// Copyright (C) 2000, Microsoft Corporation.
// All rights reserved.
// Module Name:
// WMIAdapter_Stuff.cpp
// Abstract:
// module for application stuff ( security, event logging ... )
// History:
// initial a-marius
#include "PreComp.h"
// debuging features
#ifndef _INC_CRTDBG
#include <crtdbg.h>
#endif _INC_CRTDBG
// new stores file/line info
#ifdef _DEBUG
#ifndef NEW
#define NEW new( _NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
#define new NEW
#endif NEW
#endif _DEBUG
// application
#include "WMIAdapter_App.h"
extern WmiAdapterApp _App;
#include "WMIAdapter_Stuff.h"
#include "WMIAdapter_Stuff_Refresh.cpp"
#include "RefresherUtils.h"
// IsValid
BOOL WmiAdapterStuff::IsValidBasePerfRegistry ( ) { return ( m_data.IsValidGenerate () ); }
BOOL WmiAdapterStuff::IsValidInternalRegistry ( ) { return ( m_data.GetPerformanceData() != NULL ); }
// init
HRESULT WmiAdapterStuff::Init ( ) { return m_Stuff.Init(); }
// uninit
HRESULT WmiAdapterStuff::Uninit ( ) { return m_Stuff.Uninit(); }
// construction
WmiAdapterStuff::WmiAdapterStuff() :
m_pWMIRefresh ( NULL )
{ try { if ( ( m_pWMIRefresh = new WmiRefresh < WmiAdapterStuff > ( this ) ) == NULL ) { return; } } catch ( ... ) { return; } }
// destruction
WmiAdapterStuff::~WmiAdapterStuff() { try { if ( m_pWMIRefresh ) { delete m_pWMIRefresh; m_pWMIRefresh = NULL; } } catch ( ... ) { } }
// generate requested ?
extern LPCWSTR g_szKey; extern LPCWSTR g_szKeyRefresh;
BOOL WmiAdapterStuff::RequestGet () { DWORD dwValue = 0; GetRegistry ( g_szKey, g_szKeyRefresh, &dwValue );
return ( ( dwValue ) ? TRUE : FALSE ); }
BOOL WmiAdapterStuff::RequestSet () { BOOL bResult = FALSE;
if ( ! ( bResult = RequestGet () ) ) { bResult = SUCCEEDED ( SetRegistry ( g_szKey, g_szKeyRefresh, 1 ) ); }
return bResult; }
// generate
extern __SmartHANDLE g_hRefreshMutex; extern __SmartHANDLE g_hRefreshMutexLib; extern __SmartHANDLE g_hRefreshFlag;
HRESULT WmiAdapterStuff::Generate ( BOOL bInitialize, GenerateEnum type ) { HRESULT hRes = E_FAIL;
BOOL bInit = FALSE; BOOL bOwnFlag = FALSE; BOOL bOwnMutex = FALSE; BOOL bLocked = FALSE; DWORD dwWaitResult = 0L;
DWORD dwHandles = 2; HANDLE hHandles[] = { g_hRefreshMutex, g_hRefreshMutexLib };
dwWaitResult = ::WaitForMultipleObjects ( dwHandles, hHandles, TRUE, 0 ); if ( dwWaitResult == WAIT_TIMEOUT ) { bLocked = TRUE; } else { if ( dwWaitResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { bOwnMutex = TRUE; hRes = S_OK; } }
if ( bLocked ) { DWORD dwHandles = 3; HANDLE hHandles[] =
{ _App.m_hKill, g_hRefreshMutex, g_hRefreshMutexLib };
dwWaitResult = ::WaitForMultipleObjects ( dwHandles, hHandles, FALSE, INFINITE );
switch ( dwWaitResult ) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 2: { dwWaitResult = ::WaitForMultipleObjects ( dwHandles - 1, hHandles, FALSE, INFINITE );
if ( dwWaitResult != WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1 ) { hRes = E_UNEXPECTED;
::ReleaseMutex ( g_hRefreshMutexLib ); break; } }
case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: { // we got a mutex so must reinit because registry might changed
bOwnMutex = TRUE; bInit = TRUE;
hRes = S_OK; } break;
case WAIT_OBJECT_0: { hRes = S_FALSE; } break;
default: { hRes = E_UNEXPECTED; } break; } }
if ( hRes == S_OK ) { dwWaitResult = ::WaitForSingleObject ( g_hRefreshFlag, INFINITE ); if ( dwWaitResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { // mutex guarding registry has to be cleared
bOwnFlag = TRUE;
// call refresh procedure
hRes = m_Stuff.Generate ( FALSE, type );
if SUCCEEDED ( hRes ) { // reinit because registry might changed
bInit = TRUE; } } else { hRes = E_UNEXPECTED; } }
// if we got a mutex and are supposed to refresh our selves
if ( bInitialize && bInit ) { ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// clear first
try { // clear internal structure ( obtained from registry )
m_data.ClearPerformanceData(); } catch ( ... ) { }
try { if ( m_pWMIRefresh ) { // remove enums :))
m_pWMIRefresh->RemoveHandles(); } } catch ( ... ) { }
// obtain registry structure and make arrays
if ( ( hRes = m_data.InitializePerformance () ) == S_OK ) { m_data.Generate ();
if ( m_data.IsValidGenerate () ) { if ( m_pWMIRefresh ) { // add handles :))
m_pWMIRefresh->AddHandles ( m_data.GetPerformanceData() ); } } else { hRes = E_FAIL; } } }
if ( bOwnFlag ) { ::ReleaseMutex ( g_hRefreshFlag ); }
if ( bOwnMutex ) { ::ReleaseMutex ( g_hRefreshMutexLib ); ::ReleaseMutex ( g_hRefreshMutex ); }
return hRes; }