// Copyright � Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// CreateMutexAsProcess.CPP
// Purpose: Create a mutex NOT using impersonation
#include "precomp.h"
#include <brodcast.h>
#include <CreateMutexAsProcess.h>
#include "MultiPlat.h"
#include <cominit.h>
// precompiled security descriptor
// System and NetworkService has full access
// since this is RELATIVE, it will work on both IA32 and Win64
DWORD g_PrecSD[] = { 0x80040001 , 0x00000044 , 0x00000050 , 0x00000000 , 0x00000014 , 0x00300002 , 0x00000002 , 0x00140000 , 0x001f0001 , 0x00000101 , 0x05000000 , 0x00000012 , 0x00140000 , 0x001f0001 , 0x00000101 , 0x05000000 , 0x00000014 , 0x00000101 , 0x05000000 , 0x00000014 , 0x00000101 , 0x05000000 , 0x00000014 };
DWORD g_SizeSD = 0;
DWORD g_RuntimeSD [ ( sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE) + (2 * (sizeof(SID)+SID_MAX_SUB_AUTHORITIES*sizeof(DWORD))) + sizeof(ACL) + (3 * ((ULONG) sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) - sizeof(ULONG))) + (3 * (sizeof(SID)+SID_MAX_SUB_AUTHORITIES*sizeof(DWORD))) )/sizeof(DWORD) ];
typedef BOOLEAN ( * fnRtlValidRelativeSecurityDescriptor)( IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptorInput, IN ULONG SecurityDescriptorLength, IN SECURITY_INFORMATION RequiredInformation );
fnRtlValidRelativeSecurityDescriptor RtlValidRelativeSecurityDescriptor;
// Build a SD with owner == This
// group == This
BOOL CreateSD( ) {
if (!RtlValidRelativeSecurityDescriptor) { HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandleW(L"ntdll.dll"); if (hModule) { RtlValidRelativeSecurityDescriptor = (fnRtlValidRelativeSecurityDescriptor)GetProcAddress(hModule,"RtlValidRelativeSecurityDescriptor"); if (!RtlValidRelativeSecurityDescriptor) { return FALSE; } } }
HANDLE hToken; BOOL bRet; bRet = OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(),TOKEN_QUERY,&hToken); if (bRet) { TOKEN_USER * pToken_User; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(TOKEN_USER)+sizeof(SID)+(SID_MAX_SUB_AUTHORITIES*sizeof(DWORD)); pToken_User = (TOKEN_USER *)_alloca(dwSize); bRet = GetTokenInformation(hToken,TokenUser,pToken_User,dwSize,&dwSize); if (bRet) { SID SystemSid = { SID_REVISION, 1, SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY, SECURITY_LOCAL_SYSTEM_RID }; SID NetworkSid = { SID_REVISION, 1, SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY, SECURITY_NETWORK_SERVICE_RID }; PSID pSIDUser = pToken_User->User.Sid; dwSize = GetLengthSid(pSIDUser); DWORD dwSids = 3; // Owner and System and NetworkService
DWORD ACLLength = (ULONG) sizeof(ACL) + (dwSids * ((ULONG) sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE) - sizeof(ULONG))) + dwSize + sizeof(SystemSid) + sizeof(NetworkSid);
memcpy((BYTE*)pLocalSD+sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE),pSIDUser,dwSize); pLocalSD->Owner = (DWORD)sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE); //SetSecurityDescriptorGroup(pLocalSD,pSIDUser,FALSE);
memcpy((BYTE*)pLocalSD+sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE)+dwSize,pSIDUser,dwSize); pLocalSD->Group = (DWORD)(sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE)+dwSize);
PACL pDacl = (PACL)_alloca(ACLLength);
bRet = InitializeAcl( pDacl, ACLLength, ACL_REVISION); if (bRet) { bRet = AddAccessAllowedAceEx (pDacl,ACL_REVISION,0,MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS,&SystemSid); if (bRet) { bRet = AddAccessAllowedAceEx (pDacl,ACL_REVISION,0,MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS,&NetworkSid); if (bRet) { bRet = AddAccessAllowedAceEx (pDacl,ACL_REVISION,0,MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS,pSIDUser); if (bRet) { //bRet = SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(pLocalSD,TRUE,pDacl,FALSE);
memcpy((BYTE*)pLocalSD+sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE)+dwSize+dwSize,pDacl,ACLLength); pLocalSD->Dacl = (DWORD)(sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE)+dwSize+dwSize);
if (RtlValidRelativeSecurityDescriptor(pLocalSD, dwSizeSD, OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION| GROUP_SECURITY_INFORMATION| DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION)) { g_SizeSD = dwSizeSD; memcpy(g_RuntimeSD,pLocalSD,dwSizeSD); } else { bRet = FALSE; } } } } } } CloseHandle(hToken); }
return bRet; };
CreateMutexAsProcess::CreateMutexAsProcess(const WCHAR *cszMutexName) : m_hMutex ( NULL ) { BOOL bCreatedAndWaited = FALSE; BOOL bImpersonated = TRUE; BOOL bReverted = FALSE; BOOL bProceed = FALSE; HANDLE hThreadToken = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// The mutex will need to be opened in the process's context. If two impersonated
// threads need the mutex, we can't have the second one get an access denied when
// opening the mutex.
if ( OpenThreadToken ( GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_QUERY | TOKEN_DUPLICATE | TOKEN_IMPERSONATE, TRUE, &hThreadToken ) ) { if ( RevertToSelf() ) { bReverted = TRUE; } else { LogMessage2 ( L"Failed to revert to self: (%d)", GetLastError() );
#if DBG == 1
// for testing purpose I will let process break
::DebugBreak(); #endif
} } else { DWORD dwError = ::GetLastError ();
LogMessage2 ( L"Failed to open thread token: (%d)", dwError );
if ( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED == dwError ) { // we failed to open thread token on behalf of process
// we are running as NETWORK SERVICE so it would be "by design"
#if DBG == 1
// for testing purpose I will let process break
::DebugBreak(); #endif
} else if ( ERROR_NO_TOKEN == dwError || ERROR_NO_IMPERSONATION_TOKEN == dwError ) { bImpersonated = FALSE; } }
if ( ( bImpersonated && bReverted ) || ! bImpersonated ) { m_hMutex = OpenMutexW(MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS,FALSE,cszMutexName); if (NULL == m_hMutex) { SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa;
if (0 == g_SizeSD) { if (CreateSD()) { sa.nLength = g_SizeSD; sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = (LPVOID)g_RuntimeSD; sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE; } else { sa.nLength = sizeof(g_PrecSD); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = (LPVOID)g_PrecSD; sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE; } } else { sa.nLength = g_SizeSD; sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = (LPVOID)g_RuntimeSD; sa.bInheritHandle = FALSE; }
m_hMutex = CreateMutexW(&sa, FALSE, cszMutexName); }
if ( m_hMutex != NULL ) { if ( bImpersonated ) { if ( ImpersonateLoggedOnUser ( hThreadToken ) ) { bProceed = TRUE; } else { LogErrorMessage2 ( L"Failed to return to impersonation (%d)", GetLastError() );
#if DBG == 1
// for testing purpose I will let process break
::DebugBreak(); #endif
} } else { bProceed = TRUE; }
if ( bProceed ) { DWORD dwWaitResult = WAIT_OBJECT_0; dwWaitResult = WaitForSingleObject(m_hMutex, INFINITE);
if ( dwWaitResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { bCreatedAndWaited = TRUE; } else { #if DBG == 1
// for testing purpose I will let process break
::DebugBreak(); #endif
} } } else { LogErrorMessage2 ( L"Failed to open mutex: %s", cszMutexName );
if ( bImpersonated ) { if ( !ImpersonateLoggedOnUser ( hThreadToken ) ) { LogErrorMessage2 ( L"Failed to return to impersonation (%d)", GetLastError() );
#if DBG == 1
// for testing purpose I will let process break
::DebugBreak(); #endif
} }
#if DBG == 1
// for testing purpose I will let process break
::DebugBreak(); #endif
} }
if ( ! bCreatedAndWaited ) { if ( hThreadToken != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { CloseHandle(hThreadToken); hThreadToken = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
if (m_hMutex) { ReleaseMutex(m_hMutex); CloseHandle(m_hMutex); m_hMutex = NULL; }
// we need to throw here to avoid concurrent access
throw CFramework_Exception( L"CreateMutexAsProcess failed", HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 ( ::GetLastError () ) ) ; } }
CreateMutexAsProcess::~CreateMutexAsProcess() { if (m_hMutex) { ReleaseMutex(m_hMutex); CloseHandle(m_hMutex); } }