// Kernel32API.cpp
// Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Microsoft Corporation, All Rights Reserved
#include "precomp.h"
#include <cominit.h>
#include "Kernel32Api.h"
#include "DllWrapperCreatorReg.h"
// {DDEA7E32-CCE8-11d2-911E-0060081A46FD}
static const GUID g_guidKernel32Api = {0xddea7e32, 0xcce8, 0x11d2, {0x91, 0x1e, 0x0, 0x60, 0x8, 0x1a, 0x46, 0xfd}};
static const TCHAR g_tstrKernel32[] = _T("KERNEL32.DLL");
* Register this class with the CResourceManager. *****************************************************************************/ CDllApiWraprCreatrReg<CKernel32Api, &g_guidKernel32Api, g_tstrKernel32> MyRegisteredKernel32Wrapper;
* Constructor ******************************************************************************/ CKernel32Api::CKernel32Api(LPCTSTR a_tstrWrappedDllName) : CDllWrapperBase(a_tstrWrappedDllName), m_pfnGetDiskFreeSpaceEx(NULL), m_pfnCreateToolhelp32Snapshot(NULL), m_pfnThread32First(NULL), m_pfnThread32Next(NULL), m_pfnProcess32First(NULL), m_pfnProcess32Next(NULL), m_pfnModule32First(NULL), m_pfnModule32Next(NULL), m_pfnHeap32ListFirst(NULL), m_pfnGlobalMemoryStatusEx(NULL), m_pfnGetSystemDefaultUILanguage(NULL) { }
* Destructor ******************************************************************************/ CKernel32Api::~CKernel32Api() { }
* Initialization function to check that we obtained function addresses. * Init should fail only if the minimum set of functions was not available; * functions added in later versions may or may not be present - it is the * client's responsibility in such cases to check, in their code, for the * version of the dll before trying to call such functions. Not doing so * when the function is not present will result in an AV. * * The Init function is called by the WrapperCreatorRegistation class. ******************************************************************************/ bool CKernel32Api::Init() { bool fRet = LoadLibrary(); if(fRet) {
#ifdef NTONLY
m_pfnGetDiskFreeSpaceEx = (PFN_KERNEL32_GET_DISK_FREE_SPACE_EX) GetProcAddress("GetDiskFreeSpaceExW");
m_pfnGetVolumePathName = (PFN_KERNEL32_GET_VOLUME_PATH_NAME) GetProcAddress("GetVolumePathNameW"); #endif
#ifdef WIN9XONLY
m_pfnGetDiskFreeSpaceEx = (PFN_KERNEL32_GET_DISK_FREE_SPACE_EX) GetProcAddress("GetDiskFreeSpaceExA");
m_pfnGetVolumePathName = (PFN_KERNEL32_GET_VOLUME_PATH_NAME) GetProcAddress("GetVolumePathNameA");
m_pfnCreateToolhelp32Snapshot = (PFN_KERNEL32_CREATE_TOOLHELP32_SNAPSHOT) GetProcAddress("CreateToolhelp32Snapshot");
m_pfnThread32First = (PFN_KERNEL32_THREAD32_FIRST) GetProcAddress("Thread32First");
m_pfnThread32Next = (PFN_KERNEL32_THREAD32_NEXT) GetProcAddress("Thread32Next");
m_pfnProcess32First = (PFN_KERNEL32_PROCESS32_FIRST) GetProcAddress("Process32First");
m_pfnProcess32Next = (PFN_KERNEL32_PROCESS32_NEXT) GetProcAddress("Process32Next");
m_pfnModule32First = (PFN_KERNEL32_MODULE32_FIRST) GetProcAddress("Module32First");
m_pfnModule32Next = (PFN_KERNEL32_MODULE32_NEXT) GetProcAddress("Module32Next");
m_pfnHeap32ListFirst = (PFN_KERNEL32_HEAP32_LIST_FIRST) GetProcAddress("Heap32ListFirst");
m_pfnGlobalMemoryStatusEx = (PFN_KERNEL32_GLOBAL_MEMORY_STATUS_EX) GetProcAddress("GlobalMemoryStatusEx");
m_pfnGetSystemDefaultUILanguage = (PFN_KERNEL32_GET_SYSTEM_DEFAULT_U_I_LANGUAGE) GetProcAddress("GetSystemDefaultUILanguage");
// Check that we have function pointers to functions that should be
// present in all versions of this dll...
// ( in this case, ALL these are functions that may or may not be
// present, so don't bother)
} return fRet; }
* Member functions wrapping Kernel32 api functions. Add new functions here * as required. ******************************************************************************/
// This member function's wrapped pointer has not been validated as it may
// not exist on all versions of the dll. Hence the wrapped function's normal
// return value is returned via the last parameter, while the result of the
// function indicates whether the function existed or not in the wrapped dll.
bool CKernel32Api::GetDiskFreeSpaceEx ( LPCTSTR a_lpDirectoryName, PULARGE_INTEGER a_lpFreeBytesAvailableToCaller, PULARGE_INTEGER a_lpTotalNumberOfBytes, PULARGE_INTEGER a_lpTotalNumberOfFreeBytes, BOOL *a_pfRetval ) { BOOL t_fExists = FALSE; BOOL t_fTemp = FALSE; if(m_pfnGetDiskFreeSpaceEx != NULL) { t_fTemp = m_pfnGetDiskFreeSpaceEx(a_lpDirectoryName, a_lpFreeBytesAvailableToCaller, a_lpTotalNumberOfBytes, a_lpTotalNumberOfFreeBytes); t_fExists = TRUE;
if(a_pfRetval != NULL) { *a_pfRetval = t_fTemp; } } return t_fExists; }
// This member function's wrapped pointer has not been validated as it may
// not exist on all versions of the dll. Hence the wrapped function's normal
// return value is returned via the last parameter, while the result of the
// function indicates whether the function existed or not in the wrapped dll.
bool CKernel32Api::CreateToolhelp32Snapshot ( DWORD a_dwFlags, DWORD a_th32ProcessID, HANDLE *a_phRetval ) { bool t_fExists = false; HANDLE t_hTemp; if(m_pfnCreateToolhelp32Snapshot != NULL) { t_hTemp = m_pfnCreateToolhelp32Snapshot(a_dwFlags, a_th32ProcessID);
t_fExists = true;
if(a_phRetval != NULL) { *a_phRetval = t_hTemp; } } return t_fExists; }
// This member function's wrapped pointer has not been validated as it may
// not exist on all versions of the dll. Hence the wrapped function's normal
// return value is returned via the last parameter, while the result of the
// function indicates whether the function existed or not in the wrapped dll.
bool CKernel32Api::Thread32First ( HANDLE a_hSnapshot, LPTHREADENTRY32 a_lpte, BOOL *a_pfRetval ) { bool t_fExists = false; BOOL t_fTemp = FALSE; if(m_pfnThread32First != NULL) { t_fTemp = m_pfnThread32First(a_hSnapshot, a_lpte);
t_fExists = true;
if(a_pfRetval != NULL) { *a_pfRetval = t_fTemp; } } return t_fExists; }
// This member function's wrapped pointer has not been validated as it may
// not exist on all versions of the dll. Hence the wrapped function's normal
// return value is returned via the last parameter, while the result of the
// function indicates whether the function existed or not in the wrapped dll.
bool CKernel32Api::Thread32Next ( HANDLE a_hSnapshot, LPTHREADENTRY32 a_lpte, BOOL *a_pfRetval ) { bool t_fExists = false; BOOL t_fTemp = FALSE; if(m_pfnThread32Next != NULL) { t_fTemp = m_pfnThread32Next(a_hSnapshot, a_lpte);
t_fExists = true;
if(a_pfRetval != NULL) { *a_pfRetval = t_fTemp; } } return t_fExists; }
// This member function's wrapped pointer has not been validated as it may
// not exist on all versions of the dll. Hence the wrapped function's normal
// return value is returned via the last parameter, while the result of the
// function indicates whether the function existed or not in the wrapped dll.
bool CKernel32Api::Process32First ( HANDLE a_hSnapshot, LPPROCESSENTRY32 a_lppe, BOOL *a_pfRetval ) { bool t_fExists = false; BOOL t_fTemp = FALSE; if(m_pfnProcess32First != NULL) { t_fTemp = m_pfnProcess32First(a_hSnapshot, a_lppe);
t_fExists = true;
if(a_pfRetval != NULL) { *a_pfRetval = t_fTemp; } } return t_fExists; }
// This member function's wrapped pointer has not been validated as it may
// not exist on all versions of the dll. Hence the wrapped function's normal
// return value is returned via the last parameter, while the result of the
// function indicates whether the function existed or not in the wrapped dll.
bool CKernel32Api::Process32Next ( HANDLE a_hSnapshot, LPPROCESSENTRY32 a_lppe, BOOL *a_pfRetval ) { bool t_fExists = false; BOOL t_fTemp = FALSE; if(m_pfnProcess32Next != NULL) { t_fTemp = m_pfnProcess32Next(a_hSnapshot, a_lppe);
t_fExists = true;
if(a_pfRetval != NULL) { *a_pfRetval = t_fTemp; } } return t_fExists; }
// This member function's wrapped pointer has not been validated as it may
// not exist on all versions of the dll. Hence the wrapped function's normal
// return value is returned via the last parameter, while the result of the
// function indicates whether the function existed or not in the wrapped dll.
bool CKernel32Api::Module32First ( HANDLE a_hSnapshot, LPMODULEENTRY32 a_lpme, BOOL *a_pfRetval ) { bool t_fExists = false; BOOL t_fTemp = FALSE; if(m_pfnModule32First != NULL) { t_fTemp = m_pfnModule32First(a_hSnapshot, a_lpme);
t_fExists = true;
if(a_pfRetval != NULL) { *a_pfRetval = t_fTemp; } } return t_fExists; }
// This member function's wrapped pointer has not been validated as it may
// not exist on all versions of the dll. Hence the wrapped function's normal
// return value is returned via the last parameter, while the result of the
// function indicates whether the function existed or not in the wrapped dll.
bool CKernel32Api::Module32Next ( HANDLE a_hSnapshot, LPMODULEENTRY32 a_lpme, BOOL *a_pfRetval ) { bool t_fExists = false; BOOL t_fTemp = FALSE; if(m_pfnModule32Next != NULL) { t_fTemp = m_pfnModule32Next(a_hSnapshot, a_lpme);
t_fExists = true;
if(a_pfRetval != NULL) { *a_pfRetval = t_fTemp; } } return t_fExists; }
// This member function's wrapped pointer has not been validated as it may
// not exist on all versions of the dll. Hence the wrapped function's normal
// return value is returned via the last parameter, while the result of the
// function indicates whether the function existed or not in the wrapped dll.
bool CKernel32Api::Heap32ListFirst ( HANDLE a_hSnapshot, LPHEAPLIST32 a_lphl, BOOL *a_pfRetval ) { bool t_fExists = false; BOOL t_fTemp = FALSE; if(m_pfnHeap32ListFirst != NULL) { t_fTemp = m_pfnHeap32ListFirst(a_hSnapshot, a_lphl);
t_fExists = true;
if(a_pfRetval != NULL) { *a_pfRetval = t_fTemp; } } return t_fExists; }
// This member function's wrapped pointer has not been validated as it may
// not exist on all versions of the dll. Hence the wrapped function's normal
// return value is returned via the last parameter, while the result of the
// function indicates whether the function existed or not in the wrapped dll.
bool CKernel32Api::GlobalMemoryStatusEx ( IN OUT LPMEMORYSTATUSEX a_lpBuffer, BOOL *a_pfRetval ) { BOOL t_fExists = FALSE; BOOL t_fTemp = FALSE; if(m_pfnGlobalMemoryStatusEx != NULL && a_pfRetval != NULL) { t_fTemp = m_pfnGlobalMemoryStatusEx(a_lpBuffer);
t_fExists = TRUE;
if(a_pfRetval != NULL) { *a_pfRetval = t_fTemp; } } return t_fExists; }
// This member function's wrapped pointer has not been validated as it may
// not exist on all versions of the dll. Hence the wrapped function's normal
// return value is returned via the last parameter, while the result of the
// function indicates whether the function existed or not in the wrapped dll.
bool CKernel32Api::GetSystemDefaultUILanguage ( LANGID *a_plidRetval ) { BOOL t_fExists = FALSE; LANGID t_lidTemp; if(m_pfnGetSystemDefaultUILanguage != NULL && a_plidRetval != NULL) { t_lidTemp = m_pfnGetSystemDefaultUILanguage();
t_fExists = TRUE;
if(a_plidRetval != NULL) { *a_plidRetval = t_lidTemp; } } return t_fExists; }
// This member function's wrapped pointer has not been validated as it may
// not exist on all versions of the dll. Hence the wrapped function's normal
// return value is returned via the last parameter, while the result of the
// function indicates whether the function existed or not in the wrapped dll.
bool CKernel32Api::GetVolumePathName( LPCTSTR lpszFileName, LPTSTR lpszVolumePathName, DWORD dwBufferLength, BOOL *pfRetval) { bool fExists = false; BOOL fTemp = FALSE; if(m_pfnGetVolumePathName != NULL && pfRetval != NULL) { fTemp = m_pfnGetVolumePathName( lpszFileName, lpszVolumePathName, dwBufferLength);
fExists = true;
if(pfRetval != NULL) { *pfRetval = fTemp; } } return fExists; }