// Copyright (C) 2000, Microsoft Corporation.
// All rights reserved.
// Module Name:
// wmi_common.cpp
// Abstract:
// declarations of common constants
// History:
// initial a-marius
#include "precomp.h"
LPCWSTR g_szAppName = L"WmiApSrv"; LPCWSTR g_szAppNameGlobal = L"Global\\WmiApSrv";
// this constants are part of static library already
LPCWSTR g_szRefreshMutex = L"Global\\RefreshRA";
// namespaces
LPCWSTR g_szNamespace1 = L"\\\\.\\root\\cimv2"; LPCWSTR g_szNamespace2 = L"\\\\.\\root\\wmi";
// registry
LPCWSTR g_szKey = L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\WBEM\\PROVIDERS\\Performance"; LPCWSTR g_szKeyValue = L"Performance Data";
LPCWSTR g_szKeyCounter = L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\WmiApRpl\\Performance";
// convertion
WCHAR g_szPath[_MAX_PATH] = { L'\0' };
LPCWSTR g_szOpen = L"WmiOpenPerfData"; LPCWSTR g_szCollect = L"WmiCollectPerfData"; LPCWSTR g_szClose = L"WmiClosePerfData";