Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implementation for the preprocessor.
a-davj 6-april-99 Created.
#include "precomp.h"
#include <arrtempl.h>
#include "trace.h"
#include "moflex.h"
#include "preproc.h"
#include <wbemcli.h>
#include <io.h>
#include "bmof.h"
#include "strings.h"
// WriteLineAndFilePragma
// Write the line into the temp file which indicates what file and line number
// is to follow.
#define MAX_PRAGMA_BUFF (2*MAX_PATH + 23)
void WriteLineAndFilePragma(FILE * pFile, const TCHAR * pFileName, int iLine) { WCHAR wTemp[MAX_PRAGMA_BUFF]; WCHAR * pTo; const WCHAR * pFr; StringCchPrintfW (wTemp, MAX_PRAGMA_BUFF, L"#line %d \"", iLine); int iLen = wcslen(wTemp); for(pFr = pFileName, pTo = wTemp+iLen; *pFr && iLen < MAX_PRAGMA_BUFF-5; pFr++, pTo++, iLen++) { *pTo = *pFr; if(*pFr == L'\\') { pTo++; *pTo = L'\\'; iLen++; } } *pTo = 0; StringCchCatW(wTemp, MAX_PRAGMA_BUFF, L"\"\r\n"); WriteLine(pFile, wTemp); }
// WriteLine(FILE * pFile, WCHAR * pLine)
// Writes a single line out to the temporary file.
void WriteLine(FILE * pFile, WCHAR * pLine) { fwrite(pLine, 2, wcslen(pLine), pFile); }
// IsBMOFBuffer
// Used to check if a buffer is the start of a binary mof.
bool IsBMOFBuffer(byte * pTest, DWORD & dwCompressedSize, DWORD & dwExpandedSize) { DWORD dwSig = BMOF_SIG; if(0 == memcmp(pTest, &dwSig, sizeof(DWORD))) { // ignore the compression type, and the Compressed Size
pTest += 2*sizeof(DWORD); memcpy(&dwCompressedSize, pTest, sizeof(DWORD)); pTest += sizeof(DWORD); memcpy(&dwExpandedSize, pTest, sizeof(DWORD)); return true; } return false; }
// IsBinaryFile
// returns true if the file contains a binary mof.
bool IsBinaryFile(BYTE * pData,DWORD dwSize) {
if(dwSize < TEST_SIZE) { // if we cant read even the header, it must not be a BMOF
return false; }
DWORD dwCompressedSize, dwExpandedSize; // Test if the mof is binary
if(!IsBMOFBuffer(pData, dwCompressedSize, dwExpandedSize)) { // not a binary mof. This is the typical case
return false; } return true; } #else
bool IsBinaryFile(FILE * fp) {
// read the first 20 bytes
BYTE Test[TEST_SIZE]; int iRet = fread(Test, 1, TEST_SIZE, fp); if( fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET) ) return false;
if(iRet != TEST_SIZE) { // if we cant read even the header, it must not be a BMOF
return false; }
DWORD dwCompressedSize, dwExpandedSize;
// Test if the mof is binary
if(!IsBMOFBuffer(Test, dwCompressedSize, dwExpandedSize)) { // not a binary mof. This is the typical case
return false; } return true; } #endif
// CheckForUnicodeEndian
// Examines the first couple of bytes in a file and determines if the file
// is in unicode and if so, if it is big endian. It is assumed that the
// file is pointing to the start and if the file is unicode, the pointer
// is left at the first actual data byte.
void CheckForUnicodeEndian(BYTE * &pData, bool * punicode, bool * pbigendian) {
// Check for UNICODE source file.
// ==============================
BYTE * UnicodeSignature = pData;
if (UnicodeSignature[0] == 0xFF && UnicodeSignature[1] == 0xFE) { *punicode = TRUE; *pbigendian = FALSE; pData+=2; } else if (UnicodeSignature[0] == 0xFE && UnicodeSignature[1] == 0xFF) { *punicode = TRUE; *pbigendian = TRUE; pData+=2; } else // ANSI/DBCS. Move back to start of file.
{ *punicode = false; }
} #else
void CheckForUnicodeEndian(FILE * fp, bool * punicode, bool * pbigendian) {
// Check for UNICODE source file.
// ==============================
BYTE UnicodeSignature[2]; if (fread(UnicodeSignature, sizeof(BYTE), 2, fp) != 2) { *punicode = false; fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); return ; }
if (UnicodeSignature[0] == 0xFF && UnicodeSignature[1] == 0xFE) { *punicode = TRUE; *pbigendian = FALSE; } else if (UnicodeSignature[0] == 0xFE && UnicodeSignature[1] == 0xFF) { *punicode = TRUE; *pbigendian = TRUE; } else // ANSI/DBCS. Move back to start of file.
{ *punicode = false; fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); }
// GetNextChar
// Gets the next WCHAR from the file.
WCHAR GetNextChar(BYTE * & pData, BYTE * pEnd, bool unicode, bool bigendian) {
if(unicode) // unicode file
{ if ( (ULONG_PTR)pData >= (ULONG_PTR)pEnd) return 0;
WCHAR wc = *(WCHAR *)pData; pData+=sizeof(WCHAR); if(bigendian) { wc = ((wc & 0xff) << 8) | ((wc & 0xff00) >> 8); } return wc; } else // single character file
{ if ( (ULONG_PTR)pData >= (ULONG_PTR)pEnd) return 0; char temp = (char)*pData; pData++; if(temp == 0x1a) return 0; // EOF for ascii files!
WCHAR wRet[2]; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,0,&temp,1,wRet,2); return wRet[0]; } return 0; } #else
WCHAR GetNextChar(FILE * fp, bool unicode, bool bigendian) { WCHAR wRet[2]; if(unicode) // unicode file
{ if (fread(wRet, sizeof(wchar_t), 1, fp) == 0) return 0; if(bigendian) { wRet[0] = ((wRet[0] & 0xff) << 8) | ((wRet[0] & 0xff00) >> 8); } } else // single character file
{ char temp; if (fread(&temp, sizeof(char), 1, fp) == 0) return 0; if(temp == 0x1a) return 0; // EOF for ascii files!
StringCchPrintfW (wRet, 2, L"%C", temp); } return wRet[0]; }
// IsInclude
// Looks at a line and determines if it is a #include line. This is
// probably temporary since later we might have a preprocessor parser should
// we start to add a lot of preprocessor features.
HRESULT IsInclude(WCHAR * pLine, TCHAR * cFileNameBuff, bool & bReturn) {
bReturn = false; // Do a quick check to see if this could be a #include or #pragma include
int iNumNonBlank = 0; WCHAR * pTemp; for(pTemp = pLine; *pTemp; pTemp++) { if(*pTemp != L' ') { iNumNonBlank++; if(iNumNonBlank == 1 && *pTemp != L'#') return false; if(iNumNonBlank == 2 && towupper(*pTemp) != L'I' && towupper(*pTemp) != L'P') return S_OK; // we have established that the first two non blank characters are #I
// or #p, therefore we continue on...
if(iNumNonBlank > 1) break; } }
// Create a version of the line with no blanks in front of the first quote
WCHAR *wTemp = new WCHAR[wcslen(pLine) + 1]; if(wTemp == NULL) return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; CDeleteMe<WCHAR> dm(wTemp); WCHAR *pTo; BOOL bFoundQuote = FALSE; for(pTo = wTemp, pTemp = pLine; *pTemp; pTemp++) { if(*pTemp == L'"') bFoundQuote = TRUE; if(*pTemp != L' ' || bFoundQuote) { *pTo = *pTemp; pTo++; } } *pTo = 0;
// Verify that the line starts with #include(" or #pragma include
WCHAR * pTest; if(wbem_wcsnicmp(wTemp, L"#pragma", 7) == 0) pTest = wTemp+7; else pTest = wTemp+1;
if(wbem_wcsnicmp(pTest, L"include(\"", 9) || wcslen(pTest) < 12) return S_OK;
// Count back from the end to find the previous "
WCHAR *Last; for(Last = pTo-1; *Last && Last > wTemp+9 && *Last != L'"'; Last--);
if(*Last != L'"') return S_OK;
*Last = 0;
CopyOrConvert(cFileNameBuff, pTest+9, MAX_PATH); bReturn = true; return S_OK; }
#if defined(_AMD64_)
// ReadLineFast
// Reads a single line from a file.
// The ReadLine() function (below) is painfully slow. For each character
// in a line, the following routines are performed:
// fread()
// swprintf()
// Neither of which are fast. Then, when the length of the line is
// determined, each character in the line is processed *again*. The files
// being processed are not small, either... greater than a megabyte is
// not uncommon.
// This routine is an attempt to speed things up. Right now this is done
// for AMD64 because we're running on a simulator, however someone should
// consider enabling this routine for all platforms.
// NULL if end of file, or error, other wise this is a pointer to a WCHAR
// string which MUST BE FREED BY THE CALLER.
WCHAR * ReadLineFast(FILE * pFile, bool unicode, bool bigendian) { #define TMP_BUF_CHARS 256
CHAR asciiBuffer[TMP_BUF_CHARS]; WCHAR unicodeBuffer[TMP_BUF_CHARS]; PWCHAR returnBuffer; int unicodeChars; int currentFilePosition;
// This routine does not handle the bigendian case.
if (bigendian != FALSE) { return NULL; }
// Remember the current file position. If an error is encountered,
// the file position must be restored for the slower ReadLine()
// routine.
currentFilePosition = ftell(pFile);
if (unicode == FALSE) {
// Read the next line into asciiBuffer, and convert it to
// unicodeBuffer. If any problems (buffer overrun, etc.) are
// encountered, fail the call.
asciiBuffer[TMP_BUF_CHARS-1] = '\0'; if (NULL == fgets(asciiBuffer,TMP_BUF_CHARS,pFile)) { goto exitError; }
if (asciiBuffer[TMP_BUF_CHARS-1] != '\0') { goto exitError; }
if (FAILED(StringCchPrintfW (unicodeBuffer, TMP_BUF_CHARS, L"%S", asciiBuffer))) goto exitError;
unicodeChars = wcslen(unicodeBuffer);
} else {
// Read the next line into unicodeBuffer. If any problems (buffer
// overrun, etc.) are encountered, fail the call.
unicodeBuffer[TMP_BUF_CHARS-1] = L'\0'; if (NULL == fgetws(unicodeBuffer,TMP_BUF_CHARS,pFile)) { goto exitError; }
if (unicodeBuffer[TMP_BUF_CHARS-1] != L'\0') { goto exitError; }
unicodeChars = wcslen(unicodeBuffer); }
// Allocate the buffer to return to the caller, copy the unicode
// string into it, and return to the caller.
returnBuffer = new WCHAR[unicodeChars + 1]; if (returnBuffer == NULL) { goto exitError; }
RtlCopyMemory(returnBuffer,unicodeBuffer,unicodeChars * sizeof(WCHAR)); returnBuffer[unicodeChars] = L'\0';
return returnBuffer;
exitError: fseek(pFile, currentFilePosition, SEEK_SET); return NULL; }
#endif // _AMD64_
WCHAR * FindWCharOrEnd(WCHAR * pStart, WCHAR * pEnd,WCHAR wc) { while ((ULONG_PTR)pStart < (ULONG_PTR)pEnd) { if (wc == *pStart) break; pStart++; } return pStart; }
BYTE * FindCharOrEnd(BYTE * pStart, BYTE * pEnd,BYTE c) { while ((ULONG_PTR)pStart < (ULONG_PTR)pEnd) { if (c == *pStart) break; pStart++; } return pStart; }
// ReadLine
// Reads a single line from a file.
// NULL if end of file, or error, other wise this is a pointer to a WCHAR
// string which MUST BE FREED BY THE CALLER.
WCHAR * ReadLine(BYTE * & pData,BYTE * pEnd, bool unicode, bool bigendian) { if (unicode) { if ((ULONG_PTR)pData >= (ULONG_PTR)pEnd) return NULL; WCHAR * pFound = FindWCharOrEnd((WCHAR *)pData,(WCHAR *)pEnd,L'\n'); ULONG_PTR iNumChar = (ULONG_PTR)pFound-(ULONG_PTR)pData; WCHAR * pRet = new WCHAR[2 + (iNumChar/sizeof(WCHAR))]; if (NULL == pRet) return NULL; memcpy(pRet,pData,iNumChar); pRet[iNumChar/sizeof(WCHAR)] = L'\n'; pRet[iNumChar/sizeof(WCHAR)+1] = 0; pData = (BYTE *)(pFound + 1); return pRet; } else { if ((ULONG_PTR)pData >= (ULONG_PTR)pEnd) return NULL; BYTE * pFound = FindCharOrEnd(pData,pEnd,'\n'); ULONG_PTR iNumChar = (ULONG_PTR)pFound-(ULONG_PTR)pData; WCHAR * pRet = new WCHAR[2 + (iNumChar)]; if (NULL == pRet) return NULL;
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,0,(LPCSTR)pData,iNumChar,pRet,iNumChar); pRet[iNumChar] = L'\n'; pRet[iNumChar + 1] = 0;
pData = pFound + 1; return pRet; } }
HRESULT WriteFileToTemp(const TCHAR * pFileName, FILE * pTempFile, CFlexArray & sofar, PDBG pDbg,CMofLexer* pLex) {
SCODE sc = S_OK; int iSoFarPos = -1;
// Make sure the file isnt on the list already. If it is, then fail since we would
// be in a loop. If it isnt, add it to the list.
for(int iCnt = 0; iCnt < sofar.Size(); iCnt++) { TCHAR * pTemp = (TCHAR * )sofar.GetAt(iCnt); if(lstrcmpi(pTemp, pFileName) == 0) { Trace(true, pDbg, ERROR_RECURSIVE_INCLUDE, pFileName); return WBEM_E_FAILED; } }
DWORD dwLen = lstrlen(pFileName) + 1; TCHAR * pNew = new TCHAR[dwLen]; if(pNew) { StringCchCopyW(pNew, dwLen, pFileName); sofar.Add((void *)pNew); iSoFarPos = sofar.Size()-1; } else return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; // Write the file and line number out
WriteLineAndFilePragma(pTempFile, pFileName, 1);
DWORD dwSize = GetFileSize(hSrcFile,NULL); HANDLE hFileMapSrc = CreateFileMapping(hSrcFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0,0, // the entire file
NULL); if (NULL == hFileMapSrc) return HR_LASTERR; OnDelete<HANDLE,BOOL(*)(HANDLE),CloseHandle> cmMapSrc(hFileMapSrc);
VOID * pData = MapViewOfFile(hFileMapSrc,FILE_MAP_READ,0,0,0); if (NULL == pData) return HR_LASTERR; OnDelete<PVOID,BOOL(*)(LPCVOID),UnmapViewOfFile> UnMap(pData); // Make sure the file isnt binary
if(IsBinaryFile((BYTE *)pData,dwSize)) { Trace(true, pDbg, ERROR_INCLUDING_ABSENT, pFileName); return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
// Determine if the file is unicode and bigendian
BYTE * pMovedData = (BYTE *)pData; BYTE * pEnd = pMovedData + dwSize; bool unicode, bigendian; CheckForUnicodeEndian(pMovedData, &unicode, &bigendian);
// Go through each line of the file, if it is another include, then recursively call this guy.
WCHAR * pLine = NULL; for(int iLine = 1; pLine = ReadLine(pMovedData,pEnd, unicode, bigendian);) { CDeleteMe<WCHAR> dm(pLine); TCHAR cFileName[MAX_PATH+1]; bool bInclude; HRESULT hr = IsInclude(pLine, cFileName, bInclude); if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; if(bInclude) { TCHAR szExpandedFilename[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD nRes = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(cFileName, szExpandedFilename, FILENAME_MAX); if (nRes == 0) { //That failed!
StringCchCopyW(szExpandedFilename, MAX_PATH+1, cFileName); }
if (_waccess(szExpandedFilename,0)) { // Included file not found, look in same directory as parent MOF file
TCHAR cSrcPath[_MAX_PATH+1] = L""; TCHAR cSrcDrive[_MAX_DRIVE] = L""; TCHAR cSrcDir[_MAX_DIR] = L""; // Get drive and directory information of parent MOF file
if (_wfullpath( cSrcPath, pFileName, _MAX_PATH ) != NULL) { _wsplitpath(cSrcPath, cSrcDrive, cSrcDir, NULL, NULL); } // Copy original included MOF file information to cSrcPath
StringCchCopyW(cSrcPath, _MAX_PATH+1, szExpandedFilename); // Build up new full path of included MOF using the
// path of the parent MOF.
// Note: Intentionally did not use _makepath here.
StringCchCopyW(szExpandedFilename, MAX_PATH+1, L""); // flush string
StringCchCatW(szExpandedFilename, MAX_PATH+1, cSrcDrive); // add drive info
StringCchCatW(szExpandedFilename, MAX_PATH+1, cSrcDir); // add directory info
StringCchCatW(szExpandedFilename, MAX_PATH+1, cSrcPath); // add original specified path and filename
if (_waccess(szExpandedFilename,0)) { // still dont have the file. Must be invalid include. Set the name back and report the error
DWORD nRes = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(cFileName, szExpandedFilename, FILENAME_MAX); if (nRes == 0) { //That failed!
StringCchCopyW(szExpandedFilename, MAX_PATH+1, cFileName); } Trace(true, pDbg, ERROR_INCLUDING_ABSENT, szExpandedFilename); pLex->SetError(CMofLexer::invalid_include_file); return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
sc = WriteFileToTemp(szExpandedFilename, pTempFile, sofar, pDbg, pLex); WriteLineAndFilePragma(pTempFile, pFileName, 1); if(sc != S_OK) break; } else { iLine++; WriteLine(pTempFile, pLine); } }
// remove the entry so that the file can be included more than once at the same level
if(iSoFarPos != -1) { TCHAR * pTemp = (TCHAR * )sofar.GetAt(iSoFarPos); if(pTemp) { delete pTemp; sofar.RemoveAt(iSoFarPos); } } return sc; }
// ReadLine
// Reads a single line from a file.
// NULL if end of file, or error, other wise this is a pointer to a WCHAR
// string which MUST BE FREED BY THE CALLER.
WCHAR * ReadLine(FILE * pFile, bool unicode, bool bigendian) {
WCHAR * pRet;
#if defined(_AMD64_)
pRet = ReadLineFast(pFile,unicode,bigendian); if (pRet != NULL) { return pRet; }
// Get the current position
int iCurrPos = ftell(pFile);
// count the number of characters in the line
WCHAR wCurr; int iNumChar = 0; for(iNumChar = 0; wCurr = GetNextChar(pFile, unicode, bigendian); iNumChar++) if(wCurr == L'\n') break; if(iNumChar == 0 && wCurr == 0) return NULL; iNumChar+= 2;
// move the file pointer back
if( fseek(pFile, iCurrPos, SEEK_SET) ) return NULL;
// allocate the buffer
pRet = new WCHAR[iNumChar+1]; if(pRet == NULL) return NULL;
// move the characters into the buffer
WCHAR * pNext = pRet; for(iNumChar = 0; wCurr = GetNextChar(pFile, unicode, bigendian); pNext++) { *pNext = wCurr; if(wCurr == L'\n') { pNext++; break; } } *pNext = 0; return pRet; }
// WriteFileToTemp
// Writes the contests of a file to the temporay file. The temporary file
// will always be little endian unicode. This will be called recursively
// should an include be encountered.
HRESULT WriteFileToTemp(const TCHAR * pFileName, FILE * pTempFile, CFlexArray & sofar, PDBG pDbg,CMofLexer* pLex) {
SCODE sc = S_OK; int iSoFarPos = -1;
// Make sure the file isnt on the list already. If it is, then fail since we would
// be in a loop. If it isnt, add it to the list.
for(int iCnt = 0; iCnt < sofar.Size(); iCnt++) { TCHAR * pTemp = (TCHAR * )sofar.GetAt(iCnt); if(lstrcmpi(pTemp, pFileName) == 0) { Trace(true, pDbg, ERROR_RECURSIVE_INCLUDE, pFileName); return WBEM_E_FAILED; } }
DWORD dwLen = lstrlen(pFileName) + 1; TCHAR * pNew = new TCHAR[dwLen]; if(pNew) { StringCchCopyW(pNew, dwLen, pFileName); sofar.Add((void *)pNew); iSoFarPos = sofar.Size()-1; } else return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; // Write the file and line number out
WriteLineAndFilePragma(pTempFile, pFileName, 1);
// Open the file
FILE *fp; #ifdef UNICODE
fp = _wfopen(pFileName, L"rb"); #else
fp = fopen(pFileName, "rb"); #endif
if(fp == NULL) { Trace(true, pDbg, ERROR_INCLUDING_ABSENT, pFileName); pLex->SetError(CMofLexer::invalid_include_file); return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
CfcloseMe cm(fp);
// Make sure the file isnt binary
if(IsBinaryFile(fp)) { Trace(true, pDbg, ERROR_INCLUDING_ABSENT, pFileName); return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
// Determine if the file is unicode and bigendian
bool unicode, bigendian; CheckForUnicodeEndian(fp, &unicode, &bigendian);
// Go through each line of the file, if it is another include, then recursively call this guy.
WCHAR * pLine = NULL; for(int iLine = 1; pLine = ReadLine(fp, unicode, bigendian);) { CDeleteMe<WCHAR> dm(pLine); TCHAR cFileName[MAX_PATH+1]; bool bInclude; HRESULT hr = IsInclude(pLine, cFileName, bInclude); if(FAILED(hr)) return hr; if(bInclude) { TCHAR szExpandedFilename[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD nRes = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(cFileName, szExpandedFilename, FILENAME_MAX); if (nRes == 0) { //That failed!
StringCchCopyW(szExpandedFilename, MAX_PATH+1, cFileName); }
if (_waccess(szExpandedFilename,0)) { // Included file not found, look in same directory as parent MOF file
TCHAR cSrcPath[_MAX_PATH+1] = L""; TCHAR cSrcDrive[_MAX_DRIVE] = L""; TCHAR cSrcDir[_MAX_DIR] = L""; // Get drive and directory information of parent MOF file
if (_wfullpath( cSrcPath, pFileName, _MAX_PATH ) != NULL) { _wsplitpath(cSrcPath, cSrcDrive, cSrcDir, NULL, NULL); } // Copy original included MOF file information to cSrcPath
StringCchCopyW(cSrcPath, _MAX_PATH+1, szExpandedFilename); // Build up new full path of included MOF using the
// path of the parent MOF.
// Note: Intentionally did not use _makepath here.
StringCchCopyW(szExpandedFilename, MAX_PATH+1, L""); // flush string
StringCchCatW(szExpandedFilename, MAX_PATH+1, cSrcDrive); // add drive info
StringCchCatW(szExpandedFilename, MAX_PATH+1, cSrcDir); // add directory info
StringCchCatW(szExpandedFilename, MAX_PATH+1, cSrcPath); // add original specified path and filename
if (_waccess(szExpandedFilename,0)) { // still dont have the file. Must be invalid include. Set the name back and report the error
DWORD nRes = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(cFileName, szExpandedFilename, FILENAME_MAX); if (nRes == 0) { //That failed!
StringCchCopyW(szExpandedFilename, MAX_PATH+1, cFileName); } Trace(true, pDbg, ERROR_INCLUDING_ABSENT, szExpandedFilename); pLex->SetError(CMofLexer::invalid_include_file); return WBEM_E_FAILED; }
sc = WriteFileToTemp(szExpandedFilename, pTempFile, sofar, pDbg, pLex); WriteLineAndFilePragma(pTempFile, pFileName, 1); if(sc != S_OK) break; } else { iLine++; WriteLine(pTempFile, pLine); } }
// remove the entry so that the file can be included more than once at the same level
if(iSoFarPos != -1) { TCHAR * pTemp = (TCHAR * )sofar.GetAt(iSoFarPos); if(pTemp) { delete pTemp; sofar.RemoveAt(iSoFarPos); } } return sc; }