// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1998
// File: dcbufmgr.cpp
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "dcbufmgr.h"
#include "process.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
unsigned __stdcall GetDCThreadFunc( void* lParam );
// Function: CDCBufferManager::CDCBufferManager
// Synopsis: constructor
CDCBufferManager::CDCBufferManager(HWND hDlg) : m_cRef(0), m_hDlg(hDlg) { TRACE(_T("CDCBufferManager::CDCBufferManager, this=%x\n"), this);
m_lContinue = 1; }
// Function: CDCBufferManager::~CDCBufferManager
// Synopsis: destructor
CDCBufferManager::~CDCBufferManager() { TRACE(_T("CDCBufferManager::~CDCBufferManager, this=%x\n"), this);
ASSERT(0 >= m_cRef); FreeBuffer(); }
// Function: CDCBufferManager::CreateInstance
// Synopsis: Create an instance of CDCBufferManager.
HRESULT CDCBufferManager::CreateInstance( IN HWND hDlg, OUT CDCBufferManager **ppDCBufferManager ) { TRACE(_T("CDCBufferManager::CreateInstance, hDlg=%x\n"), hDlg);
*ppDCBufferManager = new CDCBufferManager(hDlg); if ( !(*ppDCBufferManager) ) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
return S_OK; }
// Function: CDCBufferManager::AddRef
// Synopsis: Increment reference count of this instance
LONG CDCBufferManager::AddRef() { TRACE(_T("CDCBufferManager::AddRef, this=%x, preValue=%d\n"), this, m_cRef);
return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef); }
// Function: CDCBufferManager::Release
// Synopsis: Decrement reference count of this instance.
// When the reference count reaches 0, delete this instance.
LONG CDCBufferManager::Release() { TRACE(_T("CDCBufferManager::Release, this=%x, preValue=%d\n"), this, m_cRef);
if (InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef) <= 0) { delete this; return 0; }
return m_cRef; }
// Function: CDCBufferManager::SignalExit
// Synopsis: Called by the owner dialog to signal the related threads to exit.
void CDCBufferManager::SignalExit() { TRACE(_T("CDCBufferManager::SignalExit\n"));
InterlockedExchange(&m_lContinue, FALSE); }
// Function: CDCBufferManager::ShouldExit
// Synopsis: Threads are calling this function periodically to see
// if the owner dialog signals them to exit.
BOOL CDCBufferManager::ShouldExit() { TRACE(_T("CDCBufferManager::ShouldExit %d\n"), !m_lContinue);
return (!m_lContinue); }
// Function: CDCBufferManager::LoadInfo
// Synopsis: The Owner dialog call it to get a pointer to the info of the specified domain.
// The buffer consists of entries.
// Each entry is in the form of (LPTSTR szDomainName, CDCSITEINFO* pEntry).
// LoadInfo() will first look up in the buffer.
// If a valid entry is found, pass back pEntry to caller.
// If an error entry is found, reset it (clear the error) and retry.
// If an inprogress entry is found, do nothing. The caller will handle a THREAD_DONE later.
// If no entry in the buffer, create a new entry, kick off a thread.
// When the owner dialog get THREAD_DONE message, the related entry
// in the buffer should either be a valid entry or an error entry.
HRESULT CDCBufferManager::LoadInfo( IN PCTSTR pszDomainDnsName, OUT CDCSITEINFO **ppInfo ) { ASSERT(pszDomainDnsName); ASSERT(*pszDomainDnsName); ASSERT(ppInfo); ASSERT(*ppInfo == NULL); // prevent memory leak
TRACE(_T("CDCBufferManager::LoadInfo for %s\n"), pszDomainDnsName);
BOOL bStartNewThread = FALSE; HRESULT hr = S_OK; PVOID ptr = NULL; CDCSITEINFO* pEntry = NULL;
m_CriticalSection.Lock(); // Lock buffer
if (m_map.Lookup(pszDomainDnsName, ptr)) { //
// Found an entry in the buffer.
if (ptr) { pEntry = (CDCSITEINFO*)ptr; switch (pEntry->GetEntryType()) { case BUFFER_ENTRY_TYPE_VALID: // return the valid entry pointer
*ppInfo = pEntry; break; case BUFFER_ENTRY_TYPE_ERROR: // kick off a thread to retry
pEntry->ReSet(); bStartNewThread = TRUE; break; case BUFFER_ENTRY_TYPE_INPROGRESS: // do nothing
break; } }
} else { //
// not found in the buffer, need to start a new thread
bStartNewThread = TRUE; pEntry = new CDCSITEINFO(); if (pEntry) m_map.SetAt(pszDomainDnsName, pEntry); else hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && bStartNewThread) { hr = StartThread(pszDomainDnsName); if (FAILED(hr)) { delete pEntry; m_map.RemoveKey(pszDomainDnsName); } }
m_CriticalSection.Unlock(); // Unlock buffer
return hr; }
// Function: CDCBufferManager::AddInfo
// Synopsis: Called by the thread function to add one result to the buffer.
// It will pass back the pointer to the entry in the 5th parameters.
HRESULT CDCBufferManager::AddInfo( IN PCTSTR pszDomainDnsName, IN DWORD cInfo, IN PVOID pDCInfo, IN HRESULT hr, OUT PVOID* ppv ) { ASSERT(pszDomainDnsName); ASSERT(*pszDomainDnsName); ASSERT(ppv); ASSERT(*ppv == NULL); // prevent memory leak
TRACE(_T("CDCBufferManager::AddInfo for %s, cInfo=%d, hr=%x\n"), pszDomainDnsName, cInfo, hr);
m_CriticalSection.Lock(); // Lock buffer
// the entry must have been existed with a non-NULL pointer
m_map.Lookup(pszDomainDnsName, p); ASSERT(p);
((CDCSITEINFO*)p)->SetEntry(pszDomainDnsName, cInfo, pDCInfo, hr);
m_CriticalSection.Unlock(); // Unlock buffer
*ppv = p;
return hr; }
// Function: CDCBufferManager::FreeBuffer
// Synopsis: Clear m_map.
// This member holds all the results returned by various threads
// since the initialization of the owner dialog. Each one is
// in the form of (DomainName ==> CDCSITEINFO*)
void CDCBufferManager::FreeBuffer() { CString csDomainDnsName; PVOID ptr = NULL;
m_CriticalSection.Lock(); // Lock buffer
for (POSITION pos = m_map.GetStartPosition(); pos; ) { m_map.GetNextAssoc(pos, csDomainDnsName, ptr); if (ptr) delete ((CDCSITEINFO*)ptr); }
m_CriticalSection.Unlock(); // Unlock buffer
// Function: CDCBufferManager::ThreadReport
// Synopsis: Report THREAD_DONE to the owner dialog.
void CDCBufferManager::ThreadReport( IN PVOID ptr, IN HRESULT hr ) { ASSERT(ptr);
TRACE(_T("CDCBufferManager::ThreadReport ptr=%x, hr=%x\n"), ptr, hr);
PostMessage(m_hDlg, WM_USER_GETDC_THREAD_DONE, reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(ptr), hr); }
// thread info structure
typedef struct _GetDCThreadInfo { PTSTR pszDomainDnsName; CDCBufferManager *pDCBufferManager; } GETDCTHREADINFO;
// Function: CDCBufferManager::StartThread
// Synopsis: Start a thread.
// Pass the following info to the thread function:
// pszDomainDnsName:
// domain we need to get a list of DCs for.
// pDCBufferManager:
// the CDCBufferManager instance for the ThreadFunc to
// add result to the buffer
HRESULT CDCBufferManager::StartThread( IN PCTSTR pszDomainDnsName ) { ASSERT(pszDomainDnsName); ASSERT(*pszDomainDnsName);
TRACE(_T("CDCBufferManager::StartThread for %s\n"), pszDomainDnsName);
pThreadInfo->pszDomainDnsName = _tcsdup(pszDomainDnsName); if ( !(pThreadInfo->pszDomainDnsName) ) { delete pThreadInfo; return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
pThreadInfo->pDCBufferManager = this;
unsigned threadID; HANDLE pThread = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex( NULL, //void *security,
0, //unsigned stack_size,
&GetDCThreadFunc, //unsigned ( __stdcall *start_address )( void * ),
(void *)pThreadInfo, //void *arglist,
0, //unsigned initflag,
&threadID //unsigned *thrdaddr
if (!pThread) { free(pThreadInfo->pszDomainDnsName); delete pThreadInfo;
return E_FAIL; }
return S_OK; }
// Function: GetDCThreadFunc
// Synopsis: The GetDC Thread Function.
// This function invokes DsGetDomainControllerInfo() to get a list
// of DCs in the specified domain, and add them to the buffer of
// CDCBufferManager instance.
// This function regularly checks to see if the owner dialog signals
// it to exit, if not, it will finish its normal operation and
// post a THREAD_DONE message to the owner dialog.
unsigned __stdcall GetDCThreadFunc( void* lParam ) { GETDCTHREADINFO *pThreadInfo = reinterpret_cast<GETDCTHREADINFO *>(lParam); ASSERT(pThreadInfo); ASSERT(pThreadInfo->pszDomainDnsName); ASSERT(*(pThreadInfo->pszDomainDnsName)); ASSERT(pThreadInfo->pDCBufferManager);
TRACE(_T("GetDCThreadFunc pszDomainDnsName=%s, pDCBufferManager=%x\n"), pThreadInfo->pszDomainDnsName, pThreadInfo->pDCBufferManager);
// retrieve information passed into this function
CString csDomain = pThreadInfo->pszDomainDnsName; CDCBufferManager *pDCBufferManager = pThreadInfo->pDCBufferManager; free(pThreadInfo->pszDomainDnsName); delete pThreadInfo;
PVOID pEntry = NULL; DWORD cInfo = 0; PDS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_1 pInfo = NULL; DWORD dwErr = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; Smart_DsHandle shDs; // smart pointer, will Unbind automatically
if (pDCBufferManager->ShouldExit()) goto Thread_Exit;
dwErr = DsBind(NULL, const_cast<LPTSTR>(static_cast<LPCTSTR>(csDomain)), &shDs); if (pDCBufferManager->ShouldExit()) goto Thread_Exit;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { // DsBind() failed.
// Add an error entry in the buffer.
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr); pDCBufferManager->AddInfo(csDomain, 0, NULL, hr, &pEntry); goto Thread_Exit; }
dwErr = DsGetDomainControllerInfo( shDs, // HANDLE hDs
const_cast<LPTSTR>(static_cast<LPCTSTR>(csDomain)), // LPTSTR DomainName
&cInfo, // DWORD *pcOut
reinterpret_cast<VOID **>(&pInfo) // VOID **ppInfo
); if (pDCBufferManager->ShouldExit()) { if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr) && pInfo) DsFreeDomainControllerInfo(DSGETDCINFO_LEVEL_1, cInfo, pInfo); goto Thread_Exit; } if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { // DsGetDomainControllerInfo() failed.
// Add an error entry in the buffer
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr); pDCBufferManager->AddInfo(csDomain, 0, NULL, hr, &pEntry); goto Thread_Exit; }
// Add result to the buffer in CDCBufferManager
hr = pDCBufferManager->AddInfo(csDomain, cInfo, pInfo, S_OK, &pEntry);
if (FAILED(hr)) DsFreeDomainControllerInfo(DSGETDCINFO_LEVEL_1, cInfo, pInfo);
if (FALSE == pDCBufferManager->ShouldExit()) { //
// report THREAD_DONE with the pointer to the entry
if (pEntry) pDCBufferManager->ThreadReport(pEntry, hr); }
// Decrement the reference count on the CDCBufferManager instance
return 0; }
CDCSITEINFO::CDCSITEINFO() { m_csDomainName.Empty(); m_cInfo = 0; m_pDCInfo = NULL; m_hr = S_OK; }
CDCSITEINFO::~CDCSITEINFO() { if (m_pDCInfo) DsFreeDomainControllerInfo(DSGETDCINFO_LEVEL_1, m_cInfo, m_pDCInfo); }
void CDCSITEINFO::SetEntry(LPCTSTR pszDomainName, DWORD cInfo, PVOID pDCInfo, HRESULT hr) { m_csDomainName = pszDomainName; m_cInfo = cInfo; m_pDCInfo = (PDS_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO_1)pDCInfo; m_hr = hr; }