// Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
#include "precomp.h"
#ifdef EXT_DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
#include "util.h"
#include "shlwapi.h"
HRESULT Extract(IDataObject *_DO, wchar_t* fmt, wchar_t* data) { HGLOBAL hMem = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_SHARE,1024); wchar_t *pRet = NULL; HRESULT hr = 0;
if(hMem != NULL) { memset(hMem, 0, 1024); STGMEDIUM stgmedium = { TYMED_HGLOBAL, (HBITMAP) hMem};
CLIPFORMAT regFmt = (CLIPFORMAT)RegisterClipboardFormat(fmt);
if((hr = _DO->GetDataHere(&formatetc, &stgmedium)) == S_OK ) { wcscpy(data, (wchar_t*)hMem); }
GlobalFree(hMem); }
return hr; }
HRESULT Extract(IDataObject *_DO, wchar_t* fmt, bstr_t &data) { wchar_t temp[1024]; memset(temp, 0, 1024 * sizeof(wchar_t));
HRESULT hr = Extract(_DO, fmt, temp); data = temp; return hr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// FUNCTION: Int64ToString
// Converts the numeric value of a _int64 to a text string.
// The string may optionally be formatted to include decimal places
// and commas according to current user locale settings.
// n
// The 64-bit integer to format.
// szOutStr
// Address of the destination buffer.
// nSize
// Number of characters in the destination buffer.
// bFormat
// TRUE = Format per locale settings.
// FALSE = Leave number unformatted.
// pFmt
// Address of a number format structure of type NUMBERFMT.
// If NULL, the function automatically provides this information
// based on the user's default locale settings.
// dwNumFmtFlags
// Encoded flag word indicating which members of *pFmt to use in
// formatting the number. If a bit is clear, the user's default
// locale setting is used for the corresponding format value. These
// constants can be OR'd together.
INT WINAPI Int64ToString(_int64 n, LPTSTR szOutStr, UINT nSize, BOOL bFormat, NUMBERFMT *pFmt, DWORD dwNumFmtFlags) { INT nResultSize; TCHAR szBuffer[_MAX_PATH + 1] = {0}; NUMBERFMT NumFmt; TCHAR szDecimalSep[5] = {0}; TCHAR szThousandSep[5] = {0};
// Use only those fields in caller-provided NUMBERFMT structure
// that correspond to bits set in dwNumFmtFlags. If a bit is clear,
// get format value from locale info.
if (bFormat) { TCHAR szInfo[20] = {0};
if (NULL == pFmt) dwNumFmtFlags = 0; // Get all format data from locale info.
if (dwNumFmtFlags & NUMFMT_IDIGITS) { NumFmt.NumDigits = pFmt->NumDigits; } else { GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_IDIGITS, szInfo, ARRAYSIZE(szInfo)); _stscanf(szInfo, _T("%ld"), &(NumFmt.NumDigits));
// NumFmt.NumDigits = StrToLong(szInfo);
if (dwNumFmtFlags & NUMFMT_ILZERO) { NumFmt.LeadingZero = pFmt->LeadingZero; } else { GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_ILZERO, szInfo, ARRAYSIZE(szInfo)); _stscanf(szInfo, _T("%ld"), &(NumFmt.LeadingZero));
// NumFmt.LeadingZero = StrToLong(szInfo);
if (dwNumFmtFlags & NUMFMT_SGROUPING) { NumFmt.Grouping = pFmt->Grouping; } else { GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SGROUPING, szInfo, ARRAYSIZE(szInfo)); _stscanf(szInfo, _T("%ld"), &(NumFmt.Grouping));
// NumFmt.Grouping = StrToLong(szInfo);
if (dwNumFmtFlags & NUMFMT_SDECIMAL) { NumFmt.lpDecimalSep = pFmt->lpDecimalSep; } else { GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SDECIMAL, szDecimalSep, ARRAYSIZE(szDecimalSep)); NumFmt.lpDecimalSep = szDecimalSep; }
if (dwNumFmtFlags & NUMFMT_STHOUSAND) { NumFmt.lpThousandSep = pFmt->lpThousandSep; } else { GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_STHOUSAND, szThousandSep, ARRAYSIZE(szThousandSep)); NumFmt.lpThousandSep = szThousandSep; }
if (dwNumFmtFlags & NUMFMT_INEGNUMBER) { NumFmt.NegativeOrder = pFmt->NegativeOrder; } else { GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_INEGNUMBER, szInfo, ARRAYSIZE(szInfo));
_stscanf(szInfo, _T("%ld"), &(NumFmt.NegativeOrder)); // NumFmt.NegativeOrder = StrToLong(szInfo);
pFmt = &NumFmt; }
Int64ToStr( n, szBuffer);
// Format the number string for the locale if the caller wants a
// formatted number string.
if (bFormat) { if ( 0 != ( nResultSize = GetNumberFormat( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, // User's locale
0, // No flags
szBuffer, // Unformatted number string
pFmt, // Number format info
szOutStr, // Output buffer
nSize )) ) // Chars in output buffer.
{ // Remove nul terminator char from return size count.
--nResultSize; } else { //
// GetNumberFormat call failed, so just return the number string
// unformatted.
DWORD err = GetLastError(); lstrcpyn(szOutStr, szBuffer, nSize); nResultSize = lstrlen(szOutStr); } } else { // a-khint; give it back raw.
lstrcpyn(szOutStr, szBuffer, nSize); nResultSize = lstrlen(szOutStr); } return nResultSize; } //---------------------------------------------------------------
void Int64ToStr( _int64 n, LPTSTR lpBuffer) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_INT64_SIZE] = {0}; _int64 iChr;
iChr = 0;
do { szTemp[iChr++] = TEXT('0') + (TCHAR)(n % 10); n = n / 10; } while (n != 0);
do { iChr--; *lpBuffer++ = szTemp[iChr]; } while (iChr != 0);
*lpBuffer++ = '\0'; }
// takes a DWORD add commas etc to it and puts the result in the buffer
LPTSTR WINAPI AddCommas64(_int64 n, LPTSTR pszResult) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_COMMA_NUMBER_SIZE] = {0}; TCHAR szSep[5] = {0}; NUMBERFMT nfmt;
nfmt.NumDigits=0; nfmt.LeadingZero=0; GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SGROUPING, szSep, ARRAYSIZE(szSep)); _stscanf(szSep, _T("%d"), &(nfmt.Grouping)); // nfmt.Grouping = StrToInt(szSep);
GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_STHOUSAND, szSep, ARRAYSIZE(szSep)); nfmt.lpDecimalSep = nfmt.lpThousandSep = szSep; nfmt.NegativeOrder= 0;
Int64ToStr(n, szTemp);
if (GetNumberFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, szTemp, &nfmt, pszResult, ARRAYSIZE(szTemp)) == 0) lstrcpy(pszResult, szTemp);
return pszResult; }
// takes a DWORD add commas etc to it and puts the result in the buffer
LPTSTR WINAPI AddCommas(DWORD dw, LPTSTR pszResult) { return AddCommas64( dw, pszResult ); }
long StrToLong(LPTSTR x) { long val; _stscanf(x, _T("%ld"), &val);
return val; }
int StrToInt(LPTSTR x) { int val; _stscanf(x, _T("%d"), &val);
return val; }
// PathCompactPathEx
// Output:
// "."
// ".."
// "..."
// "...\"
// "...\."
// "...\.."
// "...\..."
// "...\Truncated filename..."
// "...\whole filename"
// "Truncated path\...\whole filename"
// "Whole path\whole filename"
// The '/' might be used instead of a '\' if the original string used it
// If there is no path, but only a file name that does not fit, the output is:
// "truncated filename..."
BOOL MyPathCompactPathEx(LPTSTR pszOut, LPCTSTR pszSrc, UINT cchMax, DWORD dwFlags) { if(pszSrc) { TCHAR * pszFileName, *pszWalk; UINT uiFNLen = 0; int cchToCopy = 0, n; TCHAR chSlash = TEXT('0');
ZeroMemory(pszOut, cchMax * sizeof(TCHAR));
if((UINT)lstrlen(pszSrc)+1 < cchMax) { lstrcpy(pszOut, pszSrc); ATLASSERT(pszOut[cchMax-1] == TEXT('\0')); return TRUE; }
// Determine what we use as a slash - a / or a \ (default \)
pszWalk = (TCHAR*)pszSrc; chSlash = TEXT('\\'); // Scan the entire string as we want the path separator closest to the end
// eg. "file://\\Themesrv\desktop\desktop.htm"
while(*pszWalk) { if((*pszWalk == TEXT('/')) || (*pszWalk == TEXT('\\'))) chSlash = *pszWalk;
pszWalk = FAST_CharNext(pszWalk); }
pszFileName = PathFindFileName(pszSrc); uiFNLen = lstrlen(pszFileName);
// if the whole string is a file name
if(pszFileName == pszSrc && cchMax > LEN_END_ELLIPSES) { lstrcpyn(pszOut, pszSrc, cchMax - LEN_END_ELLIPSES); #ifndef UNICODE
if(IsTrailByte(pszSrc, pszSrc+cchMax-LEN_END_ELLIPSES)) *(pszOut+cchMax-LEN_END_ELLIPSES-1) = TEXT('\0'); #endif
lstrcat(pszOut, TEXT("...")); ASSERT(pszOut[cchMax-1] == TEXT('\0')); return TRUE; }
// Handle all the cases where we just use ellipses ie '.' to '.../...'
if((cchMax < MIN_CCHMAX)) { for(n = 0; n < (int)cchMax-1; n++) { if((n+1) == LEN_MID_ELLIPSES) pszOut[n] = chSlash; else pszOut[n] = TEXT('.'); } ASSERT(0==cchMax || pszOut[cchMax-1] == TEXT('\0')); return TRUE; }
// Ok, how much of the path can we copy ? Buffer - (Lenght of MID_ELLIPSES + Len_Filename)
cchToCopy = cchMax - (LEN_MID_ELLIPSES + uiFNLen); if (cchToCopy < 0) cchToCopy = 0; #ifndef UNICODE
if (cchToCopy > 0 && IsTrailByte(pszSrc, pszSrc+cchToCopy)) cchToCopy--; #endif
lstrcpyn(pszOut, pszSrc, cchToCopy);
// Now throw in the ".../" or "...\"
lstrcat(pszOut, TEXT(".../")); pszOut[lstrlen(pszOut) - 1] = chSlash;
//Finally the filename and ellipses if necessary
if(cchMax > (LEN_MID_ELLIPSES + uiFNLen)) { lstrcat(pszOut, pszFileName); } else { cchToCopy = cchMax - LEN_MID_ELLIPSES - LEN_END_ELLIPSES; #ifndef UNICODE
if(cchToCopy >0 && IsTrailByte(pszFileName, pszFileName+cchToCopy)) cchToCopy--; #endif
lstrcpyn(pszOut + LEN_MID_ELLIPSES, pszFileName, cchToCopy); lstrcat(pszOut, TEXT("...")); } ASSERT(pszOut[cchMax-1] == TEXT('\0')); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } */