Log( LOG_CALLBEGIN, "Connection %p, Packet-Type: %s, Method: %s, Path %s", m_ExtensionControlBlock->ConnID, (const char*)"UNKNOWN", m_ExtensionControlBlock->lpszMethod, m_ExtensionControlBlock->lpszPathTranslated );
ForwardToNextISAPI(); return; }
m_PacketType = GetServerVariable( "HTTP_BITS-PACKET-TYPE" );
Log( LOG_CALLBEGIN, "Connection %p, Packet-Type: %s, Method: %s, Path %s", m_ExtensionControlBlock->ConnID, (const char*)m_PacketType, m_ExtensionControlBlock->lpszMethod, m_ExtensionControlBlock->lpszPathTranslated );
if (! m_ExtensionControlBlock->ServerSupportFunction( m_ExtensionControlBlock->ConnID, HSE_REQ_GET_IMPERSONATION_TOKEN, &m_ImpersonationToken, NULL, NULL ) ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Unable to get the impersonation token" ); throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( E_INVALIDARG ) ); }
if ( !m_DirectoryConfig->m_UploadEnabled ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "BITS uploads are not enabled" ); throw ServerException( E_ACCESSDENIED, 501 ); }
if ( m_DirectoryConfig->m_ExecutePermissions & ( MD_ACCESS_EXECUTE | MD_ACCESS_SCRIPT ) ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "BITS uploads are disable because execute or script access is enabled" ); LogExecuteEnabled(); throw ServerException( BG_E_SERVER_EXECUTE_ENABLE, 403 ); }
StringHandle ContentLength = GetServerVariable( "HTTP_Content-Length" ); if ( 1 != sscanf( (const char*)ContentLength, "%I64u", &m_ContentLength ) ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "The content length is broken" ); throw ServerException( E_INVALIDARG ); }
if ( m_ContentLength < m_ExtensionControlBlock->cbAvailable ) throw ServerException( E_INVALIDARG );
m_BytesToDrain = m_ContentLength - m_ExtensionControlBlock->cbAvailable;
// Dispatch to the correct method
// Create-session
// fragment
// Get-Reply-Url
// Close-Session
// Cancel-Session
// Ping ( Is server alive )
// keep this list ordered by frequency
if ( _stricmp( m_PacketType, PACKET_TYPE_FRAGMENT ) == 0 ) AddFragment(); else if ( _stricmp( m_PacketType, PACKET_TYPE_PING ) == 0 ) Ping(); else if ( _stricmp( m_PacketType, PACKET_TYPE_CREATE_SESSION ) == 0 ) CreateSession(); else if ( _stricmp( m_PacketType, PACKET_TYPE_CLOSE_SESSION ) == 0 ) CloseSession(); else if ( _stricmp( m_PacketType, PACKET_TYPE_CANCEL_SESSION ) == 0 ) CancelSession(); else {
Log( LOG_ERROR, "Received unknown BITS packet type %s", (const char*)m_PacketType );
throw ServerException( E_INVALIDARG );
catch( ServerException Exception ) { SendResponse( Exception ); } catch( ComError Exception ) { SendResponse( Exception ); }
// IIS Logger functions
void IISLogger::LogString( const char *String, int Size ) { DWORD StringSize = Size + 1;
(*m_ExtensionControlBlock->ServerSupportFunction) ( m_ExtensionControlBlock->ConnID, HSE_APPEND_LOG_PARAMETER, (LPVOID)String, &StringSize, NULL );
void IISLogger::LogError( ServerException Error ) {
char OutputStr[ 255 ];
StringCbPrintfA( OutputStr, sizeof( OutputStr ), "(bits_error:,%u,0x%8.8X)", Error.GetHttpCode(), Error.GetCode() );
LogString( OutputStr, strlen( OutputStr ) );
void IISLogger::LogError( const GUID & SessionID, ServerException Error ) {
WCHAR GuidStr[ 50 ]; char OutputStr[ 255 ];
StringFromGUID2( SessionID, GuidStr, 50 );
StringCchPrintfA( OutputStr, sizeof( OutputStr ), "(bits_error:%S,%u,0x%8.8X)", GuidStr, Error.GetHttpCode(), Error.GetCode() );
LogString( OutputStr, strlen( OutputStr ) );
void IISLogger::LogNewSession( const GUID & SessionID ) {
WCHAR GuidStr[ 50 ]; char OutputStr[ 255 ];
StringFromGUID2( SessionID, GuidStr, 50 ); StringCbPrintfA( OutputStr, sizeof( OutputStr ), "(bits_new_session:%S)", GuidStr );
LogString( OutputStr, strlen( OutputStr ) );
void IISLogger::LogUploadComplete( const GUID & SessionID, UINT64 FileSize ) {
WCHAR GuidStr[ 50 ]; char OutputStr[ 255 ];
StringFromGUID2( SessionID, GuidStr, 50 );
StringCbPrintfA( OutputStr, sizeof( OutputStr ), "(bits_upload_complete:%S,%I64u)", GuidStr, FileSize ); LogString( OutputStr, strlen( OutputStr ) );
void IISLogger::LogSessionClose( const GUID & SessionID ) {
WCHAR GuidStr[ 50 ]; char OutputStr[ 255 ];
StringFromGUID2( SessionID, GuidStr, 50 );
StringCbPrintfA( OutputStr, sizeof( OutputStr ), "(bits_close_session:%S)", GuidStr ); LogString( OutputStr, strlen( OutputStr ) );
void IISLogger::LogSessionCancel( const GUID & SessionID ) { WCHAR GuidStr[ 50 ]; char OutputStr[ 255 ];
StringFromGUID2( SessionID, GuidStr, 50 ); StringCbPrintfA( OutputStr, sizeof( OutputStr ), "(bits_cancel_session:%S)", GuidStr ); LogString( OutputStr, strlen( OutputStr ) ); }
void IISLogger::LogExecuteEnabled() { char OutputStr[ 255 ];
StringCchPrintfA( OutputStr, sizeof( OutputStr ), "(bits_execute_enabled)" );
LogString( OutputStr, strlen( OutputStr ) ); }
ServerRequest *g_LastRequest = NULL;
// AsyncReader functions
AsyncReader::AsyncReader( ServerRequest *Request, UINT64 BytesToDrain, UINT64 BytesToWrite, UINT64 WriteOffset, HANDLE WriteHandle, char *PrereadBuffer, DWORD PrereadSize ) : m_Request( Request ), m_BytesToDrain( BytesToDrain ), m_BytesToWrite( BytesToWrite ), m_WriteOffset( WriteOffset ), m_ReadOffset( WriteOffset ), m_WriteHandle( WriteHandle ), m_BytesToRead( BytesToWrite ), m_PrereadBuffer( PrereadBuffer ), m_PrereadSize( PrereadSize ), m_OperationsPending( 0 ), m_ReadBuffer( 0 ), m_WriteBuffer( 0 ), m_BuffersToWrite( 0 ), m_Error( S_OK ), m_WritePending( false ), m_ReadPending( false ), m_TotalBytesRead( 0 ), m_ThreadToken( NULL ), m_ErrorValid( false ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_IO_BUFFERS; i++ ) { memset( m_IOBuffers + i, i, sizeof( *m_IOBuffers ) ); }
if ( !OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE, &m_ThreadToken ) ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Unable to retrieve the current thread token, error %x", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ); throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ); }
if ( m_BytesToDrain && m_PrereadSize ) { Log( LOG_INFO, "Have both a Preread and bytes to drain, deal with it." ); Log( LOG_INFO, "BytesToDrain: %I64u, PrereadSize: %u", m_BytesToDrain, m_PrereadSize );
DWORD DrainBytesInPreread = (DWORD)min( m_BytesToDrain, PrereadSize ); m_PrereadBuffer += DrainBytesInPreread; m_PrereadSize -= DrainBytesInPreread; m_BytesToDrain -= DrainBytesInPreread;
Log( LOG_INFO, "Bytes to drain from preread, %u", DrainBytesInPreread );
ASSERT( !( m_BytesToDrain && m_PrereadSize ) ); m_BytesToRead = m_BytesToRead + m_BytesToDrain - m_PrereadSize; m_ReadOffset = m_ReadOffset - m_BytesToDrain + m_PrereadSize;
if ( m_BytesToRead ) {
// Setup the read completion callback
BOOL Result = (*m_Request->m_ExtensionControlBlock->ServerSupportFunction)( m_Request->m_ExtensionControlBlock->ConnID, HSE_REQ_IO_COMPLETION, (LPVOID)ReadCompleteWraper, 0, (LPDWORD)this );
if ( !Result ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Unable to set callback to ReadCompleteWraper, error %x", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ); throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ); }
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != m_WriteHandle ) {
BOOL Result = BindIoCompletionCallback( m_WriteHandle, // handle to file
(LPOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE)WriteCompleteWraper, // callback
0 // reserved
if ( !Result ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Unable to set write completion routing, error %x", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ); throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ); }
} // Queue the IO to a thread pool work item.
BOOL bResult = QueueUserWorkItem( StartupIOWraper, this, WT_EXECUTEDEFAULT );
if ( !bResult ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "QueueUserWorkItem failed, error %x", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ); throw ServerException( 500, HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( GetLastError() ) ); }
m_OperationsPending++; Request->m_IsPending = true; Request->AddRef();
AsyncReader::~AsyncReader() { if ( m_ThreadToken ) CloseHandle( m_ThreadToken ); }
void AsyncReader::HandleError( ServerException Error ) { m_ErrorValid = true; m_Error = Error;
if ( m_OperationsPending ) return; // Continue to wait for operations to exit.
m_Request->HandleIOError( this, Error, m_TotalBytesRead ); return; }
void AsyncReader::CompleteIO() { m_Request->CompleteIO( this, m_TotalBytesRead ); return; }
void AsyncReader::StartReadRequest() { // start a new IIS read request
DWORD BytesToRead; IOBuffer *Buffer = m_IOBuffers + m_ReadBuffer;
if ( m_BytesToDrain ) { Buffer->m_BufferWriteOffset = 0; Buffer->m_BufferUsed = 0; BytesToRead = (DWORD)min( m_BytesToDrain, sizeof( Buffer->m_Buffer ) ); } else { Buffer->m_BufferWriteOffset = m_ReadOffset; Buffer->m_BufferUsed = 0; BytesToRead = (DWORD)min( m_BytesToRead, sizeof( Buffer->m_Buffer ) ); }
Log( LOG_INFO, "Start Async Read, Connection %p, Buffer %u, Offset %I64u, Length %u", m_Request->m_ExtensionControlBlock->ConnID, m_ReadBuffer, m_ReadOffset, BytesToRead ); DWORD Flags = HSE_IO_ASYNC; BOOL Result = (*m_Request->m_ExtensionControlBlock->ServerSupportFunction) ( m_Request->m_ExtensionControlBlock->ConnID, HSE_REQ_ASYNC_READ_CLIENT, Buffer->m_Buffer, &BytesToRead, &Flags );
if ( !Result ) { DWORD Error = GetLastError(); Log( LOG_ERROR, "HSE_REQ_ASYNC_READ_CLIENT failed, error 0x%8.8", Error ); throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( Error ) ); }
m_OperationsPending++; m_ReadPending = true; m_Request->AddRef(); }
void AsyncReader::StartWriteRequest() { // Start a new filesystem write request
OVERLAPPED *OverLapped = (OVERLAPPED*)this; memset( OverLapped, 0, sizeof(*OverLapped) );
LPCVOID WriteBuffer; DWORD BytesToWrite;
if ( m_PrereadSize ) {
// IIS preread data is handled seperatly. Drain it first.
WriteBuffer = m_PrereadBuffer; BytesToWrite = m_PrereadSize; } else { IOBuffer *Buffer = m_IOBuffers + m_WriteBuffer; ASSERT( m_WriteOffset == Buffer->m_BufferWriteOffset ); WriteBuffer = Buffer->m_Buffer; BytesToWrite = Buffer->m_BufferUsed; }
OverLapped->Offset = (DWORD)(m_WriteOffset & 0xFFFFFFFF); OverLapped->OffsetHigh = (DWORD)((m_WriteOffset >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
Log( LOG_INFO, "Start Async Write, Connection %p, Buffer %u, Offset %I64u, Length %u", m_Request->m_ExtensionControlBlock->ConnID, m_WriteBuffer, m_WriteOffset, BytesToWrite );
BOOL Result = WriteFile( m_WriteHandle, WriteBuffer, BytesToWrite, NULL, OverLapped );
if ( !Result && GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { DWORD Error = GetLastError(); Log( LOG_ERROR, "WriteFileEx failed, error 0x%8.8X", GetLastError() ); throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( Error ) ); }
m_OperationsPending++; m_WritePending = true; m_Request->AddRef(); }
void AsyncReader::StartupIO( ) {
// Startup the necessary IO operations based on the
// buffer states. returns true if the upload operation should continue.
try { if ( m_ErrorValid ) throw ServerException( m_Error );
bool ScheduledIO = false;
if ( m_BytesToDrain ) { StartReadRequest(); ScheduledIO = true; } else {
if ( !m_BytesToWrite && !m_BytesToDrain ) return CompleteIO();
if ( !m_WritePending ) { if ( m_PrereadSize ) { StartWriteRequest(); ScheduledIO = true; } else if ( m_BuffersToWrite ) { StartWriteRequest(); ScheduledIO = true; } }
if ( !m_ReadPending && m_BytesToRead && ( NUMBER_OF_IO_BUFFERS - m_BuffersToWrite ) ) { StartReadRequest(); ScheduledIO = true; }
if ( !ScheduledIO ) Log( LOG_INFO, "No IO scheduled" ); } catch( ServerException Error ) { HandleError( Error ); } catch( ComError Error ) { HandleError( Error ); }
void AsyncReader::WriteComplete( DWORD dwError, DWORD BytesWritten ) { // Called when a write is completed. Determine the next buffer to use and startup the correct IO operations.
// returns true is more operations are necessary.
try { Log( LOG_INFO, "Complete Async Write, Connection %p, Buffer %u, Offset %I64u, Length %u, Error %u", m_Request->m_ExtensionControlBlock->ConnID, m_WriteBuffer, m_WriteOffset, BytesWritten, dwError );
if ( m_ErrorValid ) throw ServerException( m_Error );
m_WritePending = false;
if ( dwError ) throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ) );
m_BytesToWrite -= BytesWritten;
if ( m_PrereadSize ) { m_PrereadSize -= BytesWritten; m_PrereadBuffer += BytesWritten; m_WriteOffset += BytesWritten; } else { IOBuffer *Buffer = m_IOBuffers + m_WriteBuffer; ASSERT( BytesWritten == Buffer->m_BufferUsed ); m_WriteOffset += Buffer->m_BufferUsed; m_BuffersToWrite--;
memset( Buffer, m_WriteBuffer, sizeof(*Buffer) ); #endif
m_WriteBuffer = (m_WriteBuffer + 1 ) % NUMBER_OF_IO_BUFFERS;
return StartupIO(); } catch( ServerException Error ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Error in write complete" ); HandleError( Error ); } catch( ComError Error ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Error in write complete" ); HandleError( Error ); }
void AsyncReader::ReadComplete( DWORD dwError, DWORD BytesRead ) { // Called when a read operation is complete. determines if more operations should start or to
// complete the operation.
// returns true if more operations are operations are needed to complete the upload
try {
Log( LOG_INFO, "Complete Async Read, Connection %p, Buffer %u, Offset %I64u, Length %u, Error %u", m_Request->m_ExtensionControlBlock->ConnID, m_ReadBuffer, m_ReadOffset, BytesRead, dwError );
m_TotalBytesRead += BytesRead;
if ( m_ErrorValid ) throw ServerException( m_Error );
m_ReadPending = false;
if ( dwError ) throw ServerException( HRESULT_FROM_WIN32( dwError ) );
IOBuffer *Buffer = m_IOBuffers + m_ReadBuffer; Buffer->m_BufferUsed = BytesRead;
m_BytesToRead -= BytesRead; m_ReadOffset += BytesRead;
bool ScheduledIO = false;
if ( m_BytesToDrain ) m_BytesToDrain -= BytesRead; else { m_BuffersToWrite++; m_ReadBuffer = (m_ReadBuffer + 1 ) % NUMBER_OF_IO_BUFFERS; }
StartupIO(); // Continue IO
} catch( ServerException Error ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Error in read complete" );
HandleError( Error ); } catch( ComError Error ) { Log( LOG_ERROR, "Error in read complete" );
HandleError( Error ); }
DWORD AsyncReader::StartupIOWraper( LPVOID Context ) { AsyncReader *Reader = (AsyncReader*)Context; { CriticalSectionLock CSLock( &Reader->m_Request->m_cs ); Reader->m_OperationsPending--;
// Thread pool threads should start and end with no token
BITSSetCurrentThreadToken( Reader->m_ThreadToken ); Reader->StartupIO(); } Reader->m_Request->Release();
// revert to previous impersonation.
BITSSetCurrentThreadToken( NULL );
return 0; }
void CALLBACK AsyncReader::WriteCompleteWraper( DWORD dwErrorCode, DWORD dwNumberOfBytesTransfered, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped ) {
// Wrapper around write completions
Log( LOG_INFO, "WriteCompleteWraper begin" ); AsyncReader *Reader = (AsyncReader*)lpOverlapped; { CriticalSectionLock CSLock( &Reader->m_Request->m_cs ); Reader->m_OperationsPending--;
// Thread pool threads should start and end with no token
BITSSetCurrentThreadToken( Reader->m_ThreadToken ); Reader->WriteComplete( dwErrorCode, dwNumberOfBytesTransfered ); } Reader->m_Request->Release();
// revert to previous security
BITSSetCurrentThreadToken( NULL ); }
void WINAPI AsyncReader::ReadCompleteWraper( LPEXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK, PVOID pContext, DWORD cbIO, DWORD dwError ) {
// wrapper around read completions
Log( LOG_INFO, "ReadCompleteWraper begin" ); AsyncReader *Reader = (AsyncReader*)pContext; { CriticalSectionLock CSLock( &Reader->m_Request->m_cs ); Reader->m_OperationsPending--;
#if defined( DBG )
HANDLE ThreadToken = NULL; ASSERT( OpenThreadToken( GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE, &ThreadToken ) );
if ( ThreadToken ) CloseHandle( ThreadToken );
Reader->ReadComplete( dwError, cbIO ); } Reader->m_Request->Release();
bool g_ExtensionRunning = false;
class ConfigurationManager *g_ConfigMan = NULL; class PropertyIDManager *g_PropertyMan = NULL;
BOOL WINAPI GetExtensionVersion( OUT HSE_VERSION_INFO * pVer ) {
// IIS calls this to start everything up.
ASSERT( !g_ExtensionRunning );
StringCbCopyA( pVer->lpszExtensionDesc, sizeof( pVer->lpszExtensionDesc ), "BITS Server Extensions" );
if ( g_ExtensionRunning ) return true;
Hr = LogInit();
if ( FAILED( Hr ) ) { SetLastError( Hr ); return false; }
Log( LOG_INFO, "GetExtensionVersion called, starting init" );
try {
Log( LOG_INFO, "Initializing Property Manager..." );
g_PropertyMan = new PropertyIDManager(); HRESULT Hr2 = g_PropertyMan->LoadPropertyInfo();
if ( FAILED(Hr2) ) throw ServerException( Hr2 );
Log( LOG_INFO, "Initializing Configuration Manager..." );
g_ConfigMan = new ConfigurationManager();
} catch( ComError & Exception ) {
Log( LOG_ERROR, "Error during initialization, 0x%8.8X", Exception.m_Hr );
delete g_ConfigMan; delete g_PropertyMan;
SetLastError( Exception.m_Hr );
return false; }
g_ExtensionRunning = true; Log( LOG_INFO, "Initialization complete!" ); return true; }
BOOL WINAPI TerminateExtension( IN DWORD dwFlags ) {
// IIS calls this to shut everything down.
if ( !g_ExtensionRunning ) return true;
Log( LOG_INFO, "Shuting down config manager..." );
delete g_ConfigMan; g_ConfigMan = NULL;
Log( LOG_INFO, "Shuting down property manager..." );
delete g_PropertyMan; g_PropertyMan = NULL;
Log( LOG_INFO, "Closing logging, goodbye" );
g_ExtensionRunning = false;
return true;
// IIS calls this function for each request that is forwarded by the filter.
DWORD Result = HSE_STATUS_ERROR; ServerRequest *Request = NULL;
try { g_LastRequest = Request = new ServerRequest( pECB ); Request->DispatchRequest(); Result = Request->IsPending() ? HSE_STATUS_PENDING : HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS; } catch( ServerException Exception ) { IISLogger Logger( pECB ); Logger.LogError( Exception ); Result = HSE_STATUS_ERROR; } catch( ComError Exception ) { IISLogger Logger( pECB ); Logger.LogError( Exception ); Result = HSE_STATUS_ERROR; }
if ( Request ) Request->Release();
return Result;
HMODULE g_hinst;
BOOL WINAPI DllMain( IN HINSTANCE hinstDll, IN DWORD dwReason, IN LPVOID lpvContext ) /*++
Function : DllMain
The initialization function for this DLL.
hinstDll - Instance handle of the DLL dwReason - Reason why NT called this DLL lpvContext - Reserved parameter for future use
Return Value:
Returns TRUE if successfull; otherwise FALSE.
--*/ { // Note that appropriate initialization and termination code
// would be written within the switch statement below. Because
// this example is very simple, none is currently needed.
switch( dwReason ) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: g_hinst = hinstDll; break;
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: break; }
return(TRUE); }
#include "bitssrvcfgimp.h"