// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999
// File: domain.cpp
#include "preDNSsn.h"
#include <SnapBase.h>
#include "resource.h"
#include "dnsutil.h"
#include "DNSSnap.h"
#include "snapdata.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "domain.h"
#include "record.h"
#include "zone.h"
#include "delegwiz.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
BOOL _match(LPCWSTR lpszNSName, CDNS_A_RecordNode* pARecordNode) { TRACE(_T("NS %s A %s\n"), lpszNSName, pARecordNode->GetString(0)); return DnsNameCompare_W((LPWSTR)lpszNSName, (LPWSTR)pARecordNode->GetString(0)); }
// CNewDomainDialog
class CNewDomainDialog : public CHelpDialog { // Construction
public: CNewDomainDialog(CDNSDomainNode* pParentDomainNode, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData);
// Implementation
protected: virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); virtual void OnOK(); afx_msg void OnEditChange(); afx_msg void OnIPv4CtrlChange(); afx_msg BOOL OnHelpInfo(HELPINFO* pHelpInfo); DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() private: CDNSDomainNode* m_pParentDomainNode; CComponentDataObject* m_pComponentData; CEdit* GetDomainEdit() { return (CEdit*)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_DOMAIN_NAME);} CDNSIPv4Control* GetDomainIPv4Ctrl() { return (CDNSIPv4Control*)GetDlgItem(IDC_IPEDIT_DOMAIN_NAME);}
CString m_szDomainName; BOOL m_bAdvancedView; int m_nOctects; int m_nUTF8ParentLen; };
CNewDomainDialog::CNewDomainDialog(CDNSDomainNode* pParentDomainNode, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) : CHelpDialog(CNewDomainDialog::IDD, pComponentData) { ASSERT(pParentDomainNode != NULL); ASSERT(pComponentData != NULL); m_pParentDomainNode = pParentDomainNode; m_pComponentData = pComponentData; m_bAdvancedView = TRUE; m_nOctects = -1; // invalid if advanced view
m_nUTF8ParentLen = UTF8StringLen(pParentDomainNode->GetFullName()); }
BOOL CNewDomainDialog::OnInitDialog() { CHelpDialog::OnInitDialog();
// move the edit box in place of the IP control
CDNSIPv4Control* pNameIPCtrl = GetDomainIPv4Ctrl(); CEdit* pNameEdit = GetDomainEdit(); pNameEdit->SetLimitText(MAX_DNS_NAME_LEN - m_nUTF8ParentLen - 1); CRect editRect; pNameEdit->GetWindowRect(editRect); ScreenToClient(editRect); CRect ipRect; pNameIPCtrl->GetWindowRect(ipRect); ScreenToClient(ipRect); ipRect.bottom = editRect.top + ipRect.Height(); ipRect.right = editRect.left + ipRect.Width(); ipRect.top = editRect.top; ipRect.left = editRect.left; pNameIPCtrl->MoveWindow(ipRect,TRUE);
// determine if we need/can have advanced view
CDNSRootData* pRootData = (CDNSRootData*)m_pComponentData->GetRootData(); ASSERT(pRootData != NULL); m_bAdvancedView = pRootData->IsAdvancedView();
// force advanced view if we are in a forward lookup zone
if (!(m_pParentDomainNode->GetZoneNode()->IsReverse())) m_bAdvancedView = TRUE;
// determine if we can have a normal view representation
CString szDomainName = m_pParentDomainNode->GetFullName(); if (!m_bAdvancedView) { // to have normal view we have to have a valid arpa suffix
BOOL bArpa = RemoveInAddrArpaSuffix(szDomainName.GetBuffer(1)); szDomainName.ReleaseBuffer(); // got ""
if (!bArpa) { m_bAdvancedView = TRUE; // no need to toggle
} else { m_nOctects = ReverseIPString(szDomainName.GetBuffer(1)); szDomainName.ReleaseBuffer(); // finally got ""
// to have a normal view representation we cannot
// have more than 2 octects
if (m_nOctects > 2) { m_bAdvancedView = TRUE; // force advanced for classless
} else { ASSERT(m_nOctects > 0); switch(m_nOctects) { case 1: // e.g. "157", now "157._"
szDomainName += _T(".0.0"); // got "157._.0.0"
break; case 2: // e.g. "157.55"
szDomainName += _T(".0"); // got "157.55._.0"
break; }; // set the IP control with IP mask value
IP_ADDRESS ipAddr = IPStringToAddr(szDomainName); ASSERT(ipAddr != INADDR_NONE); pNameIPCtrl->SetIPv4Val(ipAddr);
for (int k=0; k<4; k++) pNameIPCtrl->EnableField(k, k == m_nOctects); } }
} // if (!m_bAdvancedView)
// toggle text in static control
CDNSToggleTextControlHelper staticTextToggle; UINT pnButtonStringIDs[2] = { IDS_NEW_DOMAIN_INST1, IDS_NEW_DOMAIN_INST2 }; VERIFY(staticTextToggle.Init(this, IDC_STATIC_TEXT, pnButtonStringIDs)); staticTextToggle.SetToggleState(m_bAdvancedView);
// enable/hide appropriate controls
if (m_bAdvancedView) { pNameIPCtrl->EnableWindow(FALSE); pNameIPCtrl->ShowWindow(FALSE); } else { pNameEdit->EnableWindow(FALSE); pNameEdit->ShowWindow(FALSE); }
GetDlgItem(IDOK)->EnableWindow(!m_bAdvancedView); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
void CNewDomainDialog::OnEditChange() { ASSERT(m_bAdvancedView);
// Get new name from control
// Trim white space
m_szDomainName.TrimLeft(); m_szDomainName.TrimRight();
// Enable OK button if its a valid name
CString szFullDomainName;
if (_wcsicmp(m_pParentDomainNode->GetFullName(), L".") == 0) { //
// If the parent domain is the root zone just check the name followed by a '.'
szFullDomainName.Format(L"%s.", m_szDomainName); } else { //
// Else append the parent domain name to the new name
szFullDomainName.Format(L"%s.%s", m_szDomainName, m_pParentDomainNode->GetFullName()); } //
// Get server flags
DWORD dwNameChecking = m_pParentDomainNode->GetServerNode()->GetNameCheckFlag();
// Is valid?
BOOL bIsValidName = (0 == ValidateDnsNameAgainstServerFlags(szFullDomainName, DnsNameDomain, dwNameChecking)); GetDlgItem(IDOK)->EnableWindow(bIsValidName); }
void CNewDomainDialog::OnIPv4CtrlChange() { ASSERT(!m_bAdvancedView); CDNSIPv4Control* pNameIPCtrl = GetDomainIPv4Ctrl(); DWORD dwArr[4]; pNameIPCtrl->GetArray(dwArr, 4); BOOL bEmpty = (dwArr[m_nOctects] == FIELD_EMPTY); if (!bEmpty) { ASSERT(dwArr[m_nOctects] <= 255); m_szDomainName.Format(_T("%d"), dwArr[m_nOctects]); } GetDlgItem(IDOK)->EnableWindow(!bEmpty); }
void CNewDomainDialog::OnOK() { RECORD_SEARCH recordSearch = RECORD_NOT_FOUND; CDNSDomainNode* pNewParentDomain = NULL; CString szFullRecordName = m_szDomainName + L"." + m_pParentDomainNode->GetFullName(); CString szNonExistentDomain; CDNSRecordNodeBase* pExistingRecordNode = 0;
recordSearch = m_pParentDomainNode->GetZoneNode()->DoesContain(szFullRecordName, m_pComponentData, &pNewParentDomain, &pExistingRecordNode, szNonExistentDomain, TRUE);
if (recordSearch == RECORD_NOT_FOUND && pNewParentDomain != NULL) { DNS_STATUS err = pNewParentDomain->CreateSubdomain(m_szDomainName,m_pComponentData); if (err != 0) { // creation error, warn the user and prompt again
DNSErrorDialog(err, IDS_MSG_DOMAIN_FAIL_CREATE); CEdit* pDomainNameEdit = GetDomainEdit(); pDomainNameEdit->SetSel(0,-1); pDomainNameEdit->SetFocus(); return; } } else if (recordSearch == NON_EXISTENT_SUBDOMAIN && pNewParentDomain != NULL) { CDNSRootData* pRootData = (CDNSRootData*)m_pComponentData->GetRootData();
// Create the node on the server
CDNSDomainNode* pNewDomainNode = pNewParentDomain->CreateSubdomainNode(); if (pNewDomainNode == NULL) { ASSERT(pNewDomainNode != NULL); return; }
pNewParentDomain->SetSubdomainName(pNewDomainNode, m_szDomainName, pRootData->IsAdvancedView());
// tell the newly created object to write to the server
DNS_STATUS err = pNewDomainNode->Create(); if (err != 0) { DNSErrorDialog(err, IDS_MSG_DOMAIN_FAIL_CREATE); return; }
if (!szNonExistentDomain.IsEmpty()) { //
// Create the first subdomain because the current domain is already enumerated
// so we have to start the remaining enumeration at the new subdomain that is needed
CDNSDomainNode* pSubdomainNode = pNewParentDomain->CreateSubdomainNode(); ASSERT(pSubdomainNode != NULL); pNewParentDomain->SetSubdomainName(pSubdomainNode, szNonExistentDomain, pRootData->IsAdvancedView());
VERIFY(pNewParentDomain->AddChildToListAndUISorted(pSubdomainNode, m_pComponentData)); m_pComponentData->SetDescriptionBarText(pNewParentDomain);
// I don't care what the results of this are, I am just using it
// to do the expansion to the new record
recordSearch = pSubdomainNode->GetZoneNode()->DoesContain(szFullRecordName, m_pComponentData, &pNewParentDomain, &pExistingRecordNode, szNonExistentDomain, TRUE); } } else if (recordSearch == RECORD_NOT_FOUND_AT_THE_NODE) { //
// Do nothing since this is a domain and it already exists
} else { DNS_STATUS err = m_pParentDomainNode->CreateSubdomain(m_szDomainName,m_pComponentData); if (err != 0) { // creation error, warn the user and prompt again
DNSErrorDialog(err, IDS_MSG_DOMAIN_FAIL_CREATE); CEdit* pDomainNameEdit = GetDomainEdit(); pDomainNameEdit->SetSel(0,-1); pDomainNameEdit->SetFocus(); return; } } CHelpDialog::OnOK(); }
// CDNSDomainQueryObj
class CDNSDomainMsg : public CObjBase { };
BOOL CDNSDomainQueryObj::Enumerate() { USES_CONVERSION; TRACE(_T("CDNSDomainQueryObj::Enumerate(): Server <%s> Zone/Domain %s Enumerating\n"), (LPCTSTR)m_szServerName, (LPCTSTR)m_szNodeName);
DNS_STATUS err = 0;
// if needed, get the zone info
if (m_bIsZone && !m_bCache) { CDNSZoneInfoEx* pZoneInfo = new CDNSZoneInfoEx; if (pZoneInfo) { err = pZoneInfo->Query(m_szServerName, m_szFullNodeName, m_dwServerVersion); if (err != 0) { delete pZoneInfo; pZoneInfo = NULL; OnError(err); return FALSE; // no need to enumerate if we have no zone info
} else { VERIFY(AddQueryResult(pZoneInfo)); } } else { OnError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); return FALSE; } }
// if executing a query for a specific RR type, just do it right away
if (m_wRecordType != DNS_TYPE_ALL) { // we assume that a type specific query does not have filtering enabled
ASSERT(m_bGetAll); ASSERT(m_nFilterOption == DNS_QUERY_FILTER_DISABLED); err = EnumerateFiltered(m_wRecordType); if (err != 0) OnError(err); return FALSE; // we are done
m_bFirstPass = TRUE;
// there are items that cannot be filtered out for consistency
// (zone info, SOA, Ns, etc.), so we disable any filtering while
// getting them
BOOL bGetAllOld = m_bGetAll; BOOL nFilterOptionOld = m_nFilterOption; m_bGetAll = TRUE; m_nFilterOption = DNS_QUERY_FILTER_DISABLED;
// only zones or the cache have SOA RR's
if (m_bIsZone || m_bCache) { err = EnumerateFiltered(DNS_TYPE_SOA); if (err != 0) { OnError(err); return FALSE; } }
// only zones have WINS and NBSTAT RR's
if (m_bIsZone) { if (m_bReverse) err = EnumerateFiltered(DNS_TYPE_NBSTAT); else err = EnumerateFiltered(DNS_TYPE_WINS); if (err != 0) { OnError(err); return FALSE; } }
// need also to check for NS (zone or delegation)
err = EnumerateFiltered(DNS_TYPE_NS); if (err != 0) { OnError(err); return FALSE; }
// add a message in the queue to signal we are done with
// the first phase
CDNSDomainMsg* pDomainMsg = new CDNSDomainMsg; if (pDomainMsg) { AddQueryResult(pDomainMsg); } else { OnError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); return FALSE; }
// now query again, for all RR's, but need to filter the
// known types out
m_bFirstPass = FALSE;
// restore the filtering parameters we had before
m_bGetAll = bGetAllOld; m_nFilterOption = nFilterOptionOld;
err = EnumerateFiltered(DNS_TYPE_ALL); if (err != 0) OnError(err); return FALSE; }
DNS_STATUS CDNSDomainQueryObj::EnumerateFiltered(WORD wRecordType) {
DWORD dwSelectFlags = m_dwSelectFlags; // for single type queries, we do not want subfolders
if (wRecordType != DNS_TYPE_ALL) dwSelectFlags |= DNS_RPC_VIEW_NO_CHILDREN;
return CDNSDomainNode::EnumerateNodes(m_szServerName, m_szZoneName.IsEmpty() ? NULL : (LPCWSTR)m_szZoneName, m_szNodeName, m_szFullNodeName, wRecordType, dwSelectFlags, m_bIsZone, m_bReverse, m_bAdvancedView, this); }
BOOL CDNSDomainQueryObj::CanAddRecord(WORD wRecordType, LPCWSTR lpszRecordName) { if (m_nFilterOption == DNS_QUERY_FILTER_DISABLED) return TRUE; // we have no filtering at all
// determine if this is a special record type for filtered queries
BOOL bSpecialType = (wRecordType == DNS_TYPE_SOA) || (wRecordType == DNS_TYPE_NS) || (wRecordType == DNS_TYPE_WINS) || (wRecordType == DNS_TYPE_NBSTAT);
// in the first pass only special types allowed
if (m_bFirstPass) return bSpecialType;
// in the second pass do not allow special types
if (!m_bFirstPass && bSpecialType) return FALSE;
// we are left with normal types, apply the filtering, if required
if (m_nFilterOption == DNS_QUERY_FILTER_NONE) return TRUE; // allow all
// need to match the record name
return MatchName(lpszRecordName); }
// CDNSDomainNode
// {720132BA-44B2-11d1-B92F-00A0C9A06D2D}
const GUID CDNSDomainNode::NodeTypeGUID = { 0x720132ba, 0x44b2, 0x11d1, { 0xb9, 0x2f, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0xa0, 0x6d, 0x2d } };
CDNSDomainNode::CDNSDomainNode(BOOL bDelegation) { m_bDelegation = bDelegation; m_pZoneNode = NULL; m_pNSRecordNodeList = new CDNS_NS_RecordNodeList; ASSERT(m_pNSRecordNodeList != NULL); m_bHasDataForPropPages = FALSE; }
CDNSDomainNode::~CDNSDomainNode() { TRACE(_T("~CDNSDomainNode(), name <%s>\n"),GetDisplayName()); ASSERT(m_pNSRecordNodeList != NULL); delete m_pNSRecordNodeList; m_pNSRecordNodeList = NULL; }
DWORD CDNSDomainNode::GetDefaultTTL() { if ( (m_pZoneNode != NULL) && (m_pZoneNode->GetZoneType() != DNS_ZONE_TYPE_CACHE) ) return m_pZoneNode->GetSOARecordMinTTL(); else return (DWORD)0; // no info available from SOA RR
void CDNSDomainNode::SetFullDNSName(BOOL bIsZone, BOOL, LPCTSTR lpszNodeName, LPCTSTR lpszParentFullName) { ASSERT(lpszNodeName != NULL); ASSERT(lpszParentFullName != NULL);
if (bIsZone) { //
// the two names have to be the same, zone parent of itself
ASSERT(_wcsicmp(lpszParentFullName, lpszNodeName) == 0); m_szFullName = lpszParentFullName; } else // it is a domain
{ ASSERT(_wcsicmp(lpszParentFullName, lpszNodeName) != 0);
// chain the node name to the parent full name to get the node's full name
if (lpszParentFullName[0] == L'.' ) { //
// if parent is "." and name is "bar", get "bar.": this is the case for the root
// if parent is ".com" and name is "bar", get "bar.com":
m_szFullName.Format(_T("%s%s"), lpszNodeName,lpszParentFullName); } else { //
// if parent is "foo.com" and name is "bar", get "bar.foo.com"
m_szFullName.Format(_T("%s.%s"), lpszNodeName,lpszParentFullName); } } TRACE(_T("CDNSDomainNode::SetFullDNSName() fullName = <%s>\n"), (LPCTSTR)m_szFullName); }
void CDNSDomainNode::SetDisplayDNSName(BOOL bIsZone, BOOL bReverse, BOOL bAdvancedView, LPCTSTR lpszNodeName, LPCTSTR lpszParentFullName) { ASSERT(lpszNodeName != NULL); ASSERT(lpszParentFullName != NULL);
if (_wcsicmp(lpszNodeName, L".") == 0) { CString szRootString; VERIFY(szRootString.LoadString(IDS_ROOT_ZONE_LABEL)); m_szDisplayName = L"." + szRootString; } else { m_szDisplayName = lpszNodeName; }
if (bIsZone && bReverse && !bAdvancedView) { CDNSZoneNode::SetZoneNormalViewHelper(m_szDisplayName); } }
void CDNSDomainNode::SetNames(BOOL bIsZone, BOOL bReverse, BOOL bAdvancedView, LPCTSTR lpszNodeName, LPCTSTR lpszParentFullName) { ASSERT(lpszNodeName != NULL); ASSERT(lpszParentFullName != NULL); TRACE(_T("CDNSDomainNode::SetNames(bIsZone=%d, bReverse=%d, bAdvancedView=%d, lpszNodeName=<%s>, lpszParentFullName=<%s>)\n"), bIsZone, bReverse, bAdvancedView, lpszNodeName,lpszParentFullName); SetFullDNSName(bIsZone, bReverse, lpszNodeName, lpszParentFullName); SetDisplayDNSName(bIsZone, bReverse, bAdvancedView, lpszNodeName, lpszParentFullName);
void CDNSDomainNode::ChangePTRRecordsViewOption(BOOL bAdvanced, CComponentDataObject* pComponentDataObject) { POSITION pos; for( pos = m_containerChildList.GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; ) { CTreeNode* pCurrentChild = m_containerChildList.GetNext(pos);
// recurse down the tree
CDNSDomainNode* pDomainNode = dynamic_cast<CDNSDomainNode*>(pCurrentChild); ASSERT(pDomainNode != NULL); pDomainNode->ChangePTRRecordsViewOption(bAdvanced, pComponentDataObject); }
POSITION leafPos; for ( leafPos = m_leafChildList.GetHeadPosition(); leafPos != NULL; ) { CTreeNode* pCurrentLeafNode = m_leafChildList.GetNext(leafPos); CDNSRecordNodeBase* pRecordNode = dynamic_cast<CDNSRecordNodeBase*>(pCurrentLeafNode); if (pRecordNode && DNS_TYPE_PTR == pRecordNode->GetType()) { CDNS_PTR_RecordNode* pPTRRecordNode = (CDNS_PTR_RecordNode*)pRecordNode; pPTRRecordNode->ChangeDisplayName(this, bAdvanced); } }
CQueryObj* CDNSDomainNode::OnCreateQuery() { // generic default setting
if (IsDelegation()) { // special case the delegation: show only NS records and
// will have no children shown (delegation cut)
BOOL bCache = GetZoneNode()->GetZoneType() == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_CACHE; LPCWSTR lpszZoneName = bCache ? NULL : m_pZoneNode->GetFullName();
CDNSRootData* pRootData = (CDNSRootData*)GetRootContainer(); ASSERT(pRootData != NULL); CDNSDomainQueryObj* pQuery = new CDNSDomainQueryObj(GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), lpszZoneName, GetServerNode()->GetVersion(), GetDisplayName(), m_szFullName, wRecordType, dwSelectFlags, IsZone(), GetZoneNode()->IsReverse(), bCache, pRootData->IsAdvancedView());
// delegations will not have any filtering option (data consistency)
if (!IsDelegation()) { pQuery->SetFilterOptions(pRootData->GetFilter()); } return pQuery; }
BOOL CDNSDomainNode::OnRefresh(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData, CNodeList* pNodeList) { if (pNodeList->GetCount() > 1) // multiple selection
{ BOOL bRet = TRUE; POSITION pos = pNodeList->GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CTreeNode* pNode = pNodeList->GetNext(pos); ASSERT(pNode != NULL);
CNodeList nodeList; nodeList.AddTail(pNode); if (!pNode->OnRefresh(pComponentData, &nodeList)) { bRet = FALSE; } } return bRet; }
// single selection
if (CMTContainerNode::OnRefresh(pComponentData, pNodeList)) { GetNSRecordNodeList()->RemoveAll(); m_bHasDataForPropPages = FALSE; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
void CDNSDomainNode::OnThreadExitingNotification(CComponentDataObject* pComponentDataObject) { if (!m_bHasDataForPropPages) { // never got a CDNSDomainMsg notification object
// but we are done anyway, so change it back
m_bHasDataForPropPages = TRUE; } // call now the base class
CDNSMTContainerNode::OnThreadExitingNotification(pComponentDataObject); }
void CDNSDomainNode::OnHaveData(CObjBase* pObj, CComponentDataObject* pComponentDataObject) { if (IS_CLASS(*pObj, CDNSDomainMsg)) { // special case for a "message" object sent through to update verbs
TRACE(_T("Got CDNSDomainMsg\n")); delete pObj; ASSERT(!m_bHasDataForPropPages); // should get only once
m_bHasDataForPropPages = TRUE; VERIFY(SUCCEEDED(pComponentDataObject->UpdateVerbState(this))); return; }
if (IS_CLASS(*pObj, CDNSDomainNode)) { // assume all the child containers are derived from this class
CDNSDomainNode* pDomainNode = dynamic_cast<CDNSDomainNode*>(pObj); pDomainNode->SetServerNode(GetServerNode()); pDomainNode->SetZone(m_pZoneNode); } else { OnHaveRecord(dynamic_cast<CDNSRecordNodeBase*>(pObj), pComponentDataObject); } AddChildToListAndUI(dynamic_cast<CTreeNode*>(pObj), pComponentDataObject); pComponentDataObject->SetDescriptionBarText(this); }
void CDNSDomainNode::OnHaveRecord(CDNSRecordNodeBase* pRecordNode, CComponentDataObject* pComponentDataObject) { WORD wType = pRecordNode->GetType(); if (wType == DNS_TYPE_PTR) { ASSERT(pComponentDataObject != NULL); // assume this for PTR
CDNSRootData* pRootData = (CDNSRootData*)pComponentDataObject->GetRootData(); ASSERT(pRootData != NULL); // if we are in normal view, have to change the
// default advanced representation
BOOL bAdvancedView = pRootData->IsAdvancedView(); if (!bAdvancedView) ((CDNS_PTR_RecordNode*)pRecordNode)->ChangeDisplayName(this, bAdvancedView); } else if (wType == DNS_TYPE_NS) { ASSERT(pRecordNode->IsAtTheNode()); GetNSRecordNodeList()->AddTail((CDNS_NS_RecordNode*)pRecordNode); } }
BOOL CDNSDomainNode::OnAddMenuItem(LPCONTEXTMENUITEM2 pContextMenuItem2, long*) { if (pContextMenuItem2->lCommandID == IDM_SNAPIN_ADVANCED_VIEW) { pContextMenuItem2->fFlags = ((CDNSRootData*)GetRootContainer())->IsAdvancedView() ? MF_CHECKED : 0; return TRUE; } if (pContextMenuItem2->lCommandID == IDM_SNAPIN_FILTERING) { if (((CDNSRootData*)GetRootContainer())->IsFilteringEnabled()) { pContextMenuItem2->fFlags = MF_CHECKED; } return TRUE; }
DWORD dwType = m_pZoneNode->GetZoneType(); BOOL bIsAutocreated = m_pZoneNode->IsAutocreated(); BOOL bIsSecondaryOrCache = (dwType == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_SECONDARY) || (dwType == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_CACHE) || (dwType == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_STUB); BOOL bIsDelegatedDomain = !IsZone() && IsDelegation();
if (bIsSecondaryOrCache || bIsAutocreated || bIsDelegatedDomain) { return FALSE; }
// different add operations depending on the FWD/REV type
if (!GetZoneNode()->IsReverse() && (pContextMenuItem2->lCommandID == IDM_DOMAIN_NEW_PTR)) { // do not add a PTR to a FWD lookup zone
return FALSE; } if (GetZoneNode()->IsReverse() && ((pContextMenuItem2->lCommandID == IDM_DOMAIN_NEW_HOST) || (pContextMenuItem2->lCommandID == IDM_DOMAIN_NEW_MX))) { // do not add a HOST, MX, ALIAS to a REV lookup zone
return FALSE; }
// have the menu item added. but it might be grayed out...
if (m_nState != loaded) { pContextMenuItem2->fFlags |= MF_GRAYED; } return TRUE; }
HRESULT CDNSDomainNode::OnSetToolbarVerbState(IToolbar* pToolbar, CNodeList* pNodeList) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Set the button state for each button on the toolbar
hr = pToolbar->SetButtonState(toolbarNewServer, ENABLED, FALSE); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
hr = pToolbar->SetButtonState(toolbarNewZone, ENABLED, FALSE); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr));
if (pNodeList->GetCount() > 1) // multiple selection
{ hr = pToolbar->SetButtonState(toolbarNewRecord, ENABLED, FALSE); } else if (pNodeList->GetCount() == 1) // single selection
{ DWORD dwType = m_pZoneNode->GetZoneType(); BOOL bIsAutocreated = m_pZoneNode->IsAutocreated(); BOOL bIsSecondaryOrCache = (dwType == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_SECONDARY) || (dwType == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_CACHE) || (dwType == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_STUB); BOOL bIsDelegatedDomain = !IsZone() && IsDelegation();
BOOL bEnable = TRUE; if (bIsSecondaryOrCache || bIsAutocreated || bIsDelegatedDomain) { bEnable = FALSE; } hr = pToolbar->SetButtonState(toolbarNewRecord, ENABLED, bEnable); } return hr; }
BOOL CDNSDomainNode::OnSetDeleteVerbState(DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, BOOL* pbHide, CNodeList* pNodeList) { if (pNodeList->GetCount() > 1) // multiple selection
{ BOOL bRet = TRUE; BOOL bRetHide = FALSE; *pbHide = FALSE;
POSITION pos = pNodeList->GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CTreeNode* pNode = pNodeList->GetNext(pos); ASSERT(pNode != NULL);
CNodeList nodeList; nodeList.AddTail(pNode); if (!pNode->OnSetDeleteVerbState(type, &bRetHide, &nodeList)) { bRet = FALSE; break; } if (bRetHide) { *pbHide = TRUE; } } return bRet; }
*pbHide = FALSE; DWORD dwType = m_pZoneNode->GetZoneType(); BOOL bIsAutocreated = m_pZoneNode->IsAutocreated(); if (IsThreadLocked()) { return FALSE; }
// cannot delete from an autocreate zone/domain
if (bIsAutocreated) { return FALSE; }
// cannot delete from a secondary or stub zone, but can delete the zone itself
// cannot delete the cache
if ( ( ( ((dwType == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_SECONDARY) || (dwType == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_STUB)) && !IsZone() ) || // subdomain of secondary
( (dwType == DNS_ZONE_TYPE_CACHE) && IsZone() ) // cache zone itself
) ) { return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL CDNSDomainNode::OnSetRefreshVerbState(DATA_OBJECT_TYPES, BOOL* pbHide, CNodeList*) { *pbHide = FALSE; return !IsThreadLocked(); }
HRESULT CDNSDomainNode::OnCommand(long nCommandID, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData, CNodeList* pNodeList) { if (pNodeList->GetCount() > 1) // multiple selection
{ return E_FAIL; }
switch (nCommandID) { case IDM_DOMAIN_NEW_DOMAIN: OnNewDomain(pComponentData); break; case IDM_DOMAIN_NEW_DELEGATION: OnNewDelegation(pComponentData); break; case IDM_DOMAIN_NEW_RECORD: OnNewRecord(pComponentData, pNodeList); break; case IDM_DOMAIN_NEW_HOST: OnNewHost(pComponentData); break; case IDM_DOMAIN_NEW_ALIAS: OnNewAlias(pComponentData); break; case IDM_DOMAIN_NEW_MX: OnNewMailExchanger(pComponentData); break; case IDM_DOMAIN_NEW_PTR: OnNewPointer(pComponentData); break; case IDM_SNAPIN_ADVANCED_VIEW: ((CDNSRootData*)pComponentData->GetRootData())->OnViewOptions(pComponentData); break; case IDM_SNAPIN_FILTERING: { if(((CDNSRootData*)pComponentData->GetRootData())->OnFilteringOptions(pComponentData)) { pComponentData->SetDescriptionBarText(this); } } break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); // Unknown command!
return E_FAIL; } return S_OK; }
LPWSTR CDNSDomainNode::GetDescriptionBarText() { static CString szFilterEnabled; static CString szRecordsFormat;
INT_PTR nContainerCount = GetContainerChildList()->GetCount(); INT_PTR nLeafCount = GetLeafChildList()->GetCount();
// If not already loaded, then load the format string L"%d record(s)"
if (szRecordsFormat.IsEmpty()) { szRecordsFormat.LoadString(IDS_FORMAT_RECORDS); }
// Format the child count into the description bar text
m_szDescriptionBar.Format(szRecordsFormat, nContainerCount + nLeafCount);
// Add L"[Filter Activated]" if the filter is on
if(((CDNSRootData*)GetRootContainer())->IsFilteringEnabled()) { //
// If not already loaded, then load the L"[Filter Activated]" string
if (szFilterEnabled.IsEmpty()) { szFilterEnabled.LoadString(IDS_FILTER_ENABLED); } m_szDescriptionBar += szFilterEnabled; }
return (LPWSTR)(LPCWSTR)m_szDescriptionBar; }
int CDNSDomainNode::GetImageIndex(BOOL) { int nIndex = 0; BOOL bDelegation = IsDelegation(); switch (m_nState) { case notLoaded: nIndex = bDelegation ? DELEGATED_DOMAIN_IMAGE_NOT_LOADED : DOMAIN_IMAGE_NOT_LOADED; break; case loading: nIndex = bDelegation ? DELEGATED_DOMAIN_IMAGE_LOADING : DOMAIN_IMAGE_LOADING; break; case loaded: nIndex = bDelegation ? DELEGATED_DOMAIN_IMAGE_LOADED : DOMAIN_IMAGE_LOADED; break; case unableToLoad: nIndex = bDelegation ? DELEGATED_DOMAIN_IMAGE_UNABLE_TO_LOAD : DOMAIN_IMAGE_UNABLE_TO_LOAD; break; case accessDenied: nIndex = bDelegation ? DELEGATED_DOMAIN_IMAGE_ACCESS_DENIED : DOMAIN_IMAGE_ACCESS_DENIED; break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); } return nIndex; }
void CDNSDomainNode::OnDelete(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData, CNodeList* pNodeList) { if (pNodeList->GetCount() > 1) // multiple selection
{ OnMultiselectDelete(pComponentData, pNodeList); return; }
UINT nRet = DNSConfirmOperation(IDS_MSG_DOMAIN_DELETE, this); if (IDNO == nRet || IDCANCEL == nRet) { return; }
if (IsSheetLocked()) { if (!CanCloseSheets()) return; pComponentData->GetPropertyPageHolderTable()->DeleteSheetsOfNode(this); } ASSERT(!IsSheetLocked());
DNS_STATUS err = Delete(); if (err != 0) { DNSErrorDialog(err, IDS_MSG_DOMAIN_FAIL_DELETE); return; } // now remove from the UI and from the cache
DeleteHelper(pComponentData); delete this; // gone
void CDNSDomainNode::OnMultiselectDelete(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData, CNodeList* pNodeList) { CThemeContextActivator activator;
UINT nRet = DNSConfirmOperation(IDS_MSG_DOMAIN_MULTI_DELETE, this); if (IDCANCEL == nRet || IDNO == nRet) { return; }
DNS_STATUS* errArray = new DNS_STATUS[pNodeList->GetCount()]; if (errArray == NULL) { DNSErrorDialog(E_OUTOFMEMORY, IDS_MSG_DOMAIN_FAIL_DELETE); return; }
memset(errArray, 0, sizeof(DNS_STATUS) * pNodeList->GetCount());
BOOL bErrorOccurred = FALSE; UINT idx = 0; POSITION pos = pNodeList->GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CTreeNode* pTreeNode = pNodeList->GetNext(pos); if (pTreeNode != NULL) { if (pTreeNode->IsSheetLocked()) { if (!pTreeNode->CanCloseSheets()) { idx++; continue; } pComponentData->GetPropertyPageHolderTable()->DeleteSheetsOfNode(pTreeNode); } ASSERT(!pTreeNode->IsSheetLocked());
CDNSDomainNode* pDomainNode = dynamic_cast<CDNSDomainNode*>(pTreeNode); if (pDomainNode != NULL) { errArray[idx] = pDomainNode->Delete(); if (errArray[idx] != 0) { bErrorOccurred = TRUE; idx++; continue; } //
// now remove from the UI and from the cache
pDomainNode->DeleteHelper(pComponentData); delete pDomainNode; // gone
} else { //
// If its not a domain node then it must be a record node
CDNSRecordNodeBase* pRecordNode = dynamic_cast<CDNSRecordNodeBase*>(pTreeNode); if (pRecordNode != NULL) { errArray[idx] = pRecordNode->DeleteOnServerAndUI(pComponentData); if (errArray[idx] != 0) { bErrorOccurred = TRUE; idx++; continue; } delete pRecordNode; // gone
} else { //
// What type of node is this???
ASSERT(FALSE); } } } idx++; }
// Now display the errors in some meaningful manner
if (bErrorOccurred) { CMultiselectErrorDialog dlg;
CString szTitle; CString szCaption; CString szColumnHeader;
HRESULT hr = dlg.Initialize(pNodeList, errArray, static_cast<UINT>(pNodeList->GetCount()), szTitle, szCaption, szColumnHeader); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { dlg.DoModal(); } } }
void CDNSDomainNode::OnNewDomain(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { CThemeContextActivator activator;
CNewDomainDialog dlg(this, pComponentData); // the dialog will do the creation
dlg.DoModal(); }
void CDNSDomainNode::OnNewDelegation(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { CThemeContextActivator activator;
ASSERT(pComponentData != NULL); CDNSMTContainerNode* pContainerNode = (CDNSMTContainerNode*)GetContainer(); ASSERT(pContainerNode != NULL); CDNSDelegationWizardHolder* pHolder = new CDNSDelegationWizardHolder(pContainerNode, this, pComponentData); if (pHolder != NULL) { pHolder->DoModalWizard(); } }
RECORD_SEARCH CDNSDomainNode::DoesContain(PCWSTR pszRecName, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData, CDNSDomainNode** ppDomainNode, CDNSRecordNodeBase** ppExistingRecordNode, CString& szNonExistentDomain, BOOL bExpandNodes) { CDNSNameTokenizer recordTokenizer(pszRecName); CDNSNameTokenizer domainTokenizer((IsZone()) ? GetFullName() : GetDisplayName());
if (!recordTokenizer.Tokenize(L".") || !domainTokenizer.Tokenize(L".")) { *ppDomainNode = NULL; return RECORD_NOT_FOUND; }
if (recordTokenizer.GetCount() == 0 && domainTokenizer.GetCount() == 0) { //
// Record is "At the node"
*ppDomainNode = this; return RECORD_NOT_FOUND_AT_THE_NODE; } else if ((recordTokenizer.GetCount() == 0 && domainTokenizer.GetCount() != 0) || (recordTokenizer.GetCount() != 0 && domainTokenizer.GetCount() != 0)) { //
// I don't understand how we got in this situation. It means we are searching in
// the wrong domain.
ASSERT(FALSE); *ppDomainNode = NULL; return RECORD_NOT_FOUND; } else // recordTokenizer.GetCount() != 0 && domainTokenizer.GetCount() == 0
{ //
// Need to search the children lists
// If the node hasn't been enumerated, do that now
if (!IsEnumerated()) { if (!bExpandNodes) { *ppDomainNode = this; return DOMAIN_NOT_ENUMERATED; } else { //
// Expand the node
HWND hWnd = NULL; HRESULT hr = pComponentData->GetConsole()->GetMainWindow(&hWnd); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); CWnd* pParentWnd = CWnd::FromHandle(hWnd); CThemeContextActivator activator;
CNodeEnumerationThread* pNodeEnumThread = new CNodeEnumerationThread(pComponentData, this);
if (pNodeEnumThread) { CLongOperationDialog dlg( pNodeEnumThread, pParentWnd, IDR_SEARCH_AVI); dlg.DoModal(); } } }
CString szRemaining; recordTokenizer.GetRemaining(szRemaining, L".");
// Search for domains that match the last token remaining in the record name
POSITION pos = m_containerChildList.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CTreeNode* pCurrentChild = m_containerChildList.GetNext(pos);
CDNSDomainNode* pDomainNode = dynamic_cast<CDNSDomainNode*>(pCurrentChild); if (pDomainNode == NULL) { ASSERT(FALSE); continue; }
if (_wcsicmp(pDomainNode->GetDisplayName(), recordTokenizer.GetTail()) == 0) { //
// Found a sub-domain in the path that we have in the UI
// recurse to see if it or any of its child match pszFullName
return pDomainNode->DoesContain( szRemaining, pComponentData, ppDomainNode, ppExistingRecordNode, szNonExistentDomain, bExpandNodes); } }
// If the remaining name doesn't match a domain and there
// is still a '.' in it then there is a non-existent domain
if (szRemaining.Find(L'.') != -1) { szNonExistentDomain = recordTokenizer.GetTail(); *ppDomainNode = this; return NON_EXISTENT_SUBDOMAIN; } //
// Since no domains match, lets check the records
pos = m_leafChildList.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CTreeNode* pCurrentChild = m_leafChildList.GetNext(pos); if (pCurrentChild == NULL) { ASSERT(FALSE); continue; }
if (_wcsicmp(pCurrentChild->GetDisplayName(), szRemaining) == 0) { //
// We found the record and its in this domain
*ppDomainNode = this;
// the dynamic_cast will return NULL if the node is a zone or domain node
*ppExistingRecordNode = dynamic_cast<CDNSRecordNodeBase*>(pCurrentChild); return RECORD_FOUND; } } }
*ppDomainNode = this; return RECORD_NOT_FOUND; }
CDNSDomainNode* CDNSDomainNode::FindSubdomainNode(LPCTSTR lpszSubdomainNode) { //
// assume the string is the name of the subnode as FQDN
// Check the current node first since it could be zone that is a delegation of
// one of the protocol domains
if (_wcsicmp(GetFullName(), lpszSubdomainNode) == 0) { return this; }
POSITION pos; for( pos = m_containerChildList.GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; ) { CTreeNode* pCurrentChild = m_containerChildList.GetNext(pos);
CDNSDomainNode* pSubDomainNode = dynamic_cast<CDNSDomainNode*>(pCurrentChild); ASSERT(pSubDomainNode != NULL); if (_wcsicmp(pSubDomainNode->GetFullName(), lpszSubdomainNode) == 0) { return pSubDomainNode; } } return NULL; // not found
CDNSDomainNode* CDNSDomainNode::CreateSubdomainNode(BOOL bDelegation) { CDNSDomainNode* pNode = new CDNSDomainNode(bDelegation); if (pNode) { pNode->SetServerNode(GetServerNode()); ASSERT(m_pZoneNode != NULL); pNode->SetZone(m_pZoneNode); }
return pNode; }
void CDNSDomainNode::SetSubdomainName(CDNSDomainNode* pSubdomainNode, LPCTSTR lpszSubdomainName, BOOL bAdvancedView) { ASSERT(m_pZoneNode != NULL); ASSERT(pSubdomainNode != NULL); BOOL bReverse = GetZoneNode()->IsReverse(); pSubdomainNode->SetNames(FALSE, bReverse, bAdvancedView, lpszSubdomainName, GetFullName()); }
DNS_STATUS CDNSDomainNode::CreateSubdomain(CDNSDomainNode* pSubdomainNode, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { // tell the newly created object to write to the server
DNS_STATUS err = pSubdomainNode->Create(); if (err == 0) { // success, add to the UI
VERIFY(AddChildToListAndUI(pSubdomainNode, pComponentData)); pComponentData->SetDescriptionBarText(this); } return err; }
DNS_STATUS CDNSDomainNode::CreateSubdomain(LPCTSTR lpszDomainName, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { CDNSDomainNode* pSubdomainNode = CreateSubdomainNode(); ASSERT(pSubdomainNode != NULL); CDNSRootData* pRootData = (CDNSRootData*)pComponentData->GetRootData(); SetSubdomainName(pSubdomainNode, lpszDomainName, pRootData->IsAdvancedView());
// tell the newly created object to write to the server
DNS_STATUS err = CreateSubdomain(pSubdomainNode, pComponentData); if (err != 0) { // something went wrong, bail out
delete pSubdomainNode; } return err; }
void CDNSDomainNode::OnNewRecordHelper(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData, WORD wType) { CThemeContextActivator activator;
ASSERT(pComponentData != NULL); if (wType == 0) { CSelectDNSRecordTypeDialog dlg(this, pComponentData); dlg.DoModal(); } else { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); CString szTitle; szTitle.LoadString(IDS_NEW_RECORD_TITLE); CDNSRecordPropertyPageHolder recordHolder(this, NULL, pComponentData, wType); recordHolder.DoModalDialog(szTitle); } }
HRESULT CDNSDomainNode::OnNewRecord(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData, CNodeList* pNodeList) { ASSERT(pNodeList->GetCount() == 1); OnNewRecordHelper(pComponentData, 0); return S_OK; }
void CDNSDomainNode::OnNewHost(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { CThemeContextActivator activator;
//OnNewRecordHelper(pComponentData, DNS_TYPE_A);
CNewHostDialog dlg(this, pComponentData); dlg.DoModal(); }
void CDNSDomainNode::OnNewAlias(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { OnNewRecordHelper(pComponentData, DNS_TYPE_CNAME); }
void CDNSDomainNode::OnNewMailExchanger(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { OnNewRecordHelper(pComponentData, DNS_TYPE_MX); }
void CDNSDomainNode::OnNewPointer(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { OnNewRecordHelper(pComponentData, DNS_TYPE_PTR); }
// display of property pages
BOOL CDNSDomainNode::HasPropertyPages(DATA_OBJECT_TYPES, BOOL* pbHideVerb, CNodeList* pNodeList) { if (pNodeList->GetCount() > 1) // multiple selection
{ *pbHideVerb = TRUE; return FALSE; }
*pbHideVerb = FALSE; // always show the verb
if (!m_bHasDataForPropPages) return FALSE;
// cannot have property pages only in loaded state
//if (m_nState != loaded)
// return FALSE;
// have pages if it is a delegation
return IsDelegation(); }
HRESULT CDNSDomainNode::CreatePropertyPages(LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider, LONG_PTR handle, CNodeList* pNodeList) { ASSERT(pNodeList->GetCount() == 1); // multi-select not supported
ASSERT(m_bHasDataForPropPages); ASSERT(IsDelegation() || GetZoneNode()->IsDSIntegrated()); if (GetSheetCount() > 0) { CComponentDataObject* pComponentDataObject = ((CRootData*)(GetContainer()->GetRootContainer()))->GetComponentDataObject(); ASSERT(pComponentDataObject != NULL); pComponentDataObject->GetPropertyPageHolderTable()->BroadcastSelectPage(this, DOMAIN_HOLDER_NS); return S_OK; } return CreatePropertyPagesHelper(lpProvider, handle, DOMAIN_HOLDER_NS); }
void CDNSDomainNode::Show(BOOL bShow, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { CDNSMTContainerNode::Show(bShow, pComponentData); if (!bShow) GetNSRecordNodeList()->RemoveAll(); }
HRESULT CDNSDomainNode::CreatePropertyPagesHelper(LPPROPERTYSHEETCALLBACK lpProvider, LONG_PTR handle, long) { CComponentDataObject* pComponentDataObject = ((CRootData*)(GetContainer()->GetRootContainer()))->GetComponentDataObject(); ASSERT(pComponentDataObject != NULL); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
CDNSDomainPropertyPageHolder* pHolder = new CDNSDomainPropertyPageHolder((CDNSDomainNode*)GetContainer(), this, pComponentDataObject); if (pHolder) { pHolder->SetSheetTitle(IDS_PROP_SHEET_TITLE_FMT, this); hr = pHolder->CreateModelessSheet(lpProvider, handle); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } return hr; }
// Record Sorting in result pane
int FieldCompareHelper(CTreeNode* pNodeA, CTreeNode* pNodeB, int nCol) { int iRet = 0;
if (nCol == N_HEADER_NAME) { //
// If the name column is selected we have to sort PTR records by their
// address
CDNS_PTR_RecordNode* pRecNodeA = dynamic_cast<CDNS_PTR_RecordNode*>(pNodeA); CDNS_PTR_RecordNode* pRecNodeB = dynamic_cast<CDNS_PTR_RecordNode*>(pNodeB);
if (pRecNodeA == NULL && pRecNodeB == NULL) { //
// Neither node is a PTR record, process normally
LPCTSTR lpszA = pNodeA->GetString(nCol); LPCTSTR lpszB = pNodeB->GetString(nCol);
// cannot process NULL strings, have to use ""
if (lpszA == NULL || lpszB == NULL) { ASSERT(FALSE); return -1; } iRet = _wcsicmp(lpszA, lpszB); } else if (pRecNodeA == NULL) { //
// Push non PTR records down in the list
iRet = 1; } else if (pRecNodeB == NULL) { //
// Push non PTR records down in the list
iRet = -1; } else { //
// Both nodes are PTR records, compare their Addresses
// Subtract one from the other
// This will result in < 0 returned if the first one is less than the second
// 0 if they are equal, and > 0 if the first is greater than the second
LPCWSTR lpszNameA, lpszNameB; lpszNameA = pRecNodeA->GetTrueRecordName(); lpszNameB = pRecNodeB->GetTrueRecordName(); if (lpszNameA == NULL) { return -1; }
if (lpszNameB == NULL) { return 1; }
DWORD dwAddrA, dwAddrB; int iConverts = swscanf(lpszNameA, L"%d", &dwAddrA); if (iConverts != 1) { return -1; }
iConverts = swscanf(lpszNameB, L"%d", &dwAddrB); if (iConverts != 1) { return 1; }
iRet = dwAddrA - dwAddrB; } } else if (nCol == N_HEADER_DATA) { //
// If the data column is selected we have to check the record type so
// that we can sort by IP address
CDNS_A_RecordNode* pRecNodeA = dynamic_cast<CDNS_A_RecordNode*>(pNodeA); CDNS_A_RecordNode* pRecNodeB = dynamic_cast<CDNS_A_RecordNode*>(pNodeB);
if (pRecNodeA == NULL && pRecNodeB == NULL) { //
// Neither node is an A record, process normally
LPCTSTR lpszA = pNodeA->GetString(nCol); LPCTSTR lpszB = pNodeB->GetString(nCol);
// cannot process NULL strings, have to use ""
if (lpszA == NULL || lpszB == NULL) { ASSERT(FALSE); return -1; } iRet = _wcsicmp(lpszA, lpszB); } else if (pRecNodeA == NULL) { //
// Push non A records down in the list
iRet = 1; } else if (pRecNodeB == NULL) { //
// Push non A records down in the list
iRet = -1; } else { //
// Both nodes are A records, compare their IP Addresses
// Subtract one from the other
// This will result in < 0 returned if the first one is less than the second
// 0 if they are equal, and > 0 if the first is greater than the second
DWORD dwIPA, dwIPB; dwIPA = pRecNodeA->GetIPAddress(); dwIPB = pRecNodeB->GetIPAddress(); UINT nOctetCount = 0; iRet = 0; while (iRet == 0 && nOctetCount < 4) { iRet = (dwIPA & 0xff) - (dwIPB & 0xff); dwIPA = dwIPA >> 8; dwIPB = dwIPB >> 8; ++nOctetCount; } } } else { LPCTSTR lpszA = pNodeA->GetString(nCol); LPCTSTR lpszB = pNodeB->GetString(nCol);
// cannot process NULL strings, have to use ""
if (lpszA == NULL || lpszB == NULL) { ASSERT(FALSE); return -1; } iRet = _wcsicmp(lpszA, lpszB); } return iRet; }
int CDNSDomainNode::Compare(CTreeNode* pNodeA, CTreeNode* pNodeB, int nCol, long) { // sorting rules for secondary fields
int nColSec = N_HEADER_TYPE; int nColThird = N_HEADER_DATA; switch (nCol) { case N_HEADER_NAME: nColSec = N_HEADER_TYPE; nColThird = N_HEADER_DATA; break; case N_HEADER_TYPE: nColSec = N_HEADER_NAME; nColThird = N_HEADER_DATA; break; case N_HEADER_DATA: nColSec = N_HEADER_NAME; nColThird = N_HEADER_TYPE; break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); } int nResult = FieldCompareHelper(pNodeA, pNodeB, nCol); if (nResult != 0) return nResult; nResult = FieldCompareHelper(pNodeA, pNodeB, nColSec); if (nResult != 0) return nResult; return FieldCompareHelper(pNodeA, pNodeB, nColThird); }
// NS record bulk manipulation
// function to the user for confirmation on editing of A records
// associated with an NS record
BOOL _ConfirmEditAction(CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo* pInfo, BOOL bAsk) { if (!bAsk) return TRUE; // silently do it
AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); ASSERT(pInfo->m_pRecord->GetType() == DNS_TYPE_A); ASSERT(pInfo->m_pRecord != NULL); CDNS_A_RecordNode* pARecordNode = (CDNS_A_RecordNode*)pInfo->m_pRecordNode;
// load format message
CString szFmt; szFmt.LoadString(IDS_MSG_RECORD_DEL_A_FROM_NS); // compose message
CString szMsg; szMsg.Format((LPCWSTR)szFmt, pARecordNode->GetString(0), pARecordNode->GetString(2));
return (IDYES == DNSMessageBox(szMsg, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONWARNING ) ); }
void CDNSDomainNode::GetNSRecordNodesInfo(CDNSRecordNodeEditInfoList* pNSInfoList) { ASSERT(pNSInfoList != NULL); if (!pNSInfoList->IsEmpty()) { ASSERT(FALSE); // should never happen
pNSInfoList->RemoveAllNodes(); } CDNS_NS_RecordNodeList* pNodeList = GetNSRecordNodeList(); // for each NS record in the list, create an entry in the info list
POSITION pos; for( pos = pNodeList->GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; ) { CDNS_NS_RecordNode* pCurrNode = pNodeList->GetNext(pos); ASSERT(pCurrNode != NULL); CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo* pNSNodeInfo = new CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo(); if (pNSNodeInfo) { // set the data for the NS record, already in the list, so we do now own the memory
pNSNodeInfo->CreateFromExistingRecord(pCurrNode, FALSE /*bOwnMemory*/, TRUE /*bUpdateUI*/); // for the current NS record, find the associated A records
FindARecordsFromNSInfo(pCurrNode->GetString(2),pNSNodeInfo->m_pEditInfoList); pNSInfoList->AddTail(pNSNodeInfo); } } }
BOOL CDNSDomainNode::HasNSRecords() { return GetNSRecordNodeList()->GetCount() > 0; }
BOOL CDNSDomainNode::UpdateNSRecordNodesInfo(CDNSRecordNodeEditInfoList* pNewInfoList, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { ASSERT(pNewInfoList != NULL);
// return false if at least one operation failed
BOOL bRes = TRUE; CDNS_NS_RecordNodeList* pNSRecordNodeList = GetNSRecordNodeList();
// clear the current state in this domain object
// rebuild the current list from the new one, while applying the changes
POSITION pos; for ( pos = pNewInfoList->GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; ) { CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo* pCurrentInfo = pNewInfoList->GetNext(pos); ASSERT(pCurrentInfo->m_pRecordNode != NULL); ASSERT(pCurrentInfo->m_pRecord != NULL); switch (pCurrentInfo->m_action) { case CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo::add: case CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo::edit: { if (pCurrentInfo->Update(this, pComponentData) == 0) { ASSERT(pCurrentInfo->m_pRecordNode->GetType() == DNS_TYPE_NS); pNSRecordNodeList->AddTail((CDNS_NS_RecordNode*)pCurrentInfo->m_pRecordNode); pCurrentInfo->m_bOwnMemory = FALSE; // relinquish ownership
} else { bRes = FALSE; } } break; case CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo::remove: { if (pCurrentInfo->m_bExisting) { if (pCurrentInfo->Remove(this, pComponentData) != 0) bRes = FALSE; } } break;
case CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo::none: //
// Do nothing if the the node has been added and then removed without having been applied
default: { ASSERT(pCurrentInfo->m_bOwnMemory == FALSE); ASSERT(pCurrentInfo->m_action == CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo::unchanged);
// We still have to update the NS record because the server needs to
// update the record in memory (bug 23905)
if (pCurrentInfo->Update(this, pComponentData) == 0) { pNSRecordNodeList->AddTail((CDNS_NS_RecordNode*)pCurrentInfo->m_pRecordNode); } } }; // switch
// now we have to apply the changes in the list of A records
if (pCurrentInfo->m_dwErr == 0 && pCurrentInfo->m_action != CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo::none) UpdateARecordsOfNSInfo(pCurrentInfo, pComponentData); } // for
return bRes; }
// static function
void CDNSDomainNode::UpdateARecordsOfNSInfoHelper(CDNSDomainNode* pDomainNode, CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo* pNSInfo, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData, BOOL bAskConfirmation) { ASSERT(pNSInfo->m_dwErr == 0); ASSERT(pNSInfo->m_pRecordNode != NULL); ASSERT(pNSInfo->m_pRecordNode->GetType() == DNS_TYPE_NS); POSITION pos;
// get the list of related A records
CDNSRecordNodeEditInfoList* pNSInfoList = pNSInfo->m_pEditInfoList;
for( pos = pNSInfoList->GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; ) { CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo* pCurrentInfo = pNSInfoList->GetNext(pos); ASSERT(pCurrentInfo->m_pRecordNode != NULL); ASSERT(pCurrentInfo->m_pRecord != NULL); CDNS_A_RecordNode* pARecordNode = (CDNS_A_RecordNode*)pCurrentInfo->m_pRecordNode; ASSERT(pNSInfo->m_pRecord != NULL); CDNS_NS_Record* pNSRecord = (CDNS_NS_Record*)pNSInfo->m_pRecord;
BOOL bHostNameChanged = !_match(pNSRecord->m_szNameNode, pARecordNode); if (bHostNameChanged) { // the NS record points to a different host, so need
// to delete the old A RR and create a new one
BOOL bRemoveOld = _ConfirmEditAction(pCurrentInfo, bAskConfirmation);
CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo::actionType oldAction = pCurrentInfo->m_action; if (pCurrentInfo->m_bExisting && bRemoveOld) { // if the A record was an existing one, need to remove first
pCurrentInfo->m_action = CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo::remove; pCurrentInfo->Remove(pDomainNode, pComponentData); } // now decide if have to add
if (oldAction == CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo::remove && bRemoveOld) { // it was meant to be removed anyway
pCurrentInfo->m_bOwnMemory = TRUE; // edit info will clean up memory
} else { // it was meant to be edited or added, restore old action code
pCurrentInfo->m_action = oldAction; // change the name of the record
pCurrentInfo->m_pRecordNode->SetRecordName(pNSRecord->m_szNameNode, FALSE /*bAtTheNode*/); // add new A record with different FQDN
pCurrentInfo->m_action = CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo::add; pCurrentInfo->Update(pDomainNode, pComponentData); pCurrentInfo->m_bOwnMemory = FALSE; // written im master structures
} else // the name is still the same
{ switch(pNSInfo->m_action) { case CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo::remove: { // NS record marked for deletion means removing the associated A records
if (pCurrentInfo->m_bExisting && _ConfirmEditAction(pCurrentInfo, bAskConfirmation)) { pCurrentInfo->Remove(pDomainNode, pComponentData); pCurrentInfo->m_bOwnMemory = TRUE; // it will cleanup itself
} break; case CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo::add: { if (!pCurrentInfo->m_bExisting) { pCurrentInfo->Update(pDomainNode, pComponentData); pCurrentInfo->m_bOwnMemory = FALSE; // written im master structures
} } break; case CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo::edit: { // NS host name not changed, just update list of A records
switch(pCurrentInfo->m_action) { case CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo::remove: { if (pCurrentInfo->m_bExisting && _ConfirmEditAction(pCurrentInfo, bAskConfirmation)) { pCurrentInfo->Remove(pDomainNode, pComponentData); pCurrentInfo->m_bOwnMemory = TRUE; // it will cleanup itself
} } break; case CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo::edit: { // we just changed the TTL
ASSERT(pCurrentInfo->m_bExisting); pCurrentInfo->Update(pDomainNode, pComponentData); pCurrentInfo->m_bOwnMemory = FALSE; // written im master structures
} break; case CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo::add: { if (!pCurrentInfo->m_bExisting) { pCurrentInfo->Update(pDomainNode, pComponentData); pCurrentInfo->m_bOwnMemory = FALSE; // written im master structures
} } break; }; // switch
} break; }; // switch
} // if,else
} // for
void CDNSDomainNode::UpdateARecordsOfNSInfo(CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo* pNSInfo, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { // create a fake domain object to run a query looking for
// A records that match the given list of NS records
CDNSDummyDomainNode fakeDomain; fakeDomain.SetServerNode(GetServerNode()); fakeDomain.SetZone(GetZoneNode()); BOOL bAskConfirmation = TRUE; // we migth delete A RR's that we need
UpdateARecordsOfNSInfoHelper(&fakeDomain, pNSInfo, pComponentData, bAskConfirmation); }
void CDNSDomainNode::FindARecordsFromNSInfo(LPCTSTR lpszNSName, CDNSRecordNodeEditInfoList* pNSInfoList) { // just call the static version
CDNSRootData* pRootData = (CDNSRootData*)GetRootContainer(); ASSERT(pRootData != NULL);
DWORD cAddrCount; PIP_ADDRESS pipAddrs; GetServerNode()->GetListenAddressesInfo(&cAddrCount, &pipAddrs); if (cAddrCount == 0) { // listening on all addresses
GetServerNode()->GetServerAddressesInfo(&cAddrCount, &pipAddrs); }
FindARecordsFromNSInfo(GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), GetServerNode()->GetVersion(), cAddrCount, pipAddrs, GetZoneNode()->GetFullName(), lpszNSName, pNSInfoList, pRootData->IsAdvancedView()); }
void CDNSDomainNode::FindARecordsFromNSInfo(LPCWSTR lpszServerName, DWORD dwServerVersion, DWORD cServerAddrCount, PIP_ADDRESS pipServerAddrs, LPCWSTR lpszZoneName, LPCWSTR lpszNSName, CDNSRecordNodeEditInfoList* pNSInfoList, BOOL bAdvancedView) { ASSERT(pNSInfoList != NULL); ASSERT(pNSInfoList->IsEmpty());
// specifically look for A records matching a given NS name
// set query flags to get all the possible data
CDNSDomainQueryObj query(lpszServerName, lpszZoneName, dwServerVersion, NULL, // lpszNodeName, no need here
lpszNSName, DNS_TYPE_A, dwSelectFlags, FALSE, // zone
FALSE, // reverse
FALSE, // cache
bAdvancedView); query.Enumerate();
// get record from the queue into the info
CObjBaseList* pChildList = query.GetQueue(); //int n = pChildList->GetCount();
while (!pChildList->IsEmpty()) { CTreeNode* pNode = dynamic_cast<CTreeNode*>(pChildList->RemoveHead()); if (pNode && !pNode->IsContainer()) { CDNSRecordNodeBase* pRec = (CDNSRecordNodeBase*)pNode; if (pRec->GetType() == DNS_TYPE_A) { TRACE(_T("Record <%s>\n"), pRec->GetString(2)); pRec->SetRecordName(lpszNSName, FALSE /*bAtTheNode*/); CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo* pANodeInfo = new CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo; if (pANodeInfo) { // NOTICE: we assume that all the nodes are glue, so we own the memory
pANodeInfo->CreateFromExistingRecord(pRec, TRUE /*bOwnMemory*/, FALSE /*bUpdateUI*/); pNSInfoList->AddTail(pANodeInfo); } } } else delete pNode; // discard
if (pNSInfoList->GetCount() > 0) return; // got the info we needed just using RPC
// Could not find the A records, we need to try DnsQuery to get info outside the server
// search using DnsQuery and convert
PDNS_RECORD pDnsQueryARecordList = NULL; // if available, use the provided addresses to do a DnsQuery()
PIP_ARRAY pipArr = NULL; if ( (cServerAddrCount > 0) && (pipServerAddrs != NULL) ) { pipArr = (PIP_ARRAY)malloc(sizeof(DWORD)+sizeof(IP_ADDRESS)*cServerAddrCount); if (!pipArr) { return; } pipArr->AddrCount = cServerAddrCount; memcpy(pipArr->AddrArray, pipServerAddrs, sizeof(IP_ADDRESS)*cServerAddrCount); }
DWORD dwErr = ::DnsQuery((LPWSTR)lpszNSName, DNS_TYPE_A, DNS_QUERY_NO_RECURSION, pipArr, &pDnsQueryARecordList, NULL);
if (pipArr) { free(pipArr); pipArr = 0; }
// no luck, try a simple query, with no IP addresses specified
if (pDnsQueryARecordList == NULL) { dwErr = ::DnsQuery((LPWSTR)lpszNSName, DNS_TYPE_A, DNS_QUERY_NO_RECURSION, NULL, &pDnsQueryARecordList, NULL); }
if (pDnsQueryARecordList == NULL) return; // failed, no way to resolve IP address
PDNS_RECORD pCurrDnsQueryRecord = pDnsQueryARecordList; while (pCurrDnsQueryRecord) { if (pCurrDnsQueryRecord->Flags.S.Section == DNSREC_ANSWER) { if (pCurrDnsQueryRecord->wType == DNS_TYPE_A) { // create a record node
CDNSRecordNodeBase* pRecordNode = CDNSRecordInfo::CreateRecordNode(pCurrDnsQueryRecord->wType); pRecordNode->CreateFromDnsQueryRecord(pCurrDnsQueryRecord, 0x0);
pRecordNode->SetRecordName(lpszNSName, FALSE /*bAtTheNode*/); CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo* pANodeInfo = new CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo; if (pANodeInfo) { pANodeInfo->m_bFromDnsQuery = TRUE;
// NOTICE: we assume that all the nodes are glue, so we own the memory
pANodeInfo->CreateFromExistingRecord(pRecordNode, TRUE /*bOwnMemory*/, FALSE /*bUpdateUI*/); pNSInfoList->AddTail(pANodeInfo); } } }
// goto next record
pCurrDnsQueryRecord = pCurrDnsQueryRecord->pNext; }
DnsRecordListFree(pDnsQueryARecordList, DnsFreeRecordListDeep); }
DNS_STATUS CDNSDomainNode::EnumerateNodes(LPCTSTR lpszServerName, LPCTSTR lpszZoneName, LPCTSTR lpszNodeName, LPCTSTR lpszFullNodeName, WORD wRecordType, DWORD dwSelectFlag, BOOL, BOOL bReverse, BOOL bAdvancedView, CDNSDomainQueryObj* pQuery) { ASSERT(pQuery != NULL); USES_CONVERSION; DNS_STATUS err = 0; CHAR szStartChildAnsi[3*MAX_DNS_NAME_LEN + 1]; // can have multibyte chars, count NULL
szStartChildAnsi[0] = NULL; WCHAR szStartChild[MAX_DNS_NAME_LEN + 1]; // count NULL
szStartChild[0] = NULL;
CTreeNode* pNodeToInsert = NULL; // delayed insert
CDNSRecordNodeBase* pMoreDataNode = NULL;
// convert to UTF8 names
LPCSTR lpszFullNodeNameAnsi = W_TO_UTF8(lpszFullNodeName); LPCSTR lpszZoneNameAnsi = W_TO_UTF8(lpszZoneName);
BOOL bTooMuchData = FALSE;
do // while more data
{ // get a chunk of data from RPC call
BYTE* pbRpcBuffer = NULL; DWORD cbRpcBufferUsed = 0;
err = ::DnssrvEnumRecords(lpszServerName, lpszZoneNameAnsi, lpszFullNodeNameAnsi, // e.g. "foo.bar.com."
szStartChildAnsi, // Start Child
wRecordType, dwSelectFlag, NULL, // pszFilterStart
NULL, // pszFilterStop
&cbRpcBufferUsed, &pbRpcBuffer);
if ((err != ERROR_MORE_DATA) && (err != 0)) return err; // bail out if there is an error
// walk the memory and build objects
DNS_RPC_NODE * pDnsNode = (DNS_RPC_NODE *)pbRpcBuffer; DNS_RPC_RECORD * pDnsRecord; void* pvEndOfRpcBuffer = pbRpcBuffer + cbRpcBufferUsed; while ( (!bTooMuchData) && (pDnsNode < pvEndOfRpcBuffer) ) { // get an ANSI null terminated copy
memcpy(szStartChildAnsi, pDnsNode->dnsNodeName.achName, pDnsNode->dnsNodeName.cchNameLength); szStartChildAnsi[pDnsNode->dnsNodeName.cchNameLength] = NULL;
// get a UNICODE null terminated copy
if (szStartChildAnsi[0] == NULL) { szStartChild[0] = NULL; } else { DnsUtf8ToWHelper(szStartChild, szStartChildAnsi, pDnsNode->dnsNodeName.cchNameLength+1); }
if (pDnsNode->dwChildCount || (pDnsNode->dwFlags & DNS_RPC_NODE_FLAG_STICKY)) { BOOL bDelegation = ( ((dwSelectFlag & DNS_RPC_VIEW_CACHE_DATA) == 0) && ((pDnsNode->dwFlags & DNS_RPC_FLAG_ZONE_ROOT) != 0) ); CDNSDomainNode* p = NULL; if (pQuery->CanAddDomain(szStartChild)) { bTooMuchData = pQuery->TooMuchData(); if (!bTooMuchData) { p = new CDNSDomainNode(bDelegation); if (p) { p->SetNames(FALSE, bReverse, bAdvancedView, szStartChild, lpszFullNodeName); } } } if (pNodeToInsert != NULL) { VERIFY(pQuery->AddQueryResult(pNodeToInsert)); } pNodeToInsert = p; } pDnsRecord = (DNS_RPC_RECORD *)((BYTE *)pDnsNode + NEXT_DWORD(pDnsNode->wLength)); ASSERT(IS_DWORD_ALIGNED(pDnsRecord)); //
// Add the records under that node
UINT cRecordCount = pDnsNode->wRecordCount; while ( (!bTooMuchData) && (cRecordCount--) ) { CDNSRecordNodeBase* p = NULL; BOOL bAtTheNode = szStartChild[0] == NULL; LPCWSTR lpszRecordName = (bAtTheNode) ? lpszNodeName : szStartChild; if (pQuery->CanAddRecord(pDnsRecord->wType, lpszRecordName)) { TRACE(_T("\tCan add record %ws\n"), lpszRecordName); bTooMuchData = pQuery->TooMuchData(); if (!bTooMuchData) { if (bAtTheNode) { p = CDNSRecordInfo::CreateRecordNodeFromRPCData( lpszRecordName, pDnsRecord,bAtTheNode); } else { // filter out the NS records that are not at the node
if (pDnsRecord->wType != DNS_TYPE_NS) { p = CDNSRecordInfo::CreateRecordNodeFromRPCData( lpszRecordName, pDnsRecord,bAtTheNode); } } } // if not too much data
} // if can add
if (p != NULL) { p->SetFlagsDown(TN_FLAG_DNS_RECORD_FULL_NAME, !bAdvancedView); if (pNodeToInsert != NULL) { VERIFY(pQuery->AddQueryResult(pNodeToInsert)); }
if (pMoreDataNode != NULL) { //
// If there was more data check to see if the new node is the same as the
// last node from the previous batch. Insert it if they are different, delete
// it if they are not
CString szMoreDataName = pMoreDataNode->GetDisplayName(); CString szPName = p->GetDisplayName();
if (szMoreDataName == szPName && pMoreDataNode->GetType() == p->GetType() && _wcsicmp(pMoreDataNode->GetString(3), p->GetString(3)) == 0) { delete pMoreDataNode; } else { VERIFY(pQuery->AddQueryResult(pMoreDataNode)); } pMoreDataNode = NULL; } pNodeToInsert = p; } else { if (pMoreDataNode) { // We might still have to add the "more data" node
// even if the current node didn't match the filter
VERIFY(pQuery->AddQueryResult(pMoreDataNode)); pMoreDataNode = NULL; } }
pDnsRecord = DNS_NEXT_RECORD(pDnsRecord); } // while cRecordCount
// The new node is found at the end of the last record
pDnsNode = (DNS_RPC_NODE *)pDnsRecord; } // while end of buffer
// we still have a node to insert, but we discard it if there is more data
// because we are going to get it again and we want to avoid duplication
if (pNodeToInsert != NULL) { if (bTooMuchData) { delete pNodeToInsert; } else if (err == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { //
// Doesn't matter if this turns out NULL because we only want
// pMoreDataNode to be a record node. If its a domain node we
// can just ignore it
pMoreDataNode = dynamic_cast<CDNSRecordNodeBase*>(pNodeToInsert); } else { VERIFY(pQuery->AddQueryResult(pNodeToInsert)); } pNodeToInsert = NULL; }
} while ( !bTooMuchData && (err == ERROR_MORE_DATA) ) ;
// we are bailing out because of too much data,
// need to let the main tread know
if (bTooMuchData && (err != ERROR_MORE_DATA)) { err = ERROR_MORE_DATA; }
return err; }
DNS_STATUS CDNSDomainNode::Create() { USES_CONVERSION; LPCWSTR lpszFullZoneName = NULL; CDNSZoneNode* pZoneNode = GetZoneNode();
if (pZoneNode != NULL) lpszFullZoneName = pZoneNode->GetFullName(); DNS_STATUS err = ::DnssrvUpdateRecord(GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), W_TO_UTF8(lpszFullZoneName), W_TO_UTF8(GetFullName()), NULL, NULL); return err; }
DNS_STATUS CDNSDomainNode::Delete() { USES_CONVERSION; LPCWSTR lpszFullZoneName = NULL; CDNSZoneNode* pZoneNode = GetZoneNode(); if (pZoneNode != NULL) lpszFullZoneName = pZoneNode->GetFullName();
return ::DnssrvDeleteNode(GetServerNode()->GetRPCName(), W_TO_UTF8(lpszFullZoneName), W_TO_UTF8(GetFullName()), TRUE // fDeleteSubtree
); }
// CDNSRootHintsNode
DNS_STATUS CDNSRootHintsNode::QueryForRootHints(LPCTSTR lpszServerName, DWORD dwServerVersion) { USES_CONVERSION; DWORD dwSelectFlags = DNS_RPC_VIEW_ROOT_HINT_DATA | DNS_RPC_VIEW_ADDITIONAL_DATA | DNS_RPC_VIEW_NO_CHILDREN; CDNSDomainQueryObj query(lpszServerName, UTF8_TO_W(DNS_ZONE_ROOT_HINTS), //lpszZoneName, needs to be "..RootHints" as defined in dnsrpc.h
dwServerVersion, GetDisplayName(), m_szFullName, DNS_TYPE_NS, dwSelectFlags, FALSE, // zone
FALSE, // reverse
FALSE, // cache
FALSE); query.Enumerate(); DWORD dwErr = query.GetError(); if (dwErr != 0) return dwErr; // get record from the queue into the folder
CObjBaseList* pChildList = query.GetQueue(); //int n = pChildList->GetCount();
while (!pChildList->IsEmpty()) { CTreeNode* pNode = dynamic_cast<CTreeNode*>(pChildList->RemoveHead()); // NOTICE: for NT 4.0 servers, we get bogus container nodes
// that we have to suppress
if(pNode->IsContainer()) { delete pNode; } else { OnHaveRecord((CDNSRecordNodeBase*)pNode, NULL); // add to the list of NS records
AddChildToList(pNode); } } return (DNS_STATUS)dwErr; }
void CDNSRootHintsNode::FindARecordsFromNSInfo(LPCTSTR lpszNSName, CDNSRecordNodeEditInfoList* pNSInfoList) { ASSERT(pNSInfoList != NULL);
// for root hints, we have all the records in this folder and we
// can edit them
POSITION pos; for( pos = m_leafChildList.GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; ) { CTreeNode* pCurrentChild = m_leafChildList.GetNext(pos); ASSERT(!pCurrentChild->IsContainer()); CDNSRecordNodeBase* pRecordNode = dynamic_cast<CDNSRecordNodeBase*>(pCurrentChild); if (pRecordNode && DNS_TYPE_A == pRecordNode->GetType()) { CDNS_A_RecordNode* pARecordNode = (CDNS_A_RecordNode*)pRecordNode; if (_match(lpszNSName, pARecordNode)) { CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo* pANodeInfo = new CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo;
// NOTICE: the root hints folder owns the memory
if (pANodeInfo != NULL) { pANodeInfo->CreateFromExistingRecord(pARecordNode, FALSE /*bOwnMemory*/, TRUE /*bUpdateUI*/); pNSInfoList->AddTail(pANodeInfo); } else { TRACE(_T("Failed to allocate memory in CDNSRootHintsNode::FindARecordsFromNSInfo")); ASSERT(FALSE); } } } } }
void CDNSRootHintsNode::UpdateARecordsOfNSInfo(CDNSRecordNodeEditInfo* pNSInfo, CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) { BOOL bAskConfirmation = FALSE; // need to edit ALL A records
UpdateARecordsOfNSInfoHelper(this, pNSInfo, pComponentData, bAskConfirmation); }
DNS_STATUS CDNSRootHintsNode::Clear() { //
// clear the list of cached NS record pointers
// remove all the records from the server
for( pos = m_leafChildList.GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; ) { CTreeNode* pCurrentChild = m_leafChildList.GetNext(pos); ASSERT(!pCurrentChild->IsContainer()); CDNSRecordNodeBase* pRecordNode = (CDNSRecordNodeBase*)pCurrentChild; DNS_STATUS currErr = pRecordNode->DeleteOnServer(); if (currErr != 0) { //
// just ge the last error, if any
err = currErr; } } //
// clear the list of children in the folder (we are hidden, so no UI deletions)
RemoveAllChildrenFromList(); return err; }
DNS_STATUS CDNSRootHintsNode::InitializeFromDnsQueryData(PDNS_RECORD pRootHintsRecordList) { // need to remove all the previous root hints from the server
// let's be sure we get recent data
// clear the list of children in the folder (we are hidden, so no UI deletions)
RemoveAllChildrenFromList(); // acqure the list of current root hints
CDNSServerNode* pServerNode = GetServerNode(); DNS_STATUS dwErr = QueryForRootHints(pServerNode->GetRPCName(), pServerNode->GetVersion()); if (dwErr != 0) { TRACE(_T("Failed to remove old Root Hints, dwErr = %x hex\n"), dwErr); return dwErr; }
// remove all the old root hints from server and client side
dwErr = Clear(); if (dwErr != 0) { TRACE(_T("Failed to clear Root Hints, dwErr = %x hex\n"), dwErr); return dwErr; }
// walk through the list of root hints,
// convert to C++ format,
// write to server and add to the folder list (no UI, folder hidden)
PDNS_RECORD pCurrDnsQueryRecord = pRootHintsRecordList; while (pCurrDnsQueryRecord != NULL) { ASSERT( (pCurrDnsQueryRecord->wType == DNS_TYPE_A) || (pCurrDnsQueryRecord->wType == DNS_TYPE_NS) ); // create a record node and read data from DnsQuery format
CDNSRecordNodeBase* pRecordNode = CDNSRecordInfo::CreateRecordNode(pCurrDnsQueryRecord->wType); pRecordNode->CreateFromDnsQueryRecord(pCurrDnsQueryRecord, DNS_RPC_RECORD_FLAG_ZONE_ROOT);
// set the record node container
// set the record node name
BOOL bAtTheNode = (pCurrDnsQueryRecord->wType == DNS_TYPE_NS); pRecordNode->SetRecordName(pCurrDnsQueryRecord->pName, bAtTheNode);
// write on server
// the default TTL does not apply here
DNS_STATUS err = pRecordNode->Update(NULL, FALSE); // NULL = create new, FALSE = use def TTL
if (err == 0) VERIFY(AddChildToList(pRecordNode)); else { dwErr = err; // mark las error
delete pRecordNode; // something went wrong
} pCurrDnsQueryRecord = pCurrDnsQueryRecord->pNext; }
// force a write on the server, to make sure the cache file is written right away
return CDNSZoneNode::WriteToDatabase(pServerNode->GetRPCName(), DNS_ZONE_ROOT_HINTS); }
void CDNSRootHintsNode::ShowPageForNode(CComponentDataObject* pComponentDataObject) { ASSERT(pComponentDataObject != NULL);
if (pComponentDataObject) { pComponentDataObject->GetPropertyPageHolderTable()->BroadcastSelectPage(GetServerNode(), 3); } }