// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2000-2002.
// File: TemplateExtensionsPropertyPage.cpp
// Contents: Implementation of CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage
// TemplateExtensionsPropertyPage.cpp : implementation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "certtmpl.h"
#include "TemplateExtensionsPropertyPage.h"
#include "KeyUsageDlg.h"
#include "BasicConstraintsDlg.h"
#include "PolicyDlg.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
PCWSTR pcszNEWLINE = L"\r\n";
// CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage property page
CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage::CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage( CCertTemplate& rCertTemplate, bool& rbIsDirty) : CHelpPropertyPage(CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage::IDD), m_rCertTemplate (rCertTemplate), m_rbIsDirty (rbIsDirty) { //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage)
m_rCertTemplate.AddRef (); }
CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage::~CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage() { m_rCertTemplate.Release (); }
void CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CHelpPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EXTENSION_LIST, m_extensionList); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage, CHelpPropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage)
// CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage message handlers
BOOL CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage::OnInitDialog() { CHelpPropertyPage::OnInitDialog();
if ( m_rCertTemplate.GetType () > 1 ) { CString szText; VERIFY (szText.LoadString (IDS_V2_EXTENSIONS_HELP_HINT)); SetDlgItemText (IDC_EXTENSIONS_HELP_HINT, szText); }
// Set up list controls
COLORREF cr = RGB (255, 0, 255); CThemeContextActivator activator; VERIFY (m_imageListNormal.Create (IDB_EXTENSIONS, 32, 0, cr)); VERIFY (m_imageListSmall.Create (IDB_EXTENSIONS, 16, 0, cr)); m_extensionList.SetImageList (CImageList::FromHandle (m_imageListSmall), LVSIL_SMALL); m_extensionList.SetImageList (CImageList::FromHandle (m_imageListNormal), LVSIL_NORMAL);
int colWidths[NUM_COLS] = {400};
// Add "Certificate Extension" column
// Add extensions
bool bEKUExtensionFound = false; bool bCertPoliciesExtensionFound = false; bool bApplicationPoliciesExtensionFound = false; HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwExtensionCnt = m_rCertTemplate.GetCertExtensionCount (); for (DWORD dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < dwExtensionCnt; dwIndex++) { PSTR pszObjId = 0; BOOL fCritical = FALSE;
hr = m_rCertTemplate.GetCertExtension (dwIndex, &pszObjId, fCritical); if ( SUCCEEDED (hr) ) { if ( !_stricmp (szOID_ENHANCED_KEY_USAGE, pszObjId) ) bEKUExtensionFound = true; else if ( !_stricmp (szOID_CERT_POLICIES, pszObjId) ) bCertPoliciesExtensionFound = true; else if ( !_stricmp (szOID_APPLICATION_CERT_POLICIES, pszObjId) ) bApplicationPoliciesExtensionFound = true;
// Don't add EKU except for version 1
if ( m_rCertTemplate.GetType () > 1 && !_stricmp (szOID_ENHANCED_KEY_USAGE, pszObjId) ) continue;
// Don't add Application Policies for version 1
if ( m_rCertTemplate.GetType () == 1 && !_stricmp (szOID_APPLICATION_CERT_POLICIES, pszObjId) ) continue;
InsertListItem (pszObjId, fCritical); delete [] pszObjId; } }
if ( !bEKUExtensionFound && 1 == m_rCertTemplate.GetType () ) // only version 1
{ InsertListItem (szOID_ENHANCED_KEY_USAGE, FALSE); } if ( !bCertPoliciesExtensionFound && m_rCertTemplate.GetType () > 1 ) // not version 1
{ InsertListItem (szOID_CERT_POLICIES, FALSE); }
// Fixes 228146: CERTTMPL:The default "Cross Certification Authority" template does not have the application Policy extension item
if ( !bApplicationPoliciesExtensionFound && m_rCertTemplate.GetType () > 1 ) // version 2 or greater
// Select first item
VERIFY (m_extensionList.SetItemState (0, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED));
EnableControls ();
if ( 1 == m_rCertTemplate.GetType () ) GetDlgItem (IDC_SHOW_DETAILS)->ShowWindow (SW_HIDE);
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
HRESULT CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage::InsertListItem (LPSTR pszExtensionOid, BOOL fCritical) { if ( !pszExtensionOid ) return E_POINTER;
CString friendlyName; if ( MyGetOIDInfoA (friendlyName, pszExtensionOid) ) { LV_ITEM lvItem; int iItem = m_extensionList.GetItemCount ();
// security review 2/20/2002 BryanWal ok
::ZeroMemory (&lvItem, sizeof (lvItem)); lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE | LVIF_PARAM; lvItem.iItem = iItem; lvItem.iSubItem = COL_CERT_EXTENSION; lvItem.pszText = (LPWSTR)(LPCWSTR) friendlyName; if ( fCritical ) lvItem.iImage = IDI_CRITICAL_EXTENSION; else lvItem.iImage = IDI_EXTENSION; // security review 2/20/2002 BryanWal ok
PSTR pszOID = new char[strlen (pszExtensionOid)+1]; if ( pszOID ) { // security review 2/20/2002 BryanWal ok
strcpy (pszOID, pszExtensionOid); lvItem.lParam = (LPARAM) pszOID;
iItem = m_extensionList.InsertItem (&lvItem); ASSERT (-1 != iItem); if ( -1 != iItem ) hr = E_FAIL; } else hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else hr = E_FAIL;
return hr; }
void CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage::EnableControls() { int nSelCnt = m_extensionList.GetSelectedCount (); BOOL bEnableDetails = TRUE; int nSelIndex = GetSelectedListItem ();
if ( 1 == nSelCnt ) { PSTR pszOID = (PSTR) m_extensionList.GetItemData (nSelIndex); _ASSERT (pszOID); if ( pszOID ) { if ( !_stricmp (szOID_ENROLL_CERTTYPE_EXTENSION, pszOID) ) bEnableDetails = FALSE; else if ( !_stricmp (szOID_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS, pszOID) ) bEnableDetails = FALSE; else if ( !_stricmp (szOID_CERTIFICATE_TEMPLATE, pszOID) ) bEnableDetails = FALSE; } } else bEnableDetails = FALSE; GetDlgItem (IDC_SHOW_DETAILS)->EnableWindow (bEnableDetails); }
void CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage::OnOK() { CDialog::OnOK(); }
void CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage::OnShowDetails() { int nSelCnt = m_extensionList.GetSelectedCount (); _ASSERT (1 == nSelCnt); int nSelIndex = GetSelectedListItem (); if ( 1 == nSelCnt ) { PSTR pszOID = (PSTR) m_extensionList.GetItemData (nSelIndex); if ( pszOID ) { PCERT_EXTENSION pCertExtension = 0; HRESULT hr = m_rCertTemplate.GetCertExtension (pszOID, &pCertExtension); if ( SUCCEEDED (hr) ) { bool bExtensionAllocedLocally = false; if ( !pCertExtension ) { pCertExtension = new CERT_EXTENSION; if ( pCertExtension ) { // security review 2/20/2002 BryanWal ok
::ZeroMemory (pCertExtension, sizeof (CERT_EXTENSION)); pCertExtension->pszObjId = pszOID; bExtensionAllocedLocally = true; } else return; } CDialog* pDlg = 0;
if ( !_stricmp (szOID_ENROLL_CERTTYPE_EXTENSION, pszOID) ) { return; } else if ( !_stricmp (szOID_ENHANCED_KEY_USAGE, pszOID) ) { if ( m_rCertTemplate.GetType () == 1 ) { pDlg = new CPolicyDlg (this, m_rCertTemplate, pCertExtension); } } else if ( !_stricmp (szOID_KEY_USAGE, pszOID) ) { pDlg = new CKeyUsageDlg (this, m_rCertTemplate, pCertExtension); } else if ( !_stricmp (szOID_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS, pszOID) ) { return; } else if ( !_stricmp (szOID_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS2, pszOID) ) { pDlg = new CBasicConstraintsDlg (this, m_rCertTemplate, pCertExtension); } else if ( !_stricmp (szOID_CERT_POLICIES, pszOID) ) { pDlg = new CPolicyDlg (this, m_rCertTemplate, pCertExtension); } else if ( !_stricmp (szOID_APPLICATION_CERT_POLICIES, pszOID) ) { if ( m_rCertTemplate.GetType () > 1 ) { pDlg = new CPolicyDlg (this, m_rCertTemplate, pCertExtension); } } else { ASSERT (0); }
bool bRefresh = false;
if ( pDlg ) { CThemeContextActivator activator; if ( IDOK == pDlg->DoModal () ) bRefresh = true;
delete pDlg; }
if ( bExtensionAllocedLocally ) delete pCertExtension; m_rCertTemplate.FreeCertExtensions ();
if ( bRefresh ) { hr = m_rCertTemplate.GetCertExtension (pszOID, &pCertExtension); if ( SUCCEEDED (hr) ) { SetModified (); m_rbIsDirty = true; int nImage = 0; if ( pCertExtension && pCertExtension->fCritical ) nImage = IDI_CRITICAL_EXTENSION; else nImage = IDI_EXTENSION;
VERIFY (m_extensionList.SetItem (nSelIndex, 0, LVIF_IMAGE, 0, nImage, 0, 0, 0));
ShowDescription ();
VERIFY (m_extensionList.SetItem (nSelIndex, 0, LVIF_IMAGE, 0, nImage, 0, 0, 0));
m_rCertTemplate.FreeCertExtensions (); } } } } } }
int CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage::GetSelectedListItem() { int nSelItem = -1;
if ( m_extensionList.m_hWnd && m_extensionList.GetSelectedCount () > 0 ) { int nCnt = m_extensionList.GetItemCount (); ASSERT (nCnt >= 1); UINT flag = 0; while (--nCnt >= 0) { flag = ListView_GetItemState (m_extensionList.m_hWnd, nCnt, LVIS_SELECTED); if ( flag & LVNI_SELECTED ) { nSelItem = nCnt; break; } } }
return nSelItem; }
void CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage::OnItemchangedExtensionList(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { LPNMLISTVIEW pNMListView = (LPNMLISTVIEW) pNMHDR; ASSERT (pNMListView); if ( !pNMListView ) { *pResult = 0; return; }
if ( !(LVIS_SELECTED & pNMListView->uNewState) ) { CString szText;
VERIFY (szText.LoadString (IDS_NO_EXTENSION_SELECTED)); SetDlgItemText (IDC_EXTENSION_NAME, szText); VERIFY (szText.LoadString (IDS_NONE)); SetDlgItemText (IDC_EXTENSION_DESCRIPTION, szText); *pResult = 0; return; }
EnableControls (); ShowDescription ();
*pResult = 0; }
void CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage::SetCertTemplateExtension (PCERT_EXTENSION pCertExtension) { ASSERT (pCertExtension); if ( !pCertExtension ) return;
DWORD cbData = 0; if ( CryptDecodeObject(X509_ASN_ENCODING, szOID_CERTIFICATE_TEMPLATE, pCertExtension->Value.pbData, pCertExtension->Value.cbData, 0, NULL, &cbData) ) { CERT_TEMPLATE_EXT* pbTemplate = (CERT_TEMPLATE_EXT*) LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbData); if ( pbTemplate ) { if ( CryptDecodeObject(X509_ASN_ENCODING, szOID_CERTIFICATE_TEMPLATE, pCertExtension->Value.pbData, pCertExtension->Value.cbData, 0, pbTemplate, &cbData) ) { CString text; CString description;
//copy the extension oid
if ( pbTemplate->pszObjId ) { CString templateName; if ( MyGetOIDInfoA (templateName, pbTemplate->pszObjId) ) { CString szOID;
// security review 2/20/2002 BryanWal ok
int nLen = ::MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, 0, pbTemplate->pszObjId, -1, NULL, 0); // NOTICE: API returns required character count
// including null terminator if last arg is 0
ASSERT (nLen > 0); if ( nLen > 0 ) { // security review 2/20/2002 BryanWal ok
nLen = ::MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, 0, pbTemplate->pszObjId, -1, szOID.GetBufferSetLength (nLen), nLen); ASSERT (nLen > 0); szOID.ReleaseBuffer (); }
if ( !wcscmp (templateName, szOID) ) { // Bug 213073 CryptFormatObject: Need to include
// the cert temp OID in the Certificate Template
// Information extension
// When the template is cloned, the oid-name pair
// is not in the global list. Just use the
// template display name the user provided
templateName = m_rCertTemplate.GetDisplayName (); }
// security review 2/20/2002 BryanWal ok
text.FormatMessage (IDS_TEMPLATE_NAME, templateName); description += text; description += pcszNEWLINE;
// Copy the template OID
// security review 2/20/2002 BryanWal ok
text.FormatMessage (IDS_TEMPLATE_OID, szOID); description += text; description += pcszNEWLINE; } }
// copy the subject type description
CString szSubjectTypeDescription; if ( SUCCEEDED (m_rCertTemplate.GetSubjectTypeDescription ( 0, szSubjectTypeDescription)) ) { // security review 2/20/2002 BryanWal ok
text.FormatMessage (IDS_SUBJECT_TYPE_DESCRIPTION, szSubjectTypeDescription); description += text; description += pcszNEWLINE; }
//copy the version
WCHAR str[32]; // security review 3/5/2002 BryanWal ok
// str buffer is big enough for a DWORD value (where 18 characters are required)
_ultow (pbTemplate->dwMajorVersion, str, 10); // security review 2/20/2002 BryanWal ok
text.FormatMessage (IDS_MAJOR_VERSION_NUMBER, str); description += text; description += pcszNEWLINE;
// security review 3/5/2002 BryanWal ok
// str buffer is big enough for a DWORD value (where 18 characters are required)
_ultow (pbTemplate->dwMinorVersion, str, 10); // security review 2/20/2002 BryanWal ok
text.FormatMessage (IDS_MINOR_VERSION_NUMBER, str); description += text; description += pcszNEWLINE;
if ( description.IsEmpty () ) VERIFY (description.LoadString (IDS_NONE)); SetDlgItemText (IDC_EXTENSION_DESCRIPTION, description);
} LocalFree (pbTemplate); } } }
void CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage::SetCertTypeDescription (PCERT_EXTENSION pCertExtension) { ASSERT (pCertExtension); if ( !pCertExtension ) return;
DWORD cbValue = 0;
if ( ::CryptDecodeObject( CRYPT_ASN_ENCODING, X509_UNICODE_ANY_STRING, pCertExtension->Value.pbData, pCertExtension->Value.cbData, 0, 0, &cbValue) ) { CERT_NAME_VALUE* pCNValue = (CERT_NAME_VALUE*) ::LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbValue); if ( pCNValue ) { if ( ::CryptDecodeObject( CRYPT_ASN_ENCODING, X509_UNICODE_ANY_STRING, pCertExtension->Value.pbData, pCertExtension->Value.cbData, 0, pCNValue, &cbValue) ) { CString text = (LPWSTR) pCNValue->Value.pbData; CString description; if ( text.IsEmpty () ) VERIFY (text.LoadString (IDS_NONE)); // security review 2/20/2002 BryanWal ok
description.FormatMessage (IDS_TEMPLATE_INTERNAL_NAME, text); description += pcszNEWLINE;
// copy the subject type description
CString szSubjectTypeDescription; if ( SUCCEEDED (m_rCertTemplate.GetSubjectTypeDescription ( 0, szSubjectTypeDescription)) ) { // security review 2/20/2002 BryanWal ok
text.FormatMessage (IDS_SUBJECT_TYPE_DESCRIPTION, szSubjectTypeDescription); description += text; description += pcszNEWLINE; }
SetDlgItemText (IDC_EXTENSION_DESCRIPTION, description); } ::LocalFree (pCNValue); } else { _TRACE (0, L"CryptDecodeObject (CRYPT_ASN_ENCODING, X509_UNICODE_ANY_STRING, ...) failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError ()); } } else { _TRACE (0, L"CryptDecodeObject (CRYPT_ASN_ENCODING, X509_UNICODE_ANY_STRING, ...) failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError ()); } }
void CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage::SetKeyUsageDescription (PCERT_EXTENSION pCertExtension) { ASSERT (pCertExtension); if ( !pCertExtension ) return;
CString description; CString text;
DWORD cbKeyUsage = 0; CRYPT_BIT_BLOB* pKeyUsage = 0;
if ( ::CryptDecodeObject(CRYPT_ASN_ENCODING, szOID_KEY_USAGE, pCertExtension->Value.pbData, pCertExtension->Value.cbData, 0, NULL, &cbKeyUsage) ) { pKeyUsage = (CRYPT_BIT_BLOB*) ::LocalAlloc (LPTR, cbKeyUsage); if ( pKeyUsage ) { if ( ::CryptDecodeObject (CRYPT_ASN_ENCODING, szOID_KEY_USAGE, pCertExtension->Value.pbData, pCertExtension->Value.cbData, 0, pKeyUsage, &cbKeyUsage) ) { if (pKeyUsage->cbData >= 1) { if ( pKeyUsage->pbData[0] & (CERT_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_KEY_USAGE | CERT_NON_REPUDIATION_KEY_USAGE | CERT_KEY_CERT_SIGN_KEY_USAGE | CERT_OFFLINE_CRL_SIGN_KEY_USAGE) ) { VERIFY (text.LoadString (IDS_SIGNATURE_REQUIREMENTS)); description += text; description += pcszNEWLINE;
if ( pKeyUsage->pbData[0] & CERT_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE_KEY_USAGE ) { VERIFY (text.LoadString (IDS_DIGITAL_SIGNATURE)); description += text; description += pcszNEWLINE; }
if ( pKeyUsage->pbData[0] & CERT_NON_REPUDIATION_KEY_USAGE ) { VERIFY (text.LoadString (IDS_NON_REPUDIATION)); description += text; description += pcszNEWLINE; }
if ( pKeyUsage->pbData[0] & CERT_KEY_CERT_SIGN_KEY_USAGE ) { VERIFY (text.LoadString (IDS_CERTIFICATE_SIGNING)); description += text; description += pcszNEWLINE; }
if ( pKeyUsage->pbData[0] & CERT_OFFLINE_CRL_SIGN_KEY_USAGE ) { VERIFY (text.LoadString (IDS_CRL_SIGNING)); description += text; description += pcszNEWLINE; } }
if ( pKeyUsage->pbData[0] & (CERT_KEY_ENCIPHERMENT_KEY_USAGE | CERT_DATA_ENCIPHERMENT_KEY_USAGE | CERT_KEY_AGREEMENT_KEY_USAGE) ) { if ( !description.IsEmpty () ) description += pcszNEWLINE;
if ( pKeyUsage->pbData[0] & CERT_KEY_ENCIPHERMENT_KEY_USAGE ) { VERIFY (text.LoadString (IDS_ALLOW_KEY_EXCHANGE_ONLY_WITH_KEY_ENCRYPTION)); description += text; description += pcszNEWLINE; }
if ( pKeyUsage->pbData[0] & CERT_KEY_AGREEMENT_KEY_USAGE ) { VERIFY (text.LoadString (IDS_ALLOW_KEY_EXCHANGE_WITHOUT_KEY_ENCRYPTION)); description += text; description += pcszNEWLINE; }
if ( pKeyUsage->pbData[0] & CERT_DATA_ENCIPHERMENT_KEY_USAGE ) { VERIFY (text.LoadString (IDS_ALLOW_ENCRYPTION_OF_USER_DATA)); description += text; description += pcszNEWLINE; }
} }
// if (pKeyUsage->cbData >= 2)
// {
// if ( pKeyUsage->pbData[1] & CERT_DECIPHER_ONLY_KEY_USAGE )
// }
} else { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError (); _TRACE (0, L"CryptDecodeObject (szOID_KEY_USAGE) failed: 0x%x\n", dwErr); DisplaySystemError (NULL, dwErr); }
LocalFree (pKeyUsage); } } else { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError (); _TRACE (0, L"CryptDecodeObject (szOID_KEY_USAGE) failed: 0x%x\n", dwErr); DisplaySystemError (NULL, dwErr); }
if ( pCertExtension->fCritical ) { VERIFY (text.LoadString (IDS_CRITICAL_EXTENSION)); description += text; description += pcszNEWLINE; }
if ( description.IsEmpty () ) VERIFY (description.LoadString (IDS_NONE)); SetDlgItemText (IDC_EXTENSION_DESCRIPTION, description); }
void CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage::SetEnhancedKeyUsageDescription (bool bCritical) { CString description; CString text;
int nEKUIndex = 0; CString szEKU; while ( SUCCEEDED (m_rCertTemplate.GetEnhancedKeyUsage (nEKUIndex, szEKU)) ) { // security review 2/20/2002 BryanWal ok
int nLen = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, // code page
0, // performance and mapping flags
(PCWSTR) szEKU, // wide-character string
-1, // -1 - calculate length of null-terminated string automatically
0, // buffer for new string
0, // size of buffer - if 0 causes to return required len including NULL terminator
0, // default for unmappable chars
0); // set when default char used - returns length including null-terminator
if ( nLen > 0 ) { PSTR pszAnsiBuf = new char[nLen]; if ( pszAnsiBuf ) { // security review 2/20/2002 BryanWal ok
ZeroMemory (pszAnsiBuf, nLen); nLen = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, // code page
0, // performance and mapping flags
(PCWSTR) szEKU, // wide-character string
-1, // -1 - calculate length of null-terminated string automatically
pszAnsiBuf, // buffer for new string
nLen, // size of buffer
0, // default for unmappable chars
0); // set when default char used
if ( nLen > 0 ) { CString szEKUName; if ( MyGetOIDInfoA (szEKUName, pszAnsiBuf) ) { description += szEKUName; description += pcszNEWLINE; } } delete [] pszAnsiBuf; } } nEKUIndex++; }
if ( bCritical ) { VERIFY (text.LoadString (IDS_CRITICAL_EXTENSION)); description += text; description += pcszNEWLINE; }
if ( description.IsEmpty () ) VERIFY (description.LoadString (IDS_NONE)); SetDlgItemText (IDC_EXTENSION_DESCRIPTION, description); }
void CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage::SetApplicationPoliciesDescription (bool bCritical) { CString description; CString text;
int nAppPolicyIndex = 0; CString szAppPolicy; while ( SUCCEEDED (m_rCertTemplate.GetApplicationPolicy (nAppPolicyIndex, szAppPolicy)) ) { // security review 2/20/2002 BryanWal ok
int nLen = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, // code page
0, // performance and mapping flags
(PCWSTR) szAppPolicy, // wide-character string
-1, // -1 - calculate length of null-terminated string automatically
0, // buffer for new string
0, // size of buffer - 0 causes API to return length including null terminator
0, // default for unmappable chars
0); // set when default char used
if ( nLen > 0 ) { PSTR pszAnsiBuf = new char[nLen]; if ( pszAnsiBuf ) { // security review 2/20/2002 BryanWal ok
ZeroMemory (pszAnsiBuf, nLen); // security review 2/20/2002 BryanWal ok
nLen = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, // code page
0, // performance and mapping flags
(PCWSTR) szAppPolicy, // wide-character string
-1, // -1 - calculate length of null-terminated string automatically
pszAnsiBuf, // buffer for new string
nLen, // size of buffer
0, // default for unmappable chars
0); // set when default char used
if ( nLen ) { CString szAppPolicyName; if ( MyGetOIDInfoA (szAppPolicyName, pszAnsiBuf) ) { description += szAppPolicyName; description += pcszNEWLINE; } } delete [] pszAnsiBuf; } } nAppPolicyIndex++; }
if ( bCritical ) { VERIFY (text.LoadString (IDS_CRITICAL_EXTENSION)); description += text; description += pcszNEWLINE; }
if ( description.IsEmpty () ) VERIFY (description.LoadString (IDS_NONE)); SetDlgItemText (IDC_EXTENSION_DESCRIPTION, description); }
void CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage::SetCertPoliciesDescription (bool bCritical) { CString description; CString text;
VERIFY (text.LoadString (IDS_CERT_POLICY_KNOWN_AS_ISSUANCE_POLICY)); description += text; description += pcszNEWLINE; description += pcszNEWLINE;
int nCertPolicyIndex = 0; CString szCertPolicy; while ( SUCCEEDED (m_rCertTemplate.GetCertPolicy (nCertPolicyIndex, szCertPolicy)) ) { // security review 2/20/2002 BryanWal ok
int nLen = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, // code page
0, // performance and mapping flags
(PCWSTR) szCertPolicy, // wide-character string
-1, // -1 - calculate length of null-terminated string automatically
0, // buffer for new string
0, // size of buffer - 0 causes API to return len with null terminator
0, // default for unmappable chars
0); // set when default char used
if ( nLen > 0 ) { PSTR pszAnsiBuf = new char[nLen]; if ( pszAnsiBuf ) { // security review 2/20/2002 BryanWal ok
ZeroMemory (pszAnsiBuf, nLen); // security review 2/20/2002 BryanWal ok
nLen = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, // code page
0, // performance and mapping flags
(PCWSTR) szCertPolicy, // wide-character string
-1, // -1 - calculate length of null-terminated string automatically
pszAnsiBuf, // buffer for new string
nLen, // size of buffer
0, // default for unmappable chars
0); // set when default char used
if ( nLen ) { CString szPolicyName; if ( MyGetOIDInfoA (szPolicyName, pszAnsiBuf) ) { description += szPolicyName; description += pcszNEWLINE; } }
delete [] pszAnsiBuf; } } nCertPolicyIndex++; }
if ( bCritical ) { VERIFY (text.LoadString (IDS_CRITICAL_EXTENSION)); description += text; description += pcszNEWLINE; }
if ( description.IsEmpty () ) VERIFY (description.LoadString (IDS_NONE)); SetDlgItemText (IDC_EXTENSION_DESCRIPTION, description); }
void CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage::SetBasicConstraintsDescription (PCERT_EXTENSION pCertExtension) { ASSERT (pCertExtension); if ( !pCertExtension ) return;
CString description; CString text;
VERIFY (text.LoadString (IDS_SUBJECT_IS_CA)); description += text; description += pcszNEWLINE;
szOID_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS2, pCertExtension->Value.pbData, pCertExtension->Value.cbData, 0, 0, &cbInfo) ) { pBCInfo = (PCERT_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS2_INFO) ::LocalAlloc ( LPTR, cbInfo); if ( pBCInfo ) { if ( CryptDecodeObject ( X509_ASN_ENCODING | PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, //X509_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS2,
szOID_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS2, pCertExtension->Value.pbData, pCertExtension->Value.cbData, 0, pBCInfo, &cbInfo) ) { if ( pBCInfo->fPathLenConstraint ) { VERIFY (text.LoadString (IDS_ONLY_ISSUE_END_ENTITIES)); description += text; description += pcszNEWLINE; } } else { _TRACE (0, L"CryptDecodeObjectEx (szOID_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS2) failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError ()); } LocalFree (pBCInfo); } } else { _TRACE (0, L"CryptDecodeObjectEx (szOID_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS2) failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError ()); }
if ( pCertExtension->fCritical ) { VERIFY (text.LoadString (IDS_CRITICAL_EXTENSION)); description += text; description += pcszNEWLINE; }
if ( description.IsEmpty () ) VERIFY (description.LoadString (IDS_NONE)); SetDlgItemText (IDC_EXTENSION_DESCRIPTION, description); }
void CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage::OnDblclkExtensionList(NMHDR* /*pNMHDR*/, LRESULT* pResult) { OnShowDetails (); *pResult = 0; }
void CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage::DoContextHelp (HWND hWndControl) { _TRACE(1, L"Entering CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage::DoContextHelp\n"); switch (::GetDlgCtrlID (hWndControl)) { case IDC_STATIC: break;
default: // Display context help for a control
if ( !::WinHelp ( hWndControl, GetContextHelpFile (), HELP_WM_HELP, (DWORD_PTR) g_aHelpIDs_IDD_TEMPLATE_EXTENSIONS) ) { _TRACE(0, L"WinHelp () failed: 0x%x\n", GetLastError ()); } break; } _TRACE(-1, L"Leaving CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage::DoContextHelp\n"); }
void CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage::OnDeleteitemExtensionList(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NM_LISTVIEW* pNMListView = (NM_LISTVIEW*)pNMHDR;
PSTR pszOID = (PSTR) m_extensionList.GetItemData (pNMListView->iItem); if ( pszOID ) { delete [] pszOID; } *pResult = 0; }
BOOL CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage::OnSetActive() { BOOL bRVal = CHelpPropertyPage::OnSetActive(); ShowDescription ();
return bRVal; }
void CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage::ShowDescription () { int nSelCnt = m_extensionList.GetSelectedCount (); int nSelIndex = GetSelectedListItem (); if ( 1 == nSelCnt ) { PSTR pszOID = (PSTR) m_extensionList.GetItemData (nSelIndex); if ( pszOID ) { CString friendlyName; if ( MyGetOIDInfoA (friendlyName, pszOID) ) { CString text;
// security review 2/20/2002 BryanWal ok
text.FormatMessage (IDS_EXTENSION_NAME, friendlyName); SetDlgItemText (IDC_EXTENSION_NAME, text); } else SetDlgItemText (IDC_EXTENSION_NAME, L"");
PCERT_EXTENSION pCertExtension = 0; HRESULT hr = m_rCertTemplate.GetCertExtension (pszOID, &pCertExtension); if ( SUCCEEDED (hr) ) { if ( pCertExtension ) { if ( !_stricmp (szOID_BASIC_CONSTRAINTS2, pszOID) ) { SetBasicConstraintsDescription (pCertExtension); } else if ( !_stricmp (szOID_ENHANCED_KEY_USAGE, pszOID) ) { bool bCritical = false; m_rCertTemplate.IsExtensionCritical (TEXT (szOID_ENHANCED_KEY_USAGE), bCritical);
SetEnhancedKeyUsageDescription (bCritical); } else if ( !_stricmp (szOID_APPLICATION_CERT_POLICIES, pszOID) ) { bool bCritical = false; m_rCertTemplate.IsExtensionCritical (TEXT (szOID_APPLICATION_CERT_POLICIES), bCritical);
SetApplicationPoliciesDescription (bCritical); } else if ( !_stricmp (szOID_KEY_USAGE, pszOID) ) { SetKeyUsageDescription (pCertExtension); } else if ( !_stricmp (szOID_CERT_POLICIES, pszOID) ) { bool bCritical = false; m_rCertTemplate.IsExtensionCritical (TEXT (szOID_CERT_POLICIES), bCritical); SetCertPoliciesDescription (bCritical); } else if ( !_stricmp (szOID_ENROLL_CERTTYPE_EXTENSION, pszOID) ) { SetCertTypeDescription (pCertExtension); } else if ( !_stricmp (szOID_CERTIFICATE_TEMPLATE, pszOID) ) { SetCertTemplateExtension (pCertExtension); } else { CString szText;
VERIFY (szText.LoadString (IDS_NONE)); SetDlgItemText (IDC_EXTENSION_DESCRIPTION, szText); } } else if ( !_stricmp (szOID_CERT_POLICIES, pszOID) ) { SetCertPoliciesDescription (false); } else if ( !_stricmp (szOID_APPLICATION_CERT_POLICIES, pszOID) ) { SetApplicationPoliciesDescription (false); } } } } else { CString szText;
VERIFY (szText.LoadString (IDS_NO_EXTENSION_SELECTED)); SetDlgItemText (IDC_EXTENSION_NAME, szText); VERIFY (szText.LoadString (IDS_NONE)); SetDlgItemText (IDC_EXTENSION_DESCRIPTION, szText); } }
void CTemplateExtensionsPropertyPage::OnDestroy() { CHelpPropertyPage::OnDestroy(); m_imageListNormal.Destroy (); m_imageListSmall.Destroy (); }