// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1998
// File: ipeditor.cpp
// ipeditor.cpp : implementation file
#include "preDNSsn.h"
#include <SnapBase.h>
#include "dnsutil.h"
#include "dnssnap.h"
#include "snapdata.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "ipeditor.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// CIPListBox
BOOL CIPListBox::OnAdd(DWORD dwIpAddr) { if (FindIndexOfIpAddr(dwIpAddr) != -1) return FALSE;
int nCount = GetCount(); CString szIpAddr; FormatIpAddress(szIpAddr, dwIpAddr); InsertString(nCount, szIpAddr); SetItemData(nCount,dwIpAddr); return TRUE; }
BOOL CIPListBox::OnAddEx(DWORD dwIpAddr, LPCTSTR lpszServerName) { if (FindIndexOfIpAddr(dwIpAddr) != -1) return FALSE;
int nCount = GetCount();
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-697838-2002/08/30-artm
// '?' moved to resource file where it can be localized if needed
CString serverNameNotAvailable; if (!serverNameNotAvailable.LoadString(IDS_QUESTION_MARK)) { return FALSE; }
USES_CONVERSION; CString s; s.Format(_T("%d.%d.%d.%d (%s)"), IP_STRING_FMT_ARGS(dwIpAddr), (lpszServerName != NULL) ? lpszServerName : serverNameNotAvailable); InsertString(nCount, s); SetItemData(nCount,dwIpAddr); return TRUE; }
void CIPListBox::OnRemove(DWORD* pdwIpAddr) { int nSel = GetCurSel(); int nCount = GetCount(); ASSERT(nSel >= 0); ASSERT(nSel < nCount);
// get item data to return and remove item
*pdwIpAddr = static_cast<DWORD>(GetItemData(nSel)); DeleteString(nSel); // reset the selection
if (nSel == nCount-1) // deleted the last position in the list
SetCurSel(nSel-1); // move up one line (might get to -1)
else SetCurSel(nSel); // stay on the same line
void CIPListBox::OnUp() { int nSel = GetCurSel(); ASSERT(nSel > 0); ASSERT(nSel < GetCount()); // save selection
CString s; GetText(nSel,s); DWORD x = static_cast<DWORD>(GetItemData(nSel)); // delete selection
DeleteString(nSel); // insert back
InsertString(nSel-1,s); SetItemData(nSel-1,x); SetCurSel(nSel-1); }
void CIPListBox::OnDown() { int nSel = GetCurSel(); ASSERT(nSel >= 0); ASSERT(nSel < GetCount()-1); // save selection
CString s; GetText(nSel,s); DWORD x = static_cast<DWORD>(GetItemData(nSel)); // delete selection
DeleteString(nSel); // insert back
InsertString(nSel+1,s); SetItemData(nSel+1,x); SetCurSel(nSel+1); }
void CIPListBox::OnSelChange() { m_pEditor->OnListBoxSelChange(); }
void CIPListBox::UpdateHorizontalExtent() { int nHorzExtent = 0; CClientDC dc(this); int nItems = GetCount(); for (int i=0; i < nItems; i++) { TEXTMETRIC tm; VERIFY(dc.GetTextMetrics(&tm)); CString szBuffer; GetText(i, szBuffer); CSize ext = dc.GetTextExtent(szBuffer,szBuffer.GetLength()); nHorzExtent = max(ext.cx ,nHorzExtent); } SetHorizontalExtent(nHorzExtent); }
int CIPListBox::FindIndexOfIpAddr(DWORD dwIpAddr) { int nItems = GetCount(); for (int i=0; i < nItems; i++) { DWORD x = static_cast<DWORD>(GetItemData(i)); if (x == dwIpAddr) return i; } return -1; // not found
// CIPEdit
void CIPEdit::OnChange() { m_pEditor->OnEditChange(); }
// CMyButton
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMyButton, CButton) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CMyButton)
void CMyButton::OnClicked() { m_pEditor->OnButtonClicked(this); }
// CIPEditor
BOOL CIPEditor::Initialize(CWnd* pParentWnd, CWnd* pControlWnd, UINT nIDBtnUp, UINT nIDBtnDown, UINT nIDBtnAdd, UINT nIDBtnRemove, UINT nIDIPCtrl, UINT nIDIPListBox)
{ ASSERT(pParentWnd != NULL); if (pParentWnd == NULL) return FALSE; m_pParentWnd = pParentWnd;
if (pControlWnd == NULL) { m_pControlWnd = pParentWnd; } else { m_pControlWnd = pControlWnd; }
// set back pointers
m_upButton.SetEditor(this); m_removeButton.SetEditor(this); m_downButton.SetEditor(this); m_addButton.SetEditor(this); m_edit.SetEditor(this); m_listBox.SetEditor(this); // sublclass buttons
BOOL bRes = m_upButton.SubclassDlgItem(nIDBtnUp, m_pParentWnd); ASSERT(bRes); if (!bRes) return FALSE; bRes = m_removeButton.SubclassDlgItem(nIDBtnRemove, m_pParentWnd); ASSERT(bRes); if (!bRes) return FALSE; bRes = m_downButton.SubclassDlgItem(nIDBtnDown, m_pParentWnd); ASSERT(bRes); if (!bRes) return FALSE; bRes = m_addButton.SubclassDlgItem(nIDBtnAdd, m_pParentWnd);
// subclass listbox
ASSERT(bRes); if (!bRes) return FALSE; bRes = m_listBox.SubclassDlgItem(nIDIPListBox, m_pParentWnd);
// sublclass edit control
bRes = m_edit.SubclassDlgItem(nIDIPCtrl, m_pParentWnd); ASSERT(bRes); if (!bRes) return FALSE;
if (m_bNoUpDown) { m_upButton.ShowWindow(FALSE); m_upButton.EnableWindow(FALSE); m_downButton.ShowWindow(FALSE); m_downButton.EnableWindow(FALSE); }
LRESULT lDefID = SendMessage(m_addButton.GetParent()->GetSafeHwnd(), DM_GETDEFID, 0, 0); if (lDefID != 0) { m_nDefID = LOWORD(lDefID); }
return bRes; }
BOOL CIPEditor::OnButtonClicked(CMyButton* pButton) {
BOOL bRet = TRUE; if (pButton == &m_upButton) { if (m_bNoUpDown) { return TRUE; } m_listBox.OnUp(); SetButtonsState(); OnChangeData(); } else if (pButton == &m_downButton) { if (m_bNoUpDown) { return TRUE; } m_listBox.OnDown(); SetButtonsState(); OnChangeData(); } else if (pButton == &m_addButton) { DWORD dwIpAddr; m_edit.GetIPv4Val(&dwIpAddr); if (m_listBox.OnAdd(dwIpAddr)) { SetButtonsState(); m_edit.Clear(); m_edit.SetFocusField(0); OnChangeData(); m_listBox.UpdateHorizontalExtent(); } else { // if already there, cleard edit but do not add
m_edit.Clear(); m_edit.SetFocusField(0); bRet = FALSE; }
} else if (pButton == &m_removeButton) { DWORD dwIpAddr; m_listBox.OnRemove(&dwIpAddr); SetButtonsState(); m_edit.SetIPv4Val(dwIpAddr); OnChangeData(); m_listBox.UpdateHorizontalExtent(); } else { bRet = FALSE; } return bRet; }
void CIPEditor::OnEditChange() { BOOL bEnable = !m_edit.IsEmpty(); CWnd* pFocus = CWnd::GetFocus(); if ( !bEnable && (pFocus == &m_addButton)) { m_edit.SetFocus(); }
if (bEnable) { m_addButton.EnableWindow(TRUE);
// Set the add button as the default push button
SendMessage(GetParentWnd()->GetSafeHwnd(), DM_SETDEFID, (WPARAM)m_addButton.GetDlgCtrlID(), 0);
// Force the Add button to redraw itself
SendMessage(m_addButton.GetSafeHwnd(), BM_SETSTYLE, BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON, MAKELPARAM(TRUE, 0)); //
// Force the previous default button to redraw itself
SendDlgItemMessage(m_pControlWnd->GetSafeHwnd(), m_nDefID, BM_SETSTYLE, BS_PUSHBUTTON, MAKELPARAM(TRUE, 0));
} else { //
// Set the previous default button back as the default push button
SendMessage(m_pControlWnd->GetSafeHwnd(), DM_SETDEFID, (WPARAM)m_nDefID, 0);
// Force the previous default button to redraw itself
SendMessage(GetDlgItem(m_pControlWnd->GetSafeHwnd(), m_nDefID), BM_SETSTYLE, BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON, MAKELPARAM(TRUE, 0));
// Force the Add button to redraw itself
SendMessage(m_addButton.GetSafeHwnd(), BM_SETSTYLE, BS_PUSHBUTTON, MAKELPARAM(TRUE, 0));
m_addButton.EnableWindow(FALSE); } }
void CIPEditor::AddAddresses(DWORD* pArr, int nArraySize) { ASSERT(nArraySize > 0); for (int i=0; i<nArraySize; i++) { m_listBox.OnAdd(pArr[i]); } m_listBox.SetCurSel((m_listBox.GetCount() > 0) ? 0 : -1); SetButtonsState(); OnChangeData(); m_listBox.UpdateHorizontalExtent(); }
void CIPEditor::AddAddresses(DWORD* pArr, LPCTSTR* pStringArr, int nArraySize) { ASSERT(nArraySize > 0); for (int i=0; i<nArraySize; i++) { m_listBox.OnAddEx(pArr[i], pStringArr[i]); } m_listBox.SetCurSel((m_listBox.GetCount() > 0) ? 0 : -1); SetButtonsState(); OnChangeData(); m_listBox.UpdateHorizontalExtent(); }
void CIPEditor::GetAddresses(DWORD* pArr, int nArraySize, int* pFilled) { ASSERT(nArraySize > 0); int nCount = m_listBox.GetCount(); ASSERT(nCount <= nArraySize); *pFilled = (nArraySize > nCount) ? nCount : nArraySize; for (int i=0; i < (*pFilled); i++) { pArr[i] = static_cast<DWORD>(m_listBox.GetItemData(i)); } }
void CIPEditor::Clear() { m_listBox.ResetContent(); m_edit.Clear(); SetButtonsState(); m_listBox.UpdateHorizontalExtent(); }
BOOL CIPEditor::BrowseFromDNSNamespace(CComponentDataObject* pComponentDataObject, CPropertyPageHolderBase* pHolder, BOOL bEnableBrowseEdit, LPCTSTR lpszExcludeServerName) { BOOL bRet = TRUE; AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); FIX_THREAD_STATE_MFC_BUG(); CThemeContextActivator activator;
CDNSBrowserDlg dlg(pComponentDataObject, pHolder, SERVER, bEnableBrowseEdit, lpszExcludeServerName); if (IDOK == dlg.DoModal()) { //
// First check to see if we can get the server IP address(es) from the node.
CDNSServerNode* pServerNode = dynamic_cast<CDNSServerNode*>(dlg.GetSelection()); if (pServerNode != NULL) { DWORD dwCount = 0; PIP_ADDRESS pipServerAddresses = NULL; pServerNode->GetServerAddressesInfo(&dwCount, &pipServerAddresses); if (dwCount > 0 && pipServerAddresses != NULL) { AddAddresses(pipServerAddresses, dwCount); return TRUE; } }
// If we didn't get the IP address(es) from the node, then try the name
LPCTSTR lpszServerName = dlg.GetSelectionString();
// try to see if the name is already an IP address
IP_ADDRESS ipAddr = IPStringToAddr(lpszServerName); if (ipAddr != INADDR_NONE) { AddAddresses(&ipAddr, 1); return bRet; // it was a valid IP address, just converted
// it was not an IP address, so try to query for all
// the A records for the server name
PDNS_RECORD pARecordList; DNS_STATUS dwErr = ::DnsQuery((LPTSTR)lpszServerName, DNS_TYPE_A, DNS_QUERY_STANDARD, NULL, &pARecordList, NULL); int nIPCountFromARec = 0; PDNS_RECORD pTemp = NULL; if (dwErr != 0) { bRet = FALSE; } else { pTemp = pARecordList; while (pTemp != NULL) { nIPCountFromARec++; pTemp = pTemp->pNext; } bRet = (nIPCountFromARec > 0); } if (!bRet) { if (pARecordList != NULL) ::DnsRecordListFree(pARecordList, DnsFreeRecordListDeep); return FALSE; // could not do resolution
// get the IP addresses from the A record list
// and add them to the IP editor.
// build an array of IP addresses to pass to the IP editor
IP_ADDRESS* ipArray = (IP_ADDRESS*)malloc(nIPCountFromARec*sizeof(IP_ADDRESS)); if (!ipArray) { return FALSE; }
//scan the array of lists of A records we just found
PIP_ADDRESS pCurrAddr = ipArray; pTemp = pARecordList; while (pTemp != NULL) { CString szTemp; FormatIpAddress(szTemp, pTemp->Data.A.IpAddress); TRACE(_T("found address = %s\n"), (LPCTSTR)szTemp);
*pCurrAddr = pTemp->Data.A.IpAddress; pTemp = pTemp->pNext; pCurrAddr++; } // fill in the array if server names (all the same value, IP's of same host)
LPCTSTR* lpszServerNameArr = (LPCTSTR*)malloc(sizeof(LPCTSTR)*nIPCountFromARec); if (lpszServerNameArr) { for (int i=0; i< nIPCountFromARec; i++) lpszServerNameArr[i] = lpszServerName; // add to the editor
AddAddresses(ipArray, lpszServerNameArr, nIPCountFromARec); }
ASSERT(pARecordList != NULL); ::DnsRecordListFree(pARecordList, DnsFreeRecordListDeep);
if (ipArray) { free(ipArray); ipArray = 0; }
if (lpszServerNameArr) { free(lpszServerNameArr); lpszServerNameArr = 0; } } return bRet; }
void CIPEditor::FindNames() { int nCount = GetCount(); if (nCount == 0) return;
// retrieve an array of IP addresses
DWORD* pIpArr = (DWORD*)malloc(sizeof(DWORD)*nCount); if (!pIpArr) { return; }
LPCTSTR* lpszServerNameArr = 0; PDNS_RECORD* pPTRRecordListArr = 0; do // false loop
{ int nFilled; GetAddresses(pIpArr, nCount, &nFilled); ASSERT(nFilled == nCount);
// try IP to host name resoulution
lpszServerNameArr = (LPCTSTR*)malloc(sizeof(LPCTSTR)*nCount); if (!lpszServerNameArr) { break; } memset(lpszServerNameArr, 0x0, sizeof(LPCTSTR)*nCount);
pPTRRecordListArr = (PDNS_RECORD*)malloc(sizeof(PDNS_RECORD)*nCount); if (!pPTRRecordListArr) { break; } memset(pPTRRecordListArr, 0x0, sizeof(PDNS_RECORD)*nCount);
USES_CONVERSION; for (int k=0; k<nCount; k++) { // get the name of the PTR record
CString szIpAddress; FormatIpAddress(szIpAddress, pIpArr[k]); // e.g. ""
ReverseIPString(szIpAddress.GetBuffer(1)); // e.g. ""
szIpAddress += INADDR_ARPA_SUFFIX; // e.g. ""
DNS_STATUS dwErr = ::DnsQuery((LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)szIpAddress, DNS_TYPE_PTR, DNS_QUERY_STANDARD, NULL, &pPTRRecordListArr[k], NULL); if (dwErr == 0) { DWORD nPTRCount = 0; PDNS_RECORD pTemp = pPTRRecordListArr[k]; while (pTemp != NULL) { nPTRCount++; pTemp = pTemp->pNext; } ASSERT(nPTRCount >= 1); // getting multiple host names for a given IP address?
lpszServerNameArr[k] = pPTRRecordListArr[k]->Data.PTR.pNameHost; } }
// remove the old entries and add the new ones
int nSel = m_listBox.GetCurSel(); Clear(); AddAddresses(pIpArr, lpszServerNameArr, nCount); m_listBox.SetCurSel(nSel); SetButtonsState();
// free memory from DnsQuery()
for (k=0; k<nCount; k++) { if(pPTRRecordListArr[k] != NULL) { ::DnsRecordListFree(pPTRRecordListArr[k], DnsFreeRecordListDeep); } } } while (false);
if (pIpArr) { free(pIpArr); pIpArr = 0; }
if (lpszServerNameArr) { free(lpszServerNameArr); lpszServerNameArr = 0; }
if (pPTRRecordListArr) { free(pPTRRecordListArr); pPTRRecordListArr = 0; } }
void CIPEditor::EnableUI(BOOL bEnable, BOOL bListBoxAlwaysEnabled) { // cache the value, needed on listbox selections notifications
m_bUIEnabled = bEnable; m_upButton.EnableWindow(bEnable); m_removeButton.EnableWindow(bEnable); m_downButton.EnableWindow(bEnable);
if (bEnable) m_addButton.EnableWindow(!m_edit.IsEmpty()); else m_addButton.EnableWindow(FALSE);
m_edit.EnableWindow(bEnable); if (!bListBoxAlwaysEnabled) m_listBox.EnableWindow(bEnable);
if (bEnable) SetButtonsState(); }
void CIPEditor::ShowUI(BOOL bShow) { m_upButton.ShowWindow(bShow); m_removeButton.ShowWindow(bShow); m_downButton.ShowWindow(bShow); m_addButton.ShowWindow(bShow); m_edit.ShowWindow(bShow); m_listBox.ShowWindow(bShow); EnableUI(bShow); }
void CIPEditor::SetButtonsState() { if (!m_bUIEnabled) return;
int nSel = m_listBox.GetCurSel(); int nCount = m_listBox.GetCount();
CWnd* pFocus = CWnd::GetFocus();
// must have item selected to remove
BOOL bEnable = nSel != -1; if (!bEnable && (pFocus == &m_removeButton)) { m_edit.SetFocus(); } m_removeButton.EnableWindow(bEnable); if (m_bNoUpDown) return; // must have item selected not at the to to move it up
bEnable = nSel > 0; if (!bEnable && (pFocus == &m_upButton)) { m_edit.SetFocus(); } m_upButton.EnableWindow(bEnable); // must have intem selected not at the bottom to move it down
bEnable = (nSel >= 0) && (nSel < nCount-1); if (!bEnable && (pFocus == &m_downButton)) { m_edit.SetFocus(); } m_downButton.EnableWindow(bEnable); }