// Copyright (C) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
#include "precomp.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "pragmas.h"
#include <permbind.h>
#include <permfilt.h>
long CPermanentBinding::mstatic_lConsumerHandle = 0; long CPermanentBinding::mstatic_lFilterHandle = 0; long CPermanentBinding::mstatic_lQosHandle = 0; long CPermanentBinding::mstatic_lSynchronicityHandle = 0; long CPermanentBinding::mstatic_lSlowDownHandle = 0; long CPermanentBinding::mstatic_lSecureHandle = 0; long CPermanentBinding::mstatic_lSidHandle = 0; bool CPermanentBinding::mstatic_bHandlesInitialized = false;
// static
HRESULT CPermanentBinding::InitializeHandles( _IWmiObject* pBindingObj) { if(mstatic_bHandlesInitialized) return S_FALSE;
CIMTYPE ct; pBindingObj->GetPropertyHandle(CONSUMER_ROLE_NAME, &ct, &mstatic_lConsumerHandle); pBindingObj->GetPropertyHandle(FILTER_ROLE_NAME, &ct, &mstatic_lFilterHandle); pBindingObj->GetPropertyHandle(BINDING_SYNCHRONICITY_PROPNAME, &ct, &mstatic_lSynchronicityHandle); pBindingObj->GetPropertyHandle(BINDING_QOS_PROPNAME, &ct, &mstatic_lQosHandle); pBindingObj->GetPropertyHandle(BINDING_SECURE_PROPNAME, &ct, &mstatic_lSecureHandle); pBindingObj->GetPropertyHandle(BINDING_SLOWDOWN_PROPNAME, &ct, &mstatic_lSlowDownHandle); pBindingObj->GetPropertyHandleEx(OWNER_SID_PROPNAME, 0, &ct, &mstatic_lSidHandle);
mstatic_bHandlesInitialized = true; return S_OK; }
HRESULT CPermanentBinding::Initialize( IWbemClassObject* pObj ) { HRESULT hres;
CWbemPtr<_IWmiObject> pBindingObj;
hres = pObj->QueryInterface(IID__IWmiObject, (void**)&pBindingObj ); if (FAILED(hres)) return hres; hres = InitializeHandles(pBindingObj); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres;
long lSize;
// Read the Qos property.
hres = pBindingObj->ReadPropertyValue( mstatic_lQosHandle, sizeof(DWORD), &lSize, (BYTE*)&m_dwQoS ); if(FAILED(hres)) return hres; if ( hres != WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) { m_dwQoS = WMIMSG_FLAG_QOS_EXPRESS; // default.
if ( m_dwQoS > WMIMSG_FLAG_QOS_XACT ) { ERRORTRACE((LOG_ESS, "Invalid QoS of %d is used in a binding. " "Setting to default.\n", m_dwQoS));
m_dwQoS = WMIMSG_FLAG_QOS_EXPRESS; } else if ( m_dwQoS == WMIMSG_FLAG_QOS_XACT ) { ERRORTRACE((LOG_ESS, "XACT QoS is not a supported qos for binding. " "Downgrading to Guaranteed Delivery.\n"));
if ( m_dwQoS > WMIMSG_FLAG_QOS_EXPRESS ) { ERRORTRACE((LOG_ESS, "Invalid QoS of %d is used in a binding.", m_dwQoS)); return WBEM_E_INVALID_OBJECT; } #endif
// Read the synchronousness property - for backwards compatibility
// Always overrides any Qos setting.
VARIANT_BOOL bTemp; hres = pBindingObj->ReadPropertyValue(mstatic_lSynchronicityHandle, sizeof(VARIANT_BOOL), &lSize, (BYTE*)&bTemp);
if(FAILED(hres)) return hres; if( hres == WBEM_S_NO_ERROR && bTemp == VARIANT_TRUE ) { m_dwQoS = WMIMSG_FLAG_QOS_SYNCHRONOUS; }
// Read security property
// ======================
hres = pBindingObj->ReadPropertyValue(mstatic_lSecureHandle, sizeof(VARIANT_BOOL), &lSize, (BYTE*)&bTemp);
if(FAILED(hres)) return hres;
if(hres != WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) m_bSecure = FALSE; else m_bSecure = (bTemp != 0);
// Read "slow down" property
// =========================
hres = pBindingObj->ReadPropertyValue(mstatic_lSlowDownHandle, sizeof(VARIANT_BOOL), &lSize, (BYTE*)&bTemp);
if(FAILED(hres)) return hres;
if(hres != WBEM_S_NO_ERROR) m_bSlowDown = FALSE; else m_bSlowDown = (bTemp != 0);
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
HRESULT CPermanentBinding::ComputeKeysFromObject( IWbemClassObject* pObj, BSTR* pstrConsumer, BSTR* pstrFilter ) { HRESULT hres; CWbemPtr<_IWmiObject> pBindingObj;
hres = pObj->QueryInterface(IID__IWmiObject, (void**)&pBindingObj ); if ( hres != S_OK) { return NULL; } InitializeHandles(pBindingObj);
// Read filter path
// ================
ULONG ulFlags; CCompressedString* pcsFilter;
hres = pBindingObj->GetPropAddrByHandle( mstatic_lFilterHandle, WMIOBJECT_FLAG_ENCODING_V1, &ulFlags, (void**)&pcsFilter ); if( hres != S_OK ) { return WBEM_E_INVALID_OBJECT; }
BSTR strFilterPath = pcsFilter->CreateBSTRCopy(); if(strFilterPath == NULL) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; CSysFreeMe sfm1(strFilterPath);
// Construct its key
// =================
BSTR strFilter = CPermanentFilter::ComputeKeyFromPath(strFilterPath); if(strFilter == NULL) return WBEM_E_INVALID_OBJECT_PATH;
// Read consumer path
// ==================
CCompressedString* pcsConsumer;
hres = pBindingObj->GetPropAddrByHandle( mstatic_lConsumerHandle, WMIOBJECT_FLAG_ENCODING_V1, &ulFlags, (void**)&pcsConsumer ); if( hres != S_OK ) { SysFreeString(strFilter); return WBEM_E_INVALID_OBJECT; }
*pstrConsumer = pcsConsumer->CreateBSTRCopy();
if(*pstrConsumer == NULL) { SysFreeString(strFilter); return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; }
*pstrFilter = strFilter;
return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
INTERNAL DELETE_ME PSID CPermanentBinding::GetSidFromObject(IWbemClassObject* pObj) { HRESULT hres;
CWbemPtr<_IWmiObject> pBindingObj;
hres = pObj->QueryInterface(IID__IWmiObject, (void**)&pBindingObj ); if ( hres != S_OK) { return NULL; }
PSID pAddr; ULONG ulNumElements;
hres = pBindingObj->GetArrayPropAddrByHandle( mstatic_lSidHandle, 0, &ulNumElements, &pAddr ); if ( hres != S_OK ) { return NULL; }
// we copy the SID here because the SID that is returned might be
// unaligned. To avoid having the caller deal with these issues, we
// just copy the sid into a buffer that is guaranteed to be aligned.
PBYTE pSid = new BYTE[ulNumElements]; if ( pSid != NULL ) { memcpy( pSid, pAddr, ulNumElements ); }
return pSid; }