Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implemntation of asynchronous request queue classes.
Classes implemented:
CAsyncReq and derivatives Asynchrnous requests to WINMGMT. CAsyncServiceQueue The queue of such requests.
raymcc 16-Jul-96 Created. levn 12-Sep-96 Implemented a few requests. Added LoadProviders
#include "precomp.h"
#include <wbemcore.h>
#include <svcq.h>
#include <oahelp.inl>
WCHAR CNamespaceReq::s_DumpBuffer[128];
CAsyncServiceQueue::CAsyncServiceQueue(_IWmiArbitrator * pArb) : m_bInit( FALSE ) { m_lRef = 1; m_bInit = SetThreadLimits(50, 60, 0); CCoreQueue::SetArbitrator(pArb); }
void CAsyncServiceQueue::IncThreadLimit() { InterlockedIncrement(&m_lMaxThreads); InterlockedIncrement(&m_lHiPriMaxThreads); }
void CAsyncServiceQueue::DecThreadLimit() { InterlockedDecrement(&m_lMaxThreads); InterlockedDecrement(&m_lHiPriMaxThreads); }
HRESULT CAsyncServiceQueue::InitializeThread() { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "STARTING a main queue thread %d for a total of %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), m_lNumThreads)); return CWbemQueue::InitializeThread(); }
void CAsyncServiceQueue::UninitializeThread() { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "STOPPING a main queue thread %d for a total of %d\n", GetCurrentThreadId(), m_lNumThreads)); CWbemQueue::UninitializeThread(); }
// See svcq.h for documentation.
CAsyncReq::CAsyncReq(IWbemObjectSink* pHandler, IWbemContext* pContext, bool bSeparatelyThreaded) : CWbemRequest(pContext, bSeparatelyThreaded) { if(pHandler) { if(m_pContext == NULL) { // Oop!
m_pHandler = NULL; m_fOk = false; return; } IWbemCausalityAccess* pCA = NULL; m_pContext->QueryInterface(IID_IWbemCausalityAccess, (void**)&pCA); // SEC:REVIEWED 2002-03-22 : Needs check, but highly reliable
REQUESTID id; pCA->GetRequestId(&id); pCA->Release();
m_pHandler = new CStdSink(pHandler); if (m_pHandler) { m_pHandler->AddRef(); } else { m_fOk = false; }
} else { m_pHandler = NULL; } }
// See svcq.h for documentation.
CAsyncReq::~CAsyncReq() { if(m_pHandler) m_pHandler->Release(); }
void CAsyncReq::TerminateRequest(HRESULT hRes) { if(m_pHandler) m_pHandler->SetStatus( 0, hRes, NULL, NULL); return; }
* ============================================================================= | | HRESULT CAsyncReq::SetTaskHandle ( _IWmiCoreHandle *phTask ) | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | Sets the task handle for the request. This is overrides the virtual | SetTaskHandle declared in CCoreExecReq. We need additional functionality, | specifically the ability to set the request sink. In order to do so, we first | need a valid request sink which we have at this level. | | * ============================================================================= */
HRESULT CAsyncReq::SetTaskHandle ( _IWmiCoreHandle *phTask ) { HRESULT hRes = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR ; if (phTask) { phTask->AddRef(); m_phTask = phTask; } if ( m_pHandler ) { ((CWmiTask*)m_phTask)->SetRequestSink(m_pHandler) ; } return hRes ; }
CWbemQueue* CAsyncReq::GetQueue() { return ConfigMgr::GetAsyncSvcQueue(); } //*****************************************************************************
// See svcq.h for documentation.
CNamespaceReq::CNamespaceReq(CWbemNamespace* pNamespace, IWbemObjectSink* pHandler, IWbemContext* pContext, bool bSeparatelyThreaded) : CAsyncReq(pHandler, pContext, bSeparatelyThreaded) { m_pNamespace = pNamespace; pNamespace->AddRef(); }
// See svcq.h for documentation.
CNamespaceReq::~CNamespaceReq() { m_pNamespace->Release(); }
// See svcq.h for documentation.
CAsyncReq_OpenNamespace::CAsyncReq_OpenNamespace(CWbemNamespace* pParentNs, LPWSTR wszNamespace, long lSecurityFlags, DWORD dwPermission, IWbemContext* pContext, CCallResult* pResult, bool bForClient) : CAsyncReq(NULL, pContext), m_wsNamespace(wszNamespace), m_lSecurityFlags(lSecurityFlags), m_dwPermission(dwPermission), m_pResult(pResult), m_pParentNs(pParentNs), m_bForClient(bForClient) { m_pResult->AddRef(); m_pParentNs->AddRef(); }
// See svcq.h for documentation.
CAsyncReq_OpenNamespace::~CAsyncReq_OpenNamespace() { m_pResult->Release(); m_pParentNs->Release(); }
// See svcq.h for documentation.
HRESULT CAsyncReq_OpenNamespace::Execute() { SCODE hres;
CWbemNamespace* pNewNs = CWbemNamespace::CreateInstance();
if (pNewNs == NULL) { m_pResult->SetStatus(WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY, NULL, NULL); return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
hres = pNewNs->Initialize(m_wsNamespace, m_pParentNs->GetUserName(), // SEC:REVIEWED 2002-03-22 : OK
m_lSecurityFlags, m_dwPermission, m_bForClient, bRepositoryOnly, m_pParentNs->GetClientMachine(), m_pParentNs->GetClientProcID(), FALSE, NULL);
if (FAILED(hres)) { m_pResult->SetStatus(hres, NULL, NULL); pNewNs->Release(); return hres; } if (hres = pNewNs->GetStatus()) { m_pResult->SetStatus(hres, NULL, NULL); pNewNs->Release(); return hres; }
// check for security if this isnt the local 9x case
if((m_lSecurityFlags & SecFlagWin9XLocal) == 0) { DWORD dwAccess = pNewNs->GetUserAccess(); if((dwAccess & WBEM_ENABLE) == 0) { pNewNs->Release(); m_pResult->SetStatus(WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED, NULL, NULL); return WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED; } pNewNs->SetPermissions(dwAccess); }
pNewNs->SetLocale(m_pParentNs->GetLocale()); m_pResult->SetResultServices(pNewNs); pNewNs->Release();
m_pResult->SetStatus(WBEM_S_NO_ERROR, NULL, NULL); return WBEM_NO_ERROR; }
HRESULT CAsyncReq_DeleteClassAsync::Execute() { HRESULT hRes; try { hRes = m_pNamespace->Exec_DeleteClass(m_wsClass, m_lFlags, m_pContext, m_pHandler); } catch (...) { ExceptionCounter c; hRes = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; m_pHandler->SetStatus( 0, hRes, NULL, NULL); } return hRes; }
HRESULT CAsyncReq_ExecQueryAsync::Execute() { HRESULT hRes; //
// the CQueryEngine::ExecQuery has a guard for calling SetStatus on the Sink
hRes = CQueryEngine::ExecQuery(m_pNamespace, m_wsQueryFormat, m_wsQuery, m_lFlags, m_pContext, m_pHandler); return hRes; }
HRESULT CAsyncReq_PutClassAsync::Execute() { HRESULT hRes; try { hRes = m_pNamespace->Exec_PutClass(m_pClass, m_lFlags, m_pContext,m_pHandler); } catch (...) { ExceptionCounter c; hRes = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; m_pHandler->SetStatus( 0, hRes, NULL, NULL); } return hRes; }
HRESULT CAsyncReq_DeleteInstanceAsync::Execute() { HRESULT hRes; try { hRes = m_pNamespace->Exec_DeleteInstance(m_wsPath, m_lFlags, m_pContext,m_pHandler); } catch (...) { ExceptionCounter c; hRes = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; m_pHandler->SetStatus( 0, hRes, NULL, NULL); } return hRes; }
HRESULT CAsyncReq_PutInstanceAsync::Execute() { HRESULT hRes;
try { hRes= m_pNamespace->Exec_PutInstance(m_pInstance, m_lFlags, m_pContext,m_pHandler); } catch (...) { ExceptionCounter c; hRes = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; m_pHandler->SetStatus( 0, hRes, NULL, NULL); } return hRes; }
HRESULT CAsyncReq_CreateClassEnumAsync::Execute() { HRESULT hRes; try { hRes = m_pNamespace->Exec_CreateClassEnum(m_wsParent, m_lFlags, m_pContext, m_pHandler); } catch (...) { ExceptionCounter c; hRes = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; m_pHandler->SetStatus( 0, hRes, NULL, NULL); } return hRes; }
HRESULT CAsyncReq_CreateInstanceEnumAsync::Execute() { HRESULT hRes;
try { hRes = m_pNamespace->Exec_CreateInstanceEnum(m_wsClass, m_lFlags,m_pContext, m_pHandler); } catch (...) { ExceptionCounter c; hRes = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; m_pHandler->SetStatus( 0, hRes, NULL, NULL); } return hRes; }
HRESULT CAsyncReq_GetObjectAsync::Execute() { HRESULT hRes; try { hRes = m_pNamespace->Exec_GetObject(m_wsObjectPath, m_lFlags,m_pContext, m_pHandler); } catch (...) { ExceptionCounter c; hRes = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; m_pHandler->SetStatus( 0, hRes, NULL, NULL); } return hRes; }
HRESULT CAsyncReq_ExecMethodAsync::Execute() { HRESULT hRes; try { hRes = m_pNamespace->Exec_ExecMethod(m_wsObjectPath, m_wsMethodName,m_lFlags, m_pInParams, m_pContext, m_pHandler); } catch (...) { ExceptionCounter c; hRes = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; m_pHandler->SetStatus( 0, hRes, NULL, NULL); } return hRes; }
CAsyncReq_ExecNotificationQueryAsync::CAsyncReq_ExecNotificationQueryAsync( CWbemNamespace* pNamespace, IWbemEventSubsystem_m4* pEss, BSTR QueryFormat, BSTR Query, long lFlags, IWbemObjectSink *pHandler, IWbemContext* pContext, HRESULT* phRes, HANDLE hEssDoneEvent ) : CNamespaceReq(pNamespace, pHandler, pContext, false),// no threadswitch!
m_wsQueryFormat(QueryFormat), m_wsQuery(Query), m_lFlags(lFlags), m_phRes(phRes), m_pEss(pEss), m_hEssDoneEvent(hEssDoneEvent) { if (m_pEss) m_pEss->AddRef(); }
CAsyncReq_ExecNotificationQueryAsync::~CAsyncReq_ExecNotificationQueryAsync() { if (m_pEss) m_pEss->Release(); }
HRESULT CAsyncReq_ExecNotificationQueryAsync::Execute() { _DBG_ASSERT(m_phTask); _DBG_ASSERT(m_hEssDoneEvent);
HRESULT hRes; CAutoSignal SetMe(m_hEssDoneEvent);
try { hRes = m_pEss->RegisterNotificationSink(m_pNamespace->GetNameFull(), m_wsQueryFormat, m_wsQuery, m_lFlags, m_pContext, m_pHandler);
*m_phRes = hRes; } catch(...) { ExceptionCounter c; hRes = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; m_pHandler->SetStatus( 0, hRes, NULL, NULL); }
return hRes; }
CAsyncReq_CancelAsyncCall::CAsyncReq_CancelAsyncCall( IWbemObjectSink* pSink, HRESULT* phres) : CAsyncReq(NULL, NULL), m_phres(phres), m_pSink(pSink) { if (m_pSink) m_pSink->AddRef(); }
CAsyncReq_CancelAsyncCall::~CAsyncReq_CancelAsyncCall() { if(m_pSink) m_pSink->Release(); }
HRESULT CAsyncReq_CancelAsyncCall::Execute() { HRESULT hres; try { hres = CWbemNamespace::Exec_CancelAsyncCall(m_pSink); if(m_phres) *m_phres = hres; } catch(...) { ExceptionCounter c; hres = WBEM_E_CRITICAL_ERROR; } return hres; }
CAsyncReq_CancelProvAsyncCall::CAsyncReq_CancelProvAsyncCall( IWbemServices* pProv, IWbemObjectSink* pSink, IWbemObjectSink* pStatusSink ) : CAsyncReq(NULL, NULL), m_pProv(pProv), m_pSink(pSink), m_pStatusSink( pStatusSink ) { if (m_pProv) m_pProv->AddRef(); if (m_pSink) m_pSink->AddRef(); if (m_pStatusSink) m_pStatusSink->AddRef(); SetForceRun(1); SetPriority(PriorityFreeMemRequests); }
CAsyncReq_CancelProvAsyncCall::~CAsyncReq_CancelProvAsyncCall() { if ( NULL != m_pProv ) m_pProv->Release();
if ( NULL != m_pSink ) m_pSink->Release();
if ( NULL != m_pStatusSink ) m_pStatusSink->Release(); }
HRESULT CAsyncReq_CancelProvAsyncCall::Execute() { HRESULT hres = CWbemNamespace::Exec_CancelProvAsyncCall( m_pProv, m_pSink );
if ( NULL != m_pStatusSink ) { m_pStatusSink->SetStatus( 0L, hres, NULL, NULL ); }
return hres; }
CAsyncReq_RemoveNotifySink::CAsyncReq_RemoveNotifySink( IWbemObjectSink* pSink, IWbemObjectSink* pStatusSink) : CAsyncReq(NULL, NULL), m_pSink(pSink),m_pStatusSink( pStatusSink ) { if (m_pSink) m_pSink->AddRef(); if (m_pStatusSink) m_pStatusSink->AddRef(); SetForceRun(1); SetPriority(PriorityFreeMemRequests); }
CAsyncReq_RemoveNotifySink::~CAsyncReq_RemoveNotifySink() { if(m_pSink) m_pSink->Release(); if (m_pStatusSink) m_pStatusSink->Release(); }
HRESULT CAsyncReq_RemoveNotifySink::Execute() { HRESULT hRes = WBEM_E_FAILED; IWbemEventSubsystem_m4* pEss = ConfigMgr::GetEssSink(); if (pEss) { if (m_pSink) hRes = pEss->RemoveNotificationSink(m_pSink); pEss->Release(); }
if (m_pStatusSink) m_pStatusSink->SetStatus( 0L, hRes, NULL, NULL );
return hRes; }
void CAsyncReq_OpenNamespace::DumpError() { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "CAsyncReq_OpenNamespace, Name= %S, in parent namespace %S\n", m_wsNamespace, m_pParentNs->GetName())); }
void CAsyncReq_DeleteClassAsync::DumpError() { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "CAsyncReq_DeleteClassAsync, class=%S in namespace %S using flags 0x%x\n", m_wsClass, m_pNamespace->GetName(), m_lFlags)); };
void CAsyncReq_ExecQueryAsync::DumpError() { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "CAsyncReq_ExecQueryAsync, Query= %S in namespace %S using flags 0x%x\n", m_wsQuery, m_pNamespace->GetName(), m_lFlags)); }
void CAsyncReq_PutClassAsync::DumpError() { CVar var; CWbemClass * pCls = (CWbemClass *)m_pClass; if(0 == pCls->GetProperty(L"__class", &var)) DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "CAsyncReq_PutClassAsync, class=%S in namespace %S using flags 0x%x\n", var.GetLPWSTR(), m_pNamespace->GetName(), m_lFlags)); }
void CAsyncReq_PutInstanceAsync::DumpError() { BSTR mof = 0; if(0 == m_pInstance->GetObjectText(0, &mof)) { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "CAsyncReq_PutInstanceAsync instance= %S in namespace %S using flags 0x%x\n", mof, m_pNamespace->GetName(), m_lFlags)); SysFreeString(mof); } }
void CAsyncReq_CreateClassEnumAsync::DumpError() { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "CAsyncReq_CreateClassEnumAsync, Parent= %S in namespace %S using flags 0x%x\n", m_wsParent, m_pNamespace->GetName(), m_lFlags)); }
void CAsyncReq_CreateInstanceEnumAsync::DumpError() { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "CAsyncReq_CreateInstanceEnumAsync, Class= %S in namespace %S using flags 0x%x\n", m_wsClass, m_pNamespace->GetName(), m_lFlags)); }
void CAsyncReq_GetObjectAsync::DumpError() { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "CAsyncReq_GetObjectAsync, Path= %S in namespace %S using flags 0x%x\n", m_wsObjectPath, m_pNamespace->GetName(), m_lFlags)); }
void CAsyncReq_ExecMethodAsync::DumpError() { BSTR bstrArgs = NULL; if(m_pInParams) m_pInParams->GetObjectText(0, &bstrArgs);
DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "CAsyncReq_ExecMethodAsync, Path= %S, Method=%S, args=%S in namespace %S using flags 0x%x\n", m_wsObjectPath, m_wsMethodName, (bstrArgs) ? bstrArgs : L"<no args>", m_pNamespace->GetName(), m_lFlags)); if(bstrArgs) SysFreeString(bstrArgs); }
void CAsyncReq_ExecNotificationQueryAsync::DumpError() { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "CAsyncReq_ExecNotificationQueryAsync, Query= %S in namespace %S using flags 0x%x\n", m_wsQuery, m_pNamespace->GetName(), m_lFlags)); }
void CAsyncReq_DeleteInstanceAsync::DumpError() { DEBUGTRACE((LOG_WBEMCORE, "CAsyncReq_DeleteInstanceAsync, path=%S in namespace %S using flags 0x%x\n", m_wsPath, m_pNamespace->GetName(), m_lFlags)); };
CAsyncReq_DynAux_GetInstances::CAsyncReq_DynAux_GetInstances(CWbemNamespace *pNamespace, CWbemObject *pClassDef, long lFlags, IWbemContext *pCtx, CBasicObjectSink *pSink): CNamespaceReq (pNamespace,pSink,pCtx,true), m_pClassDef(pClassDef), m_pCtx(pCtx), m_pSink(pSink), m_lFlags(lFlags) { if (m_pClassDef) m_pClassDef->AddRef(); if (m_pCtx) m_pCtx->AddRef(); if (m_pSink) m_pSink->AddRef(); }
CAsyncReq_DynAux_GetInstances::~CAsyncReq_DynAux_GetInstances() { if (m_pClassDef) m_pClassDef->Release(); if (m_pCtx) m_pCtx->Release(); if (m_pSink) m_pSink->Release(); }
HRESULT CAsyncReq_DynAux_GetInstances :: Execute () { HRESULT hRes = m_pNamespace->Exec_DynAux_GetInstances (
m_pClassDef , m_lFlags , m_pContext , m_pSink ) ;
return hRes; }
void CAsyncReq_DynAux_GetInstances ::DumpError() { // none
CAsyncReq_DynAux_ExecQueryAsync::CAsyncReq_DynAux_ExecQueryAsync(CWbemNamespace *pNamespace , CWbemObject *pClassDef , LPWSTR Query, LPWSTR QueryFormat, long lFlags , IWbemContext *pCtx , CBasicObjectSink *pSink): CNamespaceReq(pNamespace,pSink, pCtx, true), m_pClassDef(pClassDef), m_pCtx(pCtx), m_pSink(pSink), m_lFlags(lFlags), m_Query(NULL), m_QueryFormat(NULL), m_Result (S_OK) { if (m_pClassDef) m_pClassDef->AddRef () ; if (m_pCtx) m_pCtx->AddRef () ; if (m_pSink) m_pSink->AddRef () ;
if (Query) { m_Query = SysAllocString ( Query ) ; if ( m_Query == NULL ) { m_Result = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY ; } }
if (QueryFormat) { m_QueryFormat = SysAllocString ( QueryFormat ) ; if ( m_QueryFormat == NULL ) { m_Result = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY ; } } }
CAsyncReq_DynAux_ExecQueryAsync :: ~CAsyncReq_DynAux_ExecQueryAsync () { if (m_pClassDef) m_pClassDef->Release(); if (m_pCtx) m_pCtx->Release(); if (m_pSink) m_pSink->Release();
SysFreeString(m_Query); SysFreeString(m_QueryFormat); }
HRESULT CAsyncReq_DynAux_ExecQueryAsync :: Execute () { HRESULT hRes = m_pNamespace->Exec_DynAux_ExecQueryAsync (
m_pClassDef , m_Query, m_QueryFormat, m_lFlags , m_pContext , m_pSink ) ;
return hRes; }
void CAsyncReq_DynAux_ExecQueryAsync ::DumpError() { // none