// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999
// File: dnsutil.cpp
#include "preDNSsn.h"
#include <SnapBase.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include "dnsutil.h"
#include "uiutil.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// formatting of IPv4 address to string
LPCWSTR g_szIpStringFmt = TEXT("%d.%d.%d.%d");
#ifdef NTRAID_628931
// Wide character version of DNS_ZONE_ROOT_HINTS
CString g_zoneRootHints(L"");
HRESULT GetWideCharZoneRootHints(CString& zoneRootHints) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Initialize the wide char version if it has
// not already been initialized.
if (g_zoneRootHints == L"") { // Determine how long wide string needs to be.
int wideLength = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, DNS_ZONE_ROOT_HINTS, -1, // Let MBtoWC() determine length.
NULL, 0);
LPWSTR lpszZoneRootHints = new WCHAR[wideLength]; if (lpszZoneRootHints) { // Convert ascii to wide string.
int convertedLength = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, DNS_ZONE_ROOT_HINTS, -1, lpszZoneRootHints, wideLength);
// Should never happen.
if (convertedLength != wideLength) { hr = E_FAIL; ASSERT(false); }
g_zoneRootHints = lpszZoneRootHints; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
delete [] lpszZoneRootHints; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { zoneRootHints = g_zoneRootHints; } return hr; } #endif //NTRAID_628931
// General Purpose Utility Functions
BYTE HexCharToByte(WCHAR ch) { if (ch >= TEXT('0') && ch <= TEXT('9')) return static_cast<BYTE>(ch-TEXT('0')); else if (ch >= TEXT('A') && ch <= TEXT('F')) return static_cast<BYTE>(ch-TEXT('A') + 10); else if (ch >= TEXT('a') && ch <= TEXT('f')) return static_cast<BYTE>(ch-TEXT('a') + 10); else return static_cast<BYTE>(0xFF); // marks out of range, expect 0x00 to 0x0f
void ReverseString(LPWSTR p, LPWSTR q) { WCHAR c; while (p < q) { c = *p; *p = *q; *q = c; p++; q--; } }
int ReverseIPString(LPWSTR lpsz) { if (!lpsz) return 0; // reverse the whole string
size_t nLen = wcslen(lpsz); ReverseString(lpsz, lpsz+(nLen-1));
// reverse each octect
WCHAR *p,*q1,*q2; p = q1 = q2 = lpsz; int nOctects = 0; while (TRUE) { if ( (*p == '.') || (*p == '\0') && (p >lpsz) ) { q1 = p-1; // point to the digit before the dot
ReverseString(q2,q1); nOctects++; q2 = p+1; // for next loop, set trailing pointer
} if (!*p) break; p++; } return nOctects; }
BOOL IsValidIPString(LPCWSTR lpsz) { return IPStringToAddr(lpsz) != INADDR_NONE; }
DWORD IPStringToAddr(LPCWSTR lpsz) { USES_CONVERSION; DWORD dw = inet_addr(W2A(lpsz)); return dw; }
#define MAX_OCTECT_DIGITS (3) // IPv4 only
BOOL IsValidIPString(LPCWSTR lpsz) { if (!lpsz) return FALSE; // null
int nLen = wcslen(lpsz); if (nLen <= 0) return FALSE; // empty
if ((lpsz[0] == TEXT('.')) || (lpsz[nLen-1] == TEXT('.')) ) return FALSE; // leading and trailing dots
for (int k=0; k<nLen; k++) if ((lpsz[k] != TEXT('.')) && !isdigit(lpsz[k])) return FALSE; // wrong characters
// look for octects and dots
WCHAR *p,*q1,*q2; p = q1 = q2 = (WCHAR*)lpsz; while (TRUE) { if ( (*p == TEXT('.')) || (*p == TEXT('\0')) && (p >lpsz) ) { q1 = p-1; // point to the digit before the dot
if ((q1-q2)+1 > MAX_OCTECT_DIGITS) return FALSE; // too many digits
q2 = p+1; // for next loop, set trailing pointer
} if (!*p) break; p++; } return TRUE; // got at the end fine
BOOL RemoveInAddrArpaSuffix(LPWSTR lpsz) { if (!lpsz) return FALSE; // assume NULL terminated string
size_t nSuffixLen = wcslen(INADDR_ARPA_SUFFIX); size_t nLen = wcslen(lpsz); // first char in the suffix, if present
WCHAR* p = lpsz + nLen - nSuffixLen; if ((p < lpsz) || (_wcsicmp(p,INADDR_ARPA_SUFFIX) != 0)) return FALSE; // string too short or not matching suffix
// got the match, trim the suffix
ASSERT(*p == L'.'); *p = NULL; return TRUE; }
DNS_STATUS ValidateDnsNameAgainstServerFlags(LPCWSTR lpszName, DNS_NAME_FORMAT format, DWORD serverNameChecking) { DNS_STATUS errName = ::DnsValidateName_W(lpszName, format);
if (errName == ERROR_INVALID_NAME) { //
// Always fail for invalid names
// Invalid names are:
// - Longer than 255 characters
// - contains label longer than 63 characters
// - contains a space
// - contains two or more consecutive dots
// - begins with a dot
// - contains a dot if the name is submitted with format DnsNameHostDomainLabel or DnsNameHostNameLabel
return errName; }
if (errName == DNS_ERROR_INVALID_NAME_CHAR) { if (serverNameChecking == DNS_ALLOW_MULTIBYTE_NAMES || serverNameChecking == DNS_ALLOW_ALL_NAMES) { //
// If server is set to allow UTF8 or all names let it pass
return 0; } else { //
// If server is set to Strict RFC or non-RFC fail
// DNS_ERROR_INVALID_NAME_CHAR will result from the following:
// - Contains any of the following invalid characters: {|}~[\]^':;<=>?@!"#$%`()+/,
// - contains an asterisk (*) unless the asterisk is the first label in the multi-labeled name
// and submitted with format DnsNameWildcard
return errName; } }
if (errName == DNS_ERROR_NUMERIC_NAME) { //
// Always allow numeric names
return 0; }
if (errName == DNS_ERROR_NON_RFC_NAME) { if (serverNameChecking == DNS_ALLOW_RFC_NAMES_ONLY) { //
// Fail if the server is only allowing strict RFC names
// DNS_ERROR_NON_RFC_NAME will result from the following:
// - Contains at least one extended or Unicode character
// - contains underscore (_) unless the underscore is the first character in a label
// in the name submitted with format set to DnsNameSrvRecord
return errName; } else { //
// Allow the name for any other server settings
return 0; } }
return errName; }
BOOL _HasSuffixAtTheEnd(LPCWSTR lpsz, int nLen, LPCWSTR lpszSuffix) { if (!lpsz) return FALSE; // was NULL
// assume NULL terminated string
size_t nSuffixLen = wcslen(lpszSuffix); // first char in the suffix, if present
WCHAR* p = (WCHAR*)(lpsz + nLen - nSuffixLen); if (p < lpsz) return FALSE; // string too short
if (_wcsicmp(p,lpszSuffix) != 0) return FALSE; // not matching suffix
if (p == lpsz) return TRUE; // exactly matching
// the suffix can be matching, but as part of a label
if (p[-1] == TEXT('.')) return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
BOOL _IsValidDnsFwdLookupZoneName(CString& szName) { int nLen = szName.GetLength();
// this is the "." (root zone)
if ( nLen == 1 && (szName[0] == TEXT('.')) ) return TRUE;
// no dots at the beginning of the name
if (szName[0] == TEXT('.')) return FALSE;
// we can allow only one dot at the end
if ( nLen >=2 && szName[nLen-1] == TEXT('.') && szName[nLen-2] == TEXT('.') ) { return FALSE; }
// do not allow repeated dots
for (int k=1; k < nLen; k++) if ( (szName[k] == TEXT('.')) && (szName[k-1] == TEXT('.')) ) return FALSE;
if (_HasSuffixAtTheEnd(szName, nLen, _T("ipv6.int")) || _HasSuffixAtTheEnd(szName, nLen, _T("ipv6.int.")) || _HasSuffixAtTheEnd(szName, nLen, _T("arpa")) || _HasSuffixAtTheEnd(szName, nLen, _T("arpa.")) || _HasSuffixAtTheEnd(szName, nLen, _T("ip6.int")) || _HasSuffixAtTheEnd(szName, nLen, _T("ip6.int."))) return FALSE; return TRUE; }
BOOL _IsValidDnsRevLookupZoneName(CString& szName) { int nLen = szName.GetLength(); // do not allow dots at the beginning
if (szName[0] == TEXT('.')) { return FALSE; }
// do not allow repeated dots
for (int k=1; k < nLen; k++) { if ( (szName[k] == TEXT('.')) && (szName[k-1] == TEXT('.')) ) { return FALSE; } }
if (!_HasSuffixAtTheEnd(szName, nLen, _T("ipv6.int")) && !_HasSuffixAtTheEnd(szName, nLen, _T("ipv6.int.")) && !_HasSuffixAtTheEnd(szName, nLen, _T("arpa")) && !_HasSuffixAtTheEnd(szName, nLen, _T("arpa.")) && !_HasSuffixAtTheEnd(szName, nLen, _T("ip6.int")) && !_HasSuffixAtTheEnd(szName, nLen, _T("ip6.int."))) { return FALSE; }
// Do not allow our question mark prefix. Should have been removed.
if (szName.Find(QUESTION_MARK_PREFIX) != -1) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL _IsValidDnsRevLookupZoneName(CString& szName) { int nLen = szName.GetLength(); // do not allow dots at the end or at the beginning
if ( (szName[nLen-1] == TEXT('.')) || (szName[0] == TEXT('.')) ) return FALSE;
// do not allow repeated dots
for (int k=1; k < nLen; k++) if ( (szName[k] == TEXT('.')) && (szName[k-1] == TEXT('.')) ) return FALSE;
if (!_HasSuffixAtTheEnd(szName, nLen, _T("ip6.int")) && !_HasSuffixAtTheEnd(szName, nLen, _T("arpa"))) return FALSE;
return TRUE; } */
BOOL IsValidDnsZoneName(CString& szName, BOOL bFwd) { // check for length
int nLen = UTF8StringLen(szName); if ( (nLen <= 0) || (nLen > MAX_DNS_NAME_LEN)) return FALSE;
// do not allow blanks inside the zone name
if (szName.Find(TEXT(' ')) != -1) return FALSE;
return bFwd ? _IsValidDnsFwdLookupZoneName(szName) : _IsValidDnsRevLookupZoneName(szName); }
// helper functions for IPv6 format
void FormatIPv6Addr(CString& szAddr, IPV6_ADDRESS* ipv6Addr) { szAddr.Format(_T("%.4x:%.4x:%.4x:%.4x:%.4x:%.4x:%.4x:%.4x"), REVERSE_WORD_BYTES(ipv6Addr->IP6Word[0]), REVERSE_WORD_BYTES(ipv6Addr->IP6Word[1]), REVERSE_WORD_BYTES(ipv6Addr->IP6Word[2]), REVERSE_WORD_BYTES(ipv6Addr->IP6Word[3]), REVERSE_WORD_BYTES(ipv6Addr->IP6Word[4]), REVERSE_WORD_BYTES(ipv6Addr->IP6Word[5]), REVERSE_WORD_BYTES(ipv6Addr->IP6Word[6]), REVERSE_WORD_BYTES(ipv6Addr->IP6Word[7]) ); }
// CDNSServerInfoEx
CDNSServerInfoEx::CDNSServerInfoEx() { m_pServInfo = NULL; m_errServInfo = 0; }
CDNSServerInfoEx::~CDNSServerInfoEx() { FreeInfo(); }
DNS_STATUS CDNSServerInfoEx::Query(LPCTSTR lpszServerName) { DNS_RPC_SERVER_INFO* pServerInfo = NULL;
// update original struct
m_errServInfo = ::DnssrvGetServerInfo(lpszServerName, &pServerInfo); if (m_errServInfo != 0) { if (pServerInfo != NULL) ::DnssrvFreeServerInfo(pServerInfo); return m_errServInfo; } ASSERT(pServerInfo != NULL); FreeInfo(); m_pServInfo = pServerInfo;
// if we succeeded and it is an NT 4.0 server, change the version info
if (m_pServInfo->dwVersion == 0) { m_pServInfo->dwVersion = DNS_SRV_VERSION_NT_4; }
return m_errServInfo; }
void CDNSServerInfoEx::FreeInfo() { if (m_pServInfo != NULL) { ::DnssrvFreeServerInfo(m_pServInfo); m_pServInfo = NULL; } m_errServInfo = 0; }
// CDNSZoneInfoEx
CDNSZoneInfoEx::CDNSZoneInfoEx() { m_pZoneInfo = NULL; // m_nAllowsDynamicUpdate = ZONE_UPDATE_OFF;
m_errZoneInfo = 0; // m_errAllowsDynamicUpdate = 0;
CDNSZoneInfoEx::~CDNSZoneInfoEx() { FreeInfo(); }
DNS_STATUS CDNSZoneInfoEx::Query(LPCTSTR lpszServerName, LPCTSTR lpszZoneName, DWORD) { USES_CONVERSION; DNS_RPC_ZONE_INFO* pZoneInfo = NULL; LPCSTR lpszAnsiZoneName = W_TO_UTF8(lpszZoneName);
// update original struct
m_errZoneInfo = ::DnssrvGetZoneInfo(lpszServerName, lpszAnsiZoneName, &pZoneInfo);
if (m_errZoneInfo != 0) { if (pZoneInfo != NULL) ::DnssrvFreeZoneInfo(pZoneInfo); return m_errZoneInfo; } ASSERT(pZoneInfo != NULL); FreeInfo(); m_pZoneInfo = pZoneInfo;
// if we succeeeded and it is an NT 5.0 server,
// update additional flags not originally in the zone info struct
if (DNS_SRV_MAJOR_VERSION(dwServerVersion) >= DNS_SRV_MAJOR_VERSION_NT_5) { DWORD dw; m_errAllowsDynamicUpdate = ::DnssrvQueryZoneDwordProperty(lpszServerName, lpszAnsiZoneName, DNS_REGKEY_ZONE_ALLOW_UPDATE, &dw); if (m_errAllowsDynamicUpdate == 0) m_nAllowsDynamicUpdate = (UINT)dw ; } return ((m_errZoneInfo == 0) && (m_errAllowsDynamicUpdate == 0)) ? 0 : (DWORD)-1; */ return (m_errZoneInfo == 0) ? 0 : (DWORD)-1; }
void CDNSZoneInfoEx::FreeInfo() { if (m_pZoneInfo != NULL) { ::DnssrvFreeZoneInfo(m_pZoneInfo); m_pZoneInfo = NULL; } m_errZoneInfo = 0; // m_errAllowsDynamicUpdate = 0;
//////////////////// ERROR MESSAGES HANDLING //////////////////////////////////
int DNSMessageBox(LPCTSTR lpszText, UINT nType) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CThemeContextActivator activator; return ::AfxMessageBox(lpszText, nType); }
int DNSMessageBox(UINT nIDPrompt, UINT nType) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CThemeContextActivator activator; return ::AfxMessageBox(nIDPrompt, nType); }
int DNSErrorDialog(DNS_STATUS err, UINT nErrorMsgID) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CThemeContextActivator activator; CString szMsg; szMsg.LoadString(nErrorMsgID); return DNSErrorDialog(err, szMsg); }
void DNSDisplaySystemError(DWORD dwErr) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState ()); CThemeContextActivator activator; LPVOID lpMsgBuf = 0; FormatMessage (FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, dwErr, MAKELANGID (LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language
(LPWSTR) &lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL); ::AfxMessageBox ((LPWSTR) lpMsgBuf, MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); // Free the buffer.
LocalFree (lpMsgBuf); }
int DNSErrorDialog(DNS_STATUS err, LPCTSTR lpszErrorMsg) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CThemeContextActivator activator;
CString s; CString szError; if (CDNSErrorInfo::GetErrorString(err,szError)) { s.Format(_T("%s\n%s"), lpszErrorMsg, (LPCTSTR)szError); } else { s.Format(_T("%s\n Error 0x%x"), lpszErrorMsg, err); } return ::AfxMessageBox(s, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); }
void DNSCreateErrorMessage(DNS_STATUS err, UINT nErrorMsgID, CString& refszMessage) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CString szMsg; szMsg.LoadString(nErrorMsgID);
CString szError; if (CDNSErrorInfo::GetErrorString(err,szError)) { refszMessage.Format(_T("%s %s"), szMsg, (LPCTSTR)szError); } else { refszMessage.Format(_T("%s Error 0x%x"), szMsg, err); } }
int DNSConfirmOperation(UINT nMsgID, CTreeNode* p) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CString szFmt; szFmt.LoadString(nMsgID); CString szConfirmMsg; szConfirmMsg.Format((LPCWSTR)szFmt, p->GetDisplayName()); return DNSMessageBox(szConfirmMsg, MB_YESNO); }
BOOL CDNSErrorInfo::GetErrorString(DNS_STATUS err, CString& szError) { if (GetErrorStringFromTable(err, szError)) return TRUE; return GetErrorStringFromWin32(err, szError); }
BOOL CDNSErrorInfo::GetErrorStringFromWin32(DNS_STATUS err, CString& szError) { szError.Empty(); PTSTR ptzSysMsg = NULL; int nChars = ::FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, err, MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), (PTSTR)&ptzSysMsg, 0, NULL); if (nChars > 0) { szError = ptzSysMsg; ::LocalFree(ptzSysMsg); } return (nChars > 0); }
BOOL CDNSErrorInfo::GetErrorStringFromTable(DNS_STATUS err, CString& szError) { static DNS_ERROR_TABLE_ENTRY errorInfo[] = { // DNS Specific errors (from WINERROR.H, previously they were in DNS.H)
// Response codes mapped to non-colliding errors
// Generic errors (from WINERROR.H)
// DS errors from WINERROR.H
// end of table
DNS_ERROR_TABLE_ENTRY* pEntry = errorInfo;
while (pEntry->dwType != ERROR_ENTRY_TYPE_END) { if (pEntry->dwErr == err) { if (pEntry->dwType == ERROR_ENTRY_TYPE_STRINGID) { return szError.LoadString((UINT)pEntry->dwVal); } } pEntry++; } szError.Empty(); return FALSE; }
// Copied from ds\dns\dnslib\record.c by JeffJon on 4/27/2000
// modified to support WCHAR
WCHAR DnsSecurityBase64Mapping[] = { L'A', L'B', L'C', L'D', L'E', L'F', L'G', L'H', L'I', L'J', L'K', L'L', L'M', L'N', L'O', L'P', L'Q', L'R', L'S', L'T', L'U', L'V', L'W', L'X', L'Y', L'Z', L'a', L'b', L'c', L'd', L'e', L'f', L'g', L'h', L'i', L'j', L'k', L'l', L'm', L'n', L'o', L'p', L'q', L'r', L's', L't', L'u', L'v', L'w', L'x', L'y', L'z', L'0', L'1', L'2', L'3', L'4', L'5', L'6', L'7', L'8', L'9', L'+', L'/' };
WCHAR Dns_SecurityBase64CharToBits(IN WCHAR wch64) /*++
Routine Description:
Get value of security base64 character.
ch64 -- character in security base64
Return Value:
Value of character, only low 6-bits are significant, high bits zero. (-1) if not a base64 character.
--*/ { // A - Z map to 0 -25
// a - z map to 26-51
// 0 - 9 map to 52-61
// + is 62
// / is 63
// could do a lookup table
// since we can in general complete mapping with an average of three
// comparisons, just encode
if ( wch64 >= L'a' ) { if ( wch64 <= L'z' ) { return static_cast<WCHAR>( wch64 - L'a' + 26 ); } } else if ( wch64 >= L'A' ) { if ( wch64 <= L'Z' ) { return static_cast<WCHAR>( wch64 - L'A' ); } } else if ( wch64 >= L'0') { if ( wch64 <= L'9' ) { return static_cast<WCHAR>( wch64 - L'0' + 52 ); } else if ( wch64 == L'=' ) { //*pPadCount++;
return static_cast<WCHAR>( 0 ); } } else if ( wch64 == L'+' ) { return static_cast<WCHAR>( 62 ); } else if ( wch64 == L'/' ) { return static_cast<WCHAR>( 63 ); }
// all misses fall here
return static_cast<WCHAR>(-1); }
DNS_STATUS Dns_SecurityBase64StringToKey( OUT PBYTE pKey, OUT PDWORD pKeyLength, IN PWCHAR pchString, IN DWORD cchLength ) /*++
Routine Description: Write base64 representation of key to buffer. Arguments: pchString - base64 string to write cchLength - length of string pKey - ptr to key to write Return Value: None --*/ { DWORD blend = 0; DWORD index = 0; UCHAR bits; PBYTE pkeyStart = pKey; //
// Mapping is essentially in 24 bit quantums.
// Take 4 characters of string key and convert to 3 bytes of binary key.
while ( cchLength-- ) { bits = static_cast<UCHAR>(Dns_SecurityBase64CharToBits( *pchString++ )); if ( bits >= 64 ) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } blend <<= 6; blend |= bits; index++; if ( index == 4 ) { index = 0; //
// The first byte of key is top 8 bits of the 24 bit quantum.
*pKey++ = ( UCHAR ) ( ( blend & 0x00ff0000 ) >> 16 ); if ( cchLength || *( pchString - 1 ) != SECURITY_PAD_CHAR ) { //
// There is no padding so the next two bytes of key
// are bottom 16 bits of the 24 bit quantum.
*pKey++ = ( UCHAR ) ( ( blend & 0x0000ff00 ) >> 8 ); *pKey++ = ( UCHAR ) ( blend & 0x000000ff ); } else if ( *( pchString - 2 ) != SECURITY_PAD_CHAR ) { //
// There is one pad character, so we need to get one
// more byte of key out of the 24 bit quantum. Make sure
// that there are no one bits in the bottom 8 bits of the
// quantum.
if ( blend & 0x000000ff ) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } *pKey++ = ( UCHAR ) ( ( blend & 0x0000ff00 ) >> 8 ); } else { //
// There are two pad characters. Make sure that there
// are no one bits in the bottom 16 bits of the quantum.
if ( blend & 0x0000ffff ) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } blend = 0; } } //
// Base64 representation should always be padded out to an even
// multiple of 4 characters.
if ( index == 0 ) { //
// Key length does not include padding.
*pKeyLength = ( DWORD ) ( pKey - pkeyStart ); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
PWSTR Dns_SecurityKeyToBase64String( IN PBYTE pKey, IN DWORD KeyLength, OUT PWSTR pchBuffer ) /*++
Routine Description:
Write base64 representation of key to buffer.
pKey - ptr to key to write
KeyLength - length of key in bytes
pchBuffer - buffer to write to (must be adequate for key length)
Return Value:
Ptr to next byte in buffer after string.
--*/ { DWORD blend = 0; DWORD index = 0;
// mapping is essentially in 24bit blocks
// read three bytes of key and transform into four 64bit characters
while ( KeyLength-- ) { blend <<= 8; blend += *pKey++; index++;
if ( index == 3) { *pchBuffer++ = DnsSecurityBase64Mapping[ (blend & 0x00fc0000) >> 18 ]; *pchBuffer++ = DnsSecurityBase64Mapping[ (blend & 0x0003f000) >> 12 ]; *pchBuffer++ = DnsSecurityBase64Mapping[ (blend & 0x00000fc0) >> 6 ]; *pchBuffer++ = DnsSecurityBase64Mapping[ (blend & 0x0000003f) ]; blend = 0; index = 0; } }
// key terminates on byte boundary, but not necessarily 24bit block boundary
// shift to fill 24bit block filling with zeros
// if two bytes written
// => write three 6-bits chars and one pad
// if one byte written
// => write two 6-bits chars and two pads
if ( index ) { blend <<= (8 * (3-index));
*pchBuffer++ = DnsSecurityBase64Mapping[ (blend & 0x00fc0000) >> 18 ]; *pchBuffer++ = DnsSecurityBase64Mapping[ (blend & 0x0003f000) >> 12 ]; if ( index == 2 ) { *pchBuffer++ = DnsSecurityBase64Mapping[ (blend & 0x00000fc0) >> 6 ]; } else { *pchBuffer++ = SECURITY_PAD_CHAR; } *pchBuffer++ = SECURITY_PAD_CHAR; }
return( pchBuffer ); }
// NOTICE-2002/04/24-artm ntraid#ntbug9-547641
// Unused functions need to be removed. I've left in comments in
// case they are later needed.
//DNS_STATUS Dns_SecurityHexToKey(OUT PBYTE pKey,
// OUT PDWORD pKeyLength,
// IN PWSTR pchString,
// DWORD byteIdx = 0;
// size_t strLength = wcslen(pchString);
// for (UINT idx = 0; idx < strLength; idx++)
// {
// CString szTemp;
// szTemp = pchString[idx++];
// szTemp += pchString[idx];
// int result = swscanf(szTemp, L"%x", &(pKey[byteIdx++]));
// ASSERT(result == 1);
// }
// *pKeyLength = byteIdx;
// return ERROR_SUCCESS;
//void Dns_SecurityKeyToHexString(IN PBYTE pKey,
// IN DWORD KeyLength,
// OUT CString& strref)
// strref.Empty();
// for (DWORD dwIdx = 0; dwIdx < KeyLength; dwIdx++)
// {
// CString szTemp;
// szTemp = strref;
// strref.Format(L"%s%2.2x", szTemp, pKey[dwIdx]);
// }
void TimetToFileTime( time_t t, LPFILETIME pft ) { LONGLONG ll = Int32x32To64(t, 10000000) + 116444736000000000; pft->dwLowDateTime = (DWORD) ll; pft->dwHighDateTime = static_cast<DWORD>(ll >>32); }
DWORD FileTimeToTimet(FILETIME* pft) { LONGLONG ll = 0; ll = pft->dwHighDateTime; ll = ll << 32; ll |= pft->dwLowDateTime; ll -= 116444736000000000; ll /= 10000000;
return (DWORD)ll; }
void ConvertTTLToSystemTime(TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION*, DWORD dwTTL, SYSTEMTIME* pSysTime) { time_t ttlTime = static_cast<time_t>(dwTTL);
FILETIME ftTime; memset(&ftTime, 0, sizeof(FILETIME)); TimetToFileTime(ttlTime, &ftTime);
::FileTimeToSystemTime(&ftTime, pSysTime); }
DWORD ConvertSystemTimeToTTL(SYSTEMTIME* pSysTime) { FILETIME ft; ::SystemTimeToFileTime(pSysTime, &ft); return FileTimeToTimet(&ft); }
BOOL ConvertTTLToLocalTimeString(const DWORD dwTTL, CString& strref) { SYSTEMTIME sysLTimeStamp, sysUTimeStamp; BOOL bRes = TRUE;
// Convert from seconds since Jan 1, 1970 to SystemTime
ConvertTTLToSystemTime(NULL, dwTTL, &sysUTimeStamp);
// Convert to local SystemTime
if (!::SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(NULL, &sysUTimeStamp, &sysLTimeStamp)) { return FALSE; }
// Format the string with respect to locale
PTSTR ptszDate = NULL; int cchDate = 0;
// Get the date
cchDate = GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0 , &sysLTimeStamp, NULL, ptszDate, 0);
ptszDate = (PTSTR)malloc(sizeof(TCHAR) * cchDate);
if (ptszDate) { if (GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &sysLTimeStamp, NULL, ptszDate, cchDate)) { strref = ptszDate; } else { strref = L""; bRes = FALSE; } free(ptszDate); } else { strref = L""; bRes = FALSE; }
PTSTR ptszTime = NULL;
// Get the time
cchDate = GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0 , &sysLTimeStamp, NULL, ptszTime, 0);
ptszTime = (PTSTR)malloc(sizeof(TCHAR) * cchDate); if (ptszTime) { if (GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, &sysLTimeStamp, NULL, ptszTime, cchDate)) { strref += _T(" ") + CString(ptszTime); } else { strref += _T(""); bRes = FALSE; } free(ptszTime); } else { strref += _T(""); bRes = FALSE; }
return bRes; }
// Converts a base64 BLOB into a string by using 4 characters to represent
// 3 bytes. Each character is 6bits of the BLOB. If the encoding doesn't
// end on a 3 byte boundary '=' is used as a pad character
CString Base64BLOBToString(PBYTE blob, DWORD blobSizeInBytes) { if (!blob || !blobSizeInBytes) { return L""; }
// The largest string will have 4 characters for every 3 bytes in the string
// I have to add one more before multiplying just in case there are pad characters
// and another for NULL termination
DWORD stringSize = (((blobSizeInBytes / 3) + 1) * 4) + 1;
WCHAR* szBuffer = new WCHAR[stringSize];
if (!szBuffer) { return L""; }
::ZeroMemory(szBuffer, stringSize * sizeof(WCHAR));
PWSTR pszEnd = Dns_SecurityKeyToBase64String(blob, blobSizeInBytes, szBuffer); if (pszEnd != NULL) { //
// NULL terminate the string
*pszEnd = L'\0'; }
CString result = szBuffer; delete[] szBuffer;
return result; }
CString Base64BLOBToString(CByteBlob& blob) { return Base64BLOBToString(blob.GetData(), blob.GetSize()); }