Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Provides a minimal registry implementation designed to be used by the osloader at boot time. This includes loading the system hive ( <SystemRoot>\config\SYSTEM ) into memory, and computing the driver load list from it.
John Vert (jvert) 10-Mar-1992
Revision History:
--*/ #include "bldr.h"
#include "msg.h"
#include "cmp.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.h"
ULONG ScreenWidth=80; ULONG ScreenHeight=25;
// defines for doing console I/O
#define ASCII_CR 0x0d
#define ASCII_LF 0x0a
#define ESC 0x1B
#define SGR_INVERSE 7
#define SGR_INTENSE 1
#define SGR_NORMAL 0
// prototypes for console I/O routines
VOID BlpClearScreen( VOID );
VOID BlpClearToEndOfLine( VOID );
VOID BlpPositionCursor( IN ULONG Column, IN ULONG Row );
VOID BlpSetInverseMode( IN BOOLEAN InverseOn );
VOID BlpClearScreen( VOID )
Routine Description:
Clears the screen.
Return Value:
{ #if 0
CHAR Buffer[16]; ULONG Count;
sprintf(Buffer, ASCI_CSI_OUT "2J");
ArcWrite(BlConsoleOutDeviceId, Buffer, strlen(Buffer), &Count); #else
BlClearScreen(); #endif
VOID BlpClearToEndOfLine( VOID ) { #if 0
CHAR Buffer[16]; ULONG Count;
sprintf(Buffer, ASCI_CSI_OUT "K"); ArcWrite(BlConsoleOutDeviceId, Buffer, strlen(Buffer), &Count); #else
BlClearToEndOfLine(); #endif
VOID BlpPositionCursor( IN ULONG Column, IN ULONG Row )
Routine Description:
Sets the position of the cursor on the screen.
Column - supplies new Column for the cursor position.
Row - supplies new Row for the cursor position.
Return Value:
{ #if 0
CHAR Buffer[16]; ULONG Count;
sprintf(Buffer, ASCI_CSI_OUT "%d;%dH", Row, Column);
ArcWrite(BlConsoleOutDeviceId, Buffer, strlen(Buffer), &Count); #else
BlPositionCursor( Column, Row ); #endif
VOID BlpSetInverseMode( IN BOOLEAN InverseOn )
Routine Description:
Sets inverse console output mode on or off.
InverseOn - supplies whether inverse mode should be turned on (TRUE) or off (FALSE)
Return Value:
{ #if 0
CHAR Buffer[16]; ULONG Count;
sprintf(Buffer, ASCI_CSI_OUT "%dm", InverseOn ? SGR_INVERSE : SGR_NORMAL);
ArcWrite(BlConsoleOutDeviceId, Buffer, strlen(Buffer), &Count); #else
BlSetInverseMode( InverseOn ); #endif