// NetTree.cpp : implementation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "NetTree.h"
#include <strsafe.h>
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// Global variables
extern TCHAR pszTreeEvent[];
// CNetTreeCtrl
CNetTreeCtrl::CNetTreeCtrl() : m_pThread(NULL), m_bExitThread(FALSE), m_event(TRUE, TRUE, pszTreeEvent) { // Get a handle to the process heap
m_hHeap = ::GetProcessHeap();
ASSERT(m_hHeap != NULL); }
CNetTreeCtrl::~CNetTreeCtrl() { // Make sure the thread knows it's time to terminate.
// Create an event object to match the tree thread event object.
CEvent event(TRUE, TRUE, pszTreeEvent); // Create a lock object for the event object.
CSingleLock lock(&event);
// Lock the lock object and make the main thread wait for the
// threads to signal their event objects.
// Free all of the pointers to LPTSTRs in the list
POSITION pos = m_ptrlistStrings.GetHeadPosition();
while (pos != NULL) { // Memory deallocation fails if there's a null char
// at the end of the string.
LPTSTR psz = m_ptrlistStrings.GetNext(pos); *(::_tcslen(psz) + psz) = (TCHAR)0xFD; delete[] psz; }
// Free all of the pointers to NETRESOURCE structs in the list
pos = m_ptrlistContainers.GetHeadPosition();
while (pos != NULL) { delete m_ptrlistContainers.GetNext(pos); } }
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CNetTreeCtrl, CTreeCtrl) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CNetTreeCtrl)
// Static member functions
UINT CNetTreeCtrl::FillTree(LPVOID pParam) { CEvent event(TRUE, TRUE, pszTreeEvent); CLicCompWizApp* pApp = (CLicCompWizApp*)AfxGetApp(); PTREEINFO pti = (PTREEINFO)pParam; CNetTreeCtrl* pTree = (CNetTreeCtrl*)pti->pTree; BOOL bResult = FALSE; DWORD dwEntries = 0xFFFFFFFF; LPVOID lpvBuffer = NULL; HANDLE hEnum = NULL;
// Because this function may call itself, keep a usage count
// so that pti is freed only when the first instance returns.
static USHORT uUsage = 0;
// Keep a handle to the heap in case the CNetTreeCtrl object
// goes away before the thread ends.
HANDLE hHeap = pTree->m_hHeap; DWORD dwResult; LPNETRESOURCE pnrRoot; HTREEITEM hTreeItem, hTreeExpand;
hTreeItem = hTreeExpand = NULL;
try { // Unsignal the event object.
// Show the wait cursor
// Exit if the handle to the heap is invalid.
if (hHeap == NULL) goto ExitFunction;
if (pti->hTreeItem == TVI_ROOT) { pnrRoot = NULL; if (pTree->m_imagelist.Create(IDB_NET_TREE, 16, 3, CNetTreeCtrl::IMG_MASK)) { pTree->SetImageList(&(pTree->m_imagelist), TVSIL_NORMAL); pTree->m_imagelist.SetBkColor(CLR_NONE); } } else pnrRoot = (LPNETRESOURCE)pTree->GetItemData(pti->hTreeItem);
// Get an enumeration handle.
if ((dwResult = ::WNetOpenEnum(RESOURCE_GLOBALNET, RESOURCETYPE_ANY, RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER, pnrRoot, &hEnum)) != NO_ERROR) { // Exit if WNetOpenEnum fails.
dwResult = ::GetLastError(); goto ExitFunction; }
// Allocate a buffer for enumeration.
if ((lpvBuffer = ::HeapAlloc(hHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, pti->dwBufSize)) == NULL) // Exit if memory allocation failed
goto ExitFunction;
// Retrieve a block of network entries.
while ((dwResult = ::WNetEnumResource(hEnum, &dwEntries, lpvBuffer, &(pti->dwBufSize))) != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { // See if it's time to exit.
if (pTree->m_bExitThread) { pTree->NotifyThread(FALSE); bResult = TRUE; goto ExitFunction; }
// Exit if WNetEnumResource failed.
if (dwResult != NO_ERROR) { dwResult = ::GetLastError(); goto ExitFunction; }
// Fill in the TV_INSERTSTRUCT members.
tviLeaf.hParent = pti->hTreeItem; tviLeaf.hInsertAfter = TVI_SORT; tviLeaf.item.hItem = NULL; tviLeaf.item.state = 0; tviLeaf.item.stateMask = 0; tviLeaf.item.cchTextMax = 0; tviLeaf.item.iSelectedImage = 0;
// Set the correct image for the leaf.
switch (pnrLeaf->dwDisplayType) { case RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_DOMAIN: tviLeaf.item.iImage = tviLeaf.item.iSelectedImage = CNetTreeCtrl::IMG_DOMAIN; break; case RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SERVER: tviLeaf.item.iImage = tviLeaf.item.iSelectedImage = CNetTreeCtrl::IMG_SERVER; break;
default: tviLeaf.item.iImage = tviLeaf.item.iSelectedImage = CNetTreeCtrl::IMG_ROOT; }
// Fool the tree into thinking that this leaf has children
// since we don't know initially.
#if 0
if (pnrLeaf->dwDisplayType == RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SERVER) #else
if (pnrLeaf->dwDisplayType == RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_DOMAIN || pnrLeaf->dwDisplayType == RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SERVER) #endif
{ tviLeaf.item.mask = TVIF_PARAM | TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE; tviLeaf.item.cChildren = 0; } else { tviLeaf.item.mask = TVIF_PARAM | TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_CHILDREN | TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_SELECTEDIMAGE; tviLeaf.item.cChildren = 1; }
// Add leaves to the branch.
for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwEntries; i++) { // See if it's time to exit.
if (pTree->m_bExitThread) { pTree->NotifyThread(FALSE); bResult = TRUE; goto ExitFunction; }
// Create a permanent NETRESOURCE struct for later use.
LPNETRESOURCE pnrTemp = new NETRESOURCE; pTree->m_ptrlistContainers.AddTail(pnrTemp);
::CopyMemory(pnrTemp, pnrLeaf, sizeof(NETRESOURCE));
// Initialize members.
pnrTemp->lpLocalName = NULL; pnrTemp->lpRemoteName = NULL; pnrTemp->lpComment = NULL; pnrTemp->lpProvider = NULL;
if (pnrLeaf->lpRemoteName != NULL) { size_t cch = ::_tcslen(pnrLeaf->lpRemoteName) + 1; pnrTemp->lpRemoteName = new TCHAR[cch]; if (NULL == pnrTemp->lpRemoteName) goto ExitFunction; hr = StringCchCopy(pnrTemp->lpRemoteName, cch, pnrLeaf->lpRemoteName); if (FAILED(hr)) goto ExitFunction; pTree->m_ptrlistStrings.AddTail(pnrTemp->lpRemoteName); }
if (pnrLeaf->lpProvider != NULL) { size_t cch = ::_tcslen(pnrLeaf->lpProvider) + 1; pnrTemp->lpProvider = new TCHAR[cch]; if (NULL == pnrTemp->lpProvider) goto ExitFunction; hr = StringCchCopy(pnrTemp->lpProvider, cch, pnrLeaf->lpProvider); if (FAILED(hr)) goto ExitFunction; pTree->m_ptrlistStrings.AddTail(pnrTemp->lpProvider); }
// Increment the buffer pointer.
// Use "Enterprise" as the item text if this is the root.
if (pti->hTreeItem == TVI_ROOT) { CString strRoot; DWORD cch;
strRoot.LoadString(IDS_TREE_ROOT); cch = strRoot.GetLength() + 1; tviLeaf.item.pszText = new TCHAR[cch]; if (NULL == tviLeaf.item.pszText) goto ExitFunction; hr = StringCchCopy(tviLeaf.item.pszText, cch, (LPCTSTR)strRoot); if (FAILED(hr)) goto ExitFunction; } else if (pnrTemp->dwDisplayType == RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SERVER) { // Skip the initial backslashes before adding the server
// name to the tree.
tviLeaf.item.pszText = pnrTemp->lpRemoteName + 2; } else tviLeaf.item.pszText = pnrTemp->lpRemoteName;
tviLeaf.item.lParam = (LPARAM)(LPVOID)pnrTemp;
// Make sure the pointer to the tree control is still valid.
if (::IsWindow(pTree->m_hWnd)) { hTreeItem = pTree->InsertItem(&tviLeaf); } else // Otherwise, exit the thread.
{ bResult = TRUE; goto ExitFunction; }
// Delete the string allocated for the root node text.
if (pti->hTreeItem == TVI_ROOT) delete tviLeaf.item.pszText;
// See if the lpRemoteName member is equal to the default domain
// name.
#if 0
if (!_tcscmp(pnrTemp->lpRemoteName, pApp->m_strDomain) || #else
if ( #endif
pti->hTreeItem == TVI_ROOT) { // Store the handle.
hTreeExpand = hTreeItem; }
// Select the name of the license server in the tree.
#if 0
if (!_tcsicmp(pnrTemp->lpRemoteName, pApp->m_strEnterpriseServer)) #else
if (!_tcsicmp(pnrTemp->lpRemoteName, pApp->m_strDomain)) #endif
{ pTree->SelectItem(hTreeItem); pTree->EnsureVisible(hTreeItem); pTree->SetFocus(); } }
// Everything went all right.
bResult = TRUE; }
// Expand the branch but only if it isn't the root.
// The root item thinks it has children, but really doesn't the first time through.
if (pti->hTreeItem != TVI_ROOT && pTree->ItemHasChildren(pti->hTreeItem)) { // Indicate that the branch has been expanded once.
pTree->SetItemState(pti->hTreeItem, TVIS_EXPANDEDONCE, TVIS_EXPANDEDONCE); pTree->Expand(pti->hTreeItem, TVE_EXPAND); }
// Fill the branch for the current domain if the bExpand member is TRUE.
if (hTreeExpand != NULL && pti->bExpand) { TREEINFO ti;
ti.hTreeItem = hTreeExpand; ti.dwBufSize = pti->dwBufSize; ti.pTree = pti->pTree; ti.bExpand = TRUE;
// Increment the usage count.
// Decrement the usage count.
uUsage--; } ExitFunction: // Display a message if an error occurred.
if (!bResult) pTree->ErrorHandler(dwResult);
// Close the enumeration handle.
if (hEnum != NULL) if (FALSE == (bResult = (::WNetCloseEnum(hEnum) == NO_ERROR))) dwResult = ::GetLastError();
// Free memory allocated on the heap.
if (lpvBuffer != NULL) ::HeapFree(hHeap, 0, lpvBuffer);
// Free the TREEINFO pointer only if the usage count is zero.
if (uUsage == 0) delete pti;
// Reset the thread pointer.
pTree->m_pThread = NULL;
// Turn off the wait cursor
// Make sure the tree control still exists before posting a message.
if (::IsWindow(pTree->m_hWnd)) pTree->PostMessage(WM_SETCURSOR);
// Signal the event object.
if (uUsage == 0) event.SetEvent();
return (UINT)!bResult; } catch(...) { // Close the enumeration handle.
if (hEnum != NULL) if (FALSE == (bResult = (::WNetCloseEnum(hEnum) == NO_ERROR))) dwResult = ::GetLastError();
// Free memory allocated on the heap.
if (lpvBuffer != NULL) ::HeapFree(hHeap, 0, lpvBuffer);
// Free the TREEINFO pointer
delete pti;
// Reset the thread pointer.
pTree->m_pThread = NULL;
// Turn off the wait cursor
// Signal the event object.
return (UINT)2; } }
// CNetTreeCtrl member functions
BOOL CNetTreeCtrl::PopulateTree(BOOL bExpand /* = TRUE */, const HTREEITEM hParentBranch /* = TVI_ROOT */, DWORD dwBufSize /* = BUFFER_SIZE */) { PTREEINFO pti = new TREEINFO;
pti->hTreeItem = hParentBranch; pti->dwBufSize = dwBufSize; pti->pTree = this; pti->bExpand = bExpand;
// Don't begin a new thread until the last one has ended.
if (m_pThread != NULL) { NotifyThread(TRUE);
CEvent event(TRUE, TRUE, pszTreeEvent); CSingleLock lock(&event);
// Wait.
lock.Lock(); }
m_pThread = AfxBeginThread((AFX_THREADPROC)FillTree, (LPVOID)pti);
return TRUE; }
void CNetTreeCtrl::ErrorHandler(const DWORD dwCode) { CString strError; BOOL bNetError = FALSE;
#ifdef _DEBUG
switch (dwCode) { case ERROR_MORE_DATA: strError = "ERROR_MORE_DATA"; break;
case ERROR_NO_NETWORK: strError = "ERROR_NO_NETWORK"; break;
default: { #endif // _DEBUG
DWORD dwErrCode; CString strErrDesc, strProvider; LPTSTR pszErrDesc = strErrDesc.GetBuffer(MAX_STRING); LPTSTR pszProvider = strProvider.GetBuffer(MAX_STRING);
if (::WNetGetLastError(&dwErrCode, pszErrDesc, MAX_STRING, pszProvider, MAX_STRING) == NO_ERROR) { strErrDesc.ReleaseBuffer(); strProvider.ReleaseBuffer();
CString strErrMsg;
// Don't display the WNetGetLastError message if dwErrCode == 0.
if (dwErrCode) { // Trim of any leading or trailing white space.
strProvider.TrimRight(); strProvider.TrimLeft(); strErrDesc.TrimRight(); strErrDesc.TrimLeft(); strErrMsg.Format(IDS_NET_ERROR, strProvider, strErrDesc); } else strErrMsg.LoadString(IDS_NET_NO_SERVERS); MessageBox(strErrMsg, AfxGetAppName(), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
bNetError = TRUE; } else strError.LoadString(IDS_ERROR); #ifdef _DEBUG
} } #endif // _DEBUG
if (!bNetError) AfxMessageBox(strError, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); }
// CNetTreeCtrl functions
void CNetTreeCtrl::NotifyThread(BOOL bExit) { CCriticalSection cs;
if (cs.Lock()) { m_bExitThread = bExit; cs.Unlock(); } }
void CNetTreeCtrl::PumpMessages() { // Must call Create() before using the dialog
MSG msg;
try { // Handle dialog messages
while(PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { if(!IsDialogMessage(&msg)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } } catch(...) { TRACE(_T("Exception in CNetTreeCtrl::PumpMessages()\n")); }
// CNetTreeCtrl message handlers
void CNetTreeCtrl::OnItemExpanding(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) { NM_TREEVIEW* pNMTreeView = (NM_TREEVIEW*)pNMHDR;
// Exit and stop expansion if the thread is running.
if (m_pThread != NULL) { *pResult = TRUE; return; }
// Exit if this branch has been expanded once.
if (!(pNMTreeView->itemNew.state & TVIS_EXPANDEDONCE)) { // Add new leaves to the branch.
if (pNMTreeView->itemNew.mask & TVIF_HANDLE) { PopulateTree(FALSE, pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem); pNMTreeView->itemNew.mask |= TVIS_EXPANDEDONCE; } } *pResult = FALSE; }
BOOL CNetTreeCtrl::OnSetCursor(CWnd* pWnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message) { CLicCompWizApp* pApp = (CLicCompWizApp*)AfxGetApp();
if (m_pThread == NULL && pApp->m_pLicenseThread == NULL) { return CTreeCtrl::OnSetCursor(pWnd, nHitTest, message); } else { // Restore the wait cursor if the thread is running.
return TRUE; } }
void CNetTreeCtrl::OnDestroy() { NotifyThread(TRUE); PumpMessages();
CTreeCtrl::OnDestroy(); }