Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements the idle detection / task server.
Dave Fields (davidfie) 26-July-1998 Cenk Ergan (cenke) 14-June-2000
Revision History:
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "idletsks.h"
// Define WMI Guids, e.g. DiskPerfGuid.
#ifndef INITGUID
#define INITGUID 1
#include <wmiguid.h>
// Global variables.
// This is the idle detection global context. It is declared as a
// single element array so that ItSrvGlobalContext can be used as a
// pointer (allowing us to switch to allocating it from heap etc. in
// the future).
ITSRV_GLOBAL_CONTEXT ItSrvGlobalContext[1] = {0};
// Implementation of server side exposed functions.
DWORD ItSrvInitialize ( VOID )
Routine Description:
Initializes the global idle detection context. This function should be called after at least one ncalrpc binding has been registered.
Return Value:
Win32 error code.
// Initialize locals.
GlobalContext = ItSrvGlobalContext; StartedServer = FALSE; AcquiredLock = FALSE;
DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvInitialize(%p)\n",GlobalContext));
// Initialize the server context structure. Before we do anything
// that can fail we initialize fields to reasonable values so we
// know what to cleanup. The following fields really have to be
// initialized to zero:
// StatusVersion
// GlobalLock
// IdleDetectionTimerHandle
// StopIdleDetection
// IdleDetectionStopped
// RemovedRunningIdleTask
// DiskPerfWmiHandle
// WmiQueryBuffer
// WmiQueryBufferSize
// NumProcessors
// IsIdleDetectionCallbackRunning
// Parameters
// ProcessIdleTasksNotifyRoutine
// RpcBindingVector
// RegisteredRPCInterface
// RegisteredRPCEndpoint
RtlZeroMemory(GlobalContext, sizeof(ITSRV_GLOBAL_CONTEXT));
// Initialize the idle tasks list.
// Initialize the status now (so cleanup does not complain). From
// this point on, UpdateStatus should be called to set the status.
GlobalContext->Status = ItSrvStatusInitializing; for (StatusIdx = 0; StatusIdx < ITSRV_GLOBAL_STATUS_HISTORY_SIZE; StatusIdx++) { GlobalContext->LastStatus[StatusIdx] = ItSrvStatusInitializing; }
// Initialize the system snapshot buffer.
// Initialize the server global context lock. We need at least a
// lock to protect the idle task list. Since nearly all operations
// will involve the list, to make the code simple, we just have a
// single lock for the list and for other operations on the global
// context (e.g. uninitialization etc).
GlobalContext->GlobalLock = CreateMutex(NULL, FALSE, NULL);
if (GlobalContext->GlobalLock == NULL) { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; }
// Initialize the event that will be set when we should not be
// doing idle detection anymore (e.g. due to server shutdown, or
// no more idle tasks remaining). It is set by default, since
// there are no idle tasks to start with. It signals a running
// idle detection callback to quickly exit.
GlobalContext->StopIdleDetection = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, TRUE, NULL); if (GlobalContext->StopIdleDetection == NULL) { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; }
// Initialize the event that gets set when idle detection is fully
// stopped and it is OK to start a new callback. It is set by
// default.
GlobalContext->IdleDetectionStopped = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, TRUE, NULL); if (GlobalContext->IdleDetectionStopped == NULL) { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; }
// Initialize the event that gets set when a currently running
// idle task is removed/unregistered to signal the idle detection
// callback to move on to other idle tasks.
GlobalContext->RemovedRunningIdleTask = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (GlobalContext->RemovedRunningIdleTask == NULL) { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; }
// Set the default parameters.
Parameters = &GlobalContext->Parameters;
Parameters->IdleDetectionPeriod = IT_DEFAULT_IDLE_DETECTION_PERIOD; Parameters->IdleVerificationPeriod = IT_DEFAULT_IDLE_VERIFICATION_PERIOD; Parameters->NumVerifications = IT_DEFAULT_NUM_IDLE_VERIFICATIONS; Parameters->IdleInputCheckPeriod = IT_DEFAULT_IDLE_USER_INPUT_CHECK_PERIOD; Parameters->IdleTaskRunningCheckPeriod = IT_DEFAULT_IDLE_TASK_RUNNING_CHECK_PERIOD; Parameters->MinCpuIdlePercentage = IT_DEFAULT_MIN_CPU_IDLE_PERCENTAGE; Parameters->MinDiskIdlePercentage = IT_DEFAULT_MIN_DISK_IDLE_PERCENTAGE; Parameters->MaxNumRegisteredTasks = IT_DEFAULT_MAX_REGISTERED_TASKS; //
// Acquire the lock to avoid any race conditions after we mark the
// server started.
IT_ACQUIRE_LOCK(GlobalContext->GlobalLock); AcquiredLock = TRUE;
// We are done until an idle task that we can run gets
// registered. We will start idle detection (e.g. get initial
// snapshot, queue a timer etc) then.
ItSpUpdateStatus(GlobalContext, ItSrvStatusWaitingForIdleTasks);
// After this point, if we fail, we cannot just cleanup: we have
// to stop the server.
StartedServer = TRUE;
// We have to start up the RPC server only after we have
// initialized everything else, so when RPC calls come the server
// is ready.
// We don't want to register any well known end points because
// each LPC endpoint will cause another thread to be spawned to
// listen on it. We try to bind through only the existing
// bindings.
ErrorCode = RpcServerInqBindings(&GlobalContext->RpcBindingVector); if (ErrorCode != RPC_S_OK) {
// At least one binding should have been registered before we
// got called. It would be cool if we could check to see if
// there is an ncalrpc binding registered.
goto cleanup; }
ErrorCode = RpcEpRegister(idletask_ServerIfHandle, GlobalContext->RpcBindingVector, NULL, NULL); if (ErrorCode != RPC_S_OK) { goto cleanup; }
GlobalContext->RegisteredRPCEndpoint = TRUE;
// Register an auto-listen interface so we are not dependant on
// others calling RpcMgmtStart/Stop listening.
ErrorCode = RpcServerRegisterIfEx(idletask_ServerIfHandle, NULL, NULL, RPC_IF_AUTOLISTEN | RPC_IF_ALLOW_SECURE_ONLY, RPC_C_LISTEN_MAX_CALLS_DEFAULT, ItSpRpcSecurityCallback); if (ErrorCode != RPC_S_OK) { goto cleanup; }
// Register default security principal name for this process, e.g.
// NT Authority\LocalSystem.
ErrorCode = RpcServerRegisterAuthInfo(NULL, RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT, NULL, NULL);
if (ErrorCode != RPC_S_OK) { goto cleanup; }
GlobalContext->RegisteredRPCInterface = TRUE;
// We are done.
if (AcquiredLock) { IT_RELEASE_LOCK(GlobalContext->GlobalLock); }
if (ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (StartedServer) { ItSrvUninitialize(); } else { ItSpCleanupGlobalContext(GlobalContext); } }
DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvInitialize(%p)=%x\n",GlobalContext,ErrorCode));
return ErrorCode; }
VOID ItSrvUninitialize ( VOID )
Routine Description:
Winds down and uninitializes the server global context.
Do not call this from the idle detection timer callback function thread, because there will be a deadlock when we try to delete the timer.
This function should not be called before ItSrvInitialize completes. It should be called only once per ItSrvInitialize.
Return Value:
{ PITSRV_GLOBAL_CONTEXT GlobalContext; BOOLEAN AcquiredLock; DWORD ErrorCode;
// Initialize locals.
GlobalContext = ItSrvGlobalContext; AcquiredLock = FALSE;
DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvUninitialize(%p)\n",GlobalContext));
// NOTICE-2002/03/26-ScottMa -- It is assumed that initialization was
// successful prior to calling Uninitialize, or the acquire below
// might not be safe.
// Acquire the global lock and update status.
IT_ACQUIRE_LOCK(GlobalContext->GlobalLock); AcquiredLock = TRUE;
// Make sure we get uninitialized only once.
IT_ASSERT(GlobalContext->Status != ItSrvStatusUninitializing); IT_ASSERT(GlobalContext->Status != ItSrvStatusUninitialized); ItSpUpdateStatus(GlobalContext, ItSrvStatusUninitializing);
// If idle detection is alive, we need to stop it before we tell
// RPCs to go away. We need to do this even if there are
// registered idle tasks. Since we have set the state to
// ItSrvStatusUninitializing, new "register idle task"s
// won't get stuck.
if (GlobalContext->IdleDetectionTimerHandle) { ItSpStopIdleDetection(GlobalContext); } //
// Release the lock so rpc call-ins can grab the lock to
// uninitialize/exit as necessary.
IT_RELEASE_LOCK(GlobalContext->GlobalLock); AcquiredLock = FALSE;
// Make sure incoming client register/unregister calls are stopped.
if (GlobalContext->RegisteredRPCInterface) {
// If we registered an interface, we should have registered
// our endpoint in the local database too.
// Calling UnregisterIfEx makes sure all the context handles
// are run down so we don't get rundown calls after we have
// uninitialized.
RpcServerUnregisterIfEx(idletask_ServerIfHandle, NULL, TRUE); }
if (GlobalContext->RegisteredRPCEndpoint) {
// We could have registered an endpoint only if we
// successfully queried bindings.
RpcEpUnregister(idletask_ServerIfHandle, GlobalContext->RpcBindingVector, NULL); }
// Wait until idle detection is fully stopped (e.g. the callback
// exits, the timer is dequeued etc.)
WaitForSingleObject(GlobalContext->IdleDetectionStopped, INFINITE);
// At this point no workers should be active and no new requests
// should be coming. Now we will be breaking down the global state
// structure (e.g. freeing memory, closing events etc.) they
// would be using.
DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvUninitialize(%p)=0\n",GlobalContext));
return; }
DWORD ItSrvRegisterIdleTask ( ITRPC_HANDLE Reserved, IT_HANDLE *ItHandle, PIT_IDLE_TASK_PROPERTIES IdleTaskProperties )
Routine Description:
Adds a new idle task to be run when the system is idle.
Reserved - Ignored.
ItHandle - Context handle returned to the client.
IdleTaskProperties - Pointer to properties for the idle task.
Return Value:
{ PITSRV_IDLE_TASK_CONTEXT IdleTask; PITSRV_GLOBAL_CONTEXT GlobalContext; HANDLE ClientProcess; ULONG FailedCheckId; DWORD ErrorCode; DWORD WaitResult; LONG StatusVersion; ULONG NumLoops; BOOL Result; BOOLEAN AcquiredLock; BOOLEAN ImpersonatingClient;
// Initialize locals.
IdleTask = NULL; AcquiredLock = FALSE; ImpersonatingClient = FALSE; ClientProcess = NULL; GlobalContext = ItSrvGlobalContext;
// Initialize parameters.
*ItHandle = NULL;
DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvRegisterTask(%p)\n",IdleTaskProperties));
// Allocate a new idle task context.
if (!IdleTask) { ErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto cleanup; }
// Initialize the fields to safe values so we know what to
// cleanup.
IdleTask->Status = ItIdleTaskInitializing; IdleTask->StartEvent = NULL; IdleTask->StopEvent = NULL;
// Copy and verify input buffer.
IdleTask->Properties = *IdleTaskProperties;
FailedCheckId = ItpVerifyIdleTaskProperties(&IdleTask->Properties); if (FailedCheckId != 0) { ErrorCode = ERROR_BAD_FORMAT; goto cleanup; }
// Impersonate the client to open the start/stop events. They
// should have been created by the client.
ErrorCode = RpcImpersonateClient(NULL);
if (ErrorCode != RPC_S_OK) { goto cleanup; }
ImpersonatingClient = TRUE;
// Open the client process. Since we impersonated the client, it
// is safe to use the client id it specifies.
// ISSUE-2002/03/26-ScottMa -- If possible, change PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS to
// PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE to follow principle of least priveledge.
ClientProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, IdleTaskProperties->ProcessId); if (!ClientProcess) { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; }
// Get handle to the start event.
// ISSUE-2002/03/26-ScottMa -- If possible, change EVENT_ALL_ACCESS to
// EVENT_MODIFY_STATE to follow principle of least priveledge.
Result = DuplicateHandle(ClientProcess, (HANDLE) IdleTaskProperties->StartEventHandle, GetCurrentProcess(), &IdleTask->StartEvent, EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, 0);
if (!Result) { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; }
// Get handle to the stop event.
// ISSUE-2002/03/26-ScottMa -- If possible, change EVENT_ALL_ACCESS to
// EVENT_MODIFY_STATE to follow principle of least priveledge.
Result = DuplicateHandle(ClientProcess, (HANDLE) IdleTaskProperties->StopEventHandle, GetCurrentProcess(), &IdleTask->StopEvent, EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, 0);
if (!Result) { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; }
// No need to impersonate any longer.
RpcRevertToSelf(); ImpersonatingClient = FALSE;
// Make sure the handle is for an event and it is in the right
// state.
if (!ResetEvent(IdleTask->StartEvent)) { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; }
if (!SetEvent(IdleTask->StopEvent)) { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; }
// Acquire the server lock to check the status and insert new task
// into the list.
NumLoops = 0;
IT_ACQUIRE_LOCK(GlobalContext->GlobalLock); AcquiredLock = TRUE; do { //
// We should be holding the GlobalLock when we come here the
// first time or after looping. Inside the loop we may let go
// of the lock, but we have to reacquire it before we loop.
// If there are already too many idle tasks registered, bail
// out.
if (GlobalContext->NumIdleTasks >= GlobalContext->Parameters.MaxNumRegisteredTasks) { ErrorCode = ERROR_TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES; goto cleanup; }
switch (GlobalContext->Status) {
case ItSrvStatusInitializing: //
// We should not have gotten called if the server is still
// initializing!
IT_ASSERT(FALSE); ErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_READY; goto cleanup;
case ItSrvStatusUninitializing: //
// If the server is uninitializing, we should not add a
// new idle task.
ErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_READY; goto cleanup;
case ItSrvStatusUninitialized:
// The server should not have uninitialized while we could be
// running.
IT_ASSERT(FALSE); ErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_READY; goto cleanup;
case ItSrvStatusStoppingIdleDetection:
// The idle task list should be empty if we are stopping
// idle detection. There should not be a
// IdleDetectionTimerHandle either.
IT_ASSERT(IsListEmpty(&GlobalContext->IdleTasksList)); IT_ASSERT(GlobalContext->IdleDetectionTimerHandle == NULL);
// We must wait until idle detection is fully stopped. We
// need to release our lock to do so. But note the status
// version first.
StatusVersion = GlobalContext->StatusVersion;
IT_RELEASE_LOCK(GlobalContext->GlobalLock); AcquiredLock = FALSE; WaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(GlobalContext->IdleDetectionStopped, INFINITE); if (WaitResult != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { DBGPR((ITID,ITERR,"IDLE: SrvRegisterTask-FailedWaitStop\n")); ErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; goto cleanup; }
// Reacquire the lock.
IT_ACQUIRE_LOCK(GlobalContext->GlobalLock); AcquiredLock = TRUE;
// If nobody woke before us and updated the status, update
// it now.
if (StatusVersion == GlobalContext->StatusVersion) { IT_ASSERT(GlobalContext->Status == ItSrvStatusStoppingIdleDetection); ItSpUpdateStatus(GlobalContext, ItSrvStatusWaitingForIdleTasks); }
// Loop to do what is necessary next.
case ItSrvStatusWaitingForIdleTasks:
// The idle task list should be empty if we are waiting
// for idle tasks.
IT_ASSERT(IsListEmpty(&GlobalContext->IdleTasksList)); //
// If we are waiting for idle tasks, start idle detection
// so we can add our task.
ErrorCode = ItSpStartIdleDetection(GlobalContext); if (ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; } //
// Update the status.
ItSpUpdateStatus(GlobalContext, ItSrvStatusDetectingIdle); //
// Loop and insert our idle task into the list. Note that
// we are not releasing the lock, so we will not be in a
// state where the status is ItSrvStatusDetectingIdle but
// there are no idle tasks in the list.
break; case ItSrvStatusDetectingIdle: case ItSrvStatusRunningIdleTasks: //
// If we are detecting idle, we just need to insert our
// task into the list and break out.
// This operation currently does not fail. If in the
// future it may, make sure to handle the case we started
// idle detection for this task. It is not an acceptable
// state to have idle detection but no tasks in the list.
// Insert the task into the list. We do not check for
// duplicates and such as RPC helps us maintain context
// per registration.
InsertTailList(&GlobalContext->IdleTasksList, &IdleTask->IdleTaskLink); IdleTask->Status = ItIdleTaskQueued;
// We should be handling all valid cases above.
// We should be still holding the global lock.
// Break out if we could queue our task.
if (IdleTask->Status == ItIdleTaskQueued) { break; }
// We should not loop too many times.
// FUTURE-2002/03/26-ScottMa -- This value for the maximum loop
// count seems rather large... Does this function even need to
// be written as a loop (it seems very sequential)?
if (NumLoops > 128) { DBGPR((ITID,ITERR,"IDLE: SrvRegisterTask-LoopTooMuch\n")); ErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; goto cleanup; }
} while (TRUE);
// We should be still holding the lock.
// If we came here, we successfully inserted the task into the
// list.
IT_ASSERT(!IsListEmpty(&GlobalContext->IdleTasksList)); IT_ASSERT(IdleTask->Status == ItIdleTaskQueued);
// Release the lock.
IT_RELEASE_LOCK(GlobalContext->GlobalLock); AcquiredLock = FALSE;
// We are done.
if (ClientProcess) { CloseHandle(ClientProcess); }
if (ImpersonatingClient) { RpcRevertToSelf(); } if (ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if (IdleTask) { ItSpCleanupIdleTask(IdleTask); IT_FREE(IdleTask); }
} else { *ItHandle = (IT_HANDLE)IdleTask; }
if (AcquiredLock) { IT_RELEASE_LOCK(GlobalContext->GlobalLock); }
DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvRegisterTask(%p)=%x\n",IdleTaskProperties,ErrorCode));
return ErrorCode; } VOID ItSrvUnregisterIdleTask ( ITRPC_HANDLE Reserved, IT_HANDLE *ItHandle )
Routine Description:
This function is a stub for ItSpUnregisterIdleTask that does the real work. Please see that function for comments.
See ItSpUnregisterIdleTask.
Return Value:
See ItSpUnregisterIdleTask.
{ ItSpUnregisterIdleTask(Reserved, ItHandle, FALSE); }
DWORD ItSrvSetDetectionParameters ( ITRPC_HANDLE Reserved, PIT_IDLE_DETECTION_PARAMETERS Parameters )
Routine Description:
This debug routine is used by test programs to set the idle detection parameters. It will return ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION on retail build.
Reserved - Ignored.
Parameters - New idle detection parameters.
Return Value:
Win32 error code.
// Initialize locals.
GlobalContext = ItSrvGlobalContext;
DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvSetParameters(%p)\n",Parameters));
#ifndef IT_DBG
// This is a debug only API.
#else // !IT_DBG
// Acquire the lock and copy the new parameters.
IT_ACQUIRE_LOCK(GlobalContext->GlobalLock); // NOTICE-2002/03/26-ScottMa -- The supplied parameters are unchecked.
GlobalContext->Parameters = *Parameters;
#endif // !IT_DBG
DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvSetParameters(%p)=%d\n",Parameters,ErrorCode));
return ErrorCode; }
DWORD ItSrvProcessIdleTasks ( ITRPC_HANDLE Reserved )
Routine Description:
This routine forces all queued tasks (if there are any) to be processed right away.
Reserved - Ignored.
Return Value:
Win32 error code.
{ // ISSUE-2002/03/26-ScottMa -- Is this function safe to be re-entrant?
// Initialize locals.
AcquiredLock = FALSE; GlobalContext = ItSrvGlobalContext;
DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvProcessAll()\n"));
// If a notification routine was specified, call it.
if (GlobalContext->ProcessIdleTasksNotifyRoutine) { GlobalContext->ProcessIdleTasksNotifyRoutine(); }
// Acquire the server lock.
IT_ACQUIRE_LOCK(GlobalContext->GlobalLock); AcquiredLock = TRUE;
// The server should not have shutdown while we could be called.
IT_ASSERT(GlobalContext->Status != ItSrvStatusUninitialized);
// If the server is shutting down, we should not do anything.
if (GlobalContext->Status == ItSrvStatusUninitializing) { ErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_READY; goto cleanup; }
// If there are no tasks queued, we are done.
if (IsListEmpty(&GlobalContext->IdleTasksList)) { ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto cleanup; }
// There should be a timer queued if the list is not empty.
// Set idle detection overrides:
Overrides = 0; Overrides |= ItSrvOverrideIdleDetection; Overrides |= ItSrvOverrideIdleVerification; Overrides |= ItSrvOverrideUserInputCheckToStopTask; Overrides |= ItSrvOverridePostTaskIdleCheck; Overrides |= ItSrvOverrideLongRequeueTime; Overrides |= ItSrvOverrideBatteryCheckToStopTask; Overrides |= ItSrvOverrideAutoPowerCheckToStopTask;
GlobalContext->IdleDetectionOverride = Overrides;
// If an idle detection callback is not running, try to start the next one
// sooner (e.g. after 50ms).
if (!GlobalContext->IsIdleDetectionCallbackRunning) {
if (!ChangeTimerQueueTimer(NULL, GlobalContext->IdleDetectionTimerHandle, 50, IT_VERYLONG_TIMER_PERIOD)) {
ErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; } }
// Release the lock.
IT_RELEASE_LOCK(GlobalContext->GlobalLock); AcquiredLock = FALSE;
// Wait for all tasks to be processed: i.e. when StopIdleDetection event is set.
WaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(GlobalContext->StopIdleDetection, INFINITE);
if (WaitResult != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; }
GlobalContext->IdleDetectionOverride = 0;
if (AcquiredLock) { IT_RELEASE_LOCK(GlobalContext->GlobalLock); }
DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvProcessAll()=%x\n",ErrorCode));
return ErrorCode; }
Routine Description:
This routine gets called by RPC when a client dies without unregistering.
ItHandle - Context handle for the client.
Return Value:
{ DWORD ErrorCode;
// Unregister the registered task.
ItSpUnregisterIdleTask(NULL, &ItHandle, TRUE);
DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvHandleRundown(%p)\n",ItHandle));
return; }
// Implementation of server side support functions.
RPC_STATUS RPC_ENTRY ItSpRpcSecurityCallback ( IN RPC_IF_HANDLE *Interface, IN PVOID Context )
Routine Description:
Return Value:
Win32 error code.
{ SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY NtAuthority = SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY; PSID AdministratorsSid; HANDLE ThreadToken; WCHAR *BindingString; WCHAR *ProtocolSequence; DWORD ErrorCode; BOOL ClientIsAdmin; BOOLEAN ImpersonatingClient; BOOLEAN OpenedThreadToken;
// Initialize locals.
BindingString = NULL; ProtocolSequence = NULL; ImpersonatingClient = FALSE; OpenedThreadToken = FALSE; AdministratorsSid = NULL; //
// Make sure that the caller is calling over LRPC. We do this by
// determining the protocol sequence used from the string binding.
ErrorCode = RpcBindingToStringBinding(Context, &BindingString);
if (ErrorCode != RPC_S_OK) { ErrorCode = RPC_S_ACCESS_DENIED; goto cleanup; }
ErrorCode = RpcStringBindingParse(BindingString, NULL, &ProtocolSequence, NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (ErrorCode != RPC_S_OK) { ErrorCode = RPC_S_ACCESS_DENIED; goto cleanup; }
if (_wcsicmp(ProtocolSequence, L"ncalrpc") != 0) { ErrorCode = RPC_S_ACCESS_DENIED; goto cleanup; }
// Make sure the caller has admin priviliges:
// Build the Administrators group SID so we can check if the
// caller is has administrator priviliges.
if (!AllocateAndInitializeSid(&NtAuthority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &AdministratorsSid)) {
ErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; }
// Impersonate the client to check for membership/privilige.
ErrorCode = RpcImpersonateClient(NULL);
if (ErrorCode != RPC_S_OK) { goto cleanup; }
ImpersonatingClient = TRUE;
// Get the thread token and check to see if the client has admin
// priviliges.
if (!OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_READ, FALSE, &ThreadToken)) {
ErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; }
OpenedThreadToken = TRUE;
if (!CheckTokenMembership(ThreadToken, AdministratorsSid, &ClientIsAdmin)) { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; } if (!ClientIsAdmin) { ErrorCode = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; goto cleanup; }
// Everything looks good: allow this call to proceed.
ErrorCode = RPC_S_OK;
if (BindingString) { RpcStringFree(&BindingString); }
if (ProtocolSequence) { RpcStringFree(&ProtocolSequence); }
if (OpenedThreadToken) { CloseHandle(ThreadToken); }
if (AdministratorsSid) { FreeSid (AdministratorsSid); }
if (ImpersonatingClient) { RpcRevertToSelf(); }
return ErrorCode; }; VOID ItSpUnregisterIdleTask ( ITRPC_HANDLE Reserved, IT_HANDLE *ItHandle, BOOLEAN CalledInternally )
Routine Description:
Removes the specified idle task from the idle tasks list.
As well as from a client RPC, this function can also be called from the idle detection callback to unregister an unresponsive idle task etc.
Reserved - Ignored.
ItHandle - Registration RPC Context handle. NULL on return.
CalledInternally - Whether this function was called internally and not from an RPC client.
Return Value:
{ PITSRV_IDLE_TASK_CONTEXT IdleTask; PITSRV_GLOBAL_CONTEXT GlobalContext; HANDLE ClientProcess; DWORD ErrorCode; BOOLEAN AcquiredLock; BOOLEAN ImpersonatingClient;
// Initialize locals.
GlobalContext = ItSrvGlobalContext; AcquiredLock = FALSE; ImpersonatingClient = FALSE; ClientProcess = NULL;
DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvUnregisterTask(%p)\n",(ItHandle)?*ItHandle:0));
// Grab the lock to walk through the list.
IT_ACQUIRE_LOCK(GlobalContext->GlobalLock); AcquiredLock = TRUE;
// The server should not have shutdown while we could be called.
IT_ASSERT(GlobalContext->Status != ItSrvStatusUninitialized);
// If the server is shutting down, we should not do anything.
if (GlobalContext->Status == ItSrvStatusUninitializing) { ErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_READY; goto cleanup; } //
// Find the task.
IdleTask = ItSpFindIdleTask(GlobalContext, *ItHandle); if (!IdleTask) { ErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_FOUND; goto cleanup; }
if (!CalledInternally) {
// To check security, impersonate the client and try to open the
// client process for this idle task.
ErrorCode = RpcImpersonateClient(NULL);
if (ErrorCode != RPC_S_OK) { goto cleanup; }
ImpersonatingClient = TRUE;
ClientProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, IdleTask->Properties.ProcessId); if (!ClientProcess) { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; } //
// If we could open the client process for this task, it is safe
// to go on with unregistration. Now revert back to ourselves.
CloseHandle(ClientProcess); ClientProcess = NULL; RpcRevertToSelf(); ImpersonatingClient = FALSE; }
// Remove it from the list, cleanup its fields and free
// the memory allocated for it.
GlobalContext->NumIdleTasks--; RemoveEntryList(&IdleTask->IdleTaskLink);
// As a safety feature, to prevent from holding back
// someone from running, set the run event and clear the
// stop event from the task to be removed.
ResetEvent(IdleTask->StopEvent); SetEvent(IdleTask->StartEvent);
// If this is a running task, set the event that signals
// we are removing the running idle task. This way some
// other idle task may be started if the system is still
// idle.
if (IdleTask->Status == ItIdleTaskRunning) { SetEvent(GlobalContext->RemovedRunningIdleTask); }
ItSpCleanupIdleTask(IdleTask); IT_FREE(IdleTask); //
// Check if the list is empty.
if (IsListEmpty(&GlobalContext->IdleTasksList)) {
// If we removed the task and the list became empty, we have
// to update the status.
// The current status should not be "waiting for idle
// tasks" or "stopping idle detection", since the list was
// NOT empty.
IT_ASSERT(GlobalContext->Status != ItSrvStatusWaitingForIdleTasks); IT_ASSERT(GlobalContext->Status != ItSrvStatusStoppingIdleDetection); //
// Update the status.
ItSpUpdateStatus(GlobalContext, ItSrvStatusStoppingIdleDetection); //
// Stop idle detection (e.g. close the timer handle, set event
// etc.)
} else {
// The status should not be waiting for idle tasks or stopping
// idle detection if the list is not empty.
IT_ASSERT(GlobalContext->Status != ItSrvStatusWaitingForIdleTasks && GlobalContext->Status != ItSrvStatusStoppingIdleDetection); }
if (ClientProcess) { CloseHandle(ClientProcess); }
if (ImpersonatingClient) { RpcRevertToSelf(); }
if (AcquiredLock) { IT_RELEASE_LOCK(GlobalContext->GlobalLock); }
// NULL the context handle, so RPC stubs know to end the
// connection.
*ItHandle = NULL;
DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvUnregisterTask(%p)=%x\n",(ItHandle)?*ItHandle:0,ErrorCode));
return; }
Routine Description:
This routine updates the current status and status history on the global context. Global contexts GlobalLock should be held while calling this function.
GlobalContext - Pointer to server context structure.
NewStatus - New status.
Return Value:
{ LONG StatusIdx;
DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvUpdateStatus(%p,%x)\n",GlobalContext,NewStatus));
// Verify new status.
IT_ASSERT(NewStatus > ItSrvStatusMinStatus); IT_ASSERT(NewStatus < ItSrvStatusMaxStatus);
// Update history.
IT_ASSERT(GlobalContext->LastStatus[StatusIdx - 1] > ItSrvStatusMinStatus); IT_ASSERT(GlobalContext->LastStatus[StatusIdx - 1] < ItSrvStatusMaxStatus); GlobalContext->LastStatus[StatusIdx] = GlobalContext->LastStatus[StatusIdx - 1]; } //
// Verify current status and save it.
IT_ASSERT(GlobalContext->Status > ItSrvStatusMinStatus); IT_ASSERT(GlobalContext->Status < ItSrvStatusMaxStatus); GlobalContext->LastStatus[0] = GlobalContext->Status;
// Update current status.
GlobalContext->Status = NewStatus;
// Update status version.
DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvUpdateStatus(%p,%x)=%d\n", GlobalContext, NewStatus,GlobalContext->StatusVersion));
return; }
VOID ItSpCleanupGlobalContext ( PITSRV_GLOBAL_CONTEXT GlobalContext )
Routine Description:
This function cleans up the various fields of the ITSRV_GLOBAL_CONTEXT structure passed in. It does not free the structure itself.
You should not be holding the global lock when calling this function, as it will be freed too. No workers etc. should be active. The idle detection timer should have already been removed. The structure should not be used after cleanup until it is initialized again.
The current status of the global context should either be initializing or uninitializing. It will be set to uninitialized.
GlobalContext - Pointer to server context structure.
Return Value:
DBGPR((ITID,ITSRVD,"IDLE: SrvCleanupContext(%p)\n",GlobalContext));
// Make sure there is no active idle detection timer.
if (GlobalContext->IdleDetectionTimerHandle) { IT_ASSERT(FALSE); return; }
// Verify the status of the global context.
if (GlobalContext->Status != ItSrvStatusInitializing && GlobalContext->Status != ItSrvStatusUninitializing) { IT_ASSERT(FALSE); return; }
// Close the handle to global lock.
if (GlobalContext->GlobalLock) { CloseHandle(GlobalContext->GlobalLock); }
// Close the handle to the various events.
if (GlobalContext->StopIdleDetection) { CloseHandle(GlobalContext->StopIdleDetection); }
if (GlobalContext->IdleDetectionStopped) { CloseHandle(GlobalContext->IdleDetectionStopped); }
if (GlobalContext->RemovedRunningIdleTask) { CloseHandle(GlobalContext->RemovedRunningIdleTask); }
// Close WMI DiskPerf handle.
if (GlobalContext->DiskPerfWmiHandle) { WmiCloseBlock(GlobalContext->DiskPerfWmiHandle); } //
// Free WMI query buffer.
if (GlobalContext->WmiQueryBuffer) { IT_FREE(GlobalContext->WmiQueryBuffer); }
// Cleanup the snapshot buffer.
// Walk through the list of registered idle tasks.
while (!IsListEmpty(&GlobalContext->IdleTasksList)) {
GlobalContext->NumIdleTasks--; ListHead = RemoveHeadList(&GlobalContext->IdleTasksList); IdleTask = CONTAINING_RECORD(ListHead, ITSRV_IDLE_TASK_CONTEXT, IdleTaskLink);
// Cleanup and free the idle task structure.
IT_FREE(IdleTask); }
// Free the RPC binding vector.
if (GlobalContext->RpcBindingVector) { RpcBindingVectorFree(&GlobalContext->RpcBindingVector); }
// Update status.
ItSpUpdateStatus(GlobalContext, ItSrvStatusUninitialized);
DBGPR((ITID,ITSRVD,"IDLE: SrvCleanupContext(%p)=0\n",GlobalContext));
return; }
Routine Description:
This function cleans up the various fields of the ITSRV_IDLE_TASK_CONTEXT structure. It does not free the structure itself.
IdleTask - Pointer to idle task server context.
Return Value:
DBGPR((ITID,ITSRVD,"IDLE: SrvCleanupTask(%p)\n",IdleTask));
// Close handles to start/stop events.
if (IdleTask->StartEvent) { CloseHandle(IdleTask->StartEvent); IdleTask->StartEvent = NULL; }
if (IdleTask->StopEvent) { CloseHandle(IdleTask->StopEvent); IdleTask->StopEvent = NULL; } }
ULONG ItpVerifyIdleTaskProperties ( PIT_IDLE_TASK_PROPERTIES IdleTaskProperties )
Routine Description:
Verifies the specified structure.
IdleTaskProperties - Pointer to properties for the idle task.
Return Value:
0 - Verification passed.
FailedCheckId - Id of the check that failed.
{ ULONG FailedCheckId;
// Initialize locals.
FailedCheckId = 1;
// Verify the structure size/version.
if (IdleTaskProperties->Size != sizeof(*IdleTaskProperties)) { FailedCheckId = 10; goto cleanup; }
// Verify that the idle task ID is valid.
if (IdleTaskProperties->IdleTaskId < 0 || IdleTaskProperties->IdleTaskId >= ItMaxIdleTaskId) { FailedCheckId = 20; goto cleanup; }
// FUTURE-2002/03/26-ScottMa -- Should the handles and ProcessId fields
// also be validated?
// We passed all the checks.
FailedCheckId = 0;
DBGPR((ITID,ITSRVD,"IDLE: SrvVerifyTaskProp(%p)=%d\n", IdleTaskProperties, FailedCheckId)); return FailedCheckId; }
DWORD ItSpStartIdleDetection ( PITSRV_GLOBAL_CONTEXT GlobalContext )
Routine Description:
This function is called to start idle detection.
GlobalContext's GlobalLock should be held while calling this function.
The current state should be ItSrvStatusWaitingForIdleTasks when calling this function. The caller should ensure that stopping previous idle detection has been completed.
The caller should update the state to "detecting idle" etc, if this function returns success.
GlobalContext - Pointer to server context structure.
Return Value:
Win32 error code.
DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvStartIdleDetection(%p)\n",GlobalContext));
// Make sure the current status is ItSrvStatusWaitingForIdleTasks.
IT_ASSERT(GlobalContext->Status == ItSrvStatusWaitingForIdleTasks);
// If we do not already have a diskperf wmi handle, try to get
// one.
if (!GlobalContext->DiskPerfWmiHandle) {
// Get WMI context so we can query disk performance.
ErrorCode = WmiOpenBlock((GUID *)&DiskPerfGuid, GENERIC_READ, &GlobalContext->DiskPerfWmiHandle); if (ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// Disk counters may not be initiated. We'll have to do
// without them.
GlobalContext->DiskPerfWmiHandle = NULL; } } //
// Determine the number of processors on the system.
if (!GlobalContext->NumProcessors) { Status = NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemBasicInformation, &BasicInfo, sizeof(BasicInfo), NULL);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ErrorCode = RtlNtStatusToDosError(Status); goto cleanup; } GlobalContext->NumProcessors = BasicInfo.NumberOfProcessors; }
// Get initial snapshot only when this is the very first time we
// are starting idle detection. Otherwise we'll keep the last
// snapshot we got.
if (GlobalContext->LastStatus[0] == ItSrvStatusInitializing) {
ErrorCode = ItSpGetSystemSnapshot(GlobalContext, &GlobalContext->LastSystemSnapshot); if (ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; } }
// Make sure the StopIdleDetection event is cleared.
// There should not be a timer-queue timer. We'll create one.
IT_ASSERT(!GlobalContext->IdleDetectionTimerHandle); //
// Set the default timer period.
TimerPeriod = GlobalContext->Parameters.IdleDetectionPeriod;
// Adjust timer period to something small if we were idling when
// idle detection was stopped.
if (GlobalContext->LastStatus[0] == ItSrvStatusStoppingIdleDetection && GlobalContext->LastStatus[1] == ItSrvStatusRunningIdleTasks) { //
// Set small wake up time in ms. We'll still check if we were idle
// since the last snapshot and verify it over small periods.
if (TimerPeriod > (60 * 1000)) { TimerPeriod = 60 * 1000; // 1 minute.
} }
DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvStartIdleDetection(%p)-TimerPeriod=%d\n",GlobalContext,TimerPeriod));
if (!CreateTimerQueueTimer(&GlobalContext->IdleDetectionTimerHandle, NULL, ItSpIdleDetectionCallbackRoutine, GlobalContext, TimerPeriod, IT_VERYLONG_TIMER_PERIOD, WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION)) { GlobalContext->IdleDetectionTimerHandle = NULL; ErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; }
// We are done.
DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvStartIdleDetection(%p)=%x\n",GlobalContext,ErrorCode));
return ErrorCode; }
VOID ItSpStopIdleDetection ( PITSRV_GLOBAL_CONTEXT GlobalContext )
Routine Description:
This function is called to stop idle detection. Even though it returns immediately, idle detection may not have stopped completely (i.e. the callback may be running). The IdleDetectionStopped event on the GlobalContext will be set when the idle detection will be fully stopped.
GlobalContext's GlobalLock should be held while calling this function.
The status before calling this function should be set to ItSrvStatusStoppingIdleDetection or ItSrvStatusUninitializing.
GlobalContext - Pointer to server context structure.
Return Value:
{ DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvStopIdleDetection(%p)\n",GlobalContext));
// Make sure the status is set right.
IT_ASSERT(GlobalContext->Status == ItSrvStatusStoppingIdleDetection || GlobalContext->Status == ItSrvStatusUninitializing);
// Clear the event that will be set when idle detection has been
// fully stoped.
// Signal the event that signals the idle detection callback to go
// away asap.
if (GlobalContext->StopIdleDetection) { SetEvent(GlobalContext->StopIdleDetection); }
// Close the handle to the timer-queue timer.
DeleteTimerQueueTimer(NULL, GlobalContext->IdleDetectionTimerHandle, GlobalContext->IdleDetectionStopped); GlobalContext->IdleDetectionTimerHandle = NULL;
DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvStopIdleDetection(%p)=0\n",GlobalContext));
return; }
Routine Description:
If there is an idle task marked "running" this routine finds and returns it. GlobalContext's GlobalLock should be held while calling this function.
GlobalContext - Pointer to server context structure.
Return Value:
Pointer to running idle task or NULL if no idle tasks are marked running.
// Initialize locals.
RunningIdleTask = NULL;
HeadEntry = &GlobalContext->IdleTasksList; NextEntry = HeadEntry->Flink; while (NextEntry != HeadEntry) { IdleTask = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, ITSRV_IDLE_TASK_CONTEXT, IdleTaskLink); NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink;
if (IdleTask->Status == ItIdleTaskRunning) {
// There should be a single running task.
IT_ASSERT(RunningIdleTask == NULL);
// We found it. Loop through the remaining entries to make
// sure there is really only one if not debugging.
RunningIdleTask = IdleTask;
#ifndef IT_DBG
#endif // !IT_DBG
} }
// Fall through with RunningIdleTask found when walking the list
// or NULL as initialized at the top.
DBGPR((ITID,ITSRVD,"IDLE: SrvFindRunningTask(%p)=%p\n",GlobalContext,RunningIdleTask));
return RunningIdleTask; }
Routine Description:
If there is an idle task registered with ItHandle, this routine finds and returns it. GlobalContext's GlobalLock should be held while calling this function.
GlobalContext - Pointer to server context structure.
ItHandle - Registration handle.
Return Value:
Pointer to found idle task or NULL if no matching idle tasks were found.
// Initialize locals.
FoundIdleTask = NULL;
HeadEntry = &GlobalContext->IdleTasksList; NextEntry = HeadEntry->Flink; while (NextEntry != HeadEntry) { IdleTask = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, ITSRV_IDLE_TASK_CONTEXT, IdleTaskLink); NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink;
if ((IT_HANDLE) IdleTask == ItHandle) { FoundIdleTask = IdleTask; break; } }
// Fall through with FoundIdleTask found when walking the list or
// NULL as initialized at the top.
DBGPR((ITID,ITSRVD,"IDLE: SrvFindTask(%p,%p)=%p\n",GlobalContext,ItHandle,FoundIdleTask));
return FoundIdleTask; }
VOID CALLBACK ItSpIdleDetectionCallbackRoutine ( PVOID Parameter, BOOLEAN TimerOrWaitFired )
Routine Description:
While there are idle tasks to run, this function is called every IdleDetectionPeriod to determine if the system is idle. It uses the last system snapshot saved in the global context. If it determines that the system was idle in the time it was called, it samples system activity for smaller intervals, to make sure system activity that started as the (possible very long) idle detection period expired, is not ignored.
As long as we are not told to go away (checked by the macro ITSP_SHOULD_STOP_IDLE_DETECTION) this function always tries to queue a timer to get called back in IdleDetectionPeriod. This macro should be called each time the lock is acquired in this function. Also, we should not sleep blindly when we need to let time pass, but wait on an event that will get signaled when we are asked to stop.
Parameter - Pointer to an idle detection context. TimerOrWaitFired - Reason why we were called. This should be TRUE (i.e. our timer expired)
Return Value:
{ DWORD ErrorCode; PITSRV_GLOBAL_CONTEXT GlobalContext; // FUTURE-2002/03/26-ScottMa -- Adding the CurrentSystemSnapshot to the
// global context would remove the need to repeatedly initialize and
// cleanup the stack variable in the ItSpIdleDetectionCallbackRoutine.
// Since the calls to that function are already protected against
// re-entrancy issues, adding it to the global context is safe.
ITSRV_SYSTEM_SNAPSHOT CurrentSystemSnapshot; SYSTEM_POWER_STATUS SystemPowerStatus; LASTINPUTINFO LastUserInput; LASTINPUTINFO CurrentLastUserInput; BOOLEAN SystemIsIdle; BOOLEAN AcquiredLock; BOOLEAN MarkedIdleTaskRunning; BOOLEAN OrderedToStop; ULONG VerificationIdx; DWORD WaitResult; PITSRV_IDLE_TASK_CONTEXT IdleTask; ULONG NumTasksRun; ULONG DuePeriod; BOOLEAN NotIdleBecauseOfUserInput; BOOLEAN MisfiredCallback; NTSTATUS Status; SYSTEM_POWER_INFORMATION PowerInfo; //
// Initialize locals.
GlobalContext = Parameter; AcquiredLock = FALSE; MarkedIdleTaskRunning = FALSE; ItSpInitializeSystemSnapshot(&CurrentSystemSnapshot); LastUserInput.cbSize = sizeof(LASTINPUTINFO); CurrentLastUserInput.cbSize = sizeof(LASTINPUTINFO); NumTasksRun = 0; SystemIsIdle = FALSE; MisfiredCallback = FALSE; NotIdleBecauseOfUserInput = FALSE;
DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvIdleDetectionCallback(%p)\n",GlobalContext));
// We should not be called without an idle detection context.
// We should be called only because IdleDetectionPeriod passed and
// our timer expired.
// Get the server lock.
IT_ACQUIRE_LOCK(GlobalContext->GlobalLock); AcquiredLock = TRUE;
// If there is an idle detection callback already running simply
// exit without doing anything.
// FUTURE-2002/03/26-ScottMa -- Consider changing this method of setting
// a flag and then going to cleanup, only to skip several pages of code
// within a single conditional, with a cleaner solution. One such
// method would be to make this case "goto misfiredcallback", setting
// that label in the correct location.
if (GlobalContext->IsIdleDetectionCallbackRunning) { DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvIdleDetectionCallback-Misfired!\n")); MisfiredCallback = TRUE; ErrorCode = ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS; goto cleanup; }
GlobalContext->IsIdleDetectionCallbackRunning = TRUE;
// Make sure the current state is feasible if we are running.
// FUTURE-2002/03/26-ScottMa -- This assert is overactive:
// Since the status is updated to ItSrvStatusDetectingIdle AFTER the
// callback is queued via ItSpStartIdleDetection, it is possible --
// albeit extremely unlikely -- that this assert could fire prematurely.
IT_ASSERT(GlobalContext->Status == ItSrvStatusDetectingIdle || GlobalContext->Status == ItSrvStatusUninitializing || GlobalContext->Status == ItSrvStatusStoppingIdleDetection);
// If we are told to go away, do so.
if (ITSP_SHOULD_STOP_IDLE_DETECTION(GlobalContext)) { ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto cleanup; } //
// Get initial last input time that will be used later if we
// decide to run idle tasks.
ErrorCode = ItSpGetLastInputInfo(&LastUserInput);
if (ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; }
// Perform idle detection over the period we've been sleeping (if
// it is not overriden.)
if (!(GlobalContext->IdleDetectionOverride & ItSrvOverrideIdleDetection)) {
// Get current system snapshot.
ErrorCode = ItSpGetSystemSnapshot(GlobalContext, &CurrentSystemSnapshot); if (ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; }
// See if system looks idle since the last snapshot.
SystemIsIdle = ItSpIsSystemIdle(GlobalContext, &CurrentSystemSnapshot, &GlobalContext->LastSystemSnapshot, ItSrvInitialIdleCheck);
// If the last input times don't match and that's why we are not
// idle, make a note.
if ((CurrentSystemSnapshot.GotLastInputInfo && GlobalContext->LastSystemSnapshot.GotLastInputInfo) && (CurrentSystemSnapshot.LastInputInfo.dwTime != GlobalContext->LastSystemSnapshot.LastInputInfo.dwTime)) {
NotIdleBecauseOfUserInput = TRUE; ASSERT(!SystemIsIdle); }
// Save snapshot.
ErrorCode = ItSpCopySystemSnapshot(&GlobalContext->LastSystemSnapshot, &CurrentSystemSnapshot); if (ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; }
// If the system does not look idle over the detection period
// we'll poll again later.
if (!SystemIsIdle) { ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto cleanup; } }
// If we were not asked to override idle verification, verify that
// the system is idle for a while.
if (!(GlobalContext->IdleDetectionOverride & ItSrvOverrideIdleVerification)) {
// Loop for a while getting system snapshots over shorter
// durations. This helps us catch recent significant system
// activity that seemed insignificant when viewed over the whole
// IdleDetectionPeriod.
DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvIdleDetectionCallback-Verifying\n"));
for (VerificationIdx = 0; VerificationIdx < GlobalContext->Parameters.NumVerifications; VerificationIdx ++) {
// FUTURE-2002/03/26-ScottMa -- The following block of code is
// almost 100% identical to the verification code that occurs
// below [search for identical]. Consider breaking it into
// a function for better maintainability and readability.
// Release the lock.
IT_ASSERT(AcquiredLock); IT_RELEASE_LOCK(GlobalContext->GlobalLock); AcquiredLock = FALSE; //
// Sleep for the verification period.
WaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(GlobalContext->StopIdleDetection, GlobalContext->Parameters.IdleVerificationPeriod);
if (WaitResult != WAIT_TIMEOUT) { if (WaitResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); }
goto cleanup; }
// Acquire the lock.
IT_ACQUIRE_LOCK(GlobalContext->GlobalLock); AcquiredLock = TRUE;
// Are we told to go away (this may happen from the time the
// wait returns till we acquire the lock.)
if (ITSP_SHOULD_STOP_IDLE_DETECTION(GlobalContext)) { ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto cleanup; } //
// Get the new snapshot.
ErrorCode = ItSpGetSystemSnapshot(GlobalContext, &CurrentSystemSnapshot); if (ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; }
// See if system looks idle since the last snapshot.
SystemIsIdle = ItSpIsSystemIdle(GlobalContext, &CurrentSystemSnapshot, &GlobalContext->LastSystemSnapshot, ItSrvIdleVerificationCheck); //
// Save snapshot.
ErrorCode = ItSpCopySystemSnapshot(&GlobalContext->LastSystemSnapshot, &CurrentSystemSnapshot); if (ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; } //
// If the system was not idle over the detection period we'll
// try again later.
if (!SystemIsIdle) { ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto cleanup; } } }
// The system has become idle. Update the status.
DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvIdleDetectionCallback-RunningIdleTasks\n")); IT_ASSERT(GlobalContext->Status == ItSrvStatusDetectingIdle); ItSpUpdateStatus(GlobalContext, ItSrvStatusRunningIdleTasks);
// While we are not told to go away...
// We should be holding the lock when we are making the above
// check and whenever we come here.
IT_ASSERT(AcquiredLock); //
// The list should not be empty.
IT_ASSERT(!IsListEmpty(&GlobalContext->IdleTasksList)); if (IsListEmpty(&GlobalContext->IdleTasksList)) { ErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; goto cleanup; }
// Mark the first idle task in the list running and signal its
// event.
IdleTask = CONTAINING_RECORD(GlobalContext->IdleTasksList.Flink, ITSRV_IDLE_TASK_CONTEXT, IdleTaskLink); //
// It should not be uninitialized or already running!
IT_ASSERT(IdleTask->Status == ItIdleTaskQueued); IdleTask->Status = ItIdleTaskRunning; MarkedIdleTaskRunning = TRUE;
DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvIdleDetectionCallback-Running %d\n",IdleTask->Properties.IdleTaskId));
NumTasksRun++; //
// Signal its events.
ResetEvent(IdleTask->StopEvent); SetEvent(IdleTask->StartEvent);
// Reset the event that will get set when the idle task we
// mark running gets unregistered.
// Release the lock.
IT_RELEASE_LOCK(GlobalContext->GlobalLock); AcquiredLock = FALSE;
// Poll frequently for user input while system background
// activity should be taking place. We cannot poll for
// anything else because the running idle task is supposed to
// be using CPU, issuing I/Os etc. As soon as user input comes
// we want to signal background threads to stop their
// activity. We will do this until the running idle task is
// completed and unregistered.
do {
// We should not be holding the lock while polling.
// Note that since we set MarkedIdleTaskRunning, going to
// "cleanup" will end up marking this idle task not
// running and setting the stop event.
// FUTURE-2002/03/26-ScottMa -- The following block of code and
// the related block that occurs after the wait [search for
// related] should be converted into a single call to the
// ItIsSystemIdle function to reduce code duplication and
// improve both maintainability and readability.
if (!(GlobalContext->IdleDetectionOverride & ItSrvOverrideUserInputCheckToStopTask)) {
// Get last user input.
ErrorCode = ItSpGetLastInputInfo(&CurrentLastUserInput);
if (ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; }
if (LastUserInput.dwTime != CurrentLastUserInput.dwTime) {
// There is new input.
DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvIdleDetectionCallback-NewUserInput\n")); SystemIsIdle = FALSE; ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto cleanup; }
// We don't need to update last input since it should
// be same as current.
// Wait for a while to poll for user input again. We
// should not be holding the lock while waiting.
WaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(GlobalContext->RemovedRunningIdleTask, GlobalContext->Parameters.IdleInputCheckPeriod); if (WaitResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { //
// Break out of this loop to pick up a new idle
// task to run.
MarkedIdleTaskRunning = FALSE;
DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvIdleDetectionCallback-TaskRemoved\n")); break; } if (WaitResult != WAIT_TIMEOUT) { //
// Something went wrong...
ErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; goto cleanup; }
// FUTURE-2002/03/26-ScottMa -- The following block of code and
// the related block that occurs before the wait [search for
// related] should be converted into a single call to the
// ItIsSystemIdle function to reduce code duplication and
// improve both maintainability and readability.
// Check to see if the system has started running from battery.
if (!(GlobalContext->IdleDetectionOverride & ItSrvOverrideBatteryCheckToStopTask)) { if (GetSystemPowerStatus(&SystemPowerStatus)) { if (SystemPowerStatus.ACLineStatus == 0) {
DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvIdleDetectionCallback-SystemOnBattery\n")); SystemIsIdle = FALSE; ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto cleanup; } } }
// If the kernel is about to enter standby or hibernate because
// it has also detected the system idle, stop this task.
if (!(GlobalContext->IdleDetectionOverride & ItSrvOverrideAutoPowerCheckToStopTask)) {
Status = NtPowerInformation(SystemPowerInformation, NULL, 0, &PowerInfo, sizeof(PowerInfo)); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (PowerInfo.TimeRemaining < IT_DEFAULT_MAX_TIME_REMAINING_TO_SLEEP) { SystemIsIdle = FALSE; ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto cleanup; } } }
// Are we stopping the service?
if (ITSP_SHOULD_STOP_IDLE_DETECTION(GlobalContext)) { SystemIsIdle = TRUE; ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto cleanup; }
// The idle task is still running. Loop to check for user
// input.
} while (TRUE);
// FUTURE-2002/03/26-ScottMa -- This conditional is a tautology:
// The lock could not have been acquired through any codepath
// ending here, it should be an assert instead.
if (!AcquiredLock) { IT_ACQUIRE_LOCK(GlobalContext->GlobalLock); AcquiredLock = TRUE; }
if (!(GlobalContext->IdleDetectionOverride & ItSrvOverridePostTaskIdleCheck)) { //
// Get the latest snapshot of the system. This snapshot will
// be used to determine if the system is still idle before
// picking up a new task.
ErrorCode = ItSpGetSystemSnapshot(GlobalContext, &GlobalContext->LastSystemSnapshot); if (ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; }
// FUTURE-2002/03/26-ScottMa -- The following block of code is
// almost 100% identical to the verification code that occurs
// above [search for identical]. Consider breaking it into
// a function for better maintainability and readability.
// Release the lock.
IT_RELEASE_LOCK(GlobalContext->GlobalLock); AcquiredLock = FALSE;
// Wait for the verification period.
WaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(GlobalContext->StopIdleDetection, GlobalContext->Parameters.IdleVerificationPeriod);
if (WaitResult != WAIT_TIMEOUT) { if (WaitResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); } goto cleanup; }
// Acquire the lock and get new snapshot.
IT_ASSERT(!AcquiredLock); IT_ACQUIRE_LOCK(GlobalContext->GlobalLock); AcquiredLock = TRUE;
ErrorCode = ItSpGetSystemSnapshot(GlobalContext, &CurrentSystemSnapshot); if (ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; }
// See if system looks idle since the last snapshot.
SystemIsIdle = ItSpIsSystemIdle(GlobalContext, &CurrentSystemSnapshot, &GlobalContext->LastSystemSnapshot, ItSrvIdleVerificationCheck); //
// Save snapshot.
ErrorCode = ItSpCopySystemSnapshot(&GlobalContext->LastSystemSnapshot, &CurrentSystemSnapshot); if (ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto cleanup; }
// If the system is no longer idle, we should not start a new task.
if (!SystemIsIdle) { ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto cleanup; } }
// Loop to try to run more idle tasks. The lock should be acquired.
IT_ASSERT(AcquiredLock); } //
// We should come here only if we were asked to stop, i.e. the
// check in while() causes us to break from looping.
// Simply cleanup and exit if this is a misfired callback.
if (!MisfiredCallback) { //
// We'll have to check status to see if we have to requeue
// ourselves. Make sure we have the lock.
if (AcquiredLock == FALSE) { IT_ACQUIRE_LOCK(GlobalContext->GlobalLock); AcquiredLock = TRUE; }
// If we marked an idle task running, make sure we reset its state
// back to queued.
if (MarkedIdleTaskRunning) {
// We may have gone to cleanup after the idle task we were
// running was removed, but before we realized it. See if
// the running idle task was removed. We are not waiting,
// we are just checking if the event has been signaled.
WaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(GlobalContext->RemovedRunningIdleTask, 0); if (WaitResult != WAIT_OBJECT_0) {
// The running idle was not removed. Reset its state.
IdleTask = ItSpFindRunningIdleTask(GlobalContext); //
// To be safe, we try to cleanup even if the above
// check fails with another result. We don't want the
// assert to fire then, but only if the event is
// really not set.
if (WaitResult == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { IT_ASSERT(IdleTask); } if (IdleTask) { ResetEvent(IdleTask->StartEvent); SetEvent(IdleTask->StopEvent); IdleTask->Status = ItIdleTaskQueued;
// Put this task to the end of the list. If a single task
// is taking too long to run, this gives more chance to other
// tasks.
RemoveEntryList(&IdleTask->IdleTaskLink); InsertTailList(&GlobalContext->IdleTasksList, &IdleTask->IdleTaskLink); } } }
// If we set the status to running idle tasks, revert it to
// detecting idle.
if (GlobalContext->Status == ItSrvStatusRunningIdleTasks) { ItSpUpdateStatus(GlobalContext, ItSrvStatusDetectingIdle); }
// Queue ourselves to fire up after another idle detection
// period. We'll try every once a while until we get it or we
// are ordered to stop.
// ISSUE-2002/03/26-ScottMa -- This should not be a loop. Looking
// at the codepath, it appears as though it will be broken out of
// as soon as the timer is requeued. Otherwise, it appears that
// bad things might happen. The IsIdleDetectionCallbackRunning
// flag should be set to FALSE here, before trying to requeue
// the timer, so that a new call can progress. Further, the
// OrderedToStop variable should be moved to an else clause
// (assuming that the below while is converted to an if).
while (!ITSP_SHOULD_STOP_IDLE_DETECTION(GlobalContext)) { IT_ASSERT(GlobalContext->IdleDetectionTimerHandle);
DuePeriod = GlobalContext->Parameters.IdleDetectionPeriod;
// Try to detect idle quicker for the case when the last user
// input was just seconds after the last snapshot. In that case
// instead of waiting for another full "DetectionPeriod", we'll
// wait up to "DetectionPeriod" after the last user input. Note
// that we'll attempt this optimization only if the reason we
// say the system is not idle is recent user input. E.g. We don't
// want to poll more often if we are on battery and that's why
// we say that the system is not idle.
// ISSUE-2002/03/26-ScottMa -- This test will catch any time that
// the system was marked as not idle EVEN if it is also on
// battery or had some OTHER reason for being considered idle.
// If this codepath is taken out of the loop, the cost of
// doing this adjustment once is probably acceptable to perform
// *any* time the input changed, ignoring the NotIdleBecause...
// flag altogether, and just checking LastInputInfo.
if (NotIdleBecauseOfUserInput && (ERROR_SUCCESS == ItSpGetLastInputInfo(&LastUserInput))) {
ULONG DuePeriod2; ULONG TimeSinceLastInput;
// Calculate how long it's been since last user input.
TimeSinceLastInput = GetTickCount() - LastUserInput.dwTime;
// Subtract this time from the idle detection period to account
// for time that has already past since last input.
DuePeriod2 = 0; if (TimeSinceLastInput < GlobalContext->Parameters.IdleDetectionPeriod) { DuePeriod2 = GlobalContext->Parameters.IdleDetectionPeriod - TimeSinceLastInput; }
// The last user input we check gets updated only every so
// often (e.g. every minute). Add a fudge factor for this and to
// protect us from scheduling the next idle check too soon.
#ifdef IT_DBG
if (ItSrvGlobalContext->Parameters.IdleDetectionPeriod >= 60*1000) { #endif // IT_DBG
DuePeriod2 += 65 * 1000;
#ifdef IT_DBG
} #endif // IT_DBG
if (DuePeriod > DuePeriod2) { DuePeriod = DuePeriod2; } }
// If we are forcing all tasks to be processed, requeue ourself to
// run again in a short time.
if (GlobalContext->IdleDetectionOverride & ItSrvOverrideLongRequeueTime) { DuePeriod = 50; }
if (ChangeTimerQueueTimer(NULL, GlobalContext->IdleDetectionTimerHandle, DuePeriod, IT_VERYLONG_TIMER_PERIOD)) {
DBGPR((ITID,ITTRC,"IDLE: SrvIdleDetectionCallback-Requeued: DuePeriod=%d\n", DuePeriod));
break; }
// Release the lock.
IT_ASSERT(AcquiredLock); IT_RELEASE_LOCK(GlobalContext->GlobalLock); AcquiredLock = FALSE;
// Sleep for sometime and try again.
WaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(GlobalContext->StopIdleDetection, GlobalContext->Parameters.IdleDetectionPeriod);
// Get the lock again.
IT_ACQUIRE_LOCK(GlobalContext->GlobalLock); AcquiredLock = TRUE; //
// Now check the result of the wait.
if (WaitResult != WAIT_OBJECT_0 && WaitResult != WAIT_TIMEOUT) {
// This is an error too! The world is going down on us,
// let us get carried away... This will make it easier for
// the server to shutdown (i.e. no callback running).
break; } } IT_ASSERT(AcquiredLock);
// Check if we were ordered to stop.
OrderedToStop = ITSP_SHOULD_STOP_IDLE_DETECTION(GlobalContext); //
// Mark us not running anymore.
GlobalContext->IsIdleDetectionCallbackRunning = FALSE; }
// Release the lock if we are holding it.
if (AcquiredLock) { IT_RELEASE_LOCK(GlobalContext->GlobalLock); }
// Cleanup intermediate snapshot structure if necessary.
DBGPR((ITID,ITSRVD,"IDLE: SrvIdleDetectionCallback(%p)=%d,%d,%d,%d\n", GlobalContext,ErrorCode,OrderedToStop,SystemIsIdle,NumTasksRun));
return; }
VOID ItSpInitializeSystemSnapshot ( PITSRV_SYSTEM_SNAPSHOT SystemSnapshot )
Routine Description:
This routine initializes a system snapshot structure.
SystemSnapshot - Pointer to structure.
Return Value:
{ //
// Initialize the disk performance data array.
SystemSnapshot->NumPhysicalDisks = 0; SystemSnapshot->DiskPerfData = NULL;
// We don't have any valid data.
SystemSnapshot->GotLastInputInfo = 0; SystemSnapshot->GotSystemPerformanceInfo = 0; SystemSnapshot->GotDiskPerformanceInfo = 0; SystemSnapshot->GotSystemPowerStatus = 0; SystemSnapshot->GotSystemPowerInfo = 0; SystemSnapshot->GotSystemExecutionState = 0; SystemSnapshot->GotDisplayPowerStatus = 0;
SystemSnapshot->SnapshotTime = -1; }
VOID ItSpCleanupSystemSnapshot ( PITSRV_SYSTEM_SNAPSHOT SystemSnapshot )
Routine Description:
This routine cleans up fields of a system snapshot structure. It does not free the structure itself. The structure should have been initialized with a call to ItSpCleanupSystemSnapshot.
SystemSnapshot - Pointer to structure.
Return Value:
{ //
// If a disk performance data array is allocated free it.
if (SystemSnapshot->DiskPerfData) { IT_ASSERT(SystemSnapshot->NumPhysicalDisks); IT_FREE(SystemSnapshot->DiskPerfData); } }
Routine Description:
This routine attempts to copy SourceSnapshot to DestSnapshot. If the copy fails, DestSnapshot remains intact.
DestSnapshot - Pointer to snapshot to be updated. SourceSnapshot - Pointer to snapshot to copy.
Return Value:
Win32 error code.
// Initialize locals.
NewDiskPerfData = NULL;
// Do we have to copy disk performance data?
if (SourceSnapshot->GotDiskPerformanceInfo) { //
// Allocate a new array if the disk performance data won't fit.
if (SourceSnapshot->NumPhysicalDisks > DestSnapshot->NumPhysicalDisks) { AllocationSize = SourceSnapshot->NumPhysicalDisks * sizeof(ITSRV_DISK_PERFORMANCE_DATA);
NewDiskPerfData = IT_ALLOC(AllocationSize); if (!NewDiskPerfData) { ErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto cleanup; } } } //
// Beyond this point we should not fail because we modify
// DestSnapshot.
// Save original disk performance data array.
OrgDiskPerfData = DestSnapshot->DiskPerfData; OrgNumDisks = DestSnapshot->NumPhysicalDisks;
// Copy the whole structure over and put back original disk
// performance data array.
RtlCopyMemory(DestSnapshot, SourceSnapshot, sizeof(ITSRV_SYSTEM_SNAPSHOT));
DestSnapshot->DiskPerfData = OrgDiskPerfData; DestSnapshot->NumPhysicalDisks = OrgNumDisks;
// Determine if/how we will copy over disk performance data.
if (SourceSnapshot->GotDiskPerformanceInfo) {
if (SourceSnapshot->NumPhysicalDisks > DestSnapshot->NumPhysicalDisks) { //
// Free old array and use the new one we allocated above.
if (DestSnapshot->DiskPerfData) { IT_FREE(DestSnapshot->DiskPerfData); }
DestSnapshot->DiskPerfData = NewDiskPerfData; NewDiskPerfData = NULL; } if (SourceSnapshot->NumPhysicalDisks == 0) { //
// This does not make sense... (They got disk data and
// there are 0 physical disks in the system?) Yet we go
// with it and to be consistent, free our data array.
if (DestSnapshot->DiskPerfData) { IT_FREE(DestSnapshot->DiskPerfData); } DestSnapshot->DiskPerfData = NULL;
} else {
// Copy over their disk data and update NumPhysicalDisks.
CopySize = SourceSnapshot->NumPhysicalDisks * sizeof(ITSRV_DISK_PERFORMANCE_DATA);
RtlCopyMemory(DestSnapshot->DiskPerfData, SourceSnapshot->DiskPerfData, CopySize);
} DestSnapshot->NumPhysicalDisks = SourceSnapshot->NumPhysicalDisks; }
// Done.
ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; cleanup:
if (NewDiskPerfData) { IT_FREE(NewDiskPerfData); }
DBGPR((ITID,ITSRVDD,"IDLE: SrvCopySnapshot()=%d\n",ErrorCode));
return ErrorCode; }
DWORD ItSpGetSystemSnapshot ( PITSRV_GLOBAL_CONTEXT GlobalContext, PITSRV_SYSTEM_SNAPSHOT SystemSnapshot )
Routine Description:
This routine fills input system snapshot with data queried from various sources. The snapshot structure should have been initialized by ItSpInitializeSystemSnapshot. The output SystemSnapshot can be passed back in.
GlobalContext - Pointer to idle detection context.
SystemSnapshot - Pointer to structure to fill.
Return Value:
Win32 error code.
{ DWORD ErrorCode; NTSTATUS Status;
// Query disk performance counters.
if (GlobalContext->DiskPerfWmiHandle) {
ErrorCode = ItSpGetWmiDiskPerformanceData(GlobalContext->DiskPerfWmiHandle, &SystemSnapshot->DiskPerfData, &SystemSnapshot->NumPhysicalDisks, &GlobalContext->WmiQueryBuffer, &GlobalContext->WmiQueryBufferSize); if (ErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
SystemSnapshot->GotDiskPerformanceInfo = TRUE;
} else { SystemSnapshot->GotDiskPerformanceInfo = FALSE; }
} else { SystemSnapshot->GotDiskPerformanceInfo = FALSE; }
// Get system performance information.
Status = NtQuerySystemInformation(SystemPerformanceInformation, &SystemSnapshot->SystemPerformanceInfo, sizeof(SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION), NULL);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SystemSnapshot->GotSystemPerformanceInfo = TRUE;
} else {
SystemSnapshot->GotSystemPerformanceInfo = FALSE; }
// Get last input time.
SystemSnapshot->LastInputInfo.cbSize = sizeof(LASTINPUTINFO);
ErrorCode = ItSpGetLastInputInfo(&SystemSnapshot->LastInputInfo);
if (ErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
SystemSnapshot->GotLastInputInfo = TRUE;
} else { SystemSnapshot->GotLastInputInfo = FALSE; }
// Get system power status to determine if we are running on
// battery etc.
if (GetSystemPowerStatus(&SystemSnapshot->SystemPowerStatus)) { SystemSnapshot->GotSystemPowerStatus = TRUE; } else {
SystemSnapshot->GotSystemPowerStatus = FALSE; }
// Get system power information to see if the system is close to
// entering standby or hibernate automatically.
Status = NtPowerInformation(SystemPowerInformation, NULL, 0, &SystemSnapshot->PowerInfo, sizeof(SYSTEM_POWER_INFORMATION));
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
SystemSnapshot->GotSystemPowerInfo = TRUE;
} else {
SystemSnapshot->GotSystemPowerInfo = FALSE; }
// Get system execution state to determine if somebody's running a
// presentation, burning a cd etc.
Status = NtPowerInformation(SystemExecutionState, NULL, 0, &SystemSnapshot->ExecutionState, sizeof(EXECUTION_STATE)); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { SystemSnapshot->GotSystemExecutionState = TRUE;
} else {
SystemSnapshot->GotSystemExecutionState = FALSE; }
// Get display power status.
ErrorCode = ItSpGetDisplayPowerStatus(&SystemSnapshot->ScreenSaverIsRunning); if (ErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
SystemSnapshot->GotDisplayPowerStatus = TRUE;
} else {
SystemSnapshot->GotDisplayPowerStatus = FALSE;
// Fill in the time when this snapshot was taken as the last thing
// to be conservative. This function may have taken long, and the
// values we snapshoted may have changed by now.
SystemSnapshot->SnapshotTime = GetTickCount();
DBGPR((ITID,ITSRVDD,"IDLE: SrvGetSnapshot()=%d,%d,%d\n", (ULONG) SystemSnapshot->GotLastInputInfo, (ULONG) SystemSnapshot->GotSystemPerformanceInfo, (ULONG) SystemSnapshot->GotDiskPerformanceInfo));
// FUTURE-2002/03/26-ScottMa -- If the CurrentSystemSnapshot is added to the
// global context, both parameters no longer need to be passed to this
// function. It is only called from within ItSpIdleDetectionCallbackRoutine,
// and always uses the same values for current & last snapshot.
Routine Description:
This routine compares two snapshots to determine if the system has been idle between them.
This function acts very conservatively in saying that the system is idle.
GlobalContext - Pointer to server context structure.
CurrentSnapshot - Pointer to system snapshot. LastSnapshot - Pointer to system snapshot taken before CurrentSnapshot. IdleCheckReason - Where this function is being called from. We may do things differently when we get called to do the initial check to see if the system idle, or to verify it is really idle, or to make sure the idle task we started is still running and is not stuck.
Return Value:
TRUE - System was idle between the two snapshots. FALSE - The system was not idle between two snapshots.
{ DWORD SnapshotTimeDifference; BOOLEAN SystemIsIdle; LARGE_INTEGER IdleProcessRunTime; ULONG CpuIdlePercentage; ULONG DiskIdx; ULONG DiskIdleTimeDifference; ULONG DiskIdlePercentage; PIT_IDLE_DETECTION_PARAMETERS Parameters;
// Initialize locals.
Parameters = &GlobalContext->Parameters; SystemIsIdle = FALSE; SnapshotTimeDifference = CurrentSnapshot->SnapshotTime - LastSnapshot->SnapshotTime; //
// Verify parameters.
IT_ASSERT(IdleCheckReason < ItSrvMaxIdleCheckReason);
// If system tick count wrapped or they are passing in bogus
// times, or the snapshots seem to be taken nearly at the same
// time, say the system is not idle to avoid any weird issues.
if (CurrentSnapshot->SnapshotTime <= LastSnapshot->SnapshotTime) { goto cleanup; }
// If either snapshot does not have last user input (mouse or
// keyboard) info, we cannot reliably say the system was idle.
if (!CurrentSnapshot->GotLastInputInfo || !LastSnapshot->GotLastInputInfo) { goto cleanup; }
// If there has been user input between the two snapshots, the
// system was not idle. We don't care when the user input
// happened (e.g. right after the last snapshot).
DBGPR((ITID,ITSNAP,"IDLE: UserInput: Last %u Current %u\n", LastSnapshot->LastInputInfo.dwTime, CurrentSnapshot->LastInputInfo.dwTime));
if (LastSnapshot->LastInputInfo.dwTime != CurrentSnapshot->LastInputInfo.dwTime) { goto cleanup; }
// If we are running on battery, don't run idle tasks.
if (CurrentSnapshot->GotSystemPowerStatus) { if (CurrentSnapshot->SystemPowerStatus.ACLineStatus == 0) { DBGPR((ITID,ITSNAP,"IDLE: Snapshot: Running on battery\n")); goto cleanup; } }
// If system will automatically enter standby or hibernate soon
// it is too late for us to run our tasks.
if (CurrentSnapshot->GotSystemPowerInfo) { // FUTURE-2002/03/26-ScottMa -- This constant doesn't have a
// corresponding parameter in the IT_IDLE_DETECTION_PARAMETERS
// structure. Should it be added to the structure like the others?
if (CurrentSnapshot->PowerInfo.TimeRemaining < IT_DEFAULT_MAX_TIME_REMAINING_TO_SLEEP) { DBGPR((ITID,ITSNAP,"IDLE: Snapshot: System will standby / hibernate soon\n")); goto cleanup; } }
// If the screen saver is running, assume the system is
// idle. Otherwise, if a heavy-weight OpenGL screen saver is
// running our CPU checks may bail us out of realizing that the
// system is idle. We skip this check when trying to determine an
// idle task is stuck or if it is really running. Note that the
// screen saver activity may make us think the idle task is still
// running, even if it is stuck.
if (IdleCheckReason != ItSrvIdleTaskRunningCheck) { if (CurrentSnapshot->GotDisplayPowerStatus) { if (CurrentSnapshot->ScreenSaverIsRunning) { DBGPR((ITID,ITSNAP,"IDLE: Snapshot: ScreenSaverRunning\n")); SystemIsIdle = TRUE; goto cleanup; } } }
// If system may look idle but somebody's running a powerpoint
// presentation, watching hardware-decoded DVD etc don't run idle
// tasks. Note that we do not check for ES_SYSTEM_REQUIRED, since
// it is set by fax servers, answering machines and such as well.
// ES_DISPLAY_REQUIRED is the one supposed to be used by
// multimedia/presentation applications.
if (CurrentSnapshot->GotSystemExecutionState) { if ((CurrentSnapshot->ExecutionState & ES_DISPLAY_REQUIRED)) {
DBGPR((ITID,ITSNAP,"IDLE: Snapshot: Execution state:%x\n",CurrentSnapshot->ExecutionState)); goto cleanup; } }
// We definitely want CPU & general system performance data as
// well.
if (!CurrentSnapshot->GotSystemPerformanceInfo || !LastSnapshot->GotSystemPerformanceInfo) { goto cleanup; }
// Calculate how many ms the idle process ran. The IdleProcessTime
// on system performance information structures is in 100ns. To
// convert it to ms we divide by (10 * 1000).
// ISSUE-2002/03/26-ScottMa -- What happens here if IdleProcessTime wraps?
IdleProcessRunTime.QuadPart = (CurrentSnapshot->SystemPerformanceInfo.IdleProcessTime.QuadPart - LastSnapshot->SystemPerformanceInfo.IdleProcessTime.QuadPart);
IdleProcessRunTime.QuadPart = IdleProcessRunTime.QuadPart / 10000; //
// Adjust it for the number of CPUs in the system.
if (GlobalContext->NumProcessors) { IdleProcessRunTime.QuadPart = IdleProcessRunTime.QuadPart / GlobalContext->NumProcessors; } //
// Calculate idle cpu percentage this translates to.
CpuIdlePercentage = (ULONG) (IdleProcessRunTime.QuadPart * 100 / SnapshotTimeDifference);
DBGPR((ITID,ITSNAP,"IDLE: Snapshot: CPU %d\n", CpuIdlePercentage));
if (CpuIdlePercentage < Parameters->MinCpuIdlePercentage) { goto cleanup; }
// We may not have disk performance data because WMI thingies were
// not initiated etc.
if (CurrentSnapshot->GotDiskPerformanceInfo && LastSnapshot->GotDiskPerformanceInfo) {
// If a new disk was added / removed since last snapshot, say
// the system is not idle.
if (CurrentSnapshot->NumPhysicalDisks != LastSnapshot->NumPhysicalDisks) { goto cleanup; }
// We assume that the disk data is in the same order in both
// snapshots. If the ordering of disks changed etc, it will
// most likely cause us to say the system is not idle. It may
// cause us to ignore some real activity with very low
// possibility. That is why we verify several times when we
// see system idle.
for (DiskIdx = 0; DiskIdx < CurrentSnapshot->NumPhysicalDisks; DiskIdx++) { DiskIdleTimeDifference = CurrentSnapshot->DiskPerfData[DiskIdx].DiskIdleTime - LastSnapshot->DiskPerfData[DiskIdx].DiskIdleTime; DiskIdlePercentage = (DiskIdleTimeDifference * 100) / SnapshotTimeDifference; DBGPR((ITID,ITSNAP,"IDLE: Snapshot: Disk %d:%d\n", DiskIdx, DiskIdlePercentage)); if (DiskIdlePercentage < Parameters->MinDiskIdlePercentage) { goto cleanup; } } }
// We passed all the checks.
SystemIsIdle = TRUE;
DBGPR((ITID,ITSRVDD,"IDLE: SrvIsSystemIdle()=%d\n",(ULONG)SystemIsIdle)); return SystemIsIdle; }
DWORD ItSpGetLastInputInfo ( PLASTINPUTINFO LastInputInfo )
Routine Description:
This function retrieves the time of the last user input event.
LastInputInfo - Pointer to structure to update.
Return Value:
Win32 error code. --*/
{ DWORD ErrorCode;
// Verify parameter.
if (LastInputInfo->cbSize != sizeof(LASTINPUTINFO)) { ErrorCode = ERROR_BAD_FORMAT; goto cleanup; }
// We get the last input info from the shared system page that is
// updated by all terminal server sessions.
LastInputInfo->dwTime = USER_SHARED_DATA->LastSystemRITEventTickCount;
#ifdef IT_DBG
// On the checked build, if we are stressing, we will set the detection
// period below the period with which the system last input time is
// updated. If it is so, use the Win32 GetLastInputInfo call. This call
// will get the user input info only for the current session, but when
// stressing this is OK.
if (ItSrvGlobalContext->Parameters.IdleDetectionPeriod < 60*1000) {
if (!GetLastInputInfo(LastInputInfo)) { ErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; } }
#endif // IT_DBG
return ErrorCode; }
BOOLEAN ItSpIsPhysicalDrive ( PDISK_PERFORMANCE DiskPerformanceData )
Routine Description:
This function attempts to determine if the specified disk is a logical or physical disk.
DiskPerformanceData - Pointer to disk performance data for the disk.
Return Value:
TRUE - The disk is a physical disk. FALSE - The disk is not a physical disk.
{ ULONG ComparisonLength;
// Initialize locals.
ComparisonLength = sizeof(DiskPerformanceData->StorageManagerName) / sizeof(WCHAR);
// We have to determine if this is a physical disk or not from the
// storage manager's name.
if (!wcsncmp(DiskPerformanceData->StorageManagerName, L"Partmgr ", ComparisonLength)) {
return TRUE; }
if (!wcsncmp(DiskPerformanceData->StorageManagerName, L"PhysDisk", ComparisonLength)) {
return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
// FUTURE-2002/03/26-ScottMa -- The InputQueryBuffer (and Size) parameters
// are always supplied, and don't need to be optional to this function.
DWORD ItSpGetWmiDiskPerformanceData( IN WMIHANDLE DiskPerfWmiHandle, IN OUT PITSRV_DISK_PERFORMANCE_DATA *DiskPerfData, IN OUT ULONG *NumPhysicalDisks, OPTIONAL IN OUT PVOID *InputQueryBuffer, OPTIONAL IN OUT ULONG *InputQueryBufferSize )
Routine Description:
This function queries disk performance counters and updates input parameters.
DiskPerfWmiHandle - WMI handle to DiskPerf.
DiskPerfData - This array is updated with data from all registered physical disks' WMI performance data blocks. If it is not big enough, it is freed and reallocated using IT_FREE/IT_ALLOC. NumPhysicalDisks - This is the size of DiskPerfData array on input. If the number of registered physical disks change, it is updated on return.
InputQueryBuffer, InputQueryBufferSize - If specified, they describe a query buffer to be used and updated when querying WMI. The buffer must be allocated with IT_ALLOC. The returned buffer may be relocated/resized and should be freed with IT_FREE. The buffer's contents on input and output are trash.
Return Value:
Win32 error code.
{ DWORD ErrorCode; PVOID QueryBuffer; ULONG QueryBufferSize; ULONG RequiredSize; ULONG NumTries; PWNODE_ALL_DATA DiskWmiDataCursor; PDISK_PERFORMANCE DiskPerformanceData; LARGE_INTEGER PerformanceCounterFrequency; BOOLEAN UsingInputBuffer; ULONG NumDiskData; PITSRV_DISK_PERFORMANCE_DATA NewDataBuffer;
// Initialize locals.
QueryBuffer = NULL; QueryBufferSize = 0; UsingInputBuffer = FALSE; NewDataBuffer = NULL;
// Determine if we will be using the query buffer input by the
// user. In case we are using them it is crucial that QueryBuffer
// and QueryBufferSize are not set to bogus values during the
// function.
if (InputQueryBuffer && InputQueryBufferSize) { UsingInputBuffer = TRUE; QueryBuffer = *InputQueryBuffer; QueryBufferSize = *InputQueryBufferSize; } //
// Query disk performance data.
NumTries = 0;
do { RequiredSize = QueryBufferSize;
__try {
ErrorCode = WmiQueryAllData(DiskPerfWmiHandle, &RequiredSize, QueryBuffer);
// There is something wrong if we got an exception.
ErrorCode = GetExceptionCode(); if (ErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; } goto cleanup; } if (ErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// We got the data.
break; }
// Check to see if we failed for a real reason other than that
// our input buffer was too small.
if (ErrorCode != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { goto cleanup; } //
// Reallocate the buffer to the required size.
if (QueryBufferSize) { IT_FREE(QueryBuffer); QueryBufferSize = 0; }
QueryBuffer = IT_ALLOC(RequiredSize);
if (!QueryBuffer) { ErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto cleanup; }
QueryBufferSize = RequiredSize; //
// Don't loop forever...
if (NumTries >= 16) { ErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; goto cleanup; }
} while (TRUE);
// We have gotten WMI disk performance data. Verify it makes sense.
DiskWmiDataCursor = QueryBuffer; if (DiskWmiDataCursor->InstanceCount == 0) { //
// There are no disks?
ErrorCode = ERROR_BAD_FORMAT; goto cleanup; }
// Determine the number of disks we have data for.
NumDiskData = 0;
do {
if (DiskWmiDataCursor->WnodeHeader.BufferSize < sizeof(WNODE_ALL_DATA)) { IT_ASSERT(FALSE); ErrorCode = ERROR_BAD_FORMAT; goto cleanup; }
DiskPerformanceData = (PDISK_PERFORMANCE) ((PUCHAR) DiskWmiDataCursor + DiskWmiDataCursor->DataBlockOffset); //
// Count only physical disk data. Otherwise we will double
// count disk I/Os for logical disks on the physical disk.
if (ItSpIsPhysicalDrive(DiskPerformanceData)) { NumDiskData++; } if (DiskWmiDataCursor->WnodeHeader.Linkage == 0) { break; }
DiskWmiDataCursor = (PWNODE_ALL_DATA) ((LPBYTE)DiskWmiDataCursor + DiskWmiDataCursor->WnodeHeader.Linkage);
} while (TRUE);
// Do we have enough space in the input buffer?
if (NumDiskData > *NumPhysicalDisks) { NewDataBuffer = IT_ALLOC(NumDiskData * sizeof(ITSRV_DISK_PERFORMANCE_DATA));
if (!NewDataBuffer) { ErrorCode = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto cleanup; }
// Update old buffer & its max size.
if (*DiskPerfData) { IT_FREE(*DiskPerfData); }
*DiskPerfData = NewDataBuffer; NewDataBuffer = NULL; *NumPhysicalDisks = NumDiskData; }
// Reset cursor and walk through the WMI data copying into the
// target buffer.
DiskWmiDataCursor = QueryBuffer; *NumPhysicalDisks = 0;
do { DiskPerformanceData = (PDISK_PERFORMANCE) ((PUCHAR) DiskWmiDataCursor + DiskWmiDataCursor->DataBlockOffset); //
// Count only physical disk data. Otherwise we will double
// count disk I/Os for logical disks on the physical disk.
if (ItSpIsPhysicalDrive(DiskPerformanceData)) { if (*NumPhysicalDisks >= NumDiskData) { //
// We calculated this above. Did the data change
// beneath our feet?
IT_ASSERT(FALSE); ErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION; goto cleanup; } //
// Convert idle time in 100ns to ms.
// ISSUE-2002/03/26-ScottMa -- DiskPerformanceData->IdleTime
// could be larger than MAX_ULONG * 10000, overflowing the
// DiskIdleTime variable.
(*DiskPerfData)[*NumPhysicalDisks].DiskIdleTime = (ULONG) (DiskPerformanceData->IdleTime.QuadPart / 10000); (*NumPhysicalDisks)++; } if (DiskWmiDataCursor->WnodeHeader.Linkage == 0) { break; }
DiskWmiDataCursor = (PWNODE_ALL_DATA) ((LPBYTE)DiskWmiDataCursor + DiskWmiDataCursor->WnodeHeader.Linkage);
} while (TRUE);
IT_ASSERT(*NumPhysicalDisks == NumDiskData);
ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; cleanup:
if (UsingInputBuffer) {
// Update the callers query buffer info.
*InputQueryBuffer = QueryBuffer; *InputQueryBufferSize = QueryBufferSize;
} else {
// Free temporary buffer.
if (QueryBuffer) { IT_FREE(QueryBuffer); } }
if (NewDataBuffer) { IT_FREE(NewDataBuffer); }
DBGPR((ITID,ITSRVDD,"IDLE: SrvGetDiskData()=%d\n",ErrorCode));
return ErrorCode; }
DWORD ItSpGetDisplayPowerStatus( PBOOL ScreenSaverIsRunning )
Routine Description:
This routine determines power status of the default display.
ScreenSaverIsRunning - Whether a screen saver is running is returned here.
Return Value:
Win32 error code.
{ DWORD ErrorCode; //
// Determine whether the screen saver is running.
if (!SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETSCREENSAVERRUNNING, 0, ScreenSaverIsRunning, 0)) {
ErrorCode = GetLastError(); goto cleanup; }
ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; cleanup:
return ErrorCode; }
BOOL ItSpSetProcessIdleTasksNotifyRoutine ( PIT_PROCESS_IDLE_TASKS_NOTIFY_ROUTINE NotifyRoutine )
Routine Description:
This routine is called by an internal component (prefetcher) to set a notification routine that will get called if processing of all idle tasks are requested. The routine should be set once, and it cannot be removed.
NotifyRoutine - Routine to be called. This routine will be called and has to return before we start launching queued idle tasks. Return Value:
{ BOOL Success;
if (!ItSrvGlobalContext->ProcessIdleTasksNotifyRoutine) { ItSrvGlobalContext->ProcessIdleTasksNotifyRoutine = NotifyRoutine; } return (ItSrvGlobalContext->ProcessIdleTasksNotifyRoutine == NotifyRoutine); }