Copyright � Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Module Name:
Object path parser.
#include "precomp.h"
#include <genlex.h>
#include <opathlex.h>
#include <objpath.h>
#include <autoptr.h>
// This inline is to substitute the following macro
// #define Macro_CloneLPWSTR(x) \ // (x ? wcscpy(new wchar_t[wcslen(x) + 1], x) : 0)
inline LPWSTR Inline_CloneLPCWSTR( LPCWSTR lpwszToBeCloned ) { if ( NULL == lpwszToBeCloned ) { return NULL; }
size_t uLength = wcslen( lpwszToBeCloned ) + 1; wchar_t *pNew = new wchar_t[ uLength ]; if ( NULL == pNew ) { return NULL; }
StringCchCopyW( pNew, uLength, lpwszToBeCloned );
return pNew; }
ParsedObjectPath::ParsedObjectPath() { m_pServer = 0; // NULL if no server
m_dwNumNamespaces = 0; // 0 if no namespaces
m_dwAllocNamespaces = 2; m_paNamespaces = new LPWSTR[m_dwAllocNamespaces];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_dwAllocNamespaces; i++) m_paNamespaces[i] = 0;
m_pClass = 0; // Class name
m_dwNumKeys = 0; // 0 if no keys (just a class name)
m_bSingletonObj = FALSE; m_dwAllocKeys = 2; m_paKeys = new KeyRef *[m_dwAllocKeys]; }
ParsedObjectPath::~ParsedObjectPath() { delete m_pServer; for (DWORD dwIx = 0; dwIx < m_dwNumNamespaces; dwIx++) delete m_paNamespaces[dwIx]; delete m_paNamespaces; delete m_pClass;
for (dwIx = 0; dwIx < m_dwNumKeys; dwIx++) delete m_paKeys[dwIx]; delete m_paKeys; }
BOOL ParsedObjectPath::SetClassName(LPCWSTR wszClassName) { delete [] m_pClass; if(wszClassName == NULL) { m_pClass = NULL; } else { m_pClass = Inline_CloneLPCWSTR(wszClassName); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL ParsedObjectPath::IsClass() { if(!IsObject()) return FALSE;
return (m_dwNumKeys == 0 && !m_bSingletonObj); }
BOOL ParsedObjectPath::IsInstance() { return IsObject() && !IsClass(); }
BOOL ParsedObjectPath::IsObject() { if(m_pClass == NULL) return FALSE;
if(m_pServer) { return (m_dwNumNamespaces > 0); } else { return (m_dwNumNamespaces == 0); } }
BOOL ParsedObjectPath::AddNamespace(LPCWSTR wszNamespace) { if(m_dwNumNamespaces == m_dwAllocNamespaces) { DWORD dwNewAllocNamespaces = m_dwAllocNamespaces * 2; LPWSTR* paNewNamespaces = new LPWSTR[dwNewAllocNamespaces]; memcpy(paNewNamespaces, m_paNamespaces, sizeof(LPWSTR) * m_dwAllocNamespaces); delete [] m_paNamespaces; m_paNamespaces = paNewNamespaces; m_dwAllocNamespaces = dwNewAllocNamespaces; } m_paNamespaces[m_dwNumNamespaces++] = Inline_CloneLPCWSTR(wszNamespace);
return TRUE; }
BOOL ParsedObjectPath::AddKeyRefEx(LPCWSTR wszKeyName, const VARIANT* pvValue ) { BOOL bStatus = TRUE ; BOOL bFound = FALSE ; BOOL bUnNamed = FALSE ;
for ( ULONG dwIndex = 0 ; dwIndex < m_dwNumKeys ; dwIndex ++ ) { if ( ( m_paKeys [ dwIndex ]->m_pName ) && wszKeyName ) { if ( _wcsicmp ( m_paKeys [ dwIndex ]->m_pName , wszKeyName ) == 0 ) { bFound = TRUE ; break ; } } else { if ( ( ( m_paKeys [ dwIndex ]->m_pName ) == 0 ) ) { bUnNamed = TRUE ; if ( ( wszKeyName == 0 ) ) { bFound = TRUE ; break ; } } } }
if ( ! wszKeyName ) { /* Remove all existing keys */
for ( ULONG dwDeleteIndex = 0 ; dwDeleteIndex < m_dwNumKeys ; dwDeleteIndex ++ ) { delete ( m_paKeys [ dwDeleteIndex ]->m_pName ) ; m_paKeys [ dwDeleteIndex ]->m_pName = NULL ; VariantClear ( & ( m_paKeys [ dwDeleteIndex ]->m_vValue ) ) ; }
if ( VariantCopy ( & ( m_paKeys [ 0 ]->m_vValue ) , ( VARIANT * ) pvValue ) == E_OUTOFMEMORY ) { throw CHeap_Exception(CHeap_Exception::HEAP_ERROR::E_ALLOCATION_ERROR); }
m_dwNumKeys = 1 ; } else { if ( bFound ) { /*
* If key already exists then just replace the value */
if ( wszKeyName ) { size_t uLength = wcslen ( wszKeyName ) + 1; m_paKeys [ dwIndex ]->m_pName = new wchar_t[ uLength ]; if ( NULL == m_paKeys [ dwIndex ]->m_pName ) { throw CHeap_Exception(CHeap_Exception::HEAP_ERROR::E_ALLOCATION_ERROR); } StringCchCopyW ( m_paKeys [ dwIndex ]->m_pName, uLength, wszKeyName ); }
VariantClear ( & ( m_paKeys [ dwIndex ]->m_vValue ) ) ; if ( VariantCopy ( & ( m_paKeys [ dwIndex ]->m_vValue ), ( VARIANT * ) pvValue ) == E_OUTOFMEMORY ) { throw CHeap_Exception(CHeap_Exception::HEAP_ERROR::E_ALLOCATION_ERROR); } } else { if ( bUnNamed ) { /* Add an un named key */
for ( ULONG dwDeleteIndex = 0 ; dwDeleteIndex < m_dwNumKeys ; dwDeleteIndex ++ ) { delete ( m_paKeys [ dwDeleteIndex ]->m_pName ) ; m_paKeys [ dwDeleteIndex ]->m_pName = NULL ; VariantClear (& ( m_paKeys [ dwDeleteIndex ]->m_vValue ) ); }
size_t uLength = wcslen ( wszKeyName ) + 1; m_paKeys [ 0 ]->m_pName = new wchar_t [ uLength ] ; if ( NULL == m_paKeys [ 0 ]->m_pName ) { throw CHeap_Exception(CHeap_Exception::HEAP_ERROR::E_ALLOCATION_ERROR); } StringCchCopyW ( m_paKeys [ 0 ]->m_pName, uLength, wszKeyName ) ;
if ( VariantCopy ( & ( m_paKeys [ 0 ]->m_vValue ), ( VARIANT * ) pvValue ) == E_OUTOFMEMORY ) { throw CHeap_Exception(CHeap_Exception::HEAP_ERROR::E_ALLOCATION_ERROR); }
m_dwNumKeys = 1 ; } else { /* Add a Named Key */
AddKeyRef(wszKeyName, pvValue); } } }
return bStatus; }
void ParsedObjectPath::ClearKeys () { for ( ULONG dwDeleteIndex = 0 ; dwDeleteIndex < m_dwNumKeys ; dwDeleteIndex ++ ) { delete m_paKeys [ dwDeleteIndex ] ; m_paKeys [ dwDeleteIndex ] = NULL ; }
delete [] m_paKeys ; m_paKeys = NULL ;
m_dwNumKeys = 0; // 0 if no keys (just a class name)
m_dwAllocKeys = 2; m_paKeys = new KeyRef *[m_dwAllocKeys]; }
BOOL ParsedObjectPath::AddKeyRef(LPCWSTR wszKeyName, const VARIANT* pvValue) { if(m_dwNumKeys == m_dwAllocKeys) { DWORD dwNewAllocKeys = m_dwAllocKeys * 2; KeyRef** paNewKeys = new KeyRef*[dwNewAllocKeys]; memcpy(paNewKeys, m_paKeys, sizeof(KeyRef*) * m_dwAllocKeys); delete [] m_paKeys; m_paKeys = paNewKeys; m_dwAllocKeys = dwNewAllocKeys; }
m_paKeys[m_dwNumKeys] = new KeyRef(wszKeyName, pvValue); m_dwNumKeys++; return TRUE; }
BOOL ParsedObjectPath::AddKeyRef(KeyRef* pAcquireRef) { if(m_dwNumKeys == m_dwAllocKeys) { DWORD dwNewAllocKeys = m_dwAllocKeys * 2; KeyRef** paNewKeys = new KeyRef*[dwNewAllocKeys]; memcpy(paNewKeys, m_paKeys, sizeof(KeyRef*) * m_dwAllocKeys); delete [] m_paKeys; m_paKeys = paNewKeys; m_dwAllocKeys = dwNewAllocKeys; }
m_paKeys[m_dwNumKeys] = pAcquireRef; m_dwNumKeys++; return TRUE; }
KeyRef::KeyRef() { m_pName = 0; VariantInit(&m_vValue); }
KeyRef::KeyRef(LPCWSTR wszKeyName, const VARIANT* pvValue) { m_pName = Inline_CloneLPCWSTR(wszKeyName); VariantInit(&m_vValue); if ( VariantCopy(&m_vValue, (VARIANT*)pvValue) == E_OUTOFMEMORY ) { throw CHeap_Exception(CHeap_Exception::HEAP_ERROR::E_ALLOCATION_ERROR); } }
KeyRef::~KeyRef() { delete m_pName; VariantClear(&m_vValue); }
int WINAPI CObjectPathParser::Unparse( ParsedObjectPath* pInput, DELETE_ME LPWSTR* pwszPath) { if(pInput->m_pClass == NULL) { return CObjectPathParser::InvalidParameter; }
// Allocate enough space
// =====================
int nSpace = wcslen(pInput->m_pClass); nSpace += 10; DWORD dwIx; for (dwIx = 0; dwIx < pInput->m_dwNumKeys; dwIx++) { KeyRef* pKey = pInput->m_paKeys[dwIx]; if(pKey->m_pName) nSpace += wcslen(pKey->m_pName); if(V_VT(&pKey->m_vValue) == VT_BSTR) { nSpace += wcslen(V_BSTR(&pKey->m_vValue))*2 + 10; } else if( V_VT(&pKey->m_vValue) == VT_I4 || V_VT(&pKey->m_vValue) == VT_UI4 ) { nSpace += 30; } else if ( V_VT(&pKey->m_vValue) == VT_I2 || V_VT(&pKey->m_vValue) == VT_UI2 )
{ nSpace += 15; } else if ( V_VT(&pKey->m_vValue) == VT_I1 || V_VT(&pKey->m_vValue) == VT_UI1 )
{ nSpace += 8; } } if(pInput->m_bSingletonObj) nSpace +=2;
WCHAR wszTemp[30]; LPWSTR wszPath = new WCHAR[nSpace]; StringCchCopyW( wszPath, nSpace, pInput->m_pClass );
for (dwIx = 0; dwIx < pInput->m_dwNumKeys; dwIx++) { KeyRef* pKey = pInput->m_paKeys[dwIx];
// We dont want to put a '.' if there isnt a key name,
// for example, Myclass="value"
if(dwIx == 0) { if((pKey->m_pName && (0 < wcslen(pKey->m_pName))) || pInput->m_dwNumKeys > 1) { StringCchCatW(wszPath, nSpace, L"."); } } else { StringCchCatW(wszPath, nSpace, L","); } if(pKey->m_pName) { StringCchCatW(wszPath, nSpace, pKey->m_pName); } StringCchCatW(wszPath, nSpace, L"=");
if(V_VT(&pKey->m_vValue) == VT_BSTR) { StringCchCatW(wszPath, nSpace, L"\""); WCHAR* pwc = V_BSTR(&pKey->m_vValue); WCHAR str[2]; str[1] = 0; while(*pwc) { if(*pwc == '\\' || *pwc == '"') { StringCchCatW(wszPath, nSpace, L"\\"); } str[0] = *pwc; StringCchCatW(wszPath, nSpace, str); pwc++; }
StringCchCatW(wszPath, nSpace, L"\""); } else if( V_VT(&pKey->m_vValue) == VT_I4 ) { StringCchPrintfW(wszTemp, sizeof(wszTemp)/sizeof(wszTemp[0]), L"%d", V_I4(&pKey->m_vValue)); StringCchCatW(wszPath, nSpace, wszTemp); } else if( V_VT(&pKey->m_vValue) == VT_UI4 ) { StringCchPrintfW(wszTemp, sizeof(wszTemp)/sizeof(wszTemp[0]), L"%u", V_UI4(&pKey->m_vValue)); StringCchCatW(wszPath, nSpace, wszTemp); } else if( V_VT(&pKey->m_vValue) == VT_I2 ) { StringCchPrintfW(wszTemp, sizeof(wszTemp)/sizeof(wszTemp[0]), L"%hd", V_I2(&pKey->m_vValue)); StringCchCatW(wszPath, nSpace, wszTemp); } else if( V_VT(&pKey->m_vValue) == VT_UI2 ) { StringCchPrintfW(wszTemp, sizeof(wszTemp)/sizeof(wszTemp[0]), L"%hu", V_UI2(&pKey->m_vValue)); StringCchCatW(wszPath, nSpace, wszTemp); } else if( V_VT(&pKey->m_vValue) == VT_I1 ) { StringCchPrintfW(wszTemp, sizeof(wszTemp)/sizeof(wszTemp[0]), L"%d", V_I1(&pKey->m_vValue)); StringCchCatW(wszPath, nSpace, wszTemp); } else if( V_VT(&pKey->m_vValue) == VT_UI1 ) { StringCchPrintfW(wszTemp, sizeof(wszTemp)/sizeof(wszTemp[0]), L"%u", V_UI1(&pKey->m_vValue)); StringCchCatW(wszPath, nSpace, wszTemp); } }
// Take care of the singleton case. This is a path of the form
// MyClass=@ and represents a single instance of a class with no
// keys.
if(pInput->m_bSingletonObj && pInput->m_dwNumKeys == 0) StringCchCatW(wszPath, nSpace, L"=@");
*pwszPath = wszPath;
return NoError; }
LPWSTR WINAPI CObjectPathParser::GetRelativePath(LPWSTR wszFullPath) { LPWSTR wsz = wcschr(wszFullPath, L':'); if(wsz) return wsz + 1; else return NULL; }
void CObjectPathParser::Zero() { m_nCurrentToken = 0; m_pLexer = 0; m_pInitialIdent = 0; m_pOutput = 0; m_pTmpKeyRef = 0; }
CObjectPathParser::CObjectPathParser(ObjectParserFlags eFlags) : m_eFlags(eFlags) { Zero(); }
void CObjectPathParser::Empty() { delete m_pLexer; delete m_pInitialIdent; delete m_pTmpKeyRef; // m_pOutput is intentionally left alone,
// since all code paths delete this already on error, or
// else the user acquired the pointer.
CObjectPathParser::~CObjectPathParser() { Empty(); }
int CObjectPathParser::Parse( LPCWSTR pRawPath, ParsedObjectPath **pOutput ) { if (pOutput == 0 || pRawPath == 0 || wcslen(pRawPath) == 0) return CObjectPathParser::InvalidParameter;
// Check for leading / trailing ws.
// ================================
if (iswspace(pRawPath[wcslen(pRawPath)-1]) || iswspace(pRawPath[0])) return InvalidParameter;
// These are required for multiple calls to Parse().
// ==================================================
Empty(); Zero();
// Set default return to NULL initially until we have some output.
// ===============================================================
*pOutput = 0;
m_pOutput = new ParsedObjectPath; wmilib::auto_ptr < ParsedObjectPath > smartOutput ( m_pOutput ) ; CNullMe<ParsedObjectPath> NullMe(m_pOutput);
// Parse the server name (if there is one) manually
// ================================================
if ( (pRawPath[0] == '\\' && pRawPath[1] == '\\') || (pRawPath[0] == '/' && pRawPath[1] == '/')) { const WCHAR* pwcStart = pRawPath + 2;
// Find the next backslash --- it's the end of the server name
// ===========================================================
const WCHAR* pwcEnd = pwcStart; while (*pwcEnd != L'\0' && *pwcEnd != L'\\' && *pwcEnd != L'/') { pwcEnd++; }
if (*pwcEnd == L'\0') { // If we have already exhausted the object path string,
// a lone server name was all there was.
// ====================================================
if (m_eFlags != e_ParserAcceptAll) { return SyntaxError; } else // A lone server name is legal.
{ size_t uLength = wcslen(pwcStart)+1; m_pOutput->m_pServer = new WCHAR[uLength]; StringCchCopyW(m_pOutput->m_pServer, uLength, pwcStart);
NullMe.dismiss(); *pOutput = smartOutput.release(); return NoError; } }
if (pwcEnd == pwcStart) { // No name at all.
// ===============
return SyntaxError; }
m_pOutput->m_pServer = new WCHAR[pwcEnd-pwcStart+1]; wcsncpy(m_pOutput->m_pServer, pwcStart, pwcEnd-pwcStart); m_pOutput->m_pServer[pwcEnd-pwcStart] = 0;
pRawPath = pwcEnd; }
// Point the lexer at the source.
// ==============================
CTextLexSource src(pRawPath); m_pLexer = new CGenLexer(OPath_LexTable, &src);
// Go.
// ===
int nRes = begin_parse(); if (nRes) { return nRes; }
if (m_nCurrentToken != OPATH_TOK_EOF) { return SyntaxError; }
if (m_pOutput->m_dwNumNamespaces > 0 && m_pOutput->m_pServer == NULL) { if (m_eFlags != e_ParserAcceptRelativeNamespace && m_eFlags != e_ParserAcceptAll) { return SyntaxError; } else { // Local namespace --- set server to "."
// =====================================
m_pOutput->m_pServer = new WCHAR[2]; StringCchCopyW(m_pOutput->m_pServer, 2, L"."); } }
// Sort the key refs lexically. If there is only
// one key, there is nothing to sort anyway.
// =============================================
if (m_pOutput->m_dwNumKeys > 1) { BOOL bChanges = TRUE; while (bChanges) { bChanges = FALSE; for (DWORD dwIx = 0; dwIx < m_pOutput->m_dwNumKeys - 1; dwIx++) { if (_wcsicmp(m_pOutput->m_paKeys[dwIx]->m_pName, m_pOutput->m_paKeys[dwIx+1]->m_pName) > 0) { KeyRef *pTmp = m_pOutput->m_paKeys[dwIx]; m_pOutput->m_paKeys[dwIx] = m_pOutput->m_paKeys[dwIx + 1]; m_pOutput->m_paKeys[dwIx + 1] = pTmp; bChanges = TRUE; } } } }
// Add in key refs.
// ================
NullMe.dismiss(); *pOutput = smartOutput.release();
return NoError; }
BOOL CObjectPathParser::NextToken() { m_nCurrentToken = m_pLexer->NextToken(); if (m_nCurrentToken == OPATH_TOK_ERROR) return FALSE; return TRUE; }
void CObjectPathParser::Free(ParsedObjectPath *pOutput) { delete pOutput; }
// <Parse> ::= BACKSLASH <ns_or_server>;
// <Parse> ::= IDENT <ns_or_class>;
// <Parse> ::= COLON <objref>;
int CObjectPathParser::begin_parse() { if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError;
if (m_nCurrentToken == OPATH_TOK_BACKSLASH) { if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError; return ns_or_server(); } else if (m_nCurrentToken == OPATH_TOK_IDENT) { m_pInitialIdent = Inline_CloneLPCWSTR(m_pLexer->GetTokenText()); if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError;
// Copy the token and put it in a temporary holding place
// until we figure out whether it is a namespace or a class name.
// ==============================================================
return ns_or_class(); } else if (m_nCurrentToken == OPATH_TOK_COLON) { if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError; return objref(); }
// If here, we had a bad starter token.
// ====================================
return SyntaxError; }
// <ns_or_server> ::= BACKSLASH <dot_or_ident> BACKSLASH <ns_list> <optional_objref>;
// <ns_or_server> ::= <ns_list> <optional_objref>;
// <dot_or_ident> is embedded.
int CObjectPathParser::ns_or_server() { if (m_nCurrentToken == OPATH_TOK_BACKSLASH) { // Actually, server names have been take care of, so this is a failure
// ===================================================================
return SyntaxError; } else if (m_nCurrentToken == OPATH_TOK_IDENT) { int nRes = ns_list(); if (nRes) return nRes; return optional_objref(); } else if (m_nCurrentToken == OPATH_TOK_EOF) return NoError;
return SyntaxError; }
// <optional_objref> ::= COLON <objref>;
// <optional_objref> ::= <>;
int CObjectPathParser::optional_objref() { if (m_nCurrentToken == OPATH_TOK_EOF) return NoError;
if (m_nCurrentToken != OPATH_TOK_COLON) return SyntaxError; if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError; return objref(); }
// <ns_or_class> ::= COLON <ident_becomes_ns> <objref>;
// <ns_or_class> ::= BACKSLASH <ident_becomes_ns> <ns_list> COLON <objref>;
// <ns_or_class> ::= BACKSLASH <ident_becomes_ns> <ns_list>;
int CObjectPathParser::ns_or_class() { if (m_nCurrentToken == OPATH_TOK_COLON) { ident_becomes_ns(); if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError; return objref(); } else if (m_nCurrentToken == OPATH_TOK_BACKSLASH) { ident_becomes_ns(); if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError; int nRes = ns_list(); if (nRes) return nRes; if (m_nCurrentToken == OPATH_TOK_EOF) // ns only
return NoError;
if (m_nCurrentToken != OPATH_TOK_COLON) return SyntaxError; if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError; return objref(); }
// Else
// ====
ident_becomes_class(); return objref_rest(); }
// <objref> ::= IDENT <objref_rest>; // IDENT is classname
int CObjectPathParser::objref() { if (m_nCurrentToken != OPATH_TOK_IDENT) return SyntaxError;
m_pOutput->m_pClass = Inline_CloneLPCWSTR(m_pLexer->GetTokenText());
if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError;
return objref_rest(); }
// <ns_list> ::= IDENT <ns_list_rest>;
int CObjectPathParser::ns_list() { if (m_nCurrentToken == OPATH_TOK_IDENT) { m_pOutput->AddNamespace(m_pLexer->GetTokenText());
if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError; return ns_list_rest(); }
return SyntaxError; }
// <ident_becomes_ns> ::= <>; // <initial_ident> becomes a namespace
int CObjectPathParser::ident_becomes_ns() { m_pOutput->AddNamespace(m_pInitialIdent);
delete m_pInitialIdent; m_pInitialIdent = 0; return NoError; }
// <ident_becomes_class> ::= <>; // <initial_ident> becomes the class
int CObjectPathParser::ident_becomes_class() { m_pOutput->m_pClass = Inline_CloneLPCWSTR(m_pInitialIdent); delete m_pInitialIdent; m_pInitialIdent = 0; return NoError; }
// <objref_rest> ::= EQUALS <key_const>;
// <objref_rest> ::= EQUALS *;
// <objref_rest> ::= DOT <keyref_list>;
// <objref_rest> ::= <>;
int CObjectPathParser::objref_rest() { if (m_nCurrentToken == OPATH_TOK_EQ) { if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError;
// Take care of the singleton case. This is a path of the form
// MyClass=@ and represents a singleton instance of a class with no
// keys.
if(m_nCurrentToken == OPATH_TOK_SINGLETON_SYM) { if(NextToken() && m_nCurrentToken != OPATH_TOK_EOF) return SyntaxError; m_pOutput->m_bSingletonObj = TRUE; return NoError;
m_pTmpKeyRef = new KeyRef; int nRes = key_const(); if (nRes) { delete m_pTmpKeyRef; m_pTmpKeyRef = 0; return nRes; }
m_pOutput->AddKeyRef(m_pTmpKeyRef); m_pTmpKeyRef = 0; } else if (m_nCurrentToken == OPATH_TOK_DOT) { if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError; return keyref_list(); }
return NoError; }
// <ns_list_rest> ::= BACKSLASH <ns_list>;
// <ns_list_rest> ::= <>;
int CObjectPathParser::ns_list_rest() { if (m_nCurrentToken == OPATH_TOK_BACKSLASH) { if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError; return ns_list(); } return NoError; }
// <key_const> ::= STRING_CONST;
// <key_const> ::= INTEGRAL_CONST;
// <key_const> ::= REAL_CONST;
// <key_const> ::= IDENT; // Where IDENT is "OBJECT" for singleton classes
int CObjectPathParser::key_const() { // If here, we have a key constant.
// We may or may not have the property name
// associated with it.
// ========================================
if (m_nCurrentToken == OPATH_TOK_QSTRING) { V_VT(&m_pTmpKeyRef->m_vValue) = VT_BSTR; V_BSTR(&m_pTmpKeyRef->m_vValue) = SysAllocString(m_pLexer->GetTokenText());
if ( ! V_BSTR(&m_pTmpKeyRef->m_vValue) ) { throw CHeap_Exception(CHeap_Exception::HEAP_ERROR::E_ALLOCATION_ERROR); }
} else if (m_nCurrentToken == OPATH_TOK_INT) { V_VT(&m_pTmpKeyRef->m_vValue) = VT_I4; char buf[32]; if(m_pLexer->GetTokenText() == NULL || wcslen(m_pLexer->GetTokenText()) > 31) return SyntaxError; StringCchPrintfA(buf, sizeof(buf)/sizeof(buf[0]), "%S", m_pLexer->GetTokenText()); V_I4(&m_pTmpKeyRef->m_vValue) = atol(buf); } else if (m_nCurrentToken == OPATH_TOK_HEXINT) { V_VT(&m_pTmpKeyRef->m_vValue) = VT_I4; char buf[32]; if(m_pLexer->GetTokenText() == NULL || wcslen(m_pLexer->GetTokenText()) > 31) return SyntaxError; StringCchPrintfA(buf, sizeof(buf)/sizeof(buf[0]), "%S", m_pLexer->GetTokenText()); long l; sscanf(buf, "%x", &l); V_I4(&m_pTmpKeyRef->m_vValue) = l; } else if (m_nCurrentToken == OPATH_TOK_IDENT) { if (_wcsicmp(m_pLexer->GetTokenText(), L"TRUE") == 0) { V_VT(&m_pTmpKeyRef->m_vValue) = VT_I4; V_I4(&m_pTmpKeyRef->m_vValue) = 1; } else if (_wcsicmp(m_pLexer->GetTokenText(), L"FALSE") == 0) { V_VT(&m_pTmpKeyRef->m_vValue) = VT_I4; V_I4(&m_pTmpKeyRef->m_vValue) = 0; } else return SyntaxError; } else return SyntaxError;
if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError;
return NoError; }
// <keyref_list> ::= <keyref> <keyref_term>;
int CObjectPathParser::keyref_list() { int nRes = keyref(); if (nRes) return nRes; return keyref_term(); }
// <keyref> ::= <propname> EQUALS <key_const>;
int CObjectPathParser::keyref() { m_pTmpKeyRef = new KeyRef;
int nRes = propname();
if (nRes) { delete m_pTmpKeyRef; m_pTmpKeyRef = 0; return nRes; }
if (m_nCurrentToken != OPATH_TOK_EQ) { delete m_pTmpKeyRef; m_pTmpKeyRef = 0; return SyntaxError; }
if (!NextToken()) { delete m_pTmpKeyRef; m_pTmpKeyRef = 0; return SyntaxError; }
nRes = key_const(); if (nRes) { delete m_pTmpKeyRef; m_pTmpKeyRef = 0; return nRes; }
m_pOutput->AddKeyRef(m_pTmpKeyRef); m_pTmpKeyRef = 0;
return NoError; }
// <keyref_term> ::= COMMA <keyref_list>; // Used for compound keys
// <keyref_term> ::= <>;
int CObjectPathParser::keyref_term() { if (m_nCurrentToken == OPATH_TOK_COMMA) { if (!NextToken()) return SyntaxError; return keyref_list(); }
return NoError; }
// <propname> ::= IDENT;
int CObjectPathParser::propname() { if (m_nCurrentToken != OPATH_TOK_IDENT) return SyntaxError;
m_pTmpKeyRef->m_pName = Inline_CloneLPCWSTR(m_pLexer->GetTokenText());
if (!NextToken()) { delete m_pTmpKeyRef; m_pTmpKeyRef = 0; return SyntaxError; }
return NoError; }
// ParsedObjectPath::GetKeyString
// Returns the db-engine compatible key string for the object.
// The format will likely change after the Alpha PDK Release.
// Return value:
// NULL on error or for pure classes. Otherwise returns a pointer to
// a newly allocated string which must be deallocated with operator
// delete.
LPWSTR ParsedObjectPath::GetKeyString() { if (m_dwNumKeys == 0 && !m_bSingletonObj) { if (m_pClass == 0 || wcslen(m_pClass) == 0) return 0;
size_t uLength = wcslen(m_pClass) + 1; LPWSTR pTmp = new wchar_t[uLength]; StringCchCopyW(pTmp, uLength, m_pClass);
return pTmp; }
// Allocate enough space
// =====================
int nSpace = 10; DWORD dwIx; for (dwIx = 0; dwIx < m_dwNumKeys; dwIx++) { KeyRef* pKey = m_paKeys[dwIx]; nSpace += 2; // for the |
if(V_VT(&pKey->m_vValue) == VT_BSTR) { nSpace += wcslen(V_BSTR(&pKey->m_vValue))*2 + 10; } else if(V_VT(&pKey->m_vValue) == VT_I4) { nSpace += 30; } } if(m_bSingletonObj) nSpace +=20;
LPWSTR pRetVal = new wchar_t[nSpace]; wchar_t Tmp[32]; long nVal;
*pRetVal = 0; BOOL bFirst = TRUE;
// The key are already sorted lexically.
// =====================================
WCHAR wszSeparator[2]; wszSeparator[0] = 0xFFFF; wszSeparator[1] = 0;
for (DWORD i = 0; i < m_dwNumKeys; i++) { if (!bFirst) StringCchCatW(pRetVal, nSpace, wszSeparator); bFirst = FALSE;
KeyRef *pKeyRef = m_paKeys[i]; VARIANT *pv = &pKeyRef->m_vValue;
int nType = V_VT(pv); switch (nType) { case VT_LPWSTR: case VT_BSTR: StringCchCatW(pRetVal, nSpace, V_BSTR(pv)); break;
case VT_I4: nVal = V_I4(pv); StringCchPrintfW(Tmp, sizeof(Tmp)/sizeof(Tmp[0]), L"%d", nVal); StringCchCatW(pRetVal, nSpace, Tmp); break;
case VT_I2: nVal = V_I2(pv); StringCchPrintfW(Tmp, sizeof(Tmp)/sizeof(Tmp[0]), L"%d", nVal); StringCchCatW(pRetVal, nSpace, Tmp); break;
case VT_UI1: nVal = V_UI1(pv); StringCchPrintfW(Tmp, sizeof(Tmp)/sizeof(Tmp[0]), L"%d", nVal); StringCchCatW(pRetVal, nSpace, Tmp); break;
case VT_BOOL: nVal = V_BOOL(pv); StringCchPrintfW(Tmp, sizeof(Tmp)/sizeof(Tmp[0]), L"%d", (nVal?1:0)); StringCchCatW(pRetVal, nSpace, Tmp); break;
default: StringCchCatW(pRetVal, nSpace, L"NULL"); } }
if (wcslen(pRetVal) == 0) { if(m_bSingletonObj) { StringCchCopyW(pRetVal, nSpace, L"@"); } } return pRetVal; // This may not be NULL
LPWSTR ParsedObjectPath::GetNamespacePart() { if (m_dwNumNamespaces == 0) return NULL;
// Compute necessary space
// =======================
int nSpace = 0; for(DWORD i = 0; i < m_dwNumNamespaces; i++) nSpace += 1 + wcslen(m_paNamespaces[i]); nSpace--;
// Allocate buffer
// ===============
LPWSTR wszOut = new wchar_t[nSpace + 1]; *wszOut = 0;
// Output
// ======
for(i = 0; i < m_dwNumNamespaces; i++) { if(i != 0) StringCchCatW(wszOut, nSpace + 1, L"\\"); StringCchCatW(wszOut, nSpace + 1, m_paNamespaces[i]); }
return wszOut; }
LPWSTR ParsedObjectPath::GetParentNamespacePart() { if(m_dwNumNamespaces < 2) return NULL;
// Compute necessary space
// =======================
int nSpace = 0; for(DWORD i = 0; i < m_dwNumNamespaces - 1; i++) nSpace += 1 + wcslen(m_paNamespaces[i]); nSpace--;
// Allocate buffer
// ===============
LPWSTR wszOut = new wchar_t[nSpace + 1]; *wszOut = 0;
// Output
// ======
for(i = 0; i < m_dwNumNamespaces - 1; i++) { if(i != 0) StringCchCatW(wszOut, nSpace + 1, L"\\"); StringCchCatW(wszOut, nSpace + 1, m_paNamespaces[i]); }
return wszOut; }
BOOL ParsedObjectPath::IsRelative(LPCWSTR wszMachine, LPCWSTR wszNamespace) { if(!IsLocal(wszMachine)) return FALSE;
if(m_dwNumNamespaces == 0) return TRUE;
size_t uLength = wcslen(wszNamespace) + 1; LPWSTR wszCopy = new wchar_t[uLength]; StringCchCopyW(wszCopy, uLength, wszNamespace); LPWSTR wszLeft = wszCopy; BOOL bFailed = FALSE;
for(DWORD i = 0; i < m_dwNumNamespaces; i++) { unsigned int nLen = wcslen(m_paNamespaces[i]); if(nLen > wcslen(wszLeft)) { bFailed = TRUE; break; } if(i == m_dwNumNamespaces - 1 && wszLeft[nLen] != 0) { bFailed = TRUE; break; } if(i != m_dwNumNamespaces - 1 && wszLeft[nLen] != L'\\') { bFailed = TRUE; break; }
wszLeft[nLen] = 0; if(_wcsicmp(wszLeft, m_paNamespaces[i])) { bFailed = TRUE; break; } wszLeft += nLen+1; } delete [] wszCopy; return !bFailed; }
BOOL ParsedObjectPath::IsLocal(LPCWSTR wszMachine) { return (m_pServer == NULL || !_wcsicmp(m_pServer, L".") || !_wcsicmp(m_pServer, wszMachine)); }