Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
#include <precomp.h>
#include <wbemint.h>
#include <HelperFuncs.h>
#include <Logging.h>
#include <CGlobals.h>
#include "Globals.h"
#include "ClassFac.h"
#include "ProvInSk.h"
#include "ProvLoad.h"
#include "ProvHost.h"
#include "ProvCache.h"
#include "ProvRMgr.h"
#include "Guids.h"
#include <tpwrap.cpp>
#include "Main.h"
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
HRESULT CServerObject_HostInterceptor :: AbnormalShutdown (
HostCacheKey &a_Key ) { WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: GetHostController ()->Shutdown ( a_Key ) ; if ( t_StatusCode == e_StatusCode_Success ) { }
return S_OK ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
HRESULT CServerObject_HostInterceptor :: CreateUsingToken (
HostCacheKey &a_Key , _IWmiProviderHost **a_Host , _IWbemRefresherMgr **a_RefresherManager , IWbemContext *a_Context ) { HRESULT t_Result = FindHost (
a_Context , a_Key , IID__IWmiProviderHost , ( void ** ) a_Host ) ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Result = (*a_Host)->GetObject (
CLSID__WbemHostedRefresherMgr , 0 , NULL , IID__IWbemRefresherMgr, ( void ** ) a_RefresherManager ) ;
if ( FAILED ( t_Result ) ) { if ( ( HRESULT_ERROR_FUNC(t_Result) == RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE ) || ( HRESULT_ERROR_FUNC(t_Result) == RPC_S_CALL_FAILED_DNE ) ) { AbnormalShutdown ( a_Key ) ; } } }
return t_Result ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
HRESULT CServerObject_HostInterceptor :: CreateUsingAccount (
HostCacheKey &a_Key , LPWSTR a_User , LPWSTR a_Domain , _IWmiProviderHost **a_Host , _IWbemRefresherMgr **a_RefresherManager , IWbemContext *a_Context ) { HRESULT t_Result = S_OK ;
* Revert to LocalService */
CoRevertToSelf () ;
* Logon the system defined Account */
HANDLE t_ThreadToken = NULL ;
BOOL t_Status = LogonUser (
a_User , a_Domain , NULL , LOGON32_LOGON_SERVICE , LOGON32_PROVIDER_WINNT50, & t_ThreadToken ) ;
if ( t_Status ) { t_Status = ImpersonateLoggedOnUser ( t_ThreadToken ) ; if ( t_Status ) { ProviderSubSystem_Common_Globals :: EnableAllPrivileges () ; } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED ;
DWORD t_LastError = GetLastError () ; } } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED ;
DWORD t_LastError = GetLastError () ; }
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Result = FindHost (
a_Context , a_Key , IID__IWmiProviderHost , ( void ** ) a_Host ) ; }
RevertToSelf () ;
if ( t_ThreadToken ) { CloseHandle ( t_ThreadToken ) ; }
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Result = (*a_Host)->GetObject (
CLSID__WbemHostedRefresherMgr , 0 , NULL , IID__IWbemRefresherMgr, ( void ** ) a_RefresherManager ) ;
if ( FAILED ( t_Result ) ) { if ( ( HRESULT_ERROR_FUNC(t_Result) == RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE ) || ( HRESULT_ERROR_FUNC(t_Result) == RPC_S_CALL_FAILED_DNE ) ) { AbnormalShutdown ( a_Key ) ; } } }
return t_Result ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
HRESULT CServerObject_HostInterceptor :: CreateUsingToken (
HostCacheKey &a_Key , _IWmiProviderHost **a_Host , _IWmiProviderFactory **a_Factory , IWbemContext *a_Context ) { HRESULT t_Result = FindHost (
a_Context , a_Key , IID__IWmiProviderHost , ( void ** ) a_Host ) ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Result = (*a_Host)->GetObject (
CLSID_WmiProviderHostedInProcFactory , 0 , NULL , IID__IWmiProviderFactory, ( void ** ) a_Factory ) ;
if ( FAILED ( t_Result ) ) { if ( ( HRESULT_ERROR_FUNC(t_Result) == RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE ) || ( HRESULT_ERROR_FUNC(t_Result) == RPC_S_CALL_FAILED_DNE ) ) { AbnormalShutdown ( a_Key ) ; } } }
return t_Result ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
HRESULT CServerObject_HostInterceptor :: CreateUsingAccount (
HostCacheKey &a_Key , LPWSTR a_User , LPWSTR a_Domain , _IWmiProviderHost **a_Host , _IWmiProviderFactory **a_Factory , IWbemContext *a_Context ) { HRESULT t_Result = S_OK ;
* Revert to LocalService */
CoRevertToSelf () ;
* Logon the system defined Account */
HANDLE t_ThreadToken = NULL ;
BOOL t_Status = LogonUser (
a_User , a_Domain , NULL , LOGON32_LOGON_SERVICE , LOGON32_PROVIDER_WINNT50, & t_ThreadToken ) ;
if ( t_Status ) { t_Status = ImpersonateLoggedOnUser ( t_ThreadToken ) ; if ( t_Status ) { ProviderSubSystem_Common_Globals :: EnableAllPrivileges () ; } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED ;
DWORD t_LastError = GetLastError () ; } } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED ;
DWORD t_LastError = GetLastError () ; }
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Result = FindHost (
a_Context , a_Key , IID__IWmiProviderHost , ( void ** ) a_Host ) ; }
RevertToSelf () ;
if ( t_ThreadToken ) { CloseHandle ( t_ThreadToken ) ; }
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Result = (*a_Host)->GetObject (
CLSID_WmiProviderHostedInProcFactory , 0 , NULL , IID__IWmiProviderFactory, ( void ** ) a_Factory ) ;
if ( FAILED ( t_Result ) ) { if ( ( HRESULT_ERROR_FUNC(t_Result) == RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE ) || ( HRESULT_ERROR_FUNC(t_Result) == RPC_S_CALL_FAILED_DNE ) ) { AbnormalShutdown ( a_Key ) ; } } }
return t_Result ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
HRESULT CServerObject_HostInterceptor :: FindHost (
IWbemContext *a_Context , HostCacheKey &a_Key , REFIID a_RIID , void **a_Interface ) { HRESULT t_Result = S_OK;
*a_Interface = NULL ;
ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: GetHostController ()->Lock () ;
CWbemGlobal_IWmiHostController_Cache_Iterator t_Iterator ;
WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: GetHostController ()->Find ( a_Key , t_Iterator ) ; if ( t_StatusCode == e_StatusCode_Success ) { HostCacheElement *t_Element = t_Iterator.GetElement () ;
ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: GetHostController ()->UnLock () ;
CServerObject_HostInterceptor *t_HostInterceptor = NULL ;
t_Result = t_Element->QueryInterface (
IID_CServerObject_HostInterceptor , ( void ** ) & t_HostInterceptor ) ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Result = t_HostInterceptor->WaitHost ( a_Context , DEFAULT_PROVIDER_LOAD_TIMEOUT ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Result = t_HostInterceptor->GetInitializeResult () ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Result = t_Element->QueryInterface (
a_RIID , a_Interface ) ;
if ( FAILED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Result = WBEM_E_PROVIDER_NOT_CAPABLE ; } } }
t_HostInterceptor->Release () ; } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_UNEXPECTED ; }
t_Element->Release () ; } else { CServerObject_HostInterceptor *t_HostInterceptor = new CServerObject_HostInterceptor (
*ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: s_Allocator , ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: GetHostController () , a_Key , ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: s_InternalCacheTimeout , a_Context ) ;
if ( t_HostInterceptor ) { t_HostInterceptor->AddRef () ;
CServerObject_ProviderInitSink *t_ProviderInitSink = new CServerObject_ProviderInitSink ; if ( t_ProviderInitSink ) { t_ProviderInitSink->AddRef () ;
t_Result = t_ProviderInitSink->SinkInitialize () ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Result = t_HostInterceptor->Initialize (
NULL , t_ProviderInitSink ) ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_ProviderInitSink->Wait () ;
t_Result = t_ProviderInitSink->GetResult () ; } }
t_ProviderInitSink->Release () ; } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY ; } } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY ; }
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: GetHostController ()->Insert (
*t_HostInterceptor , t_Iterator ) ;
if ( t_StatusCode == e_StatusCode_Success ) { ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: GetHostController ()->UnLock () ;
IUnknown *t_Host = NULL ;
t_Result = ProviderSubSystem_Common_Globals :: CreateInstance (
CLSID_WmiProviderHost , NULL , CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER | CLSCTX_ENABLE_AAA , IID_IUnknown , ( void ** ) & t_Host ) ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Result = t_HostInterceptor->SetHost ( t_Host ) ; t_Host->Release () ; } } else { ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: GetHostController ()->UnLock () ;
t_Result = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY ; } } else { ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: GetHostController ()->UnLock () ; }
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { DWORD t_ProcessIdentifier = 0 ; t_Result = t_HostInterceptor->GetProcessIdentifier ( & t_ProcessIdentifier ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { RevertToSelf () ;
HANDLE t_Handle = OpenProcess (
if ( t_Handle ) { Task_ProcessTermination *t_Task = new Task_ProcessTermination ( *ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: s_Allocator , t_Handle , t_ProcessIdentifier ) ; if ( t_Task ) { if (Dispatcher::registerHandlerOnce(*t_Task)) { t_Result = ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: AssignProcessToJobObject ( t_Handle ) ; } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY ; } t_Task->Release(); } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY ; }
} else { DWORD t_LastError = GetLastError () ;
t_Result = WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED ; } }
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Result = t_HostInterceptor->QueryInterface (
a_RIID , a_Interface ) ; } }
if ( FAILED ( t_Result ) ) { WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: GetHostController ()->Shutdown ( a_Key ) ; }
if ( t_HostInterceptor ) { t_HostInterceptor->SetInitialized ( t_Result ) ; t_HostInterceptor->Release () ; } }
return t_Result ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
#pragma warning( disable : 4355 )
CServerObject_HostInterceptor :: CServerObject_HostInterceptor (
WmiAllocator &a_Allocator , CWbemGlobal_IWmiHostController *a_Controller , const HostCacheKey &a_Key , const ULONG &a_Period , IWbemContext *a_InitializationContext
) : HostCacheElement (
a_Controller , a_Key , a_Period ) , m_Allocator ( a_Allocator ) , m_ProxyContainer ( m_Allocator , 2 , MAX_PROXIES ) , m_Unknown ( NULL ) , m_Host_IWmiProviderHost ( NULL ) , m_Host_IWbemShutdown ( NULL ) , m_ProcessIdentifier ( 0 ) , m_UnInitialized ( 0 ) , m_Initialized ( 0 ) , m_InitializeResult ( S_OK ) , m_InitializedEvent ( NULL ) , m_InitializationContext ( a_InitializationContext ) { InterlockedIncrement ( & ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: s_CServerObject_HostInterceptor_ObjectsInProgress ) ;
ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: Increment_Global_Object_Count () ;
if ( m_InitializationContext ) { m_InitializationContext->AddRef () ; } }
#pragma warning( default : 4355 )
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
CServerObject_HostInterceptor :: ~CServerObject_HostInterceptor () { if ( m_InitializationContext ) { m_InitializationContext->Release () ; }
if ( m_InitializedEvent ) { CloseHandle ( m_InitializedEvent ) ; }
InterlockedDecrement ( & ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: s_CServerObject_HostInterceptor_ObjectsInProgress ) ;
ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: Decrement_Global_Object_Count () ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP CServerObject_HostInterceptor :: QueryInterface (
REFIID iid , LPVOID FAR *iplpv ) { *iplpv = NULL ;
if ( iid == IID_IUnknown ) { *iplpv = ( LPVOID ) this ; } else if ( iid == IID__IWmiProviderHost ) { *iplpv = ( LPVOID ) ( _IWmiProviderHost * ) this ; } else if ( iid == IID_IWbemShutdown ) { *iplpv = ( LPVOID ) ( IWbemShutdown * ) this ; } else if ( iid == IID_CServerObject_HostInterceptor ) { *iplpv = ( LPVOID ) ( CServerObject_HostInterceptor * ) this ; }
if ( *iplpv ) { ( ( LPUNKNOWN ) *iplpv )->AddRef () ;
return ResultFromScode ( S_OK ) ; } else { return ResultFromScode ( E_NOINTERFACE ) ; } }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP_( ULONG ) CServerObject_HostInterceptor :: AddRef () { return HostCacheElement :: AddRef () ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CServerObject_HostInterceptor :: Release () { return HostCacheElement :: Release () ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
HRESULT CServerObject_HostInterceptor :: Initialize (
IWbemContext *a_Context , IWbemProviderInitSink *a_Sink // For init signals
) { HRESULT t_Result = S_OK ;
WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = m_ProxyContainer.Initialize () ; if ( t_StatusCode != e_StatusCode_Success ) { t_Result = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY ; }
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { m_InitializedEvent = CreateEvent ( NULL , TRUE , FALSE , NULL ) ; if ( m_InitializedEvent == NULL ) { t_Result = t_Result = WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY ; } }
a_Sink->SetStatus ( t_Result , 0 ) ;
return t_Result ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
HRESULT CServerObject_HostInterceptor :: SetHost ( IUnknown *a_Unknown ) { m_Unknown = a_Unknown ; m_Unknown->AddRef () ;
HRESULT t_Result = m_Unknown->QueryInterface ( IID_IWbemShutdown , ( void ** ) & m_Host_IWbemShutdown ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Result = m_Unknown->QueryInterface ( IID__IWmiProviderHost , ( void ** ) & m_Host_IWmiProviderHost ) ; }
return t_Result ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
HRESULT CServerObject_HostInterceptor :: SetInitialized ( HRESULT a_InitializeResult ) { m_InitializeResult = a_InitializeResult ;
InterlockedExchange ( & m_Initialized , 1 ) ;
if ( m_InitializedEvent ) { SetEvent ( m_InitializedEvent ) ; }
return S_OK ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
HRESULT CServerObject_HostInterceptor :: IsIndependant ( IWbemContext *a_Context ) { BOOL t_DependantCall = FALSE ; HRESULT t_Result = ProviderSubSystem_Common_Globals :: IsDependantCall ( m_InitializationContext , a_Context , t_DependantCall ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { if ( t_DependantCall == FALSE ) { } else { return S_FALSE ; } }
return t_Result ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
HRESULT CServerObject_HostInterceptor :: WaitHost ( IWbemContext *a_Context , ULONG a_Timeout ) { HRESULT t_Result = S_OK ;
if ( m_Initialized == 0 ) { if ( WaitForSingleObject ( m_InitializedEvent , a_Timeout ) != WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) { return WBEM_E_PROVIDER_LOAD_FAILURE ; } }
return t_Result ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
void CServerObject_HostInterceptor :: CallBackInternalRelease () { if ( InterlockedCompareExchange ( & m_UnInitialized , 1 , 0 ) == 0 ) { WmiStatusCode t_StatusCode = m_ProxyContainer.UnInitialize () ;
if ( m_Unknown ) { m_Unknown->Release () ; m_Unknown = NULL ; }
if ( m_Host_IWmiProviderHost ) { m_Host_IWmiProviderHost->Release () ; m_Host_IWmiProviderHost = NULL ; }
if ( m_Host_IWbemShutdown ) { m_Host_IWbemShutdown->Release () ; m_Host_IWbemShutdown = NULL ; } } }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
HRESULT CServerObject_HostInterceptor :: GetObject (
REFCLSID a_Clsid , long a_Flags , IWbemContext *a_Context , REFIID a_Riid , void **a_Interface ) { HRESULT t_Result = S_OK ;
if ( m_Host_IWmiProviderHost ) { BOOL t_Impersonating = FALSE ; IUnknown *t_OldContext = NULL ; IServerSecurity *t_OldSecurity = NULL ;
t_Result = ProviderSubSystem_Common_Globals :: BeginCallbackImpersonation ( t_OldContext , t_OldSecurity , t_Impersonating ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { BOOL t_Revert = FALSE ; IUnknown *t_Proxy = NULL ;
t_Result = ProviderSubSystem_Common_Globals :: SetProxyState ( m_ProxyContainer , ProxyIndex_Host__IWmiProviderHost , IID__IWmiProviderHost , m_Host_IWmiProviderHost , t_Proxy , t_Revert ) ; if ( t_Result == WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ) { t_Result = m_Host_IWmiProviderHost->GetObject (
a_Clsid , a_Flags , a_Context , a_Riid , a_Interface ) ; } else { if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { _IWmiProviderHost *t_Host = ( _IWmiProviderHost * ) t_Proxy ;
// Set cloaking on the proxy
// =========================
DWORD t_ImpersonationLevel = ProviderSubSystem_Common_Globals :: GetCurrentImpersonationLevel () ;
t_Result = ProviderSubSystem_Common_Globals :: SetCloaking (
t_Host , RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_DEFAULT , t_ImpersonationLevel ) ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Result = CoImpersonateClient () ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Result = t_Host->GetObject (
a_Clsid , a_Flags , a_Context , a_Riid , a_Interface ) ;
CoRevertToSelf () ; } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED ; } }
HRESULT t_TempResult = ProviderSubSystem_Common_Globals :: RevertProxyState ( m_ProxyContainer , ProxyIndex_Host__IWmiProviderHost , t_Proxy , t_Revert ) ; } }
ProviderSubSystem_Common_Globals :: EndImpersonation ( t_OldContext , t_OldSecurity , t_Impersonating ) ; } }
return t_Result ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
HRESULT CServerObject_HostInterceptor :: GetProcessIdentifier ( DWORD *a_ProcessIdentifier ) { HRESULT t_Result = S_OK ;
if ( m_Host_IWmiProviderHost ) { BOOL t_Impersonating = FALSE ; IUnknown *t_OldContext = NULL ; IServerSecurity *t_OldSecurity = NULL ;
t_Result = ProviderSubSystem_Common_Globals :: BeginCallbackImpersonation ( t_OldContext , t_OldSecurity , t_Impersonating ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { BOOL t_Revert = FALSE ; IUnknown *t_Proxy = NULL ;
t_Result = ProviderSubSystem_Common_Globals :: SetProxyState ( m_ProxyContainer , ProxyIndex_Host__IWmiProviderHost , IID__IWmiProviderHost , m_Host_IWmiProviderHost , t_Proxy , t_Revert ) ; if ( t_Result == WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ) { t_Result = m_Host_IWmiProviderHost->GetProcessIdentifier (
a_ProcessIdentifier ) ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { m_ProcessIdentifier = *a_ProcessIdentifier ; } } else { if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { _IWmiProviderHost *t_Host = ( _IWmiProviderHost * ) t_Proxy ;
// Set cloaking on the proxy
// =========================
DWORD t_ImpersonationLevel = ProviderSubSystem_Common_Globals :: GetCurrentImpersonationLevel () ;
t_Result = ProviderSubSystem_Common_Globals :: SetCloaking (
t_Host , RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_DEFAULT , t_ImpersonationLevel ) ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Result = CoImpersonateClient () ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Result = t_Host->GetProcessIdentifier (
a_ProcessIdentifier ) ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { m_ProcessIdentifier = *a_ProcessIdentifier ; }
CoRevertToSelf () ; } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED ; } }
HRESULT t_TempResult = ProviderSubSystem_Common_Globals :: RevertProxyState ( m_ProxyContainer , ProxyIndex_Host__IWmiProviderHost , t_Proxy , t_Revert ) ; } }
ProviderSubSystem_Common_Globals :: EndImpersonation ( t_OldContext , t_OldSecurity , t_Impersonating ) ; } }
return t_Result ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
HRESULT CServerObject_HostInterceptor :: Shutdown (
LONG a_Flags , ULONG a_MaxMilliSeconds , IWbemContext *a_Context ) { HRESULT t_Result = S_OK ;
if ( m_Host_IWbemShutdown ) { BOOL t_Impersonating = FALSE ; IUnknown *t_OldContext = NULL ; IServerSecurity *t_OldSecurity = NULL ;
t_Result = ProviderSubSystem_Common_Globals :: BeginCallbackImpersonation ( t_OldContext , t_OldSecurity , t_Impersonating ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { BOOL t_Revert = FALSE ; IUnknown *t_Proxy = NULL ;
t_Result = ProviderSubSystem_Common_Globals :: SetProxyState ( m_ProxyContainer , ProxyIndex_Host_IWbemShutdown , IID_IWbemShutdown , m_Host_IWbemShutdown , t_Proxy , t_Revert ) ; if ( t_Result == WBEM_E_NOT_FOUND ) { t_Result = m_Host_IWbemShutdown->Shutdown (
a_Flags , a_MaxMilliSeconds , a_Context ) ; } else { if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { IWbemShutdown *t_Host = ( IWbemShutdown * ) t_Proxy ;
// Set cloaking on the proxy
// =========================
DWORD t_ImpersonationLevel = ProviderSubSystem_Common_Globals :: GetCurrentImpersonationLevel () ;
t_Result = ProviderSubSystem_Common_Globals :: SetCloaking (
t_Host , RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_DEFAULT , t_ImpersonationLevel ) ;
if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Result = CoImpersonateClient () ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { t_Result = t_Host->Shutdown (
a_Flags , a_MaxMilliSeconds , a_Context ) ;
CoRevertToSelf () ; } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_ACCESS_DENIED ; } }
HRESULT t_TempResult = ProviderSubSystem_Common_Globals :: RevertProxyState ( m_ProxyContainer , ProxyIndex_Host_IWbemShutdown , t_Proxy , t_Revert ) ; } }
ProviderSubSystem_Common_Globals :: EndImpersonation ( t_OldContext , t_OldSecurity , t_Impersonating ) ; } }
return t_Result ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
#pragma warning( disable : 4355 )
CServerObject_Host :: CServerObject_Host (
WmiAllocator &a_Allocator
) : m_Allocator ( a_Allocator ) { InterlockedIncrement ( & ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: s_CServerObject_Host_ObjectsInProgress ) ;
ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: Increment_Global_Object_Count () ; }
#pragma warning( default : 4355 )
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
CServerObject_Host :: ~CServerObject_Host () { LONG hosts = InterlockedDecrement ( & ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: s_CServerObject_Host_ObjectsInProgress ) ;
ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: Decrement_Global_Object_Count () ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP CServerObject_Host :: QueryInterface (
REFIID iid , LPVOID FAR *iplpv ) { *iplpv = NULL ;
if ( iid == IID_IUnknown ) { *iplpv = ( LPVOID ) this ; } else if ( iid == IID__IWmiProviderHost ) { *iplpv = ( LPVOID ) ( _IWmiProviderHost * ) this ; } else if ( iid == IID_IWbemShutdown ) { *iplpv = ( LPVOID ) ( IWbemShutdown * )this ; }
if ( *iplpv ) { ( ( LPUNKNOWN ) *iplpv )->AddRef () ;
return ResultFromScode ( S_OK ) ; } else { return ResultFromScode ( E_NOINTERFACE ) ; } }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP_( ULONG ) CServerObject_Host :: AddRef () { return InterlockedIncrement ( & m_ReferenceCount ) ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CServerObject_Host :: Release () { ULONG t_ReferenceCount = InterlockedDecrement ( & m_ReferenceCount ) ; if ( t_ReferenceCount == 0 ) { delete this ; }
return t_ReferenceCount ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
HRESULT CServerObject_Host :: GetObject (
REFCLSID a_Clsid , long a_Flags , IWbemContext *a_Context , REFIID a_Riid , void **a_Interface ) { if ( a_Clsid == CLSID_WmiProviderHostedInProcFactory ) { IUnknown *lpunk = ( _IWmiProviderFactory * ) new CServerObject_RawFactory ( *ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: s_Allocator ); if ( lpunk ) { HRESULT t_Result = lpunk->QueryInterface ( a_Riid , a_Interface ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { } else { delete lpunk ; }
return t_Result ; } else { return E_OUTOFMEMORY ; } } else if ( a_Clsid == CLSID__WbemHostedRefresherMgr ) { IUnknown *lpunk = ( _IWbemRefresherMgr * ) new CServerObject_ProviderRefresherManager ( *ProviderSubSystem_Globals :: s_Allocator ); if ( lpunk ) { HRESULT t_Result = lpunk->QueryInterface ( a_Riid , a_Interface ) ; if ( SUCCEEDED ( t_Result ) ) { } else { delete lpunk ; }
return t_Result ; } else { return E_OUTOFMEMORY ; } } else { return CLASS_E_CLASSNOTAVAILABLE ; } }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
HRESULT CServerObject_Host :: GetProcessIdentifier ( DWORD *a_ProcessIdentifier ) { HRESULT t_Result = S_OK ;
if ( a_ProcessIdentifier ) { *a_ProcessIdentifier = GetCurrentProcessId () ; } else { t_Result = WBEM_E_INVALID_PARAMETER ; }
return t_Result ; }
* * Name: * * * Description: * * *****************************************************************************/
HRESULT CServerObject_Host :: Shutdown (
LONG a_Flags , ULONG a_MaxMilliSeconds , IWbemContext *a_Context ) { return S_OK ; }