Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
CMergerThrottling clas
30-Nov-00 sanjes Created.
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma warning (disable : 4786)
#include <wbemcore.h>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <genutils.h>
#include <oahelp.inl>
#include <wqllex.h>
#include "wmimerger.h"
#include "mergerthrottling.h"
static long g_lNumMergers = 0L;
CMergerThrottling::CMergerThrottling( void ) : m_hParentThrottlingEvent( NULL ), m_hChildThrottlingEvent( NULL ), m_dwNumChildObjects( 0 ), m_dwNumParentObjects( 0 ), m_dwNumThrottledThreads( 0 ), m_bParentThrottled( false ), m_bChildThrottled( true ), m_bChildDone( false ), m_bParentDone( false ), m_dwThrottlingThreshold( 0 ), m_dwReleaseThreshold( 0 ), m_dwLastParentPing( 0 ), m_dwLastChildPing( 0 ), m_dwProviderDeliveryTimeout( 0xFFFFFFFF ), m_dwBatchingThreshold( 0 ), m_cs() { }
CMergerThrottling::~CMergerThrottling( void ) { _DBG_ASSERT( m_dwNumChildObjects == 0 && m_dwNumParentObjects == 0 );
if ( NULL != m_hParentThrottlingEvent ) { CloseHandle( m_hParentThrottlingEvent ); }
if ( NULL != m_hChildThrottlingEvent ) { CloseHandle( m_hChildThrottlingEvent ); }
// Two step initialization. This retrieves values from registry to configure the
// behavior of our throttling mechanisms
HRESULT CMergerThrottling::Initialize( void ) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR;
ConfigMgr::GetMergerThresholdValues( &m_dwThrottlingThreshold, &m_dwReleaseThreshold, &m_dwBatchingThreshold );
// Hold off on this until we work our way through
// m_dwProviderDeliveryTimeout = ConfigMgr::GetProviderDeliveryTimeout();
return hr; }
// Call this function to perform proper throttling based on our registry
// configured values.
HRESULT CMergerThrottling::Throttle( bool bParent, CWmiMergerRecord* pMergerRecord ) {
bool bContinue = true; bool bTimedOut = false; HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR;
while ( bContinue && SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { // Scoped for proper cleanup if anything bad happens
CCheckedInCritSec ics( &m_cs ); // SEC:REVIEWED 2002-03-22 : Assumes entry
DWORD dwAdjust = 0L; DWORD dwWait = 0L;
// If the timed out flag is set, we need to check if we are
// really timed out
if ( bTimedOut ) { bTimedOut = VerifyTimeout( pMergerRecord->GetWmiMerger()->GetLastDeliveryTime(), pMergerRecord->GetWmiMerger()->NumArbitratorThrottling(), &dwAdjust ); }
if ( bTimedOut ) { hr = WBEM_E_PROVIDER_TIMED_OUT; continue; }
HANDLE hEvent = ( bParent ? m_hParentThrottlingEvent : m_hChildThrottlingEvent );
bool bThrottle = ShouldThrottle( bParent );
// These should NEVER both be TRUE
_DBG_ASSERT( !( m_bParentThrottled && m_bChildThrottled ) );
if ( m_bParentThrottled && m_bChildThrottled ) { hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; continue; } if ( bThrottle ) { hr = PrepareThrottle( bParent, &hEvent ); if (FAILED(hr)) continue;
dwWait = m_dwProviderDeliveryTimeout - dwAdjust; }
// Since we will wait if we choose to throttle, we should do
// this OUTSIDE of our critical section
// Throttle only if appropriate
if ( !bThrottle ) { bContinue = false; continue; }
// If we are about to throttle a parent, then we need to ensure a
// child delivery request is scheduled
if ( bParent ) { hr = pMergerRecord->GetWmiMerger()->ScheduleMergerChildRequest( pMergerRecord ); if (FAILED(hr)) continue; }
InterlockedIncrement( (long*) &m_dwNumThrottledThreads );
DbgPrintfA(0,"Thread 0x%x throttled in merger %p for 0x%x ms.\nParent Objects: %d, Child Objects: %d, Num Throttled Threads: %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), pMergerRecord->GetWmiMerger(), dwWait, m_dwNumParentObjects, m_dwNumChildObjects, m_dwNumThrottledThreads ); #endif
DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "Thread 0x%x throttled in merger for 0x%x ms.\n" "Parent Objects: %d, Child Objects: %d, Num Throttled Threads: %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), dwWait, m_dwNumParentObjects, m_dwNumChildObjects, m_dwNumThrottledThreads));
DWORD dwRet = CCoreQueue::QueueWaitForSingleObject( hEvent, dwWait );
DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "Thread 0x%x woken up in merger.\n", GetCurrentThreadId() ) );
DbgPrintfA(0, L"Thread 0x%x woken up in merger %p.\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), pMergerRecord->GetWmiMerger()); #endif
InterlockedDecrement( (long*) &m_dwNumThrottledThreads );
// Check for error return codes.
if ( dwRet == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) break; if ( dwRet == WAIT_TIMEOUT ) { bTimedOut = true; } else { hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; } } // WHILE check for throttling
return hr; }
// Call this to release any actual throttled threads.
bool CMergerThrottling::ReleaseThrottle( bool bForce /* = false */ ) { bool bRelease = bForce;
// Scoped for proper cleanup if anything bad happens
CCheckedInCritSec ics( &m_cs ); // SEC:REVIEWED 2002-03-22 : Assumes entry
if ( !bForce && ( m_bParentThrottled || m_bChildThrottled ) ) { // These should NEVER both be TRUE
_DBG_ASSERT( !( m_bParentThrottled && m_bChildThrottled ) );
if ( !( m_bParentThrottled && m_bChildThrottled ) ) { if ( m_bParentThrottled ) { // We only release if we have exceeded the threshold.
if ( m_dwNumParentObjects > m_dwNumChildObjects ) { DWORD dwDiff = m_dwNumParentObjects - m_dwNumChildObjects; bRelease = ( dwDiff < m_dwReleaseThreshold ); } else { // Always release if we are not greater than number of
// child objects
bRelease = true; }
} else if ( m_bChildThrottled ) { // We only release if we have exceeded the threshold.
if ( m_dwNumChildObjects > m_dwNumParentObjects ) { DWORD dwDiff = m_dwNumChildObjects - m_dwNumParentObjects; bRelease = ( dwDiff < m_dwReleaseThreshold ); } else { // Always release if we are not greater than number of
// child objects
bRelease = true; }
} // Only if NOT both
else { // looks like both are throttled - we shouldn't be here, but go ahead and
// release anyway
bRelease = true; }
} // IF not bForce and something is throttled
if ( bRelease ) { m_bParentThrottled = false; m_bChildThrottled = false; // Should release everyone
if ( NULL != m_hParentThrottlingEvent ) { SetEvent( m_hParentThrottlingEvent ); }
// Should release everyone
if ( NULL != m_hChildThrottlingEvent ) { SetEvent( m_hChildThrottlingEvent ); }
} // IF bRelease
return bRelease; }
// Called to log the fact that children instances are done
void CMergerThrottling::SetChildrenDone( void ) { // Scoped for proper cleanup if anything bad happens
CCheckedInCritSec ics( &m_cs ); // SEC:REVIEWED 2002-03-22 : Assumes entry
// Child is done - we should release throttling as well
m_bChildDone = true; ReleaseThrottle( true ); }
// Called to log the fact that parent instances are done
void CMergerThrottling::SetParentDone( void ) { // Scoped for proper cleanup if anything bad happens
CCheckedInCritSec ics( &m_cs ); // SEC:REVIEWED 2002-03-22 : Assumes entry
// Parent is done - we should release throttling as well
m_bParentDone = true; ReleaseThrottle( true ); }
// Causes us to clear any throttling we are doing
void CMergerThrottling::Cancel( void ) { // Scoped for proper cleanup if anything bad happens
CCheckedInCritSec ics( &m_cs ); // SEC:REVIEWED 2002-03-22 : Assumes entry
// Everything is just over with - release the throttle as well
m_bChildDone = true; m_bParentDone = true;
// No point in tracking these anymore.
m_dwNumChildObjects = 0; m_dwNumParentObjects = 0;
ReleaseThrottle( true ); }
// Helper function to check if we should throttle
bool CMergerThrottling::ShouldThrottle( bool bParent ) { bool bThrottle = false;
if ( bParent ) { // If the child is done, no point in throttling
if ( !m_bChildDone ) {
// If for some reason parent objects are coming in on multiple threads,
// we *could* theoretically have to throttle multiple threads. If we're
// not already throttling, we should check if we need to.
if ( !m_bParentThrottled ) { // We only throttle if we have exceeded the threshold.
if ( m_dwNumParentObjects > m_dwNumChildObjects ) { DWORD dwDiff = m_dwNumParentObjects - m_dwNumChildObjects; bThrottle = ( dwDiff > m_dwThrottlingThreshold ); m_bParentThrottled = bThrottle; } } else { bThrottle = true;; }
} // IF !m_bChildDone
} else { // No point in continuing if the parent is done
if ( !m_bParentDone ) { // More likely that multiple child threads could be coming in (e.g. multiple
// classes inheriting from a base class).
if ( !m_bChildThrottled ) { // We only throttle if we have exceeded the threshold.
if ( m_dwNumChildObjects > m_dwNumParentObjects ) { DWORD dwDiff = m_dwNumChildObjects - m_dwNumParentObjects; bThrottle = ( dwDiff > m_dwThrottlingThreshold ); m_bChildThrottled = bThrottle; } } else { bThrottle = true; }
} // IF !m_bParentDone
return bThrottle; }
// Helper function to prepare us for throttling
HRESULT CMergerThrottling::PrepareThrottle( bool bParent, HANDLE* phEvent ) { HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR;
// Create the event if we have to, otherwise reset it
if ( NULL == *phEvent ) { // Creates in an unsignalled state
*phEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL ); // SEC:REVIEWED 2002-03-22 : OK
if ( NULL == *phEvent ) { hr = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } else if ( bParent ) { m_hParentThrottlingEvent = *phEvent; } else { m_hChildThrottlingEvent = *phEvent; }
} else { // Make sure the event is reset
BOOL fSuccess = ResetEvent( *phEvent );
// What to do here?
_DBG_ASSERT( fSuccess ); if ( !fSuccess ) { hr = WBEM_E_FAILED; } }
return hr; }
// Helper function to verify if we timed out. For example, we may have timed out on throttling
// but, actually be receiving (albeit slowly) objects from a child or parent. Since we are getting
// stuff, we aren't really timed out, but we should adjust our wait time based on the difference
// since the last ping.
bool CMergerThrottling::VerifyTimeout( DWORD dwLastTick, long lNumArbThrottledThreads, DWORD* pdwAdjust ) { // We only do this of no threads are throttled in the arbitrator - since we may actually
// just be slow. So if there are throttled threads, we just return that we are not timed
_DBG_ASSERT( lNumArbThrottledThreads >= 0 ); if ( lNumArbThrottledThreads > 0 ) { return false; }
DWORD dwCurrent = GetTickCount();
// We must deal with the fact that a rollover *can* occur
if ( dwCurrent >= dwLastTick ) { *pdwAdjust = dwCurrent - dwLastTick; } else { // Accounts for rollover - 0xFFFFFFFF minus the last tick, plus the current
// plus 1 will give us the number of elapsed ticks
*pdwAdjust = dwCurrent + ( 0xFFFFFFFF - dwLastTick ); }
// If the difference is greater
return ( *pdwAdjust > m_dwProviderDeliveryTimeout ); }
// Sets the proper ping variable and sends it to the main merger
DWORD CMergerThrottling::Ping( bool bParent, CWmiMerger* pWmiMerger ) { DWORD dwTick = GetTickCount();
if ( bParent ) { m_dwLastParentPing = dwTick; } else { m_dwLastChildPing = dwTick; }
// Sets the ping delivery
pWmiMerger->PingDelivery( dwTick );
return dwTick; }