// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1996.
// File: macros.h
// Contents: Useful macros
// Macros: ARRAYLEN
// BREAK_ON_FAIL(hresult)
// BREAK_ON_FAIL(hresult)
// History: 6/3/1996 RaviR Created
// 7/23/1996 JonN Added exception handling macros
#ifndef _MACROS_H_
#define _MACROS_H_
// Macro: ARRAYLEN
// Purpose: To determine the length of an array.
#define ARRAYLEN(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0]))
// Macros: BREAK_ON_FAIL(hresult), BREAK_ON_ERROR(lastError)
// Purpose: To break out of a loop on error.
#define BREAK_ON_FAIL(hr) if (FAILED(hr)) { break; } else 1;
#define BREAK_ON_ERROR(lr) if (lr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; } else 1;
// Macros: DwordAlign(n)
#define DwordAlign(n) (((n) + 3) & ~3)
#define SAFE_RELEASE(punk) \
if (punk != NULL) \ { \ punk##->Release(); \ punk = NULL; \ } \ else \ { \ TRACE(_T("Release called on NULL interface ptr")); \ } #endif // SAFE_RELEASE
// Purpose: This declares the set of IUnknown methods and is for
// general-purpose use inside classes that inherit from IUnknown
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj); \ STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) (void); \ STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) (void)
// Purpose: This is for use in declaring non-aggregatable objects. It
// declares the IUnknown methods and reference counter, m_ulRefs.
// m_ulRefs should be initialized to 1 in the constructor of
// the object
// Purpose: Partial implementaion of standard IUnknown.
// Note: This does NOT implement QueryInterface, which must be
// implemented by each object
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) cls##::AddRef() \ { return InterlockedIncrement((LONG*)&m_ulRefs); } \ STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) cls##::Release() \ { ULONG ulRet = InterlockedDecrement((LONG*)&m_ulRefs); \ if (0 == ulRet) { delete this; } \ return ulRet; }
// ISSUE-2002/04/01-JonN This is not used, remove it
// Macro: DECLARE_SAFE_INTERFACE_PTR_MEMBERS(cls, Interface, m_iptr)
// Purpose: Make the interface ptr 'm_iptr' of interface type 'Interface'
// a safe pointer for the given class 'cls', by adding methods and
// overloading operators to manipulate the pointer m_iptr.
// History: 6/3/1996 RaviR Created
// Notes: Adds safe interface pointer member functions to the given
// class for the given OLE interface. 'm_iptr' is the member
// variable name of the interface ptr in the given class.
// The Copy function creates a valid additional copy of
// the captured pointer (following the AddRef/Release protocol)
// so can be used to hand out copies from a safe pointer declared
// as a member of some other class.
// The 'Transfer' function transfers the interface pointer, and
// invalidates its member value (by setting it to NULL).
// To release the existing interface ptr and set it to a new
// instance use the 'Set' member fuction. This method takes a
// parameter which specifies whether the new pointer should be
// AddRef'd, defaulting to TRUE.
// The following methods manipulate the interface pointer with
// out following the AddRef/Release protocol: Transfer, Attach
// and Detach.
#define DECLARE_SAFE_INTERFACE_PTR_MEMBERS(cls, Interface, m_iptr) \
\ public: \ cls##(Interface * iptr=NULL, BOOL fInc=TRUE) : m_iptr(iptr) \ { \ if (fInc && (m_iptr != NULL)) \ { \ m_iptr->AddRef(); \ } \ } \ \ ~##cls##() \ { \ if (m_iptr != NULL) \ { \ m_iptr->Release(); \ m_iptr = NULL; \ } \ } \ \ inline BOOL IsNull(void) \ { \ return (m_iptr == NULL); \ } \ \ void Transfer(Interface **piptr) \ { \ *piptr = m_iptr; \ m_iptr = NULL; \ } \ \ void Copy(Interface **piptr) \ { \ *piptr = m_iptr; \ if (m_iptr != NULL) \ m_iptr->AddRef(); \ } \ \ void Set(Interface* iptr, BOOL fInc = TRUE) \ { \ if (m_iptr) \ { \ m_iptr->Release(); \ } \ m_iptr = iptr; \ if (fInc && m_iptr) \ { \ m_iptr->AddRef(); \ } \ } \ \ void SafeRelease(void) \ { \ if (m_iptr) \ { \ m_iptr->Release(); \ m_iptr = NULL; \ } \ } \ \ void SimpleRelease(void) \ { \ ASSERT(m_iptr != NULL); \ m_iptr->Release(); \ m_iptr = NULL; \ } \ \ void Attach(Interface* iptr) \ { \ ASSERT(m_iptr == NULL); \ m_iptr = iptr; \ } \ \ void Detach(void) \ { \ m_iptr = NULL; \ } \ \ Interface * operator-> () { return m_iptr; } \ Interface& operator * () { return *m_iptr; } \ operator Interface *() { return m_iptr; } \ \ Interface ** operator &() \ { \ ASSERT(m_iptr == NULL); \ return &m_iptr; \ } \ \ Interface *Self(void) { return m_iptr; } \ \ private: \ void operator= (const cls &) {;} \ cls(const cls &){;}
// Purpose: Provide standard macros for exception-handling in
// OLE servers.
// History: 7/23/1996 JonN Created
// Notes: Declare USE_HANDLE_MACROS("Component name") in each source
// file before these are used.
// These macros can only be used in function calls which return
// type HRESULT.
// Bracket routines which can generate exceptions
// Where these routines are COM methods requiring MFC
// support, use MFC_TRY and MFC_CATCH instead.
#define USE_HANDLE_MACROS(component) \
static TCHAR* You_forgot_to_declare_USE_HANDLE_MACROS = _T(component);
#define STANDARD_TRY \
try {
#define MFC_TRY \
AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( )); \ STANDARD_TRY
// ISSUE-2002/04/01-JonN remove ENDMETHOD_READBLOCK
// CODEWORK don't quite have ENDMETHOD_READBLOCK working yet
#ifdef DEBUG
"%s: The unexpected error can be identified as \"%s\" context %n\n" #define ENDMETHOD_READBLOCK \
{ \ TCHAR szError[MAX_PATH]; \ UINT nHelpContext = 0; \ if ( e->GetErrorMessage( szError, MAX_PATH, &nHelpContext ) ) \ { \ TRACE( ENDMETHOD_STRING, \ You_forgot_to_declare_USE_HANDLE_MACROS, \ szError, \ nHelpContext ); \ } \ } #else
#define ERRSTRING_MEMORY "%s: An out-of-memory error occurred\n"
#define ERRSTRING_FILE "%s: File error 0x%lx occurred on file \"%s\"\n"
#define ERRSTRING_OLE "%s: OLE error 0x%lx occurred\n"
#define ERRSTRING_UNEXPECTED "%s: An unexpected error occurred\n"
#define BADPARM_STRING "%s: Bad string parameter\n"
#define BADPARM_POINTER "%s: Bad pointer parameter\n"
#define TRACEERR(s) TRACE( s, You_forgot_to_declare_USE_HANDLE_MACROS )
#define TRACEERR1(s,a) TRACE( s, You_forgot_to_declare_USE_HANDLE_MACROS,a )
#define TRACEERR2(s,a,b) TRACE( s, You_forgot_to_declare_USE_HANDLE_MACROS,a,b )
// Note that it is important to use "e->Delete();" and not "delete e;"
} \ catch (CMemoryException* e) \ { \ TRACEERR( ERRSTRING_MEMORY ); \ ASSERT( FALSE ); \ e->Delete(); \ return E_OUTOFMEMORY; \ } \ catch (COleException* e) \ { \ HRESULT hr = (HRESULT)e->Process(e); \ TRACEERR1( ERRSTRING_OLE, hr ); \ ASSERT( FALSE ); \ e->Delete(); \ ASSERT( FAILED(hr) ); \ return hr; \ } \ catch (CFileException* e) \ { \ HRESULT hr = (HRESULT)e->m_lOsError; \ TRACEERR2( ERRSTRING_FILE, hr, e->m_strFileName ); \ ASSERT( FALSE ); \ e->Delete(); \ ASSERT( FAILED(hr) ); \ return hr; \ } \ catch (CException* e) \ { \ TRACEERR( ERRSTRING_UNEXPECTED ); \ ASSERT( FALSE ); \ e->Delete(); \ return E_UNEXPECTED; \ }
#define MFC_CATCH \
#define TEST_STRING_PARAM(x) \
if ( (x) != NULL && !AfxIsValidString(x) ) { \ TRACEERR( BADPARM_STRING ); return E_POINTER; } #define TEST_NONNULL_STRING_PARAM(x) \
if ( !AfxIsValidString(x) ) { \ TRACEERR( BADPARM_STRING ); return E_POINTER; } #define TEST_NONNULL_PTR_PARAM(x) \
if ( (x) == NULL || IsBadWritePtr((x),sizeof(x)) ) { \ TRACEERR( BADPARM_POINTER ); return E_POINTER; }
#endif // _MACROS_H_