CIPRouteTable.H -- WMI provider class definition
Generated by Microsoft WBEM Code Generation Engine Description:
// Property set identification
#ifndef _CIPRouteTable_H_
#define _CIPRouteTable_H_
class CIPRouteTable : public Provider , public QueryPreprocessor { private: // All data members for CIPRouteTable should be included here.
CInstance *m_ClassCInst; CRITICAL_SECTION m_CS;
NTSTATUS DeleteInformation_IpRouteInfo (
HANDLE a_StackHandle , HANDLE a_CompleteEventHandle , IPRouteEntry &a_RouteEntry ) ;
NTSTATUS SetInformation_IpRouteInfo (
HANDLE a_StackHandle , HANDLE a_CompleteEventHandle , IPRouteEntry &a_RouteEntry ) ;
HRESULT CheckParameters (
const CInstance &a_Instance , IPRouteEntry &a_RouteEntry ) ;
HRESULT QueryInformation_GetRouteEntry (
const ProvIpAddressType &a_DestinationIpAddress , const ProvIpAddressType &a_NextHopIpAddress , IPRouteEntry &a_RouteEntry ) ;
NTSTATUS QueryInformation_IpRouteInfo (
HANDLE a_StackHandle , HANDLE a_CompleteEventHandle , ulong &a_RouteTableSize , IPRouteEntry *&a_InformationBlock ) ; HRESULT QueryInformation_IpSnmpInfo (
HANDLE a_StackHandle , HANDLE a_CompleteEventHandle , IPSNMPInfo &a_Information ) ;
NTSTATUS OpenQuerySource (
HANDLE &a_StackHandle , HANDLE &a_CompleteEventHandle ) ;
NTSTATUS OpenSetSource (
HANDLE &a_StackHandle , HANDLE &a_CompleteEventHandle ) ;
void SetInheritedProperties (
LPCWSTR a_dest , LPCWSTR a_gateway , LPCWSTR a_mask , CInstance &a_Instance ) ;
QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState Compare (
wchar_t *a_Operand1 , wchar_t *a_Operand2 , DWORD a_Operand1Func , DWORD a_Operand2Func , WmiTreeNode &a_OperatorType ) ;
QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState Compare (
LONG a_Operand1 , LONG a_Operand2 , DWORD a_Operand1Func , DWORD a_Operand2Func , WmiTreeNode &a_OperatorType ) ;
QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState CompareString (
IWbemClassObject *a_ClassObject , BSTR a_PropertyName , WmiTreeNode *a_Operator , WmiTreeNode *a_Operand ) ;
QueryPreprocessor :: QuadState CompareInteger (
IWbemClassObject *a_ClassObject , BSTR a_PropertyName , WmiTreeNode *a_Operator , WmiTreeNode *a_Operand ) ;
// Reading Functions
HRESULT EnumerateInstances (
MethodContext *pMethodContext, long lFlags = 0L ) ;
HRESULT GetObject (
CInstance *pInstance, long lFlags = 0L ) ;
HRESULT ExecQuery (
MethodContext *pMethodContext, CFrameworkQuery& Query, long lFlags = 0L ) ;
HRESULT RangeQuery (
MethodContext *pMethodContext, PartitionSet &a_PartitionSet , long lFlags = 0L ) ;
// Writing Functions
HRESULT PutInstance (
const CInstance& Instance, long lFlags = 0L ) ;
HRESULT DeleteInstance (
const CInstance& Instance, long lFlags = 0L ) ;
// Method Function
HRESULT ExecMethod (
const CInstance& Instance, const BSTR bstrMethodName, CInstance *pInParams, CInstance *pOutParams, long lFlags = 0L ) ;
WmiTreeNode *AllocTypeNode (
void *a_Context , BSTR a_PropertyName , VARIANT &a_Variant , WmiValueNode :: WmiValueFunction a_PropertyFunction , WmiValueNode :: WmiValueFunction a_ConstantFunction , WmiTreeNode *a_Parent ) ;
QuadState InvariantEvaluate (
void *a_Context , WmiTreeNode *a_Operator , WmiTreeNode *a_Operand ) ;
WmiRangeNode *AllocInfiniteRangeNode (
void *a_Context , BSTR a_PropertyName ) ;
HRESULT GetClassObject ( CInstance *&a_ClassObject, MethodContext *pContext ) ;
virtual DWORD GetPriority ( BSTR a_PropertyName ) ;
// TO DO: Declare any additional functions and accessor
// functions for private data used by this class
// Constructor/destructor
CIPRouteTable (
LPCWSTR lpwszClassName, LPCWSTR lpwszNameSpace ) ;
virtual ~CIPRouteTable () ; } ;