Copyright (C) 1996-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
#include "precomp.h"
#include "Time.h"
#include "WbemCli.h"
#include "DbRep.h"
#include "Export.h"
#include "WbemUtil.h"
void CRepExporter::DumpInstanceString(INSTDEF* pInstDef, const wchar_t *wszKey, const wchar_t *pszClass) { if (wszKey) { //Dump an instance block header
DWORD dwSize = 0; DWORD adwBuffer[2]; adwBuffer[0] = REP_EXPORT_INST_STR_TAG; adwBuffer[1] = (wcslen(wszKey) + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t); if ((WriteFile(g_hFile, adwBuffer, sizeof(adwBuffer), &dwSize, NULL) == 0) || (dwSize != sizeof(adwBuffer))) { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "Failed to write instance %S for class %S header.\n", wszKey, pszClass)); throw FAILURE_WRITE; } if ((WriteFile(g_hFile, wszKey, (wcslen(wszKey) + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t), &dwSize, NULL) == 0) || (dwSize != (wcslen(wszKey) + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t))) { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "Failed to write instance %S for class %S.\n", wszKey, pszClass)); throw FAILURE_WRITE; } }
{ //Dump the block
DWORD dwSize = 0; DWORD *pdwObjectStream = Fixup((DWORD*)pInstDef->m_poObjectStream); DWORD dwCurSize = *(pdwObjectStream - 1); dwCurSize -= GetMMFBlockOverhead(); if ((WriteFile(g_hFile, &dwCurSize, sizeof(DWORD), &dwSize, NULL) == 0) || (dwSize != sizeof(DWORD))) { if (wszKey) { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "Failed to write data header of instance %S for class %S.\n", wszKey, pszClass)); } else { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "Failed to write data header of class definition for class %S.\n", pszClass)); } throw FAILURE_WRITE; } if ((WriteFile(g_hFile, pdwObjectStream, dwCurSize, &dwSize, NULL) == 0) || (dwSize != dwCurSize)) { if (wszKey) { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "Failed to write instance %S for class %S.\n", wszKey, pszClass)); } else { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "Failed to write class definition for class %S.\n", pszClass)); } throw FAILURE_WRITE; } } } void CRepExporter::DumpInstanceInt(INSTDEF* pInstDef, INT_PTR nKey, const wchar_t *pszClass) { { //Dump an instance block header
DWORD dwSize = 0; DWORD dwBuffer; dwBuffer = REP_EXPORT_INST_INT_TAG; if ((WriteFile(g_hFile, &dwBuffer, sizeof(DWORD), &dwSize, NULL) == 0) || (dwSize != sizeof(DWORD))) { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "Failed to write instance %d for class %S object and header.\n", nKey, pszClass)); throw FAILURE_WRITE; } if ((WriteFile(g_hFile, &nKey, sizeof(INT_PTR), &dwSize, NULL) == 0) || (dwSize != sizeof(INT_PTR))) { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "Failed to write instance %d for class %S object and header.\n", nKey, pszClass)); throw FAILURE_WRITE; } } { //Dump the block
DWORD dwSize = 0; DWORD *pObjectStream = Fixup((DWORD*)pInstDef->m_poObjectStream); DWORD dwCurSize = *(pObjectStream - 1); dwCurSize -= GetMMFBlockOverhead(); if ((WriteFile(g_hFile, &dwCurSize, sizeof(DWORD), &dwSize, NULL) == 0) || (dwSize != sizeof(DWORD))) { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "Failed to write data header of instance %%d for class %S.\n", nKey, pszClass)); throw FAILURE_WRITE; } if ((WriteFile(g_hFile, pObjectStream, dwCurSize, &dwSize, NULL) == 0) || (dwSize != dwCurSize)) { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "Failed to write instance %d for class %S.\n", nKey, pszClass)); throw FAILURE_WRITE; } } } void CRepExporter::IterateKeyTree(const wchar_t *wszClassName, CLASSDEF *pOwningClass, AVLNode *pInstNode, BOOL bStringKey) { if (pInstNode->poLeft) { IterateKeyTree(wszClassName, pOwningClass, Fixup(pInstNode->poLeft), bStringKey); }
//If this is a top-level class then we dump the class, otherwise the class dump will get child classes...
INSTDEF *pInstDef = Fixup((INSTDEF*)pInstNode->poData); if (Fixup(pInstDef->m_poOwningClass) == pOwningClass) { if (bStringKey) DumpInstanceString(pInstDef, Fixup((wchar_t*)pInstNode->nKey), wszClassName); else DumpInstanceInt(pInstDef, pInstNode->nKey, wszClassName); }
if (pInstNode->poRight) { IterateKeyTree(wszClassName, pOwningClass, Fixup(pInstNode->poRight), bStringKey); } }
void CRepExporter::DumpClass(CLASSDEF* pClassDef, const wchar_t *wszClassName) { DWORD dwSize = 0; DWORD adwBuffer[6]; adwBuffer[0] = REP_EXPORT_CLASS_TAG; adwBuffer[1] = (wcslen(wszClassName) + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t); if ((WriteFile(g_hFile, adwBuffer, 8, &dwSize, NULL) == 0) || (dwSize != 8)) { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "Failed to write clas %S header.\n", wszClassName)); throw FAILURE_WRITE; } if ((WriteFile(g_hFile, wszClassName, (wcslen(wszClassName) + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t), &dwSize, NULL) == 0) || (dwSize != (wcslen(wszClassName) + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t))) { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "Failed to write clas %S class name.\n", wszClassName)); throw FAILURE_WRITE; }
DumpInstanceString(Fixup(pClassDef->m_poClassDef), NULL, wszClassName);
//Dump the children classes...
AVLNode *pTreeNode = Fixup((AVLNode*)(((DWORD_PTR*)Fixup(Fixup(pClassDef->m_poOwningNs)->m_poClassTree))[0])); IterateClassNodes(pTreeNode, Fixdown(pClassDef));
//Special cases! We do not dump instances for the following classes...
if ((_wcsicmp(wszClassName, L"__CIMOMIdentification") != 0)) { //If we own the key tree, then we need to iterate through this...
if (pClassDef->m_poKeyTree) { DWORD_PTR dwTreeNode = (((DWORD*)Fixup(pClassDef->m_poKeyTree))[0]); if (dwTreeNode) { AVLNode *pTreeNode2 = Fixup((AVLNode*)dwTreeNode); int keyType = GetAvlTreeNodeType(Fixup(pClassDef->m_poKeyTree)); IterateKeyTree(wszClassName, pClassDef, pTreeNode2, (keyType == 0x1f)); }
} } adwBuffer[0] = REP_EXPORT_CLASS_END_TAG; adwBuffer[1] = REP_EXPORT_END_TAG_SIZE; memset(&(adwBuffer[2]), REP_EXPORT_END_TAG_MARKER, REP_EXPORT_END_TAG_SIZE); if ((WriteFile(g_hFile, adwBuffer, 24, &dwSize, NULL) == 0) || (dwSize != 24)) { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "Failed to write class %S end marker.\n", wszClassName)); throw FAILURE_WRITE; } }
void CRepExporter::IterateClassNodes(AVLNode *pClassNode, CLASSDEF *poParentClass) { if (pClassNode->poLeft) { IterateClassNodes(Fixup((AVLNode *)pClassNode->poLeft), poParentClass); }
//If this is a top-level class then we dump the class, otherwise the class dump will get child classes...
CLASSDEF *pClassDef = Fixup((CLASSDEF*)pClassNode->poData); if (pClassDef->m_poSuperclass == poParentClass) { DumpClass(pClassDef, Fixup((wchar_t*)pClassNode->nKey)); }
if (pClassNode->poRight) { IterateClassNodes(Fixup((AVLNode *)pClassNode->poRight), poParentClass); } } void CRepExporter::IterateChildNamespaceTree(AVLNode *pNsNode) { if (pNsNode->poLeft) { IterateChildNamespaceTree(Fixup((AVLNode *)pNsNode->poLeft)); }
//If this is a top-level class then we dump the class, otherwise the class dump will get child classes...
NSREP *pNsDef = Fixup((NSREP*)pNsNode->poData); DumpNamespace(pNsDef);
if (pNsNode->poRight) { IterateChildNamespaceTree(Fixup((AVLNode *)pNsNode->poRight)); } }
void CRepExporter::IterateChildNamespaces(RepCollection *childNamespaces) { DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSize; DWORD_PTR dwItems;
dwType = ((DWORD*)childNamespaces)[0]; dwSize = ((DWORD*)childNamespaces)[1]; dwItems = ((DWORD*)childNamespaces)[2];
if ((dwType == 0) || (dwSize == 0)) return; else if (dwType == 1) { //This is a pointer to a RepCollectionItem!
RepCollectionItem *pRepCollectionItem = Fixup((RepCollectionItem*)dwItems); DumpNamespace(Fixup((NSREP*)pRepCollectionItem->poItem)); } else if (dwType == 2) { CDbArray *pDbArray = Fixup((CDbArray*)dwItems); RepCollectionItem** apNsRepItem; apNsRepItem = Fixup((RepCollectionItem**)(((DWORD_PTR*)pDbArray)[3])); for (DWORD i = 0; i != dwSize; i++) { DumpNamespace(Fixup((NSREP*)(Fixup(apNsRepItem[i])->poItem))); } } else if (dwType == 3) { //This is a tree
AVLNode *pTreeNode = Fixup((AVLNode*)(((DWORD_PTR*)Fixup(dwItems))[0])); IterateChildNamespaceTree(pTreeNode); } else { //this is a bug!
} }
void CRepExporter::DumpNamespace(NSREP *pNsRep) { wchar_t *pszCurNs = Fixup(pNsRep->m_poName);
DWORD dwSize = 0; DWORD dwBuffer[6]; dwBuffer[0] = REP_EXPORT_NAMESPACE_TAG; dwBuffer[1] = (wcslen(pszCurNs) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t);
if ((WriteFile(g_hFile, dwBuffer, 8, &dwSize, NULL) == 0) || (dwSize != 8)) { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "Failed to write namespace %S header.\n", pszCurNs)); throw FAILURE_WRITE; } if ((WriteFile(g_hFile, pszCurNs, (wcslen(pszCurNs) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t), &dwSize, NULL) == 0) || (dwSize != (wcslen(pszCurNs) + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t))) { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "Failed to write namespace %S.\n", pszCurNs)); throw FAILURE_WRITE; }
AVLNode *pTreeNode = Fixup((AVLNode*)(((DWORD_PTR*)Fixup(pNsRep->m_poClassTree))[0]));
IterateClassNodes(pTreeNode, 0);
dwBuffer[0] = REP_EXPORT_NAMESPACE_END_TAG; dwBuffer[1] = REP_EXPORT_END_TAG_SIZE; memset(&(dwBuffer[2]), REP_EXPORT_END_TAG_MARKER, REP_EXPORT_END_TAG_SIZE); if ((WriteFile(g_hFile, dwBuffer, 24, &dwSize, NULL) == 0) || (dwSize != 24)) { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "Failed to write namespace %S end marker.\n", pszCurNs)); throw FAILURE_WRITE; } }
void CRepExporter::DumpNamespaceSecurity(NSREP *pNsRep) { //Default version does not have a security descriptor, so we need to
//just dump a blank entry.
DWORD dwSize = 0; DWORD dwBuffer[2]; dwBuffer[0] = REP_EXPORT_NAMESPACE_SEC_TAG; dwBuffer[1] = dwSize;
if ((WriteFile(g_hFile, dwBuffer, 8, &dwSize, NULL) == 0) || (dwSize != 8)) { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "Failed to write namespace security, %S.\n", Fixup(pNsRep->m_poName))); throw FAILURE_WRITE; } }
void CRepExporter::DumpRootBlock(DBROOT *pRootBlock) { if (pRootBlock->m_dwFlags & DB_ROOT_INUSE) { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "Failed to write file header block.\n")); throw FAILURE_DIRTY; } char *pBuffer = REP_EXPORT_FILE_START_TAG; DWORD dwSizeBuffer = strlen(pBuffer); DWORD dwSize = 0;
if ((WriteFile(g_hFile, pBuffer, dwSizeBuffer, &dwSize, NULL) == 0) || (dwSize != dwSizeBuffer)) { throw(FAILURE_WRITE); } DumpNamespace(Fixup((NSREP*)pRootBlock->m_poRootNs));
DWORD dwBuffer[6]; dwBuffer[0] = REP_EXPORT_FILE_END_TAG; dwBuffer[1] = REP_EXPORT_END_TAG_SIZE; memset(&(dwBuffer[2]), REP_EXPORT_END_TAG_MARKER, REP_EXPORT_END_TAG_SIZE); if ((WriteFile(g_hFile, dwBuffer, 24, &dwSize, NULL) == 0) || (dwSize != 24)) { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "Failed to write file trailer block.\n")); throw FAILURE_WRITE; }
void CRepExporter::DumpMMFHeader() { MMF_ARENA_HEADER *pMMFHeader = m_pDbArena->GetMMFHeader(); DumpRootBlock(Fixup((DBROOT*)pMMFHeader->m_dwRootBlock));
int CRepExporter::Export(CMMFArena2 *pDbArena, const TCHAR *pszFilename) { DWORD dwVersion = NULL; HMODULE hModule = NULL; const char *pszDllName = NULL; int nRet = 0;
m_pDbArena = pDbArena;
if (g_hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { try { DumpMMFHeader(); CloseHandle(g_hFile); } catch (int dProblem) { switch(dProblem) { case FAILURE_DIRTY: DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "Repository is marked as corrupt, therefore cannot export it.\n")); break; case FAILURE_WRITE: DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "Failure writing to the export file. May be out of disk space, or may not have write access to this directory.\n")); break; default: DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "An unknown problem happened while traversing the repository.\n")); break; } CloseHandle(g_hFile); nRet = 1; } catch (...) { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "Traversal of repository file failed. It may be corrupt.\n")); CloseHandle(g_hFile); DeleteFile(pszFilename); nRet = 1; }
} else { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "Failed to create file %s to export the repository.\n", pszFilename)); nRet = 1; } return nRet; }