// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2000 - 2001.
// File: roledata.cpp
// Contents: Implementaion of Snapin's Root Node
// History: 07-26-2001 Hiteshr Created
#include "headers.h"
// {356E1951-089F-4a2f-AD3E-775DB8B899E9}
const GUID CRoleRootData::NodeTypeGUID = { 0x356e1951, 0x89f, 0x4a2f, { 0xad, 0x3e, 0x77, 0x5d, 0xb8, 0xb8, 0x99, 0xe9 } };
const GUID CAdminManagerNode::NodeTypeGUID = // {579D6E87-2DDC-4a45-A12B-41FA73D4153C}
{ 0x579d6e87, 0x2ddc, 0x4a45, { 0xa1, 0x2b, 0x41, 0xfa, 0x73, 0xd4, 0x15, 0x3c } };
const GUID CApplicationNode::NodeTypeGUID = // {F65C5386-6970-48b2-BF11-178C4B5DB18D}
{ 0xf65c5386, 0x6970, 0x48b2, { 0xbf, 0x11, 0x17, 0x8c, 0x4b, 0x5d, 0xb1, 0x8d } };
const GUID CScopeNode::NodeTypeGUID = // {E114ECCB-03C9-45fa-97B1-AFACF1300AC3}
{ 0xe114eccb, 0x3c9, 0x45fa, { 0x97, 0xb1, 0xaf, 0xac, 0xf1, 0x30, 0xa, 0xc3 } };
const GUID CGroupCollectionNode::NodeTypeGUID = // {6346FECB-D27F-446f-A388-FF32CE3649BB}
{ 0x6346fecb, 0xd27f, 0x446f, { 0xa3, 0x88, 0xff, 0x32, 0xce, 0x36, 0x49, 0xbb } };
const GUID CRoleDefinitionCollectionNode::NodeTypeGUID = // {B3F21054-16DD-4528-98B9-64704F2DD72A}
{ 0xb3f21054, 0x16dd, 0x4528, { 0x98, 0xb9, 0x64, 0x70, 0x4f, 0x2d, 0xd7, 0x2a } };
const GUID CTaskCollectionNode::NodeTypeGUID = // {D3BBCC7C-44A6-4914-ABC3-3A84D9D9293F}
{ 0xd3bbcc7c, 0x44a6, 0x4914, { 0xab, 0xc3, 0x3a, 0x84, 0xd9, 0xd9, 0x29, 0x3f } };
const GUID CRoleCollectionNode::NodeTypeGUID = // {DB409E8C-94CC-4af7-A8EF-A3B850B14249}
{ 0xdb409e8c, 0x94cc, 0x4af7, { 0xa8, 0xef, 0xa3, 0xb8, 0x50, 0xb1, 0x42, 0x49 } };
const GUID COperationCollectionNode::NodeTypeGUID = // {A5539402-429E-44d5-B99C-F0378AEE370B}
{ 0xa5539402, 0x429e, 0x44d5, { 0xb9, 0x9c, 0xf0, 0x37, 0x8a, 0xee, 0x37, 0xb } };
const GUID CDefinitionCollectionNode::NodeTypeGUID = // {0E6E6CAC-5EB4-4d52-81D8-AC8CB4DF487C}
{ 0xe6e6cac, 0x5eb4, 0x4d52, { 0x81, 0xd8, 0xac, 0x8c, 0xb4, 0xdf, 0x48, 0x7c } };
const GUID CRoleNode::NodeTypeGUID = // {94A20351-7977-4698-B8AC-D362504A7EEC}
{ 0x94a20351, 0x7977, 0x4698, { 0xb8, 0xac, 0xd3, 0x62, 0x50, 0x4a, 0x7e, 0xec } };
const GUID CBaseLeafNode::NodeTypeGUID = // {475BFD50-96E4-407a-977E-E031747C3C50}
{ 0x475bfd50, 0x96e4, 0x407a, { 0x97, 0x7e, 0xe0, 0x31, 0x74, 0x7c, 0x3c, 0x50 } };
CRoleRootData:: CRoleRootData(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData) :CRootData(pComponentData), m_bDeveloperMode(FALSE), m_dwADState(AD_STATE_UNKNOWN) { TRACE_CONSTRUCTOR_EX(DEB_SNAPIN, CRoleRootData)
m_bAdvancedView = FALSE; m_pColumnSet = NULL; }
DWORD CRoleRootData:: GetADState() { if( m_dwADState == AD_STATE_UNKNOWN) { if(m_ADInfo.GetRootDSE() == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NO_SUCH_DOMAIN)) m_dwADState = AD_NOT_AVAILABLE; else m_dwADState = AD_AVAILABLE; } return m_dwADState; }
// Function:OnOpenPolicyStore
// Synopsis:Invokes the Dialog box for creating new policy store or
// opening the existing store
// Arguments:bNew If TRUE show Dialog box for new Policy Store else
// show dialog box for opening exisitng policy store
// Returns:
void CRoleRootData ::OnOpenPolicyStore(BOOL bNew) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); if(bNew) { CNewAuthorizationStoreDlg dlgNewAuthzStore(GetComponentDataObject()); dlgNewAuthzStore.DoModal(); } else { COpenAuthorizationStoreDlg dlgOpenAuthzStore(GetComponentDataObject()); dlgOpenAuthzStore.DoModal(); } }
void CRoleRootData:: OnOptions() { TRACE_METHOD_EX(DEB_SNAPIN,CRoleRootData,OnOptions) BOOL bCurrentMode = m_bDeveloperMode; COptionDlg dlgOptions(m_bDeveloperMode); dlgOptions.DoModal(); //Mode has been changed, refresh the screen
if(bCurrentMode != m_bDeveloperMode) { //Call Refresh on Root which will refresh
//all adminmanager objects under it.
CNodeList tempNodeList; tempNodeList.AddTail(this); OnRefresh(GetComponentDataObject(), &tempNodeList); } }
HRESULT CRoleRootData::OnCommand(long nCommandID, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES, CComponentDataObject* /*pComponentData*/, CNodeList* pNodeList) { TRACE_METHOD_EX(DEB_SNAPIN,CRoleRootData,OnCommand) //
// Multiple selection not allowed
if (pNodeList->GetCount() > 1) { return E_FAIL; }
switch (nCommandID) { case IDM_ROOT_OPEN_STORE: { OnOpenPolicyStore(FALSE); } break; case IDM_ROOT_NEW_STORE: { OnOpenPolicyStore(TRUE); } break; case IDM_ROOT_OPTIONS: { OnOptions(); } break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); return E_FAIL; } // pComponentData->UpdateResultPaneView(this);
return S_OK; }
BOOL CRoleRootData:: OnRefresh(CComponentDataObject* pComponentData, CNodeList* pNodeList) {
//This is the refresh for root node. There should never
//be multiple selection
if (pNodeList->GetCount() != 1) // single selection
{ return FALSE; } //Get all the container child of Root Object and refresh them.
CNodeList * pChildNodeList = GetContainerChildList(); if(!pChildNodeList || pChildNodeList->IsEmpty()) { return FALSE; }
BOOL bReturn = TRUE; POSITION pos = pChildNodeList->GetHeadPosition(); while (pos != NULL) { CTreeNode* pChildNode = pNodeList->GetNext(pos); if(pChildNode) { //
// Have each node refresh itself
CNodeList tempNodeList; tempNodeList.AddTail(pChildNode); if (!pChildNode->OnRefresh(pComponentData, &tempNodeList)) { bReturn = FALSE; } } }
return bReturn; }
BOOL CRoleRootData::OnSetRefreshVerbState(DATA_OBJECT_TYPES /*type*/, BOOL* pbHide, CNodeList* /*pNodeList*/) {
TRACE_METHOD_EX(DEB_SNAPIN,CRoleRootData,OnSetRefreshVerbState) *pbHide = FALSE; return TRUE; }
BOOL CRoleRootData::OnEnumerate(CComponentDataObject* /*pComponentData*/, BOOL) { TRACE_METHOD_EX(DEB_SNAPIN, CRoleRootData, OnEnumerate) return TRUE; // there are already children, add them to the UI now
HRESULT CRoleRootData::IsDirty() { TRACE_METHOD_EX(DEB_SNAPIN, CRoleRootData, IsDirty)
return CRootData::IsDirty(); }
const CString& CRoleRootData:: GetXMLStorePath() { //default is current working directory
if(m_strXMLStoreDirectory.IsEmpty()) { GetCurrentWorkingDirectory(m_strXMLStoreDirectory); }
return m_strXMLStoreDirectory; } void CRoleRootData:: SetXMLStorePath(const CString& strXMLStorePath) { m_strXMLStoreDirectory = strXMLStorePath; }
HRESULT CRoleRootData::Load(IStream* pStm) { TRACE_METHOD_EX(DEB_SNAPIN,CRoleRootData,Load) // assume never get multiple loads
if(!m_containerChildList.IsEmpty() || !m_leafChildList.IsEmpty()) return E_FAIL;
//if Options are specified at commandline, we don't
//read console file
if(commandLineOptions.CommandLineOptionSpecified()) { return OpenAdminManager(NULL, TRUE, commandLineOptions.GetStoreType(), commandLineOptions.GetStoreName(), GetXMLStorePath(), this, GetComponentDataObject()); }
HRESULT hr = S_OK; do { ULONG cbRead; // read the version ##
DWORD dwVersion; hr = pStm->Read((void*)&dwVersion,sizeof(DWORD), &cbRead); BREAK_ON_FAIL_HRESULT(hr);
ASSERT(cbRead == sizeof(DWORD)); if (dwVersion != AUTHORIZATION_MANAGER_STREAM_VERSION) { Dbg(DEB_SNAPIN,"Invaild version number\n"); hr = E_FAIL; break; }
// read authorization manager mode
hr = pStm->Read((void*)&m_bDeveloperMode,sizeof(BOOL), &cbRead); BREAK_ON_FAIL_HRESULT(hr); ASSERT(cbRead == sizeof(BOOL));
//read xml store path
//Read the Length of XML Store path
INT nLenXMLStorePath; hr = pStm->Read((void*)&nLenXMLStorePath,sizeof(INT), &cbRead); BREAK_ON_FAIL_HRESULT(hr); ASSERT(cbRead == sizeof(INT));
//Read XML Store path
if(nLenXMLStorePath > 0) { LPWSTR pszBuffer = (LPWSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR,nLenXMLStorePath*sizeof(WCHAR)); if(!pszBuffer) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
hr = pStm->Read((void*)pszBuffer,sizeof(WCHAR)*nLenXMLStorePath, &cbRead); BREAK_ON_FAIL_HRESULT(hr); ASSERT(cbRead == sizeof(WCHAR)*nLenXMLStorePath);
m_strXMLStoreDirectory = pszBuffer; LocalFree(pszBuffer); }
UINT nCount; // load the list of Authorization Managers
hr = pStm->Read((void*)&nCount,sizeof(UINT), &cbRead); BREAK_ON_FAIL_HRESULT(hr); ASSERT(cbRead == sizeof(UINT));
CComponentDataObject* pComponentData = GetComponentDataObject(); for (int k=0; k< (int)nCount; k++) { hr = CAdminManagerNode::CreateFromStream(pStm,this,pComponentData); BREAK_ON_FAIL_HRESULT(hr); } }while(0);
return hr; }
HRESULT CRoleRootData::Save(IStream* pStm, BOOL fClearDirty) { TRACE_METHOD_EX(DEB_SNAPIN,CRoleRootData, Save)
UINT nCount; ULONG cbWrite;
HRESULT hr = S_OK; do { // write the version ##
DWORD dwVersion = AUTHORIZATION_MANAGER_STREAM_VERSION; hr = pStm->Write((void*)&dwVersion, sizeof(DWORD),&cbWrite); BREAK_ON_FAIL_HRESULT(hr); ASSERT(cbWrite == sizeof(DWORD));
// save authorization manager mode
hr = pStm->Write((void*)&m_bDeveloperMode, sizeof(BOOL),&cbWrite); BREAK_ON_FAIL_HRESULT(hr); ASSERT(cbWrite == sizeof(BOOL));
//Save the xml store path
//Save the length of xml store path
INT nLenXMLStorePath = m_strXMLStoreDirectory.GetLength(); if(nLenXMLStorePath) nLenXMLStorePath++; //save null also
hr = pStm->Write((void*)&nLenXMLStorePath, sizeof(INT),&cbWrite); BREAK_ON_FAIL_HRESULT(hr); ASSERT(cbWrite == sizeof(INT));
if(nLenXMLStorePath) { //save the xml store path
hr = pStm->Write((void*)(LPCTSTR)m_strXMLStoreDirectory, sizeof(WCHAR)*nLenXMLStorePath,&cbWrite); BREAK_ON_FAIL_HRESULT(hr); ASSERT(cbWrite == sizeof(WCHAR)*nLenXMLStorePath); }
// write # of Authorization Manager Loaded
nCount = (UINT)m_containerChildList.GetCount(); hr = pStm->Write((void*)&nCount, sizeof(UINT),&cbWrite); BREAK_ON_FAIL_HRESULT(hr); ASSERT(cbWrite == sizeof(UINT));
// loop through the list of servers and serialize them
POSITION pos; for (pos = m_containerChildList.GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; ) { CAdminManagerNode* pAdminManagerNode = (CAdminManagerNode*)m_containerChildList.GetNext(pos); hr = pAdminManagerNode->SaveToStream(pStm); BREAK_ON_FAIL_HRESULT(hr); } }while(0);
if (fClearDirty) SetDirtyFlag(FALSE); return hr; }
CColumnSet* CRoleRootData::GetColumnSet() { TRACE_METHOD_EX(DEB_SNAPIN, CRoleRootData, GetColumnSet);
if (m_pColumnSet == NULL) { m_pColumnSet = ((CRoleComponentDataObject*)GetComponentDataObject())->GetColumnSet(L"---Default Column Set---"); } return m_pColumnSet; }
HRESULT CRoleRootData::GetResultViewType(CComponentDataObject*, LPOLESTR *ppViewType, long *pViewOptions) {
if(!ppViewType || !pViewOptions) { ASSERT(FALSE); return E_POINTER; } HRESULT hr = S_FALSE;
if (m_containerChildList.IsEmpty() && m_leafChildList.IsEmpty()) { Dbg(DEB_SNAPIN,"Result View Type is MessageView\n"); *pViewOptions = MMC_VIEW_OPTIONS_NOLISTVIEWS;
LPOLESTR psz = NULL; StringFromCLSID(CLSID_MessageView, &psz);
if (psz != NULL) { *ppViewType = psz; hr = S_OK; } } else { *pViewOptions = MMC_VIEW_OPTIONS_NONE; *ppViewType = NULL; hr = S_FALSE; } return hr; }
CComPtr<IUnknown> spUnknown; CComPtr<IMessageView> spMessageView;
HRESULT hr = lpConsole->QueryResultView(&spUnknown); if (FAILED(hr)) return S_OK;
hr = spUnknown->QueryInterface(IID_IMessageView, (PVOID*)&spMessageView); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Load and set the title text of the message view
CString szTitle; VERIFY(szTitle.LoadString(IDS_MESSAGE_VIEW_NO_POLICY_STORE_TITLE)); spMessageView->SetTitleText(szTitle);
// Load and set the body text of the message view
CString szMessage; VERIFY(szMessage.LoadString(IDS_MESSAGE_VIEW_NO_POLICY_STORE_MESSAGE)); spMessageView->SetBodyText(szMessage);
spMessageView->SetIcon(Icon_Error); }
return S_OK; }
BOOL CRoleRootData::CanCloseSheets() { TRACE_METHOD_EX(DEB_SNAPIN,CRoleRootData,CanCloseSheets) return TRUE; }
LPCONTEXTMENUITEM2 CRoleRootData::OnGetContextMenuItemTable() { TRACE_METHOD_EX(DEB_SNAPIN,CRoleRootData, OnGetContextMenuItemTable)
return CRootDataMenuHolder::GetContextMenuItem(); }
BOOL CRoleRootData::OnAddMenuItem(LPCONTEXTMENUITEM2 pContextMenuItem2, long*) { TRACE_METHOD_EX(DEB_SNAPIN,CRoleRootData,OnAddMenuItem) if(pContextMenuItem2->lCommandID == IDM_ROOT_NEW_STORE) { if(IsDeveloperMode()) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL CRoleRootData::HasPropertyPages(DATA_OBJECT_TYPES, BOOL* pbHideVerb, CNodeList*) { TRACE_METHOD_EX(DEB_SNAPIN,CRoleRootData,HasPropertyPages) *pbHideVerb = TRUE; return FALSE; }