Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Ken Reneris Oct-2-1997
#if defined (_IA64_)
#include "bootia64.h"
#if defined (_X86_)
#include "bldrx86.h"
#include "displayp.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "efi.h"
#include "efip.h"
#include "flop.h"
#include "bootefi.h"
// Externals
extern BOOT_CONTEXT BootContext; extern EFI_HANDLE EfiImageHandle; extern EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *EfiST; extern EFI_BOOT_SERVICES *EfiBS; extern EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES *EfiRS; extern EFI_GUID EfiDevicePathProtocol; extern EFI_GUID EfiBlockIoProtocol;
// Globals
ULONGLONG InputTimeout = 0;
// Takes any pending input and converts it into a KEY value. Non-blocking, returning 0 if no input available.
ULONG BlGetKey() { ULONG Key = 0; UCHAR Ch; ULONG Count;
if (ArcGetReadStatus(BlConsoleInDeviceId) == ESUCCESS) {
ArcRead(BlConsoleInDeviceId, &Ch, sizeof(Ch), &Count);
if (Ch == ASCI_CSI_IN) {
if (ArcGetReadStatus(BlConsoleInDeviceId) == ESUCCESS) {
ArcRead(BlConsoleInDeviceId, &Ch, sizeof(Ch), &Count);
// All the function keys start with ESC-O
switch (Ch) { case 'O':
ArcRead(BlConsoleInDeviceId, &Ch, sizeof(Ch), &Count); // will not or block, as the buffer is already filled
switch (Ch) { case 'P': Key = F1_KEY; break;
case 'Q': Key = F2_KEY; break;
case 'w': Key = F3_KEY; break;
case 'x': Key = F4_KEY; break;
case 't': Key = F5_KEY; break;
case 'u': Key = F6_KEY; break;
case 'r': Key = F8_KEY; break;
case 'M': Key = F10_KEY; break; } break;
case 'A': Key = UP_ARROW; break;
case 'B': Key = DOWN_ARROW; break;
case 'C': Key = RIGHT_KEY; break;
case 'D': Key = LEFT_KEY; break;
case 'H': Key = HOME_KEY; break;
case 'K': Key = END_KEY; break;
case '@': Key = INS_KEY; break;
case 'P': Key = DEL_KEY; break;
case TAB_KEY: Key = BACKTAB_KEY; break;
} else { // Single escape key, as no input is waiting.
} else if (Ch == 0x8) {
} else {
Key = (ULONG)Ch;
return Key; }
VOID BlInputString( IN ULONG Prompt, IN ULONG CursorX, IN ULONG PosY, IN PUCHAR String, IN ULONG MaxLength ) { PTCHAR PromptString; ULONG TextX, TextY; ULONG Length, Index; _TUCHAR CursorChar[2]; ULONG Key; _PTUCHAR p; ULONG i; ULONG Count; _PTUCHAR pString; #ifdef UNICODE
WCHAR StringW[200]; UNICODE_STRING uString; ANSI_STRING aString; pString = StringW; uString.Buffer = StringW; uString.MaximumLength = sizeof(StringW); RtlInitAnsiString(&aString, (PCHAR)String ); RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString( &uString, &aString, FALSE ); #else
pString = String; #endif
PromptString = BlFindMessage(Prompt); Length = (ULONG)strlen((PCHAR)String); CursorChar[1] = TEXT('\0');
// Print prompt
BlEfiPositionCursor( PosY, CursorX ); BlEfiEnableCursor( TRUE ); ArcWrite(BlConsoleOutDeviceId, PromptString, (ULONG)_tcslen(PromptString)*sizeof(TCHAR), &Count);
// Indent cursor to right of prompt
CursorX += (ULONG)_tcslen(PromptString); TextX = CursorX; Key = 0;
for (; ;) {
TextY = TextX + Length; if (CursorX > TextY) { CursorX = TextY; } if (CursorX < TextX) { CursorX = TextX; }
Index = CursorX - TextX; pString[Length] = 0;
// Display current string
BlEfiPositionCursor( TextY, TextX ); ArcWrite( BlConsoleOutDeviceId, pString, (ULONG)_tcslen(pString)*sizeof(TCHAR), &Count); ArcWrite(BlConsoleOutDeviceId, TEXT(" "), sizeof(TEXT(" ")), &Count); if (Key == 0x0d) { // enter key?
break ; }
// Display cursor
BlEfiPositionCursor( PosY, CursorX ); BlEfiSetInverseMode( TRUE ); CursorChar[0] = pString[Index] ? pString[Index] : TEXT(' '); ArcWrite(BlConsoleOutDeviceId, CursorChar, sizeof(_TUCHAR), &Count); BlEfiSetInverseMode( FALSE ); BlEfiPositionCursor( PosY, CursorX ); BlEfiEnableCursor(TRUE); //
// Get key and process it
while ((Key = BlGetKey()) == 0) ;
switch (Key) { case HOME_KEY: CursorX = TextX; break;
case END_KEY: CursorX = TextY; break;
case LEFT_KEY: CursorX -= 1; break;
case RIGHT_KEY: CursorX += 1; break;
case BKSP_KEY: if (!Index) { break; }
CursorX -= 1; pString[Index-1] = CursorChar[0]; // fallthough to DEL_KEY
case DEL_KEY: if (Length) { p = pString+Index; i = Length-Index+1; while (i) { p[0] = p[1]; p += 1; i -= 1; } Length -= 1; } break;
case INS_KEY: if (Length < MaxLength) { p = pString+Length; i = Length-Index+1; while (i) { p[1] = p[0]; p -= 1; i -= 1; } pString[Index] = TEXT(' '); Length += 1; } break;
default: Key = Key & 0xff;
if (Key >= ' ' && Key <= 'z') { if (CursorX == TextY && Length < MaxLength) { Length += 1; }
pString[Index] = (_TUCHAR)Key; pString[MaxLength] = 0; CursorX += 1; } break; } } }
ULONGLONG BlSetInputTimeout( ULONGLONG Timeout ) /*++
Routine Description:
Sets the InputTimeout value. This is used when getting local input. When attempting to get local input, we will wait for up to InputTimeout for a local key to be pressed.
Timeout - Value to set the global InputTimeout to (in 100 nanoseconds)
Return Value:
The value stored in InputTimeout
--*/ { InputTimeout = Timeout;
return InputTimeout; }
ULONGLONG BlGetInputTimeout( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Gets the InputTimeout value. This is used when getting local input. When attempting to get local input, we will wait for up to InputTimeout for a local key to be pressed.
Return Value:
The value stored in InputTimeout
--*/ { return InputTimeout; }
EFI_STATUS BlWaitForInput( EFI_INPUT_KEY *Key, ULONGLONG Timeout ) /*++
Routine Description:
creates an event consisting of a time interval and an efi event (local input). Once event is signaled, will check for input Assumes it is being called in PHYSICAL mode
Key - input key structure to return input in Timeout - Timer interval to wait.
Return Value:
EFI_TIMEOUT if timer interval met EFI_SUCCESS if passed in event is met. other error if EFI call failed. --*/ { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; //
// start by seeing if there is any pending input
Status = EfiST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke(EfiST->ConIn, Key ); if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) { return Status; }
// create events to wait on
if (Timeout) { EFI_EVENT Event; EFI_EVENT TimerEvent; EFI_EVENT WaitList[2]; UINTN Index; Event = EfiST->ConIn->WaitForKey;
// Create a timer event
Status = EfiBS->CreateEvent(EVT_TIMER, 0, NULL, NULL, &TimerEvent); if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) { //
// set the timer event
EfiBS->SetTimer(TimerEvent, TimerRelative, Timeout );
// Wait for the original event or timer
WaitList[0] = Event; WaitList[1] = TimerEvent; Status = EfiBS->WaitForEvent(2, WaitList, &Index ); EfiBS->CloseEvent(TimerEvent);
// if the timer expired, change the return to timed out
if(Status == EFI_SUCCESS && Index == 1) { Status = EFI_TIMEOUT; }
// attempt to read local input
if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) { Status = EfiST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke(EfiST->ConIn, Key ); } } }
return Status; }